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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1927)
TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1927. ! ROSEBURG NEWSREVIEW luued Dally Except Sunday .... Btrmbiir rf Tka AtNbelatrd t'reaa, , Th' .AssooUted Press 1i AXcltiAIVely entitled to tho use for republi cation or all news dianutehea credit!-, to It or not 'otherwise credited tn this paiior and to all local news publlHhed herrln. AU rights 0 republican tlon of special dlapatcliea herein are alao reserved. B. W. BATES.. BBflT O. BATES- Entered as second class matter May 17, 1U20. "it the post office at Boseburg, Oregon, under tbe Act of March 2, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Sally, per year, by mall Pally, eli months, by mall Dally, three months, by mull dally, single month, by mall . Ualiy, by carrier, per montb . ROSEBURG, OREGON, DOES LEISURE ;: The shorter Working day with 'Its itortuniUcs . for '"culture" has been and Will continue to be ballyhooed. All Die champions of tiro 3 or i or f-how Working tUty seem to lake it for grunted that more leisure will mean that the workingman will pick Up culture' much as he might pick cherries cr daisies. , ;' Aldous Huxley shows another side of too much leisure in a keenly penetrative article called "The Outlook for American Culture." . v His contention is that the very mqchfnbry and wholesale "production which makes leisure possible also; produces "canned leisure" in the Way park, one. .mechanical thrill after another, so that "culture" has as little chance to exist as in the regime of the 8 or 10 hour working day. ' -' He writes as follows: ' "Leisure makes culture possible, , but does not automatically create it. Machinery has brought; leisure to America, and that leisure will certainly tend to in crease.; But can, we honestly say that this leisure has given ;birth .to, a corresponding culture, or, that there are any clear signs that culture is destined to spread in the immediate fu ture? We cannot. Leisure makes culture possible: but this possible culture has not in fact become actual. "Let me advise anyone who believes in the near ap proach of tho social millonium to go to any great American or European city ahti note what the majority of men and wo men do with their' new-found prosperity and leisure." ' REVIVING FAMILY ALBUMS. . The bid Tamily )hbtotph allium with the fancy grnd gets aiitjl rass hinges, is (coming back. Interior decorators i ban ijictnltiB lVrtirJ ,t,he; valls and tops nnd tables, so tho little old red plush album must be dragged forth when company tomes; if tdmpany fs to' see, the family life and got . tiie necessary home touch, in n t ,' ; . i' :-. ' But it is not nnly the yogue fpr the antitiue v.'hich has resurrected the t)ld plush album. It is modern science adding Iso many ihstrumelils of phittography that ordinary jndijd , uals cannot resist "mugging" f "being mugged.'' I . . ; . i llai-dlj has the fUroi'e over the pliotomaton begun before nev device is heralded which, fucked away in narrow space, tali photograph passers-by and catch them in natural and un ' Suspecting' poses, ; ', ' , ' ' ; ; ' ' ' : ' The devite 1s Invented pHnutrily to catch criminals, but ' it isn't such a bad idea' for civilian uses at that. What could I be moro entertaining than all evening Bpent in reviewing an album filled with pictures which the various members of the fapiijy didn'j: ws$nt taken? (.;,-.. , .' , j j . , v:i'.'.. : ,' 1 o "; 1'erusal of onc or n dozen, otJ a hundred book reviews ? tii; tho'aVovage lnodel'iv design; and cpnstrWtion is eiidugh to Heave any real book .lovm; with a; heavy heart and an aching t head. Of all the schools 'oL contemporary wHtingr, nciontiCic j or aest'helic, lha book -reviewers' school seeing to havo sunk ( ttt.the lowest depthj fd it! is producing more dull English than any other crowd of jien wielders rtnd 'typewriter wrcs ters in theAyriting trade.