The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 20, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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fpup PVrKIMr Nrwm'ar Bervltuilo that are worse than
LVLHUIU I the darkest phases of African slavery
1,v I in Anie.lean talatory. They are put
II. W. 11ATKS ItKUT (i. llATh ,,,.,. .,;,,, a,..,i overseers, driv
en tin Ioiik hours at the
Live-wire Doings of City ;
i t of uianuul labor, JmJ mi starva- Jxuvctt For Home.
Hultsrriptlon Itatrs Dully. , no,, .ii.-l uml lodged in im .-nti at ion Mjf.s L(a ovel;i(.(. who hil!)
Per year, by mail $3 00 lhai would ,.- a disac 10 a vbi(Ull(, wUh ,ier Kist,.r Mrs. r V.
ler monlh, delivered 60 bumane (arm-, s stock burns. i ,(i fjr (he lW( months iett
Weekly. I TIm- rwm laborer as employed Ill0ininp for h-r home ui
Per year ' " r'11"" MM1"1"1"" ",r GrUnKeville, Idaho
Kix inontna
On ltusinr-.s Trip.
It. L. Thomas, a well known re-.
10 t'i.-T I'uA 'l'-nr 01 mis uiy. mrt im inormn;.
1 :, 1' S
mi:miu:u of asmm;i i'itis. u t; , ii(,rr f .1 .
Tho Assoi iiiltil M'.s i iA liifHHj ,, ,.-, i,,,. i,,it pru.-iMa 11 terrot
cnlitltMl to the 11 s fr n'pulliati.ui' . n m,1:rt., mi,, on mil - j
of nil iii-hh dNpalciics credited to ii n ((. ,.,. i,..t a 111 ikhKm-iii '' VWH at SaU-m.
or not ollu-rwiso irv)ih-l in Nil- .n j;,.,,,,,,, in Serbia, in' Mis. Hen I.oodrnan anl daughter
"i Koumania. in It'is-ia. in Poland ami hi If, It-It this morn in for Salem t
Armenia :.ei.-.-r Km b!ak e.iyl.- -p. -ml Ilia n li sl I fig with r
lls the uhbappv land in -rmii -''! I hey wcic lH'('Oiiip;i!lM'(l I
1.00 .oiditiotiai workern rn-aiis not only
I men The i ju'-1 Pfi':-ian dragnet
Entered as serond-claaB matter, ' iraivs in jmN ami vonn-n many ot
.VoveinbiT f. KlOtt. ul KoneburK. Oie..! then l e,-.,r.. htiiIi.k. Kvi-u the
umlor art of M arrh :, sTJ. lnlMi.-n ai
I tnr L.vons to alit'iuj lo
f tri H. M r. '1 hrmuis r
. awav for at jt asi 1 0 Ul
o b
Hitr 11ml also the Imal news ul
IUIhmI heiviu.
All rinlil of i-iitl)li JiUon of Hpe
rial JiitiiHln's lnnilii me uIm.
Leave lor Port hind.
Kldf-r J. A. Hipppy. president of
the Soul be rn Ontn'un (.onff rence,
with head nuaiirs In ibis eity, Utt
tbiK iitoi'iiin for Portland wh-r j he
will an '-mi a hoard mai ling of the
Portland bunilarium.
Will I' I p.
Wel ti i'l liine, who has in-i-n ()" a1
Miii sh th-id tnr : t". t-ral v. w .-: t
be was employed in one of tin. t our
li.i uv. mi!l. is hoint- a.-in !
will go out to his place near Melrose,
noon. io l v'in putt in in ln.s -i op
Mr. I-ri 11 1 1? ba.s a boniest ead tiin
ennsislilii; nt tutt;. ari' , u h;i li !
experts to proe up mi in t!,e in-a:
! 11 Mi re
D. R. King departed today for'
Riddle after attending to business;
matters in Roseburii. 1
TIT:.MAY, Nt KMKIJt li!, HI7
Till; IMI'i:t I.MIM KVK K IK
w it h d. at h ami !
Hid rl.iblr.-ii f ave
Kveiy once in awhile the world:
prodihes Munelhinu new and ttii.-'
time the wheel:, ol progMs havi
eel ' 1 ll filled" into pl'od'MUl
what miKhl 1 I il I 1 ! 1 1 1 1 be t. 1 Ui-.d a
pilblii; impl'OVeiijt lit Klioi kei ." I
Ills la lest illusion knock in 1; ib
III U h needed impl 0 emeuls lo 111"
county tour 1 bouse and Jail emi
thusly: I
'It has already been Mie-t. d !
that then is woik tm 1I1- T.ipaier. 1
League I,, do. ami lhal eveiy liianL'. ;
in the county should also titer a
HlroiiB proles t aaili-I this heavy
jiendiluio at this lime, unless thej
want $r",bhui) ad led 10 Mm ir next
year's 1aen."
