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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1920)
Uaf, AFKIL IS, MM. TWO KOHKUUKO NEWS.BKVIBW Issued Daily Except BuuJay. L. Wiinbsrly B. W. BatM Bert U. Bates SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally, per year, by mall. .... .1 00 Daily,' slxmonitra, by mall. . . . 2. 00 By Carrier,- per mouth... 6 Call at office, per month ..35 Weekly News-Kevlew, per year 2.00 Member of Tlie Associated Iresa The Associated Press 1 exclusively entitled to ihfc use lor republication of all news dispatches credited to It or nut otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republi cation ot special dispatches herein are also reserved. JUeburg. Oregon. April IS, 1VCO. BUBHOltllTlO.V KATES Tha following subscription rates become effective April 1, la'JIk tnr th Knva.RflVlHW: Daily, one year by mall. ...$4.00 Dally, 6 months by mall.. 2.00 By earner, per month till Call at office, per month.. .35 I ffftf WW WWW W W I.Kf.lSLATIO.N' IS M R The -ducat. onnl procoHH may well begin Immediately, and In the iiican tlme meinborH of conKrena and thon who hope or expect to h tneuiborii of the next ronKrox in whk-h their efforts may count for Rotm'thlriK more tantflblo than rould be h..p1 for will not be wartime their tlni If tbey Klve a considerable part of it j to reanonlnff upon the problem of lefflilatlon applicable to the condi tion of "indiiHtrlal unreal," remark. Albert II. Laldlaw, a writer of note, i There are doubt ton- two step- that have got to be taken, either prelim- i Inary to or -Imiilt-nnou- with the pannage of wholly new constructive law. One of thexe atepa la the re peal of tome of the logislation which rode through tho halla of congrenn on the vo.eoa of demngoguen or wan driven through under the whip crack of the I agrees of -pvlal privi lege. The other la the atrengthon Ing of auch statutes an contain loop holes mado In them by theae nit mo Influence.. Now, Industry, broadly speaking, la the production of the necessities of material life and the accompany inir material happiness thereof. Trade (or commerce) Is the distribu tion of tho product of Industry. The aggregate of society I. p.. the pub lic; la the loser and the sufferer, rl(hr by a great or amnll degree, every time there 1s brought about a restraint of trade. Whatever laws there are on the atutute books of I II 4'sl 1 1" ii III lli liLv liww.awfflf,? K Cradle Your Car on Miller Uniform Cords OpHOSE dead-weight blows of the load below the springs are what shatter cars to pieces long before their time. Here is a way that practically ends this evil the Miller Cord Tire buoyant, over-size, clastic. Thousands of cable cords as strong as bow-strings, floated in new, live rubber, layer an layer. It gives and takes as it rolls on tho rough of the road it neutralizes shocks you ride with bird-like ease. Miller Tires, Cord and Fabric alike, are uni form in mileage, tire after tire. The result is that every Miller is a long-distance runner. Come here and get the size and type you need. And get acquainted with our expert repuir work, quick service and reasonable churges. 323 North Main St. RICE'S GARAGE Rosebar, OwCon. ilt. Ins combinations or cunilracll u r..ati...ii., ..Itlior of tradu ur iudlM'y nied to bo atrencthened to the po"t mat tuey appiy to all uisi j restraint, and whatever laws thef uie exempting anybody from the l pllcation o( this principle are the laws that nerd to be repealed. So far as sightseeing is concerned, America offers the tourist altrurt lions unsurpassed by any th Iiik pos sessed by Europe 'or other conti nents. The varied character of l lie I'nited Stales (he msged coasts or Value, the beautiful sunsets of the Golden Gate, the magnificent scen ery of our national parks, the flab lug of the mountain streams, tlie wonders of the Yellowstone and Yn Kemlte, the scenic grandeur of the Orand Canyon and of Niagara Kalis, the uneicellud opportunities for in tt,., timitlnv nf Me riime all these present opportunities for recreation and enjoyment uneijuniicti outside of our own borders. Until American citizens have seen America first they can find no valid dufeusn for mints abroad to spend their wealth. A bill to ratabllah a federal bu reau of war benefits has been Intro duced by Representative Clifford Ire land of Illinois. The new branch of the government ahould be a consoli dation of the pretient bureau of war rlck Insurance, the public health bt vlce, the board for vocational edu cation, and the bureau of pensions. Thn miianlirn frH t C4 X mint!) I Lt CO consisting of the seen t iry of the In terior, and the director and assist ant director of the new bureau, to co-ordinate tho various activities that are gathered together under one head. The bill provides for quarter- 1v rnnnrt In enntrreHM of relief cases adjusted and pending. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE Itosebnrg. Ore.. March 22. 1920. To the Kdltor: I Hoseburg and Portland papers of recent date published reports of the dismissal of Supt. Aubrey (1, Smith of the Hoseburg public schools. These articles, in the opinion of the elementary and high school teachers of Koseburg, might have uninten tionally spread abroad the false Im pression that friction has existed be- Iwiinn Mil nt Km I 111 nrwl hi tuflchtTS in their professional relationship ouruig ine present scnooi year. In order to correct nnv such pos sible falre Impression, and in jus tice to Supt- Smith, the nosburg rentners nestre to matte Known turn he columns of your paper their ap preciation of the frlondlr and help ful co-openitlon given by Superin tendent Smith In nil matters tending (Minium- in I 1 1 latiii HUH BI1H fMrl- ful school work, during the present J ih. .,l,m anil th states bro oupt. Smith cat asm uis De position tli fee years s reported In ainiii, an employe of the 'Ciniornla packing corporation sus tained a broken arm yesterday while at his work. Me was engaged in fiedlng wood Into tbe furnace and while doing so he slipped and fell to the concrete floor, fracturing the small bone In his left forearm. The injury was dressed by Dr. Hoover and the workman taken to his home. NOW IS Tllli CITV. Frank A. Terry, representing the Equitable .Savings & Loan Aasu., Is now In the city. For an Interview call orjibone the Umpqua hotel, tf Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. K. I.. Kills, of West Koseburg, on Wednesday, April 14, lic'l), un 11-pound boy. 'AFTER GRIP WINTER COLDS BAD BLOOD You are pale, thin, weak with .little vitality. Your liver m slufr Ijrish and the bad blood causes your ,..,.,, .h mniu-lMi tn lose their elas ticity and become flabby and wctk r then indigestion. Dr. Tierce's Gulden Medical Dis covery, made from wild roots ana barks, and free from alcohol or narcotics, ia the jrreat and powerful blood purilier i to-duy. infrredi- enU printed on wrapper. This tonic, in liquid or tablet form, is just what you need to give you vim, vijror and vitality. 1 Take the 'Discovery' as directed and it will search out impure and poisonous mutter throughout the system and eliminate it through the natural channels. You can procure a trial package of the tablets by sending l()c. to the Invalids' Hotel, buffalo, N. Y. HANIII-A KK, OltKllON. " I want to writs - u u III.,. u.,i, lip lli.rit.'A IU.UK -IIIW UUn UI'IIU fur me. 1 was bothered with an uli-er for a year. I went to a doeior here but his medi cine did in u no rihmI. Tile sure Rut worse rinlit sliinir, so 1 tried annilier A ..-.. - I kla ,...ull..i.. ,11,1 .. r V itihhI tur a while, K tin n the sors tlnjf worse, so I trie.1 llr. I'leree's medl ciuei.. 1 took two and a half Uittles of llr. I'leree' tiolden .MeilU-nl llicovery ami uied Dr. I'lert'o'.-i All llealiiu Salvn and the ulcer whs u!l welt iiefore I hsd the in.Hlicine all tiid. mid I reeommend then,, iiii-iiii'lnc to other suUVntrs.'1 Me" I'-MTIH ' tA.C7l' iiii m ml is Set at $3,800 ti.. ..Aiiu.n.' division" auota for t...i... M,.nv in thn unltad simul taneous campaign, of the churches co-operating In the Interchurch World .Motfcineni uus uwu eOU. The citizens' division stale quota ia $J30,0U. This sum is tne total for the genum! campaign, anu this In addition to the denomination al quotas, several of which already hare bum announceu. m U.MI i.u Airui-ie In the hands of the Intorcliurth county director for this county. This does not comprise a hudfet for the Interchurch movement as an organization. The subscriptions to this fund are to De oiviuou auiuu the co-operating churches. In the coming united simultaneous cam paign memberships or tne various co-operating churches will be asked for millions of dollars to carry on work which Is not of a denomination al character, but Is for the good of society In its broadest sense. The cltlsens of the country who have the good of the social order at i . m i.A atai in ..nntrlhnta al lium i Fill O" 1 " so through this citizens' division, said the county campaign uirecior, "not for the benoflt of any one de nomination, not oven for the ad vancement of the established churches from the narrow point of view, but to the end of bringing bet ter, more wholesome conditions thru out the world. Kor hospitals. S'hools, missionary centers, welfare work In backward Industrial fields. The program of the cnurcnes co-op-criin in the Interchurch World movement is more than a 'Christian' program in its ordinary accepiea 'sense as