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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1949)
10 The Nwi-IUriw, Rowburj, Ore. Sot., Oct. 15, 194 Welfare Payments This Year In Douglas County Promise To Reach Total Of $500,000 Beginning with October, the Douglai County Public Welfare commission ! making payments to the aged on the basis of $50 minimum, as specified In Shalimar Musicians Lavt For Hollywood Roseburg's unique musical duo a father and son combination make their final personal appear ince at the Shalimar room to night, after a six-weeks long en gagement. Acclaimed by all who have heard them, pianist Bobby Wat on and his drummer father, Ray. has been nleasing local night hawks with request numbers ranging from "Mother Mathree" to B-flat Boogie. They'll be on tap tonight from 3:30 until 1:30, providing patrons with scintilating vocal renditions and Instrumental arrangements. After tonight, father and son travel to Hollywood Club In digo for a musical stint there. Monday night, an lntrumental, irocal and comedy team entitled "The Gentlemen of Note" appear jt the Shalimar for a two week it ay. Thev come here from the "mil lion dollar" Flamingo club, at Las Veeas. LOCAL NEWS To PL Hand Mrs. Al Henri Inger and son, Wayne, are spend ing the weekend In Portland. Stors Purchased Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Hill have purchased the Kullerton street store and are moving into the apartment in the rear of the store building. Meeting Tim Changed The N. O. W. meeting scheduled for i p.m. Monday has been advanced io 7:30 p.m. according to officers at the lodge. Back From Trip Jack Cundlff r. T. J. Cundiff of ind his father. Bolckow, Mo., and Ray Tracy have returned to Rnseburg after i successful weekend hunting trip in eastern Oregon. Local Vitltori Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nabb of Eugene are spend ing the weekend In Rosehurg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Swenson. The Nahbs formerly re lided in Rosehurg. Lsava Today Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Knight and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter, left this morning on a wo weeks automo bile tour of southern California. Moves To Portland Mr. and Mrs. Rex R. Gardner Jr., who have been residing on Brown ave nue, have moved to Portland, where Mr. Gardner has taken aver the Portland Screw com pany. Visits Relatives Mrs. E. O. Pearson left Friday for Coqullle where she will visit her sister jnd family, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle Clark. Miss Mary Lynn Pearson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pear ion, has been visiting there for leveral days. Accepts Position Miss Jerl Johnson, formerly of Rosehurg, is leaving by plane Monday from Portland for Billings, Mont., where she has accepted a posillon as home service director for Ben tlx and Kelvinntor in the Mon tana district. She has been em ployed In Portland. Arrlvt In Missouri Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Elltrils have arrived In Hopkins, Mo., where they will make their home for the winter. The Ellfrits formerly resided on Fullerton street In this city and moved east for Mr. Ellfrits health. Enroute east they stopped In east rn Oregon. He is rcxrted to he Improving. Former Roseburg Woman Dies In Bend Wednesday Word was received here Fri day evening that Mrs. Frank Pavis (Jessie Davis) dird 'n Bend Wednesday. Funeral ser vices were hold this afternoon In Eugene at the Poole and Lar son Mortuary. Mrs. Davis and her husband resided In Roseburg in 1912 and have been living In recent years In Bend. She was a member of Order of Eastern Star and a past matron of the Rnseburg chapter. Rheumatism Neuritis Sciatica SUFFERERS IN THE CHICAGO AREA IF YOU WANT-RELIEF and HELP Send for our ARTHRITIS BOOK (W'i-Har A'o .Vtiiieint or Anything Else to Sell You) No Matter how long you have suffered, or what you have tried, this instructive Arthritis