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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1949)
3oswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Phytotherapy Cl'nlc Lady Attndants 1 Milt S. 01 Drain. Ore-nn WINDOWS DOORS FRAMES PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 New Hours Beginning Wednesday October 5 GRAND CAFE Will Remain Open 24 Hours a Day . . . r Trti5 J7Tt 1111 'WrWL 0 F WALLPAPERS, Wb lJi3 --Vc r2- Wi,e uyer' ,or ,h . JLllli39y silver label that says the SSSXWy wallpaper. JTJM Ao1? Ing and t, i-y tp. r a Imperial I . Guaranteed to with, exposure without fad- clean satisfactorily instructions art followed. v J Home Fubnishings PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME f lir ii J RED DEMONSTRATOR ARRESTED Surrounded by German police, a Communist demonstrator u arrested in the Western lone of Berlin during a "World Police Day- rally staged by the Communist. Many demonstrators were arrested when they tried to block police attempts to break up the meeting. Bride Of 6 Days Killed In Crash; Husband Injured MONTEREY, Calif., Oct 7 (.T) A Portland bride of six days was killed and her husband ser iously injured in a head-on high way collision near here yester day. Mrs. Carla Pakenham Collins. 22, died shortly after entering Monterev hospital. The husband, Charles Kevin Collins, 21, suffer ed two broken legs and multiple skull fractures. Police said he was "given a chance" to recover. The two were prominent In Portland college campuses. Mrs. Collins was student body vice president at Marylhurst college and was elected "Miss Mary lhurst" for 1949. She was grad uated last year. Collins was student body pre sident at the University of Port land last year. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Collins of Portland. They were married Saturday at Tacoma where the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Pa kenham, live. The State Highway patrol said a truck driven by Ralph C. Jua rez of Monterey apparently crossed the center line and crash ed into the Collins car. Juarez was uninjured. The crash was be ing investigated. Juarez was not cited. Everything for the duck, goose, or pheasant hunter, that's what you'll find at J. V. SPORT ING GOODS this week. This weather, the waterproof shell vests and hunting coats and runDcr ooots are necessary for comforta h 1 e hunting. Need a shot gun or shot gun shells? Look for them at J. V., too. And real-looking duck or foose decoys o r succoss fully luring your game within range. One of these A. S. R. Heritage lighter sets might make a dandy lure for dear-hunters, but we'd specially recommend it for a Christmas gift. ASHCRAFT'S have the three piece set, rhodium finished metal tray, cigarette server and lighter. It cannot tarnish, and it can be engraved. The lighter mechanism is precision built. The styling is traditional, a three-footed urn with wooden handles. The feet of the urns are felt-lined, to protect your lovely furniture from scratches. For a friend's living-room or friend husband's den, it's equally appropriate. And while we're talking about friend hus band, how long has it been since you met him downtown for lunch or after noon coffee? Make a date with him at the ICE CREAM. ERY, for a companionable chat and coffee, a coke, or hot chocolate with marshmallnws. You'll both enjoy the break In the monotony of everyday living. For your luncheon date, the Ice Creamery offers a variety of toasted sand wiches and milk shakes or malts, with sundaes, cake or pie ala mode for dessert. One of tht greatest labor saving devices of today is tomorrow. CLARK'S STUDIO has a special offer a fea ture tint vignette. With all background masked out. and just the eyes. skin, and lips tinted, these vignettes c usually $8.00) are only $2.50 Clark's are offering them to students, particu larly and we'd say a vignette portrait would be a welcome Christmas gift for your folks. You won't find many gifts for as little as $2.50. Clark's Studio is at 105 South Jackson. Phone 331 for an appointment. Here's vour chance to get a pair of Western Wear slacks from LUVERNE'S for only $4.95. They're laid out on a bargain table, so Just go In and look them over. In sizes from 10 to 20, tnev are made of rayon strutter cloth and gabardine. Checks and solid colors. Need a new blouse? And who doesn't need one from time to time? Luverne's have some lovely Peggy Martin blouses just in this week. A stunning w hite crepe wi'h cap sleeves and self buttons down the hack has Chinese scenes painted across the front In subtly Oriental colors. Tiny- gold, blue and red heads add sparkle to the motif. Another white blouse with round Jewelry neckline and short sleeves has dainty pintucks and white embroidery down the front This is a button-back style, too. Don't give up hope. Others art only too willing to do it for you. What do you know about angel food cake? You DON'T know how good an angel food cake can be until you've tried one from CLEO'S r , , QUALITY BAKERY, at v - ' . 314 North Jackson. Cleo -" s g -V J makes a custard angel J I . food cake that is moister s ! and richer than plain :. angel food. Buy them .'