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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1920)
no k b v no new hkvtkw ritnAV. vovkmokh ia, nan J5 SHOES- I of Unusual Merit I L-T On Sale At RC $9.95 ' llliuk or tnn 'renou calf, lilucli- S j ir, Drown Mahogany, Lotus cuU, mm IT J lUiuliiTB, it full noli-a.-. Huilt for i,X 1 I I J S Uli u,e '"' """"I' TA I I Vy. I your ft dry and warm. Wear I I our etrardlnary value at $13.50 I now on Halo at Boseburg Booterie vJ I J""! Wioea That Satisfy ami Fit Venr Fot IV I I X IVrklna Wil. t'lwa St. I I ( r Hinaxli e hIioo repair lrl-es. DrluR ""J " X lii jour work ami see the difference. To Winchester Mrs. Jim Clarke of Winchester, iipent a few hours here today, re turning home on the afternoon train. From ("nJlfornla Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blggon, who have lieen visiting In Los Angeles and olhor California points with rel atives for the pust month arrived In Host-burg this afternoon. Safety First Mmtlng A local "Safety First" meeting will be held at 2 p. m. Nor. 22nd. 11120, In the council chambers of the :ily Hull by the Southern I'acitlc employees of HoseburK. It Is desired that a Rood attendance be on hand and tho public are Invited and urged to attend and help with this prob lem of SHft'ty. It Is of onual Import ance to the public In general as well as with the railroad employee. UOHN In this city, Armistice Day, Nov. 11. 1820, to the wife ot Dennis Matthews, a daughter. Out your English walnuts ut the office of the Oregon Growers' rack ing Corporation on Washington street and S. P. tracks. 30c per lb. In 10 lb. and larger orders. Oregon Growers Packing Corporation. Write Jack Roach. Drain, for cata logue and prices for the Queen in cubators, coal and oil burning brood ers. Avoid disappointment by plac ing your order now for future de livery. Remember tho Queen Is the best money can buy. LIBERTY THEATER "WHERE EVERYBODY GOES" Home of the World's Supreme Photoplays. IAST TIME TODAY! METROS' T SPECIAL SCREEN CLASSIC DON'T MISS II! "SHOULD A WOMAN TELL" FEATl ItlSO ALICE LAKE and an All-Star Cast. Front tho oriKiiud story by KlnU Fox ? AKOl.VU THE TOWN ! scouts staged some athletic events Ion Jackson street tluit made many of the ' older heads ' set up aud take notice. TODAY AND TOMORROW. "RUTH OF THE ROCKIES" Gaumont News. Showing Great Events now in Europe Comedies "Parked in the Park". SATURDAY. OXK DAY ONLY TheRealati Super Attraction MARY MILES MINTER "Eyes of the Heart" ADAPTED FROM "HI.INI'NE SS," BY DANA UlltNETT. Her this wonderful story and vhat after years if ilnrkiieM means. IN CONJUNCTION Matin Dally 1:15 p. m.; Evenings, 7:15 and :00. Prices: Children, matinee 10c, evenings 16c; Adults, 150. IN XXJl XtTlOX With "Ruth of the Rockies" And Pathe News. Returned thU Morning r'iarnc Crow left on the morn ing train fur Riddle after spending yesterday in Rostburg. Hero Wednesday Miss Belle T!rilKs spent a short time In liosebnig Wednesday vis iting with friends. From Oakland George lilackman of Oakland spent Thursday In Rosebure attending the Armistice Day Celebration. Here Wednesday Mrs. J. L. Smith, of Green spent vv...lno,liiv In Roseliurg shopping and attending to business matters. Here Yesterday Civile Cazloy was among the Riddle residents who celebrated Armistice Day in Roseburg yester day. From Kiddle i'eier Dldtel came to Boseburg uiil, lie yesterday to upend the day oelebrating the signing of the Armistice. Here Wednesday Mrs. S. II. I'roul of Dillard spent Wednesday in the city visiting with friends. She returned home on the evening train. Riddle ltesldenU Hero Mrs. Kred