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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1920)
: - - . v I V S PAOItrOTR KM mm i WALKING BOOTS m Comfort is the keynote of our walking boots. You can see at a glance what comfort these shapely boots hold for you and what lengthy service they will render. If you enjoy being out in the open, they're exactly the shoe for you. ROSEBURG BOOTERIE IRVIN BRUNN SHOES THAT SATISFY AND FIT YOUR fEET Bring US your Repair Work and see the difference. Perkins Bldg. Cass St. Roseburg. yftnrriririi" mwwww - . mm 1 SPOTS STAINS absolutely removed by our DRY CLEANING A trial prove let us have the suit, coat, skirt, today, aa a starter. Who's Your Cleaner? tiy Our Way Our Auto Will Call. Phone B77. Our Want Ada obtala rosuljs. AUTO OWNERS' ATTENTION ! The Universal Tire Filler Co. of Portland, Ore. has ,lithll.li1 ii filler atiitlnn In Mil. city, itml you t'Hti now t rellev.! from your lltn lro'tlltiM. It rltlt. Ih NNtnt. a. nlr, with no Inner ml.., puiu'turtvi urn blovr. outa. .ililtfl HIV,. fur greater mll.fiir.' to your caMliiK- Try thl. fllltT out mill you will nevnr ukii nlr In your tire, mraln. Yuu Kit a wilttrn Kimi nntu, un tli flltnr (or luu.Ouo mllua. Filler Service Station, Corner Oak and Rose. CARL W. OILMAN, Manager. rrr 4 TilTt OF VARIOUS SIZES FOR FARMERS, FRUIT GROWERS, DELIVERERS H. MERTEN m AltOl.NI TIIK TOWS Joliu Alexander, of Gliile, ad transacting business la town loduy. From Wlll.ur Mrs. K. II. Ituttsell nnd son How ard, of Wilbur, spent today in Hot-e-burg transacting buHluess mutter. Over From KuUiurlin Onorge Trutnbo, of Sutherlln, spent a few hours in Kottehurg this ntorning attending to bunincmi mat tors and visiting with friends. Vlult at (irwn Mrs. W. K. Ingram and chj!dr"i left this mornliiK for Green ti spend a tow duys visiting with relatives. From Portland J. I. Yokuiu, wno 1ms been allond- tiiK to business multem in J'oriluiiil for the puHt ftiw days, urrived in Koseburg this morning. lU'tiinui II01110- Miss Katherlue Ilusenhark, who has been visiting ut Melrose wllh relatlvea, left this afternoon for Port land, where she makes her home. JtHunu He Mrs. John Walker returned to Wlbur thla afternoon after a few hours spent here visltln with some friends. I.011VO for Tnnjtcnt Mrs. John Illshop will leavo tomor row morning for Tangent, Or., where alio will visit for a month wllh rela tives and friends. Itetiinm Home- Mrs. It. D. Williams am! dnughler Kluiih. th arrived In this city yester day from California, where ihey have been visiting with relatives for the past few weeks. lKnvra Thli Afternoon Miss Kdiih llrown, who has l.-i spending the past several days In this cliy visiting with relatives, left for her home in Wilbur this after noon. Visit in Kwrenc Mr. nnd Mm. J. W. Dent left 11,1s BEGINNING AUGUST We Will Have On Our Sales Floor 206 N. Jackson Street Exceptional Valises in TT iMOTOR CARS Rosinrwj nkwx-kkvikw afternoon for Eugene, where they mill visit with relatives for a short tluj" -Vlr etit la the express stent in tliia city. Ovol rrfui SuiUetlm Ainuiig h'-ii in RnJtburg from ijil.eilln tma morning were Mr. uud jirs. tieoige P. True, uad con j:uii ar(. Thy returned home on Iho afternoon train. At Multirom.'ih Portland Orc-ponlau: Hurry O. V.'ilcoi. cle.k at the Uiiipqua hotel m Honeiiinir, Is looking around Port land and Is making heauuuarteia at Jie Multnomah. To .Mclfortl Aubrey (J. Smith, Hornier suponn euleiit of schools In this city, and who. with h.s femlly is visiting here from Eugene, left this morning for .Medford to attend to business mat tets lor a short time. Ai-e la I'orthinU . l'ortlaud Or.gon'ian: A. C. Murs ters and Mrs. Marsters ure ut the Im perial. .Mr. Jliuaturs is interested in politics uud hanking In Doufcla-i county. He formerly served iu the legislature. Puss