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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1927)
-i : I M i I- ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1927. THREE' 5 5 Bridge Tea and Fashion Show ! MASONIC HALL - ; Wednesday Afternoon 2 to 5 . )' TABLE RESERVATIONS $1.00 ' Call 616 or 41-J for Reservation!. , ' i Merchants Taking Part in Fashion Revue Indies Shoppe Fisher's Marksbury Store King's Millinery I. Abraham Roseburg Bootcrie J. C. Penney Co. . Bell's Millinery ; The Vogue Millinery Art and Baby Shop Perrin's Shoe Store KEEP FOR FIGHT GIVEN NEW YORK. Sent. 13. Georco "Tex" Itlckard, the eminent promo ter or Dox rights,. Rave rorlh to n : waiting world this morning- the long awaited and ihuch discussed official diagram of tho seating ar--ruugemonts for the coming' Tun-ney-Dempsey fistcuffs at Soldier Field here. r , '. The diagram,' the absence of which has caused much and hitter walling among the customers who had to purchase, tickets Bight un seen, as it wore,' were printed in this morning's Chicago Tribune.' i ,'iiib ring is huuhccii mi me cen ter of the gridiron, according to tho blue prints, and it in surround ed by four rows of chuii-s to be de dicated to the working mombersof. the preBs. - -The; fifth row from the ring is; ine otnciut "ringside" row, where such customers as pjovernors of states, mayors and other notables will watch the toiling of Messrs.' Dempsey and Tunney, . : From there, the seats extend back into the far reaches of the stadium, ad Infinitum, the distance from tho ring varying inversely with the price'. ' , i ' . ' t ? Absolutely; the closest ' to tho fipht: right ' up whore (Ins ven1 scuffling of the bnltlers shoes will lie plainly heard, the telegraphers, whose clicking keys will flash the. blow by blow accounts of Ihe' bat tles to newspapers In all parts of the world, will have to depend on the stories they receive from their' reporters to tell how the, fight is. going. Arrangements for their In struments have been made beneath' tho ring. . o - t . . f. . ,.,'. . A survey showed that snectnfdrs in (he topmost seats on'rthe soutlr will be more than 500 feet 'from the ringside. Fans occupying Hhe .' $5 benches along the fence to ' the north of the stadium will be almost 700 feet from tho two fights. A daylight view of the ring loca tion from those sections made men slnnding where the -ring will be appear like pygmies, but the pro-, motors said that a liiirht view with Hie field in darkness and the ring flooded with light would give a oeiier view. . - , TEACHER RESIGNS M TO TAKE UP POST GRADUATE WORK ... Ijloyd Reynolds, who has had charge of the senior English de partment in senior high school the past year, has received n scholar ship in the University of Oregon and has tendered his resignation to complete his graduate work at the university. Mr. Reynolds will teach some subjects In the Uni versity of Oregon while complet ing his studies. The board has elected to fill the vacancy. Miss Florence Buck, graduate of the University of Oregon Following her graduation Miss Buck secured a scholarship at the university and taught classes In freshman Eng- That's Clean Recleaned Whole Corn, per 100 lbs. $2.35 Recleaned Cracked Corn, per 100 lbs. $2.45 Ground Corn, per 100 lbs. - $2.45 BETTER FEED FOR LESS MONEY i r n uuumab iuuniy tauui 11111 g; 124 - & . Roseburg and I ' YANKEES WIN PENNANT : (.iKfoWatcl Vti-s lA'hsiii Wire) NEW YORK, Sppt. 13 The Yankees clinched the Anierl- V enn league pennant today by taking a doulile header from the Cleveland Indiana, Th'o scores wore 0 to 3 in both games. "'-. Hah while taking post graduate work. Sho received her Master's degree in literature from - Welles ley college last spring. Miss lluck will Instruct the KngllBh depart ment and in public speaking in the senior high school and the board feels'fortunate in securing the ser vices of such a cupable-young wo man to fill the place made vucnnt by Mr. Reynolds. ; : , , V. E. Pope, for a long'time local manager of (he 20th'Conlury store, wus today notified.' of 'promotion, and v,'fil leave ' Wednesilay luorn ini; for Portland, whore he will be stationed in the future. