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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
Coos Bay Tilt Of RHSHeld As "Crucial" Marshfield Loss Would Transfer League Lead To Myrtle Point Eleven Although fht-pe Rnsphurff tram will tusle this weekend, Doug-1 Ins county lootnau ian win ne closely watrhinR the Rosehmg InrJiani-MarshficId Plratea tiff. Thin Ram looma as a crucial encounter. A Marshfield win would leave them only one game away from the district champion ship, while a Roschurit victory would put Mvrtle Point In Ihe district lead. Marshfield current ly holds down the numher one slot In the league standings. In othpr league tiffs, Myrtle Point plays Recdsport and North Bend travels to Coquille. Rosehurg Junior varsity and Junior high school Papooses will provide foothall fans with the only games to be played locally this weekend. Norm West's Junior varsity Warriors travel to Myrtle Creek for a grid clash there at 2 p.m. Saturday, while Hod Turner's ninth grade Papooses are the only Rosehurg gridders who bat tle locally this weekend. The Pa pooses meet Ashland on Kinlay Xield Saturday at 2 p.m. Last year the speedy Ashland aggregation beat the Papooses 130 but the two clubs played to a tie in an earlier encounter. Turner, with coaches Krank Purdv and Kd Wyatt assisting, will throw 40 boys into the fight. The Papooses scrimmaged with a heavier Javvee unit this week, In preparation for the Saturday struggle. Gordon Working Out In Portland Klght manager Krnle Nazelrod travels to Portland tonight to be with his sensational boxing pro tege, Hardrock Gordon, who Is presently working out at the Na tional Boxing club training quar ters. Nazelrod will put Gordon through some light workouts prior to his fight with Big Bill Petersen, whom he Is challenging lor the Northwest heavweight championship in a 12. round ring battle at Portland's civic audito rium Tuesday night. Petersen's handlers wanted the championship ro to travel a scheduled 15-rounds, hut Gordon, who has never fouRht that dis tance, was able to get the Port land boxing commission to O. K. a 12-round tiff. Nazelrod Indicated anything over 10-rounds may be classed a championship battle, provided both parties can agree. A win over Peleresen would put Gordon In line for a return clash with Joe Kahut, whom Gor don declsloned In a 10-round go at Rosehurg several months ago. Turkey Thompson Beats Murray In Dull Fight SPOKANE, Oct. 13 (JP) -A dull heavyweight match be tween Turkey Thompson and Ie Murray was hnlled In the sixth round last night when Murray suffered a deep cut over his right eye. It went Into the books as a technical knockout. Thompson, of Los Angeles, weighed 208. one pound less ;han his New York opponent. SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195-R 207 Rice St Best way to keep your equipment out of reach of the junk men is hy keeping it in tip-top condition. It's good business, too, because your machines work better and our re sale value is increased. No chorgt for estimates of Interstate Don't delay needed repair work bt cause you're afraid of costs. Bung your John Deere to Interstate and we'll have an expert serviceman give you an accurate estimate on what it will take in dollars and cents to restore if to top operating effi $ The Ntws-Revitw, Roseburg, Ore. Thun., Oct. 13, 1949 Mentoring, Mathematics His Job r 1 3 .. - -' '4 r 2 l. f Coach Ed Last of the Rosehurg high school coaches to be Introduced to readers is Ed Wyatt, above, who Is Hod Turner's man "Friday" at Junior high school. Wyatt assists Turner with the ninth graders and coaches the seventh and eighth grade football, track and eighth grade basketball at Junior high. It was old home week when the youthful assistant coach came here to teach mathematics and help out In the coaching depart ment in 1918. Coming here with his parents In 19.10. Kd played basketball un der "Hod" at Junior high in 19.11. afler which he and his parents moved to Wilbur. At