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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1940)
KEVre.REvTEW, RffSEBUftg, OfcESttR THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1940. REMEMBER JUNE 16TH vifha GKAVCO TIE Dozens of new patterns, $1.00 Other ties, 50c FAMOUS VanHeusen Shirts Patterns 2.00 Other Shir" 14 5 MUNSING SOX 25C 35C DEPT. STORE 'New U. S. Battleship North Carolina Launched NKW yOItK, June IS. (AIM A great Ki''yiinHJ'l man-of-war, ehristennd ihf V. S. S. North Onro lliin by a ilmiKhliT of (hat south orn state anil hornhled an an tin porlanl unit in national delftine, slipped iliiWii I tic uiiyn of liiooldyn iwvy yunl today. AliHK Isahol Young Hoey, daugh ter of North Carolina's Knvernnr, smashed a bottle or champagne against the how of Hit' Vi.wm.wm. S.'i.OiHi-ion battleship. Seconds later ihn vossol, a sister ship of tbo 1'. S. K. Washington which v. tin Iimiih hod at Philadelphia on .1 mio 1, struck (hi) water. Secretary of the Navy CharloH Kdlson said : "It a tin ships which a in coin tlfi'1 in limn . of poace whii h wnko a nation strong enough to preserve poure . , . We hnlhl now, not to aggress, hut to be too id l ong to bo argreswd." Days Creek Council Presidents at 4-H Session Appointed f June i:t. ( r 1'nlliiia Chirk ol Uiissellville be ciiint' piv.sMent of the fill's coun cil ii m I Hull King oi Mom chair mail ol' the hoys' ext'eutive com ihlttee at Hie Oregi'U Stale col logo l-'our-ll chili Hiltniuor session yesterday. II. II. Chilldgreli. pre Men I of the state and county lulr oN trials association, tnld tin1 iiim) young Mers an amount at least eipml to last year's $:tii,onll would he niter cd In Tour-H i-iunpt'litioti at Ore gon talis. (M.icrs named In the two gov ern) iik groups included May I telle H rich land. I inimhis county. MRS. CACHFLIN FUNERAL WILL UC HELD FRIDAY I'nneral service fur Mis. '-'red II. Cai helin. wIhi died Wednesday morning at her httn. at I Uou Hie, will he he'd at 2 i. in. I'ridav al the llosehmt; I'udei t.-iliiiu company parlor.--. Ii v. C A. Kiluatds will nilichitc. Intermeut will he in the .Mysuiiir reinelerv material for remodeling the house they have n ntly bought. Mih. .1. T. Itedl'ord went to Port In ml Sunday hy has to visit Mr. liedlord. who Is receiving trcat t I at the Coffey Hiiic. sin' re ports Mr. liedlord soinewhitt Im proved and hopes are held out lor his complete recovery. The vacation llihle sehoid henna Monday at the Christian church, ami la to last I wo weeks, llesides the regular lessoiiH In Itthle study, there will hi' instruction In art and handicraft. The list ol teachers ami helpers is Mrs C. V. Trimble. Mih. A. K. .."ardner. Mrs. K. ;. Whipple, Mrs. Itessle Laltey. Miss Doits Craig and Mrs. II. I,, Hood maiisou Mis. ('illicit Videy will have charge of art and handicraft. Mrs. Win. Ilollouay Is supervise! . Ahoiil tie t hildren are enrolled. WOODHOUSE P.ITES HELD -"unTJit nenlci's ler Kaxelle WtiHlhnU:o. Utt died rslenla ilt his home In linchiii -. wi-ie ludd at :J p. m. today at the liosehuin I ' lulfil :U Hiipmy e!i;iprl. Uev. t!. A. I'Mvvaid.-t oi'iiciaiin'.;. Inter im at was In the civil lleml cenie lei y. Drain HHAIN, .lime IS. II. ; Yomm. editor of the Dinin llnlerpi lte, has ii'Muncd frem a varalinn tiip and Is hack at the otttrc. Mish Alice Scolt ha h Glendale CI.KNDAI.K, Dre. .Inn,, m Mrs." Kiim-ne lilnmnan. Miss Kthel le vender anil l-.lleue ( leveller ol Morton, Wash., left Tuesday lor their home alter a few day. stay at the home of their cousin. Cud Heh hei-. They ar returnliiK heme alter a visit to the fair at Saa Kranciseo. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllord Vincent and lamily of (irants I'ass ino(d into one r t-:it. Hud Itelcher cot laces lllls week Mr. and Mrs. W. ihihyns and Liuts I'nliett visllcil ut Mediord over the week end. I'ranK illi;iius was admitted to I he Josephine General hospltnl at 'rants J'ass Krulay lor inetllcal ireaimeni. Ml and Mrs. Kmniett Itelcher were visitors at tlrants I'ass Sat urday. M if. C, K. lllidue was a busi ness taller at Knsrhut'K Mnmlay. M i . and Mrs. Francis Nelson and sou returned Sunday Irom a (sit ;tl ( h-efton City. They also Port Mrs. Itud IVIchef. Mrs. .less I '.in i In ifltt ii ml Mis. ist spent Monday at (Jiants Pass. Stock and Bond Averages Compiled hy Th June i::: STOCKS Associate liti. lor the p.a:l week wirh Mrs pitteiate.I the liose le.tial l.