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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1949)
14 The Newt-Review, Retcburg, Or. Frl., Sept. , 1949 Jobholders Hit New Peak During August. Census Bureau Reveals In Survey WASHINGTON. Sept. 9. Ths number of Jobholders hit a 1949 peak of 59.947,000 In August, while the total of Idle worker! dropped more than 400,000, the census bureau said today. The bureau's report showed that unemployment dipped to 3,689,000. It had risen In July to 4, 095.000, the highest level since 1942. The report, eagerly awaited u a clue to Improving economic conditions, revealed a marked in crease In factory anl other non farm employment. Secretary of Commerce Saw yer saw In the figures "evidence of a levellng-off of the recent adjustment in our economy." lie added in a statement: "We are In a fundamentally sound condition for continuing our economic advance." Farm Work Aid The rist In non-farm employ ment amounted to 1,368,000. Ag ricultural employment, on the other hand, declined by a like amount as farming operations entered the normal midsummer slack period. The total Increase In civilian employed, therefore, was com paratively slight 227,000 work ers. The drop In the number of Jobk-ss was attributed by the bu reau partly to the fact that many Job hunting youngsters either found work or left the labor market. The rise In non-farm employ ment a particularly important clue to business conditions, was described by the agency as "one of the largest recorded for a single month in the past several years." "If," he said, "another major depression forces the overthrow of America's free enterprise sys tem, one of the principal reasons will he acute problems of human relations confronting industry." From the psychological point of view he said the great risk is failure of many managements to realize the workers' needs. These needs, he explained, are not only for food, shelter and clothing. They are also for pow er, piestlge and achievement The latter three, he said are too often overlooked. Psychology would take them Into account and make them part of free en terprise. Psychology would also adopt a new point of view In relations between management and work ers. This is a modified continu ation of the relation between par ents and children. An Industrial group would be a family In which everyone worked through the group for his own Interests. "There are managers," Dr. Mc Gregor explained, "who believe The Pike Thrill I Jftk W The Tost Thrill I fJ nuan ce : i 'Statism' Is Cry Of Republicans Against Demos WASHINGTON, Sept. 9.) Republicans are picking up the word "statism" as the party s un official battle-cry against the democrats' "fair deal" program. Some republicans want their party to make the fight agaimt "statism" or a social welfare state the basic Issue In all major elections. They charge that what President Truman calls his "fair deal" program Is leading the country toward greater and greater state control over every man, woman and child. Republican floor leader Wher ry of Nebraska .has asked GOP policy makers to take an official party stand on this Issue. "We've got to tight statism, the social welfare government, or whatever you wish to call It," Wherry told a reporter. "Govern ment economy and opposition to statism are two Issues every re publican can agree on." Other republicans agreed with Wherry. But democratic leaders hooted at the Idea that "statism" can be made a political campaign issue. President Truman In a speech last Monday called the cry of "statism" one of several "trumped up slogans" fostered by those who would frighten people in higher Income groups. Democratic leader Lucas of Il linois said: "It's Just another slo gan. The republicans originate a new one every campaign. Hut they can't win on a slogan. The people want something construc tive as we have given them." I Charges of "statism" general ly hurled as an epithet at the democratic administration Is creeping more and more Into pub lic speeches by prominent people. James F. Byrnes, former demo cratic secretary of state, first used the word last spring when he warned against the growing power of the federal government. Recently Gen. Dwight D. Eisen hower, now president of Colum bia University, lashed out against "statism" In a speech which some democrats thought sounded very much like republican political talk. And only yesterday Senator Dulles (R-NY) said the threat of statism will be the major issue in the New York senatorial cam paign this fall. Air Forct Ltcrvts Rhine In "Harvest" Maneuvers NEURNBERG. Cermany. Sept. 9. UP A first Infantry division combat team took off by air from Rhine main airport at Frankfurt today to help stem an "enemy" drive across the Danube river in southwest Germany, The 2,380 officers and men were bound for Fuerslenfeld Bruck field near Munich, In the first troop lift of Exercise Har vest, the U. S. joint field ma neuvers. First fighter planes flew cover over the 44 four-engined C54s and three C-47 transports as the de fending forces strove to offset a push of "aggressorland" armor across the Danube 40 miles north of Munich. ELK VISITS PORTLAND PORTLAND, Sept 9.