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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1940)
TWO Weather May Halt Baseball Openers Rgin Threatens Every Major League Club; Yankee Start Jinxed by Injuries. Hy JlWfKON HAII.F.Y NKW YOItK. April Hi. (AP) Menacing clouds cast the getaway of baseball's IK major league clubs Into gloom Hint uncertainty today, hut u II were chafing for I ho chance to spring Into action. The weather, fair anil cold throughout tin east and mldv-est over I In week-end, turne I iralior ous mi the eve of the opening and not a single game wits min from the Ihn-at of the element a the flag-raising time approached. From every one of tin Jnatir'uial sites came the same report cold, cloudy iiiid showers Ihre.ileped. Whniher any of tin? games were to hi; played depended largely on when I ho showers started early or late hi 'the respective cities. The schedule railed for eight openers: National league: Chicago at Cincinnati. Pittsburgh at HI. I-mils, Philadelphia nt New York. Brooklyn lit llostoii. American league: New York tit Philadelphia. Boston at Washington. Cleveland at Chicago. SI, UhiIh at Detroit. Injuries Hit Yank Naliually tlio debut of last year's champions was the chief ipeiliule In each league. The four tlmuA American lea.Mu and world champion New York Yankees went to Philadelphia with nut .Ine DIMaggio and handicapped by niher Injuries. It was the fourth time In five years the m-nt out fielder had been abHent frim mi, opening, ho tho fact that In' wan j in New York nursing a tu mini knee could hardly be ennsidtved vital. - However. Hed Huffing a.i hit by a batted ball In priii'lleo yes terday malting hi Htart also doubt ful; Joe (iordon has been out of the lineup for two weeks with a Chai Icy horse and Keserve OiuMchicr Jake Powell lb convalescing fr on a brain concussion. Manager Joe McCarthy planned to use Monti Pearson If Knifing watt unable to play today end Con nie Muck countered with l.'lty Chubby I Iran. At Cincinnati tlio (Jln-'lui.-.ti Hods wen ready to mail the de fense of their National league title In a uiime with the Chicago Cubs that was sure of n capacity crowd j of approximately j,iimu. Two of the finest hurlers in tlio Henlor circuit. Paul Derrliuer of th I ted and Hill Lee of the Cues were tho mound choices. I iiiiIih iii'h TrausrtM'tnen won llit cliiiiMiiluiiHlilp or l In' I lly Hon ling IritKim liy talilliK llline fitrnlKil KHIiuiit Trout tile WliM-uns Knclllly night iih Hie t'liy luiif:iii' -um- ll'tMl It N UI'IIHOn'H iM-lH-llllll-'. Itllrtf- bnrg Alh'ytt flnlsliril in m-roml lilllrc ItltllMUKll hellli'lt two out or llirt'tt khiiu'H by thu (tiiihuii t'liMii rrM. Tim KiikIch IoiIi took tllit'e Ktuiiim from lioy'H Mi'H'h Ktoro nutl ropco No. 1 took lvo out of thrn' Iroiu tho KlkH IoiIcq. (ioiirKo Jiurr rolli'i! hlkh Kiuno iiiul hlt;h nt-rii-H HcoreH. Utli uiul lllu. neuron : Vi'Ih Kiii'lllly: nri sr llilcp i:m i:sn i:in sun! Wuni-ilKu 151 I is 111 ;tsti ciurki'tt is i nil loo :u:i lloillol 152 Hii 13S lilfi Tiinnltiml 1-7 isk i h; till ciiivin no in mi loo r,l TSI 711 23711 Ihintuuil Triiniirrr: llilrp. -:! 2:1 11:1 1 l. Miirr Sol Hill 2111 llio , W. Sll'lllll'llmill ..IliS 1M llll Hi.', W. HillkiT i:.7 i:w 121 117 1 ('. KiovHiRi.n ....2o 111 1 ;::t I.v2 I foe IlllU'k 170 175 ;is S3 ! 