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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1949)
r V ' Compromise On Price Props Split Two Farm Groups WASHINGTON', Aug. 24.-I.P) A compromise bill to set up flexi ble farm price supports got i half hearted boost from the Na tional grange Tuesday. But ra i into opposition from the Nation al Farmers union. J. T. Sanders, legislative coun sel of the grange, told the Sen ate agriculture committee the committee compromise has many weaknesses" but Is pre ferable to: r 1. The house-passed bill, by Rep. Gore (D.-Tenn.l, to continue lor another year rigid, high-level wartime price supports. 2. The i,.. -- - -- auppvi I UU- gram provided for, effective in 1930. under &n net n.,, k.. u- republican congress last year and for Senator Aiken (R.-Vt.l The compromise between the Gore and Aiken plans is now un der study by the committee. It ns wui-Keu out oy a subcommit tee headed hv a son (D.N.M.), former secretary vi a1 'culture. It would keep support prices at about the . Gore bill in IHtO but would al low mem to drop in later years if crop surpluses piled up. Ancus McDonald ciuaiin fn. the Farmers union, said he hop. """i nenner tne Anderson nor the Aiken plan would go into ef - feet. He testified the union opposes j rnuiiiK scales oi support prices -4 and believes all commodities t should be accorded equal treat ment and supported at 100 De cent of parity. The commitipe rfai.Lt In bureau officials for a full ex planation alter Senator Luca., ID. I11.) said the committe should find out hnw miifh it wnul .i taxpayers by increasing the par- itvei. Driving School Will End With Present Class The Roseburg Junior Chamber of Commerce-sponsored driving school will be discontinued for the season after the present class j ! graduated, according to Chairman Douglas tudor. The Jaycees will launch an other driving class next summer, Tudor indicated. Seven students are enrolled at the present time and they meet each Monday and Friday evening at Adair's parking lot. Tudor said approximately 45 persons will have received in- Drug Fails To Cure Poker Habit; New Shots Asked Restoration Of Vets Hospital Fund Committee s Aim WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. (.) The House veterans committee voted Tuesday to force President Truman to restore a 16.000-bcd slash in proposed veterans' hos ' pital construction. Mr. Truman last January can celled $237,000,000 of contract authority voted by Congress for , tne additional hospital facilities. That involved cancellation of ; plans for 24 new hospitals and reductions of the size of 14 others. I The current independence of I flees appropriation bill contains funds for the project, but leaves I it up to the discretion of the j president on how they should be ! spent. -j The bill sponsored by Rep. I Rankin ID-Miss) and approved by I the veterans committee Tuesday ( removes the discrelionary au ; thority and makes the expendi ture mandatory. (At the same time, the commit tee voted a $6,000,000 pav increase for the medical staff of the vct ; erans administration. The VA medical director would , be increased from $12,000 to $16, ! 000 a year, wilh other personnel ; raisei on a graduated scale. Albuquerque, N. M.. founded In 1706, was named for the vice ! roy of New Spain, the Duke of i Alburquerque, but the first "r" : of the name fell Into disuse. I Myfaa iftfeca- She lookif Some ToSerfbnman !(bur Oa? i Kb Onpi 65 ond up IUMPIN0 IXTRA yj FACTORY QUALITY WORKMANSHIP 23 PROMPT SERVICE LONG BEACH. Calif.. Aug. 2.1 1 i.P)Take It from Sula Hen Stimson. gambling grandmothr of Gardena, glutamic acid is no substitute for poker. Mrs. Silmson, 49, has been un dergoing medical treatment un der court order to curb her crav ing for cards. She had under gone a personality change from a normal housewife to a gam bling addict. Two months ago the treatment structlon by the time the last class is finished. was pronounced 40 percent ef fective by Dr. Marcus uranan, county Jail physician, and the woman was released to her fam ily. Yesterday she was in court again on the same old charge passing worthless checks to fi nance her gambling in nearby Gardena, where poker is legal. Superior Judge Fred Milkier continued the case for a week while he talks it over wilh Dr. Crahan. It was Cranan who orig inally suggested glutamic acid miglit