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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1949)
2 Tho Newt-Roylew, Roseburg, Or.Frl. Oct. 7. 1949 Allies Gtrting Tough Toward Soviet Moves (Continued from Page One) Webb fssued a strongly-worded statement charging that Russia, having already reduced eastern Germany to "an oppressive po lice state," is now Irvine to set up a "dictatorial un-represonta-tive" government there. With eastern Berlin chosen as capital of this communist regime, an obvious western counter-move could be to establish west Berlin as the 12th state of the west Ger man republic which has its capi tal at Bonn. Such action also would serve, officials said, to "protect" the 2.000,000 western Berlin inhabi tants. Thes diplomats said France may be reluctant to go along; with this move, but they believe that eventually the French will agree. East German Republic It Ntw Russian Satellite BERLIN, Oct. 7. UT The East German republic Russia's fewest satellite was proclaimed today under the leadership of German communists. The German peoples' council, heretofore a pro-Soviet public for um without any legal powers, voted unanimously to become im mediately the lower house of the the "German democratic repub lic." The Germans now have two separate regimes the one for ,jne eastern part oi the country established today and the re recently formed west German government which has authority in the American, British and French occupation rones. . A president, premier and full cabinet for the east German re Jiubllc will be named next week. The new red regime was built up without the formality of elec tions in a week of intensive Soviet-fostered propaganda. Call for Fight Preceding the proclamation of (he new government the peoples' council unanimously adopted manifesto to all Germans which the communist central commit tee had drawn up. The manifesto calls for a fight agains the west German republic by a "national front," Including elements with a nazl past who promised to be democrats In the future. Both the east and west govern ments hope ultimately to be the government for all Germany, Informed Berllners said the Russians already have promised the Infant state full membership In the Cnmlnform Soviet-dominated political bloc. These sources said the alliance with other eastern European gov ernments will be economic as well as political. represent their regime as a gov ernment for all Germany, includ ing the 45,000.000 people and more highly developed' resources of the west. At present thev have some 18,000.000 eastern fcnn'e Ger mans and a largely agricultural area under their control. . MASS KILLER INSANE CAMDEN, N. J., Oct. 7 (.TV Psychiatrists todav found Cam den's mass killer Howard B. Un run Insane. Prosecutor Mitchell H. Cohen said he will he sent to an insane asylum without ever standing trial for the slaughter of 13 people on a Camden street on Sept. 6. SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 11U5-R 207 Rice St Fariss' Friday WHITE AND RED DUST . . Rubber Edge Reg. 39c Friday Night Only 50 FOOT GALVANIZED CLOTHES WIRE Reg. 59c- Limit one to i These are not the only buys tween S and 9 p. m. every other bargains during these Kluver Radio Servlct open Store No. 2 Neat to Welly's Phone 1371 R 1 Open Every Night Til I p.m. and 1 pTMp.m. on Frida I LOCAL NEWS At Hospital Mrs. Paul Gedde underwent a major operation at Mercy hospital this morning. Recant Visitor Platte Palmer of Grants Pas was a recent busi ness visitor In Roseburg. He is in the real estate business. To Eugens Mrs. H. O. Par geter, Mis. Jack Wharton, Mrs. Glenn Wimberly and JiIj. Edyth Gilmore motored to Eugene Thursday. Return South Mr. and Mrs. Read S. Havens have returned to their home In Glendale, Calif., after a brief visit In Roseburg with Mis. Haven's uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bushcy, and family. To Church Business and Pro fessional Women will attend the Episcopal church In a body Sun day, meeting at the church at 10:45 a. m. A breakfast at 9:15 will precede the church service at Hotel Umpqua for members. Former Resident Here Mrs. I Mayme Gedney, former Roseburg I resident, now of Eugene, Is vis liting In Roseburg for several days. Her son, Gordon, is work ' Ing here temporarily for the S. P. company. ' Visiting Mrs. Ella Lough left recently for Seattle for a visit with her daughter, Edna. From there she plans to go to La Grande for a stay of several months with another daughter, Mrs. Mildred Sherrill. Hall Representative Betty Nachter, daughter of Mrs. John A. Nachter, Melrose route, is YWCA house representative for Gamma hall, living organization on the University of Oregon campus, for the school year of 1949-50. Miss Nachter is a Junior major In history. To California Mrs. W. F. Pat tlson of Keasey road left Thurs day for Long Beach, Calif., where she was called by tho death of her brother, E. E. Nor ton. He was the uncle of Howard Pattlson of Roseburg and broth er of Ray Norton of . Myrtle Creek. Rally Month Green Sunday School, non-denominational, is ob