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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1920)
paow yon P OEPENDON COOPS wVv J i i II OItE V n 0 tK K W , KEyrcW JtT.'W QUALITY GOODS! Tn hnvintr foods we are always on the look out for fabrics of the finest quality, weave and designs. From the wee'est baby stockings to our most expensive silks, we always choose the best in quality. That is our watchword QVAL11Y. DRY GOODS-LADIES WEAR I. ABRAHAM The Store That Gives You Service, WARNER'S RUST-PROOF CORSETS See Lerry, Apple Broker For the Famous Utah Peach Grown on the Hotel Umpqua Farm For Eating and Canning Rov. R. A. tlutchiusoa was over from Oukland today. R. W. Lone. a prominent resident of Yoncalla, ai in ibi-i city lo.iuy. Mr. Long ia th't li'-iLOt-r iUu liumiu. for county cot.iiuib.donvr. Here fi-oni t-.lktoli Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hancock, of Elkton, wore in thin city last nlKht. Ouy lioon was In Iro.u Souili IKf-r creek this afternoon. John Old' r, for many yiur.i n resident of the Yoncalla valley, wai irautuictlug burnous here today. Halph Mocinc, of I.oa Angelas, ur rived hero this afternoon and Is visit Inn with his uncle, Judgo J. C. Kullorton. Hero From Wlnstons Mrs. George Spaur. of Wlnstons, spent yesterday in town shopping. Here From Wlnstons Ceo. Brosl was a business visitor In town yesterday. In From ;Hdo W. L. II. Osborne was In from Glide yesterday looking after busi ness matters. Upturns From Mountains Dr. Seely, who has been (pending an outing In the mountains .returned to this city yesterday. Hero From Yonralln Mrs. W. K. Satcheell spent the day in this city shopping and at tenlng to business matters. In From rintKllia Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Emery spent the day in town yesterday visiting and attending to business matters. Here From finrdon Valley R. S. Hutton, of Garden Valley, spent yesierdny here attending to business matters. In from l,onklne Gifts .Mrs. W. K. Cllngonpeel was In from looking Class this morning. OIHo Itc-ddent Here John Alexander, who was In from AUTOMOBILE E L K O T R I O A I. TltOtUI.Kt AXD THK1II CAUSES. Many of your electrical troubles can be prevented by carefully watch lug your equipment. If your ammeter shows a decrease and fluctuation in charging current and la allowed to continue, it will eventually burn out your generator. If your lights flicker and your motor misses, it la dun tp loose con tacts, (rounds or short circuits. 1 starting motor shows loss of power, turns motor over a few revo lutions and stops, the contacts are loose, starting switch is burned, mo tor brushes worn out, or the internal mechanism of your starter is tilled with oil and dust. Last but not least, don't lot an amateur experiment with your olec erlcal equipment. Our experience and training of years Is at your ser vice. Consult W. R. Brown, at the Auto Kloctrlral Station, Cor. Oak and Pino His. Phono 136. NOTICH FOIt BlllS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at bis office In the city hall In Ihe city of rtoseburg, UP to 6 o'clock p. ni. Saturday, Aug ust 28, 1920, for tho Improvement CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwajm bears ihe Signature of of North Jackson street from the north line of Second Avenue North to tho north line of Third Avenue North tn the manner provided by ordinance No. 728. All bids must oe suomitted upon blank forms which will be furnished upon application to the undersigned, and must bo accompanied by a cer tified check payable to the city Treasurer for 6 per cent of the amount hid, to be forfeited to lh: city in the event said bid is accepted and the bidder shall fall to enter Into a contract and bond with the city according to the terms of said bid. A bond of 100 per cent of the contract, satisfactory to the city, will be required from the contractor. The time stated In the proposals for completing the work will be consid ered In awarding the contract. Tho council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of tho Common Council. Dutcd August 17. 