- The trouble seems to bo that tho ,1.1'bVie'wers wiute by fobnula. In their inlrotliiclions they try ' to assign 'the book a place in literary history, and give long ; Winded l'0s and boresomc cons ahout What new movement j this book' heralds. If not this, they write a philosophical es say on something about as relevant to the book in hand as the Siege of Troy is relevant to the batch of cookies your Atiiit Saniantha's second cousin baked for your pa nnd ma the year after they wtnie married. It is apparently a rule or the book reviewers' league to tell as little as possible about the book itself aiid what is between its covers. Hook review ers who look upon themselves as Critics, and therefore try .to write highbrow literature, have missed their calling. The need of the genuine literary world is for simple book report ling presented in compact Writing. Z o M. Poinearo, French wartime president, said in a speech the other day that in the matter of guilt it is well to dis between tho German people nnd their rulers. Well, Well, the war's over! ' o Tablets fount! in ftabylonia show that banking was car-! .3'ied on there MOO years ago. There's a good political job j waiting for some who will tlig up a tablet on Dabylonian farm relief. UoiuUiiK tho reports from iht ortovn Arms )ivvy is jul like i-cadinfir bullulin.s from the bed.ido of thai man who Was kepi alive for days and days hy ailifk-ial inspiration. Z,JLp, Kighleen Vera 0ru police olTiHals hnT hecii held for Zli'lrt o a mul'dev chaise. Clever, these Mevcleans. They're bnly yr behind Canton, Theoreliertl grnts looking iii Katal lOgrypt, wiieio 07 per -read nor write, 1 j Xnimleon'a isistcr, says a : having: a milk bath every day. "inake the vows contented. by The Newa-Reviaw Co., Ino. Prrnldent and Manager .Secretary-Treasurer ..$4.00 8.00 1.00 - .60 .60 SATURDAY, AUG. 8, 1927. MAKE CULTURE of the movie, radio, amusement j for I'topia mitfhl take a look cent nf the people van neither new biography insisted on There's something else to PPUNE 3 3?RT G.lsBvre 5 f QED 'VENIrja "f-OUKS- Too dern tired jm,l. To write a colyum " Today aa the Past two days Have been hectic Ones and you hafta Have the endurance Of Lindbergh To stand up under A coupla nights With these wild eyed Western editors. And also, It's bawth nite and the tub's dern near full. In fact It's runnin' over Nope, It was Just the pan under the Ice chest. But we gotta empty it anyhow e So wo must quit f ; v An' besides We hain't gotta dern Idee fer today. LAFE PEP?K1NS SEZ "Ditto." Closing out of all summer mil linery nt below cost. You can save by buying now. Specially Shop, .Mrs. K. Al. KIiik, 2115 N. Jackson St. EEHURTIN Mrs. Wilder b Kills, of Watson villo, ( 'nl It oil In . and her K-yenr-nld son and her sister reilved painful injuries late yestei-day afternoon In on- auto-ncchlebt at -Oakland.. Tho ooruanls. of the t: 1 1 j car were thrown Into the windshield In a car driven by O. W. (Ivi-hnrl, or Huntington Heaeh, (.'alifoi-nia. According to Deputy Sheriff T.eas. who Investigated the accident, Mr. (lerlinrt wns driving south across the liighwayi bridge at Clakinud and won watching a train under tho overhead crossing, nndirilUnved Ills our'to'got over to IhO'ielt side or Hie mail - where II struck i tin machine ' occupied 1 by Mrs. Kills and -her -pni iy. Tlie: sinail boy was thrown entirely through the windshield an.1 received it dee;) soalp woiiiiil and. purfiliile Internal injuries. i The, two womon nroived bail cuts when1 they wei-o thrown against tint broken glass. They were given treatment by Dr. Do- voi-e nl Oakland. Mr. tlerhnrt, ac cording 10 Ihe. deputy- sherliT, as sumed all blame and settled l'or-the dtimugeH. , .