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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1920)
PAim TWO KOMEUUHO KEU'fl - UHVIKW Inaurd Dallr Uept auadar b. A. . ui l. wimbTijr hn o. bhi toUHaCHlPTION HAX4 Illy. per year, by mall $4 00 Lfly. x months, by mall 00 liy Carrier, pgr month ...... . " 'tin Aiaoclated Preaa la vxcluMlvtily n titled to in uw (or rtjpubilcailon of 11 uewa dtpatct.e ereim) to It or nut otharwlae. credited In thJa pap l and alo the local dwi piibllattttd Iiare In All rlKhta ul republication of ape-i-lal dUpatehen herein are aleo re rvd, Entered mm leroud-riaia matter May 17. 1VZ0. at the poet orTUe at Husebui , Oregon, under the Act ol march A, Appeal Klamath Court House Case SAl.RM, Oct. IS. Motion to re mand to the circuit court Ilia KIhui- tti county courtlioutw caw in which the J. M. Doiikuii company awka to couiw-1 Klainaih comity to accept the courthouse erected by them and to pay the contract price with intcrem, a arxued before the auoremu court at Salem Monday by C. K. Stone or Klamath Kails and John It. l.atour etle and A. K. Keaiuea and llarriiioii Allen of Portland. The arguing of the motion la but another chupter In the varied hlBtory of courthouiie erection In Klamath county iilnce 1912. durlmt which period one courthotifle hail been par tially erected and another completed. Charge made by attorneyg for t he proxecutlon put the county In the light of having lout title to one un completed courlhoune and as refus ing to pay for. while at the same time having secretly taken poaxei sion of, the courthouse completed by the J. M. Dougan t-ompany. The case originated In the circuit court of Klamath county but. owlnp to changes of venue, was tried In Jackson und later Douglas county Judge Hamilton, circuit Judge at hoseburg, decided In favor of Klam ath county and against the J. M Dougan company July IS of this year. The cane was then appealed to the supreme court by the plaintiffs. The motion for remanding the caw to the circuit court was made on the ground that the county court of Klamath county i:ad secretly taken P'jsReHBlon of the structure subse quent to the declHlon of the circuit court, obtulnlng the keys which had been delivered by the architect to Ihe sheriff of the couuly, and using (lie building for public purposes. Thin alleged possession Is said to be rub stantiated by the county commission ers secretly taking out fire Insurance on the structure In favor of the county in the sum of JS9.4G0. o Revue of Revues New and Different t 11 The "BoniothlnK now nnd rtlffor ont" willed watt protnimM. for tlifi 19110 Itnvtio of Ut'vm'H, ut the Ant frn ItiHt nlht was fully run 1 1 zed, for th allow was now from Blurt to ffniHh, and wllh pleniy of prclly K'rls, rutrhy ponKrt tuneful music and new comedy. The, fine thread of the plot wiih lout early In the first art. lint no ono Reemed to inlan it's roJiik an (here was no dull moment on thn program. The apeclally iiiiihIcuI mi in Item between 111 acta were probably the nwmt popular of Any. i .iho mi in hern included BelectloiiH with the violin and pluno aerordlan and l he vtolln and murimlmphone. Th wenery for th Uovno wan New Apostles of Americanism! These are the teachers. And the school teachers of Douglas County are Just thatJ Coming from many parts of the country to ttarh In this county, and having obtained this year a more nearly Just compensation, there is evident on the part of all teachers a worthy motive to dress according to the standards of the very highest of professions. To thee who are In Hoseburg the next few days attending the institute, Fisher's