1!20. K. L. WHIPPLE. Recorder of tho City of Roseburg, Oregon. Advertise In the News-Review. o l-NIVF.KSAL T1KK FILLER Ouaranteed loti.ono miles. It will not flatten, anften. Iinrd,-n or crumble If kept properly Iri atnllfd In the tire. Nor will It Chung" Its conalittcnry In 100. 000 inlleH of continual wear. A trial wilt convince ymi enotuih that you will forever ! hroiish with the use snii uncer tainty of tli old stylo of sir lllte.l tlreit. Turn vour tire troubles over to us at the Filler Service Station, Corner Oak nml Itosc CARL OHMA. Manngor To Our Customers:- The only way to paint economically Is to FORGET GALLON PRICE and figure coat by area cover and years of life. SWP covers one-third more area than paints which aro cheaper per gallon. It lasts twice as long without re painting, so re quires half the material and labor costs. Ou that basis, SWP is the cheapest-per-gallon outside paint you could buy. , ,. r.lV ) SWP is the best prepared house paint. That Is why we sell It. Now Is the time to consult us about your house painting. Prepare to do It this fall before tho rains fill the wood with moisture. Oil and water do not mix well and It will be better to OU cracks, crevices and exposed pores of wood with linseed oil and pigment now while water Is absent, i CHURCHILL HARDWARE COMPANY TAIID OF THANKS. Wo lWnby wish to oxjirosR our ttaankfiilncHs to nil those who bo willingly assisted uh, in savlnf? some of our furniture nnd othor things, and who ptoviilod temporary el'-th-Inc for tho children and ouraelf. And to tho Fire Hoys who bo promptly rv:pondnd to tho mil of duty, there. y inn kin p It posalblo for all tho roomers to Ri't out to plncos of B.(fety whou our home and rooming house was destroyed by fire on the night of Auirn':t Hih, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl W. Ob .nan. o XOTIC15 TO IWTItOXS. KiT-ctivo Aur. 1G, rrlrvs mi nil chiasm nf bla ItMiiii hint;, fnHudin: ln.rsc.h(j'irig. wtil b" in acron'auro with tho firln i!'ii of pi mm (i'!nprd by the undersigned. Advancoa in piires have b on mad' owing to in creased cost of material nnd coal. Trice whodulo mny b 8" n at Fhop:; of undersigned. ANDKIISON O'KIIXKV, lOHRRTY UROS., i:n NOAH. DKNNIS MATTHEWS. SFCTS STfiS absolutely removed by our CRY CLEfiKir c A trial proves lot us have the auit, coat, skirt, , today, as a sorter. VIoii Your t'lfaner? Try Our Uy Our Auto Will Cull. 'hone il77. I fMh II Ladies' Hiking Shoes and Mountain Boots Here in Your Size. 'V ROSEBURG BOOTERIE . mnw nitrxi kaa Tlat Ssll.fy mm KM T..r re.t BrtBST Vm yvsr rmmmts stark mm s IS slnTtrmra rsUUlins BLIM. CAI ST. Host-in hii. Ranch to Lease! I I'p tit d.ite dairy ranch on Pa cifie luriiv. ay. fully sloeked nnd ( .iulpi-. il. Flue buildiiiKs. li'ie dairy herd. Itolslellls. About 60 head of slnek, four horses. Grain crop. Full equipment Price of riiulpment fCUOO. Kent of place $600 per year. Wanted! Two p. nple who w ish to per chaje houue in Kof.-hury to b'.'y c'o-o in p:op r-y nt'e pr:.- . , and snce t. i a n. K.ii v t nl.or.t t'ut rent p.vm. Own a hiou. of your own. We haye furnNheil houses for as low ss S.'oo down. Let us show you. Gllda Uidy. rvBorls tbrosblui In pofress ID tn nolnh'Jurliooil. Mill Arrlro From Poillnn'l Mr. and Mrs Chae N. Halght will arrivs in tUs elty tomotrow tveniug from Portland to visit with Mrs. A. Sinulj and ilrs. ltert Bellows. isit from Cherry City G. A. Dmghnrty and Clenn Dagh erty, of Salem, wore a in on p the ruests at the Umpqua hotel last Hight. t.oes to Medford Mrs. Crotty aud Mrs. Agnes aud Dlleii Daugherty, who have been visiting Mrs. Urucker in this city, 'elt this morning for Medford. Ierive fr IVndleton Mr. and .Mrs. Hays loft on this ,'ftornoons train for Pendleton whore they will make their home. Mrs. Hays was formurlv Miss Edith Wtlcox. l!aek From KnMcrn