serving rally month the remain ing four Sundays in October. Title of the coming Sunday is "Each One Bring One." Old and new friends are urged to attend the classes which are held at the Green schoolhouse five miles south of Roseburg on the old highway No. 99. Chosen to Sing Georcene Shanklln. daughter of Mrs. Paul R. Shanklln, Route 2, Roseburg, has been chosen to sing with the 19-19-50 University Singers. Each student was given a private au dition In trying out for the Sing ers, who present concerts throughout the stale In the spring, besides their local activities on the University of Oregon camp us. Miss Shanklln Is a junior ma jor in music. Local Visitor Nlles F. Simll ker of Los Angeles is visiting In Roseburg. He flew by plane, from California to Med ford, where he met his father, N.A. Sim llker, of Ashland and accom panied him to Roseburg. The former Is a brother of Mrs. Wal ter Dlller. They are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dlller and fam ily, Mrs. Harriet Similker and C. W. Parker, and other relatives, also friends. Folly TRIMMED ENAMEL PANS Limited Supply 9c 9c a customer that you will find here be Friday. Be sure to shop for hours. 'til 9 for your convenience. I n Rotary's Ideals Spreading, Club Told By Dist. Head How the Ideals of Paul Harris, founder of Rotary International, are spreading throughout the world was told at the Roseburg Rotary club luncheon Thursday by Charles R. Cooley, Grants Pass, district governor. Cooley said that Rotary Is now growing faster outside the Unit ed States than within. Since the end of the recent war, at least 14 Rotary clubs have been re established In Japan. There are 10,000 clubs and 330.000 Kot aria lis throughout the world, he said. The district governor described the eight-day school of instruc tion held at Lake Placid, N. V., earlier this year, where he met with 185 other district governors of Rotary International l learned further of the goals of the organization. Rotary, as a world fellowship of professional and business ex ecutives, is the "implementing of the Golden Rule," he pointed out. Cooley praised the Roseburg Rotary club for Its good standing in the organization. In addition to his speech at the luncheon, Cooley met with members at a club assembly Wednesday night. Welfare State Feared By Legion Commander (Continued from Page One) hundred percent behind a "grow ing social movement to take the terrors of helpless dependency out of old age. But," he added, "we do not believe that social security should be primarily and exclusively a government re sponsibility. "It is the able-bodied, free Am erican citizen's own responsibil ity to assure his economic secur ity through his own hard work, thrift and enterprise," Craig said. Yesterday AFL President Wil liam Green hailed House approv al of an expanded social security system, calling It "the outstand ing legislative victory for labor during the current session of Con gress." Fresh Bid Given CIO The AKL yesterday renewed Its standing offer to the CIO to unite into a single labor organization. Convention action suggesting amalgamation instructed AKL of ficials to "Initiate" and follow up all efforts to bring about a single U. S. labor organization. Frequent previous talks be tween the AFL and CIO failed to reach agreement on what Influ ence various unions would have In the new organization. The CIO may have an answer to the latest unification proposal at its national convention in Cleveland, Oct. 31. Agreement Reached To End Hawaii Strike (Continued from Page One) ILWU, and Dwlght Steele, em ployer representative, reached the agreement in an "off-the-re-cord" session. One of the first results of the settlement was an announcement Irom Matson Navigation Co., In San Francisco that its fleet would resume voyages immediately. Matson Is the biggest carrier be tween Hawaii and the mainland. lis fleet of 18 freighters and the Lurline, a luxury liner, have been tied up more than five month.!. The strike at Its height para lyzed Hawaii's economy. Band Parents Discuss Money-Raising Plans The Band Parents club met Tuesday night in the nandroom adjacent to the senior high school. Various money raising plans to assist In the purchase of uni forms and materials to make the uniforms more colorful were discussed. Director C. A. Rick etts discussed plans for shaping the band, which numbers more than .KM students down through the grades. Alter the meeting the mem bers adjourned to the high school cafeteria for light refreshments. Buy the finest Buy MERCURY Now you can buy on convenient terms Mercury Motor in 3Vi, 5, 7Vi. 10 H. P. (The 3!i ond Super 5 Have Full Reverie) Tl IV m i Get to spots quickly, easily and safely! Mercury deliver efficient performance AT ( ANY SPEED because vi ne tal moving engine parts W ftm day you UMPQUA VALLEY A Home-Owned ond 202 N. Jackson Press Service Lauded In Elks Lodge Program (Continued from Page One) try. In contrast to the people in nations which do not have the freedom right of Americans. He stated more people would prob ably exercise their privilege