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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1940)
TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1940. Around the County Elkton KI.KTON. Mtiy I'X.-Mrs. Wnlti-r IIuillfM Hpi'iit Weilnrsiliiy mill Tliuimliiv In Kiiimmip. Mi x. I tick Wcailici ly mnl dill lire vIhIIIiik ill tln tiiiinc nl licr luiiunlH, Mr. ami Mm. CiiiuIit. of Tiiiiitilalc. Mrs. Weallici ly wrnl to rurllauil with Howard W'calli erly im he watt ri-lurnint; Inline. 11'iwnnl WcHllicrly Iiiin Iiccii vlnlt Jim the home of nick Wiiiiln-rlv. Mr. anil Mm. Wllliur lliilconib annoiincpil lilt? arrival mi May 23 nf a iliulcllli-r. Tim halic ivhk naincil Sherry Ann. Mm. Ilfilcomh la In Hie Sacreil Hcarl honiiltal in KuKi-nt. Mm. 7-un Wnile. Mm. Ann Mini noil. Ml Vera llalnca ami .Minn I U-inie Calui were Hhoppina In Kiici-tu Wi'ilnemlay. M in. Curl lllnilcr, Mm. Cliarles Illniler. Mm. (leoicii Hlndi-r. Mr. an'l Mm. I''raiik limy anil Die pinall clillilicn ur I In- In mi ll- were Horn-bilk- vMnir h'rlilay. Mm. lii-orse Jllniler Hlaeil over a ilay while llle 01 Iii-i h r'-liirniMl Hie unmet ilay. Ana Aniliewii in liulMiiiK a new Inline fur Mr. ami Mm. (ieoiKi! Walker. Norman Wenllicrly. Harry Wea Iherlv ami Henry Weallierly went l i North Hentl I'rlilay lo nee Jlilicla Vcatlierl'. who la In the linHilul. Minn Sylvia Howe, who him been KolliK to m liool at Ninth llenil. ; cnitic home Friday ewnlnK Tor a VlHll. ! Mm. Killlh AilatiM teltirneil Minn Oirvnllln I'rlilny where sin- haa been alt luting Kraml loilwe. .Mr. ami Mm. II. 1.. Hohwii. Mis. Klla rVnlev. Mm. lilailya (irllfilll. Minn lrln llalnen. Oliver llalnea ami Alfred IIiiiiich were the bih-kIm Thurmlny hvi-iiIiik or llalilanil chafi ter No. !ll O.K.S. Mr. mid Mm. f.'hnrlcH lle'l'leli left Tliumdiiy lor Aniielea to VlHll McKlllby ile.lilen. Tim He'l letia look MiKlnh-y lle.lileii j ulr nlane. wblcli wna at Klkton, to hint on a .irnller. Mr. I Olfi Cuiidilnun are KlayhiK at the lleihlin plnce In their alwetici.. A. .1. Ulvi-lihuiiKi'll wan allemlllili to hiwIncHH minim In Htmrnt Weil- lleailay. Icel I'lmll. of looking OUR BOARDING HOUSE with Major Hoople UO O TL. gQUAuPro FOR M BY TH E GREAT f JOUNCE WAT OMELET u w GUG AVJF-GOK.' THE ij BEARhve wf - -- 0FF HR j T1CKETS r TO5SE0 TMEM 1 ! crctDE ' KED HEN HAS BEEN PLACED PS7rf AWAY- WHERE'S JASON ? ' OMELET SECOND! EACH 2 TiCKET ON RED EE-GAD.' HEN TO (AAA PAYS 41. 60 THAtJK SOU.' . dog uouse "rr-st'r; W 1 l U Js- II I 1 ' 1 I - V rf . m . ' t Y.',?m. U 1 I i 1 tmi-.BmA New Yeast Tracer for Ages of Bread-Making i Kiniii Mm-rt voiml it in.ti- f-iui ' uriiulr iiHt wliirh f-rmldcM Hum Imkor hi pio.hicf u chapi'ly, ()IL- i t-ui in ii tew Iiouit. Itrcail riiakiim ' -;m hi- uur-ed Uatk IlirouKli the' t-(fi: I lirlltM to I lift iirlinif Ivm uttitH 1 wlxn the HurllcMl brcH'i whs .nrm-' (d on men I and water muked on hot I IxtoncH. I Tiadlilon ruyH that In KiiVht u .(inutility nf meal and watt'!', jnti-nd- d lor baking, wan ovcilmkcd by a Kervuiit. When this was baked 1 next day, the brr-ad was found lo IlKhifr. more Hponny, mid belter flavor than uhuuI. Kroni thai. time on. for reiiturleH. II was ciih- tomaiy i t mvo a portion of ihnmh from eat h haklnj; to serve as leav- n tor the next. From I he ol ! ttme Mould viust. usually home -made, to i-oniinei'i-ia! I yeast, whether roinpi,i'.seil and I la.