Orefron . Al Creason has returned ' from eastern Oregon, where he has been attending to business matters. Ho reports business prospering In the eastern Oregon country. Will lleturn Home P. W. Iieckley and family, who havo been vacationing at Belknap Sprirgs, on the McKenzle river, will return to Foseburg Thursday. Inves for Ixs Angeles Mrs. M. A. O'Leary, who has been vIsltlnR Mrs. R. K. Crawford of this city, left this morning for Los An geles. Is I in proved Pr. Miller, who was operated upon In Portland, is ropnrted much better, lie will leave tho hospital today and spend the following week at the Her 'o.nin home In that city. Left for California Mr. and Mrs. John Busenbark. of Melrose, left Tor Santa Cruz. Calif., this morning to make an extended vlpit with the la'ter's sl3ter and other relatives and friends. (lelnff to Metmnoll! It. S. Vronrh expects to go to Portland tomorrow and will pro bably attend the big picnic of the Washington and Oregon Elks at Vancouver the following day. Hero From inrden Valley Henry Oelkers of Oarden Valley was a business visitor in the city today. Mr. Oelkers states that his pears are of the Iflrst grade thl year. lieave for California- Miss Elizabeth Parrott and Miss Helen Casey will leave tomorrow iinrning for Berkeley, Calif., with M'ss M. E. Lcverich. who has been visiting at the Parrott residence for "omo time. They will make tbe trln hy ntito. Motel Man Visit' 1). W. Crosby, the widely known hotel man of R;ddle. was here on Vtstness Inst nlht. The bridge over the Pou'h Umpqua river this side of Riddle Is open for travel, but is to undergo extensive repairs soon. Take WuiTiints at Par Lane county nnd Unejene elty war- rants will hereafter be accepted at the banks of Fuseue ut par value. In stead nf at two per cent discount that has been charged during the past foy weeks, but the banks do not nsreo to accept all warrants offered (Vise Is IHsnilssed Tho case In tho circuit court of Leona Abraham vs. the A. Rupert eannory company has been dismiss ed by Judco Hamilton on an agree ment of the attorneys. The case was dismissed without costs to eilher party. Returns to Fugcne Mrs. William Moll Case of En eene who has been visiting In this elty at her brother's home. City selmol sperlntendent Hnmm his re turned home. She Is tho wife of Rev. Case of the Presbyterian 'hnrrh of Eutrene, who was over seas for many months in tho Y. M. A. service. West I'ofnt Man Returning Cadet Slater Miller (if tho tl. S. milltaT academy nt West Point. New York, who has heen spending several weeks here with his parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. M. Miller, will leave tomorrow morning in bis return to that institution lor the coming year's course. Leaves for .Newport Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Daniels and siaall daughter left on this after noon's tn'n for a two weeks vaca tion at Newport. Visiting I'juvnut Here Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pomeroy and son William, and Misses Delpha and I.oieno ilurll.urt, of Portland, passed through here this morning enroute to i:onnd Prairie to visit at the home of T. II. PuriieU for tho next two weeks. Mrs. Pntnoroy was formerly Miss Verne Burnett. Jletusii From Vnejitloil Mayor and Mrs. w. S. Hamilton and Mr.i. M. K. Kidder returned yes 'erlay afternoon from a vacation Hip to Crescent city. California. The trip was made In the mayor's auto ami a fine time was reported. "Rose htUK's camp grounds compare favor ably with those in other portions." said the mayor today. "Uosoburg at v.: ys looks good aftt r a trip to other places." Campaign Button Itcceiveil Tho American Protective Tariff Leacie has jast issued its campaign but tin. which reals as follows: "Harding and Conlldge. Smile. 