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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1927)
i i . 1 1-T ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1927. TP r-t tHree' v f ' , i ' : i i i . , ? n. i. , . ' : . . SOCIETY i BY GRACE All Contributions to tbla Page Personals Should Be Telephoned to the Spclety -' With each few dayB of llio swift ly passing Hiimminer seeing more arrivals of Interesting visitors and departure of others, about whom Boclal arfalrs center, the week has been a gay round with almost every form ot entertainment. The visit ot Mr. unci Mrs. Elmo D. Henderson, former residents, who came from Eugene,' was. the inspiration for a number of delight ful parties. Two other out-of-town visitors this week about whom In terest centered were Uo former Itosehurg maids, Miss Dorothy Hawkins, of Clinton, lowa, and Miss Jjyrl Marsters, of Salem. The arrival of Miss Hazel Kuykendall . and Miss Rose Shoehan from Los - Angeles, too, Is intercsllng to their friends and several affairs are be ing planned for them during their stay. Miss Sue Schmid, of Kansas City, Mo., Is a popular ouuof-town visitor and has been the Inspira tion of several social events. ' Friends of Mrs.' A. A. Jacobs and Miss Mary JacoltB,. who came this week from San Francisco are welcoming them back to the city during their visit. Mrs. Jacobs is a daughter or H. Wollenbevs. Weddings continue to' hold the singe In the social relm this sea son and this, month and autumn will see others in the stato of gen ' oral Interest to local folk. ; -if ' . ' Los Angeles " j - ; Folk Visiting; -. ' '" - - . - ' . Friends in City Among the number of interest ing out of town guests arriving to "visit with friends this week wero Miss Hazel Kuykendall, a former Roseburg maid, and MIsb Rose Rheehan, who accoinpaniiod. Mrs. Clair Champan and Tom Shea from ,Los Angeles, coming Tuesday to Bien ten' Idays visiting with friends.' Mrs. Chapman and Mr. Shea continued their' journey north Wednesday, the latter to visit with, friends in. Albany . and , Mrs. Chapman, going, to Portland', where she will meet her husband. ' Both Miss Kuykendall and MIbs Sheohan are well known In the city, the latter, a former Seattle girl, having visited here on several occasions. Miss Kuykendall Is a member of an old and prominent family In. the state. Friends of the two visitors have planned several affairs for their pleasure during their stay. 1 1 ' . . , ' ! Miss Bess Wharton, at whose ' home Miss Kuykendall and Miss Sheehan are guests, asked a few friends on Tuesday evening for an informal supper party on the banks of the Umpqua bordering the Wharton place in compliment to the two -girls, Mrs. Chapman and Mr. Shea. Besides the honor guests ihere were Mrs. J. R. Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Wlmberly, Mr. and Mrs. J,. B. Skinner, Miss Em ma Ueland, Miss Alice Ueland, Frank Clemens, Lyman. Skinner nnd Lester Wlmberly of Eugene. On Wednesday afternoon Miss Kuykendall and the Misses Emma and Alice Ueland were guests of Mrs. J. Harold N'lchols, a girlhood friend, at her country home, at , Brockway. i , A delightful out of town trip planned for the entertnlnment of the visitors ' was on Thursday, when with Miss Bess Wharton, the visitors went up the North Ump qua. Miss Kuykendall and Miss Shee han are going to Eugene Sunday to spend the day with the former's uncle. Dr. Kuykendall, also a for mer Roseburg resident. Visitors Returning to Hastings After Stay This Summer Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Lowman. of Hastings, Nebraska, who have been interesting visitors of the summer in Sutherlln and Rose burg .are leaving Tuesday for their home In the middle-west. Mr. and Mrs. Lowman opened their sum mer home near Sutherlln for the season and have been, enjoying visits with friends there and in this city, where they are well known, having spent the past few summers in the west. 