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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1920)
I BOSKBVIta HEWS - HEVIKW Untied DHlir Pseept HiwUatjr. BrvTBt I- Uluifctrlr bcrt U.Hmfm SU&iit.KIPTION HATES Dally, pr year, by mull $4 00 bully, six months, by mall 1.00 By Carrier, par month 50 i'hi Aakoxmted) Prss la e x c usl rsl y n lit led to tba uia for republication of all nawa dispatches credited to It or nut othvrwu credited In thla paper a Mil also the local ncwi published here in. All rights of republication of spa clal dispatches herein are also rerved. Kntered mn socoud-cimas matter May 17. litito, at the post office at KoseburttT, Oregon, uuier the Act of ftUrch it 1.. ItoarlmtK, it'Ki, Ik-tober I TtWM Gardiner to Have Nursing Classes Miss Emily Hum in ok J Smith, the public health nuiso. who baa been conducting nursing classes In this'liun iniilKent Ami a-una ur now ui cuunty for the pant three mouths, will leave tomorrow morning fur Gurdlt-nr where she will reiuulu until the thai or the year. Miss H in 11 h expects to have classes at Klk tnn, Keedsporl, Hcottsliurg, Oardiner Hmlth Klver and Winchester Hay and with the help of rmverul ladies at each of these points has a large part of th organizing already started. Following the close of these classes, she will return to Itoseburg and will start winter classes to last for three months here. Miss Smith has a lunce mid enthusiastic clans In Hoseburg. and many In the country which have terminated successfully. Her return to this city In the whiter will be due to tbe demund for another class, so that those who were absent In the summer may take advantage of tbe opportunity offered. Th IncnmparablH coining Liberty. "Nazlmova,' Flying Squadron to Visit Roseburg Oregon's financial reputution and future demands thut the & per cent Interest rate bill be overwhelmingly defeated, is the statement which has hren made by one of the lead Inn bankers of Portland. Adoption of this bill, he says, would mean utter ruin to thouHunds of home owners, runners and bmtinesM men. In order to Insure enlightenment upon the full efforts that would b" consequent to tbe success of this bill .and to urgo upon the voters of Koscburg the necessity of supporting the co-operative marketing move ment by giving their aid to the mar kt commission bill, a flyiiiK squad ron of speukers will be present In this ciiy on Tbursday, October H. and will address an audience at the courthouse at 8 p. m. In addition to touching upon these two measures, (In1 re will be taken up the divided sessions amendment which is also on (bo ballot. Tbe speukers come here under tbe aun pirea of the State Taxpayers league and enjoy reputations for ublllly ua orators. Among those who will appear hern ulso are: Colonel Harris Weinstock. former market director of Califor nia; Dituiel J. Malai key. of Port land; C. K. Hpencu, master of th" Slate Ciiutge; Olio Hartwig, presi dent or the State Federation of La bor; Judge lleorge V. Siapleton, of I'ortlnmt; Judge John S. Coke, .if Marsbfield, and W. b Woodward, of rortlaitd. o Her la'ewt ind greatest producttou. Nuzlmova, coining Liberty. may ii ui: ii;ii:u him moon LONIX, Fug., Oct. Because of the Tact that milk Is being uied In dried form many people In Er land aVt looking forward to the time when dried rum will be Issued with the drivd milk and It will be possible to tke around whiskey and govern ment ale in pockets. Cull apples tor sale cheap at the ranch: bring your sacks. L. L. llodie, West Itoseburg. on mportance to 3 TOPICS IN BRIEF! Tlie crwwils a the sucrlflce