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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1920)
Food for Thought This li a time when every persou should begin to think seriously regarding money matters. We are passing through an. unusual economic condition In the country's history. Fill It should be a case of "watch your step." ' ' The solution of most economic problems for the Indi Tldual starts with a bank account, and YOUHS will be satisfactory at the Umpqua Valley Bank. ; JOHN M. THRONE, Cashier. s the U24PQUJI VALIUM bank I Unusual Visitors Here Today Unusual Roseburg visitors who ar rived In Rosesburg last night and spent today In the city were Mrs. S. H. Burroughs and her small son of Tientsin, China. Mrs. Burroughs' huhband Is the senior partner of an importing and exporting firm and they have been located in China for the past four years, going thero from London, England, where Mr. Burroughs was engaged In the same lino of work. They are at present on a year's vacation, a month of which was spent in England at their old home. After returning from Eng land thoy embarked at Vancouver, B. C, upon a motor trip that took them Into California, where they met an accident with their car, Mrs. Bur roughs and son coming on by train and waiting In this ctiy for Mr. Bur roughs, who spent some time wait ing for the car to be repaired. Ac cording to Mrs. Burroughs, China at the present time Is a land of oppor tunity In every line of business, and that the Ideas entertained by the American people concerning the "heathen lnnd" are ridiculous to anyone who has spent any time In that country. . "We bava a beautiful home at Tientsin that has every appearance of an American house both Inside and out. The sanitation Is wonderful, and the servant problem nevor wor ries us. There are always many lit tle Chinese girls willing to work, and who make good servants, especially with children. . They love them. The American colony there Is large, and the ladles keep much to themselves. no mixing wttn me unpens place except in a business way among the men. Really It would be bard to tell that we were In China at all." Mrs. Burrouehs also stated that she attended the Chinese receptions given by way of celebration at the signing of the armistice, and that they were wonderful and lavirh af fairs. Mr. and Mrs. Burroughs are nnw hnrrylne to reach Vancouver, B. C and fron. there will probably cross again tot England, having received a cable of the deaths of Mr. Bur roughs' father there. FIVE BIO HOSPITALS FOR WOULD WAR VETERANS LOCAL KEWS ITEMS. Washington, June 3. con struction of five hospitals at a cost of two million dollars each, for use of world war veterans, was author ized In a bill reported on unanimous ly by the houre building committee today. The measure specifies the lo cation of the hospitals, and Includes one for the north Pacific coast states. IXCREASKD PAY. WASHINGTON. June 3. The bill Increasing pay of all postal em ployes passed the house today by unanimous vote. Thero were present S43 members. Dr. C. II. Bailey, who conducts the "horseless farm" on South Deer cetk. was In this city yesterday get ting his tractor "reshod." J. P. Hayes of Keedport today trought suit in the circuit court against -the Reedsport Lumber Cor relation for the collection of a prom irsory r.olc In the sum of $2."00. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Garrett o, Olendnle. were ltoseburg vii.ii.ors to Cay. Mrs. L. A. Marsters, who has been isitlng here with relatives, left tali .ifternoon for Albany, where the ro- Mrs. May Stephenson, of Tncoina, is spending a short time In Hamburg visiting at the C. L. Wiaid home. Mrs. I'.. V. Illl), of Wlllitir. s;iei,t today In this city attending to b'lsl I'css matters and returning to her home on the afternoon train. '!:; Jea.i Perry, who has Veen visiting hero with friends and ula '.ives lor the past few weeks, will leave tomorrow morning for Kbim hth Falls, where she resides. Miss Bell, telegraph op.'ra'or at the local telephone and tulegraph ex change. Is visiting for a short time with friends and relatives in Port land. This year's chautauqua session In Roseburg will open o:i Saturday, .'illy 17, and continue until Friday July 23, Inclusive. Thin chautauqua it under the Eillson-Whlte system, vhlch always brings a number of high class attractions. h. Alpers. who was In from Brock vay today, reports a fine crop out look In his prune orchard. The branches on the trees are already bending beneath the weight of the fruit. This Is what Is locally known as the Klelst orchard. Rev. J. E. Conder, of the South Methodist church, returned to this t ity yesterday from Medford. where he attended to business matters Re v. Conder made the trip by auto Another good game of baseball is expected tomorrow when the Chris tian and