'Mr. Low man was incidently looking after his orchard Interests, having fruit land near Sutherlln. Preceding their departure Mr. and Mrs. Lowman have been the inspiration for several Informal af fairs. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Duer near Sutherlln on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell of Suth erlln also entertained for them on-3 , day last week. On Thursday Mrs. Fred Renner and Mrs. Harry Win ston planned a dinner In their honor at the Renner home near Roseburg. z Mrs. Watson Boise Club Hostess Mrs. Watson Boise planned a pleasant afternoon meeting for the matrons or the Bellview Club at her home on Hamilton street re cently. Following a short pro gram of stunts' and readings the hostess served luncheon. Guests of the club were Miss Hlldegardc Roslund of Illinois, a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ros lund, and Mrs. Wm. M. Campbell. CARROLL. : ' Society, Women's Cluos, and Large Group at Camp Wapiti ' ': I Firday Eve Camp Wapiti, the' summer home of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Suwyers lo cated on the Umpqua river near the Roseburg Country Club, was the delightful place Friday for a 6:30 o'clock picnic supper for which Mrs. Sawyers, Mrs. 'S. L. Kidder and Miss Gertrude Rnst were hostesses In compliment to Miss Florence Wharton, who Is leaving to spend a year In Hono lulu, Mrs. L. W. Josss, who Is re turning to Portland today and Mrs. A. A. Jacobs and Mrs. Edgar Lewis visitors from San Francis co. Sevenly Roseburg folk were bid den for the occasion and Bwlmmlng au.i sports In the river were di versions urrnnged for the pleas ure of the guests during the eve ning. , , ' $ . Mr. nml Mrs. E. McCormlck, Mi'. and Mrs. Raymond McCormick and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Swift are spend ing ten days at Diamond Lake, Crater Luke nnd Klamath points, having left the first of the week. . Two Former Roseburg Maids Visit This Week . Miss Dorothy Hawkins of Clin ton. Iowa, and Miss Byrl Marsters of Salem, who. have been the guests ot Mr.-ana Mrsr it. . vv. Manners and' Mr., and Mrs. A.' C Marsters, liave 'been popular visitors in the city this week aiid have been en thusiastically greeted by their wide circle of friends, both girls having formerly made their home In Roseburg. ' Miss Hawkins is the daughter of Rev. J. K. Hawkins, who many years ago was pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church here. She is now super visor of physical education in the Clinton schools. Mlsa Hawkins and Miss Marsters, . iwlth the - latter's cousin, Miss Dorothy Marsters, and Mrs. A. C. Marsters spent a part of the week nt Crater Lake, return ing here Friday. They are return Ing to Salem Sunday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Marsters, and Miss Hawkins will visit there a short time before continuing her journey home. Evening Affair Honors Visiting Maid Mrs. Geo. M. Bradburn and Mrs. Geo. A. Bradburn where hostesses for a charming out door affair 'on Wednesday evening given in. com pliment to an attractive visiting maid, Miss Sue Schmid of Kansas City, Mo., who came with Mrs. H. W. Coble last week. A number of the younger set were bidden to Merlin Place, the Bradburn estate, for a 6 o'clock swimming party nnd picnic supper. In the evening pleasure was found In dancing. Assisting the hostesses were Miss Eva Rice and Miss Vera McMlllin. The invited guest list included Miss Sue Schmid, Miss Msxlne Moore, Miss Norma Winston. Miss Agnes Irwin, Miss Shlrlev Knight, Miss Elizabeth Renner, Miss Helen Bacber. Miss Vera McClintock, Miss Mildred Slnniger. Miss Doro thy Geddes, Miss Daphne Hughes, Miss . Elizabeth Abraham. Miss Heleji'Bergh, Miss Maxine Stearns, Miss Doris Pickens, and KODert Glle, Bernard Young, Kenneth Winston, Alfred Ellison, Lynscy Wilson, or Portland, Sam McCon nell. Jack Throne, Frank Long, Lynn Beckley, Ira Byrd, Truman Runyan. Wm. Knight, Raymond Bell and Wayne Rlggs. .. MIsb May Radabaugh, of Spo kane. Washington, is