of writing letters to the editor, if they realized the value of that right. He further paid tribute to the newsboy of America. Service Commended The certificate he presented on behalf of the Elki to Mr. Knapp stated: Roseburg News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon. "While It may be true, as Em erson said: The silence that ac cepts merit as the most natural thing in the world, Is the highest applause', It Is our belief that by expressed sincere appreciation we gather to ourselves the excel lence demonstrated by others. "We, of the Roseburg, Oregon. Lodge No. 326. B. P. O. E.. during this week dedicated to the news papers of our nation, are pleased to applaud the News-Review for Its excellent leadership towards the preservation of the principles of freedom and democracy, which are the essence of Americanism. "Roseburg, Oregon, lodge No. 326. "Benevolent and Protective Or der of Elks. "Hal J. Ayotte. Exalted Ruler "Robert L. Helliwell, secre tary." Following the broadcast, a pro gram of band music and barber shop quartet selections entertain ed the lodge membership. The Roseburg Elki band play ed several selections, under the direction of Lem Bitner. Novelty selections by the two barber shop quartets, singing individual ly and as a combined group, were presented. Taking part were: "Four Roses" quartet: Lawrence Rand, tenor; Frank Good, lead: Jim Wolford, baritone, and Ernie Lenlz, bass. The "Chin Scrap ers" Included Emmett Meek, lead: Dick Meek, baritone; Jak Gorthy, tenor and Cliff Kinch, bass. The program, arranged by Chairman Ed Nolle, was presid ed over by Exalted Ruler Ayotte. Teachers To Assemble In Roseburg Next Week (Continued from Page One) oping Study Skills." The workshop will be a prelim inary to offering an extension class to teachers in Roseburg and one or two other central locali ties in the county, said Barne hurg. An educational course, "Improving Instruction In Read ing." will be offered, carrying three hours undergraduate cred it. The classes will be at night. On Friday, Oct. 14. will be the general county institute for all teachers, including elementary and high school teacher. Those who will appear on the program Include E. W. Warrington, head of Ihe department of philosophy and religion at Oregon State col lege; the Rev. Walter A. Mac Arthur. Roseburg, speaking on his recent trip to Europe. OEA Speakers Also Oue Representatives from the Ore gon Education association will in clude Miss Martha Shull, presi dent, speaking on "What Are We For?" and Howard Billings. OEA field representative, "Action in the Teaching Profession. Mrs. Margaret S. McGee, Rid dle, the county OEA chapter rep resentative to the national Edu cation association convention in Boston last summer, will report. Jerry S. Savler, executive sec retary of the Public Employes Retirement system, will explain to the teacher recent amend ment to the law. Lester A. Wil cox. Salem, assistant superin tendent of public Instruction, will discuss recent school legislation. Music will be provided by the Roseburg school band, under Charles A. Ricketts' direction, to gether with vocal selection from the chool choruses. Jack Flug. Reedsport. presi dent of the Douglas County Edu cational association, will preside at the morning session, and Paul Elliott, Roseburg superintendent, will preside in the afternoon. Hilts your trvsty hunting and fishing pall KICKHAtFN mncuny Super 5, Super 10 your favorite fishing and hunting ride on ball and roller bearings . . . gives you more fun, no fuss on the pick for pleasure. Operated Store Phono 73 Motorist Nabbed After Failing To Pay For Gas Driving away from a service station here yesterday morning without paying for a tankful of gasoline was the mistake which ended a two weeks' automobile tour for Eugene Duane Mclner ney of Seattle. State Police Sgt. Lyle H. Harrell reported. The youth was picked up at Drain by Vern Pouncey, city marshal, who had been warned to be on the w atch for the vehicle. Sgt. Harrell said the car had been stolen from a Seattle Chevrolet dealer. The youth told police, Sgt, Harrell said, that he had just been to California and Mexico in the automobile. The youth will be held for ei ther Seattle or federal authori ties, Sgt. Harrell said. West Roseburg Votes For Sanitary District (Continued from Page One) uncertain. Rowe said that the scheduling of an annexation elec tion Nov. 1 Is only "muddying up" the situation. A number of West Roseburg residents recen tly presented petition to the city council, seeking annexation to the city a a means of securing sanitary Improvements. The unofficial sanitary commit tee, headed by Rowe, recently retained James Howland, Corval lis, consulting engineer, to make a preliminary survey. Howland reported that financing of sewer age installations would be "fea sible.". Rowe said the next step will be to retain the engineer to make a detailed survey, in order to determine the amount of a ne cessary bond Issue to finance construction of sewerage lines. If West Roseburg residents vote Nov. 1 to annex themselves to the