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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1949)
I Th Newi-Rtview, Roxburg, Ort. Wed., Oct. 19, 1949 t ssfiBtsaslsasas "ii v b ,M fr 1 .1 1 TVii'kMl IW WW OUR REG. 6.95 Wardoleum Rugs frVK.1 TtUphma) MATRIMONIAL PLANS HINTED Mayor William OTJwyer tright) encouraged speculation about whether be iu planning to marry Sloan Blmpson (left) when ha said. "I will discuss that after elec tion." when questioned about possible matrimonial plana. Miss Simp son, a New York model, has been bis guest frequently at public func tions. CDwyer, ta, la a candidal for re-election In the November election. Price Protection Offered For Four Seed Crop Types Farmer! In Douglas county w ho prow winter cover crop teed can obtain government price pro tection tnroucn two mtinons, j, F. Bonebrake. chairman of t h e county ACA committee, points out. Purchase agrecmenta a s well aa commodity loans are off ered larmera as a means of sup porting the price of the 1949 seed crop. Mr. Bonebrake says that both methods of price support are also available In Douglas county for 1919 crops of barley, oats, rye, and wheat. Both loans and pur chase agreements may be obtain ed at the county ACA office. The Srogram closing date is January 1, 1950. The chairman explains that vnder purchase agreements, the producer states the maximum quantity of the commodity upon which he wishes an option to de liver to the Commodity Credit corporation near the end of the price supimrt period. The pro ducer may then at any time sell his crop on the market at the market price, or at the designat ed time he may deliver to CCC any amount of his crop up to the stated maximum at the price support figure. Producers desir ing to deliver purchase agree ment grain to CCC must oW-laie their Intention during the 30 days before maturity of the crop loan, support figure. Producers desir The date of maturity for lHi1) winter cover crop eed la Jan. 31. 1950. Price support rates per bushel for wheat and other 1919 grain crops in Douglas county are: wheat, 1.93; barley, 1.16; oats, .68; and rye, l.Jl. &eyone loves IVtVN-TteSeer LUCKY LBGER IMimtAtl IIIWIIT CO. VAMCOUVII WAIM Distributed by Western Distributing Company Short and Burke Streets Phone 12941. Roseburg, Oregon riiimi 11111 ! sstj v ivsseeee TRADE TIRES NOW! CIS Q0 trouble W ' occurs In ,h. lost 10 111. . . pu""'"; .kids, blowoulsl Trad, in Tfout worn tlr.s today. Wi ll BUY THI "IAST 10 rJQCD Husky nw Ooodyton Way what It lakt (or long, talc rvic itra rtrong cord body lor gra1r blowout protection and a iuf lootd lough trod that wari and wan and wart. Com In and lt ut work out a dall Liberal Trade-in Allowance For Your Old Tires A smalt dmwn Itey m.nt mn4 llttl. el A WEEK buys FOUR new goodAear tres and tubes I enamels I XN 0m locking. REG. 2.09 COCOA DOOR MATS ' Ward Week Only Imported brush-like fiber! Heavy braided edges; sturdy cross-weave back. 16 x 27 in. size, REG. 54.95 TANK CLEANER CUT! Ask about terms 3988 Cut omozingly low! Power ful suction cleans rugs and drapery. Includes 9 attach ments! AIR CADET RADIO 3 COLORS Reg. 12.95 10 Lot of radio for little money. Sweet toned! UL approved! AC-DC. Save, it's Ward Week! SALE! FINE CURTAIN MATERIALS 39 42 in. wide 24c yd. Made to sell at 49c, 39c, 29c! Marquisettes: plain, cushion dots, pebble dots and novelties! HEN FEATHER PILLOWS REG. 1.49 EA. 00 1 Each only 100 Hen feofhers . . . curled and fluffed for great er sleeping comfort. Woven stripe tick. REG. 10.95 STEEL WAGON SALE PRICED Ward Week 889 Big serviceable coaster wag on, large semi-pneumatic rubber tires, bright red, bak-ed-on finish. Going StrongT) 1.65 VALUE! SPECIAL SWEATSHIRT All Men's Siies 14 Full-cut, 2-ply knit cotton, double ribbed neck, waist, cuffs. In Wards Sporting Goods Dept. 1.89 "AIR-CUSHION" BIKE TIRE 26x2.125 Size 158 Riverside balloon bike tire; 2-ply cord protect ogainst leaks. Reg. 1.05 Inner Tube, 88c 90-LB. ROOFING REG. 3.75 Year's Lowest Price 8S3 tin !..JhL 388 Roll Aspholt; resists all weather, fire. Ceramic surface re tains color. 'Covers 100 square feet. REG. 1.25 WARDS ANTIFREEZE Callon99C Famous Ice Guard! Better than ordinary denatured al cohol! Anti-rust. Save dur ing Ward Week! FAMILY NIGHT IS FRIDAY New Store Hours 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. 9xl2H.siz 5 88 SPOT AND STAIN RESISTANT! STANDARD WEIGHT advantage of substantial Ward Week savings on standard Wardoleum rugsl Satin-smooth ice is boted-on an asphalt-saturated felt ot and stain resistantl Wipes sparkling iut scrubbingl Choose from attractive :olorful tilesl 9x12 ft. size. STEVENS MODEL 820 REPEATER New 6-shot pump shotgun with au tomatic shell ejector. I2-Ga., 28" ba rrel. Bead front sight. Weather-Qn Terms: 20 proof Tenite plastic stock and slide Down. Balance handle. Monthly 4988 REAL WARD WEEK savings! Equal to nationally known batteries selling for JL 0, JT much more! Guaranteed 12 months! O 39 plates ... 80 ompere-hour capa city. Compare Save! Exch. . n ! V. 3588 REG. 39.95. Sturdy, streamlined Hawthorne "50" sale-priced for Word Week! Chain guard, kick Only 10"4 Down stand, "Air-Cushion" balloon tires! Holds it Till Dec. 15th REG. 97.95 M-W OIL HEATER REDUCED! Laboratory tests show M-W heater o M O O gives 22 6o more heat for each O 0 0 gallon of fuel Heots 4 to 5 rooms. ft T Re9. 104.95 5-6 Roo Model. dX, 94.88. Monthly SKSeSgSE5SKa& CARTER TIRE CO. 444 N. Stephens Phone 1683 1