visiting In Roseburg as the guest or her grandmother, Mrs. lona Rnda augh. ' Mrs. Wilder Entertains At Charming Affair : , Among the smart niralrs mark ing the latter part of the week was the evening of bridge arranged by Mrs. A. A. Wilder at her home on the corner of Lane and Chadwlck streets Thursday when she asked a group for four tables. Prolusions of gladioli In various shades brightened the rooms. At the end of the game Mrs. J. E. Sawyers received the first prize. Assisting the hostess at the luncheon tables were Mrs. H. H. Stapleton. Mrs. Arthur Baum and Mrs. J. C. Hume. ft Mrs. Stapleton is Bridge Hostess Honoring Maids A lovely afralr , of early week was the bridge party tor which Mrs. H. H. Stapleton was hostess In compliment to Miss Emma Ue land, a visitor here for the sum lmr nnil XI Inn Florpnpe Wharlnn who Ib leaving Sunday to t-pend the yesr In Hawaii. Flowers of the season were ! attractive rrolnr r.f. in the rooms i where four tables were In play. 'Hleh score was held by 'Miss Wharton. I Assisting the hostess at the I luncheon tables were Mrs. A. A. Wilder nnd Mrs. Harrlo Booth. SOCIETY FLOCKS TO FRILLY FROCKS BY HENRI BENDEL For NEA Service.- ' . NEW YORK, Aug. il3. Tho Am erican country ciub boconies, each year, more't'ne place to loolc toi society's smart summer fashion shows. . ' j ' . : The latest! sport outfits always appear first at Taahlonutilo 'ixcasfdo resort clubs.. So do sumimy. even ing gowns; , ? . , ' 1 But of all feminine attirb thai makes Its debut Into society oi the country club lawns, the uftcrnoon frock Is! the darling ot them nil.) This frock had Its Inception with the growth of the country club hab it. It Is neither a formal nor yet u strictly Informal gown. It Is usual ly a dainty frock, more often with long sleeves than short, sullnblo for bridge, tea or other parlies on late afternoons In drowsy August or stifling Indian summer. Have Airy Grace . Certainly the airy grace of chif fons was conceived for just -such occasions! And doubly suitable uri: tho delectable flowered patterns which introduce all the beauty ol outdoor gardens ' while ullowitip their wearers to enjoy tho cool ness and shade of the i club, i I have used these flowered chlf fous with a profligate hand this season. Dainty, delicately colored ones with an air of young bounty about them become youth with umaalng suitability. On tho other hand the black or fushcla back grounded chiffons, with a sophisti cated touch of color, are boauliful ly adapted to older women's use. I show 'due frock : today, a Vion net Import designed' for. a ' do butunto. Youth is In Us 'morning glory pattern in nuturul colors on a misty rose uacKgrounv auu Mrs. J., F'. Barker, t ! Is Hostess. For' j. ; ' Outdoor Affair , . , . Mrs. L. W. Josse i ot Portland, who has been a visitor here dur ing. the; summer as the guest of her, parents, Mr. and Mrs., J.(1 R Barker, und who, is. returning. Jiome today, and Miss Florence Wharton, nil attractive maid who Is leaving Sunday for San ' Francisco, front whore she' will sail for Honolulu on August 17, were (he inspiration for a lovely outdoor affair of the week, plunned by Mrs. Barker and given at Freemont Lodge, the Bar ker summer home , , Fifty Roseburg folk werb . bid den for a picnic suppor at . the lodge and' following' the .supper hour the group found informal di version on the river bank und In exploring ,the many pretty scent'B on the Ba.rker estate. ' 1 , ft ft , ft' , ' ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Dornn Lotightln, of Portland, have been, visiting 'ojt the homo of Mrs. Salllo McClung for several daya. Whartons Leaving Sunday For South Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Wharton and their daughter, Miss Florenco Wharton, who has been an Inter esting visitor of the summer, leave by auto Sunday for San Francisco. Miss Wharton will sail August 17 on the Maul for Honolulu,, where she will spend the coining Bcuson. She will have the position of su pervisor of physical education In the schools on the Island this year. Miss Wharton during her slay has been a popular visitor and during the past week hnB been the Inspir ation of several delightful Boclal affairs. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wharton will roturn from tho south after a few days and will then motor to northern parts of Oregon for a visit with friends. ft ft ft Miss Patterson and Lester Orchard Wed at Pretty Ceremony The home of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. Patterson in West Roseburg was the scene of a quiet and ' pretty wedding ceremony on Friday af ternoon at the 2 o'clock hour when their youngest daughter, Miss Mary Reid Patterson, became the bride of Mr. Lester Orchard of Roseburg. Rev. Joseph Knntts read the service in a charming ectllng of summer blossoms before only the members of the families. The bride was lovely in crepe romalne in enticing rose color and her only adornment was a corsage of rose velvet flowers. The ceremony was followed by a luncheon served In the dining room, which was arranged with flowers In keeping with the oilier decorations. Immediately following the lunch eon and an Informal rt-eepilon Mr. and Mrs. Orchard left for San Francisco. On their return frotn the south they will make thelr home In Roseburg, Mr. Orchard being owner of the Orchard Parts company. The bride Is a young woman of charming personality nnd she and Mr. Orchard have a wide circle or friends among the younger group. She has been a 'resident of the city for the past three years, coming nere wun her parents from May- mont, Saskatchewan. Canada. ft Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Crowell are entertaining as guests Mrs. J. C. Nefeller and her two daughters, who arrived the first of the week from th"ir home In. Spoksne. Three filmy : frocks for aUertlopn, back yoke;; green and white icrope i : i ' ').' - ': ! f r-rrr FT'T Miss Mary SanHers Weds Vancouver Man . , - At J4oly Trinity phurcjv Vrtie.k v$a that, or JVIIsh Mpyy Sfm KGiii, uhltt rcfeenuy.ii resident ot UviH, .ciiy,. .and Mt-. Stanley HiLk miin of Vancouver, 1J, C., iho'Vod ding behiK Rolemrif.od August 10 at Holy Trinity cliurch 'in Van couver before only tho members of tiie familioH. , t '.' The bride la the 'daughter' pf Mrs. Sarah Sanders of Kelowna, 13. C, and Is a ulster of Wm. SandeKs of this city. She made her home in Koseburg for a year, llils Bum mer returning to Hrltish Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Hlnkmun will innlte their home in Vancouver. I ft ft Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Smith and daughter, Eunice, are returning to the city Sunday after a stay at Newporl. Mrs. Smith and (laugh; ter, who have been spending 'a month at the resort, wtr joined at their cottage by Mr. Smith last Sunday. , "' " w ft ft 1 Dinner Given for . Visitors Wednesday ' ' - ' Mr. hint Mrs. fli-ant Osborn were hosts for a dinner party on Wednesday evening given in com pliment to Miss Florence Wharton, who is leaving for Honolulu Sun day,; und Mr,; and -Mrs. Elmo 1). Henderson, who have been visitors from ISugene here the past week. Guinea were the diversion fol lowing the dinner hour. I Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Swift had bb guests at their country home last week-end, Mrs. Swift's brother-in-law ami slstor, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Garrison, and their daughter of Lob Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Oar rison and daughter are on a trip to Washington points. ft ft ft Three of Younger Set Honored at Affair On Monday evening the Misses Maude and Leah McGaughey ask ed the members of the Out and Out CI :1 to tho J. A. McUauKhey home on Hoover street for an in formal uffalr which honored three of tho younger group who left the first of the week. Miss Lois Ilyrd, who will spend two weeks at New port, Kennelh Clark, who Ib malt ing his home In Omeon Cily nnd Frank While, who