The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 31, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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f. ;
Subscription Kitten Dally
Daf vmp hv mail...
, .60
Per month, delivered
Per year..- 2.00
Blx month 1-0u
Entered as second-class matter,
November 5, 1909, at Iloseburg, Ore.,
under act of March 8, 1879.
TUESDAY, JMY 81. l'"7.
That our oft boasted rrondom of
tho proas is but a nusBlnK fancy is
shown by a recent bulletin authorized
"by the "commlttoo on public Batety,"
which appears-by the attached sig
nature of "George Creel" to consist
of that gentleman. This bulletin ex
pressly forbids tho publication of ar
rlvul or departure of all merchant
men in tho "Atlantic, Trans-Atlnntlc
or war zone trade," and such move
ment of shipping "must remain
scrupulously safeguarded, directly
and indirectly. No hint of then
names, routes, times of departure,
destinations or cargoes is permis
sible." And yet congress positively
refused to grant any such power cith
er to the president or to any board or
boards that might bo created, estab
lished or named. More than thlB the
constitution guarantees freedom of
tho press. In addition to all this, to
exemplify the utter uselossnesn of
such an order, tho press of the Unit
ed States voluntarily placed upon
itself a cenorshlp of any informa
tion tht n.ifht. he f.f aid to an en-
omy. ilecnuso the press of America
has established a seit-iniposcu cen
sorship, the order promulgated by
Mr. Creel in this connection amounts
to but little, except as showing the
tendency of the time to concentrate
,.r.,.,,.r anA nutJiblish a OllC-lllim dCB-
potism In a free land. That there Is
such a tendency IB venueu every
nniv a uim.-i time buck a num
ber of socialist pupora were suppress-
A .l,n nnuliaintttnr cenerul. who
denied tlioBo publications transmis
sion through tho malls. It was" an
arbitrary and unwarranted act a
despotic act. Tho present measure
before congress, directed by tho ad
ministration, demnndlnB that one
man bo given absolute control of tho
food situation In tho United States,
and refusing to listen to tho senate
ninondment for a commission of three
to look uftor this most Important
matter, is another demonstration of
one man power that Is a violation of
the Bplrlt of democracy for which
we are supposed to he engulfed in
the world war at present. Instead of
getting closer to republic ideals, the
nation being taken Into confidence
of tho nnminist ration, and the peoplo
allowed within tho Inner circle, we
are drifting In opposllo direction to
a remarkable degree. Many of the
great Influential dally papers of the
country too this deplorable Bltuntlon.
and aro sending out a warning cry,
hoping that the peoplo may arouse to
tho einergoncy and assert themselves
"In" governmental uffnirs beforo any
greater dnmnge is accomplished.
It Is oxpoctod th (it tho next war
lonn, To ho lHHiiort perhaps la Sopteni
bw, will iueluilo "baby bonds" in lo
noniimitlona na low ns $10. This
would bo a vary doslruhlM Innova
tion. It would undoubtedly result In
Dwelling by aovoral mllllotiH the
n ii in bo r of liberty loan Inventors.
More Important limn that. It would
contribute grently to the tfUnlllHli
m ent of a new, national thrift Iki hit.
Our peoplo have never Baved half
tho money they easily have
saved, simply been u bo they knew of
no eaay, Becuro way of Invention It.
Honda were auppoHcd to bo for the
rich. Moat Americans have never
Been a bond. lie fore thin war Ik
over, tho novernment should see th;it
they are imido as familiar aa bank
A writer In tho Saturday Evening
Post RUgReKln that buying bonds
ought to be made an eany hh buying
cigars,' candy, stneklnns and shaving
soan. If small-denomination bonds
Newest Models
Now Ready!
Made in Galcta,
Khaki,Silk, Pongee
$1 to $3.50 c
Bellows Store Company
A Woman's Shop for Woman's Wear
were on sole everywhere, he says,
people would buy them as a matter
of course, with money they now
spend for things they don't nerd.