Wilbur, Wyatt, one of 10 boys enrolled In Ihe high school, helped his school win Ihe Doug las county Bleague basketball championship In 19.18. T h e I : squad outlasted a field of 20 schools throughout the county and wound ut second In district play, being bcalen, 1312, by Cen tral Point. Entering the University of Ore gon, where he majored In physi cal education, Wvatt was unable to participate In baskelhall due to a hack Injury sustained at his parents' farm. He was counselled to take tip swimming as a recreation to help get his back in shape and ended up hy teaching the sport his final year at the university. Later, while in the service. Wy att taught underwater demolition techniques for pie-invasion mine clearing tasks. Discharged after the war, wy att came to Glide, where he coached two years, before com ing to Junior high school. Glide Grade Grid Team Defeats Deer Creek It look Ihe seventh and eighth graders at Glide to produce the first win of Ihe season for Glide football fans. The grade school team beat .M:t Deer Creek gridders, ISO, Tues day afternoon. Responsibility for a large chunk of ardage gained goes to ciency. Moreover, you can depend on our estimate being honest and accurate so you will know in ad vance the final cost to you. No hit or miss methods Every Interstate sorvice man is a factory-trained John Deere expert. He uses approved methods, the most modern tools and has a com plete stock of genuine John Deere replacement parts at hn elbow. Hcie is service you can't equal any where ot the lowest possible cost. Call Rit Schnore, our service mana ger, soon. Wyatt "Slats" Supthin, who's aerial at tacks had the visitors stumped. A scoreless first quarter was followed by a second frame that produced plenty of excitement, when Glide kids shoved over two touchdowns. The final tally came in the third quarter. Scoring for Coach Les Wright's Baby Wildcals were Charlie M'li rier, Gary "Rags" Coats and Red Miller. Tiger Jack Yins In Street Brawl SPOKANE, Oct. 13 - (.-D-Tiger Jack Fox, once one of the world's top light heavyweights, still Is willing to take a punch if he can land one. Fox and Max Friou, who also claims some fistic prowess, were hauled Into police court last night after a slight altercation on the streets. Their versions of the melee varied. Friou told police officer Warren Allon that Fox humped Into him, called him a name and then went and got another man and started the fight when Friou threw Fox Into a plate glass window. fox counter-punched that Fri ou had for no reason poked him In the eve, thrown him into the window and ran. I caught him. I pointed to my nose and said 'Poke me.' He swung and missed. I floored him with a right and left. I picked him up. pointed to mv nose and said 'Poke me.' He swung and missed. I floored him again." Allon gave Fox the decision and Jailed Friou on a disorderly con duct charge. Jack Mathis Will Be On Grid Squad Of OSC Frosh Jack Mathis, 1949 graduate of Rosehurg high school, will be In the Oregon state college fresh man football team starting line up, when the Orange and Black opens Its season Friday after noon at K'ugene against the high ly rated Oregon Frosh. The Duck lings already have one game un der their bells, a victory over the Portland University frosh. Coach Hal Moe, new OSC fresh man coach, has been drilling his squad hard since the start of school and will field a heavy team averaging 199 pounds. A comparatively light backfield av eraging 182 will run behind a hefty 209 pound line. After an Intra squad game last weekend, Moe said he was pleas ed with progress made by his yearlings on defensive play, but that the club had a long way to come on offense. Many of the men played strictly T formation ball in high school and must now learn Taylor's tricky Michigan version of the single wing. In addition to Mathis, who will play left end, the likely starting combination would have Doug llogland, Bend, at left end; Chuck Oettinger, Grant of Portland, lett