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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1920)
PAorc two llOSEUUni) NEWS KKVIKW , lanurd llalljr Kacrl kuadar. I fi7v. nnt I., wiwwrg Hm ti. Haira btUSCHIITIO.S HATKi r.r vlr. bv mall ? V? Iali lx month,, by mail.. I(y Carrtar. rr laonlh 1.00 .to I j juj i. w i miti i it iiiffii i iiwnni mimiiat ii mill i - UiviL ana tmmiuJ urn i. i.. u. dm fur rluvlk'tlOD of .11 i,.a dlauauliaa crrilllKl to It or .,! Hu tl. local ... pulil i'iM M" In. All rlKlit. of r.imhlfcallon of P rlut dl.paul.ea lirln ar al.o raarv.-a. " . i m. ...) -laua mallar Muy 17. i tho p...i nniia m ; John, are you cuming wiiu me: "No. I'm roIiii? b.i'K lo ine oi txL the rated author Idali MSGlone Gibson JOlS I I.I-i!.MN(i. "I'm'l I'll rnve to KO now, Orcrin. UB'ler tin. Art it ir. -. . - ItoaWxtrK, Oieson, Aug-. IT. lU'Jo RETURNING HOI Voyaging Around the Wo id To Reach Native Land in Care of Red Cross. AN ADVENTUROUS TRIP Have lUM'n Awny from I'twfntH Two V on m. To VIhH Pttitnma Caiuil ami Nt-w Vork on Their Way To Tlioir HomcliiDtl. CRy Aanurtatvd Press). WASHINGTON, Auk. 17 Voyag tnft around the world to reach their homed, 780 KuRHian w;itf.i, all that have hwiu accounted for ot prob ably tiOUU children t-ent out of 1'e tioKntd by their parent when re volution KHpped the old Uutwluti motto., are on their way from Sun FrainlHCO to New Vork by way of the Panama canal. They came from Vladivostok under the care of the Amerhan Red Crom of which they have teen wards for two years. They are colng hark to Petrojcrad after sufferinKH and wnndertnRH that for nome of them have hlotted out every recollection of their parents, the pluren of their birth or even of their own names. BpeakltijjC of th experiences of the children, who rang" In aK" from 3 to 17 yearn, a Htutument by the Ked CroHH hu.i1: "The' long aea Journey writes the lust chapter In a history of wander In and adventure in a revolution torn country, that can hardly be matrh mI In the uhule record ot world upheaval hi the luul six years." the nnnoiincemeut says "it teems almost a tale out tf Iht Old TeMtameut or Ureek MytholoK and a thoiisond years from now, it 1s perhaps not too much to say, the Jtimtdnus with ther dramutic Inntlucl and mysticism will have made It a part of their rich folklore." When the revolution broke out In Kiiflnia, the report continued, man) , vt r.-ni h In I'm: rorad decldd to send the youiiKHters into peareful Mtberla "until the trouble was over." They were sunt In charge of nurses and (euchers. Iter. a nnrrler of flro miirklnn the battle lines of the opposiiiR HhhIhii and Oech armies had been stretched between the you neuters and t heir homes. Months paused Winter arrived, ftjnda were exhaust ed and hunger and war horror menaced the wanderers. The Omsk government, npie-tled to I' or help, passed It on to the Ited Cross. (iinup nftir emtio was taken over by the lied Crnm. which estab lished colttnies in western Siberia and h.:d appareiitly solved the pro blem tr rarii.K for its charRes when the biittle 1 1 in Bwayed eastward and the llolMhevlkl catt tired town after (own. (iroutm of the children !ur ly escaped capture. I'lnully In wan decbted to take them to Vladivo stok. "Three irain of specially equip ped hot cars with a KU.ird of Ainer i lean doughboy transported the preciot.s cargo on a journey lantlng several weok ihroiiKh a countr 1 stripped barn of pint ( intnt." the re-j port continued. It may be said that ingenuity wa taxed to the st ( most in ottalnlng niipplles. avoid-' Ing di soared vpldcmtc ate:is and evadt"" other tioublea." ; Kin...iv the childltMi were settle. 