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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1927)
. fir ROSEDURG NEWS-REVIEW. SATURDAY, AUGUST r3,-1927 - FIVE THE GEHRIGS--AND PIGKLED EELS FAME FIRES VIE WITH HOME FIRES .! - ... I I J-4 I Home fires and .fame fires both burn brightly for the Gehrlgs, who fast arc becoming one of the coun try's moat prominent families. Mother and Father Hbnry Gehrig ; are pictured above with Lou, the ; home run star,' and "Tessie" at their New York flat. Over at the ; right Is a most interesting camera Lou's "Ma" Is Deep-Dyed Fan as Well, i Angler and Good ,Cook; Raised? Her-, Boy to Play. Baseball 'v.; ; . BY.HOp"r.ENSE.SAUNDERp, ' NEA Service Writer.' NEW YOIIK, Aug. 10. No use tho Oehrig family. If "Ma" Gehrig . Uvea over it, she will bo a wonder. Of all tho folks who are Eeiting a big "kick" out of Lou i Gehrig's race with the immortal Babe Jluth' for home-run-hitting honors, "Ma" Gehrig is getting the biggest. ) That's not all. Lou's mother is reaping a large crop of fame on : her own account as well as her son's. Thanks to pickled eels. Though she can perform ' won ders with roast beef and mashed 1 potatoes and all the other better known and more routine items of a husky man's diet, .it's at pickling , eels that she reaches the peak of her culinary'artistry. j Yanka Cry for Them. She has the whole New York t Yankee team crying for them now. i Were "Ma" Gehrig to run out on j the playing field with a bowl of j ar pickled eels in the middle of a I game, that game would stop right there! . ; . "Lou always 1ms been cracy about pickled eels," she explained to me. "He'd rather have them v than caviar. And he's' always had . all of them that he wanted. "You sec. 1 believe in leaving dieting and starving to those who enjoy it. I believe in food lots of teagg iiin"i.ii n in lirii.i' " hi . -t -,iirri,i . i ,.,! n .1-1 1 Commercial freight service by air bcoame a reality when Henry Ford delivered this monster flying truck to an eastern typewriter manufacturing' concern... The plane, largest ever built In America, has a 74-foot wing spread and can carry 210 crated typewriters. Thfi typewriters,' especially b6xed, are delivered t to various points by parachute while the plan Is traveling at 100 mile an hour. Inset show one of the "boxes doscendlng. ,.;...-...:;.".:.'., . x v - & E a - ..s,. ....-. '-. - I .-2WP!MW5M ..- i I li EGV It .... ' ' I i as it. Lou started.iu .asa. baby to oaf all he could hoftll lie (iidh't become an athlete on spinach. ; '. An Eef; Banquet "One day Lou and I weut fish ing togethor, and caught 86 eels. Ho cleaned them, and I cooked them. Wo took; the whole lot up to hefie: how, to pickle -em " - -' " '' " If you'd raiso your boy to be a home run king, feed him pickled eels! Hero is "Mu" Gehrig's recipe: ' "Skin and clean the eels and let them staud in salt water for about 12 hours. Cut them ipto four-inch lengths, . put into a stew pan, and cover well with a mixture half water and half vinegar, adding salt, pepper, bay leaves, cloves and chopped onions. Cook the eels in this for 15 minutes, covered. , Take out the eels and let' the gravy boll down. Put the eels in a long pan, cover with the gravy, which will set into a jelly, and put away to cool." Koenig all the hoys seemed to en joy them. Before then, 1 guoss Lou tho Yankee stadium, and not one survived not one eel, I mean. Babe Ruth, Tony Lazzeri, Mark Ford Builds the First Aerial : rfwbi ' rf?- x t t"A&&:7- '1 ir,:- ff ivas the only Yankee who over hud lasted one.!',, .. 1 1 . , ; l . biuce theu,' tho occasions whon pickled eels from "Ma" Gehrig's Tititchen were passed .out to Lou's team mates have been many. Who knows' that this fact doesn't ox plain -the way those Y'aukoos have &een winning games this season? ,.