guard; Jim Norton, Washington of Portland, center; Clarence Womack, Corte Madera, Cal., right guard; John Tucker, Mar cola, right tackle; Don Krickson, The Dalles, right end; Malcolm Putnam, Rainier, quarterback; Jim Jenks, Albany, left half; Chuck Keller. Albany, right half; and Dick Graber, Albany, fullback. Charles Regards Pat Valentino As Good As Defeated SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13 -(,P How cocky can you get? Ezzard Charles defends his NBA heavyweight boxing cham pionship against Pat Valentino. Ihe San Francisco Samson, here tomorrow night. But his mana ger's eyes are set on more dis tant green I back I fields. Virtually Ignoring Valentino the local latin with the long. Ion" looks Jake Mlntz talked today of a title defense for Charles be fore yearend. And he didn't mean the 15-rounder which may pack 20.000 fans into San Frahcisco'a Cow palace. Sure, Ez Is a 15 favorite. The odds even might lengthen a hit before the Cincinnati Negro climbs Into the ring at 10 p.m. tomorrow. Mlntz said he has no specific challenger in mind. He seemed to consider the Valentino fight already won. Then, perhaps thinking sudden ly of some $.)0.000 worth of un sold tickets, he remarked that Pat has a chance. "Any challenger does." Jittery Jack generalized. "Any time a champion steps into the ring he's In danger." Mints! said Charles will give anyone a crack at his crown if there's enough money in it. He hinted strongly at a Decem ber defensebut refused to go further. Both boxers will taper off with shadow boxing today. Advance ticket sales total $130. 000 "and that's in the bank." is the latest report. The Cow palace Is scaled to a $180,000 to $200,- 000 gate. Money, Not Comeback, Lures Louis, Ex-Champ SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13 (. Joe Louis says "it's ihe mon ey definitely not the posihilitv of a title comeback that lured him from retirement Into an ex hibition schedule. "1 do not plan ever to fight for the thampionship again.' a sullen Louis declared vesterdav. He seemed irrirated that any one would question the sincerity of his retirement. Then why did he schedule sev eral eastern exhibitions to renew interest in boxing? It has lagged since he retired. "No." and he added, "there's money In it." Independent Basketball League To Be Organized Plans to organ)? an independ ent basket hall leapue was an nounced W'edensday bv Marlen Yoder, RoseburR YMOA secre tary. Any organization interested in entering a team is invited to contact Yoder. So far, the Rosehurg Junior Chamber of Commerce, Christian church. I'mpqua Plywood and the KIks club are planning to enter teams. No title will be at stake. Yoder said. One evening a week will bp set aside at a local gymnasium to be used by the YMCA-sponsored From where H m .w at rtnr Shmnan'f 4rwv wtort lifttrninf ta th World Strict nil Um rdiv Carlr l.awi wir. oVn m aiW mm: Hn a Sorry, Curly," Dof. "t r make yem a malted fur a whila jrt "What'i th CoW ub. "Well," ur Dne, "most of tha folks mutt ta k-mr tha pat and tha mitrr makta tna much noise." Curly Uiinki a moment and aaya, "Okay with me. Doc IT1 take a rkorolate eorla!" Thia Mmi haw taleraat foflta ran be. Dae annwed kit reapert far Ctnri(-ki. Grid Gossip In Northwest Loop Bv The Associated Press MOSCOW, Idaho. Oct. 13 P If the Idaho Vandals topple Washington State here Saturday, nearly everyone In Moscow will see It being done. The city's Merchant committee announced yesterday that everv store and business house will be closed Ihe afternoon o the game. Gale Mix. vandal general man ager, predicted a record 25,000 turnout. CORVALLIS, Ore.. Oct. l.V) Another Oregon Stale regular re joined the football squad yester day. Coach Kip Taylor, already pleased over the sharper passirg showed In yesterday's last heavy drill of the week, said Quarter back Ralph Carr probably will play against Montana here Satur day. Carr was hurt In the Utah game. EUGENE, Ore. 13 t.P) - Three lineup changes were