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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
4 The Newi-Kevlew, Kaitburg, Ore.-Thur.., Oct. 13, 1 M9 YE OLDE ROSEBURG GROWTH Organization Of Two Fire Units, Coming Of Railroad, Telegraph Are Recounted (Ed. Note: Thin l the second In i series of article! on early Roseburg history by City Mana ger M. W. Slandard.) Bv M. W. SLAN'KARD In presenting fact pertaining to past activities of Roseburg we mint remember that some oi the Information may seem rather unbecoming of past town trus. tees who governed the rlty, but we must realize that the same procedures were followed In practically every city of these western United States, during these years. Oregon and Rose hurg have grown up In actions comparable with other neighbor ing states and, In my humhl opinion, n far advanced over many cities. In the year 1882 a major Issue to come before the town trus s9 indabta! Ptrformance 2SSrO CHAM SAW f7 IT Designed end built by Oliiton, America's foremost sow manu facturer, this is the saw you need to lower your costs and sttp up your production. It's easy to operate, and built for trouble-free service, let us give you all the facts about the Diiilon Chain Saw with Mercury Gasoline Engine. Come in and talk H over. CARL J. PEETZ Phone 27$ 20 S. Stephana MOVING P Jb $W: )iaiifaaa1aa1aiUa1f T2. for small jobs or big, local or long diltance, phone i Roseburg Transfer & Storage PHONE 927 3. AOINTS FOR IONS BUt.NCI MOVINS SOI leONOMT-Ut UI HSNOtl All DITtlll tees was the removal of garbage and refuse. A contract was en tered Into to keep the city clean and to rid the dumps of rats. This problem never has been ful ly solved as garbage disposal Is alwavs a problem. The first part of 1883 saw the completion of a water reservoir to supple water to the city and for fire purposes. A meeting was railed on April 26, for the pur pose of organizing a fire com pany. The company was formed and was known as Hook and Lad der Company No. 1. Three lad ders and six axes were ordered with an order to further secure a pump rig. A petition was presented at about this time for the removal of the Jail at the court house square. Considerable talk was held on the purchase of a parcel of land and the construction of a larger city hall and Jail. Firs Dept. Organised On April 30 Rescue Hook and Ladder Company No. I was of ficially organized. A fire pump was bought some weeks before, the city giving $.100 and the rest up to $.VX) being subscribed by the Hook and ladder company. Considerable interest was shown In securing a meeting place and uniforms, red shirts and hard fire ha in. The organization of the lire department was one of the maor improvements to the citv. Due to the rapid growth of the town of Roseburg, consideration was given to the construction of a bridge across the South Umr qua riter to provide a cess to the development of the area west of the city. A deed was granted to the county of Douglas for the lower end of Lane street for a bridge to he constructed and maintained by the county. Ordinance No. 62. nassed June 9, 1HM, provided that, "no child under the age of 16 shall In no way use or carry tobacco In anv shape or form. It will also he unlawful for any bov to carry firearms or pistols or to have them on their Derson In a nubile place. Talegraph, Railroad Cams After due consideration and many meetings an ord nance was drawn up and presented for adnp. lion granting an easement to the J'armc Postal Ta ecranh and Cable company, to erect and maintain telegraph poles and lines In the city. A reception was held hv the citv offlnls Dec. 2, 1878, to wet. come a delegation of the Oregon California railroad. The recep tion was to be given at the court house square, the celebration he. Ing In regards to the completion of the new railroad through Rose burg. Numerous cases of dlptherla were causing alarm to the of flcals of the citv. At a special meeting held Dec. 31, 1888 at 2 p. m. a committee was formed to Inspect all alleys and out houses of the citv and to use dis infectants wherever It was thought diphtheria germa might breed. All streets and alleys were also ordered cleaned. A delegation apeared before the town trustees In regard to the advisability of organizing a company to furnish electricity for the city, "as other cities are us Ing electricity for street lighting and In the home." The matter was referred to a committee for a report. An ordinance was passed to create the office of street super intendent on March 7. 