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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1920)
7 V IIOSEBCIIO NEWS KEVIEW iHiirrf Dally Rinii atiadar. nTWTiuiM i wiigiwrir"Bii " r,.rm-lLt 1'tWy, J.r year, by majl... jmily! ii raoinlni. By mull By Caril.r, l.r roomn Th. A..olal.d Pr.aa la KlMlvly mlllad to t. f republication oj Li iwwa dlikalcliW cradlled tu It or Sot ub.rwla. crUIId In Ihl. Ppr and ai.u local u.wa publh.l..d h.r.. Hi. All rlBMa ' republication of ue- uil slapaunaa harem ar a'ao rarva. ' totaled .,;i.-uml-i;i. Inall.l May 17. 1K2U. at tr, oo.t oftlta at Roaaburg, Oregon, under tu Atlt March . "ituw-burg, Oregon, Aug. B, WW. Senate tfead ?act? s Very Exciting According to an article which up pt-ared In yeirilay'i tuition or tin; i..r,uii,l Or.-tfoiiiun. Hoy Hltmr. unator from Umatilla county, U hailing S. nator I). L. Kdily, of Doug las comity, iu the race tor president of the atari- mnalu 10 li!l. Wln-n Senator W. W. Hanks announced lha! he la not a candidate for the poaltlon and that ho In supporting Ultnt-r. It gave the latter the edge over Senator Kddy, according to tne oope winhled by the OrcKonlaii wilier. There was a Ihroe-cornered conies! until Senator Banks eliminated him self aa a candidalo. Senator Eddy ha made a vigorous campaign, alily assisted by Senators W. T. Vlnion. Louis l.achinund and Charles Thom as, and they have been In communi cation directly or Indirectly with every proKpecllve member of the sen ate III the 1U21 session. According to the Oregnnlan, who It seeais by the wuy has lined I tie situation up to suit themselves, Itltner Is surn of IS votes and a chance to muster a total of 22, while Kddy has eight surf votes and a fair chance to secur" some of those which Itltner teems to also be figuring on. AIIOIM) THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. lie Hell, of I .eon a were In this city today. Mrs. Mary J. Perkins, proprietor of the Perkins hnlel at Drain, was In this city yesterday. Mrs. Hay W. Clarke arrived here yesterday from Reaside to Join her husband, who had charge of the din ing room at the Unipqua hotel. Mr. and Mrs. II. T). Baker, rif Tnlsi, Oklahoma, and Mr. and Mrs M. C. Ilrodsley. of Omaha, were among the touring parties who spent last night at the Unipqua hotel. Home From PortlHtifl Hon. A. 0. MnnKoni and wife havp rpturnod homo from Port.nnrt whnre thflv appnt las, wok vlsttliifr and attending to bushiest! matters. f. ulna t4i California flfntrlri Suthcrinnd. a Inrnl jrlrl, left today for Cullfornla, where nho will vntoT th univcroity of thai atatt In the full. lifvtvps for Port hunt Hdon Krohn, who haa apt'tit tht punt (wo works In thin city vial Mm with hr. BlMer, Mrs. Arthur Knauaa, will lonve this week for her home In Portland. lft for Port In th. Mulit O. n. Krank, of tho Hohp confop tlonery, left lft niiit for Portland whero ho will ri'nmin for a few diiy looking afior bunini'sa mutters. llWnrn Kmm FUliIng Slator Miller, Klmo Henderson nnd Wlllard Ackley returned the latter part of Inst week from a fishing trln at Hock creek. They reported a fin catch In that vicinity and state that they enjoyed their outing immensely Pane Well Atlonileil The .IMM-O-Fnur dance given at tho armory last Saturday evening was attended hy a large crowd. The! regular week-end affairs are growing In popularity and a good, clean dance Is appreciated by all those who at tend. lnnc In Announced1 The management of tho open-air dance pavilion at Kiddle has an nounced that a big dance will In stated there on next Thursday night. Severnl auto parlies from this city are planning on attending. Tho Jaxt-O-Four danco orchestra will furnl.ih the music