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pope ltuvo made many friends while In Roseburg, and all of them will rogret their departure. " Sergeant G. C." 'Owen "and Ser geant Herman,, "of- thu-Aimy re cruiting service, 'spent -last night in Roeeburg. rhey nrc-recruitine, 'or service In the Ph'illipines, China, Panama; and Hawaii. Ser geant Owen Is now In charge of this district and will visit itose bing regularly:- each nrpnth. . Watch s 1 i i ', i i ' ' s i ' ast Energetic Mornings De pend on Breakfast Start Always vyith Quaker Oats HOW you feel all morning de pends largely on your break-, fast. Thousands have unenergetic forenoons because of wrong breakfast- eating. To feel right, you must have a Well-balanced, complete, breakfast ration. At most, other, meals lunch and dinner you get it. But break fast is hurried, often badly chosen. Thus Quaker Oats, containing 16 protein, food's great tissue builder; 65 carbohydrate, its great energy clement, plus all-important vitamines and the "bulk" that makes laxatives seldom needed, is the die tetic urge of the world today. It is food that "stands by" you through the morning. Get Quaker Oats today. Grocers have two kinds: Quick Quaker, which cooks in 2'2 to S minutes, and Quaker Oats, Quaker Oats i-. iyf:ii t - . iS,- Myrtle Creek. 6! SI LOCAL! I Spends Afternoon ' I Mia. R. W. Ulck of Camas Vul- ley was in RoneburK Monday after-j ' quo ii whopping und transuding , business, i Business Visitor C. l.utmun of Looking filasa was in this city Monday ulioruoun looking after business ufftiirs und trading. Spends Few Days Here J. 1). Neely of f'amas Valley was; hero la(e yesterday afternoon ut-( tending to biuiihwcs -mutters und visiting. . , Miller Family Visits Victor .Miller and fumily, Klkton' residents were in Itoseburg for: several hours Monday shopping' and visiting. i From Yoncalla Walter Van der Vert of Yoncalla was a viRltor In Itoseburg Muuduy nt'ternoou and was looking ufter business affairs. Orkland Lady Visitor -. Mrs. Max Hncor of Oakland spent Monday ufternoon In this city shopping and attending to business affairs. From Myrtle Creek 1 I. C. York, owner of Ihe Ak-sar-beu auto camp in - Myrtle Creek was n visitor in Itoseburg for a brief time Monday. : Riddle Family Visits Mrs. August Wilson nnd two daughters, Margaret nnd Marjorlo, returned to Kiddie Iant evening- af ter spending the day here shopping. Spend Day Here . : ,'; i Miss Mary. Wcdls and .lirothor, V. P..' Wella, - residents, or IktoX were in Hoaeburg Monday attend ing to business matters und shop ping. U. II.. Visit Friends In Eugene Mrs. Henry Dareln nnd daughter nnd son, Kiaine nud J a men, wont, to Eugeno lust evening and wi)I visit with friends , there for a few days. . . . Tanners Visit : . Mr.- and Mrs.. Goo. Tanner nnd tho former's, sister, Miss Monu Tanner, Camas ; Vulley residents, wore visitors in ItOGoburg. Monday, afternoon. . .- , i . Yoncalla People, Visit ,A parly , of Yoncalla residents, including Mr.. and Mrs. Llnyd VViHe and Mrs. Kettle Hanon, were visit ors here during the .aftornoon on Monday. , , , . . , ,, . ,, , , Motor To Eugene ' , Mrs. IC J. Walnscott and daugh ter and sou, Bernir;G and Harold, returned hero ,last evening, from a: motor trip to J-iugene. whoro they spent iwonuay visaing. t Back from Ranger Station - Gcorgo . Churchill. - returned to Roseburg ,tq vprenaro for - school Monday after , -Bpendinc the sum meiv period ;at the look out sta tion at Caps Illabee. . . i Mrs. Beard Returns Home - Mrs. Fred L. Renrd, after visit ing ihere with her., two, brolheis, Wilbur and Alba Spaugh, for sev eral days, retimed to her home in Eugene ast evening. Mrs.