-l. i.. I until :iiil limiLliler. es laud. Miss Seoit is a piimary teaiher of Wendliim. Mrs. Lamp and l'r;ine-i h-ll Tuesday lor Portland wheie she will Inke a sperial couise in "Siuht Saving." whli h L- lietnu Rlv ril for the first time on this coa-d. Mrs. C. K. Ciorey and daughter, Janet, ol Ashland, have hem v i - i I -tiiK the past week at the home ol' her pareills. Mr. and .Mis, A. K. (iaidiier. Mr. and Mrs. Lo Itaiker ami son. Jerry, of ChiloipiMi, are miestf at the parental l.ce I'.aiker home this week. Mrs. Mary Watson, who was re ported Ilt at Yoncalla hut week, is lunch improved ami is now at the home of her sister. Mrs. An h Al tonl. in I 'mill. ii-u Mni-v lluni h:is uurchased the MeConnick lot in onth Urn In I of Lr. Hertha I'evore and plans to Iniild a houpe on It soon. lien Hedrtck l.i liavtnit a bath room and washroom built onto hi" ( TODAY , hoii'a' In south iMatn. Veilln l!h-ipn,v ,jay etM is tlohiR the woik. Month iiko Mr. ami Mr. V. M. Seymour Year ao wpm I!o:ieburp visitorn Tuesday. ;mo high They were puichasiuK fixtures and liitn low fiAYS CKKFK. Juno IS. Mrs. M. K. Ifean and her son, John, were at tending to hUKlnesK matters in ItoseiHUK Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Joe A Iliit. who are employed at the Jted Cloud mine on a pi'-r Cow creek, came home Saturday evenliiK. hoii they re turned to work Sunday tliev were .'iei-oiiiiaiiied hy Mia. Allin's hto (her. Albert I'o'de, Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Monro were Sunday dinner puesis al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vein l.erwell near Tiller. .Mr. and Mm. Hud Kslow went, to lOiiKcne Sunday to attend the coiilineiieemerit fXe'(dses at. the univeisiiv. Their ilaiiL-hter, Miss Winona, was a member of the Hiadualitm class. ImriiiK 'heir ab sence Mr. and Mrs. Hartley and Mrs. Ivan llawes hail chart-e of their Store. John Hutchinson returned to Ids work for (lie forest service Monday mm nlnt.'. He had come home Thursday evening in order lo be here for Hie rommeiiceinent oxer eises. IdR sister. Wiletha. helnn a member of the KiaduatiiiK class. While here he also made a trip to ItosehuiK, Claud Atherlon. A. K. Moore, Ihiuh Whitney and Ira Hrodc re tuined lo their won; at Teninile Monday moininj; fillowinsr n week end spent at their bonus here. Mvrl narykhurst. Lester Foitu son ami Maurice Matthews were iiiiidhk those enjoy in an nnihm al Puckeve Inke the Inst of the woi k. They relurni'il homo Run dav afternoon. Newell Wiod and Murl llulcliln ;,on. students at O.S.C.. reliirned to tlielr liomes hero Thursday nifiht. The latter left Monday tor Trail where be will work with a uroup of students from the college on a neo'mlcal project. Waller Wright, who was taken to the hospital in ItosehurK Satur day for medical attention, is re ported to be somewhat improved. Itav Wright, who used bis school bus to transport part oi wie las cmintv unit of 411 members hi (ending summer school lo Corval lis, retuineil home Monday nltiht. He was accompanied hy Mrs. Wriuhl. who visited her sister, Mrs. Homer (Jrey. while there. Miss lleitv and Mtss .ene lilnuilK of Ashland. Jack Smith or Central Point and Mick M'HTaii ol Mediord made a trip to Fish Lako Sundav. They returned to their homes late In the day. The pirls hud been spendim; several days here at the home of their aunt. Mrs. U. A. Moore. Mrs A. II. Itleii7. has returned to tier h.'nne at Tiller following sev oral days visit al coast points. Mr. Ulenz is now employed there. Mr and Mrs. Arch Archambeau of UosehutK have been visiting relatives in the Tiller vicinity lor seeral days. They were callers at Hie A. F- Moore home 'lhursda allernoon while en route lo Tiller. Mr.