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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1949)
Damages Sought Treble damagea for timber al legedly cut from former county owned lands is asked in a suit filed in circuit court. Douglas County and the Roue, burg Lumber company have fil ed the suit against John H. Hr monson and A. C. Brown. According to the complaint Ihe property involved the northwest quarter of section 28. township 29 south, range S west of Willa mette meridian-was sold Mav II. 1916, to the Roseburg Lumber company. Subsequent to that -date the de fendants cut and removed from the land specified amounts of it In the FAMOUS 5 H.P.'SEA-HORSE Come ind get it, j-ou fishermen! This is the outboard motor you've been waiting for. The famous J H, P. Johnson, known 'round the world for DEPENDability, mw iuilt u ilh Ktatral Cluhh! Start in neutral at the while fishing. Flexibility you've before. It's new for 1950 nd Out supply is limited. OBC Cft-Jtd Srmkt H t. It MOO . t. If isn't often your Johnson Sea-Horie outboard motor needs service. But when some port it damaged, it's important to you to have it quickly replaced or repaired . . , We SPECIALIZE in Sea-Horse Service. We carry a stock of Sea-Horse parts and follow FACTORY procedures. It is JOHNSON that gives you this expert service ON A NATION-WIDE BASIS. See the New Johnson at J. V. SPORTING GOODS 245 N. Jackson I 2li-lsf -aea tfL ImT . . i ii i ii : rr "" i ft For Timber Cut Douglas fir. white fir. Incense ce dar, ponderosa pine and sugar pine in the total amount of $26, 000 board feet, valued at $4,119 states the complaint. Treble the amount of damages found by a jury to be suffered by the plaintiffs is asked. Boys League Organized At Roseburg High School Boys of R. H. S. were called to an assembly Wednesday October 5 to form a new organization called the Boys league. This is th first organization of the Boys FROM US TO YOU Are you remodeling your pres ent home or building a new one? If so, no doubt you will want the very' best in mill work. We do all types of mill work and guarantee all work for quality as well as durabil ity. Call us today for your free estimate of our low priced mill woik. dock. Flip to neutral never known it's ready now. Come in at once. M, Ask About Our i fi sun wlhte vtuiue i j i i x BLACK AND WHITE TWINS These two dear, aimesr twins shot together lata Wednesday afternoon on the White Tail Emmett, with white tail at left, and Lou France, leaning on pad the two animals with a shot apiece. Both shots were in weigh approximately 150 pounds apiece. (Picture by Paul league In the historv of the school. Vice principal Price has" been appointed advisor. I The purpose of this league is to tit Foster a spirit of good citi zenship by alt members; (2 help give guidance to all boys; 13! aid in all school functions, and H develop good conduct and sports- presents Tim iwrxEKTj avsiuna Easy Payment Plan Phone 872 BUY-TRY-COMPARE with ANY BEER from ANYWHERE SICKS' BREWING -XX Ppestresm WraTT rrOgiani Aim Of Meeting Set For Tuesday In response to many requests for starting a craft program in Roseburir, the YMCA hopes to be able to encourage and help start such a program, said Marien Yoder. general secretary of the "Y" in the Methodist church basement to determine if there are enough people who desire to give some time to leadership in such a program. "It is our desire to offer any craft in which people may be Interested," said Yoder. "ilow ever, that requires quite a few leaders. We wish to find out if there are enough people who de sire to instruct, or who wish to learn." Rev. W, A. MacArthur has consented to help with the pro gram and assist, also, in getting Ihe materials. Yoder expressed the hope that all those able to help others in the learning of some craft will attend the meet ing Tuesday. The tentative plan Is to hold a meeting one night each week for about a month, on one speci fied craft, then to select other crafts for the subsequent mon ths. The program would be open to all adults of the community and all people will be working on the same thing at the same time. An advance program would be made up and a person could at tend just those types of crafts m which he or shee was interested. The only charge would be for the cost of material. Induction Ceremony Planned ly H Y-Y Units The president and vice-president of both the Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y met October 11, to work out a program for a joint induction ceremony. Officers elected for the HiY included President Bill Summer, Vice-President Vic Sanders, Sec retary Dick Nickens, Treasurer Chuck Plummer, Sgt. - at - arms Bill Van Horn, Chaplain Morris Roach. Purpose of the Hi Y Is to pro mote Christianity among the members so they" will be better citizens and individuals. Some of the functions carried on by the Hi-Y include helping the churches In any possible way. They funish Christmas trees to the churches and do many other helpful services. manship among students. Officers elected were president, George Packard; vice-president. Dale Blanch; secretary". Glen Scofteld; sgt.