will be the headquarters for shopping and a cordial welcome It, hereby extended. Our Sacrifice Sale Will Appeal to You! In every department of this store are many articles that will appeal to the visiting traders and others from outside points. We call pfjeial attention to our cornet, with the twrviee of an expert eorsetiere; our lingerie, silk, wool, or cotton; our Muxiue shoen; silk hose; Mu rising underwear; dress goods, and suits, coats and dreases. On every article la a reduction of 15 to 25',i below our regu lar price. This Is the sa'e I but is bringing lower price to ltoeburg! Special - CURTAINS - Special For the rest of this week we will offer a new lot of curtains, all in pairs, some very attractive in colors, with hemstitching and lace trimmings, in voile and marquisite materials. Our Sacrifice prices are 20 per cent off. $3.00 Curtains reduced to - $2.40 I $4.00 Curtains reduced to - $3.20 $3.86 Curtains reduced to - $3.05 $5.00 Curtains reduced to - $4.40 VISIT orn KTOItE EVERY DAY FOH NEW BAIKiAIXS! Coats Suits Dresses 1 V "5 lili "Where All Folks Like to Trade" jj j A Store With Ideals, Quality, Economy k lL See OurWindows for New Fanby Waists jj ' Fashionability -WVJ antl Blouses. ADMIRAL D. W. TAYLOR AHOU.NU TIIK TOWN f : 1 I - ii : nost unusual and caused much comment, whiie some of the ruwiih A'orn hy the principals In tho cast .iad all the appearunce of Paris cre-.tlons. TAKKH E.TEli:i) THIP Charles I.. Ollvln. a well known osldent of this city left this after ,oon for Knoxville, Tennessee, where ie expects to . pend the remainder f the winter visaing with relatives. !e will he Joined at Kl i'aso liy his irother, II. K. tillvln, who will make he trip with him. Mr. Ollvln was orn In Knoxville but has not heen ack to his old home for thirty years. -o .NOTICE TO PUII.IO. The purtnei-shlp heretofore exist in between J. V. Starrett and J. S. .iildeburn, known as the Ak Sar Hi-n uund Company. Is by tiititunl cotiRent -.hla day dissolved. J. V. Starrett will :outluuc Ihe business a sole owner, lo whom all accounts due the 4k Sar Den Ijind Company are payable. Uoselmri!. Oregon. S.-pt. 20, 1920. J. V. STAHHKTT. J. 8. IIIlajKIU IiN. KOFKSSIOXAL CAItllS HUM. K. I. mim-Cut Flowers. Phnos ato. 4:t w. Cuss. Ill M. II. VlO'altlan. l-l.Ti.KII ''hlropructlf Wl V. bant St. u.itKirr fi. nrt:r- l-vi. Mv Hp 1'illv Howphnrr. Ort-gon -Optnim-trlHt "Thi ' III V. i'uhi HI Urge That Cross ings Made Safe SAI,KM, Or., Oct. 14. Fnd G. lluchtt'l, cliuirniaii of the public ser vice coiniui.Hlon, hus Btnt a letter to all the county courts of tho state HUKpestiiiK thHt tht'y Rive special at tention to public safety at grade crossings, and where the railroads are at fault, to advise the commfs tdon so the carriers may be request ed to make good the defects. The letter notes fiat accidents at grade croKHings are not uncommon, due to the increased use of automo biles, and that every effort is to be made to minimize danger. In some p luces. Bays the letter, brush has been allowed to grow and obscure the advance warning signs. In others boys have made use of the s'glis as targets with the result that the warning are all but obliterated. In still other plitevs advertising tgns, particularly those of certain lire companies, huve been placed so that they hide the warning signs and en-ate dangerous conditions. It is nuggested in the loiter that during v inter ninnfhn when road work is at a standstill attention bo given to . nuking crossings safe. Keep your feet dry and keep your hoes wearing longer by using Hergtnun's" shoe oil. Churchill HnrdwHre Co. c V P- vrj fi WHO is the "p'ircli.if infa rct" i f y.