for the event. l'or Port bind ami lYNco Fred Schwartz, of the Roseburg Furniture Co., will leave tomorrow for Portland to attend buyers week In that city. Ho will remain there until the end of tho present week and will then take a steamship for San Francisco to look after business matters. Ho expects to be absent for a couple df vooks. To Attend Millinery (Wnlnir Miss Minnie Hell I. ft Sunday for Portland, where she will remain for the week attending the tuilltnery opening of the wholesale houses In that city. She was accompanied by Mavnard nmi Hnvmond Hell, sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. l. Hell. aolrM Nlio-HnfiT Note!- The gasoline shortage which pre vailed In Koseburg yesterday and which was a veritable drouth, had much to do with the fewer pleasure cara In operation. Karly in the morn ing the numerous service stations in the city had posted the familiar "no gas" signs an das a result "old Joe flivver" was tied up for the day in many local garages. Forest wt a WonPw inn per Iomni Monte "ws reeelred hero today that H valuable saddle horse belonging to Grant Mclaughlin, a forest rangr of tho Hlack Hock district, was stolen yesterday, and In Its place the thief left an old nag that would make a good hat rack, Judging from bis . A ...... u l . Worry no mora aooui y-r Sirl ThsrVs hair elislr that is altogether different from the seen tea iouon, .i,.. - U Kotalko. evolved in principle by the Indiana, compounded from the Three Kingdoms oI Natur including 12 iugredicnti, one being anulne bear OH. . j f. .ii;inif hui m nw 1 nnrlfiin. Marvejoua recora in ieruuii . . wak hair, oy,urnln hair or a,dne,B Kotalko. FREE BOX to You - ' Lm Ki aoaral at tha druf Mora or at toilut 1 1 If fr. fi , 7 Vi i,Hordruooual.rolaileparta-nt 1,1 'U'.K1 r gS. if Il..r.. Or if y.,i m ' ' P'a ,m 1 aZW I aaialfca. Bd It" a (4 k bald Hair $ro dandruH. iiff n thm .,u.,.. a..,,r -!;-..?ri' tWIOt dily,f'll0W Uy KVIAI.KU Winw-Wil.n in ........ . JOHN HART BRITTAIN, Inc.. BF-81. Station F. New York. N. Y. many good points. The last heard of the animal and his new owner came from Trail, on Ilogue river, and the thief will probubly muk u get-away. Hot! Men on To; T. H. Ooruian, owner of the Wash ington Annex, Wlllanl and Knlcker-hot-ker hotels, Seattle, and K. .1. liardenheck, publisher of the Seattl Hotel News, were guests of the I'mpgua hotel In this city yesterday. They are making a motor trip south and expect to go as far as the Mex ican border. I'lyiiilf tit C'iiyMillle The alrplune "KuaeburK." recently piloted by L. O. Uevam y and now tin ier the Kulduuce or Meutouant -yres, has been flying at Cuiiyonvill" luring Uie past few duys, and accoid tug to word received here a great many passengers have been tuk'-n aloft in that town. The new sport of "sky Jazzing" In getting contuglons in this county and no one Keems to have any feur these duys of "taking o the wings." rirnlc Lt Kn Joyed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clo3h Mr Marion Grant and daughter Marion, Mr. B, W. Hates, Mr. and Mrs. -l-'rai.--ils IXlIard and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hates motored to Whistlers Bend yes terday where they enjoyed a day's tilting. At noon a delirious chicken linner was served with all the neces ary plrnie embellishments. The day was speht In swimming and boating mtl all pronounced that spot on thj Vorth Cmpgua as a most delightful )lnco for summer outings. Want New Organization Several Rom-burg ex-service men re contemplating the orgitnlratlou if a new order in this city which If tatlonally known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Only those who hav men service overseas are