Now, Mr. (Iranger, just li-teii lor a
moment. You an anions ihose vlio
are anxious lo see an aiieuMuial
agent appotntetl tor I hi rounty. In
the T.HS budnel lb"- (t.uniy rouii
has Included $h;hj hi deliay ball o!
tho expenses ul this agent, and ilit n
Is no one in a bet t-i posit ion lo
know tin worth ul an agricultural
agent than the progressive lanm-r
Am a guise lo defeat one measure
thti knocker is trying' to enlist ih
Htlpporl of (he (Iiange, n all proh
ability, If he thoiighl it was -good
politics" be won hi be openly t r iiil
to defeat I he lirange in their I'lTorh
lo get an agi mull u 1 a I agent "be
cause we are at war and Itier
-v of III
A ga ! n
clarion Worm 11 Pope, a lormer resident ot tins
p.-r i.-iied in mil
1 1 . ' i r 1 ' 1 o u -1 t'ht; Wilbur Send I'und.
! Mrs .(i. W. Slioit. of Wiii-u.
d in Itosebut g this moi ning
Home I'nun Port land.
S. -I Jon-, ar nw-d horn- Iron,
Portland he'e he ha- he. 11 !ur t:.e
-:" 'past two Weeks se!lllg as a led-ial
1 gi and niror 11- will 1 et ui n to Pui 1 -
la lid atain Sn nda T!
home 1 he d.. . 1 1 r t (.. V. M (' A
' campaiL-n l., . I Mi. ion-s ii-p;a.d
his loalt to ihe L-ood and a
,, line patiiolli p,ril lr. caliinii oil tje
we jeiietati. that the lovai
1, we It to ' hemsel es I o I e
11 a rues ol t he d ihr. al fine
, a I l it iel) UV es It lo llllll
1 all in this powep to pro
nation in I h i hour ot it r-
1 ;
poi t the
KvetV I
,-l! to .
ted the
peril, and that proiection may oiten Asj,(H.atln
to t!n- er necessity o' mieiier ' short
ii.L' with tht- ireedom ol speei u and
action of oni bent tifeinis and neigh
bors The nation himu's lirst in ibis
dav of many loves, and hope:-, and
a nihil Ions, and am t b ing lhal mi" i :
,, h... t-i.-l.t In 1,1-elit.. Ill si
jda-e in our allegiance and devotion
inn -t he staeiped out. U'e are not
uoini-' to 'end our hoys into Ibe veij
iaus of death iiniil tin y are protect
i at home. UV will not tolerate
tin sniper.
-peiid the day here, and brought with . eaptani ot on
her a L-ift I rum the Wilbur .-.-bonis of j inoinini; and
j::u loi the V. M. ('. A. war work . -"n1 '
Anolliet donated to t !o -a n - ' 1 1"- " ,( T" '
most wuriby cause, by other Wilbur1
iieoi'le. was also tinned over io tin-1 J. W Sv.ti
thotities ben by .1 1
the iu-al i- ams t hi
con ri :tit 1 m g 4 Jo f,i 1 li
ne b..d air. an;, j:t-n M
b- 1'orr la n ' I uud .
in-., ar riv-d today irm
Oakland ai;d -pent the dav in thi
city looking niter business affairs.
To liliil w ho ill his love of the
kaiser snoits bis disloyal!) to I'nele
Sam. then, shall some day appear at
hi,; elbow a lederal oH'u et . who shall
lap him on the shoulder and say
quietly, hut firmly, 'Tome with hm"
Ami the dislojal one vull then and
there di appear from his ;n customed
haunts. In will become a non-iesi
lent, and his friends Hmt were will
breathe a sigh of relief and will
know him ho more toreer. il the
wai lasts lhal lung.
II do
w lu'i her
-snT make :
Min wan! to
liary lhat j 1'''' "'' Koebui
HO evidence lo I he
thin very thing is being done b lb
alleged exponent ul "i oij-11 a l Ism.'
Tho News would advue the ailoii;
lira ngeM of I Ins count to keep a
watch I ill eye on tins elen-lilh hour
Hlruke of ' economy" advanced by tin
Again, 1 be assertion, "I'liless the
taxpayers want f.' added to
their next year's taxes," A labrba
tion. pure and simple. The moiie
proposed for the counl court lioust
illiprovi'iueiit is not :olug to com
from any additional lax. It
pr actically all been pi nvided for bj
the )aj nieiU alreaily ol the penalt;
and interest on the principal amount
of. the . A- ('. land giant taxes dm
for the years I '. I ' I I I a sum ol
money the count, would iieer hav.
received hud It no) 1 11 for the pet
flistenl efforts of ibe district allot
liejH of (be slate and Attorney (!en
eral (ieorge M Itrown It is almost
pure ' elet'" and (here is no bellei
wa y ol pulling it lo legit imate u-
than to invest the amount w In re K
will (be gltates
greateHt nuinbei all the ulternu'
of 11 ma 11 iar lo the I' not w ii I
Hlamlliu .
