The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, March 01, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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You will always find at our store everything
clean "and good to eat and we extend to you a
cordial invitation to come in and see. We be
lieve in fair and courteous treatment as our
interests are mutual. We have just unloaded
another car of that GOOD FLOUR
White River Best Ever
Price $1.85 Per Sack
Phone Your Order If You Can't Come
Main 2381
Commercial Club Building
We Want Your Produce
Peter Jones and daughter are in
tho city from Looking Glass today.
For a good clean shnve, hnir cut or
bath, call at the Maddix barber shop,
Cass street. TF
J. M. Leeper and G. M. Leeper and
wife, of Oakland, were in the city
today on business.
H. G. Reese and William Duke and
wife, residents of Oakland, were bus
iness visitors in Hoseburg today.
Dr. C. H . Foster, a veterinarian I
who recently came here from Can
ada, made a trip to Riddles last ev
ening, j
B. F. Waite stopped in town last
night on his way home from Ashland.
He reports real estate active and loU
of buyers from the east. I
Mrs. H. E. Cnntlln and her son-in-
Jaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Bair, and who have been in the city'
for the past three months left fori
For Men. There is no beter shoo
made than the celebrated "J. E.
Tilt," which is to be found at the
MlHikin Shoe Store. And for heavy
wear there is nothing equal to the
"United Workman Shoe." dt-f.
Mrs R. Machir, of Vancouver, B.
C, who has been in the city some
days on a tour of the country, return
ed to Portland this morning. She is
accompanied by her brother, Mr. B.
Johnson, of Seattle.
Dr. Lowe, the optician will be In
Ttoseburg Thursday, Friday and un
til noon Saturday of this week. Onk
land, Wednesday. Don't fail to cou
BUlt him about your eye and glasses.
He can furnish scores of Douclas
county references. d-w
Mrs. Mary Cbaney, mother of Thur
man Chnney, county superintendent
of schools, who has ben visiting her
eon and family for some days, return
ed to her home in Mvrtle Creek to
day. Prof. Chnney left at the same
time for Yoncalla on school matters.
Prof. Chas. A. Lotz Is organizing
his pupils Into an oratorio and oper
atic company for the purpose of pro
ducing In tho near future the oper
etta called the "Merry Widow."
Tills Is one of Gabriel's most popular
productions, full of catchy music
and has a cast of 25 characters.
Mrs. E3. M. Gardnor, district suner
vlsor of the Amvelos university of
Los Angoles. Cnl., who has beer, in
the city during the past two months in
tiie interests of the school, left this
morning for Los Ane'es. She states
that film llflH trtiwri 9fin ornuntivn I
students m this vicinity for her
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Tunnell. for
merly of Alnhama. now located tem
porarily in Portland, nrp in the cH
tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. X. Ed
words. Mrs. Tunnell is the mother
of Mrs. Kd wards, who Is employed
as a stenogranher In the Commer
cial Club. They urn looking over
Ilia fnnnfcir ti-IHi l.. i.. i
.......... j mm iiio in u.-ULJUIl LH HJ- i
eating. I
-.'? Miss Elen Gertrude Harris, &
S teacher of vocal and piano. Stu- "
dio at Oak and Kane streets,
w care of Mrs. A. C. Harsters tf
F. F, Fenaison of Portland, who
has been in the city looking us over,
returned nonio touay.
Have you a kodak? If so let us de
vour developing and printing. Lewis'
Studio, cor. Cass and Rose streets, tf
Jack Sherry, of Portland, one of
the employes of the Warren Construc
tion company, is in the city today
looking nfter a timber claim.
Mr. George Parker certainly made
a good fountain pen when he made
the Parker Lucky Curve Pen. On
sale at Roseburg Book Store. f-l-tf
Will pay $1,000 cash, balance on
terms, for ranch reasonably close to
railroad, with some improvements,
good house and stock. Address -with
full particulars, J. C. II., care this of
fice. d-swm7
Mr. Elliott Shepard who recently
arrived here from Seattle to look
over this section of the country, went
out to Wilbur todny to look over the
Harding .fruit tract there
Mrs. C. L. Pearsons will entertain
Mrs. A. Stiles, the worthy grand ma
tron, O. E. S., while sho is In the city
March 3. Thursday afternoon all of
ficers and members of Roseburg
chapter, Xo. 8, O. E. S. and nil visit
ing Fastern Siars are invited to call
at No. 508 Fowler street and meet
Mrs. Stiles. Mrs. Stiles will go to
Drain Sunday afternoon and from
there by stage to Coos county.
