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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1949)
Army Eleven Hands Michigan Its First Defeat In 26 Games NEW YORK, Oct. 10-jpThe Middle West's three-war doml nancy In college football, shaken with the defeat ol mighty Michi gan by Army, may get another Jolt th week. Notre Dame' fighting Irish, w ho since 1945 have been battling with Michigan for top honors, is host to Tulanes Green Wave in a game that may turn the stand ings upside dow n. Coach Krank Leahy of the Irish hat tabbed the Southerners as SLABWOOD in 12-16 ond 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phons 631 I Do The Job M DISSTON One-Man CHAIN SAW 8m your muscles. Hod (or the woods with this new Disston One Man Chain Saw. Lifht weight, gM-olinc-driven power ssw. Fells . . . Bucks . . . Limbs. Operates at any anclt . . even upside down. CARL J. PEETZ Phone 279 920 S. Stephens the toughest assignment hit ath letes have faced in many a moon. He warned long ago that this is the game Notre Dame is most likely to lose. Tulane has already bowled over two of the stoutest elevens In Its own bailiwick Alabama by 28-14 and Georgia Tech 18-0. It won easily over a breather foe Saturday, brushing aside little Southeastern Louisiana, 40-0. Notre Dame will be protecting one of the longest unbeaten streaks In modern football. The Irish haven't been licked, though they've experienced ties, since Great Lakes subdued them in 1945. Last Saturday the Irish, sparked by Emil Sitko, romped over Purdue, 35-12. Army's Black Knights turned In one of their greatest triumphs in stunning Michigan. 21-7. It was Michigan's first defeat in 26 games. Michigan's foe this week. Northwestern, bowed to Minneso ta. 21-T. Navy Tanker Chehalis Explodes, Killing Six PEARL HARBOR, Oct. 10-4.D The navy tanker Chehalis ex ploded and sank at dockside in Tutuila. Samoa. Fridav i t h a loss of six lives. Pacific Fleet headquarters announced. Three men were killed outright and three others are missing out of the crew of 75, the navv re ported. Names were withheld pending notification of relatives. The 2.020-ton ship had arrived at Tutuila. naval base in Amer ican Samoa, on Thursday with a load of aviation gasoline, lubri cating oil and diesel fuel. Its home, base was Pearl Harbor. Cause of the explosion was not known. Activities Of Douglas Students At Oregon State By ROD NEWLAND OSC Student CORVALL1S Ore., Oct. 10 Bill Brady of Rosehurg has won a spot on the cast of the all school play to be presented bv the Oregon State college drama department. The play will he held on Nov. 10. 11 and 12 in Benton hall, on the college cam pus. He has a lead part and should he all set for a successful career in Oregon Stale dramatics. For " ops Bob D. Feldkamp of Rosehurg was formally initiated Into Per shing Rifles, honor military unit, at the home of one of the assis tant professors. The neophytes were selected from last year's ROTC and have been undergoing informal Initiation since last Tuesdav. The formal initiation was climaxed with a walk around the campus. In a Rook team intrasquad tilt the Greens defeated the Orange squad, 24 to 6. Jack Mathis of Rosehurg was an outstanding factor in the Green's line play, starting' the left tackle position. Jack was the only Douglas coun ty player to get a starting nod in the contest. The Rooks meet the Oregon Frosh at Eugene on Oct. 14 for their first contest. The Frosh get their first tilt under their belt this weekend when they play the Portland university freshman. on Dralnboard See Phil Durnatn Linoleum Laying ond Venetian Blinds 920 S. Main 1336-J The twenty three freshman girls who are candidates for homecoming queen were inter viewed Wednesday with the five finalists to be announced o ie week before homecoming. Joyce Graham of Rosehurg is repie senting Alpha Gamma Delta sor ority. Jack Saling, a former Rose burg, resident. Is the assistant sports editor of the school paper, the Daily Barometer. The Sal Ings moved to Corvallis about three or four years ago. KEEP YOUR GAME FRESH ALL YEAR M4 with . C r jff's F'!i',oi, trV3. 'mj- Hon,e rsW free"r ; h r ' Enjoy out-of-season 'AlJ foods nought it low 4ssg w $32975 JfjP Ask obout LIX convenient terms J t j MIDAIR SEE THESE FEATURES New Design 8.4 cu. ft. eopocity Space for 290 pounds food Finger-Hp balance lid Two handy sliding baskets Quick-freeze shelf Interior light I Home Freezer Want your favorite foods all year 'round? Fresh fruits, garden-fresh vegetables in January? Prim meat, poultry any time? Then buy a Frigidaire Home Freezer I me wonderful freezer you'd expect from the makers of America's No. 1 Refrigerator. Powered by Famous METER-MISER Save money here, fool This compact cold-maker provides a flood of power on a mere trickle of current. And me sealed-in mechanism is protected against service expense for 5 years. UtMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE Gandhi's Peace Means Will Be Given Perusal SEATTLE, Oct. 10 (.TV For mer Congresswoman Jeanette Rankin of Montana has sailed fur India to study the non-violence creed of the late Mahatma Gand hi. The 69-year-old woman was the only member of Congress to vote against the declaration of war In 1917. She did it again In 1941. She Is accompanied on the trip by Miss Lola Keri of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. 