eligible to belong. Kugene has organized a post and has written to local boy.1 trglng them to line up with t hem . Mather than affiliate themselves with m out-of-town organization, the vet erans tiro seriously thinking of or ganizing such a society here. Where the MagTiollaM II loom J. O. Rowland, the local Dodge agent, secured a ruTiher plant Sat urday and had It placet) In his siles room If or ornamental purposes. Sun day morning win a he opened his place of business, ho was very much surprised In fact, alarmed to find a bountiful mngnolla blossoming from the "rubber goods". Jim at j once made an investigation as to rr r Sparkling eyes, brilliant color, plowing, young skin the result of good health! Even if Nature has endowed you with health and beauty- you must preserve them. You must retain your youth of spirit of action of beauty! Healthy, young skin creates the impression of beauty more quickly thananv other asset. And there are 1'urol.t Creams for very Summertime use to protect your turn Irom strong sunshine or wind to cleanse the skin to build tissue to ..pyour skin Clean and young. PUR0I.A PFKOXf) CREAM is a greaslrss, fragrant, vanishing crram v. huh cleanses and sottens the skin making an excellent base for powder. It it particularly fine lor skins inclined to be oily. At all druggists. Try it. I A V AIDS TO HEALTH t:I Miu Mrs. np .i BiW ril Fraol ana wmca IOI1U Ui VOU by "il rtlbf. Ilou fnnuo, iv crnua, " to n-v lor thim oot.r nd mkilioif ; none nt Qthfrwur. n4 develop rem wd If'th o stronf and ';b::'LK"ir ms " the particular "brand" he was using before retiring Saturday night and after Inviting many of his friends In to witness, the "flower demonstra tion" some one df them discovered that a Joker hiitl cleverly grafter the magnolia flower to the rubber plant and Jim's dreams "went up In smoke." Y 11 ton from Java -i It s not often that this section has visitors from as fur away as the Kast Indian. Yesterday two prominent gentlemen If rom Java were here, these being 0. W, -end W. . Longklnd-Corntck. They are producers and export era of coffee, rubber i.nd hardwoods. They seem ed especially interested In this art of the country and although they had railroad tickets throughout the country, they came here from Port land hv auto, hiring a private ma chine for that purpose so that they might better view the country While at the ITmpqua hotel ttey mnde many inquiries as to the pro ducts and natural resources of this nart of tho country. They went from here to Medford. To Stage HIr Hull post of the Amurican Le rlon will stage a big benefit bull at 'he armory in September, according 'o an announcement Just made by tho entertainment committee. The first meeting of the Legion since Its adjournment for the summer Inst month will be held nnd following this the boys will "put over" a real dance. The report of the three dele gates who attended the Astoria con vention of the organization will also ho made at this meeting and an ef fort will be made to have the major ity of tho members In attendance. The "chow" committee has alRO ben luptructed to "be on the Job," and nit hough they have not made any l"ftnlte arrangements as to Just what will be served, they have prom ised that "gold fish and canned horse" will not be on the evening's menu. VKlthiK Here Miss Kelyn piper and Miss Jean nette Nowlan are (siting in this city at tho V , S. oodrtiff residence They reside In the Coos Bay coun try. WIIK.N VOD IjKAVK TOWN this summer It's a good move to have the News-Hevlew follow you to your vacation home, i-et ns mall It to you dally Just phone 131 or write our uhscrlption department and we'll ee that It comes to you regularly. AND BEAUTY mm CVAR.iXTFB if ft tATnjf Piumd, riv-l .1 Guaranteed by th LUatAUO rRAN LABOaATOWIJ KWE and MARRIED Idab MSGlone Gibson A LETTER TO C'HAKLES. 