Through Air. and Mrs. Wendell Averlll passed through Itosoliurg this morn ing euroute to their home in Sac ramento following tt visit In Port land. Mrs. Averlll was formerly Miss Eilua Jones of this city. Will iit in California Preston Lake and family left this morning for an extended auto trip through California, expecting to he gone a month or more, BayB Hie ltid dle Knierprisf. Their (list mop will lie wllh ITestou's parents, Mr. ulrl Mrs. C. 11. Lake, ut Lscoudido, Cal. Showing Marked lniroeinenl Mrs. Harvey y. lirown was lure from lioiu'hurg tliis week for a brief visit. She n noi is h. r hisier, Mrs. Dale Cutsiorth, v. ho Is aow in Hi tburg recelMug nuiliral tna iii?ni, Is showing marked Improve ment ut this time and is now uhlo m sit tip Iho greater purt of Iho (lay, says the Kiddle Klllel pi ise. Ir. t-'rom ('niiyonviiti Ueimiy Sheriff Frank Hopkins, of Canyonville, spent tills morning in Koftcljurg ailending to husim-'s mat ters. I'iioii his r'-'lurn he will spend some time iuvest1g;tlinK the mys terious rhootlng at 1'erriue lhf 1: said to endimger the Uvea of Koks I fiilliner and fm. ily. ICetiirn Home F. I". c llmi") Crites. r, a former RoFelmrK boy who lias been llvlnii at Lel iinl for n numtier of years, has re turned to this city to make his home here. Ills family will follow In a short time. For the presi nt he will be employed on tho nw cannery building, l-'roiii loun Mrs. K. II. UnfTerlv and daughter. Ju.'inila, of Okaloosa, Iowa, arrived In Uosi-burg thiB morning nnd will . Miller's j DiHard I Sub-Division i Choice River Bol- III Tracts of 5 acres nnrl 11 e This land has been In grain. Crop is now being harvested. We are now in po.-itlon to show Hiiro tiacis. For further in formation See Sam Miller, Dll lard, Oregon, or (J. W. YOUNG AND SON Itral I'.-hite and IiiMinuicrt. lt uh St. Thwie 417 A4A4AAA&AAAA4A AAA AND TRUCKS; X A sTiniAr. ArrsT 7. ioao. DANCE TONITE ARMORY THE ORIGINAL JAZZ-Q-FOUR Back On the Job Again Gobs of New Music make an extended visit with Mrs. Uallerty a brothers, S. 0. Meredith of Koseburg, and J. J. Meredith of JJIl lard. Mrs. Kaheity is very favorably Impressed with Oregon, especially Koseburg. i;nys Now Tractor It. It. Wood, of the News-Keview office, has purchased a Fordson trac tor which will be plueed on his farm In Garden Valley under the super vision of his sou, Gilbert, who Is go ing Into the farming ludustry uulto eiiensively this and next year. Sells .V o port rropertj .Mrs. John Freeman, who for many years has. owned a fiue residence and five cottages at Newport, has sold her property there. Mrs. Free mau will spend some time here with her daughter Mrs. U. O. Patterson, and will spend the winter in Cali fornia (or the benefit of her heath, lies I Inn Apple (.'. K. Trueblood, who hat an apple orchurd on the Melrose road about 'i miles southwest of this city, today brought some fine spe cimens of the Ked June variety of fruit to the News-Keview office. 1 hey have been placed on display in tho windows. The apples are of a brilliant red color and according to ouo (if the force who sampled the fruit, they taste delicious. IiuuKhlvrs Have Meeting. 'iho Daughters of Isabella held a business meeting Thursday evening and decided to entertain tbelr many li lends at a card social next Wed nesday evening, August 11. A gen eral good time will be enjoyed with a program and lunch. The enter tainment will he held In tho Catho lic school house. I.UYS l,ot W. 11. Strawn, df the J. C. Penny store, has purchased the lot In Over look adjoining hia home there. He recently purchased the beautiful Koscou Green home in Overlook. '1 he sale of the lul was made by Hie Itlco and Hire realty company. .Mr. Htiuwii will add the lot to his grounds. t oiiio for r.n Outing James Hart, steward at the Inv penal hotel nt Portland, accompanied