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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1949)
12 Tht Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore .Wed., Sept. 7, 1949 1 SutheHill ChuTCh Installs Pastor Long List Of Prize Awards Are Listed For Flower Show Held Recently At Sutherlin By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK ' Correspondent The annual flower show Riven by the Associated Business Wom en'! club was held Saturday, Aug. 27, at the school gym. The large hall was decorated with a lattice fence, separating the dis play of flowers from that of hob bies and antiques. The array of flowers was beau tifully arranged and the entire space was filled. To enter one went through a gate Into a gar den of flowers arranged Into their several classes. The attendance for the day was very good In spite of the hot and humid weather. All en tries were choice and the judg ing was done by an efficient com mittee from Cottage Grove. The program given during the afternoon hours was enjoyed by a large group and was proclaim ed "as one of the best. Special features this year were hats made entirely of flowers, and modeled bv Mrs. Connie Smith, Mrs. Lochie Thompson and little Miss Linda uuck. Dinner table setting was ar ranged by Mrs. Florence 'Grosh-ong. IKLW Judges for flowers were: Mrs. J. F. Goddard, Mrs. Andrew Bur red and Mrs. Ralph Sears of Cot tage Grove. Mrs. Olga Blelman, committee chairman, said that 181 flower entries and 69 hobby entries were entered and that 429 visitors signed the register during the day. Those winning prlws according to the classes were: Annuals asters: Mrs. Olga Blelman, Mrs. Robert Foster; pe tunias, Mrs. Ora Irwin, Mrs. Olga Blelman; marigolds, Mrs. Nor man Aaby, Mrs. D. B. Kesner; stocks, Mrs. C. H. Leas, Mrs. Norman Aaby; any variety not listed elsewhere, Mrs. Warren Freeman, Mrs. Norman Aaby. Perennials chrysanthemums, Mrs. Ora Irwin, Mrs. Juanita Holgate: carnations, Mrs. Nor man Aaby, Mrs. Ora Irwin; snap dragons, Mrs. Lois Kiemenscnnei der, Mrs. Olga Blelman; hydran gea, Mrs. Cynthia Magill; any variety not listed elsewnere, Mrs. E. R. Keith, Mrs. Trlxle Lang. Roses Mrs. Florence Cook, Mrs. Charles Enyart. Gladiolus Mrs. E. R. Keith, Mrs. I). B. Kesner. Dahlias Mrs. Norman Aaby, 1st and 2nd. Decorative arrangements Mrs. Olga Blelman, Mrs. Cynthia Ma gill; table arrangements, Mrs. Helen Carter, Mrs. Olga Blel man; miniature arrangements, Gary Vaale, Mrs. Juanita Atter bury. Potted plants flowering plants, Mrs. Leona Slack, Mrs. Robert Foster; foliage plants, Mrs. Doris Steinbach, Mrs. Virginia Stacy. Special display millinery, Mrs. Betty Stamp, Mrs. Trixie Lang; Junior hats, Mrs. Helen Carter, Mrs. Erma Buck. Tuberous begonias Mrs. Price, Mrs. Mary Barker. Llllies Mrs. Harry West, H. D. West. Artistic baskets Mrs. Florence Groshong, Mrs. Essie Jones. Corsage Mrs. Howard Magill. Mixed flowers Mrs. P. D. Turner, Mrs. Archie Boggs. Hobby division China, Mrs. Trlxle Lang, Mrs. Isabelle Card. Animal division Mrs. Isabelle Card. Antique division Mrs. Chris tine Mlcelll, Mrs. Lois Riemen- schnelder. . Miscellaneous division Mrs. Beaulah Aldropp, Mrs. Ha Allen. Kock and metal division Mrs. Isabelle Card, Mrs. Ora Irwin. High school division Richard Dubell. Hand work rugs. Mrs. Laura Anderson, Mrs. F. J. Nelson: quilts, Mrs. Ora Irwin, Mrs. Es sie Jones; fancy work, Mrs. Es- tner Montgomery. Mrs. Norman Aany. fcpeclal division boys: bird houses, Charles Enyart; girls: dressed dolls, Ardena Hague, Jo an Hatcner. Special division Mexican dis play, Mrs. Mtillins. Mrs. J. w. t'rice was tne sweep stakes winner, with her display of tuberous begonias. ine door prize was won bv Mrs. Steve Dubas. Commercial displays were en tered by Holgates, agent for Workman florists, Cottage Grove; Mrs. Beulah Aldropp, Peter Adams Bulbs; garden furniture display by O. L. Torrey & Co.; music, courtesy of Hansen Radio and Electric shop. At an impressive installation service Sunuay, Sept. 4, Rev. Richard .. lirael, ol nocnesier, N. Y.. was Inducted Into the pas torate ol St. John's Lutheran church in Sutherlin. Kev. W. A. Sylwester, pastor oi St. Pauls Lutheran cnurcn, itoseourg, preached the installa tion sermon, the topic being "ine Apostles Lxhorlalion to a mus tian