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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1949)
Ths Nws-Rtvlw, Reieburg, Ore. Wed., Sept. 21, 1949 Society and Gluid By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social items submitted by tele phone for the tocicty page must be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Friday at whuh lime the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. OFFICERS TRAINING CONFERENCE HELD HERE Twelve Home Kxlenslon units of Douglas county were repre sented at the officers training conference Tuesday at the Knights of Pythias hall In Rose burg. Mrs. Earl Ollivant, counlv committee chairman, railed the meeting to order. Mrs. Ray Doer ner accompanied the group sing ing. Mrs. Ollivant reported Interest ing events from the state council meeting, which she attended at Oregon State college in June. Mrs. Corlnne MoTaggart, county home demonstration agent, brief ly reviewed plans for the Azalea house, a cooperative house for girls at Oregon State college. Women In Home Extension units in Oregon are working to earn $15,000 towards building the house. More than $25,000 has al ready been earned. Representa tives from each Douglas county unit told how their group had supported this project. The group unanimously passed a resolution favoring the building of public rest rooms In Rose burg. Extension units have sup ported the building of rest rooms through petitions and delegations to the city council and plan to continue their support. County and unit officers were que ucoicu...east OC without dosing" VAPOROB Introduced. Officers' handbooks and year books were distributed. Discussion was held on ways to Improve meetings. County committee members were installed. Assisting Mrs. McTaggart with the program were: registration, Mrs. A. H. Monson; program. Mis. Earl Ol livant; decorations, Mrs. A. J. Slandley; music, Mrs. Ray Doer ner; hostess, Mrs. Jack Parrott; publicity, Mrs. Cecil Hartford. Women from Home Extension units present were Mrs. E. A. Sheppard, Mrs. H. L. Sheppard and Mrs. Violet Foreman of Aza lea; Peggie Chapman, Stella Moodle and Bertha f'arrott of Camas Valley; Mrs. Wade Wor thington, Lois DeWald and Dor othy Bryant of Days Creek; Ruth Casebeer and Mis. Taylor Mc Cord, of East Douglas; Sylvia Mariilox and Louise Ollivant of Looklngglass; Grace Fenn, Clara Herrman and Patricia Doernor of Melrose; Adda Ollivant, Mau reen Muetzel and Julia Breiten bucher of Olalla Tenmlle unit; Minnie Churchill and Opal Tay lor, of Rice Valley; Marion Day Ion, Thvra Ryder and Allie Simms of Riddle; Mrs. C. L. Spray, Mrs. C. W. Schmidt. Mrs. Walter Ulrich and Mrs. Adrian Slandley, of Riversdale; Mrs. A. II. Monson. Mrs. W. D. Palmer end Mrs. Floyd Spence. of Scotts bury; Mrs. O. P. Van Horn. Mrs. J. D. Davidson and Mrs. Eugene Ridenour of Winchester. Also at tending were Mrs. Ceorge Pow ers of Winston, who is interested In forming an extension unit near Winston; Mrs. Corlnne McTag gart, home extension agent; Wayne Mosher, agriculture, and Frank Von Borstal Jr., 411. The meeting was brought to a close by the group singing, "Sing Your Way Home. EVERGREEN GRANGE TO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT Evergreen Orange will meet Friday night at the hall. All members are urged to be present. INDOOR PICNIC It HELD BV CLASS The High School class of the Sutherlin Christian church plan ned a picnic and wiener roast Saturday at Fair Oaks, but be cause of rain, made it an indoor picnic at the church. The evening began with a pic nic supper on the church lawn and in each room. Games were played and to close the evening a devotional service was held, led by Mrs. Ada Abeene. Those present were: Katy and Jackie Kennedy, Janice and Den nis Parks, Harriet Scroggins, Margie Davey, Edna Mae and Marian Carter, Joan Lord, Vonda and Billy Priest, Joan Fennell, Tommy and Troy Fennell, Jack Pope, Odell Hethcock, John Bu chanan, Joan Lang. Mary Loa Iloagland. Joan Fisher, Frankie liolgate, Mr, and Mrs. Don West and the class teacher, Mrs. Ada Abeene. MR. AND MRS. THAMES HONORED AT PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baumgard tier entertained a farewell party honoring Mr. and Mrs. Boh Thames Tuesday evening. Au tumn flowers were used about the rooms and the table was cen tered with a lovely low arrange ment of flowers. Games and visiting were en joyed. Refreshment's were served to Mr. and Mrs. Thames, guests of honor; Mr. and Mrs. Lawer ance Longbrake, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whit