-. Archambeau's niece. Miss Susie Crlspen. was a member ol this yenr's i;raduatiii-4 class of the local school. Mr and Mrs. J. D. Wright spent the week end of June 1 as nuests at the home of their son ami dauMh leilnlaw. Mr. and Mrs Fred Wright, in ltoseburj:. n Sunday the latter were hosts at a charm inu' hirihdav dinner honoring Mr.; Wright, senior. Hihers from this vlciiiiiv altendiiiK the dinner were Mrs. i'cte ITain. Mr. and Mrs. Hor don Clark and daughter. Sharon, and Miss Josephine. Miss Margie iiml Miss Maxine Wriubt. j Mrs. Leliola Krlclison and daugh ter. Carla. returned Tuesdny to lloseburg niter having been guests at the Waller Hutchinson home since Sunduv. I Mr. and Mrs. J.din Montgomery and children. .Mania and Jackie, have returned home Horn Port land where thev went last Thurs day afternoon lo attend the rose leslival. Miss Josephine Wright, who accompanied thein as far as t orvallK will visit with her aunt. Mrs. Homer (irey, lor a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Hromley. who have been visiting here since last week, left Monday morning lo- coast points where they will he Hie ruests of friends for a short lime before r.-dng to Seattle where thev will both attend the summer sessions of the Cniverslty of Washington. Paris Itself," ho Raid, explaining that FroneJi forcp.i would move back rulher than risk destruction of thp city. The Cermnns, he us serted. would bo responsible for any destruction of tbo city. He added that there would he no "official" removal of tbo J'ari populace, although thousands had left on their own accord. All pub lic services, such as kuh. light, water and police, are still tune lionliiK in the city. on the Egyptian-Italian Libyan I border last night in which the I British took ti'2 prisoners was re ported Unlay by Hntisb authori ties here. The HrltlKN suld I hoy suffered no casualties. Two officers wore iamoiiK the captives. Two jna I chiiie-iruns were reported taken. French Naval Bases on Mediterranean Bombed j SANTA CItCZ UK TKNERIFR, ( Canary Islands, Juno lS. -IAPj -. The crew of the Italian steamer .laltu was reported today to have driven iheir ship aground at Las .Halletan beach in the Canary is ! binds yoslerday after a French : warship In hot pursuit had fired several shells ut her. fOontlniiPd from page 1) t Reuters (llritish news agency) dis patch from Aden said that an enemy bomber presumably Ital ian -was shot down w lien that llritish possession at the southern end of the Ited sea was raided early today. Five Arabs wore reported killed arid six wounded in a series of Ihreo raids last nlplit and this morning. Aden is across n narrow slrali from Italian Kritrea. CAIRO. Key ii I, June IS. (Al'i Hr-iii--h-llali:oi rkiniiMi Plan to Prevent Nazi Grab Waits House Action (Continued from page 1) to (ireat Ilritairi. was re port oil tin dor way. One legislator who attend a on I'erenen of several senators tind at least, one. representative in the office or Senator Clark (IX, Mo.) yesterday said the aim of some present was to form a loose or ganization to prevent assistance to the allies from becoming a pub lie, ifovei-nmental ma tier rritli'T than a private one. More Planet to Be Bent The Henaie got the last of .Iie record-making 5,021,til!i,i(J2 pre pj redness hills today as Capird bill hoard reporu of "exetdlent progress" toward further uid to the allien In plants, mmitlnns ,iiid possibly destroyers. The total of planes made avail able for tbo allies roxe to 2i,'.l with the release of M NMihrop, si.i0ie motor attack craft. They a- of a ly)e discharged hy the unity tart year In favor of longer-raiif-'e light lionibers. ' . The final Idg defe nse moasuio an extraordinary $ l.Toti.o'iS.Ou.s o: propria l ion lor boin army and ni-vy purposes boit tae over whelm In k approval ot u 401 to-1 house vole. J(ep- Marcantoiiio I A. I... N. V.) was the ole opiionent Itiiiilde quick senate action v as a foregone conclusion, once Hie legislation clears the appropi ia i ions committee. CCC Training Rejected JToiiso passage of the but Ji'le yesterday shared logislativo - at tention with the senate's re ''u sal by a 47 to Sfl vo'e, to sanction voluntary military training for civilian conservation corps enrol lees something wiheh the army liigh command declined to en dorse. 