MX THE KVKMSO NKWS TIVsliAV. VoVKMISMt On. loll fpup PVrKIMr Nrwm'ar Bervltuilo that are worse than LVLHUIU I the darkest phases of African slavery 1,v I in Anie.lean talatory. They are put II. W. 11ATKS ItKUT (i. llATh ,,,.,. .,;,,, a,..,i overseers, driv en tin Ioiik hours at the Live-wire Doings of City ; IrtSL'KH AII,Y KXrKIT HI NDAV. i t of uianuul labor, JmJ mi starva- Jxuvctt For Home. Hultsrriptlon Itatrs Dully. , no,, .ii.-l uml lodged in im .-nti at ion Mjf.s L(a ovel;i(.(. who hil!) Per year, by mail $3 00 lhai would ,.- a disac 10 a vbi(Ull(, wUh ,ier Kist,.r Mrs. r V. ler monlh, delivered 60 bumane (arm-, s stock burns. i ,(i fjr (he lW( months iett Weekly. I TIm- rwm laborer as employed Ill0ininp for h-r home ui Per year ' " r'11"" MM1"1"1"" ",r GrUnKeville, Idaho Kix inontna On ltusinr-.s Trip. It. L. Thomas, a well known re-. 10 t'i.-T I'uA 'l'-nr 01 mis uiy. mrt im inormn;. 1 :, 1' S mi:miu:u of asmm;i i'itis. u t; , ii(,rr f .1 . Tho Assoi iiiltil M'.s i iA liifHHj ,, ,.-, i,,,. i,,it pru.-iMa 11 terrot cnlitltMl to the 11 s fr n'pulliati.ui' . n m,1:rt., mi,, on mil - j of nil iii-hh dNpalciics credited to ii n ((. ,.,. i,..t a 111 ikhKm-iii '' VWH at SaU-m. or not ollu-rwiso irv)ih-l in Nil- .n j;,.,,,,,,, in Serbia, in' Mis. Hen I.oodrnan anl daughter "i Koumania. in It'is-ia. in Poland ami hi If, It-It this morn in for Salem t Armenia :.ei.-.-r Km b!ak e.iyl.- -p. -ml Ilia n li sl I fig with r lls the uhbappv land in -rmii -''! I hey wcic lH'('Oiiip;i!lM'(l I 1.00 .oiditiotiai workern rn-aiis not only I men The i ju'-1 Pfi':-ian dragnet Entered as serond-claaB matter, ' iraivs in jmN ami vonn-n many ot .VoveinbiT f. KlOtt. ul KoneburK. Oie..! then l e,-.,r.. htiiIi.k. Kvi-u the umlor art of M arrh :, sTJ. lnlMi.-n ai I tnr L.vons to alit'iuj lo f tri H. M r. '1 hrmuis r . awav for at jt asi 1 0 Ul mat o b Hitr 11ml also the Imal news ul IUIhmI heiviu. All rinlil of i-iitl)li JiUon of Hpe rial JiitiiHln's lnnilii me uIm. rsrrvel. Leave lor Port hind. Kldf-r J. A. Hipppy. president of the Soul be rn Ontn'un (.onff rence, with head nuaiirs In ibis eity, Utt tbiK iitoi'iiin for Portland wh-r j he will an '-mi a hoard mai ling of the Portland bunilarium. Will I' I p. Wel ti i'l liine, who has in-i-n ()" a1 Miii sh th-id tnr : t". t-ral v. w .-: t be was employed in one of tin. t our li.i uv. mi!l. is hoint- a.-in ! will go out to his place near Melrose, noon. io l v'in putt in in ln.s -i op Mr. I-ri 11 1 1? ba.s a boniest ead tiin ennsislilii; nt tutt;. ari' , u h;i li ! experts to proe up mi in t!,e in-a: ! 11 Mi re D. R. King departed today for' Riddle after attending to business; matters in Roseburii. 1 TIT:.MAY, Nt KMKIJt li!, HI7 Till; IMI'i:t I.MIM KVK K IK w it h d. at h ami ! Hid rl.iblr.-ii f ave ions I' Kveiy once in awhile the world: prodihes Munelhinu new and ttii.-' time the wheel:, ol progMs havi eel ' 1 ll filled" into pl'od'MUl what miKhl 1 I il I 1 ! 1 1 1 1 be t. 1 Ui-.d a pilblii; impl'OVeiijt lit Klioi kei ." I Ills la lest illusion knock in 1; ib III U h needed impl 0 emeuls lo 111" county tour 1 bouse and Jail emi thusly: I 'It has already been Mie-t. d ! that then is woik tm 1I1- T.ipaier. 