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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1920)
m i i ii trummmm tmt mwmm m : .77--7- 7--i - - -- ----- iufK.nn:i xk h.iikvik w lasued Dally Except Susdaj. i B W BUES t. WIMBERLY BIRTC IBATEs! SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Paiiv. per year, or "" m oo, Dal'v, ill months, by mull .... 2 00 liy Carrier, per month .50 The Aociated Press l eicluslvely; rutllU-d to the use fur republication of all newt. liml h i- credited to It nr not otherwise credited In this l l..,.,l flftt-a nilO- Imbed herein. AM rixlm of republl- ,.Jlinn antnl d inuat.-nea herein .., at. t .ervori Fn'ered" ai second-clas. matter 'ause 1 urn very tired and I probably will never .main be the kind of a wife May 17 1 -0 at the po.t office at " ' - ,he ' described at the club as the door KoaeburV own. under the Act of no... " '"1' " ...tend to become a map n o, jiif. RoseNlng, Oregon, July 2, 1UJSO. P.W and Cherry Foliage Injured , . . . . Thr fnlh.Bc of pur ami rhrr t Pijf.V:irnr from th uttark of th hIiiit VoimK irMfH prirtlcul.-uly. mav Ip hi1 rmuKiy iidupmi uy i nm lw urroMiinn to a. L.uen. .run-Hiir "i in" nr ami merry kiuk ih slimy brown crp-itut nliout mi" fourth of ftn tnrh Ion tr f und Kkl- etoniziiiR th nurtrar of the leavi," tie Kiild. "The adult of thlM hIiik Ih h rob nut, wasp like rrciit to wlilch lay h her egXH In the tlsxue of iht leaf "I.o'id arne'tntn powder -one pound lo r" r;i HotiH of water, ap plied an a Hprny Ih the nt;nid;in! ap- i.llr;.! Inn for fommerrlal nlantlnir ' hhvh l.o-ett. "Any finely divided dUHt will also jirove rffertlve In control. Sulfur, nir shirked lime, nlfiM.1 wood ashes 9 road dust blown i or srfted over tho foliage will quick ly end the Infection WHK JC l.KW'E TOWN this summer It's a rood move to have the News-Kevlew follow you to your Vocation hon e, mm hs mall It to you dally juit phone 135 or rlie out uhtfrrlpHon department and we'll that It cornea to you regularly. Mi:l!ii:! in ioirriaM. Cf.ra Wllkey, formerlv a nurno In tills cltv ami .lo!tn Moiitltl, a promi nent and well-to-do buKlness man o' Cortland, were married In Portland Hunday, accorrllng to word received in Ih s rliv. The crenniny was per-fo-med in St. Patriek's eiuirch at the oYhrk mn ss. Mis- Wliiuifred 1ine also a former resident of Monetiing. served as bridesmaid. Mr. ami Mrs. Montlll will make their home In Portland. b wmgmm SNAPPY" In town a few minutes delay in the preparation of breakfast cuts no ficure US uou t-TH A 1" 5 nlWNy. " "Urry t0 hU il sS'E t-te:u s it.y milk, no surar reqnned. They've been added to the flour and in nm the THE KIND THAT Ca'llI-R MOREh " In the home or in the camp KISHEK'S PANCAKE KLOUK is the. Best Pancake Flour on Earth ASK FOR IT AT YOUR GROCER'S Manufactured In "America's Flnmt Flouring Mills" by FISHER FLOURING MILLS COMPANY ' - if'i 'if 1 fi ,,,1 .etea LOVE and MARRIED LIFE fcq. the noted author I loan muione uijdsou MV PIAV f IIWIH.IW JOHN John said nothing more l.ul I no- t'lfA tlHI rllllt I S WUM HOI tilKlllK US back to Hie hotel, but I pretended not to inline uiuu e inoei'i-u m front d' bis tno'her'H house, ami then I oV'erved. "ttoii t be long John, be- Hut I am not returning to the hni I " whs his surly rejoinder. 0. ...... 