left for Marsh flelrt. Following an evening of music and games the hostesses served refrehments. . Hidden were Miss Lois Ilyrd, Mrs. Tom Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McNees, MIbs liuth Jennings, Mis liessin Krdbarn, Miss Kmma Wamsley, Kenneth Chuk, Frank Wli 1 1 e. I i n By rd , Win, S wa n k, Clnroiifft Hand, Harold Jiand. Har old Thomas, Richard Ashworth and Win. Sanders, ft ft ft Miss Constanrp Hendrlckson, who has bom spending the spason with hi-r mother In ItnM-biirg IeavfB the first of Uip week for California to Rtend the winter Mfstt Hendrfcksnn will head the home economics department in one of the hiKh schools near Kurka this year. i O to ff ! Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank i L. WilRon, of Onkland. Cnllfornla. who formerly mado the'r home In t Hophnn?, will be interested to learn nf th hirth of a son to them on AuguM 7. The babv ban been named Glnn Orlow, Mr. Wilson Is the son of Mrs. Viola Wilson, of this cily. left to right: Figured black chiffon takes pointed dropeB and deep rpma with tailored restraint: debutante's frock in morning glory pattern, '. 1 . ! l 1 ; : U , . -L! !1 Hall-Harris Nuptials . . " j Sunday Afternoon At a quiet ceremony at 1 o'clock! Sunday afternoon at the Presbyters ian church) iMIsh Esta Harris ; ot Roseburg and Albert Hall of Pros pect exchanged tho nuptial vowst Revt U.' W. Achor. - reading? the -services beforo only the' tnembers of the family and a few Very close friends. : ; Tho bride Was charming in it frock of pale pink georgette and in her hair - wore a wreath of orange; blossoms, i She parried a bridal shower, , , ,. Mrs. Hall is tho cousin of Mrs. .17 Wendell Wright and has a num ber of friends' among lho younger circle, having'. mpdo her. '''homo in tho city tHo prtst year. Mr. Hull also is known in Roseburg, having visited .with friends hero on sev eral occasions. They will make their homo near Prospect, where the bridegroom is employed by the1 California Oregon Power company. f Attractive Bridge i ; , ; Party Affair of , ; Friday .Evening ,- , i ,j ; , One of' Uiemany. attractive par ties which have marked tho stay of popular out Of -towii visitors during the summer was the eve ning of bridge - and. sewing for which . the Misses Vernita and Bertha Kohlhagen were hostesses at the Louis Kohlhagen home on Military street Friday bid ding a group of young maids and matrons to meet several who are visiting In the city. Flowers in keeping with the sea son brightened the rooms "whore the guests were at play und at the Clowe ref resli men ts were served. ; First prize was won. by Mrs. Donald Helliwell and second prize went to Mrs. (leo. Wharton, Miss Sue. Schmid received tho consola tion 'prize. 1 'Nasturtiums, centering the tables for luncheon, with the. yellow and white color motif fn the. rooms. AssistinL' were Miss Klvan Strader and .Miss Rosina Porter. . : ; ' , Included In the Rroup were Mrs. Klmo Henderson of .EiiKene, Mrs. (rurland Htamper of Ciuclnnuttl, Mrs. Loran Kavaiie of San. Fran cisco, Mrs. (irant OHborn, Mrs. J. It. Wharton, Mrs. Clair K. Allen, Mrs. llerhort I). Qulne, Mrs. Allen Hewitt, Mrs. Harrie Hooth, Mrs. F r e d Lockwood, Mrs. Fred L. SlrniiK, Mrs. M. F. Rice, Mrs. Oeo. M. Ilrfdbnrn. Mrs. ;eo. Wharton, Mrs. H. Lee Connelly, Mrs. Uonuld Helliwell, Mrs. d H. McKlhlnny, Mrs. Joe Meets, Mrs, Tom Vlmr!on, Mrs. HukIi Whipple, Mrs Geo.'A. Urad butn, Miss Sue Schmid of . Kaunas City, Mo., Miss Florence Wharton, Miss Kva.Hice, MIsb Adelo Memis, Miss A'ice t'elnnd, Minn Km in a Ue land and MIsh TIelen Casey., Miss Florence Whacton Complimented at Picnic Mlns Florence Wharton, who has bnn rii InterestiiiK visitor during the Bfnnmer, wan complimented at an informal picnic supp,lr on last Saturd:')- evening, tho Miswes Km ma and Alice enlertaluini: for her lit popular MWt'b Je, their j mmimer camp. Seated at the table, quaintly ap pointed 1iui placed near the river In itk. were Mips Wharton, Misw Vernita Kohlhaieen, Mrs. Grant Osborn and tne hoslesfe.i. Mrs. Allen Oden. of Portland. hug been the house guest of her slster ln law, Mrs. W. A. Itogard.l at the Kohlhagen Apartments dur-j log the week. Mr; and Mrs Ponsler ' ; Bridge-Dinner Hosts tV i The Wednesday Evening Hrldg3 Club inombors me!3 fo'r a seven o'clock dinner party at the' 'Rose burg Country Club Thursday Rh Mr ;nnd Mrs; ; J ''.C.' Ponsler ad hosts. - ' ,; '. 