1 League I,, do. ami lhal eveiy liianL'. ; in the county should also titer a HlroiiB proles t aaili-I this heavy jiendiluio at this lime, unless thej want $r",bhui) ad led 10 Mm ir next year's 1aen." Now, Mr. (Iranger, just li-teii lor a moment. You an anions ihose vlio are anxious lo see an aiieuMuial agent appotntetl tor I hi rounty. In the T.HS budnel lb"- (t.uniy rouii has Included $h;hj hi deliay ball o! tho expenses ul this agent, and ilit n Is no one in a bet t-i posit ion lo know tin worth ul an agricultural agent than the progressive lanm-r Am a guise lo defeat one measure thti knocker is trying' to enlist ih Htlpporl of (he (Iiange, n all proh ability, If he thoiighl it was -good politics" be won hi be openly t r iiil to defeat I he lirange in their I'lTorh lo get an agi mull u 1 a I agent "be cause we are at war and Itier -v of III A ga ! n nans clarion Worm 11 Pope, a lormer resident ot tins p.-r i.-iied in mil 1 1 . ' i r 1 ' 1 o u -1 t'ht; Wilbur Send I'und. ! Mrs .(i. W. Slioit. of Wiii-u. d in Itosebut g this moi ning Home I'nun Port land. S. -I Jon-, ar nw-d horn- Iron, Portland he'e he ha- he. 11 !ur t:.e -:" 'past two Weeks se!lllg as a led-ial 1 gi and niror 11- will 1 et ui n to Pui 1 - la lid atain Sn nda T! home 1 he d.. . 1 1 r t (.. V. M (' A ' campaiL-n l., . I Mi. ion-s ii-p;a.d his loalt to ihe L-ood and a ,, line patiiolli p,ril lr. caliinii oil tje we jeiietati. that the lovai 1, we It to ' hemsel es I o I e 11 a rues ol t he d ihr. al fine , a I l it iel) UV es It lo llllll 1 all in this powep to pro nation in I h i hour ot it r- 1 ; poi t the KvetV I ,-l! to . ted the peril, and that proiection may oiten Asj,(H.atln to t!n- er necessity o' mieiier ' short ii.L' with tht- ireedom ol speei u and action of oni bent tifeinis and neigh bors The nation himu's lirst in ibis dav of many loves, and hope:-, and a nihil Ions, and am t b ing lhal mi" i : ,, h... t-i.-l.t In 1,1-elit.. Ill si jda-e in our allegiance and devotion inn -t he staeiped out. U'e are not uoini-' to 'end our hoys into Ibe veij iaus of death iiniil tin y are protect i at home. UV will not tolerate tin sniper. -peiid the day here, and brought with . eaptani ot on her a L-ift I rum the Wilbur .-.-bonis of j inoinini; and j::u loi the V. M. ('. A. war work . -"n1 ' Anolliet donated to t !o -a n - ' 1 1"- " ,( T" ' most wuriby cause, by other Wilbur1 iieoi'le. was also tinned over io tin-1 J. W Sv.ti thotities ben by .1 1 the iu-al i- ams t hi con ri :tit 1 m g 4 Jo f,i 1 li ne b..d air. an;, j:t-n M b- 1'orr la n ' I uud . in-., ar riv-d today irm Oakland ai;d -pent the dav in thi city looking niter business affairs. I To liliil w ho ill his love of the kaiser snoits bis disloyal!) to I'nele Sam. then, shall some day appear at hi,; elbow a lederal oH'u et . who shall lap him on the shoulder and say quietly, hut firmly, 'Tome with hm" Ami the dislojal one vull then and there di appear from his ;n customed haunts. In will become a non-iesi lent, and his friends Hmt were will breathe a sigh of relief and will know him ho more toreer. il the wai lasts lhal lung. II do w lu'i her -snT make : Min wan! to liary lhat j 1'''' "'' Koebui HO evidence lo I he thin very thing is being done b lb alleged exponent ul "i oij-11 a l Ism.' Tho News would advue the ailoii; lira ngeM of I Ins count to keep a watch I ill eye on tins elen-lilh hour Hlruke of ' economy" advanced by tin pettylogger. Again, 1 be assertion, "I'liless the taxpayers want f.' added to their next year's taxes," A labrba tion. pure and simple. The moiie proposed for the counl court lioust illiprovi'iueiit is not :olug to com from any additional lax. It pr actically all been pi nvided for bj the )aj nieiU alreaily ol the penalt; and