1 Th..n ...... u-iu pardon' me for s'.vlng 'good nlghf l... ...... i ist o, , and' II bus been ...tber evciiii.if hasn't if" t llll'K, " "Cut out th sarcasm, Katberlne." tin S)rj( " IKlilV. and get out of the n u. nine mm wnjve ynurn-ii. ,,,,f of ,h" nto,,r ,f y wish ,lllt ,II(.SH V()U wihh IO rall IIIP i,mi. win u n mi. riiM.iiM'i.r i nifi(f on. I urn hi a hurry to K't to an-l It I- time to inirn, Mary. ' Don't tu inf our Imhv ;ih ha I your cliaufftMir Into this." "I ;-rn not. I am iut asking you ti ti ll the f h.iuff-nr to dt ie rue hack io th- hotel ho I tan keep (tie baity from f's-UliiK. John is Siirprls'(l. "Io vou irieon to tell m Kather iie," Haiti John In torn-n of 8inprlH. "that you hi i! I I n slut on koI-K hack i to the hotel. Why, told the maiuiKer i 'OU WOUJU not Iieeil the rooms. "Then you ran tell the manager In '' moniln that you have ch:im;ed lur mind. For. unh' you wish to ",aK' wami.nous story mat will reach the papers and resound through 'his town, you will keep those rooms until you are ready to take me to my new home. I will he perfectly wil liiiK to go into It aa room us you can arrange for the comfort and care of the baby and adequate living faclli tlen for myself." For a moment, John was too fur ious to speak. Me knew that it would tie Impossible to stem the mIomii of i:ossip nhould I hold to my resolve. Kor once, John Gordon, was heante! ami h'-nied by a woman, and I think he hated nie more th. n anytliini? Ne n the world at that moment, lint. I also think that In that moment he hei-an to look upon me with a new re-qiri't. For olio he knew that it was he who would sii 1 er from H e osin and th it stories of all norts wo-ild he told when it wis found that I wns living at o?i place and lie at number. For the ffrH time I think 'u- rtati'i'd lh;it I had l"-"ti the oie who had kept the tonrm s If hts t-nemles - ami of his friends iron neaklntf i his ndiitirtim with Fll- that's the cry of the hungry camper diiected to the camp cook. IVKTI-AND 'in Moroland. "K.itherlm. he wild rather t rein- ously. -I never thought that you WUUIU Ileal lilt linn . - never thought I would either. jonn. aim i uiu u .t., .......... to weaken. "but I have decided upon tit a ml and luiseit my atandaid. I m y "Then shrew?" Toi-fjitenH to Call Tax I. "I Intend to become nothing of the iti.i i ,.,.rtii:niv have shown no In- .llna.lon to be shrewish this evening. I In sleep. 1 found myself .peculating have I' Hut what is the use of stand- on the number ol women who were . . ..... . ... .....ilmm'ul thla tlrtllP nt Ihu flight flavin? the ' "' ,, , i "" ' ; . ,, vrtii . niit the ch-tuli-ur to take me hm k to the ( fmm t,)e , ,,(p (.(,rm.r , i,w.if...t nt nn then a-ot , k th(l Imitnr wl,hout a word My rhaufrfMir umlprstood. however. am! turned and took us back to the aotel. When we arrived, the manaKr wan evidently waitliiK for uh. "I am sorry thai you are Kolnjr to leave us us M'H. Conlon." he said, "and par ti ularly Korry that you imnle up your mind so middetiy as you know that I made yon n apeela prlee on i he rooms for a week and I have re f)sp() t((, rental r tn(1n to Hf,mcone else." "Mr. O irdon made a tnln'akp." I answered sweetly, ' (lolne out of town he did not know that the house was not ready. I will keep them for at lenst a week I could not help from smiling In my heart an I knew that John wa bollliiK but dared not say one wotd When we arrived ut our rooms, he undressed and retired without word. I took a hot bath, nursed my baby Easy Shorthand Frco Lessons io You Wuri'tTfully rrnty la ham it th nrw phr f-n.i lVrri it in & vt ttw, t,i-D ctU'rf npofd witi (tlpnjnt prarhoe. Kr r 'i .i;ir ri(i)loy nn-nl u tcni;rH hmr ur u ail.t in ur biwier. Two ! notis rti:lt-d frt-.i if Vim writ -o Km lniitutj Int. I-A--1. UH..II V New York. N Y iuat er..e f .r yourf-f, t.n furinii othwra. ?Snw vour fn?