'Dear, dear Charles," I began my letter, "I can nut tell you how sur prised I was when I read your tele grain It was the first that 1 knew about John's wanting to sell the old home. I am also sure you will un derstand how grateful 1 was that if the old home hud to be sold that you should be the one to buy It. "Dear Charles. I can not take II 'from you. In fact, I am rather (lad you have it. It haB been always more or less a bone of contention between John and me. You see, John has never had that feellnK of reverence for old associations that comes to ua from my lonu line of ancestry. "John Is wholly a self-made man. He has no memories of ancestry. Iu fact, I have hoard hint" speak some what contemptuously olf his father, who, I have gathered, was one of those kindly country school teach ers who never made any money. John grew up in, from a money point of view, a meaner environment and became fmhued with the Idea that nothing but the almighty dollar counts In this world. Consequently you can see that a house that was only to be used a fow weeks each veur seemed perfectly useless to him. Xot Able to Keallw. "He cared so little for it that he waB not able to realize my feelings !n the matter, and I am quite sure that If he had not sold It now, he would have done so In the future. Consequently I am glad that lt has happened In Just this way. The house is yours now and 1 can not take It from you even when you offer It so generously. Hut If you will allow baby and your cousin Catherine to sometimes rest In Its dear old rooms fur away from the noise and bustle of our everyday life, we will always be your grate ful debtors. "It Is needless to tell you that I forgot all about that power of at torney, and although I have nothing left. I shall revoke It today. "Don't think I am complaining; lt Is only that John and I have two distinct viewpoints on the question of property or money. John thinks that everything that belongs to hie wife belongs to him. In Ifact. he thinks that his wife belongs to him utterly and he orders his life on this supposition entirely. To John mar riage means possession. To me mar riage means a pnrtnerslifp. Perhaps some time we shall compromise on something else. Very Much lMenwil. "I am very much plensed with our new home here In the city, but I do not think that I am ko much In love with lt that I would give up my birthplace and the birthplace Education Pays FOR TIIK IMIMIIX AL AU FOR TIIK STATU A Pvrvun with Nu Kihimtlon hua but One t'hunre in 150.000 to RttntUr lHHtiUKU.Klu-a Service to tha I'uMtc With Common School Education 4 Chances With Hi Kb. School Kilucntlon . . . . 87 Chuncei With Co1U-k Education luO Chunca Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? THOSK STATES ARE WKAI.TIII EST THAT HAVE INVESTED MO T IN EUUOATION OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Throna-h n "Llbersl mid Practical Educntlun" prepared the Young afan ami Young- Woman for L'aeful' CltU.-imhlp and Successful Careers In AriHit i i.ri n K K;ii:i.i!!; mining home kiovomics COiniKIU IC 111 AH MAC Y I'OHF.SlllY VOCATIONAL KDLTATIOS The Training- Includes PHYSICAL KIH'CATION, MirslO ENGLISH MUllKrtN LA.NUl'AUK, AliT and the Olher Essentials of a Standard Tccluilcul LVlleae Course RAM. TI'.IIM OI'K SKI"! KII1EII 20, 1020. T11TIOX 19 KREH. Mil INFORMATION WHITE TO THE REGISTRAR, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon USED CARS! One Ford Touring One Ford Truck Both Good RuysSee Them J. F. BARKER & CO., RosKiiriUf, oiti:;o AITOMOU1LKS