interest on the principal amount of. the . A- ('. land giant taxes dm for the years I '. I ' I I I a sum ol money the count, would iieer hav. received hud It no) 1 11 for the pet flistenl efforts of ibe district allot liejH of (be slate and Attorney (!en eral (ieorge M Itrown It is almost pure ' elet'" and (here is no bellei wa y ol pulling it lo legit imate u- than to invest the amount w In re K will (be gltates greateHt nuinbei all the ulternu' of 11 ma 11 iar lo the I' not w ii I Hlamlliu . Anotnei pioot that I'ru-.sian ruth lessness is s sternal lc. not I he arts i lawless individual -obliers. 1 nines 11 a news disp.i r. h t nun m-,l ei da 11 dial the Cetmau aulhoiiti. s 111 h I gin in hav tnitti--ei .1 line .. 1 u, OiUl.omi I , ;ilU e I h.' pi o I nee 1. Ka ; l-'b.iiders beciiu.e It tailed t Pbice lit. t.ilion 1-. al l!n- j 1(( 01 1 ue i.ei 111,1 I'V .Nov .1111.11 I sas the spokesman lit h w. I Ills g IV es t he A HUM IC t II pi- )US( allotbev i-lltllp- e ,.I Iheil lot Would he Under C.-i 1 1 1 Ui uillllai , OCI Upat IOII 111 I lie l lllll d St .1'--; T 1 1 I 11, eon .ul. In 10 11 1 1 w.o k-rs d. 111. in. I. d nv dilfen-ti' each the pei I tiook a li I I loiiglas con nl v The ing News is "there with Ibe 1 This is certainly line we.ilhei for the man who has outside work dm ing 1 lie day ami inside duiing the night. hid you ever try getting acqualnt 'd vitti your 1 ;i in ii '' lis a tine job these long winter evening The Herman aim appears lo hav a it i ed in 1 1 al. v Just in 1 1 111 1 tor 1 h 11 ligation. i? T j i Instant warmth. I.i-ss kMOWIW iiflCHEATX sintke or n.lnr. I BSfmW T'IZ-rl STANDARD OIL fcKIWSSMl PEARL ) COMPANY & M&f&vk. OIL ("L,.o.,., j HAVE THOSE PICTURES FRAMED NOW family group or the latest one of the babv will I-.. ike a spb-r.ilid 1:1ft tol one on ui! h-t and hy dt-citlim: to have it I rained will j:i;ike one e?s present to t!i!!ik o! Liter on. We haw a Willi- var ietv of iiio'ildiriL's a:,ii a .-elf-thm rail e.tsliy lie ,Klde It'OIII iej 1 -1 .ck. i lii- w ui k mati 1 ip i.s 1 lie 1.4 sj ami the lit ing tli- ph'tures in before f lie .,'; : rush he'.' ins SO l !., t o;i v. 1 1 1 run no rhance o! bents' disappointed in the d.div.-i . n-:r line (l; holidav dolls, n s. lioi.k.-. L-ames and sta tionery is now ready tor on- 1 ::.-;.ei'! ion. ROSEBURG Book Store STERLING CHARACTER I'pon the character and conservatism of your bank's ottieers and directors to a Ki-eat extent depends the safety of your lunds. if tluv are known as men of hijrh inteirrity if tliev liave a record as successful men in busi ness if thev are known as conservative men in al! things - then voti may rest assured that their hank is pe.vnKd in eonturniance with a policy of safety before t-verylliinjr else. Such are the men who govern this bank and your funds are absolutely secure in their care. THE UIVSPQUA VALLEY BANK H W. Strouf, ProsOl.uf. J. M. Throne. Cannier; D R. Sbambrook, Vice president; Roland Agee. Vice Preaiaeiit. A Man is What He Feeds On The housewife. lnolUni: to the fi.mily lio;ilth. will buy where she ran get I RKs.ll. (M AN tiKOCKKIKS. Our Stock is Clean and Sanitraily Kept and all poods are of the b sonally look-d after. st manufacture. Orders per- phoned Hrv Walter Patterson, Prop. PERFECTION OIL HEATER Dixie Plate Mere .s a luauiiiu! t. 