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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1949)
Tha Newi-Rai-iew, Roitburj. Of . Thyr., Aug. 25, 194 6 T'i J , 4 fJ. - - f J - 1 1 R till" 'it i i!5a 4s COMMUNITY EFFORT it rail- IPaV'MLcVTf 9 44 by 90 f rue.ur. ttXy-iMIS'l A IIHlt ov.r two .go. fiVVl VV-fldliXA hi, P.ricul., plot of ground ;PpMf! M onlv .n .e.ll.n vi.w to hJTfrl f.V.J 'Hll Wi bo..tof. In . f.w mor. w..k. f tu'1 'rM--jS 4 - 1 ir boarding in tno it - ; th front roomt S" ' ieturo wo taken. i Community club, tlatad to opan Sept. I. The top picture thowi only part of th volunteer crew which turned out Sunday to ruih completion of the build ing. Iho group completed tne tides and were ceiling over when thu p The center photo ihowi a cloie up of the ceiling trun assembly line working with materials do nated by local businessmen. From left to right they are Roy Benson, George Bissonnette, Al lan McLennan and Bill Shall. The lower picture proves that "everyone gets Into the act." Lorraine Fisher, age 6, and 4-year-old Michael Dennis Atwell are busily engaged in building a house of their own, completely disregarding the activity around them. Entire families turned out on weekends with the wom en providing a picnic-potluck dinner while the men and chil dren worked up an appetite. When completed, the building will include a complete kitchen, "Coke" and snack bars, and a large hardwood dance floor which will also be used as a skating area for the children. As one group of workers put it, "This is going to be a regular community center." (Staff pictures.! Gtn. Mark W. Clark New Heads Army Field Forces WASHINGTON. Aug. Gen. Mark W. Clark, one of the top gpnorals In the last war, is the new chief of army field forces. Army Secretary Gray announc ed today that Clark, now sixth army commander at San Fran cisco, Calif., will succeed Gen. Jacob Devers who is retiring In September after 44 years on ac tive duty. Lt. (Jen. Albert C. Wed.-meyer, now deputy chief of staff for plans and operations, is colng to California to take over the sixth army. It Is estimated that the billion bluefishes In the north Atlantic destroy 10 billion other fishes ev ery day. Y-f- U '.cay j3 .4 ' ;'r5i I "V-in L . , ,- ::?...,. lM 2 III- nufcsFi I a Medical Building At Sutherlin Is Open For Service Saturday wns the opening of the new medical building in Sutherlin. It Is of modern con struction, built at an approxi mate cost of $30,000 by Dr. J. J. Graoow. The glass-tiled and plate glass fronted building houses a com plete medical center, dental clinic, beauty parlor and a mod ern drug store. The west side of the building Is occupied by lr. Grabow and Or. Kailiis. There Is a reception room, with two consulting offices, sur gical office, X-ray and dark room, pathologist department, examin ing room, and an emergency hos pital bedroom. At the rear of the corridor Is the beauty shop, owned by Mrs. Ora Ii-wln. This Is divided Into sections and boasts of the most modern eaulpment. The dental clinic Is located at the rear and is operated by Dr. Clifford Heln and is composed of a reception room, office, two treatment rooms, workshop and storage room. In the east front will be located the ding store, which will he oMrated by Drgglst Kred Waugh, who recently moved here from tugene. . The building Is equipped with Indirect lighting, highly polished iniaia nooring. i'astel snaocu walls of chartreuse, off white, and powder blue enhance the overall modernistic effect. Spinach was grown In south west Asia before Christian times. Registered Willamette Val ley red Romneya from lm ported rams. Choice seleo- tions now available. OAKMEAD FARM Newberg, Oregon a HEY, FELLERS" Need Expert Chain Saw Service for Any Type Chain Saw? If you are looking for a really competent chain service shop, see AL OLDS at 531 S. Stephens St. AL WILL: Repair, Recondition, Refile your chain regardless of condition and do the job right. REASONABLE RATES rAST SERVICI Yoncalla Dates Pre-School Clinic, Announces Faculties' Personnel MRS. GEORGE EDES ( Corrpondnt! Free clinic lor pre-tchool children in Yoncalla School district No. 32 will be conducted by the Douglas County Health department at 9:30 a. m., Aug. 25. All entering first grade pupllt this fall must be examined and present their health certificates when school opens Sept. 6. Children must be accompanied by their parent! at the neann clinic. Since these examinations are only for children of the Yon calla district, residents of nearby school districts are aavisra to con tact their school clerks regarding examinations In their respective districts. The clinic at the Yoncalla grade Terminal Island At Long Beach Is Sinking WASHINGTON. Aug. 25. 