. ". j either frosted or unfrost- i ed. She has Boston cream - pies, too, in regular sizes for a family or individual ones with chocolate frosting along the sides. These individual Bos ton cream pies are sensational as desserts for special dinners. Cleo's bakes sponge cakes for special order, if that's your family's favorite. Give her a ring before 9:30 tomorrow morning, and have her save some of her goodies for you lo pick up while vou're shopping downtown. The number is 981-J. Here's another gift suggestion for the man of your heart clever beer mugs with old Eng lish coaches and carriages painted on the sides, new arrivals at JOSSE'S. There are matching pictures in shadow frames, too, for clever ar rangement over a bookcase. The coaches are in pairs, framed in antiqued light wood. Carriages are in six styles framed in ebony. Brass table lamps in Victorian styling are a complimentary item for his den or alongside his favorite arm chair. Just a corner of a living-room could be decorated for him with . these items. Get him a pair of the mugs for Christmas, and his "den" will be complete. A great craving of the human heart is for appreciation, LESTER'S GIFT SHOP has started their lav. away service for Christmas. Gifts they offer range from costume Jewelry for Mother and the girls, wooden and leather OW gut items lor Dad and the boys, to china, glass, and metal a c c e s sories for the home. One special toy for Junior that . vou'll have to r order now is a logging truck. It's running gears, trailer, and cab are made of 1 fl inch cast steel. It has a Par eight -whet trailer and real truck-type rubber tires. It's guaranteed to haul a 200-lb. load, and is one of the sturdiest toys you'll find. Don t wait until two weeks before Christmas to order one, or you may not have it in time to put it under the tree. lay- 5SK Away !jgA North American water fowl reached a peak in numbers in 1944, an estimated 125,000,000 birds. Boys Chosen To Attend Meet Of Explorer Scouts Fourteen boys were qualified for the first event of the sea son by Explorer Scout outfit 237 at a meeting last night in the industrial arts ctassroom ot the the Junior high school. They will attend the Oregon Trail coun cil explorer convention at Coos Bay, Oct. 8 and 9. Time for de parture was set at 10 a. m. Sat urday from the Junior high school. Under sponsorship of the Rose burg Kiwanis club, the boys will be transported to Coos Bay through courtesy of the Roseburg Lumber company for a weekend of fun and instruction from marksmen, ski Instructors, bask etball coaches, scout cooks and experts In other activities. Clim axing the event will be dancing with Coos Bay girls. Activities have been planned which will not he affected by weather conditions. Housing is expected In case of need througii the hospitality of the yacht cluo, armory, or community house of Mlngus park. Otherwise the scouts will provide their own tent age. Physical examinations were given the boys by Dr. B. R. Shoe maker and Dr. G. N. Land in fireparation for the year of scout ng. Applications were taken for membership in the local outfit, and names were given for insur ance purposes. For entertainment Leader Chuck Allen, Junior high instru Pritst's Wtfl-Equlpptd Car Bad For Violator CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 7 (.? A Catholic priest brought about the arrest of an East Bos ton motorist he accused of driv ing away after sideswiping his car. It was easy for the Rev. Tho mas J. Tierney who gave chase sounding the siren on his car while calling police over a two way radio. The priests's car was well equipped for such an emergency. You see, Father Tierney is cha plain for the Cambridge Fire department. Jams, jellies, and marmalades if thev are used moderately are perfectly appropriate for young children. Let them have a teaspoon or two of the pie serve at breakfast, and some times at lunch or supper if they want it. Frl. Oct. 7. 1949 Tht Ntwt-Rtvitw, Rostburt, Oft, t Btcjcjar Gtts Gtm FortuntBut Doesn't Know It CAIRO (.P) A ragged beggar who pleads for alms in the shad ow of the Pyramids had a fortune In stolen Jewels. But he didn't know It. Police for months had been hunting $80,000 in gems ta ken last summer from Mrs. Na has Pasha, wife ot the Wafdist Party leader. Finally they caught the thieves. After holding out until the police fed them a chicken dinner, they admitted they had given manv of the Jewels to a beggar named Bahluk. The Jewels were wrapped in a package and the beggar didn't know w het they were, thev said. He had been Instructed to hide them. 1 ' After questioning, Bahluk was released. "I Just never got around to looking inside that cloth," he admitted ruefully. HEADS FOR THEIR CHEST SEAT X.E, Oct. 7-.'P-Fresh. man pledges gave their heads for their chest yesterday. That is to say. they stuck their heads through holes in a large sheet and let University of Wash ington upperclassmen chuck fresh pies at them for 1 to $2 apiece. Proceeds go to the campus drive for the community chest. tor in Industrial arts, showed pic tures taken on trips with the Corvallls outfit of which he was formerly leader. They showed scenery along the Oregon coast and in the Cascades along the sky-line trail, revealing beauties of Oregon country among the snow-rapped mountains, lakes. torests. ana meaoows. rmtn sua and motion pictures were in color. The Kiwanis rlub was repre sented at the meeting by Dr. Shoemaker, Maurice Newiand and Earnest Pearson. Temporary leaders of crews were Larry Crawford and Jack Stone, ex plorer scout. "YOU BE THE JUDGE" Leaving State . . . Sacrifice this super structure of 5119 sq. ft. at less than $2.50 sq. ft. New W. Roseburg sub-div. view prop. r x .1W 5331 U A rare opportunity and buv of a life time. $12,500. $3,000 dn.. $100 per month or $11,500 with $6,800 dn., $50 per month 'nsnect at Box 89W Melrose Rte. 2' mL from town. Turn R at sign. mm h o $ ooo fTiTniTTiTl V 1 aaswr i atjassawsm watv st ft atT if x NOW FOR CHRISTMAS