-ur family? We'll -l;i.!y i t' um house" does most of thi buy i.i,;. L. !.c iL -ciding on Ort-gon-m;ulo products suul lic'p ing to make Oregon a I etter place in which to live? The long and vnt icd bst of iii-.:li:y art l.-s made in Oregon includes ahi.G.-.; ever) thing one needs. Far Instance For lit larder CANNKD FRUITS CANNED VEGETABLES COFFEE CHEESE FLAVORING EXTRACTS CATSUP BAKING POWDER CANNED FISH PREPARED MEATS hnei In the dij! there utt BATHING SUITS susri-.Nnr.Rs I.ADIKi WAISTS UI.ANh.LTS OVERCDA'i'S MACKINAW S S1KH-S OVF.KAM.S HATS AND CAPS NECKWEAR SHIRTS GLOVES And tltn there an SO M'S FROOY.S STOVLS H'itNITURF. i-Kr.HF.s i ;.t)NOi.:i.:'iis ros REFRIGERATORS TPUNKS sriic :s I ! AI) INFINI FUM BUY ORKGON PRODUCTS Associated Industries of Oregon M 41 1 r " Ix'.iven For CorvullU Alias Kllen ltaylew left on the morning train for Corvaliis where she will visit for a few days with friends. Itetums 1 1 time Mrs. Sophie Stfxkmeyer of Salem, who has been visit itiK in lUr uburv; for several days left this morning lor her borne. Hero from Portliuid Mrs. W. T. .Mural) of Portland arrived In Kosehurg yesterday ami will visit with friends and relatives for a short time. !tu4-k From Mmhrirld C. K. Marks, who has lieen at tending the Knights of Pythius con vention In Marshiieltl returned to his home yesterday. Itrturm Home Miss Lorris ilensley who has been spending the past two days in this eity visiting t'h friend lei t hist night for her home in Kiddle. To Kiddle ' Mr. and Mrs. X. K. Walker who re Hide in Kiddle left for their home last night after a short time spent .shopping in this city. Hack to Sullie. lin 1-oyal Kmery. manager of the Sut hei lln Fruit cannery spi nt last night in Kosehtirg und returned to Sutherlin this morning. I'ft Ur Tiimei Rear Admiral O. VV. Taylor will retire nxt year frcrr his position of Chief of the bureau of construction and repairs. He wa born In Louisa county, virgnia, in it 64, and was graduated from the United States Naval academy in ltfB3. Visil nt CnrY'IMs Miss Lornitne Conlee left this morning inr Coivnllis to spend a few days visiting with Miss Zonle M- Honald. who U a student at the Ore son Agricultural College. Will liH-nte Here Mr. ike Quick, a dairyman of the Albany country is in town looking Mote Howe left this morning for lop a luiion. Mr. Quick is moving Turner, Oregon, where he will main for a tew days looking after business matters. U ill Jirrrve Tonight Miss Mayhelle Miller, who Is at tending the University of Oregon will arrive in ftoseburg tonight to spend the week end at her home here. To .lenliile Mrs. II. G. Hamilton and daugh ter. Miss Stella, left this morning for Glemlule where they will spend the week end visiting with relatives. Itetum Ut Stilherliii Mark Tisdfle and wife of Suther lln spent last nipht In the city tnkinp in the show at the Antlers and re turned to their home this morning. VKit In Ashhiml Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hatfield and three children left this morninn for Ashland where they expect to spend the week end visiting with relatives. lien From lillnr1 j Mrs. T. It. Kvans and daughter in law, Mrs. J. K. Kvans spent yes- tentav in tting with friends, leaving home in lillardon the evening train here on account of his wife's health she being a sufferer from rheuma tism, appearing to be the result of a bad attack of the flu some months ago. Spend nitwit here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miner, of Huron. South Pakota. and Miss trace M. Jordan, of Mitchell, S. 1.. r.rrlved in Kosehurg yesterday and spent the night