(iJ tin ad-rr'uemrnt. i. I J I I rf 3 and returned her to the nurae tare, went through my usual grooming, and finally tucked myielf In bed at leaat one hour after John. I knew that he woe not asleep, aud I knew that It had been torture for him to lie aa still aa he had been doing, but pursuing my resolutions aa to my mode of conduct In the future with John Gordon 1 determined that he should apeak first, and should, at leaat apeak tacitly nd apologize oy his manner. If not by his tot.KUe. 1 did not Intend however to refer again to the matter unless he brought it up. lU-vie the I'a.t. Dore I went to sleep, I reviewed what bad occured since I left my home to come back here, and i cime to the conclusion tint while it might not be possible for me to live with John Gordon under the rules I had laid down for myself so recently, yet It would be Impossible to live with him in the future under any other rules of conduct. Just bet ore I lint consciousness ,mB .h.mL'hi. .. I. I had gotten 1,., ,h fh, , ,h() ,., abused woman In the world, or that my dltuition was unique. I knew at this moment that one of the phases of this equality that Is coming to women so rapidly was to be a very (llffe-etit adjustment of the marriage relations, that, like everything else, the equality of women must start In the home. Tomorrow My Plan U Working. Telephones Will Have Load Voice NKW YORK. July 20 "Loud speaking" tele hones are soon to give New York subway riders relief tfrom the inarticulate sounds eman- uting from guards In annuunclng the subway stations. The telephone Instrument, which Is to be Installed on the Brooklyn lines will not only be used to an i ounce stations, but will be used for sui'h warnings aa "Watch your step" "Step lively I'leaBo" etc. The phono is operated by the con ductor or guard at the center of the car, who speaks In an ordinary voice through a transmitter, his words coming forth in Increased volume In each end. The phone is also audible on the car platforms. I.oud speaking receivers are In Mulled in the ceilings of the cars near the doors and are hardly vis ible. The openings are about eight Inches In diMmeter, but are screened and painted the same color as the ceilings. The phone operator Is provided wl'h a high efficiency transmitter, which Is small and can be carried around In the pocket or held In the hand. It h-s a cord similar to that on a regulnr telephone an ! c-innec- lion Is made by the telephone sys tem ot plugging in. .XOTICK OF ItKMOVAL. All patrons and the public gener ally are nereby notified that Smith and h i lend have moved thelt )1tne unu irum fhone 271 to 21. Cal 21 hereafter. SMITH and FRIEND Insects Destroying Timber of Oregon That destruction of Oregon timber by Insects is alarming is pointed out ny A. I., i.ovett. professor f entomol ogy at the college. Insects destroyed approximately l.llOO.OHO feet of the limber along the roast in the Suls- law national forest in litis, according to a repori o tone of the rangers re- ceiveii ny 'nrufessur I.nv.'lt Similar lulu. its in arras ulmu- Ihs Ciilunibiu River were reported In pre vious years. Prof. V. J. Chumberlin. Iul"' eimniioiogisi at kj. A. L. eng aged at preseni in Iforest insect In vestigations in Klamath county, is developing plans for a comprehensive survey of the pests causing these serious losses. & CITY NEWS 0 Arundel, pia-o tuner. Fnoun 18SL Fires destroy lives, nmiiari food, lie careful with fire. We wash and polish rars ft Mer- tea s garage. Insure against loss equip your ....v...,. u ,UUj, won t se; fires. We pay the highest prlee for Cas cara bark. Ueiger s Baigaln Store. ra?.up,;;;'elfc,2w-L-"- Stop and reflectgreat flrs Irm , '"tie sparks are spread. He carefn' 'Ith fires. I Mr. and Mrs V. E. Mcaa S;, ! ' '"! '"i1 111 liiwbnrg last night at.d will ,,.,! ,hor, Mni(1 visi,mi,! rere and attending to business mat-1 lers. . G n. Angeles Ingraham and familv of Ixn have arrive,! in land expect ,o l ate here. Mr, in. .grah.un is 5,,,r llf M c i Meusch of this c:lv. PROFESSIONAL CARDS j MILS. K. I). I 1'hone 210. OWEN Cut Flower. '13 W. Cass. ,""; M' "' '-' VLER-Chlropraotlc Physician. 