0") 'Man-made Terminal island at Long Beach, Calif., is slowly sink ing into the Pacific. .ohnnl 1 helne SDOnsored by the This was nrougnt out tooay as Parfn't-Teane? SdSter ? and the reason for 'he navy's pro paid or out of school district ! gosal to ahut down the Long Fund,. The same day . clinic will I f-J'JZ.. S.r?U:S CcX Union I Under Secretary of Nav Kim. High school. Parent, must ac , V. he Penta- company their cn loren to . .ne !-", f."" de Sll. of the cut back. He said the island has been by Union High School district .No. . . Dr. Lvdia Emerv will be exam ining doctor. She will be assisted by a nurse from the Douglas County Health department office. School Faculties Announced Yoncalla erade and hieh schools will open their doors for the fall term, sept, b, witn a iun corps oi teachers. In the high school, LeRoy Han son will resume his position as principal, with Mrs. oetta violet Smith Thompson as commercial teacher; Phillip Smith of Port land, sciences; Kirnara Mran oi Corvallis, industrial arts, and boys' coach; Miss Edith Osgood, formerly of Washington state, English, and Mrs. Patricia Ecker sley, Corvallis, home economics and physical education. In the grade school, Al Hoff man, who has taught in Yoncalla grade school for a number of years, will again be principal, and will teach on the department plan, assisted by Mrs. Ruby Thomas. Mrs. Pauline Latham of Yon calla will teach seventh and eighth grades; Mrs. Edith Bowman of Elkton. sixth grade: Mrs. Louisa Caine of Yoncalla, fifth grade; Mrs. Gertrude Stoute, Yoncalla, fourth grade; Mrs. Martha Hoff man and Mrs. Ruth Creason of Yoncalla. third grade; Mrs. Byrene Huckins of Drain, second grade, and Mrs. Sallie Farley of Drain, first grade. Mrs. Hazel Latham has been hired again as cook for the lunch program, and will begin opera tion with the opening of school. She will be assisted by Joan Latham. sinking from 10 to 15 inches a year. World War Two Yet May Be Next Head Of Legion PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 25. (JP) A veteran of world war II may be named national comman der of the American legion at the organization's 31st annual con vention here next week. Four of the six candidates for the post are world war II vet eran. Three opened campaign offices yesterday for the election to take place Sept. 1. A legion spokesman said na tional chieftains are ready to transfer the command to 32-year-old James F. Green, of Omaha, Neb. Green was defeated lor na tional commander a year ago by Perry Brown, Beaumont, Tex. Green's principal opponents are expected to be George M. Craig, Brazil, Ind., lawyer, and Erie Cocke Jr., 28-year-old comman der of the department of Georgia. Donald B. Wilson, partner in Defense Secretary Louis John son's law office. Is the fourth world war II veteran with his hat Jail Prisoner Fails To Burn His Way To Freedom drunk and disorderly, decided to ion the drunk "isoioeny arunK ana aiwiuruj, ucvi- fhipf bum down tne jau door ana F - , ' y hand, said &hes.wenbox- bit informal in tne one-1 io uiw UJ, broke it Into are a room frame Jail ruuin name jail uiwr u kindling and set lt afire agairst .Winchester Farewell the wooden door. The kindline burned and so did For Fall family WOTBO the roof. The door didn't. I pe social and farewell dance, A passer by in this western non0ring Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fall Oregon town of 400 turned in the iand jamjy wni be held Friday, alarm. AuB. 26, at 8:30 p.m. at the Win- Fire Chief Fred Bryant turned ch(ter community club