Anotnei pioot that I'ru-.sian ruth
lessness is s sternal lc. not I he arts i
lawless individual -obliers. 1 nines 11
a news disp.i r. h t nun m-,l ei da 11
dial the Cetmau aulhoiiti. s 111 h I
gin in hav tnitti--ei .1 line .. 1 u,
OiUl.omi I , ;ilU e I h.' pi o I nee 1.
Ka ; l-'b.iiders beciiu.e It tailed t
Pbice lit. t.ilion 1-. al l!n- j 1((
01 1 ue i.ei 111,1 I'V .Nov .1111.11 I
sas the spokesman lit h w.
I Ills g IV es t he A HUM IC t II pi-
)US( allotbev i-lltllp- e ,.I Iheil
lot Would he Under C.-i 1 1 1 Ui uillllai ,
OCI Upat IOII 111 I lie l lllll d St .1'--; T 1 1
I 11, eon .ul. In 10 11 1 1 w.o k-rs d. 111. in. I. d
nv dilfen-ti'
each the pei
I tiook a li
I I loiiglas con nl v The
ing News is "there with Ibe 1
This is certainly line we.ilhei for
the man who has outside work dm
ing 1 lie day ami inside duiing the
hid you ever try getting acqualnt
'd vitti your 1 ;i in ii '' lis a tine job
these long winter evening
The Herman aim appears lo hav
a it i ed in 1 1 al. v Just in 1 1 111 1 tor 1 h
11 ligation.
i? T j i Instant warmth. I.i-ss
kMOWIW iiflCHEATX sintke or n.lnr. I
& M&f&vk. OIL ("L,.o.,., j
NOW family group or the
latest one of the babv will
I-.. ike a spb-r.ilid 1:1ft tol
one on ui! h-t and hy
dt-citlim: to have it I rained
will j:i;ike one e?s present
to t!i!!ik o! Liter on.
We haw a Willi- var ietv of
iiio'ildiriL's a:,ii a .-elf-thm
rail e.tsliy lie ,Klde It'OIII
iej 1 -1 .ck. i lii- w ui k mati
1 ip i.s 1 lie 1.4 sj ami the
lit ing tli- ph'tures in before
f lie .,'; : rush he'.' ins SO
l !., t o;i v. 1 1 1 run no rhance
o! bents' disappointed in the
d.div.-i .
n-:r line (l; holidav dolls,
n s. lioi.k.-. L-ames and sta
tionery is now ready tor
on- 1 ::.-;.ei'! ion.
Book Store
I'pon the character and conservatism of your
bank's ottieers and directors to a Ki-eat extent
depends the safety of your lunds.
if tluv are known as men of hijrh inteirrity if
tliev liave a record as successful men in busi
ness if thev are known as conservative men in
al! things - then voti may rest assured that
their hank is pe.vnKd in eonturniance with a
policy of safety before t-verylliinjr else.
Such are the men who govern this bank and
your funds are absolutely secure in their care.
H W. Strouf, ProsOl.uf. J. M. Throne. Cannier; D R.
Sbambrook, Vice president; Roland Agee. Vice Preaiaeiit.
A Man is What He Feeds On
The housewife. lnolUni: to the fi.mily lio;ilth. will buy
where she ran get I RKs.ll. (M AN tiKOCKKIKS.
Our Stock is Clean and Sanitraily Kept
and all poods are of the b
sonally look-d after.
st manufacture. Orders per-
phoned Hrv Walter Patterson, Prop.
Dixie Plate
Mere .s a luauiiiu!
t. 'ii h-avy silver plate
w b'i'b i vvoi thv ol a ; lae-'
on I In iuo'-i caret u Uy ap
po'iited table.
a'e able TO offer llll
t bis pattern at a surpt is
iel'lv low price, because we
e t be advantage ol
! tie I l.i ! !m.i rk put cbasin t;
pov. r.
A. J. Lilburn & Son B. W. Strong
S. K. Sykes Roseburg Furniture Co.
Tin: si 1 1 : N i l i ic i,i:i:.