an nounced yesterday by Coach Jim Aiken after the Oregon varsity scrimmaged against Colorado formations they expect to see this Saturday. Aiken shifted Jerry Moshofsky, 212-pound guard over to the tackle spot, and installed halfbacks George Bell and Woodley Lewis hack in their first string posi tions. SEATTLE, Oct. 13 P With all but one of his injured backs set to see some kind of action against Stanford Saturday, Coach Howie Odell got additional cheering news from "up front" yesterday. Lorin Perry, husky tackle who cracked a bone in his chest dur ing a scrimmage two weeks ago, went through yesterday's scrim mage sess.on and will be ready to bolster the front line strength. The day had its dark side, how ever, when the Knot heads explod ed for several touchdowns with their version of the Stanford at tack. Prior to the heavy going, Odell ran his charges through an ex haustive defense drill against the California's passing attack. Stanford is considered one of the passlngest teams in the confer ence, ranking right up near Washington in yardage gained from aerials. Bowling Scores W OMENS LEAGUE TEAM Won Loit Medical Art Lab. 11 4 Roicburf Jeweler. ...10 5 Shalimar Room 7 8 Mvrtle Cr Bid Supply m 8 S Srherner Squirt 8 Roy O. Young A 10 (itmti Ortitbpr 1 1 Medical ArU Lab. 2, Schtrner Squirta 1. flhallmar Room 2, R O Younf 1. Ruaeburg Jewrleri 2. Myrtle Cr. 1. Remark High Individual game arora: Helen Mnt.r 210. Huh Individual tertet acore: Helen MenUer 5:i2. ROY O. YOUNG G. Moor 104 111 12.1 TM M. Porlclinjton ..... 131 141 115387 A. Weisieibar toe lftfi 1.10 4 V. Blee.ina- 123 142 R. Porter 203 14.1 126472 Total ... 7M R31 791 241T SHALIMAR ROOM M. Laraon 136 174 1 4ft 4."W G. Barker 120 123 1J 4"S r Curnn 138 1 06 124 3W W. B'lhop IM R0 107 3f2 F. Biatak .....If IIS 129408 Total . fllS 78 813 2486 ROSEHURG JEWKLFRS A. rtnterloa 112 !- 161 4ff E Parr 106 108 143 3!M) D, Root til 111 138 30 J Blakelv 115 IM 122 3fl5 H. Mentw 1M 210 133 5.12 Total 774 884 Rfto 2338 MYRTLE CR. Rl.DG SUPPLY M. Wileon 88 ,A8 117 -301 C. Chapm 133 f)8 93326 V, Groom 120 117 1 13 370 M Shirtfliff 122 117 1B8 407 E. Jonea ... 173 116 LIS 446 Total . 8tl 741 823 2373 SCHERNER SQUIRTS M. Circle 13ft 132 182451 vi HOUCOCK . 119 177 12 E Rrtt 109 109 2A 344 H. Rvan 118 1 28 97 343 E. F infer toe . 138 164 139441 Total .... 773 860 819 2452 MEDICAL ARTS T Knudlaon 13.1 lflo 140443 H Biiner 123 134 92 39 P Martin 133 144 124 403 E Campbell 131 123 123 37 G. Hilhard 136 136 143437 Total 803 64 760 2429 teams. If more teams decide to enter, another night will be made available. Referees will be furnished hy the two teams that are not plac ing. Kqutpment and towels will be furnished hy the teams, in or der to keep the cost of playing at a minimum. Organizations desiring to spon sor a team mav contact Yoder by phoning either 1634 -J or 1H54 J l. J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS Cdn. Vallv. Rd. Ph. jo J-l JOHNSON Sea Horst Dealer Bo8t Boat Trailers Warm Equipment I sit - Joe Marsh But Curly "Knows What The Score Is I" haw tba majarwy feU; Carry bif enoaf nat ta inaiftt aa Ma malted m thoagft he doeaat bap pen ta be fnad af baseball. From where I nt, willmirneaj to rert tb other peoote'i feelinfra is important in a Democraey. If we'r tolerant ef a person 'i like for baaebaN ar a (laaa a temper ate beer, we've eoeae a lone; way an the rit-M road ... the road to a better Ameriea, that i! tatted Stu Brnmt Ftmmittm Yanks Purchase Jensen, Martin of Oakland NEW YORK. Oct. 13 (.PI The New York Yankees, an nouncing they won't "stand Dat" on their present world champion ship team for 1950, bought two of the brightest stars In the Paci fic coast league today. Manager Casey Stengel an nounced the purchase of Jackie Jensen, outfielder who is a for mer California football star, and Alfred (Billy) Martin, an infield er. They were bought from the Joey Valez Quits Prizefight Game SPOKANE. Oct. 13. LP) Spokane's colorful lightweight fighter, Joey