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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1920)
RSIIBIRg WVW RtVlXW ITEM) AT, APML 11, It SO. ROSEBCTIO KEWI'RBTIBW Issued Daily Except Sunday. Ii. Wimbsrly B. W. Bates Uert Ci. Uates SUBSCRIPTION rates Dally, per year, by mall $4.00 Dully, lix mouths, by mall. . . . 2.00 By Carrier, par mouth . . T 80 Civil at office, per month .35 Weekly New-Kview, per year 2.00 Member of The Associated Press Tbe Associated Press U exclusively entitled to the use (or republication uf all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and aUo tbe local new? pub lished herein. All right of republi cation of special dispatches herein re alio reserved. Roseburg, Oregon, April 13, 1UUO. erBBCRIPTIOX IIATE8 Tee following subscription ratea become effective April 1, 1920, for the Newt-Review; Dally, one year by mall. ...M. 00 Daily, months by mall.. 2.00 By currier, per month 60 Call at office, per month.. .35 V WWW TIIK TOWN BAND. Toroush the columns of the Rose burg News-Review you can talk daily with over seventeen thousand people, all of whom live in Douglas county. If you believe in letting the public know you have tbe goods and are af ter lis business, ifcure is no rarer or better way lo get In touch with buyers of merchandise than by "bitrtruT her up" through these columns. Every candidate has a feeling that he is going "over the top" sometime In May about tho 21t and he probably will. But the heavy bar rage from the rear ranks may get him. Motion picture shows will never be perfect until they elimlua'.o the noisy gum-chewers, the women who read the titles out loud, and the turtle-doves cooing In the dark corners. Of course, RoBuburg and all of Do'iglas county wants a strawberry carnival. This annual event Is one of our biggest advertising assets. Government rloihlng new pretty well sold out, but a lot more of tho type worn in federal Jails is going to b0 needed by the profiteers. "Rest rooms" now provided In many places, but a lot of people con sider the place where they are em ployed was created for that purpose. We've been In lots of small towns that supported brass bauds and we've been In towns that had tried to and failed, says the Marshfleld Itecord. And we have Invariably noticed that the town with the band Is the one In which a great spirit ot co-oporatlon exists, and where every thing In the way of business and so cial lite moves along more pleasant ly. Next to a good dally paper and good schools there Is no better ad vertisement for the small town than a good band. By that we mean one In Whlrh thn ltlvAna n ra Inlavulul to the point that they not only boast of the band but they willingly con tribute a few dollars each year to Its support. For be It known that Lrass bands, like everything else worth anything, costs money to maintain. The men aro willing to sacrifice their time in meeting for' rehearsals, nnd who are glad to lend a hand In helping out such an or ganization, should not be expected also to dig down In their Jeans for "more money to buy Instruments and muBlc and pay a director. , News print paper Is now quoted at j 12ri cents f. o. b., carload lols, In: the east. Up to five years ago two I cents at the mills In the oast was considered a good price. This la one of the reasons why newspapers are consolidating In some Instances, and going out of business In others. Eugene Guard. What every woman knows Is that lean year Is a Joke and that every year Is leap year. No eood woman finds It necessary lo advertise the fact nor to defend herself. Some people have the spring fever the year round. This must ue an awful drag on their systems. The best method to compete wllh the mail order bouse Is to advertise. :-: CITY NEWS :-: Close of HcgiU'utin All voters should bear In mind the fact that registration for the coming primary election will close at 5 o' clock p. m. on Tuesday, April 20. If you did not yote two years ago, or have moved to another precinct since that time, you must again register In order to became a qualified voter. The last day on which candidates may file petitions of candidacy with tbe county clerk Is April 21. IWhk to Cottage Grore Murray Trunnell and wife, of Cot tage Grove, returned borne this morning after a couple ot days in this city. Mr. Trunnell had hoped to secure some O. & C. land but af ter an Investigation