A h.ailliulit Ii use that is u.n'li ., n- ulii!.-. hici.-ases the light
im tin- im.1l II N11 i.-iar.- .V. . ' t ; . i, -i tr n.-eessary. Ay
Iiruveil l. Aiii.-m-aa A ntiminhlli' Asneiat ion. Call al our store for
uetllai t..slsatnl t'lirthf; ni:nt in,:i i.'!;.
ll Roseburg Electric Co. C
l it I hiri--. I :le. n i ill.
I'iiom: ij:!.
1 !
i 11
j A.-k 111 see the
! Dixie Pattern
j of llllinark I'late.
OU 1 L. 1JII1 1UU I IIIL. 1 1 I
f -' ' ' ') '-'-- - -----'-rsr ' ' j .ii w 11.1:1;-..
:r''t:::::r' r il LrO Lctet r" " , ,
r::;:;'rcr,-ri iff m , mm Uta r ivAAncTAn i
. 1. , ,i,.,., ... ,,1 i.i..,,,..,,:. ,. w-v n nN a k ;i vviniiMiuiJ
I'll ll. Ihl HI I III: rtl. IS. ..... ....... -..-'.. gVl'E II - - " " - " I. -4t '-.-T,; -
.i,.,h th- vaiii.u, ,-,-, , .1 SYSTEM 1. -5--., 1
1 ' mA iil il r ffiwS&f,, !
.-nip nvioiis ol' tin biim-b ol mio.l fcr-:- ;j ' r- v n . ,. . . " i Tc . I'Ti
..i.i is 11 v,...!v i-h itl'dU- 3 Through Trains East kJV (-.-,; 'fy
ivhi-h -a-h ,.,.,mnan,i i t I,-.-, prii.' Jj'f Lvcry Day .'; V' cf-.-'C- SaShJ-tifijk 1
iv::rf1-i CI1ICACO : KANS.V ,'ITV : SAI T TAKE H J " Ri"TtiT4l- Sj-P v
'th-......aiants ..t .h-inMii-,-M.,,,i-. rji-.;zji.?7' . 'i-- WiJA
&y iv mmw&&tS2&sF
, gpaHX . , I
Me I! I. K.I. v I..-- i-tarn., I,. iPtf a-' ,.' -.. . S--. ff.'.vhn ' ''V-'-lAi.S'l'
ie.i i..! i. i-:.m. M?- h, , ,' '-t.r.11 l.n;;. P.-rf.Tl nn.!.. j
- ..,. . -...1 k , 4.-4n.-fc;j : "" "" --r-
Big Shipment , V ; ; c-.:; , , J rVr ELIZABETH ELDRIDGE HEINLINE
Modch (;v": - - SCHOOL OF PIANO
r ' . ,..!, C s i S:1--.- I'ur.i, lla'-monv ari l I 1
n A ruin T'.m' ITS SOME CARTHE " " - -
LIIAiij i: r- w ii:,;;;;'Fu:H::::
i ; ;;i a HJt-Hl'Xt) r :
I m MUMSix $33 B
r 1 il 1 11 W lbt us show you Separator
'f:-')lA ! i t :
1 Jh ) : Roseburg or.-on OCUCLAS COUNTY CREAMERY
Stop Wasting Man-Power
Use More Electricity
THAT MAN who i iudi- iou.-h fitt :--r all ep.-n -is to (lie lowest
m.i' k. .in,! is making p:ulii witliouf t n u exorbiiant prices
'I!K ISUIil-KU !.. :T.ll'- hi ' ."!"' - -l-. t ii al'v.
T : 1 1 ; . Ki:u u'i. la- liii.-l i...:..r il:i.- ;j his mixers.
riti-: i-.r-rci i i:u i.,, in. is i,., , i-aiiv
tiik sthki:ki:i:i'i:i:. mkih iian i'. m a m r .t"n i;i:i:. r-rixTHAC
T.llt. .., .h i.i'.r i.i.-ili.Ss ll. ., II : : - k- - - I , t ieity ,lo his UlUQ-
Douglas County Light and Water Co.
'A'li l it rniiio:'. to supp! i ti u jour borne villi all the
b -li acirs ot' the season. Our stock is ahvay:; fresh
and i-ompb'-e in all lin -: Yoi will tlml hero tho
clioicest o:' t:oods ami t!i" be.--t of : r: ice.
J. B. KING, IVopiictor Roseburg, Oregon
We Want That Fellow
Who cares about appearances. He is just the "boy"
we want t" cau-r to. In the la'.iri'Jerir.ij of summer
wear we have no superiors few equals. We'll
pve your work that lini.-h liespi ak of intelligent
workmen in every ilepartmenl. It's some satisfac
tion to know you are jrettine; the best and that's
our specialtv.
Drink our coffee,
And start it right.
News Advs Bring Resttsl,
k I