restore the housewife's normal personality. The gray-haired woman asked the court to "restore the shots'' and added that it is due to her own neglect that they hadn't been continued after her release on probation. Glutamic acid, a protein brain food, was given to her by Dr. Crahan "to restore her sense of resiioiisibility." It tends to make up for deficiencies in the cranial system and has been used with some success in cases similar to Mrs. Slimson's. Former Employes Plan Plywood Plant Take-Over OLYMPIA. Wash., Aug. 24. (JP Nine former employes have Incorporated a new firm wilh w hich they hope to take over the Taeoma plant of the Oregon Washington Plywood Co., Gari baldi, Ore. Klvie Erb said the plant had closed last July wilh the an nouncement that It would not be re-opened. He said the group held a meeting at Taeoma last night in an attempt to interest other former employes and other per sons In the venture. They hope 'o buy out the plant which employed Wed., Aug. 24, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 200 persons when It closed, he said. The new employee firm, called North Pacific Plywood, Inc., was capitalized at $100.0110 in articles of incorporation filed wilh the secretary of slate. Boys Toss Dye Into Pool Of Luxurious Hotel HOUSTON, Aug. 24. UP) Police today were looking for sev eral boyi who heaved chunks of orange-yellow dye over a fence Into the swimming pool of the luxurious Shamrock hotel here Monday night. The dye developed to discolor water so tnat airmen forced down al sea might be more easily spot led bv aircraft colorfully tinted 100.000 gallons In the pool. The water was drained away and replaced. I'm last swimmer had left the pool a lew moments before the boys drove up in a black coupe and let fly. In the 19th Century Ice from the United States was shipped to China and India. -rtecte Sit' K t " "m Stock tip! Welch's Strawberry lb. Jar 43 Welch's Raspberry lb. )ar 35 Welch's Peach Welch's Apricot Welch's Plum Welch's Grapelade lb. jar IP lb. jar 27 lb. jar 25 lb. jar 25 C-H CANE SUGAR 25 Pounds 2.19 KRISPY CRACKERS 1 Pound 23C LUX SOAP Regular Bar 3 for 22 1 Bath Size Bar 2 for 23 CANNING SUPPLIES stocks are complete at safewayi Tomatoes 6 n?.,,15 PotCltOC ChipS Reg 25c . .. 19c Spam Hormels 39c Fancy Peas Bsr .15 Salmon Para co Chinook No. I, can 29 Lima Beans lW Chicken Lynden's Nucoa i Lb 24c 29-ox. can 79 2 Lbs. 47c SHREDDED WHEAT 29 Pancake Flour 10 Lbs. 98c Soap White King Granulated . . 46-oz. 45c Cake Mix SS-"069. 39 Cake Flour r 2Plbg .39 Jcllo 6 Delicious Flavors. 5c i rena Swashing Pig. iy Comfort Tissue 4PT9" 29 Soap 'ft 26?? 51 IVORY SNOW Soft. Mild OQt Ivory Pig. atOF OXYDOL Granulated 24-oi. OOfi Soap pkg. DREFT Modern Washing Way Is Dreft Pkg. at M0DESS Sanitary boxes ZCfi Napkins Ma for 03 I aA . C luce lv f Other Produce Features 3 tbs. 25c Cravemtein APPLES Local Etberta PEACHES Gretn-tipe BARTLETT PEARS Solid, cri'jp CABBAGE Crisp, lender CARROTS Solid, hile CAULIFLOWER Tender Halkt of GREEN CELERY 2 lbs. 25c lb. 8c lb. 4c lb. 7c lb. 13c lb. 9c Plump kernetej CORN on the Cob Good lo bread and jry EGGPLANT Mild yellow ONIONS Green tweet PEPPERS U. S. No. 2 Sew POTATOES field grown, ripe TOMATOES Dan it ft SQUASH We take the risk on Safeway Guaranteed meats. If any cut dlio LU please )UU, jfUUi ihiicj vyiii uc vntviiunj New! Makes Clothes Last Longer PERMA STARCH Pint Bottle iJY lb. 6c lb. 12c 3 lbs. 19c lb. 10c 5sacLk'- $1.15 lb. 10c lb. 5c Sno-White Salt 4-lb. bag 13c Cider Vinegar, Old Mill, qt.l9c, gal. 59c Heinz White Vinegar, qt. 19c, gal. 59c Macaroni, Porter's, 1 1-oz. 19c ; 2 1-oz. 31c Mrs. Wright's BREAD Cosfs Less WHITE or WHEAT ,ggi O-SO-GOOD v2 ;ebof 20 Swiss bteaks COMMERCIAL 69' ,k Cut from U. S. GOOD top quality Beef 75,b POTROAST 59 Blade Cuts of Top Grade Beef LB. Standing Rib Roast 22- lb. 69 lb. 65 Beef Rump Roast lb. 69 L,r lb. 65 Beef Round Steaks ''Good" LB. 79 'Commercial" LB. 75 Sirloin Steaks lb. 89 r,...- lb. 79 T-Bone Steaks or Sirloin Tips, "Good" Grade "Good" LB. 98 Grade "Commercial" LB, .85 Swift't Premium SLICED BACON Purt Ground Beef lb. 9c Veal Roasts, leg or rump lb. 59c Breast of Veal or Lamb lb. 19c Leg of Lamb lb. 79c Halibut Steaks, pan-ready lb. 49c Rabbits, pan-ready lb. 69c Pan Ready FRYERS & FOWL J LB. 65 Vi-lb. pkf. 5 Lockwood Motors Rose ond Oak Phone 80 I I '-i In th September r' WHITE tnat