Williams and two daughters of Riddle were visitors here yesterday and formed part of a delegation from that city. Whole Family Here The Norman funily from Tiller, from the youngest member to the olnest spent yesterday in Roseburg attending the Armistice Day ceieora tions. Fis-m Portland Attorney v. V. Hopkins who has been spending a snort time in i-on- land transacting business matters re turned to Roseburg Wednesday even ing. Visit in Calfornn Mrs. S. P. Itearck of Garden val lov lpfl for I.ns Anneles Wednesday, where she will make an extended visit with her daughter. Mrs. George Wilkeny. Visit Parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heard arrlvod In Roseburg last night from Harris burg to visit for a short time with Mrs. Heard s parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Spaugli. Home from Portland Irvln lirunn of the Roseburg llooterie who bus been attending to business matters in 1'ortland for the past few days, returned to Roseburg Thursday. Will Arrive Tomorrow Mrs. Viola Wilson of this cliy, will arrive here tomorrow from Guthrie Center, Iowa, where she has been visiting with relatives for tho past few weeks. VNit in Kiigcne Russell l,. K. I.lntott left this morning for Kugeno to spend a short time visiting with ft'ends at the Cniversity and ,nttcmhng the ball game thero tomorrow afternoon. Here Krom Yoncnlla Captain and Mrs. William Kletzer were visitors at the Armistice Day celebration " in the city yesterday. Mr9. Kletzer sang a beautiful solo at tlie morning exercises ut tho armory. SMM-ial Ajjent Here W. L. Unman, special agent for the Springfield Fire Insurance com pany, urrived In Roseburg this morn ing from Portland to spend a short time here conferring with his local agents. Rice & Rice. Home From Collegia l'eter Diiltel, a resident of Riddle, was a Roseburg visitor yesterday. Mr. Didiel Is a member of the local Legion post and tied up his plow horse for ttie day and "beat ll" to Roseburg for the big time. Home From College George Willett. a student at the V. of O.. arrived here yesterday morning and spent tho day with his Ruddies helping them to celebrate. Two years ago George was celebrat ing in "Sunny Flame," and he states that yesterday's weather reminded him of his sloppy time in llrest. Homesteader FitMn Tiller Joint Ashwortli. overseas veteran, who is now rusticating In the moun tainous district of Tiller on a home stead, arrived In Roseburg early yes terday morning all dolled up In an O. D. uniform. John said that the uniform had been thoroughly decootieizej. A Few M,Minshlmrs Were ltusy 1 The officers reported several "Jags" last night but very little dis order. The few drunks were not Legion men. but others who were "havlnr a rood time" ni ti, I of the Leiilonnalr, s. who were trying ... ,u,- ceienranon a elejin one. The officers commended the "Vs on their excellent conduct of yesterday. Pas Through Misses .;v and Kvee Applegate former teachers In the Rosehurc schools passed through Roseburg Wednesday evening and were greet ed at the station here hv r number of frl-nds. They have been visiting their parents at Yoncaila for the past few weeks, snd were enroutel back to AtlsntA n,ui,,i, -i are doing rcconM ruction work among the returned soldiers. Hoy Scouts on the Job The two Mtrol sof th Wni Scouts were on the Job th first thing in the morning and to the last thing at night. Their hurt operation which served to make the celebration a luccms. wit greatly appreciated by Umpijua post. Tat To Knffone Loas Wright and Wm. Thrall will leave tomorrow morning for Eugene where they will attend the football game tomorrow afternoon, returning