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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1920)
rAom porn Boy Disappeared Here Yesterday Here it is. .nrsa st&te r I 'v ti Wednesday Night, July 21 lFKOr,MEET THE FAMOUS CfflS OMCT flKM MACK ",'TTI.0t HIS FILM ..SBAIITIBJB-HgOWl 'TO MBBT YOU FACB TO PACE. o.c Admission Including Tax: Children AltOl M TIIK TOWN ;o To Kugeno Sola Kent and Johanna Nollsdn loft this morning for Kugeiie to visit for a short time. lav'e for Portland Mrs. Pay Wright and Mr. K. 11. Winer lett Sunday for Portland to visit for a few days. To Visit Muter Mr. v. jVni iocs left this morn ing tor Spokane where she will visit. with her sister lor a snon um. CMolonxl Over I Mr. and Mrs. Hlley Mlearns sun) Mrs. Oeorge Steams motoreil io mm itv from Oakland this morning to uittend to business matters. Arrived This Morning Mrs. Boy Hienrns arrived In Rosn hnrg on the morning train to spend the tlay shopping ana visum iu friends. nnfiirn. t n Portland Mrs. Oenrgn McCulloch. who has hoen visiting In this city for J ho past fv itsva. returned this morning to nor home In Portland. From urtln Mrs Kkldmoro arrived In Ttnuehurr last nlRht fron Ciirtln. Oregon, to spend a few days visiting with her friend Miss J'ern H-ott. ITnrM vrum Kidlocir Mrs. 8. P. Smith of Kellogg. Is spending tills week In tlnseimrg at tending Chaiitaunua and Mltlng with friends. Mr. Smith arrived lust nlKht o.nd will remain for a lt days Off on Visit Mr. and Mrs. C. I.. Hayes sml nn- nW llelthv Mfenht.nsoil left this m f,,r Rllverlnn where thev will visit for a few days before Ro lnt to Salem t attend tlie Klk t-on- Ventlnu. Fln I'li'tuiw't Shown Clyde i'ftrntnnn U tndny ehU Itlru rente fine pholottrnnhn t.xknii from the nlrplnne if l.teiit. A vtch, TheH pht!)! wi' innile lth a tirnfleT ramera while flylnir ovir hn rity nnd aie vry cloitr mul ilWtlnrt. Many penple hiivo tiiken attv ntttK' of the pii'eMMire .of tlm plane to it"t a Tlew of tho city from tho air. CASTTORIA For LiftinU and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always tasrt - THE END OF THIS MONTH IS THE END OF THIS REAL SALE OF SHOES Kvory pait of shoos sale at greatly rvdiuvJ prices. This of this NIG SHOE S.M.K. COME In inHrunn RoSCbllYC BootCi'iC Koscburff. Or l-rkinsliuilJtnij SHOfS THAT S4TKFY us; fiT YOT FFFT tMs.s STREET iuiiiuiaiiu - v-i- aim - i!!? VnNN.N Lieut. Ay res Is a careful pilot and all who have made the trip with him are delighted. He cuirled a la. Re number d. passengers yesterday. MarHJilto License Issued A marriage license was Issued to day to Clyde A. Wallace und Ruby V. Konte. bolh of this city. The divorce suit of M. II. Hamewood i,r:ilnsi Mlnnln Damewood, iari!lng desertion, was heard In the circuit court this afternoon. I lnvirlng Tomorrow W. II. Klchlirdson, who has been attending to business matters In the city lor fho past Ifew days will re turn to Portland tomorrow. Hack l-'rom Const .Mr. lin.l Mrs. Pert Wlllnnl nn.l Fred Josl and wife, who have be (1 spending Iho past week nl the coast, relumed to Itosehing Kalurday. W'tive I'or Wiiwhlnirton Mr. nnd Mrs. K. II l'ablon. of ('runts Pass who havn been visiting Mrs Tallinn's sister, Mrs. A. L. Car ter of this cllv. left this morning for Camas, Washington, where they will visit for a short time. Itetlim to Portland Mrs. Will tipouaugle, who has been in tills city and viclnilv for the past two weeks visiting with re latives and friends, returned to her homo at Portland eslcl day. Here Prom lillile. Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander, of ('lido drove to the city today In th car to visit with friends ami look ufler hUi;llfccsi nialtcrs. Mr Alex- ander rcnorls his vicinity pi mis and crons generally lookliu fin. pier SM'cltnen of Wllvat Two very Iflne siieclmens of Little Club bearded wheit were brought I" ledav by Itenrv Conn from his farm : n.vir Melrose. The wheat was frown on river l.tnd nnd h nh.nit n nlte as jinvthltn: that Ihe r:i k wltent (tnw Iikt HtH'tiiiiiH can hIkiw. Kmin th InnKtt of thn mH'rlnit'liH. We Jll-U' tile rtfld will do arounil a: huhelK to tho acre. Henry t'onn nhows tann fine wheat iiirh year nnd It to provo llmt more nl lenl ion hIh-uM he Klvi'ii to wheat glowing In this hoi-, 1 1 ion tf I ln futility. j Mr. und Mrn. tleri lt.t.-M will le.ive tomot row mo i n tit g hi t heir "hut; j for u two we.'kH v.i.-.ii l. n t hev will j m..p tit Sulem Thu'-M:iv. Vililay and, S.ttur-hi of this w.-eli to ItWe In the' annual H'a'e conxetittun of the Klk'i ufler w hii-h I hey w ill d n e on to Portland wIumo they will isit fr n few day h and will then itim-"iI to .V teriu wh.-re th- S' Je Anieri an'Mi oonvent'on will lti!il a th'ee il n'n s-'niim. Ih-kiumim ;i week ;ot;i next. F'Mav. Mr )'.;i'es w.'t f!n-,-ot nn a il'd. i;.te 'o te -i.ite t o;n i n I ut.l th- lot al pn- t in t ho house witlu;t ci lit:.m or is jiu'.e hut c'n:ii;cc. tho hist f-o weeks AM) M Ki: VOI R OU'.V CHOICF. THEY AXE Al l. ().Y SALE. TWO Performances im COMEDIAN HIMSELF M T IWVUt-- TA7Z glWBBTWk ... .. .""" 28c, Adults 55c llK.IIWAV IIOMlS Stll.I). (By Associated Press.) POICI LAND, July " IP'tiry Tial. of Portland, was today nwaided a inlllion and a half of state highway bonds on his bid of tl,::4o.luu. To'l WM highest bidder, his hid being higher than on the last award made by til" commission. HANK liOP.IlLI) P Si,"M- (fly Associated Press.) MINNKWAl'KAN. N. H . July i). Five men early today held un and robbed the hank nl Oberon and escaped Willi -o.- IlliO In cash and Liberty bonds. The vault and safe In Hie bank was wrecked. "IIAIir." P.ITII ON .Kill. (Bv Associated Press.) NI'W YllltK. July 2il, - "llabe" liulll. in keeping with his past record, today knocked e nnolher homo run. making the ;i 2 iid for the season. SI NKAV VMIIJ TO i:iV ON I'COHIIMTIOV TICK KT, HOOD RIVKlt. Ore.. .Inly 19. If William Jenninirn Hrvan d'om: siieh a move mlvisahle anl if Miyan a 'fill! nominal ion for pr"li.i-nt en (ho Prohlhtllnn tleket. Key. Wm. A. Siindav kIuihH rendy to rrrjit the nomination for viee-preident. If It in tend'Teil, ho f1i( tonight. Ii v. Snndav retnin'-tl to hi ri'uh ll'i'P.' rear here ied;iy lift, r n rhuu- lil'IM'KI nir. .. not S'.m.I ii h i -d fieni 1'nill," ti-il have l.-ni In li the Prn'iM.ltion U I'.rvan thinks he JilnltHPtlon'ts field or that ev s no'i't to n pes- nf (1 e iv rpn i. s ai -a I''. t'l.'n i.l Mr r(mniiit't' natlv c.i It n. we ...t n th1' In th. . c in'.o m :v twk ii:mi it. iHITl M. I ,.( lb.- ill b. ar-1 Ir Ver-lnv. within '.I'.l in. n ar- n rv.-vrvatiort is now on aj mjj ci:'s tsswcV 1 th ii ."i.l in.-i i'l j I"' ,r'"1'1 '! ''i ' M W TCI1AI arc t pi ; -rn . - I I'!'