-t-urtlmt, or dry and alow urttim, i was a hi; utt'p fn hcttcr bread I maUny. Now. f ir the flint time, a new yeast combines the best iiual- tiih-.s of 1 he two former typen of rmiiuieirjal yeasts: it has the fiiat anion of moiFt. or comnreHtied yeast: It has the extra resistance to spoilage lolind onlv in the sciell- Itilhally dried yeaHt, and may be I k- pt on the pantry shelf between liakinus. (Joodell hidne one of the graduates.' Mr. and Mm. W. O. liixler of Ronehiire spent Monday visiting at the home, of their bo'.i and daugh- ter in lnw, Mr. and Mm. O. C. fiis ler. Tuesday (ivesiing Mr. and Mm.) O. C. Bixler and family attended, the fii-aduatintf cIush of the eighth Kiade at the Clouke district school near liosclture where their eldest! son. Orion, has bee.i atteniliiiK hcIioo) and Maying with hi Miund-I iurni8 Mr. and Mrs. V. O. liixler. Miss Ithoda Arnold supplied for Misn .Norma Ityron in the interme diate room during the last wee It of school white Miss Hyron was ab sent due to the death of her father Fred Byron of Olalla. K. A. Brltlon, 4-H club leader, met with some of the local club leaders here Wednesday moruiiiK to choose the 4-11 club member lor tlie scholarship provided under the sponsorship of the grange. Polly lie belts was chosen on account of her excellent record of having tak en 4-H ciub work in different clubs, tor five years and finished every project. Mr. and Mrs. (i. It. Moure, .Mrs. Margaret Crouch and Mar-i Camas Valley CAMAS VALI-KV. May :iu.-Mm. I ; It is Chapman and baby daughter ' of Kngene spent tlie past week at! i he home of her parents, Mr. and! Mrs. Inirrell Coodell and attend- ed all of the activities for tin-: graduating dr'ss. her sister. Fa vet SUtlieiiiil, aller liunlm-Mti mailers ' hom pttppb'H for the annual I'nppv dav sale and V. .1. llltlick bal charge of the Veterans o Foreign Wars p'ipples. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Kmjili weie H-isebum visitors Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ilea Mih. Nellie llintler visitors Saluila'. Mrs. Wade Ifciiilcivr. of t.'orval lis, is vlsilltii; the home nl Mr. ami Mrs. Charles I I'-ndci er. Salinday was set for clean up day a) Ihe Flkton ct'iiiciery. Itolieil Heel. lev. who is working wiisl(n f . 1 1 a . b spent Hie week end at home on Second avenue. ! gram in the afternoon. Krnie Whipple of Drain was in Mrs. H. C. Wilmot. Mick Wilmot town Monday attemiiiig lo busl laml William Ileiding returned Mon ii"HH. day from a business trip Into Call Mm. Mick Valeiiline and Mlss.fornia tin far south as Los Angeles .!,.... ...... .h i- ttilrt wei Mr. aixl Mil. Kd Jones. Jilanche Itowe and I'aulino Howe went lo North Heinl Tuesday i-venlng to at tend Ihe ciniiuenceinenl exercises of the high Hclmol uhere S)lvla tradUHtcd. , The home of Mr, and Mrs. .i n Under, of Kellogg, burned M'idu i vonlng. The barn wan saved willi hard work, The Uaders luul mt had n rim in Ihe I rout room I'M ,-ume time until Friday evening and thought ihe IH nmy bttve started from ihe hIwvp pipe whb b mav have been daiuagetl in the wind which blew so hard mt long a-u A number of thlnas wen saved. There was some insurance on the hoiihe. .1. 