by his son, Harvey, and Tom Mor gau, arrived in Koseburg last even ing and registered at the Umpqua hotel. This morning the party left for one of the delightful camping spots on the North where they will enjoy a two weeks outing. l-ilvil at Itiihlle Simon Caro and daughter. Miss Kuth, who now mffko their home In San Francisco, were visitors in Kid dle for a short time last Saturday, having accompanied O. 0. Baker and A. Salzman up from Koseburg for nil auto ride. Mr. Caro has many friends lu Kiddle. He Bays there is no place for him like Douglas coun ty as a plaee to live. Kiddle Enter M KltK TODAY. Herm. riolcher and Alice Redfleld both of Glemlale. were married at noon today at tho home of the oftl elating -minister, Rev. Keagy. The bride groom wag attended by Mr. and Mrs. Kmmftt Belcher of Glen dale. They will make their home in Glendae, where tho groom is em poyed. Road Meeting Be Held At Riddle Now. that Riddle has lost the Pacific highway. It li up to the citizen of this community to see that we have the beat possible sys tem of market road li we are to remain the best town In Southern Douglas county and we belleye there 1 not the shadow of a doubt that we will remain, remark their home paper, the Riddle Enterprise. It will be necessary (or us to build some new road aa well a to Improve some of the existing roads and in order to shape a program which can be intelligently carried out, a meeting of the Riddle Good Koads association has been called to be held at the Riddle Theatre Sat urday night, August 7. to which every resident of the valley who has the welfare df hmself and hi neign bor at heart is earnestly urged to come. Plans are to be laid for the redis ricting of the road unit, for new market road; and for the Improve ment of the roads which we already have. Riddle community has always been liberal In road matters whether they directly benefited our own Im mediate neighborhood or not, and the fnet that the Supreme Court has de cided against us In the Pacific high way case, will not deter u from giv ing the patrons df our town and vicinity the beat roads that can be built. XKOl'T FKY SHIPPED 1IKHK FOtt ULSTRIBCTION. A small shipment of trout fry arrived in this city today, and wlU lliimad atrly be distributed by offi cials or the Sportsmans Club. Rock Creek and the North Umpqua will be the favored stream this time. The shipment comes from the state (fish hatchery at Clackamas and consists of about one half dozen cans of Rainbow trout. More la ex pected at a later date. Home From Vacation at Newport': Post master an4 Mrs. O, L. Urant and Mr. and-Mr. Eroeat D. Riddle, and tha 111 lie MlQes Ernestine and Maude Riddle returned Saturday evening from a sixteen day auto frlp to Newport, Oregon. They made side trip to Blue rlrer, on the Mo Konzle, on the way borne and tried the trout fishing for sevcfral days. At the beach the Uttle elrls had the time of their lives. While dancing on the Bund and playing with the waves, one big one gave them the once all over, and they had a number or experiences that will last them a lifetime. They were camped at Nye crock and altogether had a delight ful outing. Riddle Enterprise. NEW TODAY". OARAOM FOtt ItKNT Inquire at this oi'kt! W A NTT I OK a n j tiernial d' at Hotel l. Niptl XiAt Foil RKNT Furnlahe1 rooms for liirhl housekeeping, no children. 814 Win rhfMtor. lJhfne 170-V, FulNI On Pacific highway mllo south of town, Hutri'Afl?. Owner can Ku wine ut this office by paying i'harijt'8. Fm SALE All klndu of houses. Cut prices no blotter, no daybook, no ledjfer, no bookkeeper ovrrhoHd ex- inn; llyht. C. Merrill. 