- Heard formerly resided iu Itoueburg. Gone, to Portland Jay A. Fulcher left today by auto for Portland where he avIII jojn his uncle, Louis Fulcher,' who came to this , coast from Detroit, Michigan, for a visit. Mr., Fulcher has not seen his uncle for a num ber of years. , Mrs. Sloan Returns Home Mrs. J. B. Sloan returned to her homo on East Washington street this morning after spending a week in Portland visiting friends and relatives. She accompanied to the metropolis her daughter, Mrs. Frank Meagher, and throe daughters, who visited here a few weeks tiiis summer. Powells Here from Eugene , Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Powell, who have been making their homo in Eit:;ene after leaving this city sev eral years ago, are back visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. Powell will go to Glendale today to join Curl Sether for a few days' hunt in that part of the country. Mrs. Powell will remain here to visit her son. Karl Powell, on South Pino street. j Azalea Man Is Wed j Charles Jantzer. of Azalea. Ore i gon and Miss Freda HniiKon of 1 Med Cord were united in marriage nt the Firft Methodist parsonage, 27 North Orange, at three nnocK, Saturday afternoon. Dr. T. H. Temple performed the ceremony. Witnessing the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kelley. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey Morgan, Mrs. Tester Wertz and three children, M. P. Hanson, father of the bride, Oscar and Carl Hanson, brothers, anJ Miss Clara .lantzer, sister of the ernom. The1 bridal couple left im- medintely for a short stay nt the home cf Mrs. A. H. Davenhiil, Ash land, whero Mrs. Jantzer has made her home for aomc time. Medford Hall Tribune. Mr. Jnnlzer Is a member of a family well known in the southern part of the county. He Is operator n' the Itmibrr eonipnny as A7alea. Baby and Pre School CLINIC Douglas County Health Unit Sept. 14, 1-4 P. M. Health Office In Courthouse, Roseburg. NEWS Mils Brown Visits Miss Bessie liiown of Camas Vail iy spent Monday afternoon in this ciiy shopping und vlnli Iiik with friends. , . Mrs. Compton Home - Mrs. it. 11. Coiuptnn arrived home this .morning utter a stay in Cortland, where she visited with friends oxer the past few duys. M. L. Coturrl Visitor Maurice I.. Coturrl, Southern 1'aciflc chief, of special agents, from Portland has been a visitor lli itoseburg Hie pust two duys. From Hoaolln - Mr. und Mis. Chns. Messing, ro?I dents of Hoagliu, were in this clly ovor Monday visiting and on busi ness. , Spending Few Days Here ' t " Mrs. C. W. I.ockrldge of Dayton, O., was nn arrival here last even ing and is spending a few days in the city visiting Divorce Granted A divorce was granted to Ethel Coke Clink from fc'rank Clink. De sertion was alleged by the plain tiff who was represented by Attor ney Ii. II. Compton. Returns to Albany Mi-s. Anna K'nwater of Albany returned to that city Monday afternoon following a visit at the home of her mother, Mrs.' Anna Ilerks, iu EJenbower. , Illinois People Visitors , The Misses Kalherfne nndT Minle Fisher of Dement, . Illinois,! nro Visiting,; at; he, ;home .of 'their brotlier, fred Fislier, ami family at' l'ldenbower Orehafds. Back From Hunting Trip Milton Keysor and Harold Iload man are back following a two-day bunting trip at. Coffeo Creek dis trict during tho first of the week. They brought in a three-point buck. Will Serve on Federal Jury T. E Singleton left this morn ing for Portland, - whero he has been called to. serve on the feder al grand jury beginning Tuesday. Ho will return hero the first part of next-week. - t -. , i i Photographs llvo forovor. i The most appropriate nnd the most ap preciated' and- the i only Kift your friends- cannot buy, your photo graph. Have your -sittings now for your holiday- gifts. ' Roseburg fatu dio, 128 Jackson St. i ' ! : Hero Few Days i ' ( . i W. H. Brewer, fruit buyer from the liotfthern j -iirt oj the; sf af;o, witlL Sum' Peterson arrived last evening' and both are spend ing a few days here on bushwtta Mr. Brewer went to Hiddie; tills inorning, "' ' 1 I Will' Attend Portland School 1 Miss BeuIah'Parkor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Parker bf Wilbur. who has been located here for the past' throe months, left today by auto for Portland. Miss Parker will enter tho Behnlce-Wallter Busi ness 'college 'for a course- during the winter. ' ' ; ' ' j . Return Monday Eye 1 1 ' r Ur', and Mrs. 