Miss Juliette Sussmileb, daughter
of Mr. "William A. Sussmiich, who re
cently sett ltd here, left for her fath
er's former home in Upland, Califor
nia, this morning, to attend to some
business matters there in collection
with the transfer of their property to
this place. Mr. Sussmiich is one of
the many desfraolo and progressive
citizens who are locating In this vi
cinity. He is already an enthusiastic
booster for Roseburg, and says that
thn climate of Douglas County suits
him better than that of California.
Sot Anid Anderson, painter; Dan
iel M. Johnson. Oscar R. Johnson and
John E. Erickson, laborers, nil of
Jam! land. Sweden, todav took an
oath before County Clerk Lenox, re
nouncing forever all aliinnce and
fidelity to any foreign prince, poten
tate or sovereign, and particularly to
(nistav, the bill king of Sweden, and
filed the declaration of intention to
become good citizens of tho gmnt
American republic. They are all lus
tv young Swedes from 18 to 22 years
old. It will be two years before they
can secure their naturalization pa
pers, providing they hayo by that
time resided in this county five years.
Minnie Rwnnson, aged F4. who lives
nt Mvrtle Creek, also filed her declar
ation yesterday.
flrfr r Land -
- f
;-"-rr:i v.-v
fcj -VP i
taken soon. Address It. It. Overman, llnlsoy.
.120 acres, will cruise
about 8 million feet;
mostly fir, Rome cedar,
good land nfter timber
Is taken off; 3 '4 miles
from railroad station;
2 miles from railroad
strack; beintc the e 14
of the nw V and the
e - of the sw V and
the 110 , ull of See. 8,
7 T .HI, S. K. S W, V. M..
'1 Ore. Titlle perfect.
Price 21 per acre if
Seeks to Recover Timber Valued Bt
The Portland Oregonlan of todny
Suit for the recovery of timber val
ued at $5,400 was begun yesterday by
the United States District Attorney
against George Netiner, residing near
Hosebnrg. It is charged that Xeuner
entered a homstead in 1903, but fail
ed to establish a residence on the
land or in any manner cultivate it.
Soon after securing possession of
the land Neuner Is charged 'th hav
ing moved a portnhle sawmill onto
the land nnd begun a systematic cut
ting of tlml r which was manufac
tured into lumber and disposed of on
the -local markets. The government
chnrges that out of 600,000 feet of
boards secured by Neuner, less than
9000 foet were utilized In improve
ments on the property.
Neuner relinquished the filing to
the United States in Janunry. li)07.
E. 1.. Settle, of Oakland, Is in 'he
city today.
John Gerder was on tho streets
S. H. Croy, of Camas valley, was
in town yesterday.
The Rev. J. MrXaub Is confined to
his homa with sickness.
H. U. Fnncher. of Brockway, was
doing business In town yesterday.
Victor Woodruff went to Salem to
day where he has secured a position.
Mrs. Jns. A. Perry, who has been
quite ill for the past month, Is re
ported as Blowly Improving in nenitn.
Mrs. II. B. Fanning, of Oakland,
who hns been in the city on a visit.
the guest of Mrs. John Ahene, left for
home todav.
F. H. Fannn, proprietor of the
Drain hotel, was in the city tonny.
Mr. Fanan was at one time sheriff of
Lancaster county. Neb.
The Rev H. H. Dollarhlde left to
day for Portland to attend the funeral
of n nephew, W. B. Dollarhlde, who
died there last Sunday evening.