Presbyterian tenuis of the Twilight league meet. The last con test between these two teams was won by the Christians by a close score and a good game Is expected tomorrow. S. C. Miller was in from Dillard this afternoon. He recently shipped a tralnload of nineteen cars of rat- I'o to Ft. Klamath to bo placed on 1-lt range there for the summer. He says this shipment was the most suc cessful ho has evor made to thai place, the train going right thru fiom Dillard In onlv 19 hours, ivcrvthing went fine from start to finish. Due to the activities of tho qvar tette of negroes confined In the county Jail, the court will probably be called noon to p'lr'-hase some new beds for the cells. The negroes bent and broke a nuuibi-r of ihe lien bars end used them for levers In an at tempt, to force their way out of thu cage. Their attmpt was unsuccess- ' rnl but they succeeded in bending the mMn door considerably. BRITISH FLAG IS BY NEWS SNAP SHOTS Sympathizers of the So-Called Irish Freedom Demonstrate Their Attitude. BE NO EXTRA SESSION President Makes It Clear to Congress Adjoin lunont Will be Taken Saturday Tluve Victims of Uie Bubonic Plague. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, June 3. The state department Issued a formal re quest tu the commissioners for the District of Columbia for a detailed statement of the facts relative to the demonstration in front of the United States treasury building yesterday, when a group of women sympathis ers with the cause of Irish freedom burned a British flag. No Extra Session. WASHINGTON, June 3. Presi dent Wilson has assured the senate democrats that if the present session of congress is ended Saturday, as planned by leaders In both houses, I hat he will not call an extra session during the coming summer unless a grave emergency arises. This an nouncement was made today by Senator Underwood, who alleged he had been authorized by the executive U. deny the reports that an extra session was contemplated. Accepts OITcr of Aid. MEXICO CITY. June 3. The state authorities of Vera Cruz have accepted the offer of the United States to send a sanitary detachment and supplies needed to combat the spread of the bubonic plague, which has made Its appearance In that city. Three Patients Isolated. VERA A CRUZ, June 3. Three persons who were taken to the Isola tion hospital here, following attacks of bubonic plague, have died. Three others are In a serious condition. Adjournment Assured. WASHINGTON, June 3. Congress will end the present session Satur day, under a resolution of adjourn ment adopted by the senate today, -ifter assurances were received that President Wilson did not Intend call ing a special session during the summer unless a grave emergency arises. Will Barn Dwellings. MEXICO CITY, June 3. One third of the houses In Vera Cruz wlil be burned because of the bu honle pHgue, the citizens of that city decided, according to a story printed in Excelsior today. To Extend Probe. WASHINGTON. J-tne 3. The senate was asked today by Senator Pomerene, of Ohio, to authorize the committee Investigating the pro-convention political financing to extend 'he Inquiry to the presidential and senatorial campaigns which end with the November elections. No Color Line Allowed. WASHINGTON. June 3. By a unanimous resolullon today the re publican national committee directed Chairman Havs to notify all state or ganizations that they must discon tinue holding local conventions for election of national delegates . in those places where "It Is the custom and practice to refuses negroes ad mission." ItoNhevtsts In Teheran. CONSTANTINOPLE. June 3. The Persian legation here has received a disnaich saying that Bolshevist tronDs have entered Teheran, tho capuai or rerma. State Troops In Chaire. AUSTIN, June 3. Texas state troops will take charire of the lone- shoremen's strike at -Galveston Sat- , uritay. according to a communication I sent to the adjjutant general by the I g-ivernor. A large detachment rf cavalry will proceed at once to Gal veston. Removal Notice On Monday, June 7ih, we will move to our new Permanent Location recently occupied by Carr's Variety Store," which property we have bought. Durinjr the chanpe of stocks we will be con siderably torn up, but will arrange it so patrons can be Riven service in all those daily necessities of business nft to be found elsewhere. Before x-e move we wish to extend our sincere thanks to'our hundreds of customers for the patron age so constantly and liberally given us during the past three years, and solicit a continuance of it in our new quarters where we will be in better shape to serve. On FRIDAY AND SATURDAY some very ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS will be shown in vat ious lines to close out rather than move. THE ROSEBURG BOOK STORE M. J. aV S. J. Shoemaker K. OF MKKTIXG. The