'Wayne' E. Jones and the lormer's sister, Mrs.' An 'na Diibnj?yi-)turiiedl last night trom, Heedsport. and; Smith River country, where '' the rest' of the ' lidriebyrg delegation, they spent Sunday and Monday. O. N. G. Instructor Visits ' 1 , C;tpt. V.. N. Diaz, . Oregon -National Guard Instructor, from the Otlices of the adjutant general at Salem was here Monday and In spected the, -local, unit, at regulur drill last night at the armory. Capt. Diaz staled that everything was in fine order. He left this morning for Med lord to spend a day before his return, to SalemS Leave for Rlckreall Harry Frewing and son, Leslie Frewiug, returned to their home at Rlckreall, Oregon, following n three-day stay in tho southern part of the county. They wore at Cow Creek canyon for a hunting trip and brought in a buck Satin day morning. Mr. Frewing and his son remained here Sunday and visit ed their moi her-in.-law and grand mother, Mrs. M. A. Jones. Mrs. Thurston Arrives Mrs. Charles Thurston (Gladys Bridges) arrived Monday from Medford, where she has been em ployed, and is joining her hus band here to reHlde. Mrs. Thurs ton formerly made her home In Roseburg and has many friends In the city. She will leave with Mr. Thurston for the ranger sta tion at Wolf Creek, where he Is stationed during the fire season, and will prepare to move their things to this city to 'npend the winter. Son of Senator Visits Bert Halsey of Clarkston,' Wash ington, son of Senator Halsey of Aslotln county, Washington, was a visitor In Rosehura; Mordoy. Mr. HalRey, while here called on ileii'-y Golgert, locnl manager of the C. J. Breier company, of whom be was a friond when both families lived at Lewiston, Idaho. Mr. Hal sey is a former newspaperman, having part Interest in the Clarks ton Republic several yearn ngn. He was en route to Seattle before his return home. Miss Denn Left for South Miss Annubel Denn, former Itoseburg girl who has been spend ing the past month In the rity visiting at the home of her par ent, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Denn, left this morning for Manteca, California, where she will be lo cated for the cominit senwon. Miss Denn Is a University of Oregon graduate and an accomplished musician and pipe organist. She will havf charge of the music de partment of the high school at Manteca this year. FAIR AT GLIDE . . A large number of local people went to Glide today to ) attend the annual comniuu- lty fair1 bclni; hed there. The displuys this year were . fur Biiperior tu number tliun 4 any previous fuir. t Follow- 4 lug the basket dinner, served at nuun a fine program was 4 enjoyed in the school house, where an adilieBS was inudo by Hon. A.i L'. Mursters of Itoseburg. ' . t . ! " ' ' :!-':. Here from Oakland Hoy MeN'ubb of Oakland was In this city over Mofulay iiUendinKjl'J Here This Morning , ! Win. Bailey of South Deer Oreejt spent the morning in this city at tending to business affairs. Marriage License Issued . A marriage license has neon is sued to John Thrush and -Mmi'i Tanner, both of Cumus Valley: In Monday ... , . i Ligo Ollivant, 'resident of Look ing (ilass, spent Monday li'le.ri noon In Hoseburg looking after business uffairs. Portland Man Visitor , Frank Vanderpool of the North coast Lines, with headquarters in Portland, arrived, here last night for a visit with friends. Miss Williams Back Miss Elizabeth Williams return ed home Monday evening nfter a stay in Eugene, where she was tlte guest of Miss Earl one James1 tit the Del her t James home. -:!,'. Leaving For Corvallis Mrs. Jack Allison and son, Jack, Jr., nro leaving iu tho morning To corvallis wnore tney wm visit with Mm. J. w. Kurtz or Sigma Nil fnternily. They expect to re turn here the last of the week. , ( t J 1 Mrs. Harth Home Mrs., Henry Harth, who has been spondlug the past several mouths in Sai Francisco and bay cities, is homoJ She was met in Pan Fraiv cisco-by Mr. JJarh, who drove to that city and; In company with Mrs. Hurth, "motored to Reno, Ne vada. Lake Tahoe nnd en routfe stoppeil to spepd a few , days, at the a'tatbifafv'lu Sacramento.' ' v' Mrs. Eaton lit According to wonj . received from Medford. Mrs. W". 