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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1920)
rnF two nmmrnn imwi.niwiiw.i''niiAV, ji'vk ' KOSKItt HO X K W S K K V I K V Issued Dally Except Sunday. B. W. BATES L WIM31RLY BERT C. BATES SUBSCRIPTION RATE3 Daily, per year, by mall $4.00 Daily, six muntha, by mall .... . liv Carrier, uer mouth 60 Tlie Associated Press U exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credit.! to It or not otherwise credited lo tun paper and also tba local news pub lished hereiu. All rights of republi cation of special dlspatthee herein are also reserved. Entered as second-class mattei May 17. 1920, at the post office at Pnseburg. Oreson, under the Act of March 3, 18; 9. Ilowbili-ir, Oregon, June .1, lit JO. WHAT IS THE CEN- OF The mnnthly music club will be postponed until June 15. All menioers who at f solus to Biand's to the picnic on that date please notify Miss Faralow this week. News-Review finally di elded to put on a contest to determine who has In best Idea conieii.ii.g the mangi lu'ie of the 19.'0 figures. Same CommiUee -Serve Next Year It la understood that the straw- . - mm mifs LOVE and ton the noted author Idah MSGlone Gibson THE JOY OP IOTHKItKOOI. "Put her closer to me." I whis pered to l lie nurse. . I felt I must protect my baby from her father'. uisappolntoient. For answer she put the little moUt mouth to my brtst. Again everything was swallowed up In the ecstatic bliss of mother- li nrtii Pnuta nmv rnvu nf lha mfift iierry carnival committee which i te,lllre of tn(1 ros.. ieaf Illole ma served so well during the event Just j terial mBn may tilk , velvet ekln Mail Your Guess to Census Editor of The News-Review. And Await Returns. INCREASE OR DECREASE Muili SiHH-ulatliHi lU'Kurding the lie Mirt of ilur I'. S. CeuMis Jlucenu utt to the Present size of tlie City of Itoscbuia;. DANC E AT TILLER. The Roseburg News-Review will give a year's subscription to the i'erson guessing what the population u; Koacuurg will be according to the . ULJu census figures, soon to come Saturday niKht, June 5, Tiller will cut. How much do you think this! entertain at a dnnce in the pavilion, city will 'gain over the previous ce;.- Good music. Huseburg and other hub report? Get your thinker to burgs Invited to attend. hoiking aiiu mail in your guess to! ' Hie Census Editor of the Hoseburif ' l-OCAL ItE.W, KSTATK Newe-Kevlew. I MAX OS IMXkSTKn TRIP Tlie cuiisus returns are arriving in l unches but as yet the name of Roseburg has not been included. It is expecie-J within a very short lime and tlie figures given officially by the li. S. government will end a (;icai deul ot speculation here as to liie pn sent sl.e of the county sent of Douglas county. A great man cities in the northwest have In- eassed will serve aaiu next year. I'be committee leci-ntly he Id a meet ing anil It Is learned that an agrer aient has been leached w'.-ereby they will continue to servo la past years ihero has bee i a great deal of diffi culty becuusu of the inexperience of u .t ii on the cat nival comml'tee, the failure to have mat .-rials properly rared for, and tiie lateness in getting started. This time the committee will held over and with the knowl dKe dirlved fiom the cent so re ently passed will make next year's i-arnlval much heller. They have lad the left over materials cared for and will meet frequently .i'liin the winter to make plans and will start early n"t year to make arrange ments so that there will bo io last minute details to arrange. The car i Ival will be kept before the pople during the winter and spring monir.s and it is honed to m-Ke the entei-J talnment next year the bett ever I pi evented her from telling me what held. The members of the commit ter are: Pexter