- . ' Pnrnbase Molar 'Oil 1H0 per cent pure pnraffiiie base.; At Cieneral lndepcudenl Daniel's. - UMPQUA BAR IS DEEPENED EY DREDGING WORK , Tlif improvement nl' tho cliiui m of tho llinpiU;i rivnr over tho bar al the mouth of thu river ban Im-imi milt'd nhico the npfhitloiiH of the nuvt'i'iuuent drtMlKw "Michic," nays tho I'ort Uininiua Courier. During the month of .lunc tin.' (ttt'rtKc whh tiiiployoil for 11 tolfll of olfcht. working duys nnd took out approximately iti.uuit i-ultlc yardrt of inatiM'ial. During July, n totnl of Tourk-on worltliiK diiyn whh used in, taking out a total of :i!f,7US nible ynnln of nuttorlnl and opiMallonn havo Ih'hu cominuod. it iw rxpocleil that the work will he diiH'oniinued during the early part of the month an the stun o( money 9 authorized and advaneeu hy the port ha:i been used up. The ffain rtindn In. peenrinfi a deeper channel over tho bur at the mom It or the tivt't' hns rmnpeiiMated the port, it fa stated. The post of tietalrt ailvamu'd Ihe IdimIm to lite tiovcrnmeiu whli-h allowed the OredKhiK operallon. Wllh the firm grant of money .from the govern ment, the local port will be re paid. tm Interesting nlti made to I'ort lTmpitia wns in the manner of dredge opernlions. Wln-n hu tavoiahle vrftthvr did nut nllow opernlions upon the I'mptpm Imr. the tlredm' Vum taken to t'oos Ihiy and opetnltotm continued thenv lit thin manner the mm of the dn-dRV to the pott was tiecivus'd. Vlndott' Wafshinc and Itotis-n cluaulnir hv t VI. Dauls, Phone 51 J. BAfN FALLS KILLS MAN (--"'?lt.-. Pl.M I.O;.lt Wil-'l UniKNti. Onv. Aug. fi. Kilwln Ttapn. HU L"wbuw, waa hilled !yenterduy. when ho was rattRht un der n burn ho was tearing itowu when It colhipsed. I Tho body wan not discovered un illl rvenins: when his brother, I.nw I jvneo Trnpp, wns sent lo find hint inflt-r lie lalted to return to his ! home for dinner. Slow pood news does spread! (ienenil (iasolino ifl still the best. DR NERB AS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gat When Desrred Pyorrhea Treated Pbmin MaMilc U. TINCOI u Roy E. Johnson Suicida or Fugitive, Is Belief of Official Heads at Grants Pass. (JItAN'TS PASS, Ore, Auk. fl. A h)iorniKt winch inay asmum eon sidernblu proportions, !iah been f nil nil In tlm urenimlu ill' IJ i iv I1 IjoliiiHnn, formerly nmnaser of the i Urn nl Vum nlant nf K.e sr.m n. j Ujkoii Uus company, who is hup-j-poHt'd to have been drowned ut ii- iiihu iii iiitt; in river on .iuiy ut i;t i.iini' t,. w u i,i,. feral manager of the company, who has been liiVfM.Kiiifhft the busi ness l-eciirds of his concern here. "From evidence and rrom Htorls which have come io in Khue his disappearance, It Is believed that lioy Johnson was not drowiietl," asserted Mr. (ieorge. "If In wus drowned. It is my belief that It was u case of suicide." Mr. UenrKe already has jilaced the matter In the har.dis of the not iiutmaled what further action may be taken. A search ha been conducted by local citizens since Ihe drownluK was reported but tho only traces lound were the fishing pole u:id hat Johnson ued while on the trip. . s Mr. Georfre was investiKa11n (ho actH of Mr. Johnson prior to July 15, nnd of this Mr. Johnson had knowlt'dK'. ai-cordiiiK t o M r. (ieorcti KollowiiiK the reported ac- cldontiil denlh by -drownings he ninile no statements u:!!l he hril established definitely to hlK own sntislactlon tliat there had beeii a Ll'.ortage. i - s -Tlie registration of- tourist aulo j mobiles lor. Hie nmnth uif, July , shows -considerable ' gain .over the j siinie .period last year, i A total re Iglslrallon. of fit!) was recorded, ut j Ihe I'liniubor of Commerce office lor .Inly or this year, while last j year 'the number 'was' 4S. I This lis considered an exceptionally' fine snowing as tile- bulk'of the regis tration i.4 now nt the point' or en try as vis torn lo the slnle. lire1 more rally informed regarding tile