-' 11 "' ; ', WANTUli-N- potatoes at Hotel ' 11 1 I Leaving his home at e!bt o'clock yesterday morning, pieaumably to pluy wlih ether children, Woudrow Wiivii Hall, eight year old son of C. II. Hall of this city, has not been seen since and the matter has been reni.rle.l In the Chief (if Police lor - pvtlvatlnn. The lad took with him a Utile waxen with which he was accustomed to play. We wan diesesd in a cotton shirt and over alls. According 10 his parent he was not in the habit of runniug auav, and unless all accident r-f some kind has . befallen him, they are at loss to uerount for his where abouts. Ills family reside on South Pino street. Woodrow Wilson Hall Is a brother to Raymond Hall, who a short time ago won a meal from ik-hiuv Sheriff Kafferty uiion put ting up a plea that he was an ill trt.uteii nmhan and had run away from his homo in Washington. -o Present When Rifle Exploded 1. Clenn X. Kiddle, reserve nriilbrv officer, who went with tho Ashland Coast Artillery company to i f,, mi, l ewis for .he annual encamp- ni was one of those present when the cannon exploded killing three of ilw. nrli en-m-ll aim iniuriu!; ,i.r of others. He wis seated ,i,.,,.t will van s away in tne pioi iin station and was busy preparing .(.in (nr the operation ot nm "n lie heard the shot nnd in .mnnnv with other s rt I llerymen !, ,(, .e. d to the scene. The gun ex nloded at the trunnions and he sajs .1. .. it ..s inlrariiloils that a greal ,M..i.r were not Inlured. The fly ...!.. .ia. inre down trees. ii.t t lonir furrows In the ground man standing beside one who was 1.M1...1 0,.nt...,i without a scratch. The Jnnner standing three feet be hind the breerh of the H'-in le. ,t inlured n any maun.i nother artillenmnn over 100 yards awav lost a portion of his toot wne It was struck by a piece of snen. Council Is Denied Look at Filters UnnMo to secure permission Ifrom Malinger Jennings, the .Mayor ana niemliers of the health and ponce departments of the city were today unaldn to secure a look at the filters In uio at the Winchester plant. The . omnilttee went to the plait Intend ing to make nil Inspection of tho fil t.'i . which It is charged are empty, hot having neglected to secure per mission from the main omre tney were refused ndm!slnn hy the sup erintendent. They phoned the man- hfot hut he denied them permission until such time as he should be pres ent. City Health Oflflcer Shoemaker was also pres. lit. The committee in snected the grounds of the site for the proposed sanitarium and will fleht any effort to put the building above the source of the city water supply. LS 1VKLL KgUllTKD One of tho finest storage battery service stations In the stale is now l.eing operated by Paul E. Nygren. ihe Willard expert at tho corner of Oak and Tine streets In tho new building recently built there. In oc ciipymi: these new quarters, Mr. Ny- tren has installed new apparatus wlih h includes all of the lato and up to date ne '111. ids. Jlo Is fully equip ped to do all kinds of storage bat tery work and perform nil duties in e.nineetiiin with a servlco stntlon of This kind. He has a Corps of ablo" as sistants, ar.d Kinds that tho new niililinir nnd equipment enables him (o handle a. greater volume of busi ness. Divorce Cas, ttenrd , win. 1. i'.lackford was plaintiff today in a divorce suit brought jni::inist llr.chcl Illackford. llesertion s the charce. Mr. UlnckTord is rep-rcs.-nt. d by attorney M. F. Hire . e lease en shares by r- s!