2:2 W. Lane St. I P. RR AOFORD WIFeZ Chiropractors. Phone 40-F4. oil lerkm. ItnlMtnt. :e'..r. ! Oregon Office hour ! 1 ' 1 10 Pon Ii DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, you will find relief in COLD MEDAL Th world's standard rmdy for kfdnay, livsr, bladder and uric acid troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look far li. neoie Cold Medel aa every Ws end eecept ne iouutiee Mrs. V. L. Burke returned to her home in Myrtle creel: lust evening following a short visit in thla city. IS visit lii)j Here MHHiK IHHHTIIRI. I. O. O. V., I'nlon nicHiiipmeiit No. f Meets in Odd Kellows' Temple every Thursday evening. VlBltlnf brethren always welcome. FOSTER Hl'TNKH, C. P. J. 11. HAII.EY. H. P. OLIVER JOHNSON. R. 8. JAMES G'.VAHT. F. 3. K.NKJMTS OK PVTHIA Alpha Lodge No. 47, meets every Wed nesday evening, cor. Jackson and Cass sts. Visitors always welcome C. A. CHAMBERLAIN. C. C CHA9 F. OPK!N3. M. F. E. H. W1M11EHLY. K. H. ft NEI;ilHOItS OF WOODCHAHT Lilac Circle No. 49 Meats on Is' and 3rd Monday eeulnga- Visit lug neighbors Invited to attenJ EDITH CHURCHILL, O. N. TILLIK I JOHNSON, nerk. it. p. O. LIKh, r.niseiiurg ixige, SI. urM llelilfc regular communice tlona at the Elks' Temple on each Thursday of every month All nietuners requested to at tend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially Invited t attend. A. J. LILBCRN, E. R. IRA B. RIDDLE, Secy. CACil.l.S, Roseuurg Aerie meets Ii their hall on Jackson St., In 2i and 4th Monday evenings of ear month, t 8 o'clock Visiting bretli ren in good etnndir g always we cooie. FRED r. CLAR.v. W. P. P. VICTOR MICELLI, W. P. B. T. GOODMAN. BRCretarr I. E. H., Ilosebuig etiaprer Ho. H Holds their regular meetluc ol the 1st and 3rd Thursday In eacl month. Visiting members In goor standing are respectfully Invitee to attend. LEONA ABRAHAM. W. M FREE JOHNSON. Secy.- Kr.llr.KAHS. - rtoseourg Rebekal Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F. Meet In Odd Fellow' Temple ever week on Tuesday evening at the Odd renews hall. Visiting mem bers in good standing are invited io attend. EVA LENOX, N. O. UK 1,1.! STEPHENSON. See ETHEL BAILEY. Flnaii. Sec IX)YAL OltML'll OF MOOSR. Rose burg Lodge No. 1037 Meets sec ond anu fourth Wednesday even Ing of each month at 8 o clock 11 the Moose hail. All visiting bro 'nera are invitea to attend. C. W. CLOAK), Dictator. H O PAROEVER. Secretar KUSElll ltd IXI1IGE f.O. 109:1. tot ted llrotlierliood of Maintenance ol Hay l.lnphi) ex and Railway Sho Laborers. Affiliated with the A F. of L Meets at Moose ball tht first Wed., fourth Sat. night ano tnira Sunday of each month. ' J. F. SMITH. President. W. J. MEHEWTH, Reed. Sect Xl'.u. M Al IVER. Fin. See WOODMEN Of WOULD. Camp No. 125. Meets In U e Ode Fellows' hall in Rosburg even 1st and 3n, Monday evenings. VI Ring neighbor always welcome H. CAR RICK, C C. M. M. MILLER, Clerk L. O. T. M. liosenurg Hive No. 11. holds regular reviews on second and fourth Thursday afternoons In Maccahee hall. Sisters of other nives Tislting in our city are cor. aiany invited to attend our re views. Maccabee hall on Cas itreet. LOUISE LOCKE. Com. JESSIE RAPP, Col. The II. If! E. I. A. Fnlon Meetlng-I will be held at the Marcahbee hall every first and third Wednesday of the month. I O. . F.. Rising Star Ixxtge No. 1T4 meets In tho Odd Fellox ' Templi every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always walrome. E. A. l'ETTEY. N. G. H. W. StlAW. V. a y EARI.E PICKENS. ReC. Se, M FICKLE. Flnancla! Soc. I. . O. F. Phiietaflan fxxlire fia. Meets In Odd Fellow' Templo corner Jckson and Cas Sts., on Saturday evening of each week visiting brethren are alway. wel come. VICTOR BOYD, N (J A. J. OEDDF8. Rec Sec J B. BAILE? Fin. See. J' . M" ,-arc1 No. IS Regular communications 2nd sal uunu rteuneauays eacn month at Masonic Tetrple. Roseburg, Ore Visitor welcome A Wtl.PFR, w. M.. W. F. HARRIS. 