IMri.KMKXTH WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Water Co. of my family for generations, to have It. "Baby Is freting a little today. I think she has taken cold, but we expect to get into the new home some time next week, and she Is going to have a delightful suite of rooms all to herself. You must come and see her very aoon. Ob, Charles, she Is perfectly delightful. Every day I find something new about her to love. Something won drous to enjoy. No one can give me any great unhapplnesa aa long as I have her with me. "By the way, I am fitting up a suite of rooms In the new house for your use. I am putting the library furniture that was in dad's room In your sitting room, and the be room in your bedroom. I know you alwaya liked dad room, and I want you to understand, Charles, dear, that this place la yours, and w.hen you are not in these rooms, they will be vacant, waiting for you. Inclosea Mary'" fheck. "I am Inclosing Mary's check that you made out to me. Will you Invest It for me. I am accepting It for Mary, because I know It wifl give you great pleasure to give It to her. Come very soon and see her, and I am sure that Just the sight df her sweetness will make up to you for all that you have given to her and '.o me. With much love, I am, "Your cousin. KATHERINE." KTTIC lilltTHIiAY A X I V E KS A U Y. The many friends of Mrs. Mary E. Hasan of North Roseburg, are extendng their congratulations to her for the, 87th anniversary of her birthday. August 8th. Sunday morn ing the Bible school of the Christian church presented her with a beau tiful boquet aB a token of love and respect. Mrs. Hagan Is the oldest member In the Christian chufth olf Roseburg, also of that Bible school, and as far as Is known she Is the oldest member of any Bible school In the city. In the afternoon a member of her friends called on her and presented her with a beautiful polled fern from the Loyal Daugh ters class. Several . beautjful bo- ouets and a box of dainty cakes from a member of the Christian niblo school. All Join In wishing hr health, happiness and many re turns of the day. XX. Sutherlin Sanitarium MEDICAL SURGICAL Write It. I. HALL, M. D.f Bnpt. ftutherlln, Oregon TriACTons CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NEW CLAJilTIBD ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BB FOV.ND 0N ' PAtiB VNDfiH HEADIMQ -5KW TODAY.1 ' WANTED. WANTTD Chambermaid Umpqua. at Hot. WANTED Waltrvaa at Cafeteria. ply at oner Ap- WANTED i urKvyft, large ot small. buyer Broa, Phune 1 14, WANTKD Two prun picker. J. Monmomry, Dayi Crwefc. Or a. WANTED Prun pickers. Ed. Weaver. SI y rllw Creek. Orwtiun. WANTJs.Lt Woman tu work In laundry. Call Mrt-y Huepl tal v v,s i u.u 1'rune pickers. Write for particulars. Bond Brua.. Ollde. Ore. WANTED Woman to work In the halls. Apply at Umpqua Hotel lm- nitfuiateiy, C O .VI t ii. T E NT utunoffrupher d o li ' c s pun it Ion. Hae had five years exper ience In Important positions. Address X, cure Newn-Kevlevv. WANTED TO KENT Furnished house or apartments. Address C. 1 C ware Hews-ltevicw. WANTED Woman or girl to do house work. Phone 28-F3. Mrs. O A. Hradburn, HoeeburK, Ore. WANTED ll&U to l-'iU lb. horse, tfen tie. sound, true puller, Phone 16-F12 early mornings. WANTED TO KENT ft-room furnished or unfurnlahed cottage near ecnool. best of references. Write K. C, L'inpq ua Hotel. WANTED. PHUNE P1CKEHS 11c for Petltcs ani Italian If you stay thro the aeiison; 10c for Petltea and Ital ians If you quit the Jub. Uood camp ing Places. Wm. P. Weaver, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. WANTED Prune pickers. Good pick ing, good camping ground. Only tliuMu willing lo