-.', !:.. j irlr who can give ref- er.-i-.c. -t. a t.iod farm consisting i .iai scr-s ot pesrinr prunes s-d c m.i firm land: sheep on id see would be considered. Ad dress HO. care News-Review. !i.-d 'ii tc resent, d by attorney M. F. Rice Foil S 1.I" Fryers nt 2 omts each yrV 1 ' I -":SA I Tj " v , i w ' i i- i riinni-4 rnr rwtit . fk y fu i i ;.; .t i can 6 p. ,. ois s. .M.,in. w . hlXS:vriiVtf fcf 19 .. -i. louse. ... .1 no eh cow for sal... ' Yir . rcrtl.? W r. DAINTy FABRICS restored to another full A season's use by our A DRY CLEANING S i 1 ' A ' H'arrie.1 : an preferred. S'. h A trial proves. j f. ,;'- ' J"h- v U.olf, Cottage drov. j! W. ; " t, u ji Who's jour deanerT j J w 'v. W'WI'l ! - . :ndov and general yf i I II ; hoii'.elean . kitchen walls I SI & irtr I 5 e ! 5 R.vom h,--.-.s... plastered, bath. ' ..... !' i .7 ' trn chicken house. Just err j ;B. ' ' 3 Jackson !. IlitiiO. If taken ai 1 Our uto WU1 ColL l IA ' J V- fasey. I Phe 277. p I ; ' -? 'V TT Te lease en shares by re- x jl J j ' y ! ht- i irtv who can give ref- (B '-4Ci '8 5 J! 1 i erei-.c. . a (nl farm conslstinc af iG IS. W. The property you are looking for. im acres, ell in cultiva tion; 8 acres of bearing ap ples, in fine condition; 2 acre of young prune trees; prune orchard Is Intersected with bearing peach trees; good 4 room house, barn and chicken house, fine well; in a good lo cality. Trice J2D00 cash. Will Include poultry, team und oiiuipment at reasonable price. 'ITV PliOI'KKTV Some siruble homes that can bought on terms. de be IG.W. YOUNG AND SON Ileal Estate and Insurance. 116 Cass St. Phone 417 Soviet Troops Fail To Break Bole Line (By Associated Press.) WARSAW. July 20. The long waited for conical attack by th. Itu.-..,lan bolshevik! troops com menced Monday, and heroic work on Hie part ot the Poles Dually re pulsed the enemy. Seven Polish di visions were engaged in the balllo which turned back the enemy attack, according to. an official statement Horn army headquarters today. Preacher Barred , From Candidacy Ity Associated. Press. PENSON. Muni., July 20. Hov. C. J. Kval. of Ueiison, is disqualili. (1 as repuljliean candidate for congress irctn the Seventh Minnesota district. in a -decision llled here today uy Judge Albert Johnson, who heard tho suit contesting Kval s nominal Ion. Congressman A. J. Volstead, defeat ed by Kval in the primary last June, is declared In the decision to be the duly nominated candidate of the re publican party. DEMONSTRATIONS ATTRACT Tho Fordson tractor and Imple ment demonstration being held in Eden bower under the auspljes of the C. A. Lockwood Motor Co., are at trading farmers from all over the entire counti-y, and dealers from all over the slate. Representatives di rect from the factories where the Implements are munufactlred are at tending the demonstration and are assisting the farmers in some of their problems. The tractors have shown up well, nnd the farmers are weU pleased with what they have learned. ,-o MIXIXO- WIKE fiOLl). CANYON CITY, Ore., July 20. A Mormon bishop, who has sunk a mine 100 feet (k'ep, recently brought In several hundred dollar's worth of vvirs gold. The bishop has been at work on his mine for two years. P.UILD IRKICATIOX SYSTEM. PORTLANIl. Oro., July 20. Rnlnh Sehneelock & Co.. of this city have secured the contract for con structing the irrigation system of Ihe North Unit district. A $"..000, 000 