1 : . Thro,o . tahles of bridge- worn, in play following thu dinner hour und tho prlzos went to Mrs. J. A- M"1'" ding and ,Jialph lUnltly. Guests ot! UIU Ulllll Wl'll! Ill I , IUHI 'HUM. II VIII Hrinm and Mr. Mrs. Ralph llinkloy. :, r i . ft ft ft . , Mrs. Jack Petrono, of MoMIn nvlllo; who has been spending the week In the city as the guest of her mother and staler, Mrs. J. H. Miller and Miss; :.Esther Miller, vua'Jolnod here today by Mr. Pe-Irono-M They wiii return to; their homo Sunday. . ' , 1 Miss Kohlhagen ,.; . Hostess at House Party Miss Vernita-' Kohlhagen : was hostess for a slumber party on Monday evening, bidding a small group of her friends forirfhe af fair. Tables for fivo ; hundred were arranged n the evening. Tho hostess 'was. assisted by . Miss Ei van S trader. In tho morning Miss Kohlhagen entertained the guests at break fast, placing covers for Mrs. Elmo J. Henderson of Eugeno, Mrs. Grant Osborn, Miss Elvan Htrader, Miss Thelma Pierce, Miss Heleno Pierce, MJbh Fnye Geddes, Miss Lucille Lenox, MIsb Floy Strader. ft ft ft Mr, and Mrs. A. Cnro Miller of San. iloHo, California are being warmly greeted by their friends on their arrival this week from the south ' to visit at the home of Mrs. Mliler's molher," Mrs. Luclndu Hatfield. . Mrs. Miller was form erly Mfss Lillian Moore, of this city. Her husband is manager of I the department of .band lustra I ments of Sherman Clay and com- pany In San Jose, Young Maid Honor Guest at Bridge Party HonorliiR Miss Agues li-win, n popular maid of the younger set who Is leaving soon to make her home In Klamath Falls, Miss Max ine Moore asked several to her home for bridge last evening. A pretty color note In the rooms was formed by profusions of gladioli combined with ferns. Honors were held by Miss Irwin nnd consolation prize went to Miss Norma Winston. Assisting at the luncheon tables wan Miss Mildred KinaJger'. Covers were placed for Miss Agues Ir win. Miss Margaret Ttaum, Miss Shirley Knight, Miss Vera McClin tock, MIsb Norma Winston, MIhs Kllabcili Abraham, Miss Jean Whitney, Miss Ltlcllln Germond, MIfh Helen Jtc.yh, Miss FJJzuhoth Itenner, Miss Daphne Hughes, Miss Mary Jacobs, Miss Mildred; Siunl ger and the hpnteKR. ' & V( ;. Interesting to their friends was the arrival this week of Mr. nnd Mis. Newell Wright (Kva Seber) artd their (wo daughters, the MisseR Dorothy nnd Jean 'Wright, of Carlln, Nevada. The Wrights formerly made their home In the city. I hey are guests of Mr. Wright's father i brothe W. H, Wright and J. Wendell Wright. O j , ' ''' " 'J, , . '"T " 1 7 "7 fVrnes arrived Tuesday from their j home In Tflcoma, Washington, to visit at the home of their sister, Mrs. A. I Itnpin, at 331 North Itose street. youthful are its simple lines, which Iter of Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Trussell, uchlovo flowing graco by ' tiered ' and Wm. Bailey, son of Dr. and ruffles. The skirt lias uneven .full- Mrs. C. II. Ilalley, who were mur ness and uneven hemline. Most 1 1 led Wednesday afternoon at the youthful of till is Its scarf Collar, homo, of thu brlde'a parents, neur cuukiii. i" ii'riii n iiiuuisiiy iiiw iruni neck nnd knotted in the back with ends blowing to tho breeze in souclantly. : . , i ; ; . Tills dross seemed to tne, to call for a tan horsohulr hut, with mod erately large! brim, trimmed' with only, a misty, roB bonding. , ) , ; , Some of the Modes , For a tall, slender woman I de signed the black chiffon with a lib eral sprinkling of piiKtol colored sweet penis. Tho handkerchief shap ed drapes, falling in