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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1927)
ki. 1 1 " i . ' CLEAN-COOL-CONVENIENT Douglas County Women Who Attend The Koseburg News 1 Better Cooking 1 a l II ' IcAUFOWftA OREGON -r ' . , ; m The California Review Cooking School A' ARMORY Will be still further convinced of the outstanding superiority of ELECTRICITY FOR COOKING. They will real ize that it is clean, cool and convenient as well as being far more efficient and economical. COOK "BY WIRE" Cooking "by wire" is no lbnger an experiment it is an accepted fact. The fact that one out of every four domestic customers in this community is an electric range user is not only a tribute to electric cooking but also evidences g the progressiveness of Douglas County housewives. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND! We believe that every woman in Douglas County should avail herself of the opportunity to attend the Roseburg News-Review Cooking School this week. There will be new recipes and tasty foods for you to enjoy and the demonstrations of electric cookery will be highly interesting and instructive. We take pleasure in recommending this post-graduate course in modern electric cooking to all our customers and friends. Oregon Power ROSEBURG, OREGON Comp any l PUBLIC Ml OUSTED ARMY CHAPLAIN HEADED FOR HOLLYWOOD . I . (AxM'Hiilcil I'ri'M I Wire.) ' ' RAN KUANClSCf), Jmiu 20. The Kviiiiiliu'i says Orvlllu !. ClnmplU, formerly m my ohiipliiln Willi (ho rank of cniilnin, whimo mllitnfy cut'uor ended recently when ho was dlKClmrged "for tlio tsood of I hoi service," In hero on lilM way to Hollywood, whero lie cxnecLH to oilier the movlon and ex tuhllah u elmrch In the film col OREGON DENTAL ASS'N. CONVENES IN PORTLAND : (Afsoclatcd Prt'M l,cu!il Wire.) l'OHTLAN'l), Ore., June 20. CIlnlvK, addreHKett, entertainment and general (IIhciikhIoiih or tuple perlalntiiK to modern denllHtry will occupy several hundred dentists who HHseiuhled today for the oncu InK of the a 1th annual conference of tho OreKon Htate llental asso elntleh. The sessions are hehiK heldln the North- rnoiflo collotjo until Thursday. 7 II 1927 W NEA Service IS? w Ben Lucien Burman ; 1927 W NEA Service THIS HAS HAPPENED To the queer little South Ameri can town of PORTO VERDE, in west central Brazil, a town fring ed by dark, forbidding jungle, cornea an elderly American, LIN COLN NUNNALLY. An air of myssry seems to hang over the place. This impression is accentuated when the porter who handles Nunnally's grips hints of strange deaths that have occurred and mumbles gloomy prophecies. Nunnally registers at the ram shackle hotel and steps out on the balcony, 'A beautiful young girl drives past in a ohalse, a ceo m pan- husband with her. "It was u terribly foolish thing to do, for the climate here is dev ilish for certain physiques and within ti year anil a half, both the husband and wile died, leaving a baby affectionately called Tiu ky mid (his enormous place for Klise to take care of. She did il extremely well, too. Murvelously well tor a youngster, for that's all she is, really little more than a ci:lhl. You saw her driving by this afternoon. She wanted to meet you at the boat, but I for bade it. 1 wanted to meet you first and see if you would remember led by a negro woman and a small i me." child. To the American's amaze- He stronned his razor an instant. Meats From Our Sanitary Market, will be featur ed in t h e Cooking Demonstrations at the Armory for four days this week. During Friday afternoon an expert meat cutter from this Market will Demonstrate to the Housewives assembled at the Armory the way to buy meats, and how in ortlcriiii?, they may Ret just those cuts desired for some special serving. Be sure to see this Demonstration, and in the meantime don't forget to order your Meat supplies from this shop. Telephone orders given personal attention. Best Meats at Lowest Prices I North Side Market I Boyer Bros. K. ..,.,...t.t. m" 11 1" ?'.'? iropeny. -iu tlml fas nua W'Jl'i'm'TOWjiim-jaag'-'-' . . - 1BS tlawr jnier oringiuf! ner now uu tue others Dctto Phone 280 tnent, she waves to him, then drives on. He sees two sinister looking men watch the girl, ex change mysterious signals, then follow her. Another surprise s In store for him In the barber shop, the bar ber, a strange dark man with an Oriental cast to his eyes, speaks to him. He then recognizes the barber as VILAKA WEST, known to him as VILAK, an American. He asks Vilak what he Is doing in j PORTO VERDE. To his amaze ment, Vilak says he has sent for him. , j NOW BEGIN THE STORY ClIAPTKU II. A new wavo of surprise wrinkled ! the skin around Nunnally's sleepy gentle eyes. ''You're jesting Jesting I was sent for by me er ! Petri n Von In li!'ft)(mmnr I'oni- puny It owns moat of tho coffee plantations nod mineral develop I moots In this section of the