They would readily supply tho gov
ernment with all the money It needs
to carry on the war, most of It be
ing money that would otherwise be
wasted. Thus millions who have
never saved before would get ahead
In thfi world." And the nalion as a
whole would benefit greatly. There
would bo abundant capital for all
legitimate enterprises, opi-uuiK "v
national resources hitherto untouch
ed. "Once the habit of saving and buy
ing a bond Is established," says
Frank A. Vanrtorllp. tho New York
banker, "it will not be abandoned
when the war Is over, but a million
now springs of wealth will bo de
veloped." 11ANTAM MAY FIGHT.
Tho "bantams," after all, are to
bo given a cbanco to light for their
country. Surgeon General Gorgas
has advised that tho height for
army candidates be lowered, a. id the
war department lias so ordered, s jr
morly the minimum height was live
feet four Inches, and the minimum
weight 120 pounds. Now men are
to be acceptod us low as five feet one
inch, and weighing 110 pounds.
Tho change will meet with general
approval. Tho old rule was based
on military tradition rather than the
facts of present-day warfare. The
Japanese war proved, once for all,
thut little men can light will! mill
em weaons as well as big men the
diminutive Japs licked the giant Rus
sians In nearly every engagement.
The present war hus demonstrated
tout the "bnnlauiB" at leust sufler
no disadvantage becauno of their
'Vfiff have some real advantages,
asldo; from the reputed lighting
spirit or the small man. They lake
up less room in the trenches, and
they offer less conspicuous targets
for bullets. A small man can, ot
courso, shoot a rifle or machine gun
or cannon as well as a giant, and
drive an ueroplauo belter.
This letting down of ... bars will
grently Increase the number of men
eligible for military duty. Tho war
department doubtless had lhat fuel
In mind. Anil in relaxing the height
and weight regulations thus early In
too game, It has profited by Great
Drltaln's experience. The Itrtllsli au
thorities ut first turned away the
smull men, and later on were glad to
get them, And in no case Is it re
corded that the "bantams" showed
any lighting inferiority.
One of tho boM musical treutu ever
given In (.union Valley wus held ut
tho homo of Mr. and Mrn, V. I).
lions on lunt Saturday evening when
tho MiiHleal Club from Uosouurg de
lightfully entertained a largo mini
her of people In that community, and
thou present felt highly honored
and very grateful to the participants
of the program.
Tho members of (ho Itnrovement
club feel deeply Indebted to Mr.
Arundel, who kindly offered hU Her-
vk-es for this oenenlon and under bin
directorship tho program was gotten
up which rouHisted of Instrumental
selections, vocal solos, duets and
'I ho club realized a neat sum
from tho proceeds of the sale of re
frcshmcnls wived at the clone of tin
program to ho added to the fund
for the community house which they
are endeavoring to raise.
Those assisting In t lit evening'
entertainment were M.kms Mabh
and Anna Htun. Miss l';iinher. Mr.
and Mrs. Cuuton A. l-'ory and Mr
The next meeting of the club will
be hold at the home of Mrs. W.
.Martin on 1 hursday allei noon.
August 9.
Mr. and Mis. Allen Wilson, of
(Ireen station were business visitors
In Hoseburg Monday, returning to
their home In the evening.
Live-wire Doings of City
Ilijlllet Ke.
(Hyde Carries, of fames, was a
visitor in Koseburg Monday after
noon where he received medical at
tention for his eye. Mr. Carnes pain
fully injured his eye while working
about his farm and it was necessary
to consult a physician.
Auto Travel Heavy.
The auto tourist travel is at Its
height. Probably 4u cars pass
through the 'city every day that bail
from aa far away as Pennsylvania
and Kentucky. California furnisliea
mere than any other state, even In
cluding Oregon.
IUuhi Hull
A very Interesting exhibition of
tho national pastime was stagtl in
Winchester Sunday ;if.i'iiuun when a
team or that place crowed bats with
the Calapoofa nine. Tho ecoro was 1J
to 10 in favor of Winchester. Um
pires iJemnan and Mmv-iv.
rnin.sfeiTCtl to Itoscbui-K.
Kred Montgomery, who is an S. P.
brakeman, hua been transferred to
KoKtiburg from Springfield, Ore. He
will bo Joined by his wife Sunday.