501 Aim St. FOU SALE Five bead A-l grade Jer- iK-y rows, frefthm In October. New hrnnomv Ktn? Sepr. Howard Tracy Irain, Oregon. Foil MALE One wood saw rtp: 3 white face jtevrs; a jfood Jermey cow; 8 filioats; 1 Iuroc boar; a Knod team of noises, a. a. Jen Kins, lit, 3, liose- lUMl'KTKST stenographer desires pOHlllon, lias hAd live veara tvnr. Ince in Important positions. Address .x. fare .ews-Keyiew. Ft SALE Oil RENT Five roome nouse ami two lots, close in ir..ol garden, cheap If taken soon. Parties leaving town. Inquire, ut 323 West r irsi. Lost Sunday. Aug. J, on 8. P, ir;iin 17. black pockotbuok containing gold w-.itt h. some money, and tan bill fold containing valuable papers. 15.00 re ward If returned to Ada JiJ. ilcCuns, vtuwncn. wreyon. AV A NT E I Jersey cow, 3 to & years. fresh or to freshen this fall. Only an exceptionally good cow consid ered. l.eave description and price or phone number al News-Uevlew by HOTEL. DOUGLAS Three story brl k building; all new furniture; rooms with or without baths: steam heat, hot and cold water. Hate Si. 00 per day and up; special rates by the week and month. Corner Jackson Douglas streets, near courthouse, KoMehtirg, Oregon. FOR DALE New Ceniox hand aTil power elder mill, capacity 6 to 8 bbl. per day, weight 345 lbs. Sears, Roe buck price $42. SO. My price, cash, $5 f. o. b. Riddle. Ore. J. W. Her, Canyonville, Ore. Flcctricltv Th Vital Ymir Automobile, la produced by a milt uiucaanicai aevice cauea a gen erator. It causes a chemical action tO take Dlace in vour Rtnraeo hnttorv Tills chemloal action In turn pro- uucea electricity wnicn cranks your car. Ignites your gas, sounds your hmn unit illnml.mtna vnnm llh.a Lite and service from your battery depends upon the mechanical and electrleal condition of your genera tor. Regular care and Inspection is important. Why not have this done a the tltuo your battery is tested? It may save you money and much In convenience later on. See W. R. Brown at the Auto Electric 8tatfon, cor. Oak Pine Sis. Phone lik. HUNTER AND GUIDE- Pack horse furnished. Write for date. liEHT WKI.I.S, Camas Valley, Or. CASTORIA For Infants and ChUOrea In Use For Over 30 Years Always bri tt Signaturt of . tri 'M?l''6rik3' Hill i If you wear glasses you should 6ave your eye tested often. The glasses you were fitted with last year may not St your eyes to day. Your lenses may need changing. We will be glad to have you come In. Our -expert will see If your glasses fit your eyes NOW. Price are very reasonable. Our Jewelry possesses quality and our WORD Is our BOND. BUBAR BROTHERS I HAS HAM) BADLY C'ltl'SHKD THIS MOItNIXG. Lloyd Chambers of this city had the. misfortune to droo a Universal Joint on his hand this morning, badly crushing the thumb and a portion of the palm. He is em ployed at the C. A. Lockwood Mo tor Company, where the accident took place. The Injury was dressed at the office of Dr. Stewart. It will be some time before Mr. Chambers will be able to use the injured member. Advertise in iu Novta-Ueirle'. These Are good ITEMS. To be had at Churchill Hardware Company ufflBSSBfi Tonight 5 S 8 Margarita Fisher IN THE Dangerous Talent A PICTIRE TILVT COMBIXKS IX)VE. ROMANCE, IXTRMil'H MYSTERY AND HIMOU IX JL8 THE RIGHT PROPORTIONS. LARRY SEMOX COMEDY, "WELL PLL BE " SIX.: AXXE CORNWALL IX 'THE GIRL IX THE HAIX." AND M-ECLVL Ml SIC BY FRED DURXA.M. TODAY ONLY Marguerite Clark IN Still Waters THE GREATEST STORY OP CIRCTS LIFE AND RWL1XCB ' EVER FUAIED. ROLIX COMEDY AXD PATHE NEW9. ioha.Veour TESTED. 'OH The deputy sheriff at Reedspon called coroner Hitter ea-ly luL ! evening with the Information that i a body had been found at that pince, me cause 01 tne death Is un known. Tho coroner lrtft for P.eedn port early this morning, and ill ......... , ........ ; w. ...w.iun?. uniu ! that time no further particulars U1 ne Known. There will be regular services at I the Methodist Church, South, Sunday : morning, with the pastor in charge. Rev. Conder, who ia enjoying an out- lug at Crater lake, will return to tlili city Sunday.