cotin i try So I've been told. I've the : letter er In my pocket." lie put hts hand in his rout. ) Vilak cheeked him. "Don't both i or, Nanny. I'm tho Porto Verde 'Company. In this case, anyway." w' When the other opened his mouth J I to timtittt. V link MDiihiiil tits I :ir Sjiwlth lather, "if 1 could hao us won t make tho sUKhleat move to eiieriive a way as xnis 10 Keep v. erybody from ukiiiK too many The old man's face thirled with queNtiona all my life, I'd be happy. excitement. He tried to lite his You nee. my cousin, KHs Mar-'head, but finding this linpoihle berry the Uaslinfr-Maryborry's iflalumped back luto tho chair In res your know your New York social I Intuition. rector, which l pray to uod youj "I saw somethlnK er queer don t happens to own the i'otioju little whilo aieo tjueer. l'ei Verde t'ompatiy. And what's my, haps It may be connected hi nemo IV cousin's Is mine." iway with your couMn. I would "Hut that tells nie nothing eritell you if you would ponnit -per-Vi!nkt notMnK Why ?" mil me to talk." "Yon talk too much." Vilak i "All light, tin ahead." swabbed hit poapy brush liberally I "Two men hlchiy unpleasant g about the other's Hps. "Listen,' er unpleasant. One .had a anil ill explain, u anyone ever .patch on his er cheek and an explains anything. When Kline's , Adams apple enormously father died, he hft Iiih property to laired enormously. The other her and her elder sister. Klise bad mauy broken teeth and one was In colleire nt the time, her . arm. They wort? making signals to ulster had just heen married. Hut ' each other when your er cousin they both were very energetic, pasted. Then they began folio w- younv women and decided (o comeiinfr her throuKU the er brush. then went on. "Klise was gutting along here without the slightest difficulty when, a few months ago, some queer, almost uncanny things began to happen. Three of her workmen were killed in- very mys terious ways; then, before long. was me.mcmt H...I received a letter I". mch nceded. vucatlon with which proved that her feeling was not imagination. It came after she had made au unsuccessful attempt to visit n rather extraordinary American who is living in the vi cinity. It consisted merely of au old Portuguese proverb, "She who eats in her own kitchen may dine well many a day.' it was speared to the kitchen table with a dag ger. Very subtle, eh? . "Well, I was resting down in Havana, after a rather Btreuuous expedition to the Orient, which cost me this bit of my left ear, by the way and she asked nm to come down to Porto Verde to see If 1 cuuldu't straighten things out a bit. I came, of course, and in stantly advised her to get out. Things aren't pretty here at all. They're bad enough normally In any of these Jungle-frontier towns. Here hardly a tlay goes by without something violent taking place, but Klise is a stubborn little vixen and They're town characters. Not the only queer people here." He wrapped a towel about the other's face, then stood gazing out of the window until a movement from the restless old man caused him to turn back to his' duties. "Yes, yes, customer, you'll be through in a few minutes. I hope you see now w hat I'm doing down here. As far as you're concerned the story is easy. 1 uotlced in the newspapers that you were one of the American delegates to the Pan American .Scientific congress at Rio de Janeiro, so I had the com pany send the telegram asking you to come here." "But those er manganese de posits the telegram mentioned. Don't they exist?" "Of course they do, my dear Nanny. I never lie. There are too mauy facts and statistics of all sorts to make crude lying neces sary. They have found some man ganese deposits they will be very grateful to have you examine. Hut 1 mentioned them only to get you here. 1 knew that a chemist of your attainments would he much too Infernally busy with your work In New York to be sensible and voluntarily take a few days off for au old protege and friend. "I'm awfully fond of you, Nan ny. And its' been a long time, a very long time, since 1 saw you. It seemed absurd to have you so close without doing something about it, particularly since I didn't know when I'd hava the opportun ity again. I suppose I ought to feel a little guilty for bringing you down to this beastly hole that I advised my cousin to get out of. but I think it'll be good for you to get a taste of the adventurous side of life. And I know you've always wanted it. So you see, there s your coincidence goue. An nihilated." "Hut why should you be er concerned In such unusual mat ters? And why er why are yuu a barber? Yes barber? Vilak put away his razor. "Your two questions come to the same. You don't know, of course, that about two years ago after I left your laboratory for something more exciting than a chemical re tort no, ho, don't interrupt me; I know that's exciting, but the crlm- here to keep me busy