are Kro Put I inter mrj ilay. In our slielve. for die ival aliopNrs aie son.e extremely wonderful har ftnlna. t.ossjinl corscta with lin elert rorsotlere to fit ..ii. Is one of the exceptional opportuiilllon l.y the aarriflie. Io you know tll reputation of Huster llrown and M.ixlne sIuh-s? Ask nnv lmr or the Imly who has worn a ulr lor three ramv Then take Vhen lake n liaik at the schiilule tlie uurlfiee. That will olvyur ioe pntileui. Dorn ny: "IMur Kil. yon Vea, Sir! Ttila la the wore Wonderful1(Re suits at 70 From Internal Baths. Mn U M Wadlla. ?043 National Ave, Hun luro, (Jul., writes Tyrieiru Hygienic Institute of New York as follow : "Within the last month have had wonderful reaults and all Inflammation has nearly subsided. 1 could ha rtly v xpert a woman over 7U lo receive bcm-nt from a trouble of Ionic siHiidHitf as quickly as a y6unr peiitoii. Money could not buy rny 'J. H. 1 Cascade' II I could not get another." It In difficult to believe tow many Interim) trouble internal bathing- u HI relieve until you realtx that physi cian agree thut 95 per cent of human o i intents are tauiru uy uccurnuiateu w:te In tli lower Intestine. The "J It L. Cascade." the scientific method of Internal bathing;, remove in a pel fe. tly nut ural way ull poisonous Muyle, and hue been su auciessf ul in imotliiif health thut over half a mil If i K It regularly. It la the Invention of f'haa. A. Tyr rell, M. U. of New York, who for 2Z VcKrH van a specialist on Internal Ituthlng. arid It la now being Imwm ii nd tullv explained by KuLhan Fuller inn. proprietor of the itexall in ug Store, Perkins Rid. Thwy will give you on request a very lliteicMl!n booklet on Internal Ifuthiiijf by lr. Tyrrell, "Why Man of Today in (July 6)1 Per Cent KfTlireitt." Ask for It today and know more about youritflf and your futictloiiH than you ever have before. Her latest and greatest production, Nu.lmova, coming Liberty. o Nerv Bookings Are Signed by Liberty With a view of obtaining even higher cluss features than have been shown in the past, the management of the Liberty has succeeded in se curing contracts for a number of new releases which are to be seen here In the future. They have also signed up with other exchanges and will have a wider variety of film successes from which to select. In the past the Liberty programs have been secured from Pathe and llodk in son exchanges, but In the future iiliiis will be shown from the I'nlted Artists. Associated Producers, Great. Features Corporation and Metro productions. The first big feature to he shown under these new bookings will be shown on Friday und Satur day nights, when Mudatne Nazlmova will he presented In "Madame Pea cock," Other big features will be presented at frequent Intervals. mn on g the list being Jullen Joseph- -mn s famous story. Homespun Folk." now playing In New York and 4:ild by lending critics to be one of the very best films ever presented. The Incomparable coming Liberty. "Nazlmova," "Revue of Revues" Coming to Antlers Tbe "1H20 Hevue of Revues" with n coihpauy of 2& cb-ver people head ed by that "so different comedian." Hoy "Hiram" Clair, conies to t he Antlers Thursday. October 14. A truly gn at aggregation of musi cal comedy talent elaborutely staged and costumed. 