1120." and on the bark of the button are the words "Protection. Prosper ity xho "Smile" Is in red Ink across the button and as large as th space will allow. Several of these, bui tons have been received in Rose burg and are being worn by report ers of the Hardlnr-Coolldge tliket. I'vtra Covers Neodeil Weather observer Bell informs us oday that the lowest temperature night was 66 degrees. The hlcbcst tempernture yesterday was ( decrees. This is n, great relief fror.i the extreme heat of tho past wek and those of us who are stay ins home and reading the boata resort news sincerely hone that Mr. Hell can continue to dish out this variety of climate for several weeks vet. Ci-ntrr I.nVe Rid Fund . An order was sinej by the county court this week aulhorliing Jackson ro'a'y to exonerate with the state arrangement the national govern-1 iiivm prvviuvs tV "?I wuti wm siuto ti per ont and tbe county ZS per cent of tb amount to be expended. It Is expected that financial arrange ments along this line will be com pleted In tbe near future Jackson ville Post. Ice bliortara General - Clay Darby, of the Hamilton Drug store, state! that Roseburg is not the only city suffering fro man ice short age. Mr. Darby wl ed to Ashland for an ace shipment this morning; but received a reply to tbo effect that they had none to spare at that place. Eugene ice plants made the same reply. Kecking Location W. H. Keough, of Spokane, was In the city yesterday and today looking over the situation In the county witn a view of locating here. Mr. Keough snent a good many years In the Col vlllo country, north of Spokane, and is a mining man. He was Inquiring particularly about mineral in thl section, although he may also take Interests In lands. Tbe climate of this valley appeals strongly to the gentleman, and If be locates here will be a deciding factor In the mat ter. Want Correct Addresses Vacationists leaving tbe city for a few days and wishing their mall forwarded to them by the Roseburg poatofflce are reqested to leave a correct forwarding address. The mistake has been made as leaving as an address the name of some small resort in the mountains or on the coast where there is no post office as many of these small places reeeie their mail series through some larger town. It Is therefore reqested that persons be certain of the sddress before leaving the for warding card at the local office, thus relieving the clerks of any un necessary troble in forwarding the mall. Traveling In a Bungalow The "rambling bungalow,' a house on wheels, arrived here today from the north. In the unique car travels Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Cutter and Mr. and Mrs. George C. Rising and two children. Their homes are in Wind sor Locks, Connecticut. The house on wheels In which the two families travel Is completely equipped with every convenience, easy chairs, beds, and a huge spot light for lighting purposes, making a comfortable home while traveling on the road or camping. The party has been on the road six weeks and are taking the trip by easy stages. LIST OF CLAIMS ALLOWED. Ho"-ard Gallop, labor, Dist. No. 65 Cho.iey Andrus, lumber, Dist. No. 2 Mathews Welding Wks, weld ing, Dist. No. 2 Churchill Hwd. Co., Supl., Dist. No. 2 Walter Haines, freight, Dist. No. 7 14.14 Kydell & Bossea, Supl., Dist. No. 7 G. W. Rlgsby, labor, Dist. No. 17 Arthur Woolley, labor, Dist. No. 46 Douglas Klncaid, posts. Diet. No. 56 Road Bldrs. Equip. Co., Supl., Dist. No. 66 Doherty Bros., Supl., Dlst. No. 66 Churchill Hwd. Co., Supl., Dist. No. 66 J. W. Harvey, labor, Dlst. No. 65 Riddle Hwd. Co.. Supl.. Dlst. No. 65 33.05 General Road Fund. A.. W. Johnaon, labor S 13.50 C. V. Davis, labor 1.00 W. V. Hurst, labor 187.50 Bert Russell, labor 81.00 Merrett Senter, labor 96.00 Dnlo Howard, labor 44.00 Oeo. Yarbrough, labor 12.00 h. . Letsom, labor 42.00 Henry McKee. labor 14.00 P. Turpln, labor 16.00 Chnrley Parks, labor 12.00 Rollle Johnson, labor -8.00 Lloyd Johnson, labor 2.00 W. J. Smith, labor 112.60 V. A. Russell, labor 83.25 Roy Parks, labor 6.00 Don Denning, labor 4 2.00 J. S. C.raeey. labor 134.00 Vint Appleeate. labor 48.00 