here, leaving this morning for l ong lloaeh. California, where they will spend the winter. I Mere on lttiiness C. T. Colt for many years a 'dent of Kosai.urg and formerly the publicity manager for the locafeoni mercial club fs fn the city today from Portland in the interests of the tark Iiis farm li-.liting svstem. He w ill proliably est; Uish an agencv here lxave For New York Dr. and Mrs. (ieorge K. Houck. Miss Frances Howell and Miss Mor eno hnnihugen left yesterday for M' ' K wnere they expect to spend in- nni inree monins. Ir. Houck ex PORTLANDER REPORTS FORTY POUNDS GAIHED E. O. Bernhardt Was Bad ly Run Down in Health, When He Began Tak ing Tanlac. "I hud rhi'uiuallsiu so bad when I began taking Tanlac that 1 could not Ktt out of bed alone and would havo (o huvv soiiifonu help mo put on my clothes." said 10. O. Bernhardt, a popular mechanic employed by the l'oitland Pulley Co., who lives at 428 Kast roily-sixth St., l'oitland, Ore gon. "I had sultered for two years and I was In such a bad tlx that I was discharged from the army on account of )h-iical disability," he continued. ' The rheumatism in my legs, chest .mil hack had about gotten the best of me, and when I sat down 1 would have to be helped up in fact, I was almost helpless and had to have somebody around me nearly all the time. 1 could hardly get any sleep, and the pains would be so bad I A-ould wuke up during tke night and have to have a hot Water bottle and have lo be rubbed In liniment before I would be relieved enough to get to Portland Men Go On Excursion PORTLAND, Oct. I.", One hun dred representatives of the Portland business houses will leave here Sun day. October 1, for a trade excur sion Into eastern Oregon, planned by tho Portland Chamber of Com merce. The Itenury as announced. In cludes 24 of the principal cltleB east of the cascades. Banquets have been arranged by several cities along the oute, including Haker, Ontario, En terprise, LaUrande, Pendleton and' llermlston. Several automobile trips into adjacent territory along the -oute mapped out, include a trip to I'nion and Cove from I'll Ion function, to Kafnes from Maker, and in automobllo trip from Hermiston -u the course of which Irrigation ;rnjeetH in the vicinity will be ln- P. I had been In lk, for several Ul0nth.Lhl, dltk, could not get .C'T? lite, at time, k" o food, and Uo.. f ,,HlUl . I tried v '0"' ?, treatment , knew .? "'"-l to Hot Spring, but nuJ1" any good and i m me time. .-.ui, ton "A friend of niv n,.i. 1 was so bad off J me take Tanlac. aT .?!' ta ucxy day for , whf. " , Ing it. for before lu'H dllferent . It until now all f , V" completely disuppe.'1 hi "Bin and lumbago are nil "' past and every dav I . H hrd a.any LuT V," S turned and I have gained K1 pound of my los, bMk ! feeling jus, Hue all t, , 1 s eeping oun(, every ni'T ' lleve In giving evervth,. U credit anj to TunlbeLf " praise for my flne'c'cfc Irugglsts evervwh.r. leciOU. The Jaunt . - I lays and the caravan UiT.i 'urn to Portland Social Dance at Wlnrhi.. . I day night. Oer is 'clelw M 1'ITTIXH I. WOOM Preparing for the wlntn the Globe Theatre comTl day InstaiMng ,torn Majestic theatre. A lobby, ,nL, that of the Antlers, but taZ ito panels being built and nmZ will be Installed to r" draUKlila from reachlur tkt VI njil-t r.f Ihi h..ll ttl Don't forget the cow tale it DiioJ ville October 20. J District attorney Georn mJ left last night for PorlUnJ lo J icnu iu iegai matters for i iM CLASSIFIED COLUMN ; 1 Lis rVliiVV CI.ASSIKIIOO Al) I:HTIM;M!CTS W M L II K FOIKO 01 Ult I'AUK L LIHH llKAIHU "JNKW TODAY." - - ---.