1 , at KuhhIhi. Islands In Vladivostok harbor in hrracka whh Cerman and Austrian iirisoners nresti-d into ser vice to do (be heavy o?k Schools and hi" oil 'I were established, na tural talents were cnliivated nn-i thirteen of the larger iMrU took a course (I training whl. li Ilitid tl.ein to be nurses. S-vernl o'lngtiers shoved u mi mi il ntulities at tnutc ps'ntlng nnd dancing. The children will vllt t pnaTn.i Catial ports nnd in New York City on their way home. HH'AI, N KWS, 1cft last MkM .Miss llrulah Jewell, be has b i rcpoiting fir the NVus It-view, . ft last evening for Oakland where -Ob w!ll vlsti for several days Uh Mis T'elle MridKes. Kollowiiig iter ': there she will romlmie to Caidm i to reitwiiu for si vt ral weeks cnJo inc an outing. fire." he answered ul ter a little hesftatlon. ' I've lost so much time todav fussing over this house that I will have to make up this even ing." "Aren't you coming home to dinner?" John waited a moment before he said: "I'm afraid I cant, Kather- ine." And then perhaps seel tit something in my fuce which be tokened that I had an Intuition of the B'ate of affairs, he continued: I'm going to arrange my bu-dne-ts n the future, Katherlne. so that I ran cut out all this staying away I rem home at nval time. I really don't think it gt'ta a man any where." ' And Im sure that It does not. John," I said softly. He turned quickly and facing me squarely, he caught the afternoon sun as It ciiue through one of the Hiained glasB windows over the book turn, at the side on the fire place. The golden liuht seemed to fairly dunce on my ('hlnee gold tea unper w'lh whf'-h the workmen had finish ed covering that Hide of the room. I.Ike a kaleidoscope (he blue and purple and green and red, pl .sheii jitelf along the wall. "Oh. I say, Katherlne. Isn't that pretty?" exclaimed John as he bwtk nd across at the dancing colors. "I'm really glad that you hnve put something bright on the walls. The gold 'makes a wonderful background I'or the sunlight as It comes through hat stained window. I like it ever so much better than I did that old fashioned Colonial paper which KM zabeth aild she knew you vould want on the walls. "Von understand, don t you my dear?" he said a little diffidently "that I was only Irving to hurry UP our getting Into the new house. And when KH'aheh suggested that It would be n fine thing to have It all decorated for you when you re- t ii rued, (t seemed to me she wac right. "What nre you thinking about l(atherlm?" asked fo'm as I silent ly watched the rai bow tints of the setting sun upon thn walls "I ws Just wondering, John, whv t Is that IM'zitheth always has been able to make you pcquiosre in all her suggestions, while voi have til ways treated mine with indiffer once, I rnther smiled at the surprise on John's face, I could see that 11 was s new ihotmht with John Cor don that he had allowed any worn an to Influence htm in any way. )ont' you think you are draw fug It rather long. Katherine?" hi expostulated. "1 really don't think rhat Hess has vr tried to InfMnenc me. She sibl the other day that I seeine-l ton bad that wo would have to wall so long after you nrrivec o hive the house dvonted "I hadn't thought of It before but of course, nr soon as she men 'i med it. It see ied to me only thought fulness lo have It done be fore you ranie." "Oh. John. .John, forgive me for smiling nt you. Can't you Hce that Klizaheth knowing yon an she does, knew Hint she only had to make that remark to put the Idea into ; vour head? Pho'a a clever womau,; my dear, and