Velez, announced Wednesday he is through with the fight game. In a letter to the Spokane Chronicle he said: "I felt myself slipping the first time I fought Joey Clemo but tried to overlook it." That was about a year ago. Velez said he is applying for a referee's license, and meantime, Is devoting full time to commer cial art and advertising in Seattle. "At least I ouit boxing while T could still draw a straight line,'' ne said. The little fighter who has fought the crippling effects of polio almost as hard as his oppon ents in the ring, said his decision to retire came during his fight with John L. Davis in Seattle last month. "I looked down at my brother, Boh, at the end of the fifth round and told him, This is a heck of a way to earn a living.' " H FOR YOUR WINTER PROTECTION j M ' ff Wool Plaid for Warmth! bo Xik Wo' Pla'd fr Lnq Wear' p 4 f Here'i a tturdy all-wool itog jacket that 1 . 'Air;jlt!j" fits your long wearing needs in rough bell nlS(tii!Pid win,er ather. Juit the thing for work IT (a!Swf'iKrW' V or nunf'n9' length zipper, deep Lji j.'jr 'jlt b,ealt poketi. 100 wool in your fa- W ijj Regular Price 6.95 bid M Xa4j N0W ; 4-97i W M SWEAT SHIRTS N Jt( M Fleece Lined gj-y V I yT Silver grey cotton il s y r N J All liiei I M Save! Save! On a Four-Season Jacket kjl Wa,erPr8of PP,in Regularly Priced 10.95 L J r j Zippr Front r pa c f kj M Action Back 9 jJ V k. A Snua Willi - JJ tkA r J Button Cuff, Whil Sf0k Lost r 2 ji Colors: Green, Blue, Yellow M Herman', havi a compltrt I bV4 l Of selection of RUBBED m FOOT WEAR H T JJ IneludifSthePopulorA-BuckleOvenhoe . J wm la 2 'e-th Cloth and Rubber Top 2 for work today! T H 234 N. Jackion ,,, Z J L,a4 mj mj rj Phone 217 Ivi Oakland club, which Stengel managed last year. No price was divulged, but It's rumored the Yankees shelled out in the neighborhood of $100,000 and five players for the two ath letes, who were widely sought after by major league clubs. Jensen, 22, is the former foot ball star at the University of California. He is a bonus player. Owner C. L. (Brick) Laws, in beating 14 big league clubs to his services, lured him at the Jeff Heath Released By Boston Braves BOSTON. Oct. 13 Wai vers, "for the purpose of givinj him his unconditional release." have been asked by the Boston Braves for Jeff Heath, veteran, hard hitting outfielder. Because he Is a veteran of ten years in Ihe majors Heath is free to deal with anv club. Heath played little for the Bra ves this past season because of a fractured ankle suffered in Brooklyn Just before the 1948 world series which the Braves lost to the Cleveland Indians. Joe Kahut Goes East To Battle Joey Maxim PORTLAND, Oct. 13. LP) Woodburn's Joe Kahut left Wed. nesday for Cincinnati, O., where he will box heavyweight Joey Maxim Oct. 25. lie was accompanied by his handler, Eddie Hogan. John Aas sett, local attorney who now is Kahut's manager, said he would leave next week to see the fight. I close of the College baseball sea I son last spring with a bonus of $40,000 plus a three-year contract at S15.000 per. "My scouts tell me that Jen sen Is the greatest outfield pros, pect in the minor leagues," said Casey. "He hi fast, has tremend ous power, and owns the strong est arm in baseball since Bob Meusel." Stengel said eight clubs had been afier Martin, a second base man w ho also can play short or third. Sutherlin Eleven Dated Against Central Point Coach Orrin Hills' Sutherlin eleven tackles Central Point on home ground Saturday at 2 p. m. The Saturday tilt will be the second in a series of four home games and Sutherlln's second en counter with a J-D-J league op ponenet. Last week. Kerhy high beat Hills' hustling gridiron aggrega tion bv a 13-0 score, but prac tice drills during the past week have tended to smooth out the wrinkles in both offense and de fense. Starting Sutherlin lineup has not yet been selected, but Hills' indicated no radical changes are anticipated. Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store r