Book, mritten In easily understood words, will enable you to fully understand your own case and may save you years of suffering. This book contains Information heretofore known only to Spe cialist. It explains the differ ence between types of Arthritis and between Arthritis and Rheu matism. Sciatica. Neuritis and Lumbago. It lists causes and symptoms and describes associ ated complicating diseases. It explains the Anatomy and Physi ology of the Involved Muscles. Joints. and Nerves. realise bow serious these diseases can recent legislation. This does not necesnarlly mean that all payments from the wel fare will he $.V) nor that the sum will be 11ml led to that amount, according to Lois Baker, local ad ministrator. It does mean that the recipient will get at least $50 from combined sources, such as relatives' support, social security or any other Income. In some cases. In accordance with an income scale worked out. relatives will be required to pay a oortlon of the amount, with the welfare service making up the difference. Also. In some cases payment to recipients will pxcend the $50 In accordance with provisions of the law, she said. Payments to all welfare re cipients, however, are contingent upon funds being available from the county, state and federal sources to meet the require ments. There is no change In the allowances for dependent chil dren, the blind or general assis tance to the needy. In addition to subsistence al lowances for the aged, medical land dental care are provided. In many cases, according to Mrs. Baker, these sums are quite high. The $50 monthly subsistence allowance Is figured on the fol lowing basis: board, $24.75; cloth ing $5, perosnal Items, $4.50; household, $2.50; replacements, $1.00; rent or taxes, fire Insur ance and upkeep, $3.25; fuel, $fi; light, $1.50 and water, $1.50. All income and resources of the recipient will be taken Into con sideration In the determination of need, so that the $30 may be exceeded where necessary to pro vide minimum subsistence. Half a million dollars will be exended this year In Douglas county alone for all public wel fare services, according to nirs. Baker. The October budget re quest from the combined coun ty, state and federal sources was $W,74r. as against the $15,970 September budget. Indoctrination Course Announced At Vets Hospital An orientation and Indoctrina tion course will be held for vol unteer workers at the Rosehurg Veterans hospital Oct. 18, 19 and 20, according to an announce men! hy Robert P. Kidder, chair man of the Veterans administra tion volunteer services commit lee. The purpose of the orientation and Indoctrination course is to provide the volunteer worker with an understanding of the na ture and significance of the VA volunteer program; the funda mental principles and methods of volunteer assistance In the hospital program; and the po licy, functions, and objectives of the Veterans Adminstratlon hos pital program. Volunteers may work through j one of the many organizations represented at the hospital or as non-affiliaicd workers. There is an Increasing need for volunteer workers at the hospital in educa tional retraining, occupational therapy, library, recreation, sports, and chaplaincy services. Persons In the community in terested In becoming volunteer workers are urged either to con tact the hospital representative for their organization, or see Kid der at the hospital. Suit Filed In Court To Collect On Note Ralph L. Rusell has filed stilt In circuit court against Ren F. laierksen and Harrison R. Win ston. Russell asks Judgment for $2.;i;M.42 alleged due on a pro missory note Issued hy Doerk sen, and requests that property, describee! as a pile driver and a hoist, given as security, he sold I to cover the Judgment. Winston is listeal as a defendant since he holds the tide in trust to the pro perty, the complaint states. Credit Hureaus Adluslment De partment, Inc., asks Judgment lor .H)1.9H against Vernon Herg- i"1"'.