hor methods are ox-" actly ihe methods that one should i me to Influence you. I expect that she hiis le irnod them by growing j up with you. John. Hut wherever! he h? k anied them, she knows j one thing and knows It thoroughly, I and that t that, you, my dear hus- band, do not like direct methods You want to think that the idea Is j your own. All the women folk about you have learned this." "Flxcept you, interrupted jonn with a smile. "Yes, John, T have to ho direct. U is the one tli'ng, porhupa, that ihon-s my egotism. John came toward me. ios.i KaiheHtifi. you sre sllgh'ly egotist ical, although 1 hnve never known you to own it. when it cornea toi matters (if .tasto or culture and I guess I'll let yon have your own way In them after this." 1 "Oh. you needn't go as rar as hat. John. Just do not go ahead ind do everything yotuself, where am concerned without consulting rue. Inquire or me once in a wnur: what I want, won't you? I-Ike alii ther human beings, I really like to feel that I r;m a free agent and' can make a choice." I You bet I'll Inquire. t;irl, ana, t'l) tell the wo-ld that it costs a man monev to bt some other worn-. decide what his wife wants." l0 VOU RUIIPOSK lilt? UUIt-'l U call will ever learn it. dear?" I 'I think he will, especially if it costs him as much to make the hange as thiB room has cost me. "It costs some men much more than that, my dear, and yet they 1o not learn." Tomorrow John Wants to ITianice. ANTLERS THEATRE BO-73-1.UO PLCS T.tX. BEAT SOW OS SALE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 THttry TtBD m a oiiy 'SHOW , V iflNn I wodidW J HIS inv ri.vrn.nw M?aii3 and Opohestia WlTiCtl FOR THE STREET CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NKW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE KOIND i FACE I'KOKU HKADINO -NKW TODAY.1 WANTED. WANTED ruraeys, targt or small. Buyer Itros. 1'bonq H-FU. WANTKD Two prune ptiktra, i. W. MuiUgutncry, Days Cvvvk. Ore. WANTKt l'rune pkkars Kd. Wavr. Myrtltt Cmk Orggon. W..TKl) liind vlievl of Thor mutor- cycU', takvs 3x2h tire. spwd vluuli. O, carw Nt-w-Kcvlw. WANTED 1- or 11 prune pic Kern, 2 lie fchatkeia, also some men lr. drier. J. l. H.wwu. Oitisou. kt.u.e stkki:t The famous Georgia Minstrels will iiake a very atlractlve Btreel parade introducing several nuvdtlea. The vardrobe Is elaborate, and the musiic is the sort that starts the l)lood coursing (juickly through you" veins, and your feet slart keeping time unconsciously and you feel ex hilarated and finally will make up vour mind lo go and buy your tickets o us to get the choice scuts, and you .vill be on hand early when the loors open to hear the free band con cert In front of the theater. We all !:now how It feels lo hear the min itrel band and bear those trombones lur that "jazzy" music. The company will be at the Antlers ; heater Friday, Aug. 20. W1IKN YOC I.RAVK TOWN ihla summer it's a good move to have (lie News-Review follow ou to your vacation home. iei us mall It to you dally lust phone 135 or wHU our ubscripMon department and we'll ee that It comes to ou regularly. It. K. HelH l. V H Nltflil Phone 20 K. Ii Antlen B I V. M. Night IMionc 15 VAtUin IM-E ACTS. HUNT ANTLES 'terinnry Nurtfrens. I'huur -Urtl Offlre 23 Oiik ft. Iteseburg. Ore. Petition Asks for Road Improvement Petitions are being circulated here relative to graveling the new high way grade between this city and Wilbur. These petitions are being freely signed and will be sent to the Htute highway commission within a short time. It appears tlial the con tractor!, are Betting up their rock crusher preparatory