gruceful Ir rngulur points, 'and tho deep' U shaped back yoke In npplo green, tend to shorten the weuror's height. ' , A doep snsh suggests the swath ed hlpliuo without confining ; tho. skirt's fullness. The sleeves, long like most afternoon frocks this sea-' son, add u svelto touch by their fitted lino. Tho hat Is white leg horn, with emartly shaped' crown and rolling brim. It is banded in black velvet and Iiub n bunch of gay flowers. The third costume shown today Is somewhat a departure from chif fons. It has ull their gentle! gaiety but Ib ospoctally doslgued for a woman who objects, to fluttering tlors and ruffles, ' demnudliiK 'ti tailored touch, ' evon in, evening gowns. So I used crepo roma, in a white background with green roses. . Its tiers . are shaped and fitted and the scarf of self niutorlnl has restraint In Its fashioning nnd the manner In which It is caught to tho shoulder with , a. groeu rose. This rose' Is repeated at tho walst- Uno. The sleeves ludhia type frock aro loug aud .tight. A large hat of tho smart rough straw so popular right now hi Paris hus field iriow ors on it, sjiggostlng ithe .country In midsummer. i ' , Two Maids Will Visit' in North ' ' 'Miss ' Vernita ' KoIilhnReh' .'und' Miss Elvnn Strador I leavo Sunday on n motor trip to northern points itoi. ton duys. j They m o boluK ttc cnmpimted us far north ns lOimeno W Miss Hlrnder's. sister, Ms Nor inn' Htrndor, whrt"-vll.. visit' there wllh , relnllven, ; nnd. 'by iMv. r und 'Mrs. 131nio 1J. Henderson of 1 Ku Komt' who' hiive ' been 'In: Rosehtirir duriiiK i lho ' ' week fi vlslHns with friends. Miss KohlluiKeu nnd Miss Strador will go oil 1 to Scuttle, whoro .1 hoy- will lie the house pilosis of Miss Wlnijlfred Tillies, fonnoriy id' this city. 1 Thdy1 1 plun various side trips, nmonn. them n motor, tour to Violoriu und Itunior Niitloiiul i'lirlt. - ' ' ' .' ' .;' I- : Friends ' are wnlconiliiK Mrs, A. A. Jneohs und Miss Mary Jncnhs. of Sun Francisco, who nccoinpnuled homo the ' former's sister, Mrs Arthur Dnnni, nnd her duiiKhter, MniKiiret, from the bay city this week.' Mrs. Jacobs and Miss Jn cobs are visiting II. Wollenhci'K., LIBERTY THEATRE "Captain Salvation" a Powerful 8ea Story One of tho fastest, most ' thril ling advent uro dramas ever screen ed of men who go down to the sea In ships "CuplaitL Salvation," will open at the Liberty Theatre.' Bun- j day. It Is a Cosmopolitan produc tion for Metro fJoldwyn-Mayur, featuring Lars Hanson, the Swe dish actor, who created such vivid Impressions in "The Scarlet Let ter," ani "Flesh mn the Devil." Mr. Hanson' Is a descendant of the old Norse Vikings aud looks on his role In "Captain Salvation" as one of his greatest characterizations, He Is surrounded by an exception" al cast including Pauline Starke, Krnest Torrence, Marcellue Day and Sam de (Irasse. "Captain Salvation" Is packed with spectacular and highly excit ing scenes. It tells the red-blooded romnuce of courageous men und daring women, balding the furry of the sea, the Intolerance of petty conventions and the brutal Captain of a hell shlp. A saga of adventure it fairly breathes the salt tang of the deep. It grips. It thrills. It amazes, and its love story lugs at the heartstrings. LIBERTY THEATRE What was probably tho most crushing defeat ever suffered by Hrltifh arms, nnd. Incidentally, oc rnslonod hv the conceit and stub hornricHH of one man, forms one of the hiirh spots tin "Winners of the Wilderness," the Metro-Gold wyn Maver film- starring Tim Mc Coy and now being shown at (he LP'Tty Theatre. The story depicts the rrtuhln defeat of General Hraddnck's le- Monw en ron lo in Fort Duquesne J during th Frenrh and Tndi.TM Wn In that masicro P.rnddock. wlo fnll- h'-ed the advice of George Wnxhlnirtnn. lost nine hundre 1 ollt ,lf il(q ,,, rfmniand of thirteen hundred regulars nnd militia. Thnt nny escnped was due to Washington seizing command ) and covering tito retreat or inejNixcm In tho featured rolea. Bailev-Trussell ' ' Nuptials Wednesday. ' . A beautiful, ceremony wfilch came as . oua . ot Ills Interesting events of tho week,, was that of Miss Winona Trussell, the duugh- tlxonvllle. , Hov. C. S. Coberly performed the service ut 2 o'clock. Members of. the 'Inn fumilles and u fuvV lutl- mute frleiKls of 111" bride , und bridegroom wera bidden. : . .. ; A historic grape arbor In tho yard of the Trunsull home wds'tho setting for tho pretty survlco.Pi . arbor, which has quite a puat is forty yeurs old und Is a benutlful old landmark Profusions ,., ,of . daisies and other flowem made n . real wildwood setting for tho 'ex- change of the nupliul vows. . The bride wore a lovely wnlto gown of goorgotte, elnhorated-wfth blue and carried a shower bou quet. , ' . !"' i . After Uid ceremony the ' Brlllo 5 and bridegroom held InforimU. re ception and presided ut u luncheon. Hire. Henrj! Cox und Mih. "Har lan Melton, sisters of the'.hrlde,: usslsted In the rooms of the home, which was brightened with a tar- lety of sum mi' r flowei'B In tnll.bas-' kuts' und' bowls.: , - . Mr. and ,Mrs. Dalloy left 'for a . tour. of the southern part of-the'-' suite which will Include Crater Lake, Diamond Lake and over The DullesCttllfornln highway t6..J?flrt-. fland and 'Newport' for two woeks.r pn, their return home they'HwlU moke their home at South. .Deer' Creek.- w ...... '1 .. ' '" ; Mrs. ,BalIey Is a.cihnulng young' wonmn and she nnd. Mr. Bailey aro Well known In 4Ho city. She" la a graduate of. Roseburg high school. Mr. Bailey is the only sort of.-Dr. i(nd 'Mrs. C. H. Bailey, a'woll known ' fuinlly of Douglas county, ami-was ; a memner or tne 11117 gruuuujtng clas'siof high 'iichool.' He 'is asso- oluled with Ills futhor In , business, : (Continued on page 4.),..'. Come your etote. UnWfrslty for culfurl nlucntlon nnd professional training. ' , ' ' ' . 1 ' Opportunity li offtrwl in : 22 departments of the Collece -of Literal uro, science onct the Arta i. ; y . irillfv'SehooU of, i f. Architecture ,and Allied AxU Uu8inefl5 Administration Educa tion Journalism Graduate Study Law Medicine Music PhysJr cal Education Sociology Social wont extension Division,"' - CollccYcor Opens September 26, 1927 for information or catalogue Writt , , Thh Hetyitrar, UniVtrtitfi of L panic-stricken regulars whovero unused to Indian warfare, - -.' ANTLERS THEATRE New Mirth Star Gets Laughs. "Painting Town'' If your constitution can stand nn hour or so of hearty and almost continuous ' laughter, go to' ' 'the Antlers Theatre and see "Painting the Town," the feature picture which opens there Sunday. It is Ideal film entertainment ; built around the adventures of a 'small town smart aleek aud his adven. tures In New York. Also, It serves to introduce to the moving plcturo public a new comedy star In' the person of Glenn Tryon. Watch him come to the front. Trvon, who has been seen hero la short comedies1 wllh moi'M , or less success, seems to have hit his stride In "Painting the Town." -As a young village combination ' of Thomas Edison and Henry ford with o flare for tricky Inventions and wise-cracking, he creates a sensation In New York on his quest for fame and : fortune.' Hlq spe cialties are a quick-stopping front wheel brake automobile, nnd his Interest In a certain Follies beauty. His efforts In handling a big con tract from thq fire commissioner for his cars, and In winning tho Interest and heart of the Follies queen provide a rapid succession of laughable situations and opportuni ties for funny gags and subtitles. "Taxil TaxM" Made from George Weston's Story George Weston, one of the most popular magazine writers In Amerl ca, provided the Instdrntlou for tho ITnlversal-Jewel, "Taxi! Taxi!" which i nt the Antlers Theatre"to- nh'ht. His storv of thnt name was ' originally pubMnhed In thfl Ratur (,,y Kvenlng Post. FUm rlrhts to , th inrv r hn.xrhi hr TTnivs,-. snl and a pIcnirlMtlon of it wan ti reeled by Melville Brown, with ?-,'.vnrd Kverett Horion and Marian