Congregation and its Pas tor." He also read the rite of in stallation and was assisted by Rev. Richard H. Gross, Cottage Grove, Rev. Carl tggers, Gram Pass, and Prof. t. Sylwester, Portland, in installing Rev. Graef as pastor of bl. John s. A ioint choir, consisting tf members of St. Paul's anu St John's Lutheran churches, sang the anthem, "Lead Me, Lord, by Wesley-Nevln. Miss Marilyn Dies sang "The Lord's Prayer, ' by Malolie. Miss Dies served as the organ ist for the service while Mrs. L. Wilson served as accompanist. The hall was decorated with greenery and lall flowers. Following the service an infor mal reception was held honoring the newly installed pastor anu Mrs. Gruel. Over 125 members and friends were present for the service and reception. Until the chapel is built, for the erection of whicn a loan has been granted by the Northwest Dis trict of the Lutheran church- Missouri Synod, the congregation will conduct its services, Sunday school, and Bible class in the Sutherlin Scout hall, with the Sunday school beginning at 9:30 a.m., the service at 10:30 a.m. The congregation has leased a house on Everett street in Suth erlin, one-half block east of the city park, to serve as a parsonage. graded In preparation for the work. Freeman it also the owner of the new and popular Red Barn, unique eating place on the North Umpqua. FOR SALE 16" Slabwood 8awdust Planer Ends Johnson Fuel Co. PHONE 366-JX-5 for that tAILUON ftAVOQ... Four years of planning,'mi. taking research .,. a milUon-dol. lar plant-expansion program.,, have gone into producing that MILLION. DOLLAR FLA. VOR tveryone'i talking about! Try LUCKY LAGER today-. you'll like its rich, mellow, thirit-qutnching goodness made possible by slow Age. Mellowing. SOW try LUCKY LAGER you'll never be satis fied with any other beer I ft Glide By ELIZABETH ORR The Rollln Moore family, Eugene, are Glide visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Moore, Glide postmaster and own ers of the general store. The lat ter family has Just returned from a week's vacation at Fort Rock, where they visited relatives of Mr. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Messing, Glide, are home from a three-day trip to Oregon coast towns. (jene bhrum has completed construction of a modern apart ment at his home in Glide. The apartment, now ready for occu pancy was constructed primarily jo accommodate teachers and will he tenanted this year by Lenore Lrf-visKy, nume economics teacher at Viiute. Future construction at the freeman cottages is being planned lor next year. A large " . ims nipn tii I innnn it tin Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist -Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store Convenient terms, Liberal trade-ins CONN . BUESCHER OLDS Hand Instruments Exclusively Yours At MUSIC SHOP Everything tn Music 305 N. Jackson Phone 908 Distributed by Western Distributing Company Burke & Short St. Phone 1294-L Roseburg, Oregon A NOW 15 TNI TIMI TO 0RDIR YOUR Hext Wbttrs Futl 14" Gren Slabwood NantrErvU PROMPT DIUVKY, Wl ALM HAVt, Sawdust 4' Slabwood 16" M,ll Ends 14" Dry al ;-j ROSEBURG LUMBER (0. Zip-Lked Co COMPARE WITH COATS AT '35 AND MORE .. . EVERYDAY IN OUR STOCK AT 29.98 BUY NOW! SAVE 3.98 Warm all-wool coverts and tweeds Wind-bucking all-wool zip-linings Styles to wear with or without belts Rich Winter colors. Misses' sizes Just in time to beat Winter's cold winds. Just In time to bring you important savings, Wards lower the already low price of super-warm zip-lined coats. See their smooth tailoring, fine details and flattering new styles, but hurry in today and get your coat while this special lasts. v Mi if ' I r " 5 ;'- w -vf ( U'l'A ftl) SALE! NEW FALL RAYON DRESSES LAST YEAR, 5.98 SO INEXPENSIVE, YET SO SMART . . . WING STEP CASUALS! 98 Copies of much higher priced dresses Many are proven style hits for Fall Rayon crepes, frostpoints, taffetas" One-piece styles, two-piece styles Solids, prints, duco-dots, novelties Sizes for juniors, misses, half-sizes Every smart woman shquld have af least ons pair of thesel They're perfect for so many different activities ; : ; because they blend high fashion with slipper-like . comfort. And they cost so ve7 link! In soft, black suede or smooth brown leather. Sizes from 4 to 9. Y