ford, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Abeene, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ingbrake, Mrs. Ada Abeene, Mrs. Eflie Dickens, Mrs. Laura Webber, Mrs. Katie Gra ham and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Baumgardner. Mr. and Mrs. Thames left Fri day for Los Angeles, their for mer home, after making their home In this city fori he past year. V. A. HOSPITAL STAFF ENJOYS PICNIC SUNDAY About seventy-five members of the V. A. hospital staff and their families gathered at the Jo seph Toman home Sunday after noon for a delightful picnic, h pleasant social hour followed the picnic. STANLEY PARTY TO BE HELD FRDAY NIGHT A Stanley parly will be held Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Sands ill Elgarose. All friends are cordial ly invited to attend. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER HONORS MRS. T. COLLEY Mrs. Ted Taylor and Mrs. War ren Baker were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower honoring Elklon's newest bride, Mrs. Ted Colley, Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Colley. After opening the many beautiful gifts, refreshments were sei-ved to Mrs. Ted Colley, guest of honor; Mrs. Chester Swearingen, Mrs. Lloyd Dement, Mrs. L. M. Smith, Miss Dons Smith, Mrs. Henry Beckley, Mrs. rniinp BecKiey, Mrs. can (Jrims rud, Mrs. L. E. Price, Mrs. Rob ert Duncan, Mrs. Donald Mode, Mrs. Donald Billick. Mrs. Bob Cowbrough, Mrs. Norman Weath erly, Miss Bonnie McMlcklc, Mrs. Laurence Thomas, Mrs. Charles Henderer. Mrs. George J-avoy, Mrs. George Binder, Mi'j. Ray Nelson, Mrs. Sharon Colley and Airs. L,ene sneea. PENNY SUPPER TO BE EVENT OF FRIDAY NIGHT Tenmile Community clubhouse will be the scene of a six-thirty o'clock penny supper and old-fashioned dance Friday night, Sept 23. Women attending are asked to bring a covered dish, also a salad or dessert and table serv ice. Money taken in will be used to purchase oil heaters for the schoolroom. All residents of the community and friends are in vited. W. B. A. TO HOLD CARD PARTY ON THURSDAY The W.B.A. will hold a meet ing and card party at two o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Willmette Squire, corner of Brooklyn and Taylor streets in Cloverdale. Members are ask ed to bring guests. GLIDE GRANGE TO MEET AT POTLUCK SUPPER Glide Grange will meet at a seven o'clock pot luck supper Sa turday night. Sept. 24, at the hall. Members and friends are Invited and are asked to wear old clothes and bring a paint brush to assist in painting the woodwork of the hall. F. S. CLUB TO MEET AT MEISSNER HOME The F. S. rlub will meet next Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 27. at the home of Mrs. R. W. Meiss ner. 122 N. Parrott street. Re freshments will be served at the close of the meeting. All mem bers are most cordially invited to attend. I'll" mw"r. 1 a ' HOME PEMOHSTRATIOH All-New, Thrifty 1950 C0R0I.AD0 Vt" WASHERS Waskot B4g 8-9 IV load i Porcelain Double-Wall Tub , Now Sieam-Sealing Washer ttd Balloon Crepe Wringer Rods Ail new CORONAOO "Super" wilti better washing oction and thrifty low price! More rorough, snore gentle . . . many other fea tures for easier, better washing! 104 95 Only T4.93 Dow Bolivars This Fin Washer) Balance 2.50 per week payable monthly I I AOfTATOt A ACTION COHONAOO-S mrrlpte ctoamfea I soussc. i 'saps il wall rea s2sx tioit It J Arttmon WoMj f- -') Sofety bar IL. t vmm WMtar J ly rlo viator ASK ABOUT FREE HOME DEMONSTRATIONS Try ft Am CORONAOO Washer in your home see how clean it woshos at your dothesl offT CO lit) II II dT Automatic Washers E DIAL DOES IT... SET IT, FORGET IT! CLICK CUCK Washer Fills with Cerrert Amount o4 Hot Wash Water dean-Flex A 9 Ha tot Washes Clothes Bright as N.w Magic Spin Whirl Quickly Removes All Wash Water CLICK COCK Clothes Rinse ssoW FVel Hot Water Power Spray Clothes Rinse Again UneW Cool Water Power Spray Filter Float R inse Floe away from Clothes 269 95 ailft MaS' Spin Whirl Spins CU Your Clothes Damp Dry! Try fhe CORONADO Automatic In your own home on our free demonstration offer! See how the CORONADO thoroughly cleanses, rimes and damp dries a 9-10 lb. load of clothes dicking away washday toil with its automatic dial! And because yoe adapt the amount of water to suit individual loads you save precious hot water with CORONADO! only 2T.00 down Mm TW, Sh Statharl IiImii 1.90 pm mtik Hrrtll MalWv imsiiilfmiininilil I11 isl-J Stephens t Cass Phone 97 r b ' ""? '"4 ' -1 . r - : ' i . ' ' i ? . - ? i i 1 , --- -, S ' k- i ' : -:f i ' , J W- 1.7 - f . : ' ' ' : - - 5v - 1 y ' v. v I', 7. 