Mrs. Montgomery was formerly Miss
Eula Starr, of Stephen, Ore., and is
a niece of ilrs. O. P. Henderson, of
this city.
liuilding: New iiiune.
Councilman Uulhv inkle is building
a handsome garage in the rear of his
house on Webi Oougiab street. This
is the residence formerly occupied by
Dr. Vincil, and into which Henry
Harth, of Harth Toggery, will move
leavu for Suriiuiiento Touigbt.
Mr. Kife, the man Injured in the
motorcycle accident on Hice Hill a
short time ago, and who has since
been at storey hospital, is much bet
ter, and accompanied by hts partner.
Mr. Alt ticker, will leave for Sacra
mento on train No. 1 5, tonight.
Horner ut lU'.uli.
Mis. J. U. Horner and daughter.
Miss Pearl Horner, accompanied by
Miss Vera Horner and Miss May
belle Miller, who arrived at noon
from Uosehurg, departed this ul-'-r
noon for Newport, where they will 1
spend several weeks. They will oc
cupy a cottage at the beach. Cor-
vallis Times.
Kliis Il.tzanlH Increase.
1-ocal Observer William Uell thttj
morning received a wire from the
San Kranclsco ot'llco slat irg that
pressure conditions were favoraole
to increased fire hazards, with vim!
westerly, shli'tly to northei ly. The
weather bureau suggests extra pre
cautions be taken to prevent l'irei.
Stops Over In City.
Mrs. A. H. Lamb, of Phoenix.
Ariz., stopped over In this city yes
terday en route to Nome, laska.
where she will reside permanently
with her brother, who is a promin
ent emery man of that section. Mrs.
I jam I) will visit iiuring her stay In
Iloseburg with her father, who re
sides at the Oregon soldiers' home.
Will Ijciivo for Fruixv.
lllibeti Wilson, a popular employe
of the Motor Snop garage, and a son
of Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. Wilson, will
leave early in August for Eugene,
thence to Pennslyvania where he will
train for a couple of weeks prior to
sailing for France. Mr. Wilson is a
mciiihrr of the American ambulance
eonps under comand of r. Win.
K uykendalt. of Eugene, which is
composed of university boys.
VNitoiN lietiiru to Portland.
Mr ami Mrs. Harry houmigh. who
hae been visi;iim .Mr. and Mrs. (is
c:ir l.indsoy. left fur t lieir home in
Port la mi .11 1 ut day night. Mr. I I'm
ougb Is conertcd with the (icvu r; .
Furniture Co. I lu'i and his u ife
Wiis formerly Miss Emilia 'l'homjiicm.
of Cdes Valley. They were accom
panied by iuilomntiile as f:n ;is Waud
linu by Mr. an. I Mrs. l.indsey, who
returned here Sunday.
Two Ihralh.H ut Soldier Home.
Charles Harper, sergeant A com
pany. I st K infant ry. au d 7
years, died at the So'diers Imme yrv
tMday at J.r.o p. 111 11' u.i-. .1 na
tive f M issouri and in.- l o t i.e
iinme F.ibruai'.v "JJ. 1 7 . So far as
known no telatixes survive M.triin
'. Andrews. piiate I st Main in
fa nf ry. Company A. :i:ed 7. ta
of (iaidilier. Ore., died Cil- i:.tnn:
at four oYlot't atul will he buried
tomorrow ::i ten o'clock !I i si 1
vived by two sons. ti. t and I. I'.
Amlreus. botli of Caidimr
Sitkittu Koads tiood.
Ftnm a clipping issued b the
UUill Valley Sentinel the obi C
Hay wagon road is in a heifer e
ilitPn titan H'st repelled and a i'
dent if the Coos Pay vicinity t.i
I'M-.'plien to Ine item deelarnu l
I ." or "u antes pass over the ro.n
ia'. without ,mv trouble uhatie
"The tWliiiu; and phMlie i-ars run
firm Itofeburg daily." end Mr. .1.