- She's a Delight J.' ';. V She's a delight, Is 'la" Gehrig a splendid, .motherly soul, not al together "modern" in all her vlewB and sympathies, a mother who honestly adores nor big, . square i shouldered son and doesu'tt try. to .loolv or act like his sister. - ! i Her gray hair is pulled cureless !ly from bar wrinkled brow and. rol ;led ima knot at the back . of her i head. "Ma" isn't . much on style. :fihe hasu't .counted calories in an effort to. attain a flapper figure. Hut she is -her son's best pal. I'hese two share a companionship ! that many another . woman must j envy. : ; , . i i . Fellow Anglers i! When the- Yankee ; team 1b in j'ew York, you can bank ou it that j Lou and his mother are out in the ''country with their fishing rods and l-lines at least two or three times l each week. That's how they get the eels. Thoy know, every good fishing place in the . wholo New York vicinity. . Mother and son are as close ill their baseball comradeship- as In' their eel fishing. , An Inheritance - "I don't see - what Lou could have done but -be a baseball play er," she told me. "1 was - crazy about the game when I was young Truck iff j 4 its study of the smile with which "Ma" Gehrig watches 'Lou con sume her pickled -eels. "Ma" and Lou xatoh. tho eels themselves, and often serve them to the whole Yankee team. Below is a photo of Lou doing a bit of pitching, at which he is no fizzle . by any means. er. and I UBed to iihiv very well, .'When1 Lou was a liltlo boy - I guvo him mitts it ml bats for liros' ouU, and he nevor seemed to want an thing else. "When-'he "didn't have anyone else to play with him I vus right out on tne vacant lot. ''''I never nllsuod a baseball game tliat I could possibly' go.' to, and always took Lou. When he wont to Columbia 1 knew very: voii It wasn't the book knowledge but the athletics ho went in for. I didn't try to keep him in college. I'd rulsed him to be a bail jnayer, so 1 was glad when he went seriously into profcssionul playing. And when there isn't any more ' base bail for him, there won't be any more Lou Gehrig." . , Knows the Fine Points ' "Ma" Gehrig knowB every fine point of baseball. She could step out' on the field and do a gooiT Jou of umpiring if she wanted to. "1 enjoy - the good playing of others just as much as 1 do Lou's," she said. -'"I'm just as excited when the others hit homers as when he does, if he were playing1 badly, 1 wouldn't -overlook It just because he happened to be my son. Any how, 1 know all the boys and I'm watching the rost with almost as much interest as Lou. I'm all for the glory of the team." Though at the present "Ma" Geh rig has no competition, except from baseball, for her son's affec tion, she is resigned to the fact that she probably will play second tiudie some -day. -"Of course he'll marry." she con eluded. "Then his wife can fix his eels and I'll take a vacation." CAR'S DOUBLE SOMERSAULT PUTS MAN IN HOSPITAL (AuocifltvU Prcw U-aavd Wire) PENDLETON. Ore., Aug. 13 John Betllow, aged about 31, of. Santa Margita suiiering lrom paiir local hospital suffering from pain ful injuries sustained yeslerday when his automohtlo went oil a 311- foot embankment on tho highway 18 nilles west of Pendleton. He suffered a broken shoulder, severe cuts and bruises about the scalp and body;. He was unable to tell how the accident occurred whon brought hero. The car turned two completu somorsatilis and landed upright against a fence. ' DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Woalhor Bureau Office, Rosohurg, Oregon. Data reported by Arthur W. Pugh, Meteorologist lu charge. Barometric pressuro (roduced to sua level) 6 p. m 2!).!li) Itolatlvo humidity G D. m. yos- tnrilay (per cent) 28 Preclp, In Ins. and Hundredths: Highest li'mperaturii yesterday 70 Ijownat tomiioraluro last, night &! Average temperaturo lor the day (il Normal temperaturo for this dale US Precipitation, last 21 hours .... 