-.",.1 . n: falnsui1.? Losing company, on n assigned mvount HllpRod dup for Roods, wares nnd merchandise, sold io the plaintiff. become If long nenlected. Methods of treatment are men tioned You ire told where to look for Help and Pun relief near at home, without the expense of travellni to another climate. This book Is sent only to Suf ferers who want and nerd help. The edition Is limited. Notlre may not appear main. Write at once today for your copy Sr.ND X Three Cent Stamps lcl to help cover distribution cost You Incur no obligation. We have no medi cine or anything else to sf II. You will not be asked u send us a penny of money. Address r. ReverellUR Ine-IDepU TH 3 Boi.Abtterque..N M. f- , THINK THINK.' THE PAPER. WAS MV DID VOL) NOTICE ( IDEA. BUT ILL TAKE 1 IF I TOOK MY PILLS IT BACK.' THE PILLS VO-I N ANt? DlDNT AAARK I ALONE Akc EMJUon H ITrX3WN--OfcPIDMT ) FOR. SOUR MENTALiTY-- rM' TAKE TH' PILLS BUT ) : V TOO MUCH.' ,f fH DID rAARK. IT POWN, J . . . S P OUT OUR WAY Bill To Permit MoreDPs To Enter U. S. Given Jolt By Sen. M'Carran's Report WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. (.T Senator McCarran (DNev.) said Friday there are relatively few real war displaced persons left In Europe. He called pending legislation to open U. S. doors to more DPs "a gigantic fund" to let In a flood of aliens. 24TH ARREST Mr.. Frances Worthing'on, 73, wanted at Laming, Kai., for violation of parol from the itate industrial farm for women, readi bar Bi- ble in a Berkeley, Calif., jail cell after lhe was picked off a train and jailed ai a vagrant. Police Inspector E. F. Parker, who made the arrest, said she has been arrested 24 times since 1910 on charges ranging from shoplifting, through arson and grand larceny. Mrs. Worthing ton told newsmen that she had gotten and spent $500,000 "all through the years." I always did good with it," she said. IAP .VVirephotol . Vital Statistics Divorce Decrees Granted WlIiriKNBl'KG florin E. from Vernon I.. Whitlenhurg. Plaintiff granted custody of their three children, and $."0 a monlh support. Property settlement ra tified. PACK - Lois A. from Frank L. Pack. Plaintiff's former name of Lois A. Friar restored. tJLASCOW - Donnabell L. ,T. f.-m L i..,t U L I I ! Plaintiff granted custody of their two children and $.V) a month support. Marriage Annullment LOW R FY Lenora K. from Glenn M. I-owrey, also known a. Glenn N. l.ovrry. Plaintiff prior name of Lenora t. Jones restor ed. Separate Maintenance Tl'CKNKSS Bernlce from I.lnvd Tuckness. Degree of sep aration for an unlimited time granted plaintiff, who was also given custody of their one child. J.") a month support, and S-i monthly alimony. Property set tlement made. Decree Favors Plaintiffs In Property Foreclosure A decree favoring the plaintiffs. Paul and F.thel M. Kreger and Fred and Kathrvn R. Kreger. has been granted by Circuit Judge Carl F. Wimherly against Clar ence A. and Grace K. Rasmus sen. The defendant have been granted !H) clave, in which to make payment of $..77S.ti9 IIpk1 clue for the purchase n( property own - eil hv the plaintiffs, or In default of payment foreclosure proceed ints may he instituted. The prop erty is described as the west one nan oi me norineasi quarter ; ana oanery cnarge was dismiss and the northeast quarter of thejed. upon motion of the district southeast quarter, section IS. j attorney because of insufficient township .12 south, range west of I pvidenoe to bring about a comic- I Willamette meridian. WHY MOTHERS GET CRAY ... McCarran Is now in Europe where he says he has personally Investigated the DP situation. He sent his views to the Senate in the form of a prepared address. Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D Colol read the speech for Mc Carran as the Senate began a second day of debate on a bill to boost from 205,000 in two years to 339,000 in three years the num ber of homeless Europeans who could come to this country. The measure would amend the law passed by the Republican 80th Congress. In last year's cam paign. President Truman called the law "anti-Catholic and anti Semitic." The bill is snarled up in a ses sioned fight. Some senators are speaking of the debate against it as a filibuster. Senator Morse (R.