I ami. the informant. The 'list c
travelim; eer tin1 route evpiMieiv
innch trouble, but accorulng to
I T.nird wonder fill changes hnve hi
' rem i;h t an I It is a pleasure to t r 1
'by way of Kesion . tin nee to C
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Alw-v bears
oos 1
. .. . .
rrtl . f
Hug Kignal ITnctice. !
Members of I company were doing
flag Bivnal practice on tho cour:
house lawn last evening.
Portland Visitor raw Tlu-ough.
itev. J. H. Itoyd and family, of
Portland, passed through the city
tiiis ufleinoon enroute south. They
spent severul hours In Koseburg.
Afternoon J.unelieon,
Mrs. Irvln Hrunn entertained a
number of tier Immediate iieiglilors
at a light luncheon yesterday after
noon whicn proved u very enjoyable
affair. Khe was assisted hy Mrs. J. L.
ItOKgn in making the occasion a very
delightful one.
Nursing Painful Hand.
Karl Strong has been suffering
quite severely the past day or two
from un abcehs m the palm of his
right hand. He had the unwelcome
'visitor" lanced yesterday which
brought much relief, but It will be
some time before be will bo able to
use tiie member.
Moving to Portland.
Thomas Dean, who has cond.i?te:l
poultry market on North .Jackson
street for the past two years, exi ecis
to move to Portland tomorrow. Tho
poultry market was sold to other
parties about a month ago, and they
have taken possession of the prop
erty. Touring Southern Oregon.
This morning at five o'clock, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Kitchic, of Salem,
who are touring the state in their
car. left this city for Klamath Falis
and way points. They were accom
panied from Iloseburg by Mr. and
Mrs. A. .1. Carman and son. The
party will be gone a week, and will
visit many points of interest during
that time.
Stewart Passes Ivyhiii hint inis.
A postal card received today by
Mrs. F. A. Stewart, of Laiuelcrest
ranch, from her son, Marl, who for
the past eight "weeks has been study
ing at lierkeley, Calif., for the of
ficers' reserve, states that be suc
cessfully passed the examina1 ion.
along with a great many other oung
men in' the class. Ho will immedi
ately to to .San IHejo, where the at
of aviation will be taken up, and
practical experience in lhat line o"
the service be obtained. The man'
Iloseburg friends of Farl Stewart
will be delighted to learn of bis rapid
Aug. 7th to 11 tli
Fire Dept. and Red Cross
The Largest and Best Equipped Carnival
Company in the West.
Big Free Act Every Afternoon and Night
5-Big Bays and Nights -5
Wash In The
if you will. But don t do
without a liht while vc.ur
machine is running. Von
can not be sure the clothes
are clean unless you have
a li(;lit too. Thut is made
possible by the
V...?4J .-.
an a. iliintiUM LTiW '.tla?
' AVI,
Kellogtf Jteshlents Here.
Mr. and Mis. W. A. Peters, of Kel
logg, motored up from the lower
Tmpqua river (section today and
spent the day In Iloseburg. They
were accompanied here by Miss
Lewis, of 1js Angeles, a sister of
Mrs. Peter1T,"who la a guest visiting
friends and relatives in this county.
They expect to return to Kellogq
this evening.
Hivoree (irantexl.
In the case of J. II. Smith vs.
ltcrtha K. Smith, action for divoicc.
Judge Hamilton today banded town
a decision granting a decree of di
vorce to the defendant, and giving
her the custody of the minor child,
May Smith, and requiring tho plain
tiff to pay the sum of $15 per month
for the support of tiie child. Attor
ney A. N. Orcutt appeared for the
Floor paint, any quantity. Cordon
& Bishop. a24
Auto paints, all kinds. Cordon &
Iiishop. a24
Fred; L. Strang, county fruit In
spector was called to looking 'ilaas
this afternoon to investigate evidence
of silver leaf disease leported in
lhat vicinity.
Mrs. J. H. Itankln, of this city, left
Monday evening for Oakland, Calif.,
where a couplo of weeks' sojourn
with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. T.
William. will be spent.
Miss Amy Marstera arrived last
evening from Albany where she has
been emp'oyeo in a business estab
lishment of that city. Miss Marslers
will spend her vacation at the home
of her mother, Mrs. L. A. Marsters
of S. Pine street.