0 Total preclp. since 1st month 0 Normal preclp. for this month Z'l Total preclp. from Sept. 1, 1928, to date 30.00 Avorage precip. from Sopt, 1, 1877 31.18 Total 'excess clnce Sept. 1, 1020 1.T2 Average seasonal procip. Sopt. to may inclusive 31. n Forecast for soulhwast Oregon: fair tonight and Sunday, no cbaaga lu temperature, . . : LOCAL NEWS J 1 j t. t HAmi Frim Ashland Mm. M. Keiiuedy Hiul iliuinlitoi rolurned hr.nie this afternoon from -liihliiud where they have boon aluce Thursday visiting villi friends. : I i Here en Visit . Miss Esther McDanieid ot Eu gene arrived this afternoon to spend a wock visiting at the home ol her cousin. Miss Nedru Clark. Leaving On Vacation-- Mlss Doris Jackson is leaving Sunday for Seattle, and British Columbia where she will BPtmd her 'Vacation and enjoy a- visit with. friends for two weeks. Returns to Portland Walter' Abbilgaard, of Portland, w ho has been here for the past few days as the guest of Paul Amort returned to the metropolis this af ternoon. Taking Vacation Miss Hosina Porter leaves to morrow for Eugene to spend her vacation, with her parents. Miss Porter is employed as secretary of the Douglas County Health Unit. Gone to Eugene Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harpster went to Eugene this afternoon to vlstt with relatives and friends. Mr. Harvstor will return here Sun day and Mru. Harps lor will remain there a few days next week. Stop Enroute Seattle Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mitchell and daughter, Mildred, of Rosevllle, Cal., stopped here today on their way to Seattlo to visit. 'Mrs. Mit choll' is an aunt of Harlcy Watson of this city. ,' Left For Portland Mrs. Wm. Peterson and son, who have been here visiting with friends and have lieen tho houKe guests of Mrs. G. M. Poirce,- loft this afternoon for their home lu Portland. Mrs. Peterson formerly made her home here. ' Left for Nevada, -- Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Robinson, of Reno, Nevada, wltp have boon spending Hie past two weeks here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Munson, left for their home today. They are being ao convpauied' by Mr. Munson, who will spend a month at their liomo. Home From Resort : '. '.v '. i Mrs. L. A. DlllaTd and son, Lewis, and Mrs. Clarence Tester and nephew, Bobby Rldgeway, ro lurned to their homos hove this morning from Idloyld where tlioy1 have had cottages during the sum- luor. . . . Here From Euaene ' ' ' ' 1 Richard C. Ring of tjugeuoi bill formerly it roHldent of thiB oily, ar rived Friday to loin Mrs; Ring and ibaby who came here oai'lioi'.iu" the week to. visit their parents .and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. .Grant Wilcox. Mr. King was formerly, employed as telegraph, operator at the local telephone and telegraph exchange and holds, a similar, po sition in Eugene, i v , .i i ; HELEN WILLS IS WINNER OVER THE ; BRITISH CAPTAIN ' (Amocinted 1'rcu Leiuwd Wire) FOREST HILLS, N.-Y., Aug. 13. With a marvellously controlled display of striking power, Miss Helen Wills today overwhelmed Mrs. Kitty McKane Godfree, Bri tish captain, 6-1, 6-1, and put Amer ica in the lead over England in the' series "for the WIghtman cup. Inter national women's tennis trophy. Miss Wilis' smnshlng triumph A COURT France i a republic, but It i new .portrait of Dldi Vlasto is proof, woman, tannic tr ot France, h&tt&wftfm :iL mm " : " -" 'WW- followed a colorful victory for the lo-ytwr-oid nirl. Miss Belly Nul haU. over Miss Helen Jacobs. 