10 Parolee Nabbed In Bank Robbery VANCOUVER. B. C. Oct. (. A fugitive parolee from Essondale mental hospital was In a jail cell here after two plucky accountants thwarted his attempt to rob the Imperial bank branch at Abbott and Hastings of $35. Police inspector George Mon ger identified the man as 3.vyear old Lloyd Dalqulst, committed to the hospital in April following a $1595 robbery of the Bank of Mon treal In Nanalmo, B. C. Dalqulst charged with that robbery but never stood trial. Bank employes said he simul ated a gun before teller Mrs. Phy llis Curran's w icket, and demand ed money. "I gave him $.5, and, at the same time, pressed my foot on the robbery alarm," said Mrs. Curran.. When the bandit left the bank, she said she screamed: "11 ve been robbed." Swift-moving accountants Ha rold Lawson and Bill Lloyd raced out and grabbed the robber on the sidewalk. They took him Into the bank and held him there un til police arrived. Employment In Douglas Steady In September Following the slight rise In em ployment in August, Douglas county totals indicated littl; change for the month of Septem ber. The number of persons ap plying for unemployment com pensation varied hut little from the previous month. The harvest of the prune crop was completed by the end of the month, but the walnut crop Is nearly ready for picking which should absorb the agricultural workers who have been released. Road and building construction will provide employment for a good number of workers in these fields unless the extremely ad verse weather conditions of last year prevail. Reports from var ious logging firms Indicate that there will be a cessation of activ ities in that Industry with the ad vent of the first rains. This will affect some of the smaller saw mills that have not been In a posi tion to accumulate stockpiles of logs. In review, the employment pic ture of one year ago was much better than that for the same Aged Woman Tee Old Te Drive So Takes Plane PORTLAND, Oct. 10 .T) A 103-year-old woman made her first long-distance flight Satur day. Mrs. Alice Franklin, who cele brated her 100th birthday bv go. ing aloft in a light plane, is (K ing to San Diego by United Air Lines this Afternoon. Hie 64-year-old daughter who will accompany her. Mrs. O. Shellabarger. explained that 'mother's getting too old to drive. The only way to get there is by air." They will visit Mrs. Shellabar ger's son, John Nicholas Shella barger. at 725 Pennsylvania Ave , San Diego. Mew.. Oct. 10, 1949 The News-Review, Rosebure, Ore. 7 Ciechoslovakia Over Churches To Take Nov. 1 PRAGUE. Czechoslovakia, Oct. 10. l.P) The Prague press says the state w ill take over control of all churches In Czechoslovakia on Nov. 1. under the communis government's church control bill. The newspaper Svobodne Slovn said the bill which has been bit terly opposed by the Roman Cath olics, becomes law that day. It applies to all denominations. News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Thone 100. More liquid needs to be used In making cakes and breads in dry climates than in making these same products where the air contains moisture, reports the Department of Agriculture. Walnuts Wanted to Dry After Oct. 10 BACON end BACON Curry Estate COMING SUNDAY 'Vl A? smsr. ylH PERSON! W FREDDIE SLACK Jl AND HIS ODCHISTIA Kennedy's Dutch Mill Sunday, Oct. 16 Dancing from 8 'til 12 Adm: 1.25 person plus tax period this year. Indications are that the coming winter months will be hard-pressed to keep !ie total employment figure from reaching the low point establish ed last year. I YOU CAN COMPLETE. HIGH SCHOOL Al Law ruauli-All SMti faralutS K CIiiui DIPLOMA AWARDED U Tei Af II Over Write ter Free Booklet AMERICAN SCHOOL Dept. RO 10-10, 1440 Broadway, Oakland 12, Calif. Nam , , ., , , , Ago Stmt AddrM City General Logging Supplies e) Skaokum Blocks Mall Power Saws 0 Lincoln Welders Coos King Donkey Wire Rope Disston Power Saws Lincoln Welding Rod Waco Wheel Arch Expert Sled Builder Available Anytime Splicing and Ferrule Work Expert Saw Mechanic PITCO of ROSEBURG, Ltd. v Phone 733 L 1819 N. Stephens Evenings Phone 1241-R Who gets most of our customer's dollar? L The ownerst No. Last year, Union Oil's stockholders sot 10 million dollars in dividends from the company's operations. Divided among 86,120 preferred and common stockholders, this amounted t an average of $278 per owner. 2. The employeesT Guess again. Union Oil's employees got 34.'i million dollars in salaries, wages and benefits out of the money the company took In. Divided amon our employees, this amounted to an average of 1,600 apiece. WW l-.y ... 'i 3. The tax collector? Right. Federal, State and other governmental agencies collected almost 47 million dollars from the money Union Oil Com pany took in during 1!U8 4 times as much as the owners got, 1,3 more than the employees got 4a In the last analysis. ..that money was yours, not ours. For gasoline taxea alone added 25 to 4rVJ to the price of Union Oil's 76 gasoline depending on the tax rate In the community where you bought it- Wiping out all the profits paid to Union Oil owners in dividends, on the other hand, would have lowered the price of our petroleum products only Mi per sailor). COMPANY OV CALIFORNIA iNCoaeoiATiD in eauroiNiA octosii ir tsto This scries, sponsored by tb people of Union Oil Company, is dedicated to discussion of how and trhy American business functions. We hops you'll feel fret to send in any suggestions or criticisms you hai to ojfer. Write: Ths resident. Union Oil Company. Union Oil Building, Los Angcks li, California. 120 W. Oak Phone 1211