to graveling this stretch of road, huL no provision Is made for rolliiiK the newly graveled surface. It is alleged that wliile thi graveling is oniy temporary, it will not render the highway pa. sable tills winter unless ihe cou'ractor waters and rolls the graveled sections as cruhed rock is put on. It is staled by men handling the petition lhat un less this rolling is done traific will be at a standstill over tho highway soon as winter sets in, so the com mission Is being urged to authorize the rolling process. According to the general understanding, this piece, of road was to have been paved, but so far as is known no contracts hav; been let for thai work. While? tli" rock placed on the. grade now may b? looked upon as a bae for t he pave ment later on. it will have to bo woiktd over before the "hot stuff" is put on, and doubtless more added. The general belief is that a contract for this paving ou;ht to be author ized aoon, so that work on the Im provement can be gotten under way early next spring. v A.NTtJjJ Woman or lri for confuc tioneiy work. Apply Fotitcb Cwnf 1 1'Jiiery. V AN T E D .Scotca collie pup from tfood stock. C. 8. L)yar, H. 1, Roue- bur g. Phone 4 1 -Fiia. WANT.:.) TO UK N'T Furnlhd bouse or upartmutits. Address C. 1 C, cat N'ews-ltevtf w. WTn T Kl3 1 iy ' young nun handy at mo Ml any in in-; wani ouu jous in tifU'rnooDtt. Addits C. B., liov 9ii, Kotietitirg. WA.NTKU l'rune pickers, win. Myrtle Cretk, Ore. 1S-F41. I.iLk Bill l'hone No. tOR BALE Old growth 117:- vou halks . ..: fc'l , H H.l. B' U-I....T.. ' home, tK Kardin nil'.i'ulVt. .'' I v o-t.r. 4-runa Irec., 1 - I , a ri.. 6oc: 10 it., ."''" .1 mliea wcat of Itot.bu, ,,""'.. I FOH dALK I lr wood at It n " -! aiul oak at j,,, liar i.' . " 1 . .w nianwav. a.. ... - : tut. Aujit.. liux m. bm,,,", ' It. Su. rt ai l ir.t &i. "' -I FOH BALE Freah J,y cTiTTTI olu. Will .oil oi- iru.i- .; "v.:. 'J hit W luoliaatar. M1 la I tlMlt. l..IIKl l'a. f....t ... " it uiiey fcc..uul lmuoC.' t WANTKD By married man, exper- K niHl, Job on rnncn. wains fitauy pl -ce. Address K K. Beaver, care of uwa-tvfvlew. City. FOH SAi-K Five head a-1 i; Z" Ht:Y tOU' lTt-uh,.n ...... . " Ktoiiouiy tiepr. lloKari TrtJ WANTRU Prune pickers. Good pick lug. Mootl camping grounds. S rite fur puiliculurs. I'hunu Itt-X?. W'm. K WeHVcr. Myrtle Creek, Oregon. VVVVVVWVMAAAAaAAar1rAMraaMaiM l'"OK Uli.NT. . KOH KENT fafety di'poalt boxaa. . Hoaeburir Nalloiittl Bank. .MlSt'HIJ.AMJOlH. Kult TltAiia' &-juasenKei lourlnK cur ult b-iooiii ino'lern lioufa. cloae lu. u. cure .ewi.tvn'w. I-AIIIES' nice ill) City Fathers Discuss Grading Whcllier or not It would be advis able lor the city lo establish grad'f on u'ii'UVfd streets and thereby al low i tit properly ovrneiB who desire to build their ceii.ent sidewalks to cuntonii with this gradt. was dis ou;wd pro nnd con at th council Tiieeiing last tTenliiB. The majority if the eounoilmen were of the opin ion that such action would be the proper steps lo take, while otherc were V'-ry much opposed to It. No ipreei.ieiit could be reached and the matter was conilnued for discussion uniil the next meetliiR. It was the contention of some of the members i hat In ihe event such a grade was established by the city, not all of Ihe sidewalks would be built in unl orip'ty. owihK to 'he fact lhat some would perhaps build the cement walks v hlle others would let their old wooden ones remain. Coming! Coming! Ji::t What You've Been Waiting For - THE Macy and Baird COMEDIANS In Their Mammoth Waterproof Ik- f.lktn A I ho Itrold Jk Ikeaon. who was In the sriiii .f: f!li the taiirouM