here Sunday. To California Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Carlson, of Min neapolis arrived in Roseburg yester day evening, leaving this morning for San Francisco, where they will spend the winter. l.cavo This Morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Moser of Oroville. Ohio, left this morning for Long Reach, California, where they expect to spend the winter. They ar rived in Roseburg yesterday. Itelurna Home Mrs. Mark Tisdale, who has been spending the past few days in Rose burg attending to business matters and visiting with friends, left tills af ternoon for her homo in Sutherlln. Workers Thanked A number of political workers In the city have received letters from Thomas H. Tongue, Jr., chairman of! the Oregon Republican State Central ! Committee, thanking them for their assistance In the recent political campaign. To Portlands Mrs. W. L. McGeorge. who has been visiting here with Mrs. W. T. Wright for a short time, left this af ternoon for her home in Portland. She was accompanied by Mrs. W. T. J LLJIJU.J. "P AKOFND THE TOWN To Siutberlln Mrs. J. W. Thompson came to the city this morning for a few hours, leaving for ber borne on the after noon train. Itcturi! to Portland Miss Josephine NeUon who has been vtsitlnn vit Elgarose with friends left this afternoon for her home In Portland. Hot urns Homo Mrs. George P. Tritcg left this af ternojn for her home In Sutherlln after shopping In town for a few hours this morning. To Oakland Mrs. R. R. Clarke of Oakland was a Roseburg visitor for a few hours this morning, leaving on the after noon train for ber home. IleturiiH Home Mr. und Mrs. D. J. Jones returned this afternoon for their home in Oakland, following a short time In Roseburg attending to business mat ters. Several Xevv lilts The Jazz-O-Four orchestra, which Is always first to feature the biggest hits in the way of dance music last night featured several of the latest hits, direct from the publishers. Among those featured last night was "Emma Lou" a waltz number, which proved so popular that the orchestra had to play three encores for the first time It was played in 'be city. JL. 'X.J-L Blanket Week BLANKETS FOR LESS! Buy Yours Now and Save Mony, " Lower Prices and Money Saving Values. CRIB BLANKETS FOR BABY. a S 2 WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE OUR Lower Price Sale! Our 15 to 25 Reductions on everything are still in effect. -and hundreds additional Special Bargains We are assembling finest and most in. teresting stock of ladies ready-lo-wear gar. ments ever seen in Roseburg. We know you will call it wonderful. For Coats, Suits, Dresses, Sweateis, Corsets, Underwear and Shoes, all fancy and staple merchandise, Take advantage of our sale. THK pOKE THAT IS MAKIXO FltlPKS LOWER umnJ Iinskctball Came The freshmen and junior class teams of the Roseburg high school will clash on the floor of the gym naalum tonight In the first of the lnter-class series. In the series each team is to play every other claps, the wiunors to be decided by the highest percentage of games won. Both boys' and girls' teams will play to night. o First M. K. Churdt, corner Lane and Main streets Sunday school at 9:45. J. A. Walker, Supt.; morn ing service at 11 o'clock; Kpworth League at 6:30 in the evening, fol lowed by preaching service. The pas tor. Rev. O. S. Phelps, who has been ! absent for the past two weeks hold ! Ing very successful evangelistic i meetings In El Paso. Texas, will be ! home Sunday and conduct the morn j lug worship at 11. Let us gree t him 1 with a large audience. Lynion Spen ' cer will sing a special selection at the morning service. Lloyd Cleaning Works guarantees your work; 2nd hand clothes bought and sold. 125 Sheridan. Phone 44. If vnti want in . 