8 uged in a manner that mukes the p. ldieiice fairly gasp for braih nt the mngiilllicence of it till. Mr. Clair offers a character that he has made famous from coast to j cast, (bat of Hiram. Hiram 1 a! that Is essentially human Ami as a result about tin inn. ! .. , tiling on Hie stage luuay. Mr. ('lair has surrounded himsi if wit h a clever company comprising Mich as t rarely seen. The musical features of the big Kevue are the kind t':it v.aits to tin hoim and I'lav on the piano and an- in tbe hands of lhfse who know tiovv to g - the most out of han.ioiiy ami ni"! odv. The faiiluilS Hifill i Trio i f te:ite voice- are a trent Unit one eannm afford to forego. Heaiitllul guis galore that w -a: tbe most gorgeous of cistui ie: ami who cii'i eance und sing whh all th.' ' pfp and !in:'.p commonly aecredii,d to every pa son interested in providing dry goods and wearing for winter is the further annnunrompnt thnt WILL CONTINUE ANOTHER WEEK f Tlir .n of Hits reiiiarkiilde sale nitli it. n:miy er ii Iri s a.'i. r the In 'li nHres f il H.nnm nt, is only n further ,l. iti..i.H(nitl f fa. I tint KMu-r'n is i r nil ll er,- .! Mrui ".T"" T ,""m'"",ll " Witl as KUher'K lias hi.nklit tliim iltmn and i.U.,1 I., will kwp Il.ei,, d..v.n. in,.re Is r...n i. . '" ' !' iioseliui-jr for r..rrine the.,, prices loner. m..mcc..,...t. for minK war prices now f.r reading ,is The rnliiv st.M'K at HslieiS. c.-niprisl,. (... tiir!-e-t ri.,;. ents of lrT k.shU, e, rl ,,. pIM11V n.l I,, u .. kii f villi tlie..f.oc U on .s.ile all next eek at 15 sr cent to 2. .r cent of the nxiih-r V,i,V lil" chllilrpn s and hoys' shoes In Ilosehunt, joil iimhI for Inter and an opisu lui.lty to Bet the loost price in Itowbiii'K. Sa cs els, "" """ " r',l ",'""l, "f ,,u" l,pe level on all K,sM, foivver. Von will llml that m-ldoni i thci - lower price than ours. ""W bl" ''""f Is at your service of nd.n i...ns ur have made for oiutht to come ii.sne iin.k, Umum v.e -iiuh.iiik price mwer. xiki PRINCE CAROL "1 i. JL Um. 7 4 &f 1 1 rterrjv .B .-it "Close up" photograph of Carol, crown prince of Roumama, who has been making a tour of th United States. to sirens of old, are other big feat ures of this Kevue of features. It has rightfully been given credit for being the laughing sensution of the year and Is one that no man, woman or child can afford lo miss. Popular prices will prevail. Sutherlin Canine Has Entanglement SCTHKKLIN. Ore. Oct. 11 An ncident Ahlch caused some amuse ment irlngled with sympathy, took plnce here yesterday, while luoorers were spreading the "hot stuff" on a section oi the Pacific Highway on the south side of town. A smull white dog of the short haired variety, who answers to the name of "Spot" was wandering along ih highway, and selecting a place where a thin coat ing of sand had been spre't 1 over the warm coat of tar, proceeded to lie down and take a nap. A hnlf hour later a workman discovered the dog and attempt! d to drive him off. The dog made in attempt to "beat it" but didn't succeed in getting any- '" iiiiuaiiiB me uoK mmni. ue w here they expect to make an ex injured, the man approached the an-(tended stay. imal and discovered thut it was glued , fast by the hardened tar of the Pa- 'Arrived Satui-rtnv Icillc Highwuy. Hy this timo t nuia- her of citizens bad been attracted fo the scene und an effort wan made to I release t.te dog. but of no avail . .i-.u.