yauis ai Ine" time of the collision between the wrecker train and a switch engine, also received a badly bruised leg Hi description of the affair shows that eRcnpe of Mr. Parks from Instant death was almost miraculous. A tt was the Injured man was unconscious for t-ome time. He was standing In the door of the car ready to step out, , when the crash came, and was caitghl In the wreckage. When res- : cued the men in the yards thought J he w dead, but after first aid meas- ; urea bad been applied hopes for him fvvived. lent theatre OX J U KSOX STMI-'.KT XoltTH OK HOI (. I. AS HOTKI, I'llOKMINti THK HI ST IN IMSAMAS AND I'OMKIUtS i ii AMiK w inN.n.M yov.i timi- a wkkk Ol'KMNO TI.AY Saints and Tues.-Wed. AggJLlg LADIES FREE l:eept .Tc ar tnx oponloir I'l.y VAUDEVILLE itt:rw i:i:N aits Take an Aerial Joy Ride in Cloudland WJTH PILOT AVERS Pltine will fly from the following points on days given: Iti'srltiirjt OitLhtiiil . . . Ani, lfl lo 21 Fevtntl new nlrplnnes ef the i-U-B t; pe. eiit3pped with 90-horxepowr Citftlsn motors, for at only c:jot Jl:nc .told on terms. Learn to fly and gt your inatouiu now. ve offer course at tfchool in Aviation, putting you in-tht iik class, for 300. MeclianlcM' School In .WUtn. eomplete course, indludlng flying, $154. Flying imuriu-tlons given ai lt.8uM.rg frdin 9 to 11 a. m. dally while plane Is lo-re. Dudrey Aircraft and Supply Company HSU Raat t lfir-lKrd at, Xorth. IVirtland, Arriroa. .!lreaa latters of Inquiry t.i ('lant lii.l-y. Prenl.lorK; ar C. il. Alrkh, Mkr.. as per schedule ot Tlylog a por V.nns nume'f above. USED CARS! Ti"HIIIaaj,t, .V admission: ---- N l!rnr 2Jc. In, 3c t SURE SOME SHOW 1'OOKH Ol'liN T::U. ClItlAIN KISK8:1.Y One Ford Touring One Ford Truck J. F. BARKER & CO., lnl.Kl!.'NTS KOSKItnUi, OUK(;ON Al'TOMOIilLKS Tlt.VCTORS WE SFXL liaison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County !4g!il"and Water Co, tailored suit-, conts. dresses neatly, stylishly done. to. Jackson. BTTT.L FOIt SKftVICB Itenisttfred milk tuiain Sbortliorn bull for service at Kmplre barn. SAKKTY FlitHT Secure a solfty de posit box fur yuu valuable papers at l lie ituMeu Uik i'.uii. iKll.L.lN(J WKtJ. driller. It. -H. E. 1. Itosfbui'K. 1 lei nen 1 mil n. 1'hone 3-16. LJVKSTOClv KXCUAKUK If you have livetitock of any klnu ror suio or ex change, list It with Or. H. K. Hunt, 2:!ti Oak St., llosebursT. MON K Y TO 1A) A N 20-yur rural credit farm loans, low Interest rate. fJO.OUU local money to loan on good real estate. First mortgage. See M. F. Rice of Hlce A Klce. .'" OA L. hi imiu mou vl c . iruod nibltKr A-1 in... i ...... . lion; 118 hcuUfbaKur 4. uJL I ... """e ttine At-! 1IOMU FUH 8AUi-Ui thaTlrri em uii mcouiH oi moving JuJ 5-rooui bungalow and iouAiua rji nAiar. small tfoat ramh i acre; horse 14uo lbn., cowa, j't I one-tiorue wuifon. siiiKie hin, cultivator and other toots. or u" titulars wiito ti. W. t., Uout i k is, UujiebiuK, Oregon. ' FOH 8 ALU The follow in-iiiiTay-. mi Lines cunuiilun; 1 1 11 S uuhlatid six, sw i lyu Chevroltt, V,lv. ISorvice Gatutfe, KoHeburg, Qrt. WANTKD Heat late " moUel DwJ model, milcaue used, condition' first letter. Address Box 1123, ko,tJ FOH tsALK For home can nine, i beans, dill, beets, toitiatota. r torn, cucumbeis. Ruy iliittt f .J Kroner, fiione or call It i Templln St. LOST AND I'Ot'M. FOL'NO A dark bay mare. Owner pk-.iae cull and nay charges. K. i. Cloak e. Kde n bower. Ore. FOlTNl Lady's black silk coat. Owner please call at News-Heviev office for it. , l1')ST Ulaek traveling ba contalniim toilet art ii lea ami valuable papers, between CoiiaKe lirow and highway to Ashlamt. 