'ii h-avy silver plate w b'i'b i vvoi thv ol a ; lae-' on I In iuo'-i caret u Uy ap po'iited table. a'e able TO offer llll t bis pattern at a surpt is iel'lv low price, because we e t be advantage ol ! tie I l.i ! !m.i rk put cbasin t; pov. r. FOR SALE BY A. J. Lilburn & Son B. W. Strong S. K. Sykes Roseburg Furniture Co. AUTO LENSES Tin: si 1 1 : N i l i ic i,i:i:. A h.ailliulit Ii use that is u.n'li ., n- ulii!.-. hici.-ases the light im tin- im.1l II N11 i.-iar.- .V. . ' t ; . i, -i tr n.-eessary. Ay Iiruveil l. Aiii.-m-aa A ntiminhlli' Asneiat ion. Call al our store for uetllai t..slsatnl t'lirthf; ni:nt in,:i i.'!;. ll Roseburg Electric Co. C l it I hiri--. I :le. n i ill. I'iiom: ij:!. 1 ! I i 11 ! j A.-k 111 see the ! Dixie Pattern j of llllinark I'late. OU 1 L. 1JII1 1UU I IIIL. 1 1 I FULL PEP AND GINGER r nmm A:.Vnv: f -' ' ' ') '-'-- - -----'-rsr ' ' j .ii w 11.1:1;-.. :r''t:::::r' r il LrO Lctet r" " , , r::;:;'rcr,-ri iff m , mm Uta r ivAAncTAn i . 1. , ,i,.,., ... ,,1 i.i..,,,..,,:. ,. w-v n nN a k ;i vviniiMiuiJ I'll ll. Ihl HI I III: rtl. IS. ..... ....... -..-'.. gVl'E II - - " " - " I. -4t '-.-T,; - .i,.,h th- vaiii.u, ,-,-, , .1 SYSTEM 1. -5--., 1 1 ' mA iil il r ffiwS&f,, ! .-nip nvioiis ol' tin biim-b ol mio.l fcr-:- ;j ' r- v n . ,. . . " i Tc . I'Ti ..i.i is 11 v,...!v i-h itl'dU- 3 Through Trains East kJV (-.-,; 'fy ivhi-h -a-h ,.,.,mnan,i i t I,-.-, prii.' Jj'f Lvcry Day .'; V' cf-.-'C- SaShJ-tifijk 1 iv::rf1-i CI1ICACO : KANS.V ,'ITV : SAI T TAKE H J " Ri"TtiT4l- Sj-P v 'th-......aiants ..t .h-inMii-,-M.,,,i-. rji-.;zji.?7' . 'i-- WiJA &y iv mmw&&tS2&sF , gpaHX . , I Me I! I. K.I. v I..-- i-tarn., I,. iPtf a-' ,.' -.. . S--. ff.'.vhn ' ''V-'-lAi.S'l' ie.i i..! i. i-:.m. M?- h, , ,' '-t.r.11 l.n;;. P.-rf.Tl nn.!.. j - ..,. . -...1 k , 4.-4n.-fc;j : "" "" --r- Big Shipment , V ; ; c-.:; , , J rVr ELIZABETH ELDRIDGE HEINLINE Modch (;v": - - SCHOOL OF PIANO r ' . ,..!, C s i S:1--.- I'ur.i, lla'-monv ari l I 1 n A ruin T'.m' ITS SOME CARTHE " " - - LIIAiij i: r- w ii:,;;;;'Fu:H:::: i ; ;;i a HJt-Hl'Xt) r : I m MUMSix $33 B r 1 il 1 11 W lbt us show you Separator 'f:-')lA ! i t : 1 Jh ) : Roseburg or.-on OCUCLAS COUNTY CREAMERY Stop Wasting Man-Power Use More Electricity THAT MAN who i iudi- iou.-h fitt :--r all ep.-n -is to (lie lowest m.i' k. .in,! is making p:ulii witliouf t n u exorbiiant prices 'I!K ISUIil-KU !.. :T.ll'- hi ' ."!"' - -l-. t ii al'v. T : 1 1 ; . Ki:u u'i. la- liii.-l i...:..r il:i.- ;j his mixers. riti-: i-.r-rci i i:u i.,, in. is i,., , i-aiiv tiik sthki:ki:i:i'i:i:. mkih iian i'. m a m r .t"n i;i:i:. r-rixTHAC T.llt. .., .h i.i'.r i.i.-ili.Ss ll. ., II : : - k- - - I , t ieity ,lo his UlUQ- Douglas County Light and Water Co. THE CASH STOKE WE HAVE NO EQUAL! 'A'li l it rniiio:'. to supp! i ti u jour borne villi all the b -li acirs ot' the season. Our stock is ahvay:; fresh and i-ompb'-e in all lin -: Yoi will tlml hero tho clioicest o:' t:oods ami t!i" be.--t of : r: ice. THE CASH STORE J. B. KING, IVopiictor Roseburg, Oregon We Want That Fellow Modenilcli I'ticcd Bellows Store Co. Who cares about appearances. He is just the "boy" we want t" cau-r to. In the la'.iri'Jerir.ij of summer wear we have no superiors few equals. We'll pve your work that lini.-h liespi ak of intelligent workmen in every ilepartmenl. It's some satisfac tion to know you are jrettine; the best and that's our specialtv. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY HONK 71) Ol li AITO WHX CALL WOULD YOU WIN THE DAILY FIGHT? Drink our coffee, And start it right. rHK BEE HIVE I 1 KSON ST. News Advs Bring Resttsl, i 11 k I n 1 V bf J)