stay tti rough season need apply. (Jeo. A. firudburn. Phone 2s-FS. WANTED Jersey cow, S to 5 years, fresh or to freshen this fall. Only an exceptionally good cow consid ered. Leave deecriptlon and price or phone number at News-Review by Tuesday noon. WANTED Information as to the ad dress of Henry W. Barker or helre If he Is dead. His address was Rose burg In lt.74. Address E. W. Spald ing, Metropolitan bank Building, Washington. D. C. WANT Eli Man with family to work on furni; must have boy large enough to run a team. Farm located Sit mile north of Roseburg, eaut of Yoncalta. Good position for right kind of man. Address Geo. Bchulmerlch, Ores well, Oregon. FOR KENT. a A RAG E FO H RENT Inquire-at" this office. , FOR RENT Safety deposit boxes. Rogphurg Na tlonal Bank. .'UK RENT Large furnished room, clone In. Phone 12-Y. FOR RENT Furnished roomy for light housekeeping, no children, til 4 Wln chem.T. Phone 170-Y. MISCEIXANKOUS. SAEFTY FIRST Secure a aafety de poaiL box for your valuable papers at tneltosenurg walional tfank, WELL DRILLING Will be drilling nt Rrockway Aug. 1. Anyone wishing a well eee or write W. F. Kernln, Suthorlln, Oregon. TRACTOR PLOWING For Immediate tractor work see me; will take con tracts for plowing now. Gilbert Wood, Box 1293, Roeeb u rg. WELL DRILLING R. E. Heinefllinan, driller. R. 1. Roneburg. Phone 3-F5. LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE If you have livestock of any kind for sale or ex change, lint it with Dr. R. E. Hunt, 2:: Oak St.. Ros'-burg, MONEY TO lAiAN 20-year rural credit farm loann, low Interest rate. $20,000 local money to loan on Rood real estate. First mortgage. See M. F. Mice, of Rice & Rice. tAVE MONEY on your winter's fuel by ordering old growth fir cord wood for delivery direct from the car. Shipments beginning this week. H. J. Denn, cor. Oak and Main Sts. HOTEL DOUGLAS Three story brick building; all new furniture; roome with or without baths; steam heat, hot and cold water. Rate $1.00 per day and up; special rates by the week and month. Corner Jackson Jtt Douglas streets, near courthouse, ltos-hurg, Oregon. LOST AND FOUND. FOlTNI On Pacific highway mile south of ton, suitcase. Owner can get same ut this office by paying charges. FOFND A dark bay mare. Owner please call and pay charges. E. G, Cloake. Edenhower, Ore. Sheet Metal Work OF ALL KIN DS J. H. SINNIGER. 110 OAK STREET PHONE 428 ROSEBURG -CAMAS VALLEY STAGE Two Dally Stages Two Dally Stnifes leare ROSKbUUO, - - 7 and 2:30 Leave CAMAS, - 7:45 and 11 Special trip made at any time. Phone 170-L Koseburj; or Camas Hotel Camas Valley. (DotxiE Cars are used) LEE C. GOODMAN, Prop. We Buy at BERGER'S BARGAIN STORE Hides, Mohnlr, Rain, Rubber, Old Metals, Papers and Bones. A Oood Line of Second Hand Clothing For Sale. Cass and Pine Sts. DOUGLAS COUNTY TAXIDERMY AND TANNING CO. Tnr.ri of all cl of Pun. Manufactiirr of MufTm, Fur Shoul der Thrown. Fur Coat and Cap. AIpo mount head and animal of all kinds, J. W. LAGRUKRO, Pinvn Roabnrc. Or boo. LOST Sunday. A us;. 1, on a p . 17, black pocke book eoniainlne Ju watch, aotie muuey, ana u , M, ountainlnsr valuable uLir ir ward If returned to Ada E IT r" Qushen, Orvon. Cun4 hOH HALE, FOR BALE 42-ptece fancy ChuTT" eet Call murntniJgiyn FoH SALE (iray hormCIinTTT Tom Godlev. Wilbur 11111 .:Sl FOH BALE Second hand VTalTrrrr In good condition, call uil " new. liox 162. Hnut i u ... r- FOK BALK Old at-tniittt srrub wood. $4.5u u-r np i7...a l-Oit BALE Prune trees, nalianTT ft.. 60c: to i ft., 0c: Wtit-- . u ,'. aj . i l .. . d S, 60c; to 8. "Uc. R. L tin. , milea west of Roaeburg. on 1 FOR SALE 10x24 atave aVhT tied. Oeorgo Telford, oppualu h!.P VfuHey achuol houee. p. o. KuaJbu 4 Uii. 9ALti Mice .