-UP) An antlered elk walked into the city's northwest suburbs Wednes day morning, then disappeared into MacLeay park wooded areas. A search failed to find him. Yale Professor Advises To Stay Out Of China OREGON CITY, Sept. 9. (Jfr Dr. Kenneth Scott I atourette, Yale university professor, told a home town audience here he believes "our ability to show our form of democracy Is better" would offset Russia's efforts to communize the world. A writer on International top ics, Dr. Latourette doubted com munism could ultimately win in the orient He said he thought the wise course In China was to recognize the de facto govern ment and give no material aid or arms to either side. English City Brought Up To Date With New Flag EASTBOURNE, Eng., Sept. 9. iPi The U.S. navy brought the city fathers up o date on Ameri can history today. Men of the Destroyer Samuel B. Roberts gave Eastbourne a U. S. flag with 48 stars in It. The one hoisted over the town hall when the ship arrived last Saturday only had 45. It was made some time before the Admission of Oklahoma 11907). Arizona (1912), New Mex ico U912) to the union. Sonja Henie Will Take Second Husband Soon NEW YORK, Sept. 9. Sonja Henie, blonde skating star, and Winthrop Gardiner Jr., social ite and aviation executive, plan to be married a week from yester day. It will be the second marriage for Miss Henie, and the fourth for Gardiner. Miss Henie, whose skating skill won her a movie career, has re cently been promoting Ice shows. She captured the Olympic figure skating championship three times and held the world's figure skat ing championship for 10 succes sive years. Her marriage to Daniel Reld Topping, tin plate heir and owner of the New York Yankees, ended in divorce. Gardiner, head of the aviation department of the Industrial Tape Co., of New Brunswick. N. J., was chief test pilot of the U. S. Naval Air facility at Columbus, Ohio, while In the navy. Miss Henie is 36 years old. Gardiner is In his forties. The Romans spread the use of Iron through Europe. they can make people work by being fair but firm. This Is a compromise between the phil osophy of the whip and that of the bribe. "We have plenty of psycholog ical evidence that such a con ception Is unsound. If one ex pects to continue a relationship with people, it is not worth while to try to make them do anything. Apathy or hostility are virtually .Inevitable consequences of the manager who seeks to make people do his bidding." Dr. McGregor said the pro duction of goods and services has to be directly linked in the workers' minds with fulfillment of their own personal needs. As examples, he said some managements nave doubled and tripled production by a system In which everyone gets a share. ass Ml fcy SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH Remarkable Chopped Peaches & Pears No. V Cons 23c Triangle ROLLED WHEAT 9-lb. Sacks 73c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Nice Slicing CUCUMBERS . ea. 5c Danish SQUASH. . lb. 5c Bart left PEARS . box 98c LOCAL LUG TOMATOES . 89c MELO-MAID OR UMPQUA BUTTER - 69c SINCLAIR DEVILED MEAT 15c DENNISON'S CATSUP 25c WALDORF TISSUE ' 29c KERR LIDS 10c jsP TOMATOES 19c Fru'ft'saiad Cottage Cheese n- 29c QUALITY MEATS CHOICE BEEF ROASTS 49c TENDER ROUND STEAK " 79c LEAN PORK ROASTS 45c VEAL ROASTS 45c FOR SALE 16" Slabwood Sawdust Plantr Endi Johnson Fuel Co. PHONE 346-JX-S LOOK ;S?S SIGN FAINTING 1N3 nrcccATiNO AMEBSCA IT IS YOUR PROTECTION Fully Guarantc -S Reliable Quality Work . At No Added Cost Roseburg Chapter P.D.C.A. Phone 208 3 NO BACK BREAKING WHEN YOU USE THE I. E. L. TWIN IN THE WOODS The t E. L. Twin Power Saw weighs only 45 lbs. (without attachments) and thus is so much easier to handle in the woods than any other power saw on the market. Easily attached attachments change this lightweight saw from one man to two man operation In Just a few seconds. The cutting bar has a full 360. 8 place swivel head and a 5 foot cutting capacity run by the powerful twin cylinder multi-port engine. This powerful motor is fully automatic au tomatic rewind starter, automatic cller, automatic clutch rotary inlet valve. This truly is the last word is power saws. Don't delay, see one of these new saws today at . . . P ACIFIC CHAIN SAW CO. Hlway 99 North Phone 1152J Why Rush Protection? We IE know, from experience. that there's reason to rush . . . there s no time to spare! Fire, lightning, wind, hail, explosion or some other peril may be heading your way right now. And, if you're caught without proper insur ance, you con lose plenty! Don't delay. See us for the insurance protection you need NOW. R. O. YOUNG Phone 417 205 W. Cost St. ' Roseburg Umpqua Valley Appliance li ' II Thrill at Malar-Miser Precision its porti or mad to sieaiuramants 1, 40th the thickness of a human hair. 8Kf See Lifetime Porcelain- scuffed, painted, scraped, greased and stiH retofci in lift-time beauty. KM I Z . ZS& NOW SHOWING AT uzrHJs&?- J. ' frf The Greatest il f . ! V r: I I "Proof Show" we've JSX f TWi ''1 Saa?'v(V7 ever hadl No loose ' - ""J tfvSSlZi Claim! No lOOSe lng"-ond how water "V" fi X &Pf$i . i freezes instantly proof of tjEfrftfrsJ Swjftftl' talk! JUSt plaifl, FrigidairVi faster freezing. CJ straightforward proof - . I iSiyrn RJjjtrStav before your eyes of Jj in ' 1 ' 1 I ) rj' I Frigidaire's extra Y)tiA, ! 0 JKJ valuel See U todayl sifyC ' t I jsfr 1 loam about SturdyCo i i 1 i.JBt struct ion a Frigidairo 1- i ! I OssiJ piece all-steel cabinet wrtl '"""""'' 11 1 ' m 3sM sTw support the weight of lift over 100 lbs. with on finger proof there's no tugging, no prying ' Frigidaire Quidcubo Trays. Nearly cu. ft. ond just look at all these features) 1 -piece porcelain interior, full wKhh, roller-bearing, glass-topped Hydrator, big Super-Freeier, rust-resist ant shelves, famous Meter-Miser mech anism with 5-Yeor Protection Plan. Qukkube Ice Trays, new, usable flat top, tall bottle space. Meal Tender. FRIGIDAIRE Dl-toB Model. 8-910 e. ft. sit. New "Iceberg ke" inte rior trim, full-width Super-Freezer Chest, hit-width Hydrotor, Basket Drowr, Ouickube k Troys, rust rsistont shhs, porcelain interior. FRIGIDAIRE Cold-Wall Imperial Mdl 11-100. 10 cu. ft. six. Sepa rate locker-Tap keeps up to 70 lbs. food safe-frozen for months. Cold-WoH comportment keeps foods moist-fresh without covers. Abo 8 cu. ft. six. UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE 120 Wt Oak Phone 1211