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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1940)
TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS. OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1940. News of Douglas County Elkton KLKTO.V. June 2, fiuy Culllp. who has been In the liusplttil at Portlauil la much Improved ouit i lias returned to bis home hi r.m 1011. Mr. Cullip was receiving treatment for hla knee which lie ' Injureil while working In the Urn her some time ago. Mia. Blossom (I'Kflly, of Klam ath Fall, la visiting the home of Mr. anil Mia. William Chnover. , Mia. Pauline ItlilRejuan. Miss ('aye i)oae, and ! Ii. Rule wore llgni'liuiB vlnlloia Tuewluy. The Dorcas society uill sponsor a allver tea Frlilay at the home of - .Mra. Charlea Hinder. Mra. Wilbur Mukuh uml daugh ters have heen visltltilf the home if Mr. and Mra. II. S. AiIiiiiih. The HuKiia family returned to their hoine In Eugene Kuuday erenlnc Mr. and Mra. II. L. Hohhoii were Itoscuurg vlaitoi'a Tuesday. Mlaa lrla Haines Sat urday from Oakland, Calif., where ahe has been vislttue the hnuie of Mr. and Mra. A. F. Kluael. . Mr. and Mra. Clyde Itydell, of Ki'1'ilnport, were Klluun visitors Sunday. Frank Rrnwn Iimh lunvid Ilia fj, Hi lly to blue River where he baa been working for some time In the lim ber. Mr. and Mra, Fred Hall huvo . moved Iroin the Rydell place to the Melviti Itoaa ranch near Drain. There will be no services In the Motbodist ohurcli Kunday, Juue aa the paator. Rev. (I. A. riarhodlu will be a.way to attend the annual conference. C. H. Mobley, who haa been III In ' the hospital, ia home and much Im proved. I.loyil Hudson haa been visiting In Kugene for a fow daya. Mra. I.ucy Saxvyois, of Arizona. ts visiting relatives and friend In Klklon. Mr. and Mra. Hrnost I). Wade and Mra. Clara Riley have returnud (ruin I'aillnud where the ladioi have been attcpdlug the grand chapter of the Kastei'U Htar and Mi nade vvaa attending giund ic-uge. The W illing Wurkera club met mat TUuraUay at the C'hrlallun vuurcii. Alia. I. Nile Ilouk and Mra, Juue Morgantl were honored on Ihelr blrthclaya by n handkerchief anowoi. Allen Adums has gone to Port laud to attend u voice training school. ivi. uiiu mra, jHiuea uuies went to Corvulllg lust tuilurduy to bring Virginia Culi'H home from college. Tho Lloyd Mint baby ia very much improved. The bahy haa been very Ul. Mr. and Mra. Robert Smith and family were Roaeburg visitors. Kat urdoy. . . C. M. Heishiuan of Sun Fruu tlaco baa relumed home. Hill und Hulden Smith went with hlui for a Halt t'lere. . Mr. and Mra. Hen Moraautl and Mra. lliii bin a Turuon'akl visited Drain and Cottugo Grove Saturday, .Mr. and '.Mra. Harold Smith at tended to buaineaB In Roaeburg Saturday. Mra. Muvrletta lialnea haa return ed borne from her visit with her daughter Mra. Nannie Cox at Lake aide. .Miss Kaye Boaaen ia slay ing with her until lrla Haines re- luriia from her vacation at Oak land. Calif. Mra. Ned Haines bag. moved back 'n bin ranch on the mountain tin the summer. Mrs. Anna Fraukllu is home for a few days. Mra. Franklin lives with her sister, Mrs. Chapman ut Glide. Children's day wua celebrated n Hie Aletliodlst church Suuiluy. A program was given by the children and afterwards they enjoyed n uni ly. Wesley Morgan intended to hll: ness in Klklon Wednesday. Aulden Cheever ia In the Sacred iienrt iiospttui at Kugene. Mr. Cheever underwent an oiierallou Sunday. Mlaa Owrelha Hudson and Miss Deliis Schad have relurned from Portland. The young ladiea visited the home of Mr. und Mrs. Harold Ulnodguod while gone, Asa Andrews saw (wo elk In the, road near the John Henderor pluco SHlurday aa be was returning from work at Hie George Walker place. .Mr. Andrews winched them