1127 7112 MI7 25211 l'niiiun t'lriinoiH: llili'li 57 57 511 171 llolltlrlis 2li i:iii I.'ill 115 i A. Mlllor ; I is:i lii'.i 5:.ii j Uinltain 1 is 112 I n; i"ii 1 II. Miller 1 S 1 1 li;i I'.l7 I I my )i;.i 17s 2;: 1 577 M V21 '.' vt;?.' I YOUR MONEY Saved Here is Backed by Homes Your savings placed in this friendly, soundly managed institution, while working for you, are helping many families to own homes. Your sav ings have been reinvested in one of tho soundest and most stable securities known, long-term first mortgage loans on residential real estate, repay able from the income of tho borrower. Your money, in this manner, makes work for building tradesmen, orders for building material suppliers and merchants, jobs for the architects and con tractors. You help business by saving here! 4Vao Current Rate of Return Umpqua Savings S Loan Association 147 No. Jackson Street Tel. 87 Roseburg, Oregon Mcnitrr of the FcaeiMl Home loan Bank OUR BOARDING HOUSE HEV, W-VlN, DON'T STAND BIRD WAITING FOR A WORM TO COME UP (STUCK IM MlS CXJTA TH' GROUMOA 'SOMEBODY SET PAW. AUMTT W A RCW TfUO IHATMIC T7?2&:1 M&PTUft. AWDB 1 COOKIE JAR- JillWj&-A "SOMETHlM', I SHAKE A LES AND 1 WEMT WJ GET ME A SAW, .- sftmlm- J I "CLICK J' WAKE UP IN A BrRD ft J - . (Ljeawder WA5 FREED APTER. 'aU . AM HOUR'S TIMKERING -,.iS I Ctn 1940 BT ht VCR VICC INC T. M RtC V ft PUT 01 f. '"J ' IliiHi'lMH'K AlloyH: iiiiop ;i7 :i7 :i7 111 Henry 2IKI lull Hill 511 It. I.oolllln 1711 155 122 451 Snlnn Ill 112 125 411 Iloueoi k i:l" 111" 1:15 4:i!l IIuiikIiiiihii 1 sr, ill 1 i;x r.17 SS2 SI I 757 215:1 Kagleft I.oiIko: Vun Vulziih 154 IliH 171 4ii:l I .Murphy lllf 1511 1511 511 Kelley 11a 1:1:1 :n I'limpliell 124 1511 1:15 415 Itnno 1115 l:ill 152 117 ii.iip mi mi 101 311:1 " K7K S30 851 25511 Itoy'H Men Store: llilep Ill l!l 4!l 117 Zeilor IIH 1511 172 4711 llelnz 200 121 111) 4111 Speneer 14X MI7 1115 4xn .1. I.ooiuln 11" Uil Hill 4liS 1M 152 lliil 41111 M73 SOU S 111 2521 Co pen No. 1 (dep., m si hi :.-- Wins nr i:t'i His ii:t Itruce !L:i IM liu -117 Simmons IH1 U'ti 111 Mil Palm nr, ir.-i 112 cm Hinabai'Ker IT.ti 2h 122 lu:i .' X77 HiU TM alio ""Wff'O. K. No. fldcp 117 !7 112 Helllwoll IL'ii I. IS HiS ir.j nun ...n:t iu 12!) :k2 Anludt HI l"t 1 IK :i;i:t Wood ni rr i"i m-' i-''" -I-- Haslilns 1:12 155 Uil 4M 710 ;h; ssm 2:si i I I I CLASS OFFICERS NAMED Faith Young was named valedic torian for the senior class o H-e-burg high school and Mctty Mae Whipple was i hosen sahilaioria.i, it was announced at the studen; body assembly held Friday. Com mencement exercises will be held at the high school May 'M lor llm graduating class, which numbers 123 students. DOES SHE LOVE YOU "She may have a soft spot in her heart Tor you, but you can't expect the girt to fall wildly In love until you semi that suit lo the idea hers, Take a friend's advice, F.ddle. and call 172 now." Umpqua Cleaners 231 NO. MAIN Hi ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. with THERE LIKE Af HE JUST RHS Tennis Team Loses toG-Pass HoHchni'K hifih Hi-hool's iotenllal ly KtroiiR tennis team Hollered an unexpected revorm Saturday nitiht . wiien it urnppeii a i -10-2 decision ' to the (irunts Pass racket-wielders on high school the bitters tlond lighted courts. j Coach Homer Crow's proteges I had previously deleated the Cave-j men here, fi tit I. It was the first de-1 leal, of the season for the locals ' whose victory list also Include n I shut-nut triumph over Coos Itlver, 7-0. The Indians were some what lucky to emerge on lop with their Iwo matches as Mreitmayer. t!rants Pass player, was forced to default his inaii-h to Clyde Carsteiis, Jr.. when be was unable to continue play because of a leg cramp- Cars tens, however, was leading at the lime. U-1. I fi. 5-. Cary ami Cars tens teamed for Koseburg'H remain ing victory when they defeated Wright and Treadgold, fi I. -3. The next opponent for the locals will be ('Diversify high school of Huge no. here. Saturday, April 20. Itesults if the matches were: Treadgold, (J. P.. deleated C-aey, It.. ii-l, li t; Curstcus, H dclrcaLcd Hrelimayiir, C. P.. li-4. 