-iu f.,u. . - sand nnd gravel. Finally Claude j Allen wns summoned from the ga rage, and by means of a cold 'end hammer succeeded In t-'ettinj, be dog loos from t he pavement. ' And now. "Spot" Is going about with , a good lzcd nection of pavemn ni i tached to htm. . , . . , . , , VH'T li,,,Ht n,,? Rr.lest production ""v cmiune Mb.Tty. For Cou n ty C lerk I k voir: v i 09 1 X E. H. LENOX for re- election which will be " UKuarantec for efficient service as n public official as ill the past, lour vote will be appreciated. l"'d Adv. . K, , LFXO.V ' tt here all folks like lo ti ide The store with Ide. Is illly, Kconomy, I'a .liion. i 'illlty. u:v ; 1j our .n. j l- -kVi i.i MAJESTIC TODAY ONLY JIATIXtE-KVEMNW MONTANA JACK'S Vaudeville From Coast to Coast In 4 Acts MONTAN A JACK a.H-..rin X I., bla n i.riiiuU -ti jr, ami n-riHliti-. LaRaildleSS ThG Nted BFace Comedian IN SONGS AND DANCES Arizona Charley The Most Poisonous Reptile on Earth AM) Mr. and Mrs. Silvers In &,g Also the Usual Program of Pictures Adnilssiun: Childrin 15c. Adults 25c. . AI(OlM THK TOWN Mary E. I.cvi'iiih, of HvrkelHy, California, arrivi'd lu Roauburn Sat-, urduy evenlnK aiul will spend the I week vlslatiriB at tlie K. L. I'arrolt rcuidunce. ' Iti'lui'nH llom .Mrs. F. M. I.amb and lialiy. hoi have been visiting on South Deer ! Creek with Mrs. I.unili's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. .McCorinai k. left tills niornliiR for their home in Horn-j brooke, California. To Kiui Kniin isc; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Golden, of nar laud, Kansas, who have been visit ing here with Mrs. John Hornbeck. 1 I left this morning for San Francisco. I Mrs. Lvnnle H. Perry, who has 7" . " " ... . p'lHl , "T flrme" 1,1 "ow ,nrR on Saturday eviung to visit for sev- . eral dny wild Mrs. Sarah Russell. Mrs. Perry is enroute to Medford. "Mert" Perkins Very Lou- I Word w as received this morn In j :by C. W. Clark, to the effect that hlsi j brother in law. It It. Perkins 1m very; i low with diabetes In a hospital lu i Indianapolis. Mr. Perkins has hem i In poor ht'ulih for several months 1 jand recently went eat aceomnnnled i ny his i!er. Mrs. C. W. C lark. To f'Hlifornbi M'ss l.olo WtlltaMi. who has lien visiting here with her mother. Mrs. K. Williams, and her sister, Mrs. XI. I). Williams, left this mnrntn for San Francisco where she resides. She was accompanied bv her mother who wni pnnd the winter in O.-tklnnd 'tT'" IT..M.,IIJ ' 1 ill and it is thoucht the chance will I'eneflt her health. For first-class cleaning, pressing' and repairing Lloyd's Cleaning 1 Works, liif) Sheridnn street. fr MS TOPICS IN BRIEF! Mucins underwear I, b.-ig vv(rn by hnBllwifc, , H,burs r-vcrx article ami yard of itoods in l l.i,.,. . flee .luilnB ,hl, aale. '"" "cr,i TODAY ONLY Juggling a Gila Monster PARKER GILBERT I Parker Gilbert of New Jersey, for some years vvho wai associated with Russell C. Leffingwcli, hat sue. ceeded the latter as assistant secre tary of the treasury. Mr. Gilbert worked In the treasury during the war. The Ineompa table "Nazlmova," coming Liberty. Watch for the Great Nazlmova In "Madame Peacock." Sutherlin Sanitarium MEDICAlSl'RGICAL Write II. I. HAl.L, M. !., Supt Siilherlln. Oreson apparel supplies I j S. s CLASSIFIED IALL HEW CLASSIFIED ADVEnTlaBMKy.,, ... paps vsor. EA1X0 S?JS I WANTED. iWANTRD Fox terrier pup. 0 Pltzt-r m. nione I w'ANTKU Typing lo do at lie me j !) lul N. Jackson Si. V. A. l r.u iuiay. lurifv or buyer Bros. Phonu HH'.ll f-'ClluuI gill wants ulbce to work for board snd ruum und aniMii w u g e I ' 1 1 one 1 7 3 -J. WANTKD Man to work oil rancu,' Hood money for til right man. Ap ply to Sam Strlckler, It. 1, tioaebuia, H..x UK. OATS " WANTKD Abnilt U 1 0 buThTTs. State price and itraUe. Maat bv reus. onuMe. i;. H. Wood, Ook WS, Ho.--buig. - WANTKD To borrow $bi0 on he rur-i time. Will stve first niortxaKv on ranch. Adtlrt-n Levi Spalding;. Azuha. OreKon. WANTKO 2 apple Mortem, prufemlil) thoitu who have had expei iviit t Ti-nis for tampers or UnimportHUen . I'houw 'Jl-FS. Overhind On--haris. WANT hi Apple pickers. WagVs7& t-ni an hour for men, 35 centg pet hour for women. Moali at bunk hoiiMS if deMired. Tents for campers. iverland UrcliurdH, liurd.