It 1b reported that Mr. Z. Wins has
sold his place In the Mt. Nebo tract
on the 1'mpqua river. Tho name of
tho purchaser could not be ascer
I. A. Dean, tho music dealer, nas
sold his music and grnpaphone busi
ness to a Mr. F. Phlllpps, late of
Ault, Colorado, who has assumed Im
mediate charge of the business. Mr.
Phlllpps experts to add to the present
stock of musical goods and grnpho
phones n line of confectionery. Mr.
Dean will remain in the city for me
H. Rickert. the miner wno was
brought here and placed In the hos-
pltnl some time ago, haa his right
eye removed yesterday. Rickert was
badly bruised and shaken by a biasi
of giant powder while working In a
mine near Glendnle. Dr. Sether, who
has been attending the Injured man.
has been trying to save the eyo, but
decided yesterdny that it would be
neressarv to remove it.
S. J. Thornton, nnd Mrs W. E. No-
geny, his mother; nnd O. G. Thornton
and wife, who were In the city to nt-
tend the funeral of the late William
Thornton, at Oak Creek, returned
home todav. Mr. S. J. Thornton re
sides at Portland, nnd O. O. Thornton
lives, at Springfield. It hns been 22
years since the former left Roseburg
nnd 23 venrs since the latter was last
here. They express surprise at the
growth of tho town during their long
Carries a full line of School books and School
A big stock of Offici supplies and Blank Books
Drawing Material.
Typewriter Supplies.
Agent for Moofe's Office Methods.
Newspapers. Magazines.
Rosebunr Book Store
fSneoinl to tho Evening News).
. EVRUKTT, Wash., March 1. The
west hound Spokane local jinRHeirier
has been mailed in the mountains
near WelliiiRlon sinco February 24.
Reports in a f raRnientnry message re
ceived this afternoon is to the effect
that the train has been wiped out
by a snow r'V.o. All wires ate down
and prave rears are entertained for
nil of the '.hi ty passengers, who. it
is reported, have been swept to ihc
bottom of tho canyon five hundred
feet below. A relief train hns been
sent to the scene headed by a snow
(Special to the Evening News).
GOLD H ILL, Ore., March 1. Lim
Quail, a Chinese cook, committed siii
eide near his ranch south of here to
day. The chink had been imbibing
quite freely of late nnd brought about
a bad case of delirium tremens. H"
fired four shots from nis revoher at
the "little devils." and then ended hi
earthly career by putting four bullets
in his own body.
. I
(Special to Evening News.)
WASHINGTON, Maich 1. Pr--i-dmt
Tnft today summoned Kenaior
Aldrieh to the While Houpp for n nn- j
fei ence In which he urged nuit k"i :
action by congress on nil W glj-latifni 1
backed by the administration and now
pending. The attorney geneiul was
present and the measures President
Taft insists shall become laws
thoroughly diseased.
A cough if allowed to run will easily and invariably
terminate into some more serious sickness. Even the
slight tickle or hoarseness in the throat becomes a
forerunner of dangerous illness.. Stop it at once
don't delay don't put it ofT. Be fully prepared for
emergencies by keeping always on hand a bottle of our
White Pine Expectorant
This is a natural remedy for all coughs, colds, hoarse
ness, bronchitis, and all other pulmonic affections.
For old or young it is best, safest and surest. Hun
dreds of satisfied users recommend it because they
know it through trial. We recommend it because
we know its great value as a modicine for the purpose
Price 25c
Amos W. Hicster, violinist nt
Star theatre, will accept pupils
for violin. Especial attention to
Juvenils, Inguire at Star theatre
or phone 885. 4
Drs. Seely, Sether & Stewart have
just ordered three Overland 40-horse
power automobiles of the Crow Auto
mobile company, of Portland. The
new machines are expected to arrive
here before April 1.
c iVAssiPiKi Ai)Vi:itTisi;.M i:ts.
t'OIl SALfc; My household goods;
purchaser can rent house. Inquire
G57 Pitzor. tf-d
fOR SALE Choice Portland lots on
small monthly payments. Walker
& Perrlno, Cass street.
WANTED -Good, large, airy room
with hath, by a young business
man. Inquire nt this office, d-tf
FOR SA LE fh fee-year-old colt;
make good work horse. Inquire
44G Fuller street. d-tf
FOR RENT Fine new G-room
house, all conveniences. Apply at
31Ji Woodard street. tf.