changed bts mind. Here For Visit John A. Johnson, of Scotts Bluff, Nebr., arrived In Roseburg Saturday for a visit with his sister, Mrs. John Ferguson, ot Edenbower. Returns to Port bind Beatrice Smith, who has been visiting in Roseburg for several days, left this mornlug for ber borne at Portland. Conference Officers in Town Elder J. A. Rlppey, president of the Southern Oregon Conference of Seventh Day Adveutlsts, and E. C. Stiles, secretary of the organization, were in tovn from Sutheriin for a few hours yesterday afternoon.. Church and school work of tho con- , a.l .,..m,nr.....l tlltt tSiithnrlln Afftripinv haVinK had ail excellent year . Chas. W. Hartley and Will J. Hay ner were over from Sutheriin yes terday. Mr. Hartley was among the applicants for filing on government land cluims before the U S. land office. Divorce Suit Filed A divorce suit on the grounds of desertion was filed yesterday by A. M. Akeis against Ada Akers, Attor ney I. U. Kiddle appearing for the plaintiff. M. A. BULEY CONTRACTOR Builds Anything. First class work. Let me figure with you. Box 304, Resi dence 305 Douglas St. IloKcburR, Oregon. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that tha kidneys are out 6f order. Keep these organs healthy by taking COLD MEDAL UER Tb world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sizes, all druggists. Guarantoed as represented. Look for tbe nam Cold Med! am everr box end aceopt an imiltao Every BrightWide awake Morning is a tribute to Instant POSTUM after the coffee drink er makes the change to this healthful bevep age. .. There's no disturbed slep or nerve irrita tion in POSTUM "There's a Reason" i 2 2 Gates Half Soles Save You Half on Tires We're in that Business CLARENCE BAKER At MoLor Shop Garage. i 233EZieis C. A. Lockwood Motor Car Co. SUCCESSOR TO W. A. BURR & SONS FORD and FORDSON AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE THE FORD Automobile Agency, formerly conducted by W. A. Burr . & Sons in this city, is now under the personal direction of C. A. Lockwood Mo'or Car Co., the new owners taking complete charge Monday morning. BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION: To the thousands of users of Ford Cars, Trucks and Fordson Tractors, as well as all accessories, the new company wishes to make the announcement that the highest standard of efficiency will be maintained in every department. From the buying of a car to the purchase of the smallest parts, and in the way of repair service of every kind, our patrons may be assured of full value and our efforts will be directed to serve them in the best possible manner. We want to i meet all of you face-to-face and take up your car wants and troubles as well, in a way that will redound to the best interests of all concerned. Come in and get acquainted. C. A. Lockwood Motor Car Company Successor to VV. A. Burr & Sons, Authorized Sales and Service Will Visit Son Mrs. J. P. Den n, ef Camas Valley, was In town yesterda en ber way to Portland, where sire will visit wit a her son, Victor, who is attending school In that city. Vlit at Independence Mrs. O. U. Ward and two small sons left this morning for Independ ence to visit wllh friends and rela tives for a short time. Visited Hero Mrs. M. Gates left this morning for her home at Portland, after visit ing with Mrs. S. Brltt In Roseburg for a few days. Traveling Agent Here K. U. Lewis, traveling apent for the Southern Pacific, spent the day In Roseburg attending to business matters. Visit Mrs. Kteanis Mrs. B. V. Strong left this morn Ins: for Oakland to spend the day visiting with Mrs. A. P. Steam.. Hun Music nsi Miss Gladys Strong left this morn ing for Yoncalln, There she has a large class In music. Mrs. W. S. Hamilton Is visiting with her sister. Mrs. Bessie Daniels, at Grants Pass. Frank Cain, former county sur veyor, was here from Riddle on busi ness today. New Manager Takes Over Ford Agency C. A. Lockwood. of Portland, who recently purchased the Ford garage and agency horo, has taken active charge of the business. Mr. Lock wood has employed C. E. Allison of Portland as assistant manager. Mr. Allison has had seven years' experi ence in the automobile Industry, hav ing started In as a mechanic and worked through the various positions until he held the place of head sales agent. He has been associated with the Ford garages and agencies