City of Roseburg. unof ficial opinion is that the new sa nitary district will continue in existence, but authority of the sanitary board over portions of the district within the city limits would be assumed by the city council. In yesterday' election, write In vote were cast for the follow. Ing persons as directors: N. D. Johnson, 3: John Pinkerton, 1, ana A. j. Ellison, l. Yankees, Dodgers Tied At End Of 6th Frame (Continued from Page One) with a fine 15-7 record. Stengel shuffled his lineup, with third baseman Bobby Brown and outfielder Gene Woodling making their first appearance. Catcher Yogi Berra and outfield er Cliff Mapes were back after missing yesterday's game. Carl Furlllo, Injured flychaser, was back in the Dodger lineup, along with Eddie Miksis, who replaced Spider Jorgensen at third. The starting lineups: New Vorki Brooklyn! Rizzuto, ss Reese, ss Henrlch, lb Miksis, 3h Berra, c Furlllo, rf PlMaggio. cf Robinson. 2b Brown, 3b Hodges, lb Woodling. If Olmo, If Mapes, rf Snider, cf Coleman, 2b Campanella, e Byrne, p Branca, p TWO "DRUNKS" JAILED Arnold Thlessen Jr.. Roseburg, and Roy Clinton Mlrlrk, Win ston, both pleaded guilty to drunk charges upon arraignment in municipal court Friday. Judge Ira B. Riddle reported. He com mitted both to 10 davs in the city jail In lieu of $20 fines. from THE OUTDOOR TITEX RAIN CLOTHES GUARANTEED RAINPROOF! These new lighter weight logger garments are sturdy but not heavy . . . gives you longer wear with less weight. 995 Coats HATS TO MATCH Long Black Rubber RAINCOATS Double shoulder, i length block rubber raincoats that give lots of protection. Sizes 36 to 42. 3" t4 it mmm Boys League Formed At Roseburg High School y A Boys league was organize! at Roseburg high school at a meeting of all the boys In the gymnasium Thursday. Vice-principal Owen Price, who has been advisor for Boys leagues in oth er schools, discussed how the league should be formed. Voting on candidates nominated for officers will take place today in all English classes. The candidates nominated In clude: President, George Pack ard, Bill McClarty, Frank Weber and Bill Van Horn; vice-President, Boh Sullivan. John Gaff ney, Tom Brady and Dale Blanck; secretary, Glenn Scofield, Don Parr, Laren Johnson and Bud Mathews; aergeant-at-arms, John Rauschert, Tommy Vance, Wayne Rietman and Bill Riley. Airline Ticket Office Loses $575 In Holdup PORTLAND, Oct. 7. LPV An airline ticket office was robbed of So75 last night by a holdup man who lay in ambush In a restroom until the place closed for the eve ning. John D. Ryan, traffic repre sentative of Northwest Airlines, locked the door last night and was counting the day' cash when an armed man approached. He demanded the cash, then skipped out the door. Phone 1541 for a FREE HEATING SURVEY Winter's cold weather will soon be here . . . will your heating system be adequate this year? It won't cost you o penny to find out . . . just call us for a free heating survey. We'll carefully examine your present heat ing system and give you an accurate pic ture of its condition. Some minor adjust ment might moke the different in more heat or greater fuel savings for you this yeor. Ask us about Montag's C0MF0RTFL0 heating system Heating and Sheet Metal Works 314 W. Cot Pants 1.95 Dry Ped SHOE GREASE Keep your boots soft ond waterproof with this well known shoe preparation. Small Large 50c 75c Store Fucf DRUNK DRIVING DENIED Duane Gerald Polk, arrested by city police on a drunk driving charge, entered a plea of "inno cence" upon his appearance in municipal court Friday, reported Judge Ira B. Riddle. He has been released upon posting of $200 bail. Time for a hearing will y. set later. - WRONG TYPE OF BULL READING, England. Oct 7 WP It' a tough situation. The mini-stry of food sent the Master Butchers association an old bull as part of Reading's weekly meat ration. The association sent it right back. "Too tough," a spokesman said. "This particular bull must have been five or six year old." He said the association wasn't taking that kind of bull from any body. So some Reading butcher shops are short of meat this week. GLASS For All Purposes Plote, Crystal, Window, Mirrors For estimates see the Coen Supply Company Everything Phone 121 Phone 1541 AutivUzed 'Dealer WEAR BLACK RUBBER RAIN CLOTHES Short coats and zipper front pants mode by Rain Fair, a leading maker. Lots of wear for a low price. HATS TO MATCH. Tttmqs Met? Like " 71 "3g3in The Weather U. S. Weather Bureau Office Roseburg. Oregon Fair this afternoon, tonight and Saturday afternoon, with local frost. Highest temp, for any Oct 9( Lowest temp, for any Oct 22 Highest temp, yesterday so Lowest temp, last 24 hra 41 Precipitation last 24 hrs .. .87 Precipitation since Oct. 1 .. 1 50 Precipitation since Sept. 1 .. 3.46 Excess since Sept. 1 1.76 Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 v Over Rexall Drug Store I For The Builder I Floed A Mill St. ST ftGH$ 7 4.98 each g orment .1.29 Dewatex SHOE DRESSING Eosy to apply, no fuss or bother. Really sheds the water , . . keeps your feet dry. 35c Tube