applying to particular re ligious denomination. It is a humanl tnrlnn movement Christianity in its broadest sense." Iteluins From Kugene . Mrs. George B. Ilouck returned to Roseburg this morning from Eugene, where she has been visiting with her son, George, who Is attending the university at that place. To Ciuiyoiivllln II. llauer, who has been transact ing business matters In this city for the past few days, loft this morning for Canyonville, where he resides on a ranch. Live, at tVntral lNintr Mrs. V. W. Madoulet, who h.ts been residing an the Sunshine ranch, near this city, left this morning for Central Point, where she expects to reside. liay at Green- Mrs. A. Y. Ulooni ift this morn ing for Green, where she will spend the day visiting with relatives. When You Get up "tired as a dog" and sleep Is full of ugly dreams you need BEECHAtfS PILLS Fatigue is the result of poisons produced by exercise or failure to digest food proper ly, and eliminate it promptly with the aid of liver and kidneys. Fence Fence Fence Page woven steel coll soring wire fence, loop ends, no trouble to splice. Just received csr load and have In stock the 8 bar 26 in., I In. stay. 10 bar 2 in i In. stsy for hogs; also 7 bar 36; bar 3 in.; 10 bar 40 In.; bar 43 In.; 13 bar 47 in. stock fences, and 30 bar 41 In poultry and rabbit fence. Soft wire fence T bar in. at lie; bar 39 In. at 43c. Also several kinds of poultry fence, 13 to 71 inches hleh. Barb wlisi brace wire and staples. White for prices. STEARNS & CHENOWETH Oakland and Yoncalla Sheet Metal Work Of ALL KEtDft JL H. SINNICES 1H OAK BTKHOT FtroB 43 'sir SEI 42. M.dKia VrVf'H""-' hkw in tha I y. 1 lOc, it rnltiTiltlilj Revival Services Still Hold Interest "Xoah s Aik, Whsre Is It?" wlU be the tLen.e at the revhal meeting tonight at tho Christian church. Taw discussion last night on "Is God Right?" was beard by another splen did audience, and the people listened with Intense interest. The evange list brought many proofs to show God right, and coupleC these Ideas with the scripture teaching. At th Invitation one young lady came for ward. These meetings are consid ered by all the members of the church among the moat successful ever held by this congregation. As both evangelist and singer are high class In their line, and only use legitimate methods, never resorting to the clap trap methods to get peo ple. The evangelist Is most success ful In holding his audience, both old and young. Children listen to him with the same interest that older people do. while the young folks are greatly endeared to Mrs. Cross for the Interest she takes In them. The meetings continue over Sunday, with an especial meeting for men Sunday afternoon on "The Third Degree Man," and a meeting that will Inter- Tather' Crammer (Nob Sccurlin) DIVINE HEALER Styled by the newspapers "the world's greatest divine healer," and teacher of Immun ity from disease and sorrow, has been lecturing to large, en thusiastic audiences in Grand Opera House, Salem, and Peo ple's Auditorium, Portland. Father Grammer carries records ot many wonderful rases of healing from Denver, Seattle, Portland, Salem, Al bany, Eugene and many other places. In tho larger places crowds were turned away from the opera houses and hotels, unable to see him on account of the rush. Some waiting as high aa four days to get to see him. and he was prevailed on to go out tn autos and taxis every available moment that he could spare, to see those who were unable to come or be brought to hhn. He will visit Rososburg Thursday, April 15, and remain for a week, lectur ing and teaching every evening at 7:30, at. Liberty theater, and healing at Hotel Grand 10 to 1? a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. dally. Remember the place and data Liberty Theatre .J ADM1HSIOX FHKK THE RU1TER SANITARIUM (Incorporated) . Our Improvod facilities are being appreciated, so that even now de sired entrance should be arranged for several days In advance. Or. Brower Is the bouse physician and Is prepared to answer any call made upon him. Phone 313. 327 West Douglas street. . DR. V. 1m KU1TER, Medical Director Auto Owners! We would be pleased to teat your Batteries Free at any time and give yon expert advlre on the care of Batteries. when purchasing new batter ies get oar price. We can save j on money. ; , J- MOTOR SHOP GARAGE 441 7f. Jackson St. Raseburff. I! ODORLESS CLEAN EFFICIENT sold trair in II lb. whits cotton tn 235 And I lb. rw.r , 35 1 No FUlrr No Bulk AU Fertiliser IU1 SUIT Cll llfT-ltST lilTI CM FUHCI ror Lawns, Flower. Gardens. Shrubs Uosm I'lants. Fields and Orrhards Book FREE Tolls just HOW , A " lb tc corers a lawn tpaea of ins square ten u.:t a rear or mora A tableepoonful to hill ot potmoea. to matoee or ord!nrr roe buah means abun Sant nowera, crlip and earlr vecetablea A teaepoonrul r.r to s In Dotted BlaaL rarni lore it Fallr Guaranteed, BisTRjarroB J. F. BARKER. Bb CO. Hum And have your battery tested at our free testing staHr Or maybe you need a new battery, if so get our dtI before buying elsewhere. Special attention to JW 7ft? work prompt service at right prices. . . TIRES, TUBES and ACCESSORIES R oseb u rg' G araeV LIME SULPHUR SOLUTION Get your orders in now and be prepared. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Write for prices stating quantity wanted. Sutherlin Fruit Products Cn nnmnv ert railroad men Friday night. A cnart will be used and "The Two Hallways of Life" will oe presentod. Mrs. Cross will also sing a railroad aonf at that mooting. . o High School Re ceives Picture Coming as a pleasant reminder her visit to this city, Madame Fran. cesca Zarad, who entertained the Hoseburg public with her beautiful soprano voice at the hiKh school au dlPorium last November, has sent to A. G. Smith, superintendent of city schools, a large picture of herself, across which is written "To Super intendent Smith, and the Koseburg High School Student Hody Associa tion from Madame Francesca Zarad Madame Zarad sang here under the auspices of the high school student body. The picture is very attractive and will be framed and hung In a prominent place In the study hall It was accompanied by a press sheet containing notices gathered by Ma dame Zarad on her western tour, all of them being flattering in the ex tremo. Itatnms From Sutherlin Mrs. W. J. Tester, who has been visiting at Sutherlin for the past few days, arrived In Roseburg this morning. She was accompanied home Dy ner grandson, Bertram Ridgeway wno win visit here for some time, SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL brlnjr auick tMt mnit m deadly disease. Known as tha national ui nouana or mors than 200 rears. All drucc-ista. in three alna. Leek for tkm Mat Cold MeUI M k ea4 accept do inuutioa "" ini-xr LaCSd' It ssawssaasajastaw "iiisf Ml-.i,ujm. ! J5A Our Family Laundry Service WHAT IT IS A kelp that wll: simplify your particular washda rokle -a fasally laundry service. Oar driver sails far rear ft lly kaadle at a definite tlmo each week, and we'll de your wast ing ia our customary considerate and sanitary manner. On fn EM POP 11 v . .. overall club was organist ,U toJay. Cltr flrem.n a J" will wear denim and Rev Ban, recently elected mn. "omen s clubs at Uia r !sas State Normal school. 5, 5 ,of Emporia and the 1. i :tul are considering the format". gingham aiiTiiiae." B i of TKXAniTAVA ,. I n Apri ,. A number of pupil, of the T,, t school attended chapel exerSL day In ovnmil. j j... "" nltention of continuing tn. sJ?! such apparel as a protest as.iB.7,1 high cost of clothing. ""'Mtr -o Taking Extended Trip Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Cheat this city, left this mornlnjYoV; extended trip. They mpett ,? main away until the latter pin June Mr. Cheek Is employed "tj local freight depot. They wai E In San Francisco. Los Angeles cJ veston and at several points in'oki homa. Mailing Itecoplta The tax collecting department, busily engaged In mailing out tu receipts to those who paid un taxes by mail. On account ol ikt great accumulation It will be io time before the tasv. is complem Putting Up Sign The electric sign recently orient by the Uuipqua hotel, has trrlid and is now being put In place. Leaves on Business Russell Harness, local Nash irtt', left this moraine fnr nr.). tA ., tend to business matters. FREE MAP Facta Regarding Oil Investments aw Actlvitlea In the Oil Fields. We will send free upon recast our Independent paper givlor n Uable oil news. Also free oil mips1 Texas, showing all oil pools, prod lng and drilling wells, and tU tlviliea In all Texas Counties. Win for It. Only a limited number i free copies. OIL FACTS 812 Throckmorton St., Ft. Wont. Texas. EXPERT WELDING includes not only the knowl edge of where te apsly fae heat, but also Just whea Is stop. The work can se ever done aa well as underdone. We possess the expert knowWre and have facility tor doing til kinds of welding work satisfac torily. We are at your ler Tlce any time. Mathews Welding Worki 1 ACfTYlENt wtLDIHC CVTTMC 'SKCU11T I KOSEBUHU. OrtKUOXSaaf. It's Time Ve Repair Tour It you want ta get ths full he Befit of the season. Bverf day's delay is day"s fleaian lost. So brlag ths fsod til wlieel aronad and have nt tat it ta tint class riding ceedl tloa. Tan kiew wkal Kss sf werk: ws do. Hrery ell rlisr does. D. W. JAMES Oeaenii Beual aUwp MM Jvarth Jsoksoa it ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY WtWW10WWWWWWWAAW