Two nice coekerls. Prico $1 each.
Enquire at lSews office.
FOR R10NT Sinall Tiouso and five
lots; ten minutes fi'om citv. $fi.
Apply North Side Planing Mill. tf
FOR SALE Afmc steel ango and
a few good pieces of furniture. J.
M. Price, City, R. F. D. 1.
WANTED TO RENT For a term of
three or four years, a tit nek ranch.
Not too large. Will buy slock.
Terms rash. Addres John Llne
haugh, enro News offieo. d-MV-mi
"voir SA L idAbout or an acre, 30
hearing fruit trees, good house and
other Improvements, flno garden
laud. A bargain. Inquiro of own-
et822 Mosher st. -flW'tf
FOR SALEOit RENT 7-room house
nnd half acre of fine garden land,
mostly set to berries, In West
Roseburg; nb'O house and lot on
Washington street, close In. Hoth
for sale or rent. Enquire nt .'iUG
Washington st. d-tf
fSnorlal to Evening News.)
I.OS AN(;i:l.K3, .March 1. Dick
rvrrfs. n local promol.or, nan nffen-r!
Ulcknrfl & oleaHon a Ki.nranic nf
JK.O.OOO If thny will Bf.isn the .I. f-rrlcs-Johnsnn
flirht. hero. Kcrrl
claims ho ! backcfl hy a coterie of
wealthy routhern California n.en.
Agency la prepared to do all le
gitimate Deiectivo work, hoth Ci
vil nnd Criminal, In all parts or
tho United Rial oh. C. P. Parker.
Rupt.. 2M-21G Henry nidi!., Port
land, Oregon. Phone Main C2?.t;
Ollico phono .Main 3209.
I-'Olt HALE While Silierlan snrlni!
oats, a great wtooler and slands np
well; has yielded ns high as 14!
hiiHhels per ncre; hrhiKR more mon
ey In tho Portland market than
any olher oats. This is no dream.
Price, si per Inih'!. Address E. j
A Krnso, KosclHirg. Oriv
r6flCl'-nxjirillDSNoTlce Is here
by given that Healed bids will be
received by the board of dlrectorR
of School District, No. 4, Douglas
connlv. Oregon, until Saturday,
the day of March. 1910. at 2
o'clock p.m., of said day, for fur
nishing and Installing n fan nnd
fnrnaco heating nnd ventilating
RyHtem In the. I. aim School llonso
In the City of Itoselmrg. county
nnd stato aforesaid; ench bidder
will be rcrinlred to submit plans
nnd specifications with bid. nnd
tho bidder thnt Is awnrded the
contract for installing said sys
tem, will also tie required to furn
ish a good nnd snfflrtent, bond In
the sum of three thousand f$3.
000) dollars. Indemnifying said
District No. 4 for any loss thnt
might be sustained bv reason of
snlil system not pnnplving suffic
ient heat and ventilation for said
building. The board hereby re
nerves tho right to reect any or
all bids. Dnted this 19th day of
Fcbnnrr. 19 in.
iI-hw Clerk 8chool District No. 4.
- AT
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North Jackson Street, adjoining Peoples
WorKs. Telephone '2511.
I WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE.
Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small
monthly payments and low tateof interest?
Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long timo, '
easy payments and low rato of interest to pay back loan in?
Do you want to buy a homo in Itoseliurjr, a nice aero tract
near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo
cality? Do you want to sell your property?
Do you want to insuro your building in one of the best
and cheapest companies in the U. S.?
If So See WALKER PERRINE, Roseburg Ore.
Cor. Cass and Pino St. -:- -:- E. I). l'KURINK, Notary Public
j I The
1 Peoples TL
J Store A1AC
With Tiny Prices
The Only General Merchandise Store Carrying
the Following Lines:
Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents'
Furnishings and Shoes
We always aim to give the best goods at tha
lowest prices. We solicit a share of your patron
age and promise you in return the best of service
and values.
Roseburg Rochdale