house, the hose on Police Chief Howard Each ,ady js as(ed to bring a pie Jordan and kept him wet down j and tae service for her family, while he unlocked the door. Coffee will be furnished by the Oaklev. who had ipUined . .,. .j k. Mr. and Mrs. water from a cell bucket on him- EuEcne Ridenour and Mr. and self when the fire backfired, rh.riev Johnson. Everyone came out under his own power. Today he's In the sturdier Linn in the Legion ring. He Is from Clarksburg. W. Va. The world war I candidates are Mrs. Charley Johnson. Everyone in the neighborhood is invited to attend. The fierce Abipone Indians of the Gran Chaco region. Latin inurin hecame extinct botri inf WUIW war 1 Wliujuaira iv ..i. j . rwU Arthur J. Connell, legion national because of battles and a pec committeeman from Connected, liar custom of killing all but tw and James F. Daniel. Greenville, children of each family, sajf tne S. c. I Encyclopedia Americana. tfEytopsf can you &tr THE WN& Of F THIS PUZZLE? ' 1 60T IT IN My BOX Of KUSKfTS J REApy TO EAT Cf REAL tfyis.' can you &et j r l . 'W'jUSTN W CHILDREN ARE 6tTTINrei, WHAT I )( ""' A COLUCTION 0fr ween tm J ) "USKtTS TOIES Atrt IPSl vVsor cap J iju T"Ey wr-y KIDS SWAP DUPLICATE PRIZES I M 7T,i 1 don't TORaf t THEe?yif7X MOM, THIS 15 tuc i &r aav' C 5J1 don't know what V "tM m t""" wouip hawen if i lrVAirrs Kutms J" mm-r m m v caoeat hu ui, iaimi i tu lt syii b imii r m nim.n i ftfTSOMEToHeACHy' Cil 7 10THE floX... SURE 6ET K(lR I 1 At lit MAM tnuE V 1 I i I ill ll i W I i1 ,IAiiv4tVl .jrirru M I CAN 6ET ANOTHFRr rfZZV r (, jmjrfs A J Of THOSE SmT-RiZtsfT 4 vfkii 'firJL WISE MOTHERS ALWAYS BUY KUSKtTS All this. ..and a prize too. Can't you imagine how good Ruikerf taste with tlrawberriet, sugar and rich milk or cream? THERE'S HEALTH & FUN IN RWSIflTS NO MONEY OR COUPONS TO SEND IN Everyone loves 'the hearty, whole wheat flavor of Ruskefs. They're always freth tail ing because they're made In the Weil, Nutritlousl Deliciousl A prize In vary bqxl GET HUSKITS TODAY CSB3JB Tuns In Hf NDY I TArlO. ABC Nlwwk. tvy MonJor wnriltH) i! i Saw Chain Service Co. ...... It's the new Buick new in size, new You take a look and your fingers itch to get hold of its waiting wheel. You cast an eye over its gleaming new bumper-guard grille, its tapering fenders, its jet-plane lines and know that this is what others have been groping for. ou slip inside. Twelve inches added to rear-seat cushions emphasize the biggest interiors you can buy for the money. A broad, curving windshield set in narrower corner posts means a better view any way you look. Now touch the throttle. Not just high compression power, but high-rsnr Fireball power, to get the most from today's fuels today! You finger the controls not just standard transmission alone, but the Special - new in line, in price and value! magic smoothness of Dynaflow Drive at your option. Try it in traffic and less length bumper-to-bumper makes it a dream to park or handle. Try it on the road, and seats placed ahead of the rear axle add even more comfort to that unequaled Buick ride. So you say, "How much?" maybe bracing yourself mentally. 0;ruw rr rati Then you learn that price is part of the good news too! Figures fit the modest budget as this handy-dandy fits the modest garage and you get room, 'power, ride, and the smartest look on wheels at the lowest price you'll find on any valve-in-head eight! So you size it all up with a happy "Buick's done it again!" and see your Buick dealer quick as you can. After all, the quickest way to get one of these into your garage is to get a firm order in! TEX-STItIKE! Only Buick SPECIAL has all then Feature! TtUKMAHCr $IZt . MOST tOOM Ot TM MOHIY . OrNAflOW 0tVI oplW o ufro a . JIT-UNI JTYUWO . Nocuocrwo sum-cimo euim WGH-wrssuef naw jtwt-8got man . con sminomg au mound . toweessuti rB on unrr it bmj . etttm voniurr ot and aft . mr-iocKtNO tuoaAot ids . sruDr-tsma rotouc-ruif oivt mta smaj moocis with toor ir rsht BRING YOUR BAR! rt rrr IP GMTt Vmji p Whrm belter mulomobllet arm bmtlt BUCK trill build them ROSEBURG MOTOR CO. 531 S. Stephens St Phone 1665-J Rost & Washington Fhont 1SS1 A