-n ValU-y. W A N TT; 1 1 r u 1 1 , v e k f t u b h7sa n rtpi7 (luce of all kinds In coimiderubie quantities. AddreHS communkut loin to liunliam'i CunIi Store, North Ucnd, Ore., stating quantity, quality, kind of packaKe used, and when shipment can be made. WANTKD To trade my s-paesctinKt-r Kord for one hulf or 1 ton truck; my car just overhauled and In A-l ahupc. Also have 2 upholntered i-otx vhI lie each, and 2 heating; move value $5 and $-3, to trade for shot Kun, rifle, potatoes, or what you have. A. II.. News-Itevlew. WANTKD Sal exilian for KoiteburK and t lei nlly. I'oin in iJ Ion i-titi tract on I v. for apare time or full time. We will teach you to ne Income protection through our free sMiool of Innii u tion und help you build a business oi your own. Alunxachusetts ISomllnu and Inaurance Company, Accldctil and Health Depart merit. 6 K llhv Street. Huston, Massachusetts. Capi tal, tl.rioo.uow. FOR RENT. KoK iti'.NT Safety deposit boxes Uusetiurg Natlonal Bunk. iWdt IcKNT 2 good. iHth'q furnlbm7d rooms, (.'all 211 W. Monher St. KtiK It K N'T Kuriiixhcd rootn, with tmth. 4nl South Main HI. l-'OK ItKNT Pleanant sleeping room. Call mornings or evenings. 311 K. Dak street. KOH ItKNT Kurnihcd bedroom and biith in private family. 222 West DoilK'as. 'ait ItKNT Itoonia, furnished or un furnlnheil. Men boarder wanted. In quire at Itiveislde Store. KOH ItKNT Good 6-numi house. Ap ply Lawrence-Cordon Company. 12. Cass .Street. Pit one 21. KdU ItKXT About f.0 acres, or want omeone to put in crop on shared Mi-n. P. Slnnott, 2nd Ave. South. Kult ItKNT Farm at oiaiia. or will Kell on easy terms. Apply to Mis. J. P. Denn, 316 C'hadwlck St., ltosebuiK. Ore. Full ItKNT Uooin for two ladleJu7 Intc teachers' Institute; modern houpe clorie In. 410 ti. Stupheua. Phone 4e-L. t'Olt ItKNT Furn tsiied housekeephiK apartments and (deeping ruoitu. ttoseburg Apartments, Main ami I'ougiu. I'hone e:t i'MU ItKNT Small ranch, one mTTe from town. Free uho of good cow and horse and buprify. Apply Iaw-leuce-Conlon Company, 12j Casw Sir.-.-t I'hone 211. MISCKLLAMJOVS. CAN SAVE YOU I2UU on a new 1!20 model Chevrolet. Inquire Service tIar:iKe. Itoseburg. Ore. " KXCHANliK 40 m rt s timber land. 2, miles west of Myrtle Creek, for Itosfburg property. I'hone 21 ti- W. I'Al'KUlIANtilNi, Calsoniining, inside painting, varnishlmc ami poliHhlnc: olil or marred furniture. Call or ad.tress V. It. Sullivan. 331 S. Main St. Ititl SIIKD wool shoulder throws for and ladles at eye-openlm pricea. See our windows. Kay's Suit Shop. SI iVn'f'KUS AND HA It) JAIN HL'NTK KS are contiully invited t look over our uit "and overcoat prices and make .niparlHons. Hay's Suit Shop. MONKY TO LOAN Si.yar rural credit f?rm loans, low Interest rate $20,000 local money to loan on good real estate. First mortgage. See M. F. Ulce. of Hlce & Ulce. TAKKN l"P Sept. 24. 1920. one red heifer; end off both ears and not ii In underside of left ear. Taken up. et. 4, lii20, one red and white spot ted steer, end off both ears. One re. I nnd white spotted heifer, silt in end right ear. Two red heifers, end off both oars. All two years old or old er. Owners of this stock can have samp by paying all damages and ex penses, iiuaeiiburk tros., Melrose. OretTon. LOST AND FOUND. ForND Crank for mi to. xoks like Ford. Apply at this office. UlST Truck driver's hadge'No. 2280. Mnder return to News-He view. Fuf'ND Lady's black hat. pink lined under side brim. Apply at this office properiy. I.OST I-ady s black