-at.arms, John Rau-schert. ...those that delight in a beer that's light choose Sicks' Select EXTRA PALE Th$0 art mtlhw Jay$. Burning ear... Ham$t moon$... A tang in tht air.,, Uk Sieh' Select,., Hsttow-tmooth .. . Rich and full.., Tangf and light... Stubbys, Quarts and Cam by the Case. Stubbys and Cans in the handy I2-PAK COMPiN SALtM, ORISON i j Li tor age, sua and weight, were reserve east cf Roseburg. Floyd h black tail dear at right, drep - the neck. These two four-pomt.r, Jenkins). Boy Hunter Killed By Hit Own Shotgun GARFIELD. Wash.. Oct. 14. L Donald Neat, 13. was fatally blond hair, wounded yesterday when struck! However, bv ihe charce from a shnteun was removing from a car. The) j high school freshman had been j hunting with his brother. ! His death was the sixth In the ' (state this week attributable to ; hunting accidents. The Red Cross has a total of 3,739 chapters In this country, LAY-AWAY . . . Phone 1329 J LAY-AWAY... Mother Sure She Found Her Child, Stolen In If 44 HASTINGS, Mich, Oct. 14.-J.T1 Torn betwwn hope and douht, an Ohio couple looked for evl- Ifh-nee today whether they had -pon- fw tart. Jim." enrour jtound their baby son kidnaped hit wt( "Go out and took hit years ago. . Blond, blue - eyed William "Tommy" O'JMIl, 6. a ward of the state of Michigan, was thethere. :lad in question, j "I happened to look out the Perplexed state police were aid- bathroom window this morning ,ing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomp- "d his wile, "and there It was (son of Davton, Ohio, in the cou-1" the yard. Naturally, when ml I pie's efforts to determine if '" of hunlet rush into the tommy ts tneir son. jwonas. me ws nnt u wip The Thompsons came to Michl-', ln,i '" " pan after receiving a report that! . " hr "'.'"l A- -Tommv m.eht be Their own Ron- " r2 i"n ,he 1n5' M h .hrfrf fr ttuf.ll. nd fired. Down came he home Oct. ?, 1944, Mrs. Thompson said loday she was "convinced from what I have seen so far" that he has H(hfi fminri -I would he perfectly satisfied to take him home with me now f n Lr a hint u irtt u sue exclaimed. Tlsat s how sure am. At the time the Thompson's i newly engaged nursemaid, a red- natrert woman 'no gave the name lnf Alice While, also disappeared, ; Despite a national search neither !was evpr tmin. I f IZSZ tnur mompson ana nis wile, Anna, that Tommy might be their boy. There are physical similaritlm, including webbed toes on both jfeet and a pinched right ear in addition to tne otue eyei and the Slichigan chil- PRUDENTIAL UFI Intursnee JORACE C. BERG Spccivi Agent 111 W-at Oak Office ?J Bes. tn t j i LAY-AWAY... C'SIO Do Your "Christmas Shopping in October" LAY-AWAY... Fft Oct. 14, 1949 Th Nswt-Keiw, lUseburi, Or, f Husband, Wil la Score On btr At ffcIr Home RAYMOND, Wash, Oct. t (buck. .? Jim Cramer trudeed wear. I A hit Mmmmtm ily home from two days of j deer hunting and slumped the house. im the woodshed." Cramer guljwl to see a 13 pound two-ooint buck hangine 1 f,"""' ,nsi,u "" about , lk'T?, ,r f 'he institute two years ago. nf famii.. . , , Tommy himself can't help mu-h. He cant remember, course. General Logging Skookum Blocks Mall Power Sows Liitcsfn Welders Com Kinf Donkey Wire Rope Dint Power Sawi Lincoln Welding Rodl Waco Wheel Arch PITCO of ROSEBURG, Ltd. Itlf Phons 733 L LAY-AWAY... 244 N. JakM LAY-AWAY.., mn wiped the mml off his' boot mnA Into held his counsel. But he atfll thought that going hunting w ll ine proper way ra tag your tfeer. I'ntil the next day. that It. That's when Cramer himself look, ed out the window, and shot sown a two-point buck just three Jert from where kit wife had baf gsi hers. OIL TO BURN Fer prompt courteous meter ed sehvenn of high e.ueijry ttsve and burner oil CALL 152 MYERS OIL CO, Distributors of Hancock Petroleum Products For Osygtm County wi! He I Ni Supplies lipert SM Builder Aveilsble Anytime ' Splieittf mm4 Ferrule Work lipert So Meehonie N. Stephens Ivenlnaja Mtene 1241-M LAY-AWAY , . v., wlti'tfS LAY-AWAY...