'Che fielron will viewed in mine quarters as an Indication that the senate would not fnvor nation wide compulsory military training at this time. Roth Speaker Rankhend and Ma jority Leader Itayburn of the viituso said congress probably would ho hero after the June 22 date on which administration lead ers had hoped to adjourn. Rep. Celler (R.. N. Y.) Introduc ed a resolution to repeal the neu trality act. He called it u "shal low fiction." This country Is not and cannot be neutral, he said, citing various types of assistance already given the Riitbdi and Frenivi and "the president's toll ing denunciation ol Premier Mus solini." Defense Outlay Boosted The $1,7011,055, ffOS defense ap propriation bill would boost the to tal provided for army and navy ! expenditure In the year starting July 1 to i',.tClSVJM22. In addition to providing funds for :t,boi) new army planes, for starting work on 08 new combat ships for the navy and for an un specified number of new tanks and other weapons, the hill would finance addition of ihl.uiiO men to the regular army, bringing Its to tal enlisted strength to :J7f. i men. The measure aKo carries fV ;i5 8,000 to give the federal bureau of Investigation uOO additional agents to combat spies and sic boteurH and $:i2,000,00f) for Urn civil neronautlcs authority to givo primary, secondary and "refresh er" trulning to approximately X7, m0 civilian pilots in the next fis cal year. ANNOUNCING! 4TH ANNUAL SUMMER SCHOOL Starts MONDAY. JUNE 17 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL For review, for make-up and for uncredited work. See SCOTT WILLIAMS. N.Ed, or Call 439-J ! TIiiiimI;iv I'M'V. iy .. .Month ut:ci I'M" hitth . HUH Imv In. I'M .. r.r. i i:. en IIH'k l i s Sl ks :IS 32 4 h i :ij.s is I :u I 1 7 i :it! - Germans Hurled Back From Border of Paris (Coniinuoil from pairo 1) Hill BONDS 10 n il :i" n in Kit s India lis I 'km anil nl Iht nnuiunrnt wnnld liavo ;ni cxtrtMin'ly initmliint cflci't on tln oilli-oiiu' nf tilt biitllM for j. I'ran. f. Ihi- sKk'Hinan diM-larcil. 'i.. -I ! n'tfiTiiiK In niM'il lor iniM't' aid from AmiTliH. I'lcnch tmmhint; ptiun tiavo nllackiMl the Carman ritli'; if J", t MHiinlii'lin. NiMislailt nntl Krank "' fort, a war ministry snoki'snian I Thp spokPMimn ilPrlnrpd that 1" tin KoMirh woulil tlcfpntl Oirir 4;l : rm J ii!) !) f.:i :i imi.7 r.7. l l.m.i r.!i ) i :.) fK 3 us a JIL'.ll 95.2 !Mi 4 D7. 5 Hnr In front of Paris ami If forr- Jr. I Lack wnulil ilPfwnl them south II S of tilt capital. Ills KtattMiitMit was N - istuieil al Tours, ntm ol" thi' Heats I if thn KrctH-h RovtrnniiMit, ami r.:i.S relayiMl tlirmiRti Paris. UT. I "'( do not want lo l.attlo In AND WE SHOULDN'T DO IT--BUT WE'RE DOING IT ANYWAY. WHAT? FROM NOW ON UNTIL WE CAN GET OUR USED CAR STOCK BUILT UP WHERE IT SHOULD BE, WE'RE GOING TO GIVE $ 1 00 MORE THAN YOUR OLD CAR IS WORTH ON A NEW 1940 PLYMOUTH. SURE IT'S CRAZY. BUT WE'RE GOING TO SHOOT THE WORKS. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A DEAL DON'T LOOK ANY FARTHER. TAKE A LUXURY RIDE IN A NEW 1940 PLYMOUTH TODAY, AND LET US PROVE TO YOU THAT WE'RE THE EASIEST GUYS IN TOWN TO DO BUSINESS WITH. Is the word for it. You'll be thrilled when you sit behind the steering wheel of this big 1940 Ply mouth and see how easily it handles. It's a thrill to step on the accelerator and seethe smooth, quiet response from the big 84 horsepower mo tor with exclusive floating power. It's thrilling to relax in the wide 51-inch rear seat and enjoy a' real LUXURY RIDE. New styling is built into the 1940 Plymouth with its long sleek lines. Wide seats-wider than ever before. Rear doors with full width openings for easy entrance. Trunk on sedans second to none in size-gracefully molded with the body itself. New, longer wheelbase-l 17-inch-longer by far than anything in its price class. W0m You'll say when you see all these things for your self. And you'll marvel at Plymouth's high priced car features at Plymouth's amazingly low price. You'll be surprised too when we show you how easy we are to deal with. Take your LUXURY RIDEtoday. BUILDS GREAT CARS PRICED WITH THE LOWEST . YOUR FLYMOUTH DEALER IN ROSEBURG