If you have any good young
norscs. loot) to ItiOO pounds, see J
M. Judd, or phone fiO. alp
All kinds of root vegetables,
such as carrots, beets, turnips, etc.
Let us know about what quantity
you will Phone 83.
... 1
Besides, it fits any pocket, anywhere
around the house, and adds a place
to quickly attach all kinds of electrical
ixture, t'.lctiical Supplici
a:id Motor.
Ro.cburg, Ore.
J " .
It's Easy
TyjERELY a matter of spending less than you earn.
Keeps growing easier, too becomes surprising
ly easy after you have practiced it a while. People
fall into the habit of spending money thoughtlessly
and immagine they cannot save. Cultivate thought
fulness and carefujness and you are bound to save.
Open an account today there's protection, en
couragement and satisfaction in a savings account.
fl. W. Strong, President; J.
Shambrook, Vice President;
t'OK SALE Good 5-year Jersey cow.
Klnc 31F12. . Ul-a-26 1
U. Crouch.
-A horse. Inquire S.
PICS FOIt SALE Thoroupllhred
Duroc-JeraeyB. Chas. A. Hrand,
The Overland Orchards.
FOR SALE A nve-passonger tour
ing car. Just overhauled, in pood
condition. A dandy buy. See 'al
terg. Tho Motor Shop. 2 '. S-tt
I'OR SALE Practically new No. 2
Sharpies suction feed cream separ
ator lit big discount, inquire K.
It. Wood, News oflice. tf
FOR SALE A number of good
horses. All aires. Inquire N.
Curry Estate. Phone 2iF2.
plete set for Ford car. Inquire at
News oflice. Does away with
panctures tf
FOR SALE Shetland pony,
thoroughbred, Mltehel buggy, tan
harness. E. C. Henson, Douglas
National Dank Dldg. 251-if
FOR SALE 1 7 'k acres, 1 0 acres In
orchard. Nothing better in Doug
las county. Hargain. Inquire
News office. -tOL'-a-L't
FOR SALE No. 10 Smith Premier
typewriter, In first-class condition,
doublo keyboard. Price In
quire at The News office. tf
foie buying plants. Will have a
surplus from both imported and
domestic seed. Foster Ilutner.
Koseburg Gardens. Phone 4')K11.
ENJOY CITY LIFE For short tinif
will offer fine Iloseburg property
for small stock ranch. Parties trade In mind will do well to
Investigate. Address Owner, care
News. 304-tl
FOR SALE Ford bug in first class
condition. Ilosch magneto and
Strongburg carburalor. Illue streak
racing body, price $400. Inquire
II. E. Uurchfield, Winchester, Ore.
FOR SALE Three farms, one 4L'
acres, 4 acres orchard; one 7u
acres with 2."i acres orchard. P.oih
!n Looking Glass. One SS acres.
7 yt miles north of Roseburg. Price
of latter pl-ice $2500. Inquire o;
Phono 13F2. :'.:!-:'
FOR SALE On terms. Stop con
trlbuting to the landlord's pros
perity. Uliy a house for wife aa!
kiddies. Ten lots, fine trees, fruit
small house, delightful local ien
near pavement. $750. Wort!
$1500. Address News No. Srt.t.
FOR SALE If you want a good
country store business paying a
handsome net income, steadily
growing farm and forest trade.
i.uNu siock. part terms on acre
age and buildings. Look this pro
position up nt once. It will bear
tho closest investigation. My own
er. Address 546 Pltzer slreet
Koseburg. Ore. ft i; -i 3 1
FOR SALE 4 1 acres, seven acro
cleared. 9 miles from Myrtle
Creek. Good creek runs throasb
place and good sprinr on property.
All fenced no other Improve
ments. Make an excellent chick
en farm. Price $';oo
down, balance at small yearly pav
ment nt 6 per cent. Address Mrs.
L. A. Daugherty, Myrtle Creek.
. re- 388-al
FARM lA.Vbs.