dur ing tho most of this time and under stands the business thoroughly. The new firm will make "service" Its motto and will endeavor to give the most efficient kind of service at all times. The repair shop Is already well equipped and will he brought up to date by the addition of the latest machinery obtainable. The same force will bo retuined with ad ditions where necessary and It is rertain that the business will be conducted In a thoroughly efficient manner under the new firm, Just the same as the public has been served under the management of Mr. Burr. o MIM.F.It RANCH ON MARKKT. Thn Sam Miller ranch at Dillard was today placed on the real estate market, the tract having been sub divided. The large ranch has been broken up into smaller tracts and will be disnosed of throueh the Young & Sen renl estate company. I is o f'ne piece of river bottom land and will doubtless sell rapidly. DAILY WKATIIKIl RF.l'OKT. IT. S. Weather Tlu:-au, local office. Roseburg. Oregon, 24 hours ending ! a, m. today. . Precipitation In Inches and Ilundt redths: Httrbcflf temnorntnro yesterday 60 Lowest temperature last night 40 1'reeipitation, Inst 24 hours . . .20 Total precip. since first of mo. 1.41 Normal precip, for this month 2.48 Total precip, from Sept. 1, '19, 20.11 Average precip, from Sept. 1, 29. C2 Total deficiency from Sept. 1 9.51 Average precipitation for 42 wet seasons, (September to Mav inclusive! .31.48 WILLIAM BELL, Observer. If you have some. !lng to sell or rent try an Adv. in the Sews-Heview. and When r'u "f.." can't "keep your eyes open" in the day time you certainly need Self poiwn. ing by Im perfectly eliminated food poi sons Is a very com mon ailment. Beecham's Pills cor- Sain rectit tWiiTET'W Unfit Site el fegWjS lb. wU. BfJPtNMSlf ODORLESS-CLEAN -EFFICIENT Bold only in 26 lb. whit cotton bags $235 And S lb. pfcekaget ... 36 Ho Filter Bulk All FartUUef EIT 10IET tit IUT-IIJT IAITI Ul P 10 MCI For Lftinif, Flowtr. Oardnii. 8hrab IIoom riaita. f ield and Orchard Book FBEB Ttlli jut HOW A tS lb. b(T cover lawn apace of 1200 square ft Lt a year or mora A tabltponnfut to hill of potatoea. to matoa or ordinary ro9 bush mean ebun dant f1nwra. crisp and early vetab'. A teaffponnful for I to I In ptttd plant Farna lov tt Fully Guaranteed. DISTRIBUTOR J. F. BARKER. (& CO. Rum On In And have your battery tested at our free testing station Or. maybe you need a . new battery, if so get our pric before buying elsewhere. Special attention to Trud Tire work prompt service at right prices. TIRES, TUBES and ACCESSORIES Roseburg' Garage LIME SULPHUR SOLUTION Get your orders in now and be prepared. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Write for prices stating quantity wanted. Sutheriin Fruit Products Co Bl'THHltl.IN, OREGON. . "Where's My Hat?" My last year's straw hat? Soon, Mrs. Housewife, you will have that question put to you, and we suggest that you now prepare to reply, "Here It Is, just like no v." It required but one coat of ELKEY'S Straw Hat Dye 25 Cents. Nathan Fullerton 1920 MITCHELL STYLE jLUS QUALITY SEE THEM! J. F. BARKER & CO., implemnts automobiles tractors -- i - . - - ... .. i- 3 EXPERT WELDING includes not only the knowl edge of where to apply the heat, but also just when M stop. The work can be over done as well as underdone. We possess the expert knowledge .and have fncilily for doing till kinds of welding work satisfac torily. Wo are at your er vlee any time. Mathews Weld intr Works i ACETYLENE WELDING & CUTTiNC SPfMUT HOSKIll HU, OlllXiO eJ It's Time We Repair Your Bile If you want t eet the fall be nefit of tha season. Ever; day's delay 'Is a day's pleaior lost. So bring tha good old wheal around and have ua fit it in first class riding condi tion. Yau knew what kiad work we da. Bvery aid rid" does. D. W. JAMES General BUiiair- Bhop 8S4 North Jackson St SOME SERVICE..... you get when an order is placed with us for . electrical work of any kind. We are right on the.job to serve yoil promptly and most efficiently. MILLER'S ELECTRIC SHOP 123 N. Main Street Phone 447 Our Family Laundry Service WHAT IT IS A kelp that will almpllfy your particular washday f0'.. suck la aur Caially lauadry servlcs. Otit tlrier (falls ftr 7". m inndla at a definite tltao each weeK, aad wall 7" lng in our customary considerate and sanitary manner. nAcrniTDf. C I.. MtTT,Jt "i." . ; STEAM'tAUNDHy 3)