-Ore.) (used that term in reference to a talk by Senator Cain RWash ). Morse said the "filibuster" was a "great mistake." Cain has served notice he will attempt to kill the bill by sending it back to committee. Cain spoke for hours against the bill Thursday using up the first day of debate. Senators Lan- m-r IK-KD) and Donnell (R.-Mo) also were reported prepared to speak against it at length. Lucas called all this talking a filibuster and told newsmen that because of it he had abandoned hope that Congress would ad journ today. By keeping on talking, the Illi nois senator said, opponents of the bill hope they can force sup porters of the legislation to drop session. "But they're Just wrong on that as long a we'vt got a quo rum," he said. Cain accused the administra tion of trying to push the bill inrougn at tnis session lor politi-1 cal reasons. He said he was op - posed to any legislation "which enlarees the xcone of the disDlac- ed persons problem to the extent that it constitutes a breaking down of immigration barriers." Judgment Order Issued Upon Parties' Agreement Circuit Jud?e William G. Kast, acting for Juuqe Carl E. Wim berly, has Kued a judgment or der favoring Ilenrv C. Piatt against Fred O. and Maiy Cham berlain. The order, granted upon the stipulation of the parties la vorlng the plamtilf. authorizes judgment for $1,509.4!), plus at torney fees and costs, and auth orizes sale of attached property, as provided by law, to satisfy the Judgment. The property con sists of two sections of land. 772 acres and 1262 acres in the re spective tracts. An order of Judge Wimherly has been issued dismissing the suit of Pouglas County vs. Bert Hausman. Circuit Judge Orders Dismissal Of Actions The following criminal actions brought by the stale of Oregon have been ordered dismissed by Circuit Judjje William ;. East, upon mniion of District Attorney Hubert G. Pavis: Charges pending a ;ainst Wal ter George Grove, and Delhcrt La erne Hollopeter. both indict ed hv the grand jury on charges of larceny of personal property under the value of $.13 have been rinipprd. The reason la that Grove is now serving an eight year term in the Arizona State penitentiary on an auto taeft I charge, and Hollopeter has been i sentenced to from eight to 23 ears. also on an auto theft i charge. The districts attorney' motion 1 states that a conviction on the local charge would he difficult after waiting that long a period. The case of the State of Ore gon vs. Al Schafcr on an assault i Hon. m K V . . f By J. R. Williams Toastmasters Give Talks On Round Robin Plan A "round robin," in which each speaker as he arose to give a three-minute talk, appointed a speaker to follow and gave him i suniect on wnicn to speax, tea- lured the weekly Toastmasters club meeting Tuesday night in the Hotel Umpqua. rarticipaung were Jim iiirK. lay Sorselh, Alan Knudtson, Phil Harth, Dr. S. L. De Lapp, C. O. Slabaugh, Jack Meyers and Mil ton Hard. Herman Matlsnff. vice-presi dent, presided in the absence of President Ross Newcomb. Roy Barnhart, toastmaster. In troduced as scheduled speakers Dr. De Lapp, speaking on Smiles and Cheerfulness," and Carl Per mln, "Auto Safety." Impromptu talks were given by Bill Lindsclle and Alan Knutson, i guest. Lindsclle, speaking on The Evolution of Logging." traced modern logging methods as an outgrowth of ancient and ?rude methods of logging through lhe ages. Knudtson, who spoke on 'First Aid," defined first aid, its purpose and the general need for efficient first aid. Dr. De Lapp stated: "We list smiles and laughter with life's In langibles. We cannot always see them, feel them, or hear them, yet they are very real. Like some Jther invisible things, they are sternal. "Smiles and laughter are es sential