1.. Howe. Miss S)vlu mid Miss Pauline Howe wen- burg visitors Siuida. - The ladies of the ( bUich ot Christ cleanetl the church Thins dav. , , .... Mrs. ClathH CrUlilh, Mm. Kalh Kuierlck. Mrs. Mary Crublie ami Mrs. Nrll I'liMUiw visited I- rhU evening lln Cottagi' lirov" rluudfr No I O.K.S. of Collage tliove. Mr. nml Mi- Wayne cheever and family, nr Astoria, are viKhhiL the linine id Mr. and Mrs. William Cheever. , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mine and Mr. nml Mrs. Arnold Cbe.-ver w.-re Hnsehutg visitors Satunlay. Mrs. Ktllll AtHterson. rnui sun and .a ne .unins wei burg vtsll'ns Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forrest tirove. Cutllp borne. .1. Uenha'.:'u. Mis Fsthti Hiown ami Mrs. Lois l.eveiibimen were shopping In Fugene I'rlilay. Mr, and Mis. Frank llrowu made a hip to Sinilh liver Saluiduv. Mr. Urown is working at Mine rttr. Mrs. A, It. Mi Monald had cbai ge of Ihe sale of tin- Urn-man l.tnu Catherine Manning visiteil friends Morgant) audi"'1'1 relatives in Cauyouville Siiu-J were Kugene 'Iny. I Miss Moils Can- visit. -.1 friends! in lirewster valley over the week end. I Mr. and M i s. Mark Jordan art! ' driving a new Chevrolet tudor. I Mrs. Jack Suitih is having her I property, know n as the I J'.Maia plate, remodeled nut) repaii ed in rt'atliness for some new renlers. The new tiawmill on Salt ere on the property known as the Val entitle ranch is well uniler way and M. J. Scbolfehl, owner and ope tor. expects to have it operating by the I i est of July. The m. I! will have at) output of 10.1(00 reel daflv Mr. ami Mrs. Moral Maubetispeck visited friends in Collage Ciove hnnday. Mrs. Kthel Itacbor of Spring licit i. (ire., is assisting Mrs. Iter Miss 1,oln White, who is attend-. Ing school at Cottage Crove, spent I ihe week-end at her home in Klk J ton. Miss Owrefha Hudson, who has j been visfiing a l Ashland, has re-1 Mickersou is a foi tnei Slllherllu boy anil vtmlent of the local school. j Mr. ami Mrs. JeHse Moo re and' fatuity of Mraiu moved Into Mrs.1 Wegller's house oil Stale street. .Monday. Itoberi llaiiuah j of Cottage (irove Is also living at; Moth men arel Scott 1. umbei- Howe Hose- Hose Smiib. t( visiting the tiuy tuinetl lit H I M A pie sticial will be given at lh Kellogg grangf hall Saturday eve nlng. The money raised will be given to Mr. and Mis. J. It. Kader, who lust their home by lire ' ,M'H" I .;a oay nigm. Kvcrctl lliitler, wh ) hurt his Kte sttme lime ago. Is still uiliii ssine inlilrcK clutches. 1 employed at Ihe Mt Mr. ami Mih, Thui m Smith and j ctunpany mill. lumnt. mi. lino mih. i.iovti miiiiii, m, m.. i on i a n i n. i . .mi . ami .tig s, i.ioyu Mfe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cheever and family went to the coasi Sunday. Tlie party ate breakfast at I Jikeside and then went lo Winchester May lo fish The Smiths me irom Host-burg. Cleii. Willis and Carl C-irdei were Koscburg visitors Satunlay. i Word has been received here of,1'"1 ,H'",M' 1,1 M"' L luti 'aft' Ihe coming marriage of Miss Moro- Mrs. Ceorge lireeii has returned thy May Sunn, daughter of Mr. M' i""" borne here alter an extend and Mrs. M. J. Cordon, to IJoyd visit with her brother in Minne K. Mlcki'i son on Sunday nflernnn, i nota. .lone ai 'tne hirst ( tiristiafi .Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wichler. Opal i niiit ii. hi waKianii. i-aui. .Mr. and n v Wit-iter unit Kill r.