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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1949)
12 The News-Review, Roseburg, Oft Frl Oct. 14, 1949 Parliament Of East-German "Republic" Draws Snub From U. S. Commissioner McCloy BERLIN'. Oct. 14.-t.D-U. S. High Commissioner John J. Mc Cloy snubbed the parliament of the Soviet-sponsored East Ger man republic Tuesday. He said he had rejected an In vitation to attend this morninc'a Parliamentary session at which Communist Prime Minister Otto Grotewohl presented an East German government. Instead. McClov went to the Allied-sponsored free university in West Berlin and delivered 1, 000 worth of textbooks from CARE, the American Relief or ganization. "I preferred to visit your uni versity," McCloy told the rector. "I am lure It is a much more Important Institution." No Allied officials have attend ed recent East German political gatherings. Russia Gains Sat el lit East Germany, the Soviet Union's newest satellite, pledged through its Communist govern ment Wednesday to give unswer ving loyalty to Russia. Communist Prime Minister. Grotewohl made the pledge as he and his cabinet were unani mously confirmed hy the people's chamber of the new Soviet zone republic. The 400 members of the cham ber by a similar unanimous vole five davs ago had set up the new state and prohibited Germans In the East zone from voting tor at least another year. Program Laid Down In his Induction speech. Grote wohl laid down a six point pro gram: 1 Pledging Eastern Ger many' "Foreign Policy" to that adopted by the Soviet Satellite Foreign ministers at the War saw conference in 1918. 2 Accepting the Oder-Nelsse frontier, which ceded former German territory to Poland and Russia, as a final "peace bor der." 3 Developing trade with 'he Communist China. 4 A new economic plan even more intensive than the current two vear plan, to get underway in 1950. 5 Abolition of food rationing, except for meat and sugar, next year. 6 Equal rights for former Na zis who were not convicted of direct crimes, and a "fight with the sharpest forces of law against any revival of Nazism, Mili tarism or Fascism." Six of Grotewohl's 14 minis tries the Important six were alloted to Communists. Meanwhile, a new drive by Western Berlin to be included in the West German government at Bonn was started by city officials. - am Democracy Talk Made By Truman To Latin Group WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. (JPl President Truman told a group of Latin American diplomats Wednesday that the United States Is committed to "the exercise of representative democracy" in the western hemisphere. The President made this appar ent reference to Latin American military dictatorships in a state ment to the ambassadors to the council of the organization of American states. The diplomats paid a brief visit to the White House In observance of Colum bus day, a holiday throughout Latin America. "We In the inter-American sys tem," Mr. Truman said, "sub scribe fully to the principle of non intervention In the Internal or external affairs of any American republic. At the same time, we are def initely committed to the proposi tion that our solidarity and nigh aims are fostered by the exercise of representative democracy In the American states. I am confi dent that you will continue to provide inspiring leadership to ward the achievement of those alms." The Western hemisphere's de sire for security, Mr. Truman said, "Is not primarily In order that our lives may remain un changed, hut that we may prog, resslvely realize our vast possi bilities. "It Is this spirit which motivates the growing exchange of techni cal knowledge and skill that has been taking place among our countries." JL fA iff 1 If ' ' ' n I L- I,- if, " RUDIE RITZMAN 1703 Brown Ave. Phone 1066 J Roseburg, Oregon - Dillard By ROSA HEINBACH This community welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kash and son, Tim, and Mrs. Hash's mother, who have recently purchased the Louis Andrus home on the hill overlooking Dillard. He is con nected with the South Umpqtia Re-manufactc-ing plant. They were formerly residents of Rose burg. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gordon, pro prietors of the Dillard store, have moved to their new home up on Kent creek w here they are build ing a very lovely duplex. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trobough and two daughters have moved Into the other part of the duplex. Mrs. Vivian Burgess, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Virgel Post of Dillard. is suffering from severe burns about the feet and ankles caused when she spilled a roasler containing hot grease on them. Master Edward McDowell, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Trio Of Oregon Robbers Draw Fivt-Ytar Ttrms PENDLETON, Oct. 14.-,P Elvie Harvey Duvall, 38, his brother Billie Gene Duvall. 