5-i; Kioll, ;. P.. defeated Mcl.niuhlln. It.. (I I, IM; Wright. (J. P.. defeated Ness. It.. 7-fi; 9-7; llavord, (i. P.. defeat ed Campbell, It., 7 !). 6-3. Stoll rind llavord, C. P., defeated Ness ami McLoughlin. .. 6-S; Cary ami Carslens, It., defeated Wright and Treadgold. C. P.. 6-, (j-3. I Mr. Rice Here H. P. Hire, of Myrtle Creek, attended to businets I Oittributccl by DougUt Dittnbutin jilllil TrwidKolil. (I. I'.. 6 i. (i-3. j In tin, 40 years Milli e !! A. H. C. Pi Hits eHy yesterday. 'have rolled iMntiOuo games. j ,1 best advertisement. ASAwl j Major Hoople W WELL LEANJDER A6A.N MAVE TO WATCH YOUR STEP JM THIS HOUSE OR YOU'LL FALL THROUGH A TRAP DOOF. AND WAKE UP CASE.' Grading Delays Shipping of Fruits, Vegetables A total of l,; II horticultural in sped Inns were made in March by tho plant division of hi lie nepamm-ni o iiK- inn uu wer(1 teporied on 4i in II lion itouuds fruits and vegetables. .Most of the vIolalloiiK were duo to failure to mark grades on commodities, and the produce was released as soon as grades were furnished. A comparatively small (piantlty tailed to make the grade claimed In the labels. oiv hundred mid fillv more car-' loads of fruits and vegetables were) corlliied by tin- federal-state ship-, ping point rervice during March (luin in the previous month, re- ports the state department of ag riculture, The major Khipments in-, eluded 'M cars ol apples. 1S3 cars; neum. 1.12:11 rTirs potatoes, and 2!ll cars of onions. Factory Clerk Seventh to i Bowl Perfect 300 Score! IH-lTliOIT. April 111, (API While champions and near-chain-pi mm have fallen by the wayside, a bespectacled factory clerk luifl become the hero of the America bowling congress, ItnilJng with fellow- keglers look ing on, JO-year-old (ieorgo Callage, of Akron, Ohio, yesterday became the sevenlh person in the history of the A. It. C. to roll a perfect 300 game. the 40 vears since the A. H. C. icame into being, only six bowlers had accomplished the perfect game in the annual tournauienls. In that time mure than :ip.niio howlers u Co., Motcburg, Ore. Phone 14 I i OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL News of4-H CLUBS The "Stitch and Chat" club held fiu weekly meeting Friday at the home or ,Mra. J. M. Hartley. He freKhmentH of chocolate and cookies were. Herved before the businesH HeHhlon. The Klrls bad received in time for thin meetine some fntereHtlne j patterns for doil clothes presented to them by McCall Pattern com pany. These patterns are made lis carefully ami accurately as the regular patterns. They include under-Rariiieiits, dress and Binihat. I niriiif; iuttt ruction period M rs. Hartley taui:ht the Riiis who hud pieced guiltttops bow to I.lnd their lui!tH. Sci pbooks came In for a large, sliure of discuKHlous, as tlio Kil ls tried different ways of arrang ing samples of the stitches used in l heir sewing this year. The rest of the meeting was taken up In playing games. On April 12 the "Tree Helpers" had a test on identifying woods at their meeting. Plans were also made for the trip to Hinkle creek on Saturday. Ice cream and cake were sered. At 11 a. 111. Saturday we piled into the pickup and started off for If inkle creek. A fine dinner was eaten, consisting of a large fry ing pan heaped up twice with cold baked beans, enough hotdogs for twice the usual amount apiece and the various lunches of the mem bers, After a futile attempt at fishing at Hinkle creek, wu were again on (lie mad. We next went to the logging camp on Hinkle creek and examined a donkey engine. Then we watched the loading of u log- Lfilltf truck After rrnllini' UMiiinlnlu ,lf t, ,1,1J,UC,.,. .,.., ,a went to the west side, where we Rot HMniu sampeii fron, euently- fallen ponderosa pine. All members agreed we had a swell dinner and trip. (My Josephine Wright) The