-. ....isia. mrniimj WANTICD. fl'ANTKD Turkeys, lare or small. Buyer Bros, l'hone 14-K14. V"ANTKI To rent 5 or 6 room "fur tilslit'rt liouso. Atply Lfliei-ty Theater. Al'I'l.K 1'K'KKttS Skinner Mini Son, call t ranch. tVAXTKD- WANTKU L. Phone 28-K2, liny furnitiir! for j- rotni lion if. Lf ave word ut Ntnvi- tfvitf ofTU-e. WAN'J'KU Sonii' person to coiitrai-t for utlioif up rouh buiklliiK. fail 4u4 U". lKniBlan. ' 1 A TS WANT KI -AIm .Tit 100 busheU. Mute price and Kiade. Muft ! rtu-onat.i-. H. It. Wood, Box Roar- Juiiit. A"ANTi:t) AT fNr'K-Two apple park r, lonir joti. tiiKitt-Ht pay. A-ldrt-an .-.ill Suuityilalu Orcluiid Co., Drain, fi t'K:.r. SA UK 5-ruum house, on pit-J nt. 'IVi niH. $40 e. tHim kI vn SAl-h nye irrasa lefd, on tc J " pnone 14HI merit. n,i,t, .-room lioute centoijl iv. -n.-ii. i nmm ji-ra auer ip,a l iyj I'OltlJ. like new. eleitrie ,' font f. t-d. St- Jtohertt. Ford GmJ l Olt SAl".!-: ai'o grade Angon iu niea. M . T. 4Jaweon Rt 1, KoybuiJ r-'Oli SAKK Aiiuiu-l'tTBian rut h:J moiu-m foiuriiiK- 111'. TtT 4 tOH SAUK Several nea(J 0! good sord nor.e. i;urry fcatate. Phone li t J tHl .SAI-K Scfiilid hand Ford in A I contlilion, ciieup. LockwooU Mud: i:o. i'UU SALK--lto curd tir rlui i-'l wood, 94 on ground. Und bloom. Dill olivine. VVANTI:t Pi.Kltiun as tht.e or cloth ini Huh'snmn. IS yeurs experience, A-l i-flereiK-e f ti rnisded. Addrean .1. A., fare New? - lie v lew. A.NTl-:i) 2 apple sort its. pi tfeiulily tinme who have hnd eperkjiue, Tt-nts for catiipi-rs or transportation. 1'lnme overland Orehanla. W'AN'TKl) llrl of experience for pteli eral housework. (lood wiiKes, mod ern ronventenf"H. family of two. Alra. J. C Aiken. 1'43 So. Alain. Phone 41-.1. WANT Kl ) Apple pakeiB ut the Over land ) iii hai (i. I'ree transportation nioininn anu niKnt. l'hone 31-Ku ut noi.n tir alter lx. or see lloyd Cole, ("liarlett A. Itrand. 'AN"n:r) men to work on Paelfli IliKhwny 2 mtlea north Mvrtle Creek Fence tmildliiK and ditch work. hk a 15. oi eKon llasaam I'aving WAXTKli Fruit x. veKitati!e.;i and nro due of all kinds in considerable quantities. A rid rep communication!! to i)i;nhnm s CuKh Store. Nwrtli Henil. ore., stating ou;nitiiy. quality, kind of packaKe used, and when shipment i ii ii lie niiioe. KOU KKXT. t-'oK tii-..Si' Safety denosll bojtea Koseburg Nallonul Bank. l-Dtt UKXt Furnished room, wlfli t'Uh. 4.fl South Alain Pt. KOU IlKXT I arm at t)ali. or will sell en tei-tna. Apply to Mrs. J. I". Denn. 315 I'huUwIik St., Koaeburg. Ore. t-OK RKXT Furnished housekeeping apartments and sleeping rooms. KuHt'hurif Apartments. Alain and Kosebiirg .hopping and vis- ; "tudy surgery and Miss How. I friends, leaving for their;'.'.. a'"' ls" Kolilhagen will visit ith relatives. lBioimnhvi l Itivnill . K. Wright, head of the rnip llia post Armistice Day Celebration ti'iuniiutie. plans In make tt I,..r i . ... i ... '"PS to towns in different nun. i i:nute. They report the roads In ' ',h' ro"",' within the next two weeks veiy bad rendition d'.:e to tile heavy railis Men. 1'iiim Klkton Walter ISydell and Kd Haioork of KiUton dnve over from Klkton on ilnes.lny bringing with them IMssei Thniigl . Mts V K. Itronson of Seattle. passed through Koseburg last nlsht in an effort to se-ure more members ... me Aiueri.