even if the Brazilians don't patronize me, which they do. I'm making myself the fashion." "Have you learned er any thing through it? "That's a leading question.. I refuse to answer. Instead I'll ask you whether you ever stopped to think how a barber has opportun ity to study individuals and learn their characters and physical pe culiarities better than any public servant, not even excepting a doc tor. For an individual goes to a doctor ouly yearly, sometimes never, while rich man, pool man beggar man, thief, all have hair and almost alL of them get shaved. I'm quite sure hello!" he broke off suddenly. "Judging by the ex cited way Joao, the stable boy, is running out there, we're having another one of the pleasant inci dents which break our daily men-. I otony." He moved to the door, i "Joao! Joao!" he called out. The boy turned and unwillingly trudged toward him. He spoke In excited Portuguese for a moment, then ran on. Vilak returned to Nunnally, sitting Up Interestedly in the chair. "It's as I told you," he announc ed gravely, "only much more ser ious this time. Another man's been killed. An Italian Tony Barbotta, one of the best foremen . on my cousin's fazenda. I knew he'd been having a feud for a long time with another one of the fore men, an Englishman named Potts, about some gambllug debts, and apparently the killing was the re-! suit of that. From what Joao tells me, Potts confesses that he com mitted the murder. Hit him over the head with a club. But it seems there's something queer about It. I'll get your face dried and we'll go aud have a look." (Xo Be Continued) LIFE'S NICETIES Hints On Etiquet 1. Can one accept a second help ing if one wants it? . 2. Is it necessary to send a pres ent to an engaged girl friend? 3. Which is proper a Bweet dessert or crackers and cheese served with a guest dinner? The Answers 1. Certainly. " Unless by so do ing one would make the rest wait. 2. No. 3. Both, or either. SPELLING ENTRANT KNEW NO ENGLISH 4 YEARS AGO WASHINGTON, June 21. Fout years ago a small girl landed In this country from Sweden, unublo to speak a word of English.. To day she came here to compote in the national spelling championship which opens Thursday, as the champion speller of Michigan. She is Hulda Foruell, 13 years old. of Detroit. Unon winning tho state contest, she received a con gratulatory message from King Gustavus of Sweden. KANSAS TOWN CALLS HALT ON OIL WELLS COR. CASS AND STEPHENS, OPP. POSTOFFICE ROSEBURG Matchless House Frocks' New Patterns in Fine Ginghams A down hero and take more or less personal charge of the property. know the chaps you mean. lue first is Pas la&yuale Ursula OXFORD, Kas., June 21. Be- ! j cause it appeared probable this! itown might have to move to make j way for oil rigs, the city council , passed an ordinance limiting drill-! ilng to one well in each city, block, j (All property owners in the block I shall receive a pro-rated royalty! in the event of production, accord- inology I drifted into iS still more in " 1 r fnT fm" so. Love of problems, adventure. L Sm " " tor oU fm "J ,!"0 a change, call it what you will, made ftver fh, boom iimcoTl " town" me do it. I suppose. Or perhaps 'ot oil eases, and v rtually every It whh the mixture of Tartar and !nch of.,he cH vXw1 American in my blood; the hustl- irerm and other public Property, ing American part of me reveling in the action nnd excitement ac comnanvine htveHt ligations while tho contemplative Oriental side of iment' me revels In the deductions nec- wni plans developed to tear essavv to makn clues valuable, thtwn other buihlhtgs aud to sink That 'story of the Tartar strain in numerous wells in front yards, the my ancestry is undoubtedly true. ! city stepped In and called a halt. vn-tlt explains a lot of things in my o character. J "At this moment I'm a barber i an American barber; Robert j Rfgs. If you please for a very! definite rrasou; it's one of the best j ways of getting information. There ( arc euough American aud English; ou the uearby fazeudas that's 1 what they call the plantations Jwaa placed under lease. The Op era house was torn down and au loll well started in the former base- PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Where, oh where, ore Val ues like these) But then, we are the largest departmeAt etore organization in the world ' and so we can offer these strikingly worthy House Frocks tailored from splen did ginghams in new style and colors at this almost un believably low price! All sizes. 25A Anniversary Rayon Frocks For Homemakerj The particular woman'' thoice for afternoons at. borne delightful jtylej of rajron fabrics, fine ginghams or prints. Outstanding rai ses at 98c to $3.98 25 th Anniversary Print Frocks For the Tiny Miss The styles are copied front her older sister's tiny turn over collars and fancy bind ings. Every miss of Z to 0 will love them 98c to $1.98