-. . Su then in SI'THKItUN. May :;o. Clarence I'rlckell of WiMHlling. (Me., a for mer Suthcrlin resideni, calletl uti friends here Sunday went to Collage Crove hisi Sunda to visit relatives ami friends. Miss Ceiievleve Smith of Cot tage Crove is visiting friends hen fur several days. .Miss Pauline Trozelle aceom panted several young people from Oakland tin a pleasure trip to Cot vallis. Suntlav. I Mr. ami Mrs Kdffar Keith left lotlil t.illireatli ; Milnrtlav lor -.nirem. ivlmm th..v nave moved from the Jules Mob-iwiM visit several days with tela bela Ire home info the I'pdiko apart-1 lives. incuts. j l.owell Swi.l. of Portland, has I ner of Slat Mrs. - Mary Wichler ami Mrs.i Marjo: ie Hates of Cottage (irove . felt Saiurtlay night aftio- a week's visit at Ihe home of Mrs. Cora Al len. Mav!d Siglsuiuilil spent Ihe week-1 end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Oscar Sliiisinuud. in Kiigene. Mr. ami Mrs. Cliff Parrott ami family of Uoselmrg are moving this week inlo the Jules Mohhi-lnirc ' bouse. Mr. Parrot) is to manage the new service slaliou on the cor- euiployed as linotype operator compositor of the Suthei I in bt ami Mm Miss Pauline Frixign. a former resident, now liing in Porl la ml. isited here Sunday wiih Irlentls. Mr. ami Mrs. Claud Nelson of Fugene visited here Sunday with relatives ami friends. A group of local citizens under the direction of Maurice Yogelphol spent Sunday at Valley View cetne lery improving Ihe property. Mrs. F.dUh Komi is spending a few days at the Jnt k Cnher Jr . street and Central a veil ui' w tiit h is neat in g eompio I ion. Moualil (Jreen allemled Hie gnnrrt ation exercises ot (iood Samaritan bosiiltal in Port bind Friday night. I Mhald's sister. Miss Male, was one of Ihe graduating class. The Suthei hn Mel hi nl ist church uill join to Hie morning service next Sunday at the Wilbur high school al II o'clock. The morning urn-ship is to he a part of the annu al riupfua academy reunion. Fol lowing Ihe service will be a basket dinner, ami there v. HI l- a pto MORGAN'S GROCERY PHONE 68 Specials for Friday and Saturday LETTUCE Locally grown Solid heads. 2 heads FIG BARS Fresh shipment. 2-lb. package SWEirPICKLES Largo 25-ox. ' jar. Each 9c 25c 25c Orion's Oun and Only Sugar Sufutea BAKER -- and Her Silvery Likes and Treasures of "Gold" 4 i J! -w- i Guaianteod for Canning T7 r- , iwrrrl There's sold in Raker'i hill . . . anil jold in the yellow grains of her fields, and in the big limbers of her I'onderosa pine forests and in her livestock hetds and her poultry flocks and her biR game reserves and her "silvery "moun tain lakes. For esample. Anthony Lakes, only thirty-five miles away, bid fair to become a winter and summer report where skiing is un surpassed on any "skiwav" in America. A $180,000 ski proiei't, including ski trails and a new lodge, is now under construction. From Oiegon'i hist gold "stnke" in IMI, Baker county has been Oregon's leading pro ducer of precious metals. But Baker county's "pay dirt'' is not limited to precious metals, Jor over 15.000 tons of hmettxk from Lime. Oregon, is used in the refining processes of Oregons own "White Satin" every year. Also, it produces nearly $600,000 a year in freight revenue ... a most important factor to Huntington. Baker, wt salute you! wow! WHAT A SALAD THIS IS! m H . i YOU TOLD ME TO Buy TAW didn 't you? t- HM.SIIM I FlSiP -I (GRANULATED r BAKKR COUNTY I nrfcious mculs luve Raker Countv smte X bung 54.000.000 C amount to $-, J FACTS AROU ' SlMVWO.OOO in hem tnkei. (torn lflrt. Farm crops and lumitff payrolls OtlO.OiK) .mnualiv. One million acres ot gramn land furnish jMsturc tor U'O.WO beet cattle ami sheep. Un limited utetiic-recrcational pleasures make it a year-round vacation land. WflfllTlE SATAN SlUCAM THE etVCafoRESSINC QUART ... 