Iwnd Issue for this project wa voted last March. LUNCH AND DINNE R 65 CENTS AT IIERRICK HOUSE llivitk.'ast In order. Rales to "Re gular Ikwirders. ".HI -M(4,'-Ll Every Boy Should Have a bank account, because'it encouraj?es regular weekly deposits. Now is the time to start come in and open an account with the Roseburg National Bank. 49i Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. TheRosebuig, National Bank Roseburg, Ore. x X Refuses to Manage The Cox Campaign (By Associated Press.) COLUMBUS. O.. July 20. Gover nor Cox announced today that Kd niond H. Moore, democratic national committeeman for Ohio, and the gov- nl. ly and n .ally refused to be chair- j with all of their forces Premier Mil " ... .ii eemi.iittee with lcrnnd told the French chamber of rnor's campaign manager, lias aeu mail ji ni" " - the duties of managing the national campaign. IX JAIL lOlt STLALINti WIFE. When Oeorge Garcia. Mexican laborer, stole Jose Mansias's wife, the wronged husband wrote to the department of Justice nbout hii iriiniiies and his letter was sent to District Attorney Neuncr. Mr. Nou- ner sent the letter to the i.nne couniy district attorney, the Mexicans Hav ing moved to Eugene, and now uar- u is occupying a ceil in me uen- county jail with his ball fixed at f 1000.. It isn t so mucn tne tact tnai Vanaias is in love with his wife he might he able to steal some other niand woman but they both have their names and pictures on the passport And Mansias would proD- nbly have a difficult tnno in geu-.ns back to Mexico without his spouse. Charles Harker. who has been se- louslv ill In North liocnhurg Is re ported by his phvslcian, Pr. Hoover, lo he grea'ly improved today. ;y ' QUALITY, not quantity, is what counts. So It Is with our business. We built our business on quality. Toor Jewelry is a disappointment and shows poor tasto; good Jewelry Is refining and elegant. This Is the kind to wear and give to others. We select OUR goods with care. WE know the quality of the Jewelry we sell is good; YOU will know It Is good when you wear it. When buying Jewelry you can only trust to the REPUTATION of tte firm from which you buy. Our WORD Is our BOND. BUBAR mi TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY JAMES K. HACKETT and a Notable Cast including Ormi Hawley and Irving Cummings in ("The Greater Sinner"! Sennett Comedy and Pathe News. THURSDAY: Mitchell Lewis in "King Spruce" Allies May Take Hand Poland 'sFighi By Associated Pres PARIS. July 20. Referring to Lloyd George's ultimatum to soviet Russia that if the armistice propon als were turned down Great Itnuiu and her allies would defend Jfoland denuticB today that "France will keep her word, and I a sure England will h" faithful to the promises she has made." i DAILY WKATHKK RKTOKT. U. S. Weather Bureau, lpjal office, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours' ending 5 a. ni. today. lT-eciplUitiou in inches and Hund redths: Highest temperature yesterday.... "8 Lowest temperature last night.... 55 Precipitation last 24 hours Precip. gince first of month 4! Normal precip. for this month. .31 Totai precip. from Sept. 1, 1919 to date 22 St Average precip. from Sept. 1, 1877 34.17 I Total deficiency from Sept. 1, I 1919 1 1118 Average precipitation for 43 wet - 1 seasons, (September to May In- I elusive) -. .3i.i WTT.LTAM BWLL. Observer. relw or? our1 BROTHERS :zx