requirement i:i' registration find ob-l tain their pcf-nilts as soon as ,tliey enter the stale, so, that, the sla- tiois further inside do not get as I iunny as formerly. The atale rec-1 orihi show a great increase in tour - 1st registrations over last . venr. Slitee January 1 the KoHohurir of- t'ien lias rt'tslcred 1.644 vavn ns - eoniparc-d with ISiil laHt ypar. This yea, however, the tourist, Keation IM-u-u ifut'i 1 1 1 II II lt OeCUUSe Ol the ImiK period of cold weatln: thut. tho .total tor the early part, ot the year could hardly be expect ed to be up to Inst year when there waa an early spring. The registra tions for each month have been as follows: January 7t. February SI. Alarch IIS, April 154, Mav 21:', June 4S9, ,)ulv 510. . , - ABSTRACTERS BACK . FROM MEETING HELD EUGENE YESTRDAY . W. V. Harris. .1 K J(,.r'll,.i,w.l, and I,. V.. McClliitoclt hiivci lelurn-i ed from ihe Slnle, Title Men's Con-, venllon. which was held in Kugene ' yesterday, and report a most sue-i cessful meeting, there being pres-1 ' cut, title men Ironi all over the i slate, anil ali,o representatives ' rrom the slates of Washington and! fallroniin. .1. W. Woodford, prcsl- i dent Walter M. Daly, vicepresd (lent, ami Jumna H. Johns, of Hie Aincrlcnn Tiih- assocladon were iiImi In iilleudance. On account nr ' the financial respimsibllilv of ab'l stiac'.ois under (he Oregon law. It was agreed that hi the riiture all' 1'Hrhing eerllflcatea will be rhilrged for. ac-ilost 3- corning io me value of the pro perty under search, with a mini. i mum iliaine of, on property) I valued at ."..iliiu.oii or less, nnd one j Miiinu pi'i- tuotisaiui aidlllloual up, lo s.'iii.iiim.iio, snd :"i) cents per lliiiusanil ou all amounts above k was tne consensus i of opinion mining Hie title men, that we are In ihe beginning f u , iraiislliou period in Orecou. be. , l whom I Iii old time abstract system laud the new Tlth Insurance iut j mam. nnd that within twenty years ! the eunibiMstitne ahstrael will he - n relic of olhtM- day, mid Ihe T!M . Insuiauti' Policy will take its j place, nnd thrre U a reason tor this ! cl-.atiKf. The nioft Important heinir , ; p 1 "","" " ... ( .en .mi.k-i Him M-ucr, as coni j pared Willi the delay now c.uiMd in most de:i!s. on account of some slight technical cinml on the title, vvhiih tloc-j mil in any f ,y invali I date the thle, but which must h ! cleared up itt some way. before tlu I (1 Io can pass, often weeks, some times months, and Ihtr, pelnc.ft day of ariiett. rather ' liiatt delay, is foreh-c this impmt I ant change in the matttr of t-.nd titles. The expense of the Title Insurance Policy in most cues Is not greater than the abstract sys tem, hut after ihe (dim) owner ttufe li.ts n policy. th tn!y futuiv ex pense is vh'Mi the pniperiy in i-U or imili;ii)',"il. How good news doe spread! Udbullue U fctill the best. I I The International Uniform Sun- day School Lesson for .August 7. Overcoming Evil Wfth Good. Text: ' 1 Sam. 26: 7-14, 17, 21. ( By WM. E. GILROY, D. D. j Editor of The Congregationaiist ' Tho Hlory of ShuI'h jealous ha (tied unil pursuit ot David, If It In touched here and there with onu'u companion for a great hearted nuiii in the rrip of it n insane oh Ht'HHlon or with ulmoKt uncontrol lable KUHlH'uf pit8ion, Ik brighten ed by Klimpses ot Di.vid'g hkik nanimlty. it i hi theso experiences that we havfi JJavfd at hiu boat. Tho ; 1,11,11 w 1,0 co,llll under huc cheum KtanuHn ot thinner to hit own life, rofrnln from enmity and regard the attack) upon hiniKolf with Ktic-h couiaKQ and complacency reveals t I fUHlitien of thuntclor mid RtreiiKlh V4 DUIII nini nio llUljr iiuuiu inj ii I ill- I tcr wlmt lens worthy thiiiKH may have marred Ida f. Probably Da vid in that iinaciputific aso Rented j the fact that Saul In his fits of I jealousy was not himself. j Abishai Is Average Man ! Alrshai in our leHKon repreHenlH the normal spirit of man in thttj presence of enmity and strjfe. He ' was moved with no larger consid-! orations of vision or of niag.ia-i nltnlty uf soul. With crude and ' I1? lut ,lh" V1 HaSl Utiho m?ment of opportunity, boasting of the fact that ho could Btrlko lilm to the earth Willi his spear ut ono; stroke without the need of strllt-i Ing him u second time. Here was the plain man of blood, a stranger; to higher considerations, thought- less mm conuy imitnl. 