Knlzhts of Pvthino fci,i iclal session and smoker last even ing which was enjoyed Immensely i y ail present. Tho lodge was hon- I Prod llV two vlellnra 13 T HI.I l lot Portland nnit rtmrira n.t.n -r t Grants Pass. Mr. Plckard Is with the i unicnts or Pythias Insurance depart ment and Mr. Harten Is in this city i looiing ovor the minim oosslblli ties. He has large mining Interests in soumorn Oregon. The evening vas spent enjoyably and strawbrrv -'re cream was served by the Pythian 1 'S'erS. Next WerineHrtnv thn' . rutins on finishing up all candidates now going into the order before the lodge vacates the rooms of the I. O. O. F. hall to be remodeled .Thr ' will meet in Sykes' hall during the nnsirucuon work on the new build Ing. PfcATFORM IS SACRED-. CHICAGO. Juno 3. That the re publican platform which wlill be adopted at the national convention In Chicago next week will be a "sacred eonstructural obllratlon between the pnrty and the people," was the as surance given out by Chairman Haves today. Ample opportunity for hearings before the resolutions com mittee. Hays added, will be accorded relative to all pertinent subjects. The Jurv cases being concluded JudTe iTsmllton vesterdiy adjourned clr.-uit court until next Monday, a which time a number of '-" will be takaa up and testimony beard. U In SuthrrUUv Mrs. C. M. Hedgepeth of this city la spending a short time visiting In Sutherlin. Has Poison Oak ,' , Donald Gibbs. local postal clerk. has been forced to ia yoff for raw days on account of a severe ' ase of poison oak. Returu to IUddlo Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ewlng, who spent yesterday In this city attend ing to business matters, returned to their home at Kiddle last night. To niddle Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Hensley wore among the Riddle residents who b ent yesterday In this city, return ing home on the evening train. To Hound Prairie Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Burnett, who have been visiting iu this city wlfi relatives, left last night for Round Prairie, where they reside. To California Mrs. D. B. Bunnell left this morn Inr for California, where Bho will epend the summer months. She will visit at San Francisco, Santa iruz and Lot Angeles. Olierutlon Successful The operation performed yestor- fav on B. M. Austin of Sutherlin was successful and the patient is resting as easy as cfculd be expected, his 1 hysiclans announced today. Iiom Portland - Dr. Hill, who Is to speak at the P. A. Anderson funeral at Elgarose this afternoon, arrlcd In Ro36b'Jig from Portland this morning. Operations This Morning Dr. A. C. Seely this morning per formed slight nose operations on W. C. Gabnon of this city, and little Lu cille Michael, daughter of Mrs. N. G. Michael. llettirns to Portland Howard Bailey, who has been visiting for the past few days with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Z'alley, left last night for Portland, v. here he will resume his duties with the Portland Gas & Coke Co. To Grants Pass- Mrs. M. C. Van Leuveu left tMs morning for Grants Pass, where she will spond several days attending to business matters and visiting with her son, Leonard, who Is employed at that place. Mrs. Van Leuven rc- H.ilod In Grants Pass for some time, and while there will pack her house hold goods for shipment to this city. At Knterprise Mrs. William Bell, of this city. left recently for Enterprise, where she will be in attendance at the State Federation of Women's Clubs, of which organization she is vice-president. On returning Mrs. Bell will visit at Hood Ulvor with friends for several weeks, and attend the Shrln- ers convention In Portland. lied No Quorum Umpqua Post of the American Teflon failed: to hold their meeting on Tuesday evening because of the lui t thero was no quorum. The lo cal post of the legion has attempted to Instill some interest In lis mem bers but It has thus far failed. A rep committee will soon be anpolnt- ed to arrange for some entertain ment features for future post meet ings with the Idea In mind of stimu lating attendance. FIRE Fire inav sweep away the accumulations- and savings of years In a few brief momenta. The only safe way to protect your property ia to insure In a good reliable company. Also to have your policies written correctly. Fire Insurance We write policies correctly aud give you the protection needed. We represent only substantial, reliable old line companies. Any business intrusted to us will be promptly and carefully attended to, ' Fire Insurance, automobile insurance, plate glass, burg lary, life and accident insur ance. Phone or ace us today. G. W.YOUNG AND SON Ileal Estate and Insurance, ltd Cass St. Phone 417 New Mtislc for Saturday The Jazz-O-Four management an nounced today that several of the srng hits of eastern publishers