1 Used Ro-San Sanitary tot v postal to H. G. Wilson. Boi i: XKW TftlHV UNT L'J-foot chain, mi RoU l'ixonvillf road. Flmlfr in;, .svw w-ivi-viow. v. j. nana. LOST ItlHOk nn.l wlift .nntt-s , hound, soar on rieht hind ire i !Wnt phone 23-l-'5. A. DyiHi, L I FOH ItKNT Furnished or untune moms, with prlvlltKe of tuth. hi 1-.-J, or t-aii evenings After i i: 4 inriiPMtor St. WAXTKD ian wiin tatniiy ripif riiiininK larm; muM hair fcno.-. of utock. IHkk, homei. iiooi v pnc(s rMiuirfd. Apply 0. P. Cecl I-OST On road between Rwhtr J i tarden Valley, parkafFr fonx J iiov s union suit! and mini . i uhlrt. Finder pleaiv leave it N' FoU HALF Two yi-arling aim tlvator. feed irrinder, corn sulkey, ittrrlng Pl',w". I iou:! 1 hruodcr. b . J. Horntieflt, w vtltiv 1'hnyi" Wright, who will visit there for a short timo. A Sinn of Welcome The I'muQua Hotel yesterday had a big si hung above their doors hearing tho words "Welcome, Hud dies." Many of the ex-service men ook advantage of this hospitality and betwt-en events lounged around in the spacious lobby. Nothing was too good for the soldiers yesterday and they showed their sincere ap preciation b yputting over one of tne best celebrations Roseburg haft ever been privileged to witness. One "Smart (iuy Purine: tho parade staged in con-. nection with tho Armistice Dny cel- bration bold in Roseburg yesterday, a parly driving a large Cadillac car, and none of the occupants ex-sor-vlce men. "cut in behind tho tank ;tml the marching Lwgionnafres at 'he corner of Lane and Jackson streets, and evidently Intended on 'ontinuinc; down the street until an other Intersection was reached.) Those in charge of the parade, how-j ever soon "spotted him ana told . lim in words more positive than i polite, just where he belonged. Soj for as is known, this was the only iuse of "butting in in tho days program of events. 1 TODAY I lfetffal I TODAY MATIXKE EVENING mj 8 .MATINEE KVEMXO T T i 1. ...Ill V.n ... I.., .-A l IV IlUiltJU Will Ut- 1111 11(11111 Hriin iK.ilir i.nvinn hlfrlw.ot mnrtfuf prices for turkeys, same as last year. ltVlll-IlU-r 11 W US l II I U II pi 11 Jlllll JIMI cot that extra bonus Xmas. ITo will no mi ne can to co-oporaie wtin mo produced to obtain more money for turkeys than they get elsewhere. Inquire for market day. (Adv.). ; Are You Protected? What would your loss be If T Kiro destroyed your home to day? Have you sudlciunt In surance to partially cover your li)s Think It over. Yon can not afford to take chances. I.NSl'UU NOW. Let as write you the Insur- T ance that you need, r-ollcics car.itully written in reliable companies. It la our aim to Rive the utmost In service to our policy holders. G.W.Y0UNGASDS0N Ifeal RstaM ml Inraraaa. ltd Cm M. PboM 41T THE WARM THEATER WITH THE COMFORTABLE SEATS. CAN YOU 1MACIXE THE SCREEN'S FVXNIE.ST COMEDIE.NXE DOROTHY GISH AS THE "SI'IRIT" IX A SI'IIIIT SEANCE? OR AS A SVSPE CTEI Rl IV A SAMTARJl11 WELL, THAT'S WHAT SHE IS IX uMjM f iumrngme i awes XOT A SERIOUS MOMEN T. JUST LAUGHS. ROLLIN COMEDY, PATHE NEWS And One of Those Famous RED RIDER STORlfc M ATI V EE EV EXLVU SATURDAY AXOTHER FIRST SATIO XAL SPECLVL MATIXEE-EIT1- "BACK TO GOD'S COUNTRY" by James Oliver Cm TODAY ONLY DAVID POWELL, MYRTLE STEDMAN.MAR GUERITE C0URT0T & CHARLES GERARD IN ONE OK THE GREATEST MYSTERY STORIES EVER SC'H :." mi m . y m . Ji, liie t eeth ot the liger EVERY MOMENT IS TEN'S E AND WILL HOLD YOU LIKE A - A FORD EDUCATIONAL, ILLITERATE DIW And a 4-Reel Comedy that is a Comedy "TWILIGHT BABY.'