21, both of Hermlston, and Mikeul Mann Hudspeth, 33, Ordnance, were sentenced to five years in state prison Wednesday for rob bery. The Jury found them guilty in ten minutes of robbery of $47 from Phillip Sail of Yakima on a highway near Pendleton. Circuit Judge Homer I. Watts tentatively set the trial of Wil liam Frogt, 20, and Gerald Cause, 19, of Tiermiston district on charges of murder for Oct. 31. Both men were indicted by the county grand Jury in the knifing and death of Robert Mor ris. 39, April 3, followig a dance hall fight east of Hermiston. FISH ST0RV BRISTOL, England. Oct. 11. :.PV Mrs. Jean Walker heard a rustle In her fireplace. Suspecting a mouse, she went over to have a look. Flopping on the cold grate was a big, plump goldfish. Mrs. Walker popped It Into the bathtub, washed off the soot, and soon had it swimming about briskly. Her guess: "A bird must have raided some one's fish pond and dropped It down the chimney." The United States' area is 3.- 1022.387 square miles, including the square miles of inland water. 5 ft Golds m To relieve miseries WICKS i - without dosing, rub on Give your children MUSIC and all thsir lives they'll thank you. Let us place a, fine Baldwin or Wurlitzer Piano In your home this week. It Convenient terms OTT and RICKETTS Corner Jackson and Cass Sts. ". i t WORKSHOP INSTRUCTORS Here is the staff of feaehari from Oregon institutions of higher learning who have been conducting the two-dey workshop program on reading for Douglas County elementary teachers at Role school. They are, front row, left to right, Delpha Hurlburt, profetior of education, Pacific University, Forrest Crove; Dorothea Bushnell, Southern Oregon College, Ashland, end Victor N. Phelps, general extension division, Portland; back row, Evelyn Masten, John McAulay, Edith Bork end Florence Allen, all of Southern Oregon college, end Robert J. Cridley, field representative of the general extension division, who accompanied Howard Akers, administrative assistant, department of state-wide service, Eugene. Akers does not eppear in the picture. ( Picture by Paul Jenkins.) George McDowell, Is In Mercy hospital undergoing an operation for his tonsils and adenoids. He is reported recovering satisfac torily. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Nirkerson entertained at dinner Sunday In their home on Willis Creek. Cov ers were placed for Rev. and Mrs. Walter W. Appleyard and Mrs. Myrtle Burtch, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Post and two children, Bobbie and Velma. and Mrs. Nickerson's brother-in - law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rutt schman . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnes of Dillard and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Aten of Roseburg were dinner guests of the Ed Thiele home in Winston last Sundav. The after noon was spent In visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Golgert en tertained Mr. and Mrs. R. Z. Barker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Barker at dinner on Sun day In honor of Mrs. R. Z. Bark er's birthday. When the telephone was first being developed by Alexander Graham Bell it was known as the "harmonic telegraph." Have Your Homt Landscaped on F. H. A. Terms Trees Topped or Removed Lown Planted Shrubs Pruning Call us for information . L. H. McPherson Rt , Box 153 Phone 715 J 1 MODERN BATHROOMS AT LOW COST It costs less than you think to completely modernize your bathroom with new, colorful, efficient fixtures. Coll 1242-R for our complete ploni ond price estimates. We feature Briggs Beautyware, Standard, Kohler, Crane and Eljer Fixtures. Budget Terms If Desired KIER-CROOCH PLUMBING CO. S1I Mill St. Phone 1242-R of all hauling jobs can be done with Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks TAKE A TIP FROM THE THERMOMETER! Prepare your home ogoinjt comfort-robbing winter drafts and chills by installing time-proven JOHNS-MANVlLLl R0CKW00L INSULATION this week! Quickly and easily applied it keeps your heat where you need it, INSIDE! Saves up to 30 o of your cold weather fuel bills too! Call 128 for a free estimate today! LABOR ARRANGED IF YOU WISH! i 2)cnn Gexjrek sen 4O206U!OAKC'Wl28tS--rHta-y-' izZz , v Buyer preference shew the in 9J of all hauling ebs, there' a Chevrelet Aelvanee-Deiln truck that will erve yen mere satisfactorily ... far mere yeeir ... at lest cett. The wide range of the Chevrolet truck line from tmart panes delivery model up through specially equipped heavy-duty carrier mean you get truck pecifleaHy designed te carry the lead, aH the way up te 16,000 lb, grot vehicle weight. See us today buy the Chevrolet truck that' ui right for your io. ADVAHCE-aSISeSN TRUCKS fMtur!ng VMVt-m-Mf AD ItMtttM Oreeter power per gallon, lewer cast per load o DIAPHRAOM JP HINO ClUTCH tmeoth ensaaement SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS Quick, smeera shiftHif HYPOID XIAR AXIES S times slroneer Hi on spiral bevel type DOUeil-ARTKULATfB RAKEf-Cemplete driver control WIOI-IASI WHEELS hKreetee- Nre wrlste AOVANCt-OEMSN STYUNO-With the Cob the "reetHe-' o All-TYPI STtlRf-l tor KcwetKt UNIT-DESION BOOIES-Preclilon built PREFHSEB IY MOM USERS THAN THf NEXT TWO MAKES COMBINED I 1HIAN SEN MOTOE? CO. Oak & Stephens Phone 446 i