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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1949)
10 Th News-Review, Roseburg, Or. FrI., Oct. 14, 1949 Decontrol Order Increases Rents In Eugene Area EUGENE, Oct. 14. (.Tl Since control were removpd from rent In this area, rints have Jumped from 15 to 100 percent, depending upon the lowness of the "frozen" price and the good will of the landlords. However, RAPTURED? If not. you can be. Custom r who buy sawdust. labwood In fact any kind of wood fuel an-be better atilfled AS WELL AS RAPTURED If they call . . . Johnson Fuel Co. Phone 307 resistance ha heen noted on the nart of prospective tenants to the increase. Many low-cost housing units have hoen constructed and numer ous others are Just receiving ap proval or are on the boards for construction In the Immediate fu ture. Some are of the type which require no down payment and monthly payments average i around $30. It Is this type of hous ing thai many of the would-be renters are turning to Invest their money rather than pay high rents. This Is borne out hy the greatly Increased number of apartments listed for rent, with no apparent rush to snap them up. This is In marked contrast with only a short time ago when rentals of any kind were difficult to find. In some cases, pre control leases are operatinj to prevent rent hikes. However, the use of the lease between landlord and ten ant has never been widespread FEED-FEED-FEED FEED QUALITY AND PRICES ARI RIGHT FREE FIELD SERVICE FOR FEED SEED OR REMEDIES W now hive a complete stock of hay Roscburg Feed & Seed Co. DISTRIBUTORS H I Centennial Feeds and Centennial Flour Oak and Spruce Sta. Phono 374 United States Weather Bureau Has 7,000 Volunteer Aides; More Apply ' By ROWLAND EVANS JR. WASHINGTON. How would you like to establish the climate of the U. S. A.T About 7,000 citizens collectively are doing Just that, every day, every season. They are the Weather Bureau's voluntary weather observers. Twice a day they record the sky condition, the temperature, the wind direction, the pressure and the rain and snowfall In their area on special instruments loaned them by the Weather Bureau. Once a month they send their data to section centers in 42 states, which in turn forward the record to Weather Bureau processing centers. i These weather enthusiasts, ! official forecasting medium, in savs the Weather Bureau, are es- Armv's Signal Corps, was set up. tablishing our climate in a very, The Weather Bureau itself didn't real sense helping to determine ! mke an appearance till 1891. just what it is. They've been at i But ,f jt weren't for the thoj it ever since 1870. when the first sands of scattered reports which ! the volunteers send in from plains and mountains the Weath er Bureau would have a rough time piecing together the chang ing picture of the atmosphere. Job Proves Attractlvt The amateurs themselves love the Job, even if it does demand a constant vigil on their instru ments and. during periods of storm and flood, answering tele phone queries from their neigh bors, sometimes as many as 50 a day. The Weather Bureau says many more citizens apply for the volunteer Job than can be accom modated. And some old-time ob servers have been at it for more than 55 years. Many pass their duties on to their sons. "We couldn't afford to put them on a paying basis. We lend them the instruments and a small shelter to put them in. When the instruments wear out, we replace them. A big reason for the low 'in this community. Because It Is a university town, landlords have never had any trouble renting their property and, In general, avoided tying themselves up for long periods of time. It Is possible that the lease may become more popular in the near future. Glide Melon Crop Reduced By Kids By ELIZABETH ORR News-Review Correspondent Some sort of record was be lieved established for Glide re cently with the announcement that the Elbert Tellers family has finally harvested its "fantastic" melon crop. Although night raiding by youngsters made actual tabulating ceiiers repori i.i Hi f f ic-ult- th Oilers reDort large cantaloupes ripened on one j cost of supplying our daily and particularly prolific vine. j long-range weather reports is the However, not all these melons contribulion they make," Bureau were consumed at the Cellers' I spokesmen say. That cost is 13 table. The melons were secreted cents a year for every U. S. citi carefully among the thick corn I zen. CO-OP TIRES AND TUBES BATTERIES Anti-Freeze Fan Belts 'Bumper Jacks Spark Plugs Defroster Fans Radiator Hose Check Chart Lubrication Finest Oils Auto Heaters Greoses High Octant Gas Tire Repoir Service BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 Located W. Washington St. and S. P. R. R. Tracks stalks but were discovered more