'liEiitbn. formerly' of this city, is seriously 111 at Bremerton, Washington. Rev, Eatony formor pastor of Uie BafplisS Chnreh- here, Is , cateU at? MVriforu and Mm' now io- and -his wifn recently went.t to Bremerton operation, nhd Rev. Eattni is 10 Lrjemalu J.liy o .ui(.U io..iuiin'lvfS., Father, Wm.' Swank Visits- , E, JMSwauk of, Portland, father of WmV W. Swank,4 ex-Rosoburg youth, who was killed a weok uko when his car turned ovor about 25 miles 'north of Klamath Falls while the young man was en route to Chiloquin after spending Labor tiny holiday with friends horo, ' ar rived in this' city Monday1 evening. Mr. Swank is remaining over here today ns the guest of Morle Clark and will go On to Chiloquin on Wednesday to settle tho affairs of his son: ' - : Col. Day and Family Back i Col. J. G. Day, Mrs, Ddy nnd their son, J. G. Day, Jr.; returned to Roseburg Monday evening after an absence of a year, during which time they were In California. The family has been located in Ray mond, Madera county, California of late. They aro being warmly greeted by their many friends here, who wore glad to loam to day that they have . returned to stay. Col. Day Btatos that he and the other mombers of the family are glad to be home again. They lire at the Umpqua hotel at pres ent and will later tako an' apart ment, having BOhi Miolr liomo when they left hero. . Ex-Resident Wins Scholarship Interesting to his wide circle of friends in Roseburg where ho for merly made his home, is ihe news received that Lyle Weed, a gradu ate of Roseburg high school, has won a scholarship to Asbury col lege in Kentucky, tho scholarship paying all of his expenses through school. The young man wbh em ployed In the Roseburg National Bankjfin this city following his graduation and was popular among the younger set. He has been a student at Willamette University and has been residing In Salem during the summer. Mr. Weed visited with relatives nnd friends in this city a short time ago before preparing to go to Kentucky. Carnation Mmh. Count on Carnation Mush not only for a better breakfast but an ciisicr-to'gft breakfast. Five minutes and this delicious whole wheat cereal is table-ready! "Albers stands for a fljT Better Breakfasts" ft JK , SPECIAL TRAIN GOiniGTOMEDFQBD V! EARLY THURSDAY Hope to Have Large' pele- Ration to loin in 'Jubi- i lee of Neighboring ; J Decauso of the lUucerlnlA Hvonlh- or conditions tbil ticket sale firj the IWodlurd excfirislon trip nan; so far been sloA-; Many who de sire to htti lid tlti' Jubllao nro wi)lt Inir iintll the lust uiiudliii In oi dei lo li-arn what the wwither will be before limy definitely de cldo whether or not thoy will niake .' j tile 'trip. - Tlio 'Iinpqua Chiefs', who are sponsoring thu speclul train. , are delayhig (hi-li; lhket. cnmim.-iirn ,'ill. fthe JlODO ,-that, the jvi'ttthtr will turn 'of I Uvprably 'j before lliosnltt .elfori) is ltnuw; taken. ; -' : ' - 1 1 ' 1 ' ' As It is planned now, tho train will leave at 6 a. ni. Weduosdu); reaching Medford about 9 it. ni. It will leuva at 6 a. m. Thursday may he used as headquarters all day by thu RoBeburg party, giv ing a placo whero the local peo ple may gu umi ictu il iiu- nu desire, A baggage car will pro vide a kitchen, and dining room for tho UmiKiuu Chlol's . and Squaws who aro arranging to serve meals for the members of the organizations aboard Ihe train. Tho tickets for this excursion trip nro offered nt' the usual one way rate of $4.70. In order to tako ndvuntago of this ruto the nip to Medford must be made on the excursion 1 train, but the ticket. Is good for ten days and ir a person desires to remain In Med-, fowl- the ticket can be used on any .regular jtraln , within the 10 day period, It' not "being required that the tldkelsi -be-used only on ,lho special train. ' 1 1 ' . tThpt noughts j County Concert Band which is to appear in the Jubililef parade's; nnd also play sev eral concerts, i lmld ll regular prac tice, last night and will meet ugain tomorrow night to go - ovar, the progrnra jor tho nppenranco. Tliero wjll be, 28, menibors of the band mhke thi tHh 'mul Boveral ,of tho mtiBltltitiS Will -bo nccompanlotl by Ihelr wives. ' - 1'he Umpqiin Tost! American- I.e-j gron nmnr lorps -win aiso join iu the festivities of tho day and will compete for the prize offered in the drum corps competition at .' ' I ' The' special itrnln.wllUrelurh'to RoHohurg late at li ght, leaving partv b6toro 'tno tram go ll 1H iiuijvu umi. " largo group of Rosehurg' pooplo : make this trip. Us It Is deBligd.lq have tho city well represented nt tho Medford oolobrntlon. Tho Medford poople are celebrating the successful termination of several groat development- prdjeots