Rice, who haj been i npoluted chairman: A. A. Wilder. C. W. Parrel, Roy Uelluws, W. H. Fisher, W. 8. Hamilton. C. A I.oilt wood and the Roseburg Fire Department. but a baby's flesa Is Indescribable It has the softness of velvet, the smoothness of satin and the illus ive texttire of the rose petal. It has that something that only a human boul can give. "It is mine It Is mine my baby iny Utile girl!'' I caught my breath and closed my lips as tightly as 1 could In my weakness and I determined then and tlu re that my child should be taught to face the world, to face a crisis such as mine; that whatever else she was taught she was to be nbued v. here she could learn the duties as well as the joys that come to a r ntn. ltcami for Ignorance. I had not learned them because my dear mother was so engrosaU in her Invalid husband and her o mer its life sustenance from me. Bui the great mistake I made the hu man mistake was In uot thinking at all of Jjbn. It was only of my self and my child. I was like Ruin for a moment In that everything that ; was everything that I wanted to 1-e was bound up in the little atom of humanity ncld so closely to me. Tukea the Itaby Away. The nurse mnio softly forward and took my baby away, notwith standing my er.aer. supplicating eyes asked for It a little longer. With lta going came thoughts of my bus I and. Whv was he not here? Had he goiten my telegram? Did he know that the baby come? How long had I been 111? The niiestlmis came thick fast. I could scarcely wait for the r.urso to return, and I found only yolee enough to say, "John." The nurse looked at mo uncom prehendiugly. Again 1 whispered. "My husband." Instead of answering she went to the door and beckoned. In bustled the old family doctor. "Oh, Katherine, 1 am so glad ihal you have come back to us. You are all right now." he added quickly, "and with your splendid baby to help had and modest mld-Vieiorlan Ideas bad u we 50u '' B0" be up a1"' J. V. Starrett, accompanied 1)y 1. is wife will leave Roseburg next week drivint; his "flivver" and in tends during his absence to v. sit es far south ns Srm I'iego. Mr. Star rett, who Is connected with the Ak Bar lien realty company in thij ;;ity, will carry with him a large number ! 'if placards bcarlni? wording "just to let 'em know Roseburg Is on the W.I.IUJSU nunc ULiiuin uav duu n n ... j .. i:..... ..i ii. ... I'l'iccd In every cntnp ground jiiij u niiui -niifiv Hum mo ii-tw . , u,,.a nll,i r I figures. In some places the chani-l , ' ' , , , bers of commerce have been so dis-i" E0 be placed in conspicuous places sallsfled and astounded by the re-! ?on h' T' iC " c" turn, that a new chock has been '". no "l" b"t, what,tt u. " hi kmui iimfiiniiiR "in iciinii iiom maiti'd Just to nut I sty their curios ity at) to whether or not a mistake it 1h the gn ial concensus of , n-eratlon opinion fr Hon but,; that I lie popu In i ion has lucrraHcd considerably. What do you think about it? Mail ua-your estimate of the prtsint pop ulation and hit the 1'. S. "nose counters" vTilj your declaration. "A ureat d al depends on tho onn-; pur report," Ha id a prominent busi ness man of KoselmrK today "We haw m.ide our boasts of a ' growinK rity' and have rtally rottvinced nur Helves that at least a 0 pr cent in ert -ise will be shown by t lie forth-' iMiiniim census rep:nls. We are. hop-' In K for the best. A fio pt r t -nt In-' itas would be more sa'fsf.u-tnrv and would !e lutlbanv" of a Ihriv iiiK cotuuiunity. I ll aeud you my1 -F:i'B8 as to th pies-. nl ,M.e of ilnf-I burn and you'll be mi;;hty Htartled when yon rad the figure. ' ' Such h.iH bft'ii the rotnnu'iits on 1h strentR from day to di'y and th this unique Idea and Mr. Starrett 1b to be commended" ft r putting It into YOU CALL UK HAUL. Anything at any time. Wood for sale. Phone 102. L. R. Chambers at Meflellund & Chambers' 2nd Hand Store. For the first time in a year thr county Jail stood empty yesterday. The Jail has h"cn filled t capacltj rit ttiiies and it was not until Wm Majors was taken to Salem yesier day that the Jail was at last empty. CHICHESTER S PILLS J -t ' "V l.tadK-CI AMI r urll l- i g.A t.SA hlxlMlf-r ltkmnJ UrntlV ZmJUSk IIIIi Ib Hti Cold nirtiUicW vU VtM !...., e)M mh Ttuo RIUi.y fat ihs,. W 1 TnLen otWr. tint f your v I 1 AT lrrTt-t. A-f !