29c 18c wift's Vinfaao 25c Swiff's , Old York 29c Nalley's Shoe string Potatoes Large tin CHEESE S Spread Full pound package CHEESE SPREADS Swift's American. Pimento, Old York or Olive Pimento, 5-ot. glasses, 2 for GRAPEFRUIT AND ORANGE JUICE A deli. A New . Taste-thrill W Douglas County ' SUBTLE! - INTRIGUINGI DELICIOUS! Riuet Hrown had attended the 4-11 club leaders conference and supper in HoseburK the Mondny evening before Mr. nrllton's visit hero. Mr. ?.iid Mrs. John lielley, who were married in Roseburg last week, moved a trailer himse tot Rock Creek immediately following the wedding and arc making their i home there for the summer, John j is trucking logs for Staudley j Hrothers. Several people from the valley went down and charlvaried the young people Sunday evening.! Mr. ami Mrs. Kd Jackson and daugbter. Lorraine, of Sacramento and Mr. and Mrs. Charles J -aw son of nosebm-R visited a short time one Sunday recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. a. Lawaon. Mrs. Jackson is a cousin of the lawaoti brothers. Tito Jaeksous were on their way to Portland, for a few days visit and to transact business. Mrs. Mick Hangs and small daughter. Morothy Ann, of Scotts burg and Helen Coates of Alle ghany, visited from Friday until Sunday morning ut the home of Mrs. Hnngs' father. It. W. Mick. "THIS IS MIT IDEA OF A PERFECTLY MOO-VELO US CUP OF COFFEEI" A Product SAYS ELSIE, the Borden cow: If you're a coffee-fancier, try brewing your favorite coffee then bless It with a portion of evaporated milk made by Borden's. You'll agree with Elsie: "It's a moo-vclous improvement!" The label to look for lo reach for. today is Borden's. Do buy! IF IT'S 73mUlC5-IT'S GOT TO ft C00D UMmOTag Mail TODAY AND YESTERDAY i comfort to krtow that you can turn to R ed & White for advice on menu problems. June brides lock to Red & White for help. We can suggest an economical menu for two; tell you how to cook and prepare meats, vegetables and desserts. For 19 years ned &. White nasf served the brides of yesterday and today. Special Features for Friday and Saturday, May 31 and June 1 Lux Flakes Large . Pkg. 19c Bluo & White. Extra Standard Tomatoes No.2'2Cans 3or 25c Red & White. Delicious for Strawberry Short Cake Biscuit Mix Large 07 Red & White You can't buy a better coffee at any price I -Lb. Tins . Coffee TISSUE 25c TinSb, ...73c 19c Blue & White 4 Rolls ' Toilet for ... . Cascade Salted Crackers 2-Lb. Box . . . . 14c Palmolive Toilet 3 Bars for SOAP 17c Red & White. A smooth effective cleanser 3 Cans for CLEANSER 10c tjooniMse SunSpun SALAD DRESSING Pn SunShinc Htfde Park Assortment COOKIES SunShtne Molasses PEANUT STRAWS Red i. White GRAPE JUICE A pure Juice pressed from fully ripe Concord, grapea Red & White MAYONNAISE P ,5 Our Value Very Small SHRIMP 23c Quarts 33c p' 23c Per Lb. 18c Pints 19c 25c Quarts 39c 15c No. I . cans Blue 4 White TUNA No. '."2 cans 2 for Red ai White 33c FRUIT COCKTAIL S0-,2"nr"29c cious blend. Tall 46-ot. can. tich 19c