1-0 reward. Fd. Ander son. aUi Z4lt Ave. So.. Seattle. Wash. SFPEHIOH ItOCK SPIlINGTOAiJ uesi on ine niaract; ury aiat wt.J nd mill ends bythe tier or co.d special price on iu tier luts, E i 'enn, cor. iuk ami ant in FOU BALK Kew heavy hens 1 about 10t White LeKhorn vlticktcJ WRiron with bolHter mutinies, iiu seated hack, $4U. the two for tr practically new narrow, lis; cultn tor. si: tne two iir :u. one i west and 14-nille suuih of book. tilUHS. At. Lt. btCVCIll". tOli SALE. h'OR 8ALK Split reed oaby buggy. 106 N. Farrott Ht. (J It AY OATS AND VETCH for sale af ter August 20. Price roason;ible. Arthur U .Weeks. Ruckles, Oregon. to It SALE Corner roads iture. tt:i eral mcrchantlite. Mt-Imih;, tir.-fot. 1 miies from Koscourtr; lncjuilei 1,1 acres 6-year-old prunes in bean-. this year. Oood 8-roon. home, sl axe. Darn, oilier outoui:mnKi; iehhI fruit; all in tlrst-clas shape.. by house, well liht-d. Will ttt stock of muse, at Invoice. Plid Jliou. with $:50U down, baltr. i terms. It. StuMia. Melrose, Ore Mrs. W. S. McElhlnny and daugh tor Joaophliie are spending their va calton at Newport. They left Hose burg Sunday for the beach and plan to remain there for beveral weeka. IN YE OLDEN TIME Hoop slarta were worn by those who first asked the druggist for, and in sisted on having, the genuine Golden Medical Discovery M,t 1,.. v 1 V Dr. Piprro ftvnr fift.v vpnra ago. Dress has changed very much since then! But Dr. Ficrce'a medicines contain the same de pendable ingredients. They are standard today just as they were fifty years ago. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the stomach and blood cannot be surpassed by any remedy today. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescrip tion for weak women has never been equalled for the distressing complaints incident to woman hood. What others say: Los Anqelks, Cal. "I snfferpd from nervous prostration for several years, trying various remedies fur nished by the doctor. At last I tried Doctor Pierce's Favorita Prescription, together with Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, at the advice oi ft friend who had nsed it and had been cored, and my recovery was prompt and permanent." Kose Faolkneb, SS2 South Grand Avenue. We Buy at BERGER'S BARGAIN STORE Tildes Mohair, Raffs, Rnbher, Old Metals, Paper and Rones. A Oood Line of Second Hand Cass and Pine Sta. ' X AMifttne Sjart bfrMi. facing rrrlilid. darCrall rttiilrvtld Manr r port-- w om n , mv n. Jit- Otftiilb-n of KuTALKO t nif refund sktranM. Or tamo,. for Vrup' b-)l tn J. HAKT riTTAIrf, No. 1 Dulck flattery iSWl No. 2 liulck Battery JSM"! No. 1 Chevrolet Battery..'"'! No. 2 Chevrolet Battery.. 2O.0 For Other Cars Prices on Aiipllcatlon. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Aircnev liulrk nnd fTievmW 4t N. jHckaon M. KraU HUNTER AND GUIDE Tack horses furnished. Write lo-1 dates. . I Hi:ilX WI'LIA Camas Volley, Sheet MetalWork . OF A lb KINDS J. H. SINMGER 1 to OAK STREET rilONK 421 PROFESSIONAL CARDS Mns. r. D. o Kf Cut Flowert. fc rr;i s ;i fniropnt l "a. ti. i-i.ii...n W. I Fhyalclan. :tl W. Lane It U .what ' we think and ! what we do that ink I I. . Thn) ii ' ! I. IIIl WIT OI I . a....- H APPY THOl'CJHT In etr' i bottle of SITKKIOK SOK.a. ROSEBL'RG DAIRY AND SODA 0 DOUGLAS COUNTY TAXIDERMY AND TAHNINC CG. Tanner ff til rlnsnefl o Turn. Mnnufncturers of Muffn, fur Hhoul rter Throws, Fur Coats and Cap ft. Also mount heads and animals of all kinds. RtMbarav Orcoa. OPEiYALL SUMjlB Piano Derailment Heinline-Moore ConserctM Violin and Physiol Education Department dosei Until September-