THE GOVERNMENT needs farmers
as well as fighters. Two million.
three huB'ired thousand acres of
Oregon & California Railroad Co
grant lands. Title revested in the
1'niled Stales. To be opened 'oi
nomeslcr.ds ami nie. CoiuaMiiim
come of the best land left in t't-it-cd
Slates. Large cop rtrhtt d n:!n
showing land by sections and de
rcrlptlons of soil, climate, rain
fall, elevations, temperature. p;e..
by counties. Postpaid one dollar!
Grant Iands Locating Co . box
Gin. Portland. Ore. S13-S21
WANTED- -Younc man for w.iit.-r
or dishwasher at Goor. 's I'l.ic,,
WASTE tvOlrl at Roseburg
Laundry. Girl with "X;erience
WANTKl. Experience- waitress at
once. Write or phone llc'et
Clark. Glendale. 36S-tf:
to Save
M. Throne, Cashier; D. B.
Roland Agee, Vice President.
WANTED Contracts Tor sawing
wood. Phone 180-L. 3S2-tf
house. C'lofp to depot. Addres
X Y Z care News. a-lp
WANTED Competent woman for
gin.-ral housework. Mrs. W. J.
Phillips, riiuhei lin. Or. 351-tf .
WANTED Woman for chambermaid
work. Apply lo Mrs. tieo. Foutch.
Royal Club Cafe, Cass and Sheri
dan street.
WANTED Furnished or partly fur-nislu-d
r or G room house for a
year. Call or address 1IM6 North
Jackson street. City. 404-nl
horse. 2nd hand bucsy and har
ness for 2 or 21'2 horse gasoline
Miinp nt.irie or will trade lor hay.
It. Stilbbs. Melrore. 3.2-al2
WANTED Man of experience and
abilily to teach small country
school; excellent references re
quired. Salary $70 to f SO. Apply
Co. Supl. '.). L'. for particu
lars. 317-tf
I WANT TO WORK Young married
man, good stenographer, bookkeep
er and all-round offico man. de
sires either temporary or perma
nent position. Excellent refer
ences. What can you offer? Ad-
l ress Jjox 1 0 3 C i l y. J31
FOR RENT A furnished house.
Phone 21H-.I, or 2SF3. 4001 f
ROOMS TO KENT ith or without
board. Inquire or address 451 S.
Jackson street. 403-tf
FOR RENT Fniir-rnum furnished
house. Inquire 5 17 S. Stephens
SI. Phone 45 Ml. tf.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room house,
new garage: North Jackson street.
Inquire News, or phono 199-R.
-MRS. If GlI.PATItlCK Please call
on Mrs. Geo. Kotitch at the New
Oregon, or al the Royal Club Cafe.
WELL DRILLING An up-to-date
outfit. R. E. Ileinselniati, Rose
burg. Ore. 350-tf
MONEY TO. LOAN Several thous
and dollars to lo;m on good farm
seruritv. Local money. 7 per cent
interest. 2. 3 or 5 years. See M.
F. l'.ire of Rlee & Rice. j3 1
TO EXCHANGE -Equity In Umpqua
valley farm for a cheaper place
farther out. that is suitable for
poultry and cows. G. M. Green.
Melrose Oregon. Phone IIF13.
FINANCIAL If you desire to bor
row money see us. If you have
money to loan see us. We negoti
ate loiins an make a specialty of
lirt irorlaegp farm loans. See M
F.J:i.0 of Riee & Rico. jJl
Don't wait until the horse is stolen
to arrange about the born door
lock. .. write all kinds or insur
ance. Fir", lite, accident, automo
blle and bonds. Riee & Riee. j31
Low uilerot rate. Long time
farm l,,an. 2'l year amortize
plan. Tiie only safe loan for the
' f inner. s red tape. See M F
lin e ,,r It jee g. l;j,. j31
WAR. WAR. WAIt-Ree Pat, not
a 'out il,,. German war. but about
l; on n. ill rk, ,!or and win
dow frames, all kinds of cement
work io--es built, moved or ro
bahed Also !.u,. some snap bar
gains in leal estate. Hotter list
no s ii you want to sell
F. F.
i aner.-.oi;
5,000 FEET
Second Hand, 1 inch
V ator Pipe, See
ll Oak St.