18- year-old California girl, lu . three sparkling sola, 6 3, 2-6, 6-1. As the reBult, the score for the two i duys jilny stootl at throe (q two in America'! Hivor with one more victory needed to defend the trophy successfully. ' SOUTHAMPTON; N. Y;, Aug. JS. William T. Tllden and Kraucls T. Hunter, champions ot England and probable United States double team in dofense ot the Davis cup, today defeated Lewis N. White and Louis Thalhelmor of Texas, third ranking team lu the country, by 6-2, 6-3, C-2, lu tho final of th elu vltation tonnls tournament here. Tildeu previously won the singles trophy in a final round duel with George Ijott of Chicago. .-A j v j , FOREST HILLS, N. Y Aug. 13. America successfully defended the WlKhlman cud.' -iluternutlnnul women' tennis i trophy,' -today; against Great Britain's challenge. Mrs. Molla B. Mallory, Amerluan chumnlon. captured the fourth ami deciding victory from the youthful English girl, Joan Iry, u-z, .. . t w 1 Around th County t CAMAS VALLEY NEWS NOTES Tl poultry culling demosntra- lioii at Lloyd Roberts place was quite well attended despite the fact that two threshing crews were working in the valley the same day. , Mr. and Mr. Virgil woicott ana Bon, : Glenn, are spending a weeks vacation at Bandon. Fred Newman has been visiting with relatives horo for some time. He will soon return to- the navy. Miss LoulBe Basford is visiting at' the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Brown this week. Mrs. Winnie Browu and . Miss Alice Rcrnntc-n snent Thursday In Roseburg shopping and; ! visiting friends. Mr. Leeber has taken the con tract for clearing tho new school site ami has several men at worn. Thoro are a series ot small shows at the lower school house this wock. They consist mostly of mu sic and moving pictures. - Mr. and Mrs. Lestor Coates nnd baby spent the week-end visit ing' with relatives. 1 ' . Several small ; flros were re ported down ,the '' Canyon during the -week, isverytiung la -so ury, groat car should be , taken .tp,El'S"i t tiros starting now. . . . ! rOorresponuont; TODAY'S BASEBALL ' " " ' ' ' Vlationair '' 1 i At' tlbs'loil ". " " ' Tt.'lT.'B. Phlladoliihia-.,-...,., it. )4 i Boston ; :.. P 6 Bnttoi'los: Uli'lch mid WI!on Genoylch, Wort, and Urban..', , .,-'r-TT."-,.tv'' C:'.-i i Second gamo Philadelphia . it: h. in, .: .3 i Boston i. i.4 12 a Battorios: , Swoetlaml and Joii' riard; Edwards, R, Smith and Ho gan. i ..." At Now York-r-:, ). B; H. B.- Brooltlyn .. :..'....,'...,."..:.l 1 7 0 New YoM ...t.!....iJ.::.,...LX 0 BattorloB: JOoiik, Clark and De berry; Grime's, .Henry and Taylor. '-American. ' ' ' At Philadelphia . R. H. 'E. Boston .. : ,........:....2 14 0 Philadelphia 0 11 0 iBattenles: Ruftlhg and Hofmaiin, 1-Iartloy; Walborg and Cochrane, At 'Cleveland . R. . is. Ohlongo .. 4 3 Cleveland ; .1 S 0 BatteHos: Lyons 'and 'Crouso;' Hudlln and L. Sewell. BEAUTY v. not without It court beauties. This Dldi now I rated th outstanding Beauty? Yes, but mm: It1 f The custom of glorifying frier beauty reoently stirred tip a rebellion In the University of Utah at Salt Lake City. A personality contest wau decided upon and piotures of 46 oo-eds were submitted to 'busi ness men. 'They chose 15 and thes IS were aent ito ltnor Glyn. Of the number th writer chose six who had "It." Margaret O'Rourke (above) led the Mat. ; ' 44 : CHURCH NEWS . .',,-.,,..',''. bt. Gtorge's Episcopal Church. : Cnss and -iMalu. streets. Morn ing prayer and sermon fat 11 a. m. ; Church Bolibol at 9:45. Church of !hrlst. 