-room nT houae. bi Laaement. A". & meiH; alio furnlalied hou. at JJ.' CV l Lj I l.-l . I) I, .na 7T. house and two lota, close in JrJ garden, cheap tf taken noon Parr leaving town. Inquire at it'3 iv FOR SALE Five head A-l gridVl Tlrain nrJrVn "owaru Trl7i FOR SALE One wood .aw rip; I whiu I shoals; 1 Duroc boar; a good team J hurst a. A. S. Jenkins, Hi. z. Ho. power cluer mill, capacity 6 to I bbt r -7- ot-an, hat- uuca price ftly price ta.h FOR SALE Maxwell 1-ton truck mJS condition, or will accept few goui cows In part payment. S. A. Uomniir Camas Valley. Oreuon. ' FOR SALE Transparent eating old Jersey cow, fresh in Oct., $;$. c FOR SALE &-rooin modt-rn bnnifai, all latest convwniences, garujf, wo4 ueu., wusii jioumu, eiu, bj, o, tint FOR BALE For home canning, trial beans, dill, beets, tomatoes. gr corn, oucuinbers. Buy direct frea grower. Phone 25 7 -L, or cull at W i einpnn pi. r uu ball dot. a 7-roum modern house, large chicken park. Will it cept auto uu, to $1000, or will trui i or r.uigenu or torvai us property. FOR SALE Neurly new 3 nrd dump body, with wood hydraulic lift, guar, an teed In line condition. A bargain I at $1(5. Ossman-McDonald Car Cu, r. oevniin cueiie, ure. FOR SALE Team black mares weigh ing l!f0 lbs., hamcfs, 3 14 -tni a wagon, price $200 If taken at oau KuuBon, leaving Oregon. Phone 27- J or team can be seen at Eniplro barn. SUPERIOR ROCK. SPRINGS C0AL Hest on the market; dry slab woo4 anu mm enus uyine tier or coiil peclal price on 10 tier lots. H, J. uenn. cor. oaK and wain. 100 ACRES lMi miles from town. Somi ideal creek bottom land. Enouga I wood to pay for place twice. Ideal to cut into small chicken tracts. Mint sell at onca Make me an offer. J. I V. Casey. FOR SALE 160-aere ranch. 40 a. Ji 1 cultivation, family orchard, aoni buildings; span horses, weiKht H Kood set harness, set slnxle tmrtex 1 light 2-seated hack, Wale saw, new. T. A. McNabb, Koler, Ort. FOR SALE The following used uui all in urst ciaaa conuition: 1 1018 Oakland bIx, $SO0. 1 ll18 Chevrolet. $000. 1 IU 20 Chevrolet, equipped with wri tires, Service Garage, Roseburg, Org foil SALE One and a third acrea o( free soil, 8 blocks from pout offlci; good house, woodshed and chlckia house; aoout aou puueis, du cuw Brc.n: lit rife eurdi-n. also family or chard set out this spring. Siml paved to place. See owner. 425 sutl St., between Mill and Pine it reel. FOR SALE Corner roads store, gen eral merchandlHe, Melrose, Oregon, I miles from Roseburg; includei i!i acres 6-year-old prunes in beartnj Oils year. Good 8-room house, gar age, barn, other outbuildings; imall fruit; all In tlrat-class shape. Stori by house, well lighted. Will wll stock of mdse. at invoke, Pl $4500. with $2500 down, balone terms. R. Stubbs. Melrowe. Ore, Sold 400 of those Govt, cartridge caBes in short time. Another and urobablv last shlDment iust received. Hurry, for there is less than 200 to choose from. Churchill Hwd. m Auto Owners! Wo would be pleased to test your Batteries Free at any time and give yon eift advice on the care of I latter! When purchasing new batttr. tea get our price. We can un you money. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE 441 N. Jackson St. Rosebar. PROFESSIONAL CARDS wn. w. lv nwRV rut Flower- 240. 402 W. Pah. Dlt. M. II. IM.YI.ER Chlroprictic Physfrlan. 22? W. Lanf 9t. REALY THE BEST PART OF AN OUTING IS "HOME BREW" Iiit when you are not at hom" take along a case of "LUXO R0SB3URG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS PHONE 186 OPEN ALL SUMMER Piano Department Hemline-Moore Conservators Violin and Physical Education Department Closed Until Septs mbsr.