4 I , ..,,.h,Mtf , ,- B, TUMixaww .r.'r. . 1111.1 ,ii iKiiiM ii .r'Vitl- j HALF MILLION DOLLARS or $474,000 to be exact, are rep. resented by the diamond pieces shown adorning these two Roieburg, ladies. Haiel Scott, top, wears the crown necklace, valued at more than $200,000. The brooch she is wearing, which includes two matched 3 I -carat diamonds, raises the total value of her diamond accessories to $432,000, including 20 percent federal tax. A mere $35,000 in jewels adorn Lorraine Crocker, above, the combined value of the pin and necklace. All of the pieces are being displayed by Lawson's Jewelers, publicizing the use of diamonds in connection with their Fall Opening display. (Picture by Master Phots Studio). of JXTv 1 Tomorrow! III 1 . I ill 65. i A Milkr'i wiJI remod el your present fur foat into a very tm;irt and luxurious fall coat tyle, clean it with the llollan dfrizind process, bring it richt up t the minute ail trie 9 little as $S 00. FU sure tn consult our etvrt furrier now whit nimrmr prices prevail. d. or U. V. TO MEET FRIDAY Florence Nightingale Tent No. 15, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet at seven thirtv o'clock Friday night at the K. of P. hall. The depart ment Inspector will pay her offi cial visit and guests from Eu gene will also he present. Those having birthdays In July, August and September will he honored at a potluck supper following the meeting. All members are urged to be present. LEGION AUXILIARY CHANGES MEETING On account of the fall opening September 21. the American le gion auxiliary has changed Its meeting to Thursday night, Sep tember 22, at eight o'clock at the Legion home, 118 S. Kane street, according to an announcement made by the president, Mrs. Rose Dauber. Refreshments will be served. Members and those eli gible to membership fcre invited. ELKTON EASTERN STAR HAS MEETING Elkton Eastern Star met Tues day evening at the I.O.O.F. hall for the first fall session. A fine attendance enjoyed the session. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beckley are worthy patron and worthy ma tron with Mr. and Mrs. William Binder, associate, patron and as sociate matron. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Compton served delicious refreshments la ter in the evening. INFORMAL HARVEST BALL TO BE HELD SATURDAY The Winchester Community club has cancelled its dance plan ned for Friday night and Instead will hold an informal harvest ball Saturday night. Sept. 24, at nine o'clock at the new clubhouse. Everyone in the community and their invited guests are asked to enjoy the affair. Pink Salmon Prices Settle At $17 Cast SEATTLE, Sept. 20 JPV-Pink salmon prices generally have set tled at $17 per case of tall cans, McOovern and McGovern, sal mon brokers, announced. The firm estimated pinks prob ably would be retailed for under 50 cents a can. The large pink salmon run 1.1 Alaska and Puget Sound waters was credited for the price drop. The wholesale price skidded downward from $19 a case two weeks ago. This year's red salmon pacK generally has sold from $26 to $26.50 a rase substantially the same as last year. If you come home from a pie. nic with leftover sandwiches w-ap them well in waxed paper or aluminum foil and store them in the refrigeralor. The next day they can be grilled in a little butter or margarine and served with a salad as a luncheon dish. Or they can be toasted under the broiler and served with a cream cheese or tomato sauce; choose the sauce that goes with the filling. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zo Newman 925 Cobb St. Phone 387-RX ' To test a pancacke griddle drop a few drops of cold water on it; if the water forms small bubbles that hiss and dance over the grid dle pour on the cakes. House, Commercial and Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service 17 Years Experience ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician 316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1095-L the most personal gift the most desired gift see our Pa, "trait hove your portrait taken NOW at biq savinqs for Christmas giving. A 4 I I A? 'ie pr'ce 1 For 0 limited time only Don't forget to bring the children erne Second Floor Miller's Dept. Store Studio For town or countrying . . . leisure living or careering . . . ou can't find better looking, better fitting casuals than these clover Carmelletes! Soft Block Suede AAAA to B $9.95 1 " L7l 7 Black, Brown, Green or Red Calf. AAAA to B j jjrT J Sizes 4 to 10 f yf $9.95 Shoe Department Main Floor