handbag, on Rob ert Mi. Monday afternoon. Finder I'l''"" le-ive at thi nfTire. Rownnl A fine dispjay of grapes was made y (i. V. You ne and son todav In the show window of their real estate office on Cass street. The grapes are 1:0m the Winston ranch of Martin tlrooks. Quality When we tailor your Fall Suli you are assured of the highest 'limllty all-wool material, thi Unost of workmanship, and smooth, unwrlnklcd, fitting clothes at the lowest possible price. This Is oui- Euarantee Now that Fall Is here don't you think today would be a wod time to order your Fall uit and Overcoat? Try Our Way Our Auto Km (ML Phone 877. ems toH ' Ai.i.-rr!jsasi' 1 bAl.Ii-r..... ""' 'llou. iff? to,, J i- Komi. rr7Tvu5r " woud u ... " """i lKT--J l.'ri bl Ma III St. Kowl Woud Ml t;',.''n -la North lii.V i VN.lOltA UIVKinrT IHjfU MillJKL CllKnKnjrr-S-1 tlmii). Pliune i;i " i full SAi.K 5" fruit. Kard, ch,.r1Sl 'iulr Nwi.K.H. """I mime frt, i. otlier. .ill .u ;?.. k. my? IUII1 In i.-i f.. - 4 Pric ,tsw0. AddrrMbljJ FtUt SALF-T.-arXf-.u- FOIt HALK Five rm L, Half down, 'jautme on ti property at 7u5 K, Kixth a,81 F(;,i1,'K"T8 W good bJ ion prune i most of them bearing, pric, J l OK hALK Good moxlern ui ... .. uiw irom souim - FO It SALK Year! i niRni rams that will tu-r u' line white wool. U'tll ..n carload. Prices right, t, W.fil Ft IK SALK I Oak ln-aWr. ("Zl tnKii caair. i KltCtifQ UUr ; J ueti mm sprinRH, ail lor II! i- dollars). N, o. Ptterwi, t.I FOK SALK UelU-ious and Sp, apples the apple tbut I equai in cenia a Dux and u 4 orclmrds; bring your own bob J 1. iiewitt, uruikway. FO 1 1 SALK Kxtrt good lUttl horses, weight 2;fl; wuoluI i-lioie sprayer, I ori'hirf y 1 piow, tiisc narrow, Ma. I C. D, Woriyy. Wlnitoa. Foil SALK One Ford touncial I'uru iruiK, one UJKI litV others, all in good cundiui prlies will surpriHf 7011 Ci t mpHua Auto Mi up. Wlncawr l FOU Ul lCK SALK lo icrei a ty road; ci:y water; mik I Itoseburg; 5 -room huutt U.1I chicken rami). Aucrm Sale,'t'are Newg-Revlew, Folt SALK Two yearling iiUfS I 1 1 vat or, 2-li(trne ilmr, Iced f t corn sheller, mil key, stirring p. incubators. 1 b louder 1 1 1 cow. t. j. HunmatKit, Phone 34-F3. FOU SALK Itoseburg propertj live OievKS OI ii-l:. u 01 CllJ erty ntw bringing rw;l side owners uuirti-r. ei , street, paved sldesalk tnd r In and paid. Alio otbrr pr Deal with owner at Sit PioirSAT.K7s""a.,re fruit nut trees, peach, pear, prune and all stoeK and inipif mi-nii. -1 Ingn. oure suruig water, m Highway; Itiouu crop this yw ;l orehard iu.-it conilnx into Price for quirk !, l-- Kllest. JtoseDurg. FOH SALK SO acres of food Itfi 11 es from Winn ton oria(. trade fr vniall tract cle 11 property. I good auto !: buggy, road cart, llgM mii heavy work collar, light hr turkevs, 3-year-old bar wit Van DeVord. Kt. 1, Box I burg;, Oregon. FOK HALK fi room rawien Ktti close ill on paved siren, In fuinr larir acrrened-u breakfast room, garage. 1 for fruit. This property ! seen to appreciate it w offered at a sacrifice rJi'1 1 luSftU. yniiie termi can be w l W. A. Hogara eai 1 Cn St. Her lalest and greatwt prato Nazlmova, coming Liberty. Th. !r,nmnArable "' coming Liberty. Look! 2L2SL2H a know One 5-ro-ttn One S-room One 4-room One .1-ioom One 8 -room One 4-room One 5-room One 4-room house hOUM ho up 'i" ' i loo - houp with lonJ house plastered hoo house house ;-ttory torn housea houe house house hou houe hou? m houa hoa houa One 4-room One 5-room One 7-room One 5-room One 5-room One 5-room one 4-room One 5-room One 5-rom One 4-room One 5-room One 7-rcm nn -room G.U.HELBlGCft lni raMk 401 Can St- Bosekxv ' TT