to normal human life," he continued. "Can you Imagine life without them?" He called upon fellow toastmasters to make the club meeting a place "where smiles and laughter are always present." Permin emphasized the Impor tance of safe driving, preventing carelessness and courtesy of the road. Guests at the meeting were Norman Tolley, Hard, Knudtson and Sorseth. Jack Myers was voted into membership. Tom Coates, topicmaster, had each member present introduce the man on his left by giving a one minute Introduction talk. Probation Of Two Men : Dau-LnJ , " 0e Revoked Charles M. Eady, who has been on probation since entering a guilty plea to a charge of lar ceny by bailee on June 29, has been ordered by Circuit Judge William G. East to appear for sentencing. Judge East on that date sus pended imposition of sentence and placed Eady on probation for 18 months. Alleging that Eadv has violated terms of his proba tion hy failure to report to the otficer of probation and parole. Judge East has ordered that he appear before him for sentenc ing. Judge East has also issued an order, upon motion of District Attorney Robert G. Davis, revok ing the probation of LeRoy Cad walader. who had been sentenc ed to one year in the state pen itentiary on August 10. 1949. Al leging that Cadwalader violated terms of his probation. Judge East has ordered that the sen tence be immediately carried out. Rent Control Approved By M'Kay For Oregon City SALEM. Oct. IS i.V) Gov ernor Douglas McKay Friday ap proved decontrol of rents in Ore gon city. The federal government now is expected o give the same ap proval. End of rent control was recommended by the city council. ATTEND BALL GAME Thirty Monday morning quar terbacks shoved off at nine this morning from the Veterans hospi tal by special bus to watch the I'niversity of Oregon team tussle It out with the Minors from the I'niversity of Colorado at Hay ward field in Kugene. Joe To man, athletic director, and Ma bel MacRae. special service, headed the Invasion. ESTATE IN PROBATE By order of County Judge P. N. Busenbark. Hilda Jauhola has been named administratrix of the estate of Carl J. Jauhola. who died Aug. 2.1 1919 at Reedsport. Clarence Heves. Melvin Jensen and Robert Smiley were named i appraisers. Autos Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS KwMitublr pric4. C.M A C. Urms. Chvrolt Bulck PontUe Carfillae TradeMru Extra Special i3s roao i-ton pickup, sh it at Lockwood Motors You Can't Go Wrnns On Thta Ona al sit! Machinery For Sale Forced Sale! !Mt JOHN DEERE MODEL "M" TRAC TOR, tl .2M00 Whl wjfhu. Depth Control- Slifhilr IMS BU-U SKAGIT YARDER, M IM 00 Compete) with linti. riff inf. block 1. and new tied. THIS IS A BARGAIN! MODEL, AO JOHN DEERE TRACTOR tUiVI 00 Reconditioned, rubber tirei. Two plow capacity, 1949 JOHN DEERE 1-WAY INTEGRAL PLOW. 1949 JOHN DEERE 5 FOOT SPRING TOOTH HARROW. Slightly iued. 105.00 DYAR SIX FOOT FIELD CHISEL. Ek eeilenl condition. 9140 00 Call 893, . Interstate Tractor and Equipment. Machine Sales. Fruits and Vegetables Wilson's Special Cantaloupes, tl 00 crate Tomatoes. 91 23 bushel Danish aquash, 91 75 rrate Winter prara. 91 4f bushel Marble head Huhhard and Banana aquaah, 3c pound Wilson's Fruit Farm & Market Winston Ph.47-J-4 OCTOBER CLING pearhet now ready; also Spttz. Ortlev. Newtown, Winter Banana and Bel If lower apples, at Krute s Stand. 1 mile west on Melroae Road. No sales Saturday. BOSC PEARS. $1 OO bushePboVTSpitir- enberg apples 91 .V) in your container. Good quality dried walnuts, able. Voorhiea Drier. Looktngilau Valley. DKLICIOI'S ANDOrtley apples. 9100 to 92 !W per box. Bring containers. 1 mile West of Lookingglasa Store Marsh Ranch, Phona 27-F-2. Closed Sunday FOR SALEFre.h crop" walnuts 10 Iba. and up. delivered. 