188!). How ever this ordinance was repealed at the next meeting. The reason Has not staled. A special meeting of the trus tees was held to consider the for mation of a Roseburg Water Works company: the granting of a franchise and other matters pertaining thereto. The agree ment was for a reservoir to he constructed not less than 240 feet above the Intersection elevation of Washington and Jackson streets. The supply to he not less J' niUinsON MODELS TIT O Jo Davidson, beard ed American sculptor, finishes a clay bast of Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia at a retreat In the hills overlooking Belgrade, - putieti WW J . .V What advertiser hasn't envied tfce dromotie illustrations used by bigger butinen in put ting' the Inockouf punch into their copy? True, good advertiiing art is espentive . ... But you needn't worry about that. Equipped as we ore with Metro Newspaper Service, our start is able to put the "ogency touch" into your odt at no extra coit to you. Metro tl no t mo mrwK9 W ivtV rr.tS ft rf fa that WrtJ mttf htw row o nor and hfrr otl vrijr9 9 ret. than 1.000.000 gallons capacity. It Is noted that during the year 1889, consideration was given to adoption of a permanent charter. The matter was referred to a committee and copies were sent to the state legislature. It is as sumed from meager details and information In the minutes of these meeting that a charter was adopted. Another Fire Company Contracts were let for furnish ing a large fire bell in the amount of $175 and the erection of a tow er for $.120. At about this time October 1810 another hose com pany was formed, known as Rose Hose Company No. 2. The fire station was built to house a hand cart near the railroad depot. A special committee appointed to study a new seuage system and charter, with the considera tion of a bond l-ssue of $40,000, was appointed to report as soon as possible. A public meeting was held and a citizens committee appointed to help in the studies. Correspondence from L. L. Hurd of Corvallis was presented and details were worked out fer taining to the awarding of a franchise for furnishing electric lights and electricity to the citi zens of Roneburg, also to con struct lines, poles and furnish arc lights for the streets of Rose burg where the city requested them. The generating plant was to be within the limits of the citv. Up until this date 1891 the city had kerosene lamps that were lit each night hy hand. Supreme Court Spurns Row Over Property Wall SALEM. Oct. 13. JP A Coos Bay argument oner a few Inches of property Isn't any business of the courts, so the three families involved will have to settle the four-year argument themselves. The State Supreme court rul ed Tuesday that Circuit Judge Dal M. King. Coquille, did the right thing when he tossed the whole mess out of court. The feud was "extremely em bittered: so much so that, on one occasion, they resorted to a mutual display ot firearms," Justice Arthur D. Hay wrote In today's opinion. The case Involved a strip of froperty varying In width from 8 of an Inch to 4 3-4 inches. It all started when Mr. and Mrs. Pryne Fields built a con crete wall at the edge of their property. It was on their own property, all right, but it wasn't a very good wall. It leaned over toward the adjoining properly. The adjoining property was owned by Mr. and Sirs. J. F. MrKee and Mr. and Mrs. Pete McGowan. They sued Mr. and Mrs. Fields to force them to re move the wall. But Mr. and Mrs. Fields wouldn't remove the wall. They said it was undermined by the McKees and the McGowans tres- Counttrfeit $10 Bills Apptor In Northwest SEATTLE, Oct. An In flux of phony $10 bills is report ed in Seattle and Portland by Leo A. Smugal, secret service su pervising agent In Seattle. So excellent Is the engraving that only a careful serutniy of the bill will disclose it as a coun terfeit, the agent said. Principal difference Is the lack of detail in Alexander Hamilton's hair, giving ii a wnite appearance. The billa are on the Fed eral Reserve bank of Minneapolis and hear the serial number "1677391 15E" and check and plate numbers "F-ll". Fourteen such bills have been turned in here while nine are known to have been passed In Portland. Back From Vacation And OPEN FOR BUSINESS Plenty of doors, window, frames, cabinets and builders hardware. Bring Your Orders HOWE'S CABINET SHOP 8 Hoover St. phon 1J1iJ passing on the Fields' property. So now, with no court to settle their case, they are back where they started. Shirred eggs make an excellent dish for Sunday breakfast. To prepare them break 2 eggs into each individual greased baking dish and hake In a slow oven until as firm as desired. Serve with crisp baron. JOBS AVAILABLE We have, jobs for trained workers. If you have the training, we have the job. If you don't have the training, come in or call tomorrow Fall enrollment now u ider way GRANT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 112 N. Stephens Phono 1S3J R BCST SELLER Try Hwm popular Pan, AT GROCERS -SpohW, Hent-iryla EVERYWHERE . KU"-0. 5olodiM PRESENT GENERATION TALLER THANKS TO MODERN DIET re Y JV UUU BAKED BY DAVIDSON IS IDEAL FOOD FOR TODAY'S HUSKIER YOUNGSTERS Surreys show boys and girls today are not only taller but heavier and huskier than their parents and grandparents before them. Small wonder, with our modern knowledge of all the delicious foods at your grocer's. Foods like "Bread At Its Best" so easy to obtain and so easy on yottr budget! CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT... DAYIDSON WATCHWORD Here at our bakery, we make constant improvement ouf watchword. That means the bread you buy today is far richer to flavor and food value than ever before. Insist on the finest modem bread. Reach for "Bread At Its Best" today! lis (MUfoUl feK i r i f Ask ony of our rtpmtntotivti. ppll I ! I 1SSSSSSS. I - TIM I