Woo'lcraners of Days Creek. And BEST of All TODAY CALIFORNIA - PACIFIC UTILITI 16, 1940. since it Is so near exhibit time, spent most of their last meetinb working on exhibits. Many of the members have material to be miw ed and thin was worked oi- Oth- n taini-u UMU fjiamit'ii 101 liieii tt. Kuril member is plimnlng to inak3 a course of study to ncconi party their exhibit boards. Tliii will con tain material regarding the exhibit and will help to explain the pur pose of the exhibit. An interesting meeting of the Junior Foresters was heid at the school Thursduy. Plana wi ie check ed for exhibits at the Spring fair. It was found that each member is progressing nicely. Mrs. Frit-' Snyder orgaidzed a Rose and Flower Hardening club at the Hays Creek school Mon day. Margie Wright was elected president, Vloiet Cioin vice-president, and Maxine Wrlghl secretaty. Other members are Hazel Welch. Alice Mae Vetc'.i, Mildred Spore and Josephine Wright. This club r:ariB to carry on thei:' wurK dur ing the summer months. The Master Marketeers of Days Creek and the club of OanjoiivlHi greatly enjoyed Marletlng lay. Saturday, in Hosebuig, sponsored by the Hos'-'jurg chamber of com merce. They were transported to Knseburg by Itay Wrl.-ibL local bus driver. Thoue attending from ihe local school were: Muviliai; Mat thews, Norval Ferguson. Clifford Wooster, jnet Chenowetli, Wlpna Davis and Zelmu Ayres. It was al so high Bchoo) play day and a group of gii Is from both schools attended this enjoyable ovnt. Cecil Pierce Winner of R.H.S. Speaking Contest . i Cecil Pierce, representing the senior class, won the extemporane ous speaking contest held Friday in the Uoseburg senior high selion auditorium. There was one parti cipant from each class, and ea:-ti contestant was given one hour in which to pie 1 mie a talk on an as signed subject. Second pIhcc was won by Morence Hamilton, repre- j .-It-Ill III K I 111. JHIIIUl l 'II.1D, HIIII 111 I I '1 Young won third place for the so phomores. The seniors now lead with :t2 points In rivalry for the Interclass cup. with the sopho mores holding 21 points and the I juniors 1R. I MORE PEOPLE ARE COOKING WITH GAS THAN EVER BEFORE The Choice of Experience! GRs CLUB MEETING DATED CAMAS VALLEY, April 15. The April meeting of the Camns . Valley Parent-Teacher club will ie held at tho acuoolliouse at a p. Wednesday. April 17. Attendance of all members Is urged as plana AMERICAKACADJEMY OF ACCOUNTANCY is please to announce the appointment of Lloyd L Lowell as Consultant-Instructor for Roseburg and vicinity. ASK THIS QUESTION WHEN YOU BUY A TRACTOR' 9 How long will it last? A The first "Caterpillar" Diesel Tractor ever built is still working on regular schedule logging in the Sierra Nevada mountains. The first "Caterpillar" Diesel sold for farming is likewise carrying on its regular duties for Schu. der Bros., near Woodland, California. From the standpoint of hours many "Caterpillar" Die sel owners report their tractors have worked 15, 20, and even 30 thousand hours and are still going strong. Drop in and weT answer this question more fully. This is the fifth in a series discussing important points to remember when selecting a tractor. DOUGLAS COUNTY Far Bureau Co-op. Exch. ROSEBURG. OREGON It'i You get ALL these Advanced Range Features ONLY WITH GAS Click Simmer Burner Smokeless Broiler Scientific Insulation Full Automalic Lighlinq New Type Top Burners Heat Control Giant Burner Instant Heat Precision Oven Rcuular Price Allowance Your Ump and for a swim school are to bo d! cussed and a nominatlne commit- (tee will be named to propose club , Otlicers lur ip .,. jw. p?.iwicui Sandwlrbf n Live Forever." C. A. Uruud's the hiuliway. (Adv.) s a fl $129.50 Ramie 30.00 50 Clock Extra 4