25c lb J B. Henslee. Box 103-C. Melrose Rt. Ph. 0.15-H-2 FOR SALEMrs- W nod ' s delirious HOME-MADE PIES at Fairhaven Market. Farm Equipment FOR SALE CHEAP Ona 2-bottom 14" plow, and almost new Masse v Harris tractor, model 20 Must sell Call Itfl R X or 149-J 5 Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Vetch and vetch and oats mixed. G. A Brown Ph. 193 Canyon- Bus iness O f portunit ies ATTENTION INVESTORS' On. -hull interest In flourlihlng Roseburg Du Iness for sale oo full or limned pari nershio basis. Need S12.000 to handle Return 4.V) to VOO net per monlh Only bona-ftde buers neea investigate ?o teiepnona ininr mation given. Rnseburg Realty AV In suranre Co. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors Dogs FOR SALE American Bull Terriers. two grown, one pup; registered. V. Lee.lMl Military. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J C RA M tTcOC R F. Tk K N NIT. U7 hnnVKW or 432-Y Reg. and ped. puppies, all colors. Stud service Fuel PEELER CORE mill ends; planer ends: fireplace wood. Double toads, prompt del,vry Claude V. 11 ley. RL I, Box Ph 13-J-3. or 143-J-3. FOR SALE Slab wood, sawdust, planer end" Phnne MH Johnson Fuel Co Personal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P. 1116 or Phone 1309-L or Sm-3 Financial F. H. A. UMPQUA REALTY 111 N Stephens Ph IMS J Across from Post Office on Highway 90 FLOORING Siding ) Finish PAGE LUMBER I FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 SLABWOOD in 1 2-1 6 and 24 in. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR D0UILI LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phono t4 Shop and Save With Classified Ads Autos Nu-Look Studebaker Trade-ins "Whef Price & Quality Meet" "EXCEPTIONAL" You will not find cars like these on many lots. 1940 Stud. Land Cruder. Looks like a new car and has leas than Boon miles on It A very firetty TAN. Tha upholstery s spotless and cuhions ara Sanda Ion Nylon. This car is quipped with Overdrive, hill holder. Ctlmatizer, Radio, W S washer and side mirrors . 12493 ltUf. stude Regal Deluxe 4 dr. Commander sedan A beautiful ahade of green and could h paued for a new car. has leu than 3&H) miles and is equipped with overdrive, climatiier, hiil holder and side mirrors and anile guard and W R waher 2395 194J Stude. Land Cruiser. This la hard to believe umtl you see tt. Spotless and clean as a new car with only 8343 miles fully equipped with overdrive, hillholder. W 8 washer, cli matiier, radio and side mir fori A nice TAN color and perfect paint JIM Her ta a chance to own one of thet-e famous Stude bakers at a price you can affnrd. We will give new car guarantee on the three above cars. We have a few other nice cars. 1944 Mercury 4-dr. aedan; dark green, radio and heater 2J000 miles $1205 1941 Buick 4-dr. sedan special, 1947 motor, radio and heater 783 1940 Chev. Special Deluxe Bui mess coupe, radio and heater . . W3 1941 DeSoto 4-dr. Deluxe sedan. fluid drive, heater and W S washer 7S3 1941 Ford Super Deluxe 2-dr. sedan, new motor, spotlight . . 743 Commercials 1949 Stude. 1-ton pickup; K-ft. bed, chmatizer 7..W H. D. B ply. 1949 Ford 'a -ton pickup: extra good condition, priced to sell. "Sad Sack Specials" 1936 Dodge aedan. A very good car for its age . .200 Terms to Meet Your Needs Shop Evenings Open Until 9 P M. for Your Convenience Keel's Used Car Lot South of Rosa Hotel Phones 12 and 1445 J Action Not Words! Ot'R EVERY ACT IS BUILT ON SERVICE. SATISFACTION AND PLEASING YOU! GIVING YOtl QUALITY GUARANTEED USED CARS AT A FAIR PRICE. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUAR ANTEE OF SATISFACTION MAY WE HELP YOU WITH YOUR USED CAR NEEDS? Corkrum Motors, Inc. YOUR DeSoto Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 230 S. Stephena Ph. 594- "We'lt Be Here Tomorrow to Bark Up What We Say and Do Today:" Used Cars at Umpqua Motors IMS PBAZER Sedan 1948 CROSLEY Convertible I94A PACKARD Sertsn . 21W ... 14QS ... 4.S I lost HUDSON Coupe 1941 STUDE. SEDAN 141 NASH Sedan , 140 CHEVROLET Tudor .... 1940 INT Pickup 10.19 PLYMOUTH Sedan 19.I7 Rl'ICK Sdan 1Q.I7 PLYMOVTH Sedan 19:17 OLDSMOBII.E Coupe .. 