O. Daugherty. labor , 4 2.00 Ilotiert Parks, labor 20.00 H. R. Parks, labor 16 00 C. W. Groves, labor 12.75 8.00 63.76 10.50 14.85 16.55 73.12 6.50 8.75 436.84 18.2S 31.37 2.60 LOCAL NEWS. T. O. Dixon Of blxonrllle was a Dll1 na trial t in xui.. . i bc99 for JtoedeportN M.wa umm or Reedsport, who hi been .ttriHin' in kiiainu. la thl city left on th afternoon .i mil. Meets Base Ball Team - Mr. M. Fickle met the Vernon base ball team as they passed thru this cty on the north bound train this afternoon. Here from Wilbur Mrs. Chas. Saten and daughter of Wilbur finent the HflV In annnlnv . j .'' , " n and attondlng to business matters. tot urns Home Mrs. W. L. Wagner who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Friend of this city, left this after oon lor her home in Drain. . "L'lHCTH KAMI km ..i..TTT I say Rostbuig has a e. What's th.o matter with Chaj iZ? Apple Brokerage? His ,J 1 and blue "bit top" l, vibrating uu! with Ian tunas u . . chained to the counter vlt!t", Ing machines are always "on ,t lob" to sneak your .. ' grown watermelons. blackberST strawberries. In f.... k. .. """". circus. Everything but the.1 lemonade It's not pink, but it -.J llelona M,l r... .-.'. Ul " tilled water and ,. ,'?i'i0,u' We invite you to visit Itosebw. only circus. vurn CHAS. LERRY'S APPLE BROKPn AGE. Onine .11 .h .1. "nUKE- Our Want Ads obtain result. i Your Safe Deposit Box Do you have a Safe Depcsit Box for your valuables? If Bot, now is the time to rent one in our Safe Deposit Vault. The Cost is not high Only $2.00 and up per year. The Roseburg Naiional Bank Roseburg, Ore. iiiiis H rale- a an EYES TESTED. If you wear glasses you should nave your eyes tested often. The glasses you were fitted with last year may not fit your eyes to day. Your lenses may need changing. We will be glad to have you come In. Our expert will see If your glasses fit your eyes NOW. Prices are very reasonable. Our jewelry possesses quality and our WORD Is our BOND. BTJBAR BROTHERS L. Morrison, labor.. Wm. Lentz. labor R. L. Matthews, labor.... t-eslle McDaniel. labor Cal Dalley. labor Rollle Johnson, labor Chas. Dysert. labor (To Be Continued.) 4.00 5.00 5S0 8.50 8.75 6.00 8.00 See Lerry, apnlebroker. for the famous Utah peach, grown on the Hotel impqua farm. For eatlne and moiling. NEW TODAY TO LOAV IMS on rood farm secur- .tv...M elxht Percent. Phone !74. r't TW-o brood mnvc I? f I'rtnnon. LOOK Snd.lte pony, 1.15. AinrfirrfTSf ""' "r sale. I rut prleea nnd no tlie hufiness. (-. Mrrll! ivi Mill St. LOOK All kinds nf houses and fnrm for ssle: (asy terms; overhead ex penses HUM; I rut prlres and an the C. Merrill. po Mill St W A NT V. D H y experienced ulrl. rii7 to help conic on ranch. Phone S7S.H .-. .. , ...m-i iinKn, noseourg;. WASTKn Steady bMrdTrs-.!-! i I Stephens St. So. C.W. YOUNG AND SON Kxtnte and Insnroare. r" a r '" co-onorate with the state tin r.'' ii'., ... ; "nJ n'lo,"l governments In provld- nn . Phone 41T Ing f'ioJs for the construction of '4Ura,; r ,akB highway. By this Ki'lt SALE Kresh Jersey cow; saddle J e. i nam hnee .-hear. C I Webar. Rt. 1. city. Phone 4!-nr WNTKI Tn,n t, drive bus. Apply t mpoua Jtotot. WANTKle Sawyer. " lier" CfcesTtbT l'"lt SALE cords rhnlre ftre wood, l on s-roiind. t) delivered. Llnd- Moom, Plxnnvllle. LOST At rallfo- l ards, pair mid i howed Klaasea. Finder leave at Kwb. Review. ! FOR SALK Ftva weaned-pliJ O" ' lla.ttnas. rtt 1. WMhur, Ore. Ii.Pl:HIKNCKD or lreaperlence.1 walt-' m wanted. Apply In- person at Catalans- S00 ANYlOBAS to loaae on. snares. AJ-' dress L it., cars News-Review. TUESD AY-WEDNESDAY "Alias Miss Dodd" The storrn-and-sunshlno comedy of a lienutlful young person wb started out to reform a nicked world, but wound up by falling In love. STARRING WINSOME Edith Roberts AND Fatty Arbuckle WILL TREAT YOU TO O.NE BIO LAVCH VUOM START K FIX ISH. TheGaage, THE BIGGER THEY ARE THE HARDER THkThU ALSO PATHE NEWS THTRS.: SYLVU BREMER IX "RESPECTABLE BT PBOXY