than once" by night-raiding youngsters. Mr s. Cellers said the seeds had ; been purchased in bulk at Whar-1 ton's Seed slore in Roscburg. j "We didn't do anything sueclal I to them," she insisted, "they Just grew and grew." Mrs. Cellers said the family's hig(jcst worry now is where to plant the seeds next year. They're hoping for a good night's sleep, undisturbed hy Juvenile prowlers. And when Ihey lake In an occas sional movie, the Cellers don't want to have to check off one or two melons to roving youngsters. The monthly reports are put into long tables, station by sta tion, printed and made available to the public for $1.50 a year per area. Subscribers number In the thousands. Ford, Mercury To Have Automatic Transmissions DETROIT. Oct. 13- iVPi Auto matic transmissions will be avail able for Kord and Mercury mnii el automobiles some time next summer. The new device, developed Jointly by Borg Wainer Corp., and the Kord Motor Co., is a Ihree speed and torque converter type. A company announcement said It will be priced at "prob ably not over $ir0." Kord already has General Mo tors' hydramatic transmission on lis Lincoln models. Used Cars For Sale 41 Chevrolet Panel Ton " 36 Cadillac 4-Door 37 Plymouth Pick-up '46 Ford Pick-up '40 Ford 4-Door '38 Plymouth 2 Door '39 Ford 4 Door r39 Chevrolet 4-Door 42 Chrysler 4-Door '40 Pontiac 2-Door '46 Plymouth Coupe '42 Dodge Weapons Carrier Liberal Trade-ins Any Make or Model Doyle's Sales And Service Hiway 99 at Garden Valley Phone St 1 New Design Speedier-Thriftier America's Most Beautiful Electric Range I Packed With All These NEW FEATURES NEW Had! ontube Units ceek faster than ever and ue lets current. NEW built-in Fluorescent lamp lights entire cooking top evenly. NEW higher back panel protects wall. NEW smarter-looking styling by world -fa mouf Raymond Loewy, NEW 6-60 Time-Signal hat two speeds one for stop-watch accuracy for measuring up to 6 minutes, another for up to 60 minutes. NEW switch knobs are easier to read- need to stoop, bend or reach, NEW storage drawers move smoothlv, quietly on triple Nylon rollers. One glance and you'll know that here ii America's most beautiful electric range. You'll be delighted with oil its wonderful new fea tures, its new, smarter lines. All surfaces Inside and out are of Lifetime Porcelain and there's the famous Cook-Master Oven Clock Control, Triple-Duty Ther miier and mony other Frigidaire features you should see. e, . DttUm I NEW Radiantubt Unit Nw RadaniubUnitthav bn diignd for tpeodior, more) conomical cooking. TrSy'r flatter and wider to mor heat ing turfaco comes in contact with uten sil. Tip up for taty cleaning. UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE "I Compared And I Bought" . . . says S. W. McLaughlin of the U. S .National Bank "In my opinion the Cloverdalc Homes are par ticularly desirable for family homes. Clover dale Park is ideally located off the highway and owoy from dangerous intersections ... a fine place for children. The lawns ond land scaping make Cloverdale Homes a fine play ground. We were particularly impressed with the fine view . . . Cloverdale Park is fine place to live." 0 2? M ' 1 mmi i ' ,i J j MitHMtorilitu kmM safc . iitfi.if suJbjfa $500 Down You can buy a Cloverdale Park home for as little as $500 down no down payment to eligible veterons. Low monthly payments include fire insurance and taxes. For small additional monthly pay ments you con buy a Cloverdale Home completely furnished. FHA APPROVED nov, r( , - reaw. I yu" thinL ' a fi'L"r no ' J'?" about . - You ? "d PeP'e you'll eoV met Lounty. w.' it k " ever t So""ie ftf "e r w,,nesj. "CQ 'or 114ft... uC!Ty th0f-c llnf' recent, y ,' ' oPOfrl,'mpo"ibfe to Ta .... . T"' eoen;;;ROSeba Hom aoe f . . In Comm,... wtr Do,,,. . ' initn. . er Ore . p,nenf lt cr- w. the "ovsa, o wor carcom. ben h.s 0r. fi Pfefe. in.S r " manv i,-. We Consfctor,7 re mQry ,! money that Z 'Peed Qnd PProyee "omes Ooenc,o, , Pproved h f"ey w.r. . "eotpr. "9 syst-. , o k.. . ve Ttle sk you f resiw.. 7 u f0 see tn ' besf our 0! u a ont ' " 0S 0 new drVe f Vol? hS f0 offer V rferve do'e Port J ' 0W,1 sof We d ''fee . ' '' couZes furnish th. 0r W Phol ,'0we'-doe pi ? won in 1 ffmf, S70, 'h0 drot ho, 75 3 bd, C10yfrfD4tf PARK CONVENIENT TO SCHOOL, STORMS AND CITY CENTER lr"irv7 nnnnnnr g8! nnnn HOW TO err TO clovirdali park Drive nerMi en Hiahwey M to AlemeOs Avenue ttee the Clevero'sle fsrk l en the right) inf turn rijht Drive etriifht Intt the park. Exclusive Agents 3 reasons why you should buy a Cloverdale Home 1. Better Construction 2. Small Down Payment 3. Exclusively Residential Compare these homes with any In the state you'll see why we're so proud of Cloverdale Park Homes. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Phone Roseburg 1566 120 W. Oak Phone 1211;