8cr. HEREFORD CATTLE FOR BAUD. Consisting ot purebred and blgo grade eows and 6 purebred belfer calves; also one registered Here ford bull ana two high, grade bulls. These are of the famous Beau Donald and Beau Brummel Hereford famil ies'. Inquire of George Ward, box 1035, Roseburg. OPEX I'XDF.K XEW MANAGEMENT, Herrlck house home cooked meals. Mrs. D. Y. Allison In charge. The beat of service and food. ( All Classified Advertisements In serted new today wf'l be found on last page under "ew Todiiy" neawi. WANTED. WAITRESS teria. WANTED At Cafe WANTED Janitor at Soldiers Home. Permanent. Phone IS. WANTED Turkeys, large or suiull Buyer Bros. Phone 14 F14. WANTED Several cherry pickers. T. B. Evan at Son, Dillard. WANTED To rent a tent In good condition; will buy if cheap. Phone 290-R. WANTED Horse, harness and wagon. Will pay caah. W. Vosa, care News-Review. WANTED To rent 6 or 6 room house. Also white rabbits for sale. Phone 360-R. LABORERS WANTED Eight men for quarry work. Call on R. E. Harness, Roseburg. WANTED Good logger to take con tract to log. Ready to start mill now. See Gilkison Bros., or In quire at News-Review. WANT TO RENT Medium-sized one-man farm, with accommoda tions for faintly, near Hoseburg. C. Gusiafson, HI. 1, Milwaukie, Ore., WANTED To rent or lease 4 or 5 room modern furnished or unfur nished house, by responsible party. Phone 454-L. WANTED Prune pickers family of 4 or S. Prune picking and apples. Address Ueo. L. Russell, Looking Glass, Oregon. WANTED To purchase laud parti rough for goats. Prefer Looking Glass, Melrose way. No fancy prlci considered. State price and terms. B. B., care Nows-Keview. WANTED Girl or mlddle-agod woman for general housework on ranch, 3 In family; state wages Phone 42-FJ2 at Oakland, or write Mrs. C. S. Baker, Sutherlln Oregon. WOOD WANTED School Dlst. No. 71 wants 15 tier of seasoned oak block wood, also 2 tier seasoned pine or fir stove wood, to be de Uvcred In woodshed on school grounds. Call or address D. N liuseubark. Clerk, Roseburg, Ore HELP WANTED WANTED HELP Ex-service men and othors fur nished employment free of charge. Contractors, rancher and farmers place your orders with us for help er. Our Bervlces are free both lo employer and employed. Law rence-Cordon Co., 126 Cass 8t. Phone 219. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Hrjety deposit boxes Roseburg National Busk. FOR RENT Large furnished room, close in. Phone 12-Y. FOR RENT Sleeping room, $10 per month. 323 E. O.'ik St. FOR RENT Furnished room with bath, 401 S. Main street. FOR RENT 5 room house. 18.00 per month. Inquire 640 E. i'xili Street. FOR RENT Lightly furnished house. Inquire 246 N. Rose, fore noons. MISCELLANEOUS. WELL DRILLING R. E. Helnsel- man, driller, R. 1, Roseburg Phone 3-F6. . Sheet HetalWork OP ALL KlXnS J- H. SINNIGER 1I OAK STREET PHONE 42 ROSEBURG MYRTLE POINT MARSHFIELD AUTO STAGE LrsTM Rnarbunt. -leily at 7:00 A. H. Utm Mrrtle Polot. duly llltt. M. Connections at Myrtle Point to and from Marshrield, Co qullle. Bandon and Powers. Far $6.4S, Including war tax. Reservations at main office, 405 Casa 8t.. near depot. Phon 303, or Umpqua and Oram . els. Rapn's tor. 5 TAYLOR & CLINTON S T AOH Mk I. 1 . avo imu ua.aa.ei Between niu and Rosebun. B ..h " 01lt Paiton. ' a A mCfr , i. ..... deposit box for your Taluab" I Bank. urC fttUoius Hi inST Rlb'a inAih " I vuiru small diamond setting. Win liberal reward. R. E lu j ' Koeburg. Ore. "arn, TAKEN UP Red muley cow. hnhk.. tail, white rucA riu.... k inln.ol . ""1 vnucl ,in,,a . . .u vwun niter animal and t Par vuaigea. ji. w. urahaui way. Ore. uroc. MONEY TO LOANi-x,ar erodlt farm loans, low Bu rata. IlfO.OOOUocal money Jm? on good late. Fir,, Hllit M" - H1C 0t R1 It NOTICE Th. Clover Creek rtaiirt of 2540 acre, having bviiu ted as a part of the state preserve, ail poon ,. JJ that tresspasser, or hunters ih..? nn will i.o .. J. U. SHORT. FPU SALE. FOR SALE-160 Iba. Petit. - - - VHa mi vait'ivnn, FOR SALE-Studobaker car. Swric, -a-, ... ouwu street. irnit 1 1 i- 1 1 , . v... uvii.jr worn team a' ....... . .. . . vieea Darn. FOR SALE Nice fryers, 2 ta l ' lbs. Phone 365-J. FOR SALE On good milch Judd ft McMillln. AUTOMOBILE TIRES For sals h, FOR SALE Baby buggy In A-l cm-' dition. Phone 30.-L. , FOR SALE A 16x20 tent. Inaulri' at 604 E. Douglas St. I FOR SALE CHEAP Belgian aartt s inquire isewa-Keview office. FOR SALE H-D motorcycle in tl ' class condition. Phone 37-F2. FOR SALE Block old growth fli 14.50 per tier, delivered. Phoni 369-R. FOR SALE Old growth fir aud ou grub wood, 4.60 per tier. Fbim L-i . II 1- . I . . . vn. oAur. At a bargain, a enni t oak dresser and Davenport. jil South Pine St. I FOR SALE 4-year-old mule; tve-! seaiea nacK. Ino. Lawhead, Un-' tie Creek, Oregon. ' f'OR SALE Cheap, Overland car' coou eaaaiuoa. Enquire Br(r'i Bargain Star. MUST SELL fast ChaJmera km cheap, good mechanical cooiltlu Inquire Sunset Garage. , TOR SALE 10 x 24 stave silo Jut; vneu. ueorge 'ieirord, oupealis Happy Valley school house. P. a. i Roseburg. FOR SALE 15 head of Touleuei geese, 6 old ones and 10 yeuur ones. $2.60 saeh. R." P. McLeasvi Phone 4 16-J. i FOR SALE Two Dodge cars. On ' ' touring. $850; Roadster, $..; both lu good condition. See the I at Service Garage. I FOR 8ALE Two buggies, horn ii and harness, J. I. Case thresalii i machine, wagon, grain drill, etc i Mrs. A. Fisher. ' FOR SALE A band of Angora goeti near Ashland, Oregon. Will xi ' or rent stock ranoh. Write W. 1 ; Holt, Box 1570, Tacoiua. Was.. FOR SALE Underwood typewrite In Al condition. Terms; $i ail If Interested call at room ifc Douglas National Bank Bldg., FOR SALE Italia araia arm 5 Oregon grown, to t ft., its; t J to ft., 69c; 3 to 4 ft., 35. B. L Ellis, 3 mile west. Roseeurf, Or. f CHERRIES for sale in orcbirt; picked, or bring boxes and pict them yourself. D. Coon, Dillari. Oreguu. FOR SALE 4-roora' house lots. 4 good chicken heuees. woel shed, well; also 4-room aeuse a 1 lot. Riverside. W. E. Boa R. 2, Roseburg. SUPERIOR ROCK SPRINOS CO" Beet en th market; dry !' wood and mill and by th uer tt ord. Special price on It tier Urn H. J. Denn, cer. Oak and Mai. .' FOR SALE USED CARS We bm ; the following: One Bulck six, t'i Cherrolets, model 490; one Sperf'I ster truck: one 1919 Indian tnreyel and sidecar very chfsf ? Call at the Umpqua Auto Shop for a demonstration. Winchester St- ' FOR SALE One and one-tbirl , acres of free soli, S blocks fro i post office; good house, woodsbd , and chicken house: about W f pullets, 50 cockerels: large f i den, also family orchard set o" J this spring. Street paved to pis' ! See owner, 425 South St., het" I Mill and Pine streets. f FOR SALB Abent 1.B feet S 1 lumber at mill, $15 rf taken before Jnlv 10; Is No. i two-lneh plank t WttW. I Jnst as strong for bridges or bin f floor as ny, $19 per M. cord dry slab wood, $15" TT. ford. One good eow, 4 gsls . " under value If taken st one. Trip to A Lumbar Co., WUbar,