nni are! asking neighboring cities to join- In- the rejoicing with thorn; nnd Roseburg em - displav i her friendly foellngi lor. her neighbor ing city In no bettor manner than by being well repreaonted . at the festlvnl. SENATOR EDDY . KIWANIS SPEAKER ON CONSTITUTION A stirring and Insplrntlonulj ad dress was given beforo the Ki wanls club today by Hon. H. U Eddy, who spoko on tho i subjoct of tho Constitution. As this wuuk is being observed as Constitution weok the Kiwunis club observed tho day by Bivlng thd entiro' liro gram over to patriotic music, and the fine address. Senator Eddy de tailed tho history of tho constitu tion, showing how It was formed und showed Its relation In compari son with! other forms of govern ment. Ho called attention to the tnct that tho constitution I" de iicndent entirely upon the Intelli gence and patriotism of tho peo ple for Its preservation, ano uigou a creator response to patriotic. service. Ho Btruck a hard blow at tho influences that are endeavor ing to dostroy tho foundations of the government, showing that pow erful organizations exist for tho purposo of deliberately overthrow ing the constitution. The Klwnnls club wns divided today, a part of tho membership going to tlllde to meet with the people of thut community in tho unnuul fair. DAlt-Y WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Weather Bureau Ofrice, Roseburg, Oregon. Data reported by Arthur W. Pugh, Meteorologist In charge. i Barometric pressure (reduced to Boa level) 5 a. m 29.KH Relative humidity 6 p. m. yes terday (per cent) f9 Preclp. In Ins. and Hundredths: Highest tenipcrnlure yesterday (10 Lowest temperature last night 411 Average temperature lor the day M Normal tomporaturo for this dato - 'I' Precipitation, last 24 hours 02 Total preclp. slnco 1st month .112 Normal preclp. for this month 1.01 Total preclp. from Sept. 1, 1927, to dale 92 Average proclp. from Sept. 1, 1S77 33 Total excess slnco Sept. 1, 1927 59 Average seasonal proclp. Sept. to May Inclusive .... 31.12 Forecast for southwest Oregon: Unwilled tonight nnd Wednesday, lempernture below normal PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Get Your Set OF (1 . Natipnajijy- Advertised " GENUINE 1 1 I "i ti I J , i i i , I ; 1 1 1 , i ( ' ; ' ! ExcL'ptionAei Beauty Products Sept. 14,, 15, 16, 17 ';'. f OlSlLSfT ''' : ThesfJ 'Id Full-Size ; Exquisite Toiletries i Nationally advertised in : per's Bazar, etc., to retool for a total of $12.00. Yours .for the Gift Certificate, , below and n small service charge of $1.97. . . . ' -. '.-' ' ; .' ' '- ',' . This Offer Good Only Until Sept. 17th I 1 Mall' ; ' Orders Accepted Add. 20c for lJos,tago. : and ' Packing i "I ii Nil . XlT t s V ' v. x i n PH, 1 , mm Each Set contains ihe Following Ten Full Size Ei-'J quisitc Toiletries Nationally Advertised at the') k Price Listed Below . i , . J Ii ViVani 2. Vjvani 3. vivani 4. Vivani 5. Vivani 6. Vivani 7. Vivani 8. Vivani 9. ' ViVani 10. Vivani,: Exccptionnel txceptionnel xceptionnel Exceptionnel Exceptionnel Exceptionnel Exceptionnel Exceptionnel Exceptionnel Exceptionnel TOTAL After thj Distribution of Complete Sets the Indi vidual Items will be on Sale at the Above Prices. POSITIVELY ONLY ONE SET TO A PERSON Exclusive Distributors for : - ' ; Vivani Beauty Products in Roseburg 7e NATHAN FULLERJON, Prop. fPorkint Rtitltlinn 123 Roseburg t '.". Bring This Certificate With You Gift Certificate - t&htS Certificate entitles the holder to oniiom$Uti f 12.00 set of 10 full size " 4 Vivani Exceptionnel Beauty ProHuctt exactly at described herewith, ' ' No cturr whatever to fioldtn'of Sonmitr Ctrddrttt tcm81 .Inf very tmall irrrire ehttgrn of only 1.97, which incltuM 4 i si ot milet tttWU: SET IS OBTAINABLE IMMIiDIAIBLV 'UPON PRESENTATION OF THIS CERTIFICATB. JL Good Only Sept. 14, 15, 16, 17. Redeemable only at Nathan Fullcrton Saturday Evening Post, Hnr- ij.yfcs.'.-.,'-', -i - Face Powder ....... Rouge Tissue Cream ...,! Depilatory Facial Astringent . Bath Salt :.. Toilet Water I:-.. Perfume Brilliantine Skin Lotion .......$1.00 ....... .75 lioo ....... 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.25 2.75 x:.t '.75 : .75 ;.$12.00 Store v - Oregon i mm:iJ V" , 14.-. LLJ' ""t-3 7