(U IfKTF-BS V 13 Mm for SI nntnnu Ikat. af t. A'wy Ktl'.uM SOlOBlTOBl'GGISTSEVbHERE p: DEPENOON GOOrS SUMMERY FABRICS FOR THAT Warm Weather Dress Are to be found here In finest grades of Georgettes' Crepe de Chine, Silks, Voll es, Pongees, or whatever you wish. t'OMU IN AM) Sl'K TIIKM. I. ABRAHAM "DRY GOODS STORE" l-M . JurknMl St. Phone 110 WAKNfcR'S KUST-PROOF CORSETS A SLIGHTLY USED V2 TON TRUCK All Hardwood Body. A Good liny J. F. BARKER & CO., ROSEBURG, OREGON IMPLEMENTS AUTOMOBILES TRACTOiiS around "You know, I attended your mother, Katherine, when ynu yre torn. And I wish she could have been here to see this baby that ha come to you. I think it l even a finer child than you were' As he rambled off 1 had a feeling that e was talking against time; that he did not want me to ak the ii na tions that wcro trembling on n.y the reality of marriage and mother hood meant. My child Rhould understand that marriage in a paradox where lovt la all and love Is nothing; that a wo man might love a man devotedly pud not only make him unhappy, but be unhappy herself, and that she would need rniuh beside love to te Jl ailfi-PCur lil W I In In fAct a a I 1 j v there with my child at my breast 1 : "P- miany he pausea tor oreaiu. felt that 1 had been very foolish tOi,"", 1 aed: think that love was all. In the "Is John here?'' great scheme of nature marriage Away on Ilie-incxs. means only one thing: perpetauation ; "No. Katherine." he answered re ef the race. Nature has no time to' luetantly. "He didn't get your tile, nurture human things. It remained . gram. Neither did he get a lale for man himself to make nature's , one I sent him. Ills secretary wired law bearable, by saying that one! that he had been called away on nmn and one woman shtill love each urgent business and had evidently other and cleave to each other till; been delayed nt some unexpected death My little girl shall know this. My Htle girl shall understand that she must hear and forbear. She mus' have compassion, sympathy and for cetfulness of self. Hut above all he must have tolerame. ' Oh, whnt wonderful dreams 1 dreamed as I lay there with thu lit tle moist mouth close to my breast ana witn the unutterable iov or knowing that my child was drawing place over Sundav I felt iny eys open widely. I knew that when I had heen taken ill it was Tuesday. Had I been unconscious for a week? The doctor seemed to sense my quostion. "Yes. my dear, this is Monday, and probably today you will hear. from John. lie could not have dropped out of the world alto gether," he finished, with a ..mile. Tomorrow A ;reuf Chance. Learning to Feed A Family Cheap AUSTIN, T,-x., June 3. Young women students in iffe home eco nomics department nt the I'niversiiy of Texas are learning how to cut the cost of feeding a family. At ihe be ginning the prime thing is to get a meal, but toward the lliiish or the course the young woman has also to turn out the finished product cheap. The universiiy expects its young experts to cut about half off of a luncneon by switching desserts and .. u., umiiiin. nere is a Sample of its before and after college menus: Kor 4 5 cents a plate for four per sons: Salmon croquettes, mashed po tatoes. Iced tea. tomato salad, bis cultss, strawberries and ice cream. Kor 24 cents a plate for four per sons (toward the end of the course! Creamed tuna fish on toast, French fried potatoes.s apple and celerv salad, hot tea. lemon pie. Mr. Kurtz is a former resident of Roseburg. Doctor Cupid Thnt love? 8om.',timi,s cures rli. ease is a fact that has been called to tht attention tf the public by a prominent physician. Love is not, however, the cure for all women. Many a woman is nervous and irritable, feels draKKod down and worn out for no reason that she can think of. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre. scription prives new life and new stronKth to wu.k, worn-out, mm suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre p. O. C. preparation lor goitre hat bem. nted ruau. Why pay BCTcral hundred dotlt-n fnr an to n Ttiovf a troitrf wln-n O.C.C. chi. bvulitmni d fur lutb a coaipar.ititt.-ly email.. ptDduurvf O. G. C. whrn properly applied u Ivos naii I itinrv rt-sultft. or vottr nifni. y will ho r. lundr-l. O.G.C. is sold direct, by mail ". rite tor book id. Address Dcpt 3 0.0. C CMR.MICAL company Seattle. Wasliinitloo t CITY NEWS Arundel, piano tuner. Prion 19L. We wash and polish cars at Uer ten's garage. Sprella Corsetiere. Clara Corum. Phone, 402-R. 311 W. Wash. tf We pay the highest price for Cas cara bark. Berger's Bargain Store. We pay the highest price for Cas cara bark. Berger's Bargain Store. Poultrvmen get your kale plants from Karl Vosburg, 702 fullertou. 50c per 100. Mnie-sulphur spray, sulphur for fertilizer, sulphur for plant dusting, lime in Ttbls.. arsenate or lead, black leaf forty. Umpqua Valley Fruit I nlon. Mrs. Kliner llaznr. Wi ve-lerdnv for Denver. Colorado, where she will spend the next two imni'iis v fii n ; with her mother who resides at that place. Medfnril-'loselinri' nn?n entfd -ie run-down women. "Favorite make tr.ii trips, leavine fmnoin Prescription" makes weak women i hr"''' ' ' l m. Mcdaiken iier- stronK and sick women well. It irl'1- Proprietors and chauffeurs is now sold by all drtifiyisus in the Lnited Mates m tablets as well as liquid form. RosRiu-rtr:, Or'-go; "I sufTered something terrible from an organic trouble. Could scarcely stand on my feet. My head and back ached so hard aid I was weak and nervous. 1 had severe twins in my side and my limbs and loot ached. I was also trot:i!i-d with constipation. I took Or. Tierce's Favorite Proscription, "Uien Medical Discovery, and Pleasant Pellets. These medicines cured me of all mv ailments and I was well and strung." Mrs. W. D. XIi.m. l.iiii VT r. . wwno., i,iu 4x, acKson Ouecu Safety first. The lu.-y Price Tendencies To be Considered (By Associated Press.) SN FRANCISCO, June 3. Price tendencies will be considered at the annual convention of the National Dry Goods association which op-ned for a two days session here yester day. Some of the most promlueiit mer chants In the country are here for the meeting, the first the national bodv has held west of the Rocky mountains. Added Interest Is given .1.. nrneeeillnira bv the presi M 1 if a large number of British diy goods merchants who are on a tour of the l-.,ltr.1 fitntefl. The California Retnll Dry Goods association will hold Us annual con vention Immediately at the close of ihe national meeting. -o Peculiar Accident Only Injures One (Bv Associated Press.) HKAI.DSIU'ltO. Oal., June 3. A peculiar automobile accident oc curred near here a few days ago, when a nartv of four In a large tour ing car went off a mountain grade while speeding, the machine turning over four times completely, landing right side up among large boulders In a gullv several hundred feet from the road. When the dust cleared It was found that a woman of the party was beneath the car. and the floor boards bad to be removed to permit her lo et out. She was unhurt.