19Xt roRt) Tudcr la.Kt CHEVROLET Panel 19.13 PLYMOVTH Coupe I'll) inn 100 Umpqua Motors 1444 N. Stephens 'next to Snack Shark' PHONE 75a Ton SALK 1M2 Ponliac t J-door R & H Excellent condition. Price S9tK). pniv , 130 down. Family car. Offered Sttn -from dealer. 7th house aouth of Del ; Rey Cafe on f hihway Herb Harmi. j PRIVATELY OWNED '41 modf3 psi- j enter Oldsmobile rotipe. Will trde for good 'i ton pickup muM be fiod Can be aeen at 4J7 Pitcer evenings after f o'rjoctt. No dealer contiderrd FOR SALE 4 fleetline 4-door eda?v I Muil tell Immediately Can be seen after 9 30 at Ml E Douglas. Phone : I 7-VJ FOR SALE or trade Equity (iii4( j Mercur convertible, for trailer houe 1 or hat have ou? Henry Davit Box H Oakland ; 1149 HIDSON COMMODORE four-dror i aedan. all extra; raving HMO nm ! mile Charlea E Timpson, 718 Neoo ! St Ph 11M-X ' MORE MONEY for your caTCah"on the apot Corkrum Motor Jnc . De Soto Plymouth. Phone 40. 114 Ram St eeo with front we. cm and overload. K. o Ronk, DiUard Oregon 14T CHEV 1-door Aero wdarv tlVw Bo M. RiddJe.OregorvHarold Rupo . AlTOMOBlLX for aale, eha0.54O Jarkaon 1tt FORD V-8 sedan detlrere Weasop. I SMS IK I 2nd Ave . N. pp, U-L. Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 1948 STVDEBAKER CONVERTIBLE 1946 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 1942 CHRYSLER New Yorker . 1193 "0 .1113 00 a.i oo 650 M ms un &45UO ii (W .. 4SO0 44. "0 . 393. 0U 193 "0 .. 123 00 1H2 FORD Fordor Sedan - 1SJ42 FORD Tud-.r Sedatn -. 1941 CHEVROLET Ctub Coupe -1941 FORD Tl'DOH SfcDAN 1941 FORD Tl'DOR SEDAN 1940 FORD Tl'DOR sedan . . 1: CHEV. COUPE 1; OLDSMOR1LE sedan . ie; FORD FORDOR SEDAN 1BJ0 MODEL A COUPE 1941 INT. MrCormick Farm Tractor Deeiing 830.09 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1919 FORD 1 ton stake rack 1973 00 1948 FOHD PICKUP 1145.00 1947 STUDY l'a-ton chassis at cab 993 00 1946 WILLYS Station Wajon ..1343.00 1943 FORD LUMBER TRUCK Wti 0 1947 WILLYS 1-tOR pickup 993 30 ton man n..inn flaJhard 49S 1942 FORD 'i-ton Pirkup fi3 10 1942 FORD i-lon Panel 43-00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Terms Used Cars At Your Terms To Qualified Residents of Douglas County Down Payment & Terms Will be made to Suit You Price t 993 00 1948 .TEEP-4-W. Dr As flood at thev come 1940 FORD SKDAN Looks and runs like new. 1948 HI DSON SEDAN We've only had 2 of these In a year 1948 HUDSON SUPER-6. Sedan black EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN AND TOP SHAPE 1946 HUDSON SLPER-8, sedan. gray Motor thor overhauled. !M HI DSON SEDAN, maroon 1942 HUDSON COMMODORE-8. sedan Transportation deluxe. 1940 HUDSON SUPER-6, coupe NVw air-ririe tires. 1941 FORD COUPE .... 1M4G DESOTO SKDAN 1340 LINCOLN SEDAN !!: PLYMOUTH COUPE 19: HUDSON SUPER-6, sedan . 10;t6 INTERNA PANEL . 1939 NASH AMB O. D. Motor overhauled. 725.00 83 00 H.V) 0 433 00 41'3 00 623 00 m 00 393 00 You Are Invited to Drive These Cars More Car For Your $ At Roseburg Hudson Co. 702 S Stephena Ph. 1276-1 Better Buys At Barcus 194 DODCK Ct STOM Sedan. K It H. new (ires, perfect . S14?5 1947 Hl'DSON sedan low mileage. like new A real bargain . 14S i'iA.fc aeaan. excellent con dition 1S42 STriJFBAKFR COMMANDER LAND CRl'lSFR sedan 1940 NASH AMBASSADOR sedan! R AH. verv clean 1940 Hl'DSON SEDAN. R. it H I good tires 1939 BtICK CENTI RV sedan, wry Hd condition 1939 SIl DE3AKED COMMANDER 845 7M 79.4 47J S4 123 79 194n FORD V-a coupe. A huy 1937 FORD V I sedan, good lota CHRYSLER sedan " " 1933 DODGE Tudor, good work car TRUCKS 1947 DODGE aborting truck Brownie, tags, excellent condition Tn V 1949 DODGE ton pirkup, "itake berj. 7.oon miles, hke new IMS 1941 CHEVROLET i., ton G I true,, flal , bndy. 1( hjJ I dump box and hmat biii I'll f ORD MODEL A Pickup ; 1933 FORD MODEL A panel 4V 50 BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway m N at Garden Valley Roaal Ward Week Rebuilt Motor Sale PLYMOITH Motors Hal u ,,, DODGE Motors 1M u tnn. CHEVROLET Motor. ni M Inst. - . BA4-KEO BY MONTGOMERY WARDS j New Motor Guarantee fo 1?" Frarer an'ti atr ron Tiii y'x nd r,"' 1:250 ryvm