ful some tlmo then cumii to Klklon: nun told some folks there. The people lold Kill! nt once In see Ilia elk. Mai I.evenliHgeu was uble to get n picture of them. Mrs. Mvrt e Keslei-snn uml Mi,,,, veru ftestorsnii of Kellogg, vlalled mo mime 01 Mr. and Mm. mi,,., Hulnes Sunday morning. Airs. Aiinu Fruuk In has i-,.i, . ed to (Hide whom slie la staying "l'i aimer, mra. unanmiin. Canyenville CANYONVI1.I.K, Juno 2u. -Mr. uud Mis. Fred Klllott siwnl Sunday In Tiller visiting Mrs. Ralph llos klns and .Mra. (ieorge Long., Mollie Sullivan Is uble to lie buck at work again In the post of fice. . Mr. and Mrs. Merle llougslou und family of Proapect spent Sun day wllh Mrs. Hougstnu'a mother, .Mrs. C. Moore. Henry has gone to Tiller to spend a fow daya wllh his brntli er.tiuorge, before leaving for the navy. Harold (lllmote of Ml. II, -l,,,,,. Calif., spent the week-end willi his nroiuer, i.ien (illmoro. livelyn Willis of Uosvliurir Is aiumdlug her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Willis. Helen llaaklus la back nllii siicndlug about a week at the uoast. , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. IVIImin mul Tuppence are leaving Wednesday on an extended tour through east cm Oregon. Mr. and Mis. Z. M. Cox of nil gene visited lust week at tho homo otred Cooper. C. A. Young waa elected director for three years at the school elec tion held Monday night. W. C. Pel hain was re-elected clerk und Fred Klltott chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gary and family spent Sunday at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. I., II. Huge. Mra. Cordu Nelswanger and sons, Clilvln and Gene, went to Oukridgu Saturday to visit the former's sis ter, Mrs. W, L. llowinan. Gene wilt spend the summer wilb hla nunt, Mra, Howuian. Ktllel Fletcher spent two weeks with her slHter, Mrs. Charles L( 'iier. Mr. and Mra. F F. Scbepiuan have returned to North Uend, Ore- after speuding about a month with the latter s mother, Mrs. Sam Parilee. Ira Poole Is attending the fire school beld at Tiller this week. Mr. and .Mrs. Have Taylor of Roaeburg spent Suturday with Mi', and Mrs. Ira Poole. All's. Guy McGee spent last week In Portland. While she waa gone, her daughter, Jean, stayed In Ro-obur Mrs. Gladys Whitney left for Portland Wednesday to he gone lu deilultely. Mrs. Iru Poole Is back home from a two weeks' trip to San Frauclsco. Anna May Mauley Is taking over the Vestas cilfe In Tiller Sunday. Waller 'Hutchinson waa in town I uesday. Joel Haskins is building un ad- ditoiu to the O. Kvans house. Mr., and Mrs. II. Hush and Arn old of Holland came here Friday evening and Rosetta went hack with them. .Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. l.wls has taken over the north end Shell service station and telephone of fice. Fuith Shaw Is working for Mrs. O. I. Lewis. I.enora Krlcksou of lloseliurg Is working at the llrldge tavern. Stanley Jones went to Portland Tuesday on.buHlucss. Mra. C. A. Young went to Rose burg Moniluy. Kruest Nuylor and Jess McAd ams have gone to the coast to look for work. P. J. Nuylor Is moving into Mil ton Duuell's house. maimer's drug store bus been redecorated liy H. L. Wllllulus. Kllnor Rumlieig had the misfor tune to cut u 2A-lnch gash in her lea while swimming Sunday. Fred Klllott and Allien Itiimheig have been busy working on tho water line putting in water me tera and patching up leaky pipes. Uaylord Whitney, who is work ing for the pays Creek Cedar Sup ply Co., hag contracted cedar iioi son and went to , Myrtle Creek Tuesduy to see llr. llesa. Days Creek DAYS CRBEK. June 2(1. Ira Ilrock. Art Jlooro. Claud. Atherton and Hugh Whitney, who have been employed at a mill near Ton-1 mieiiil to mile returned to their homes here Thursday evenUig. John Nutter of Grants Pass vis ited Mrs. Nutter and their aon. Junior, ut the Henry Kuctior home nursduy.