'Tent mooting in Bollowts Park Is progressing with good "irttbrost. Sefrtidif Hjple" for tonight' Is; "Religion." A' con tinuation of-subject under- consid eration' last evening.! (Bible study Lord's day'riirornlng .at '20. o'clock.. , Preaching at ill ,a. Craig.' communion at lis,, winner will bo Bei'Yed ,nt(toi thej mVorrflng sejvlce, and .pi'oaohtngf.'i uSalrl at alsn 7:45. -Subject for.oSsoussioii tit'ill, is "Duties of first; .Day. of Week." The latter two are to 'be ' selected. Eveiybody woicoine. 0. T, gpiiings,, minister. mi. f-j , f s i. ii,. ,i , At Bible Standard Temple' t'horo will be - pi-onohing arteri Sunduy RP.hnnl tnt .11 o . . rtl. -1..1 invitod-r-ono and all come: lEugent'! camp moetuig. invites R1L' A Vou- dorflll Wnillr ,fu limine ,l,t, n. Illm Lord..- , . ,-, ., . ...' . . . . Baptist jChuroh. .Suuday school as usual at 9:45. Preaching, by Wr. Eaton at 11 o'clock. Union service in ho .evening. ., ...... ... Chl-lntlan rknuU , i. tt.'j r Testament dependable? It Is 'either j.uo or laise. II false we should have noue'of It, If It is. true wo must follow it. Sunday morning this subject will bo dlsoussed ojt tile Christian nhnwh , . ti... -u..k. Ject U,:'!Were tfie New Testamenl Wl'itorH rlnfnfvo.l a. -- , uuL-civoru, or itlld .thnv .lull lllia .,....!. , ,,.- senior C. E. will meet at the church ounuay evening at spvon o'clock: for their prayer mieetlng. , Every yuung person iiesiroiia of Christ- Have Your Printing Done in Help build up a local industry, and increase a local payroll. Our iprinting plant is run by lo- ' cal men living in our own com munity y ;, . :; , ; You can get an excellent quality of printing from us. We have a modern plant, & fine variety of favorites types, up-to-date facili ties, i , You can get anything from us f in punting-- from a menu card'., to a handbill stationery, 'tick ets, menus, booklets, announce ments, programmes, cards, Let ' li 4- us do you next job of printing. ; Roseburg News-Review Exclusive Job printing Department 114 N. JACKSON PHONE 13S "It" Meant More Ian growth and service .should bo lliero. At eight o clock the union church service will bo held at the M. 13. church. H. E. Mow. , , : o -' . i . MORTGAGE LIFTING YEAR ' , SEEN FOR' THE FARMER'S ' RAPID CITY. ' S. D.. Aug. 13. The present .favorable outlook tor j , a good grain crop and fair prises, i f especially, pr ,JivcBtoclt, . will fieTN1-;." mit "many borrowers to put. tholE loans -in -good order, 'Eugene MuKi..: : er ;-of "thb fedorai Jartn. lotn ;hoard J i reported, today to President Ooel'" ldge. ( .- . '.""-..'? j. V1 "1 was tiappy to' tell'i Mri ft66-'- ldgo,1.', ho sald,."af ter a trlii jhi'ougll the notth west Ifrora the Twin Cltlus I fio tho"- Pacific coast, that" rqporlH ', of this year's-orbn "iutlook Hulvg. ,not boeu. exaggoratq(l,,. ;J ;..:' "There Is a largo; voiuilio of mib- 4, llnquencles onr(ium mortgages Jtp! to 'past troubles but it Is'hopod KiitT :: expected that the .. present favoiK able outlook for good -grain , omiii and fair .prices, -especially live.. . . ,etock, will parmlt many borrowiuu . -: to put their loans, iln good order. : "It is, still a little too early to .spotlit with certainly, but tho lml-r cations -re tliat, taking the coun try as a wholo, the'.ftirniei'sBhould'''' loullz.o on food and 'feed crops, col "" ton and livestock and other Bma'It' or crops well .over flfOOO,OUO,OU0 ' " more than for the past year"' ,'.-''' Mrs. V. K. Allen and son, for- , mer resldontB of this city but now, making their home in Marshtlold, . ' where Mr.-Allen is employed fty, ,, the Bouthnun .Pacific company, U3,' disiiatcher, a' position which ..he... i hold while making, his home, hore, - : passed through tho city this 'morn; tng enrouto to San -Francisco, Mjf&,.: Allen is nconmpniiylng- her hus band's .mother; Mrs, -Allen -of Ar kansas, -who IB returning home, ne far as the hay city and plans ,tp . vilf Ihnw with' hrtr mother. ' . .. . r -Mi: I.