- The driver, who remained In the car while It rolled, was the only one Injured and he received a erack"d rlh. The car "was later towed back to Ihe road and It pro eAe'ieii to a garage under Its own power. 4 Short Skirts Not For School Teachers Don't ask for Crackers say Snow Flakes (By Associated Press.) SAN Fit A NCI. SCO. June 3. School teachers Bhould not wear shirts that fail to reach the shoe tops, according lo members of the Sun Francisco bonrd of education, who have just asked principals of schools near here if any of thWr teachers are immod estly dressed. MAY CKM-'llK TK roi UTH. Several local merchant! are en deavoring to fitlmulato Interest in a Fourth of .Inly celebration and It is quite probable that the matter will be taken up nt the coming meet ing of the merchants association. It is believed that a local celebration. should bo siaged and it is pj.w'ble thit a program will be plann'd. The celebration will be lu id on the fith of the month In the event it s approved as Independence Day this year falls on Sunday. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" t-n Carmine "Baier Tablets cf Asiiirin" Is neiniiiie Aspirin proved safo by mil lions and prescribed by phyn-ians lor over twenty years. Accept only in unbroken "Mayer package" which i Diitainr proper d'lei turns to relieve ll.-adeche. Ti.otli.n he, Kara -he. Neu ralgia. Rheumatism, CoMs and Pain l.'.'.miy tin box?s of l tablets cost few cents. liiu;isis also sell larger "Buyer packages." Aspirin is trade uark Uayvr Minufai ture Monoace ticacidesier of Sallcj licacid. PROFESSIONAL CARDS MRS. K. I). OWKX Cut Flowers. Phone 240. 40.1 W. Cass. DR. M. H, Pl.YI.KIt Chiropractic Phy,clan, 222 W. Lane St DR, It. P. BRADFORD WP-'K Chiropractors, West Roseburg Phooe 4 0K4. BR. CI.AIK R. AI,I.Ey Dentist at a.ii rerKins Building, Roteburg uirice tiours: s to 12 a Oregon. m 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 65. the damage Iffice Honrs: 10 to 12. 2 to 4. t'hones: Office. 171: Res., 172. OK. LICKTTA SMITH, PHYSICIAN Women and Children Diseases a -pecialty Off'ce. Masonic Building. Look tm tMit r lALiht, ,ri mil PCD. t'atkagm SOME MORS P. C. a PRODUCTS Annie Laurie Short Bread Arrowroot Biscuit Uutiw I'hi-is Choc" Eclair M (i"iniiilittw Sanfwk-h mv. -. hr finch nltineFlakat Oau.icjil vrackers i'ananii Citanu l'cuii.t Wlcia Because their crisp-from-thf-oven nrrit. as fine as their tovorffi lovethem-andSnownS good for kiddies! . PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. WANTED Waltresa at Hovel Umpqua. WANTED Young girl to assist wlih housework, small family. Apply 311 East Oak. WANTED Teacher for Glengarry school. Dial. No. 109. M. M. Cooper, Clerk, Iloseburg, Ore. WANTED TO RENT Upright or player piano for three or four months; no children. Inquire at Nows-Hevlejv office. WANTED TO RENT By first of June, modern house In good loca tion; garden, chicken house. 'Call 17. RELIABLE girl wants place to take care of children for summer. State wages. Address B. F., 720 Win chester St. WANTI'D -Young nmn. 18 to 20 years old, handy with carpenter tools, to learn sash and door work. Apply to J. O. Flook Co., If you niean business. I.OST-yVhite Spiu dirt,. nnJZ,' phone Jiui-Y, MONEY TO LOkS-UT Credit farm iT1 ' ainOL rice.9: r- FtUt 8AU. YOUR WEEKLY CHECK Limited only by ability and time devoted to selling our trees. Complete Hue all varieties backing you. Write for terms. Start Immedi ately. Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE-lpooiaifeTlJ FOR SALE 4 momhi , goat. Phone 40-F4. FOR SALE r.ias i.. ... Rt. 1, 1 mile tut of Mniu FOR SALE-Set(UV(JiTST vTOimti, 414 UHUlJiJ FOR SALE Player plaw J new. 75 rolls-cut or tm A uauwicic su WANTED $10.00 offered for this book, "Captain Gray's Company, or Crossing the Plains and Living in Oregon," Portland, 1859. Ad dress John L. Hitchcock, 1010 Powell St., San Francisco, Cat. FOR SALE-OU rowth W, J our siuve woea. rfioMHllj v. uicuucaej. FOR SALE OR TRADE-IhJ BtocK ranch, lullejiufjui quire 628 So. Put. I FOR SALE Fresh Jtmj od calf, 5S0 00; good uMSt k J30.0U. Tel. 36-F1J. FOR SALE Two brood imaiJ pigs, the lot or srpuiufy. (J Shcppard, Dilonville. HELP WANTED WANTED HELP Ex-service men and others fur nished employment free of ch.t. Contractors, ranchers and farmers place your orders with us for help era. Our services are free both to employer and employed. Law rence-Cordon Co.. 125 Cass St. Thono 219. WANTED Position as farm man itger or will run a fully stocked and equipped farm on a shnre or partnership basis. Give location and description of farm and state your proposition. If you are In terested in up to date methods and practical business farming I would appreciate an opportunity to give you my qualifications and refer- eices. Address, F. M., Box 1, Glide. Ore. FOU RENT ' FOR RENT Room with bath. 401 So. Main Street. tf FOR RENT To gentleman, room Willi balh. 340 S. Stephens St. FOR RENT Screty deposit boxes Roseburg National Bank. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for housekeeping, new and clean. 1110 Prospect St. FOR RENT Central hotel building, corner Oak and Rose. Inquire 211 W. Washington. 'OR RENT Two well furnished sleeping rooms. Men preferred. Phone 343 between 8 a. m. anu 5 p. m. ilffiltD (nihil, AU Classified Advertisements In im-w mi.) will he fum! on n-".y r . K'"e HKainst the l paar under T.idnv" h.l barren Construction company. r u.cmeu yesiernav In favor nt il,.. SAFETY FIRfV soctii a safety deposit box for your raluable pa pers at the Koaeburr National Pank. tf MISCELLANEOUS. PHONE your order for your winter wood to R. Stubbs, Melrose Btore. Phone 11 F25. le.i.n.iii me jury awarded Mr Kruse I .42. m, original claim vas for The Jury was out only a short time. WAJVTTTi. WANTED Girl for general house work. Applicants please phone 53. FREE BOARD for a little Janitor work each evening. Call at Cafe teria at once. WANTED Lunch counter girl at Hotel Umpqua at once. Earnest Part inn, who condui ts a garage at Marshfiebl sml hn h been spending the past few rtavs In I w WTrn '. I " "' Merten who will remain WANTED ... . . . -iiuri ume atienuing lo I 15-F12 j w....Uvo unifiers. BE GOOD TO YOURSELF Phone 76 nd ride. Jitney on the Job until midnight. hay- WELL DRILLING R. E. Helnsel mnn. driller, R. 1, Roseburg. Phone 3-F5. -Scotch collie pup Phone' early mnrniriir. i Goodbourn. LOST Lady's small, open-face gold -"-". hoiu nanas, nan cm., stars on back case. Reward for return to tbli office. i FOR SALE Eleven holdd feeder hogs, weight itenlNa each. P. E. Cooper, EUW burg. Phone 42-F4. FOR SALE Good farma'"si on Coos Bay hlghwu- Lock Box 25, Camu VW USED CARS FOR SALE-wkf Inder. 7-passenger; H touring. Motor Step CtaiJ FOR SALE OR TRADS-M horses, well broken tx i S. Knperly. Phooe U-TO FOR SALE 1 ton MM truck, also Studebiker : good rigs. 0. K. H Chester St. FOR SALE Complete W " smith's tools, with or ' business. Addresi 1 . News-Review. FOR SALE 1-ton Manj" 1918 model; will tW" Ing car as part Pn 1 Mi fiord, Oaklsnd, 0r SALE OR TRADE-Worj M hi to tndel"l hay or cows. Will MerrillBOOIillJJ, FOR SALE 400 tier M "! block wood, specUl P"' tier lots on ground, wa1 once. C. W. Grove P" pump 2.5 gals-pe and belt. Addreffl J- 1 24. Winchester, Ora- J FOR SAI.E-Bls'j J old. weigni " ""' f3 Shorthorn sire. ln" I Oregon. Ol i:iei. 4S-1 advance. to I. ' west, n"- coal, m.Z. forage. ir' TtToi lsrIB nnmber"' s v book. Can 'erk ""' u . M" for sArirr; msre ami , f wickle-s oil "' tJ tractor. IM"" .j Wilbur. OrHO