- Mr. aud .Mrs. Fred Wrlnht anil daughters. Delia aud Hurls, of Kosehurg were guests ut the home of Mr. Wright's parents, Mr. ami .Mra. J. I). Wright, Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. Rob Palls and son. Dean, of Medford, were visiting friends and relatives here Sunday. (.hurley .Mather, who is employ ed In logging operations near Gleu dale returned to work Sunday eve ning after spending the week-end at his home here. . Mr. and Mra. Jess Patrick and Mi. und Mrs. Frank Felckert, all of Roseliurg -were recently calling It-lends hero. They aro form- erly residents of this vicinity. Mrs. T. l. weaver returned Fri day from Portland where ahe bad hcen attending m and counter of the I'.u.stern star. Frank A. Underwood, apeciu representative of the Southwest Petroleum Co., with headquarters ut Fort Worth, Texas, wus u busi ness visitor at the Fritz Snyder ranch Thursday. Mrs. Alva Mulhews and sons. .Maurice nnd Marshall, were visit ing friends and shopping in Roae burg Mom lay. Mr. Matthews, who Is employed by the Southern Paci fic spent the week-end here with Ills family. The Guulko liallng outfit which has been working at Cumas Valley returned here the last of the week and is now baling lor local ranch- et's. .Miss Gem Hutchinson, who is unending the summer session ut the Southern Oregon College of Kducation at 'Ashland siient Ihe week-end at her home hero. Mr. und Mrs. Hunk Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Hyrd uf RpHe- burg were business vlsllors in Ibis neighborhood Monday. Mr. Sim mons is a representative of the Hansen Motor Co. Mr. and Mrs. Kurl Sellers of 'ortland have been guests at the home of the latter's brother-in-law and alster, Mr. and Mrs. Filtz Snyder for several days. They were accompanied as far as Myr. He Creek by Mr. Sellers1 brother, Raymond Sellers, also of Portland Claud Atherton. Mrs. A( E Mooro uud the, latter's sons, Elton and Dolbert, were business visit ors in Roaeburg Monday. Dclbert uu nao toe misfortune to break his glasses recently, visited an op tometrist while there. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright went ""'"" rnuay atternoon to business matters and Camas Valley School Officers Are Chosen nan mends and relatives. They returned home late that eve ning. , Mr. and Mra. Gordon Clark and daughter. Sharon, and Mr. aud Mrs. Cecil Connor were Roaeburg visitors Saturday afternoon. Lit tle Judy Connor atayed with her aunt, Airs, C. M. Hill, while her parents were gone. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mather inii children, rtlchai-,1 u-,.r... Paul, Dorothy, ilobbv and fitnl iviu, 01 iTospeci, spent Sunday here at the homes of Mr. Mather's brother, Irvln Mather, aud sister, Mrs. Frank Wooster. Miss Nettle Moore has returned to her home here followlne sever- in weens spent with friends nt Huuauza uud Ashland. During the week end site wus employed at the Greenwich tavern at Canyonvllle. Mr. and Mrs. c. C. Hill were Roaeburg, Winchester and Dixon vllle visitors Friday. When they returned home they were accom panied by Mr. Hill's mother. Mrs. W. (1. mil, who will remain here lor some time. There were many people from this neighborhood Keen ill tltn Soutli DouglaB rodeo beld on the Pickett puice near Canyonvllle Sunday. Clayton Mather, who t ,,,,i.,v. ed ut the Red Cloud mine on un- per Cow creek eumo down Satiir- nay uttcrnoon after Mrs. Mather mil their sons. Duane and U'ailv who have been visiting here. They plan to spend the summer cump- ins 111 u cuiiin ncur'tne initio. Air. and Mrs. Juck Ciaulke und son. Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Sumner and daughter, Donna, and .Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Moore und sons. Leon and Jlmmie, were among those enjoying a potluck supper and skating parly nt the Winchester cump ground Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Deals of Canyonvllle accompanied them. Others attending were Mii aud Airs. John Amucher and .Mr. and Airs. Luke Ileala aud son, Jackie, Winchester. I CAMAS VALLKy, June 26 1 . wu annual sciiou llieeilllg AOn- uay, june 17, was called to order by Chairman T. W. Seigel with very small attendance. Mrs. Mar garet Crouch was elected as dl I rector to take the place of Mr. I Seigel. The otner board mem bers are Lloyd Roberts aud J. R. Stundley. Mrs. BosBle Wheeler was re elected as school clerk. The school faculty for the coin ing years is as follows: Prof. Chea ter Cook, recently from Riddle school and (1. R. Moore, high school teachers. Mrs. Chester Cook, sixth, seveutb and eighth graues: miss Norma Byron, third, fourth and fifth grades; Mrs. Cell Paul, nee Gwendolyn Weaver, first and second grade teacher. Complete schedules have not yet ueen planned nut will be worked out later by the teaching staff. No students from Tenmlle or Olalla will attend school here next year, it will be a local school en tirely. , Story Martindale, Bchool janitor is making necessary repairs and changes in the school bulldlne during the summer months. PHONE 282 For economical fuel. Prompt de livery of 16" and V slab wood. ROSKHUHG LI'MHKH CO. (Adv ) PERSONAL! Will motorist who complained at way car handled on trip yesterday please ask nearest Union Oil Dealer how Stop-Wear Lubrication will remedy trouble? Amazement only wayto ex press emotion customers feel when they step into car freshly lubricated the Stop-Wear way. Three unique ad vantages yours with Stop-Wear - one, you see difference in way car looks glass gleams, tires, running boards dressed, interior, also exterior clean and dusted. Simplest way to that "new car feeling." Two, you hear difference in smooth, quiet operation car has when returned to you. Three, you feel difference in way car shifts, steers, rides. Suggest get in touch with neigh borhood Union Oil Station by telephone or in person immediately. Remember, only Union Oil Stations have Stop Wear Lubrication! YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD UNION OIL STATION HERE'S THE .I;iejS.VW TW" M. ElECTIIC COLD FOR 1149 HIVES YOI PLUS POWER TO KEI FOOD SAFE EVEN Twk. fa icx eb in kerf Hx tMSM. DURIMQ SCVIXf HEAT WAVES. Twice the ice cubes ia half t4 They free in an mtt4 el hrt, 50 Mvma operation cos vs as miHr capacity aa Hm yam aaa. Thi It Th Yr To Buy Ypur REFRIGERATOR It Will Give You Twice the Value At Half The Cost! SEE YOUR LOCAL ELECTRIC DEALER lib Hi fr 15 ,0 1h ft Automatic Electric HOT WATER HEATER SO Installed PAY $5.03 DOWN AND $1.74 MONTHLY Available In AU While Porcelain at a Slight Increase in Pri " BIG RANGE CAPACITY This compact range has the SAME CAPACITY as larger, more ex pensive ranges ... the only differ ence is the reduced storage and nwww Minacc snacc. HOUSEWIVES of Southern Oregon are Talking About iiTrtoi-ia A hot woter faucet con nected to an automatic electric water heater al ways delivers hot woter, ot ony time of the day or night. For the electric water heoter is entirely outomotic, keeps thewat er olwoys at the same temperature. And because the heating element is in the water, the heoter op erates inexpensively. .. ELECTRICITY For Water Heatinp COSTS ONLY A tenths of one cent per kilowatt hour Average Monthly Cost $2.28 Now On Display at Your Electric Dealer or COPCO Store Inl Installed Genuine Hack Porcelain Finish White Porcelain Top t Pay Only $2.55 Down and 1.50 Month Now on Display at Your Dealer or COPCO Store