-an Legion I'o-d Over Hun men in the roiiutv served under the colors in the world war and less than a fourth of that num- ... . a ip eeroue.1 in the local post of enroute to Oakhrnd. Calif, where ih ! ,"'e'," r,r,'8',n'- " I" thought will spend the winter. She was met " , '"'V' V'U" more inonibershirw at ihe ir. ln In this citv bv Mr. and l",n , , al,'"l hlrh will add con Mrs. Fred Fisher, who'ore old time ?""'"''' ,'" 'he success of the cele- friends. Hail l-'lne M,.. I t vp lieiut'. il velet horne.1 elks' were br.imled la-ir i thi l.v ih. :-unehers of n I' . K. No ; as 'he climax of an evening filled with '(' mi'' run. Hi,. f,t t.i "pep" Irv : -he win i-onths was ;1 I'-t t ight m l t ia.Mr ere.iM i;i "kFil w v. eks her m er. ' A fine attendance and some teal eits w. re ramoui t Kl un of tn i mi ' iManneo lor Armistice Day November 1 I. in this city. CASTORIA For Infants and ChUdren In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean MISCICLLAXKOVS. OIU-KUS TAKKN lor red fir nhake. Kos v. tiiihert. Hire Creek. UlUard. OreK.n. -4ft a roa limner land. of Myrtle Creek, for yurtt pniperty. phone 21i-V. TO K.VMANtlf: I'l Mi ilea w Kr.M.l MONUY TO LOAN 3'i-year rural credit f?rm lonna. low Interest rate. I-'O.iMMi loeal money to loan on rnd r:il estate. Firat mortgage, tiee 31. t like, of HUe A Htca, XOTlt'K Party who stole my Jewelry jvli.ii was living on the Frailer id ila. e la known. Return Jew elry at mice or take romo-quemea. Carrie l1..n. I lxonvllle. Ore. iTl:l.It ACCTION On Wednesday. l. Jiali. at lixonvil1e. Ore.. I will fftVr f..r sale at public auction a nuniher of Mne Jeraev row-, Sale be- Kina at l:a p. ,n, fhon. Hat Held. M lt i'Hanck two lovel lota, each l' x I r.t feet, paved utreet. city water, el., tin- lights. rfdenalki. wire f'-med. rKiKtered title. Terms, f 1 0 i!h. 1 alan.e $." per month. Inquire MAXWKI.L car. tour r.ew tlrea. Bj paint. Price $350. Sa Huberts, ivil (jfi rage. KOU SAI.K Two homestead r:i I quiKhment.H. C!ia. Kyes, Buiebu:( Oregon. KOU SALK Stjuure grand plana, ibrt; 1 W. M. Herditie. lit. 1, Kuitbi Phone 5-KH. i-'Olt SALK Work liolle. 135U P"'U See Wwllock. (Jeer Creek lrii fti-tj l-i if; ka l.l-: imio takes Cleveland tn.- tor. model 11. Se Oeo. Todd. ftl CaraiCti. FOR HA LK Ore iron and Wilson tr" I herry plants. $t per 1M0. dl youmeii. rnone j-r.'. FOR SA LK OH TRADE JM "; or mot k ranch, will asaiuua. U"l Harvard Ave.. Roxeburg. FOR SALK Reed baby sulkT. i-nmliil.n r. s..nnl.le. (.'ail It Tetnnlin "t.. or phone JS7-U FOR SALK Extra nne younf bull. A. B. Ha meld. Bo lK Ruseburtf. FOR SALK 6-room Addition, easy terms. Alain St. lnauirt ...... ...i All Kunfl DUX," chard run. buyer to pick W W R. K. Ma tWjhi' ne3jj; ANOORA RUCKS fur aale, alM twtj rt-uisfereil Stock. J. m t w ( i imr 1 1 re eon. . . ,nll. blf k fruit, garden, cheap at quire News-Kev iew. bushel, pick them youracll. Ranch, Iilxonvillo. FOR SALK O.'ld Dollar rtj berry plants; In.meliate orjrn t at $7.t' per thousajid. . Wllhnr. Orenon. . FOR HA!:-.V' KSlwiira lt8. paper, ai mi-1" Vf v-na new lullard l.ri.ltie. Good anil Spitz. 5''c I'i'S. 1 ... .'".. .'.?. "Sl.r?'H.- fl?Al..l..-.r.l.' 200 us.-.l PPl b11 Wollov. t"J!i c-sSt KOK SALE-Vr.rlinf 1M, i. ram ltit win : g in line wlilt wool. ' "tf ! Han earle.vl. Prl right, r- Ashland. Orcltoll. tTSZ rr.-... ,, -a man .1 . . .it ano. nm?l f1 ' ' . b.rriil I... ...rn who .: tli ..H) IAIST A.ND .Xr'D. KlirNn Crank for auto. iok llki-l-erd. .,ply ai tbl- otrice. :-''r Annual ta. i.v-r M 1 P., Iln. niif.e In f.iv.r i.f Jlr. Maiaaiel , "tt. wl,1..w K'luincer Scott. Kinder .I'l'.'.". -t Nv.-t(M l..w KOIt S1I.I. ..critii tiko new. Two "r.t terv. Kun """ tpl'"- N.'-l:vlewj(r;r': TSTS ty T,yA. city """j 1 Ht Ko.fbur; 5-r. h""1, M chlrkrn rn. h. Sal-." cure NrWf-Bf '-rJS rlo-e In on p.i-n L..i I breakta.t rO".n. ,' for frull. Till. P"'frV.l orfrd at "''''J,' W w. A Boiari j I Cau 8L .' I the Signatur of nut SALE Tlire h. (r Inquire) 1170 Imjmj Av or phon 2-L. Hill 8AI.K :OOd 111. fnrri Inurlnl cr. I'hont Mr. Taylor, Vt.