ar rived here this week and will be Ventured at the armory dance next tSaturday night. Du.ring the past lew weeks very little new music has teen placed on the market and the Jazz-O-Four count themselves lucky in obtain theso hits direct from the publishers. Receive Commission Russell Lintott today received his commission as .scoutmaster of thf local Boy Scouts. He has been work ing with the scouts for some time fnd bis vipers were forwarded sonif time to hearto'iarlers. Ho will leave soon for Washington, whore ho will attend one of tho largest boys' camps In the northwest and will obtain a number of now Idea to be Introduced into the local scout crganization. The Roseburg troops bave received a very hearty lctlor of appreciation from tho carclviil com mittee for the excellent work dont during tho days of the celcbratlou. Tom Williams left yesterday for Salem, taking with him Wm. MaJ rrs, the negro who goes to thu peni tentiary for a two-year term. Mr. Williams has a position as guard at the pon and will take up bis work at ;V nee. NEW TOUAi Tomato plants while they last 16c doz. Phone 16 6-J. 903 N. Jackson. WANTED Strong boy at the Ore gon Bakery. FOR RENT Newly furnished sleep ing rcom3, . modern. 707 W, Mosher St., or phone 401-W. WANTED To rent 4 or E room house, close In, long time, best of care. Address E. 11., care News Rovlew. WE HAVE 1 DDL. of arsenate of lead spray left. Will sell at a narsa.'n it tnnen at once. Pacific rrint & Produce Co. FOR SALE One big Durham cow giving about 6 gallons milk; one extra One Jersey cow; one Ford touring car; one trailer. Judd & McMlllin, Empire Barn. WANTED In the country, woman or girl to assist in the housekeep ing. Modern home and conven iences, good wag' s, easy work. Ad dress R. R. at N ws-Revlew office. FOR SALE Household furniture, bureaus, table, chairs, bedsteads, stoves, some dishes, linoleum, car pet rags, sewed, carnet fine Jersey cow. Inquire 602 K. . nasnington St., Roseburg.- . NOW IN THE CITY. Frank A. Terry, reoresentlne the Equitable Savings & Loan Assn., Is now in the city. For an interview call or phone the Umpqua hotel. o Just received shipment of goods. Am prepared to fill all orders for Watklns products at 126 W. Lane St. Phone 137-L. THE QUALITY OF OUR WORK cannot be gauged by our prices the skill, the ' care and thoroughness guarantee satisfaction. LET US SHOW YOU Who's your cleaner? Try Our Way Our Auto Will Call. Plume 277. FOR SALE Mnke me an offer on good early fall sown crop 22 a. clean vetch and oats. 8 a. wheat; besides turkeys, hogs, and fine 3-year-old heavy mare. C. H. Van DeVord. Box 146. Rf. I, Roseburg. Ore. Near Winston bridge. DO YOC OWN A SAWMILL and timber, if so would ydu lease mill and accept $3.00 per M. for the timber as cut Including lease of mill? If Interested send full de scription of your mill and timber to me at once. Schiller B. Her mann. 426 I.umbermens Bldg. Portland. Oregon. WE HAVE A CLIENT who wishes to anposo of the following timber claims: EH of SW and B4 of SE. Pec. 18. and SW14, See. 20 A; i ? "bou 10 mil east of Glendale. Estimated to cruise 15.000.000 feet of fir. pine and spruce. Make an offer. Schiller B. Hermann, 425-6 Lumbermen "'" rortiana, Oregon. t. ' " I Prudent Man Avoids Speculate Many who put their earned'dollars in dilative scheme are usually sorry. Butt prudent man avoids such an experience b! NMH K I1J I'JIPrV THP ni Tllnrln .J . 1 1 u""v " 'uiiuo una starting. account with the Rosebure- Ntio.i T l,rfT.L XT.-, ? V.UMOSBJI iuiertJBi ram on savincs Awo.4 -CV -' vnviuj! UQM j Rosebura.Ore. Thi mIii. reeuier was idmittrt I'.- esiaie comitu Mrs. Xaacyjl. p-kw:.' Dt-lnor h i. w , vvn BUI (4 OREGON NO. 24?4 will be at Oakland June ", and 6. and the bal. of the month if necessary. Oregon .is proving to be a wonder ful breeder. Come out and see him. E. A. KRUSE & SON Ktt&S . ,.ifJ. "- "Til I It I. -.Vi . "VrV 1 mm A Because you have been m arrled a long time U no ram your honcymobn should bo over. Why not take your wife TODAY some llttls tokmidstsrf make her happy? ' We have many beautiful gifts that will bring happinstfe heart of your loved ones. We will be glad to belpim a selection. Our. WORD is our BOND. BUBAR BROTHERS - 4 rJSSTCSrt l Matinee ud Ewj AK0-XO.C-XlX8OOXMXM5OC ,BraCe30sO!CtKSIJS THURSD.V ! and FRIDA! CECIL B. DeMILLE'S PRODUCTION and Female with an All-Star Cast . Unquestionably the biggest and best pictnrs td 1st r DE HAVEN COMEDY "SURE CURT Admission Prices: Children 23, tax 3, total li adult" ' total o'tc. TODAY OXLY RORERT WARWICK With a (trcnt supporting cast, lnrln-llng Wands BssW H Roberts, Raymond, In lug Cum""""' other famous nlaierf in . "vSECRET vSERVlCf A thrilling glory of love and dari ig deeds to the J war. I ctr , , a i AiJc An exceptional bill at regular admlw, Frlday-Saturday: Alice Brady In ' Blnners."