'to such men uie worm has given all too, much power. ,'.,.. , ,nw, ti iii. iii in iitouti, t hail finer feelings and nobler! moods. There was in him some-; ii, ,,r i..ri B,.iPii n r,i , 7,ii'i,.,inn i ui..,.it awiiy Saul's spear and in lulling tho cruse of water that had been at his head. I'erhaps also In this there was something more than me si-iiKiHciioi! oi a nnnnie-iooieu i a mil alar on: a great space neing between them: nnd ulnible-wllted man. 'He may, And David cried to the people, and to Abner the son of Nnr, pay havo had the , deeper purpose of Ing, Answerest thou not, Abner? - Then Abner answered and said, revealing his' magnanimity and of Who art thou Hint criest to the king? seeking to turn from himself nnd ' And Saul knew David's voice, and said. In this thv vol mv nnn from Saul tho evils of jealousy and hate. Temporarily at least, Davld'B ningnanlmilywas not without re - STANDINGS OF LEAGUES - . '. Pet I Oakland i San Francisco i Seattle '.. j Sacramenlo ... Portlantl : .....SI ....7(1 ..,.74 ....ON ....(iU ..,.(11 ....r,s , .009 .57G .0G5 :.507 .4(12 .455 Hollywood ;; l Mission I Los Angeies . ' " Pet National ' ' "' j'Ohiciwjo .... ; CittHburfih W. ...ea .594 St linniR .r,fin !ev orK Cinrinnati ..ruj .r,:t:t 1 .4(10 ; .4:17 j .3l)6 .394 1 Pet. .714 .60S .r,.', r ; .521 .4S1 .41 a .392 : .320 4 Hrooklyn 45 Koston . 38 Philadelphia .....:....3U AfVisrlcah W. Xew New ..... 'ashington . IHMnoit I' C'lliCMKO fc..... ...J2 Cleveland st. Louis IJoston Uu - i - LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES (.IvKH-iittL-d l're. .,mki.1 Win-) (Including games of August C.) National Patting P. Waner, Plrntes, .356. Huns I,. Waner, Pirates, 9.1. Jilts P. Waner, Pirates, 103. Doubles P. Waner, Pirates, 02. Triples 1. Waner, Pirates, 10. Homers Williams; Phillies, 23. Stolen bases I'lisch, Caruinais, Ilenton, Giauts, won i; American . llattini; Simmons, Atliletics, 3113. Ituns Ruth, 1'nnl.ees, no. lilts (iehriK, Vankees, 157. Doubles Hurns, lndiuns, -12. i Triples Manuah, Tluera, I I. f loniers liehriK, Yankees, 37. , Stolen bases Staler, Urow ns, 22. I Pltcliln? Ituelller, yankees, won I 12; lost ;i. I j, - COAST LEAGUE RESULTS ( .M.N 1' l..Mn-, Wtiv) Portland came from behind in iinvo l utierton oft tii Mil nod malio it three oul of tour from Hoi- lywood, by v inning 6-2. llattcrtes: l ivnch, Hifvites Htid VelU; Fuller- ton, W. M urphy. Murphy nnd Cook, V, i'ho Missions lal-scd back into nnn- their old fotm, diitppittK requii-hiRlsidt'tl faun to tho Seals, .13-1. Itat- lenes: May ami Kego: l.udolph, Plllettt? and Wither, ,iUm. Tho Oaks msdo it four strntcht from Los Anodes by nosinc out the Angels in the eleventh in nings, 1M. Itatteties: WeMtvrr; ly. (iHiilner, Piercy nnd Nundinal iNinoev ami nrool, l-ombardt. The ancient "Speed-' Martin limited Sacramento to d hits while Seattle coasted to 4111 easy H 'i win lo even up the series. I in tie lies: Martin and Schmidt; Kellu, Kttle uud btivcield. WEEKLY SUNDAY Overcoming Evil With Good , Text: 1 8amuel Q tV.,-i,l Altclinl nntnn (it Kaul'luy sleeping within tho trench, ut bin liolster: but Abner and the Then said Ablnhnl to David, Cod hath delivered thine enemy Into Ihlno hand this day: now, theroforc, let me smite him, I pray thee, witli the spear, even to the earth nt once, and -I will not mu him tho second time. And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not: for v ho can stretch torlh his hand against Ihe .Lord's David said fui-tliermoro, As the i him: or his duvshitll como; lo ;;nu periHii. ; . The Lord, forbid that '1 should the Lord's anointed; but. 1 pray .thee, lake thou now Ihe spear that; Is at his bolster.-and the cruse of water. .and let us go - - So David took the spear and the cruse of water from Saul's bol- ster: and they gat thenaway, and no man saw It, nor knew it. neither awaked; for they were all asleep; because a deep sleep from Ihe Lord was fallen upon them, i t . ! . , i Then' David went over' fo the ; David? And Duvld said. It is my voico my. lord, o kingi . .-) valley. ,.,,..-,.-,.. j Then said Saul, I have sinned: return, my son David; for I yil noj ; TTT0- H:... . , more do thee harm, because my soul was precious in thine' eyes th'isf EaV barbecue" 'sandwiches "and 'day: behold, I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly. . live forever. Brand's lload Stand. MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS i ' (By tho Associated Press)' i ClticaKo could regard her. Cubs ,,a. ',,lXia,i ;'. thn , .reeing the National league K, k pbiladVlpbla 8li consecutive -victories,- lliree! was "d by rain. ' " . ' III ,.rU,i..u-mn nvu, ti, rl..Dl,v 0 i Hl-nves. IIUHheil the Kinlns In ri-nnl by two lull games. Percy Jones , , IV,l!ll,?U Vll ,IIU 11,11; .I1IIJUD 11 i 1 a n. to a verdict betore laidtes day J ' i ;, ci-nwd- tolnlllnir isome , 32.000.. ..'0A- ,1 Cy Willianis went a long ways in wrecking the Pirates by lashing out a homer, a (riple and double in four official times at bat, as the ! Jfttt "Iwhllo the Ucds finished In ! trani il to U. - i ', i i. : Hrooklyn trounced the ("ardinals B to 2, giving the Robins file series hi, ? ti,:lr, , , , Babe ltuth showed the stadium "LINOLEUM" For every room in the house. , Powell Furniture & Hardware Co. ' 238 N. Jackson St. SSmVifr UAL U surely was a funny pevne to vnich the lit t lo suhmariiie. The Tlnfes climbed around its sides, j find i.crnmbled up on top. Said i Hcouty, "We are sonkinc wot, but Wt r,a(l we'ro safn, you bel! j We thought most any minute that our Taffy boat would drop." And then they Raw the tatty boat I wdiich for a long time iilayed j arioat. just sort ol drift tiht out ; of night amid the whipped cream sea. It made Urn whole bunch ; feel real bad, Vause quite a dandy I trip they'd had. Then L'lomiy siud, "Oh, lot's no cry. Bo happy as can bo."' "You're riht' tlie queer sub capiani cried. He chcfrtul la-.l;. liiui come msiue. i u ihi you naitEr your we clothes up so they can quieiily dry." And, in the sub tho whole bunch went, and 'bout n hour or so whh spent in drying clothes. Tito Tinier sal and watch ed them with a stplt. They turned tbent 'round nnd 1 'round, ami then, when all the I bunch won dress-rd tin, the -At- tain soned some bread and milk. O), it limited pood ! "That's gtiod for any Utile man," the exp lain Paid. "Kat all you ran," And that's just what Ihe Tinies did h? cati'v they knew they "hutild. When they had titiished with I their meal, wee. Carp said. "1 s-uiv- 1 ly feel like nmniiiR 'round nnd ntajiuj tai;. I think that would bo j Kntid. "A'l tight, my son." tlie! "ipr.i'M cr'ed. "VV Hn"n wiil en.l this little ride. If you will just In patient, I will take you up on land." Ve Scout y'.-; know ledge vsua te:i keen. Said he, ' luv can .1 'suhumtr.p fzo up on l-mi? That isn't what a snhniaritiM iy for." but thtii tiay lt!it a bau, j buuip. SCHOOL LESSON 26:7-14, 17,21 iUa nannli. Itv ami lldhnlfl and his spear stuck in the grouud people lay round about him. anointed; and be guiltless? Lord llveth, the Lord shall smite die: or he shall descend into battle.; . - . . stretch forth mine hand against other side, and stbon on the ton of l fans he still wns In the home run ! spirit by socking the ball Into right j field bleachers for his 35th of the ! ; year ns tho Yankees whipped thei ' Bengals into submission, 5 to 3, , 1 Then Senators waded thru 17 1 I hits donated by St. Louis hurlers i ' for a IX to 7 triumph. : paip Hose 4 lo 1 for their fourth i . ... ":i : ) . .! I t mouna uie county i i CAMAS VALLEY nfws notpr - ' i -' ' i ti....i,..h....- i , .. i few have already thrashed I ' .r.'frKfif ;v s"5'Vg .T"'"" "pent last visiting spend relatives and IVfeuds I ,. aiw in.. Ikq Alice Ki-niiin,, a,,,t Mioc Bessie Brown returned Tlmrsdav I , noon rrom-several davs spent visit-! !'"' llt Marshfielil. . They visited , sunset llay during their trip. ; Miss Jtuth Ulck Is home again 1 after spending severs! days with her sister Mrs. Lester Contes at Coquille. , Mrs. Porter, who has been spend ing several weeks here, expects to return to Eugene Saturday. .Miss Cecelia Denn, ot Portland, Is entering a convent this week. Her parents have gone to-be with COCHRAM READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE lZ "" !'' i'1""- " ,lH,m ' Th tinymlte, meet aMtfwr criiiia !-vC thai tl:-y ivcrc m . KArv I shore. uult. Theto is a bur-t of tilmoul pathetic repeutencu ou b a ill's !liart; ; -Then said Saul, I have sinned: j return, my son JJavid; lof 1 will : no more do tttee harm, because ( my life was precious in thine eyes : this day: benoiu, i have plaed ! the tooi, and nave ercd cacucu '! liits ly." i well would .it have been for Saul jf tnai repeniuut mood had continued dominant in bis llit1, unt his jealousy and Insane pastiiou were to triumph liespdb hU better nature, David Ahead of His Time The course bt Duviu in ihcsa things, and the hign ideal that the writer' ot Israel emphastsus in re- i eo nl lug these things m the nar rative, are all the moie remam- able. when one considers the tune (out of which these stories coiue. ! it wus not a peilod when men were given to finer seusibilitiea or 'spiritual perceptions. I Abishai rather Uian David was '.typical of the age. It Is in things nuku uo una iti tut; I uvui n liiul one must see rovealed tho moral unci spiritual quality of tho Ola Testament, l'ou must road these narratives with a view to their high lights to understand the rich Idealism that they have given to tno world uud the way In which they nava pointed ihe souls i ow.a tu0 signer and bettor way In life. ' CHURCH NEWS v I w v w R9ni- h..u u , ..i i a i-.15 us usual Dr Fnion win, !,' , ,..,,, i,... ,' not D(J ua owing to a dealh in hi8 olvn e,,urch una thelr wl b uo preaching service giving all cll.,.lcfi , ,Vorshiii with mn- tii..i A ,!",' w01bl111' wu" oul b"'tLT uiutinex ' ' j From Salem L, O. Herrold, of Salem, was an arrival here Friday and is remain ing over today to look arter inler: ests at his mint farm at Camas FANCY FRUIT WANTED Cash paid for fine ripe eat- ing apples, sweet plums, and a extra ' fancy peaches. 'Brands, Pacific Highway, 3 miles north': : : ' ' . ' ''c'' aui'ng tne ceremony.'' , Mr., and Mrs. George alelsinger and small , daughter, Patty, arc' visiting With Mrs. Melsinger's pat en ta in Myrtle- Point, t ; There is to be a poultry culllmj SW mmsirauon at l.loyd IloDerls exi 1 uosnay at i p. m. Those In- ! teresled in chicken raising to pro ,'duce eggs should' bo sure lo al- i tei1"-' ' '''' 1 '' ! " . Wo, understand -that the llilrd i Ipsslns camp: west ot the valley '1? S:'" t0 b 0)e,ration- T1USL' imd' Mrs. n. W. Hick and 111 ""I"""--. Mrs. Harding and family aru leaving soon fbr Coos county. ' Mr.' and ' -Mrs. Percy 'Wolcolt Spent last week nt Winchester Pay. -.-',;. , -Correspondent. See our beautiful and newest styles in felt hats for fall wear. The Specialty Shoppo, Mrs. S. M. King, 235 N. Jackson St. Pure whole milk, and it's pas teurized. Hoseburg Dairy. Phono ISfi ess l ei .' iighl, V)27, NEA ScivKt, Inc.