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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
vitnuv, ik( i:Miu:it i,, moo FlWKKAIi IS 111X11 THK KVKVIXO N'KU'H CLOTHES OF QUALITY AWAIT VOU HERE. . A HHpJci'M of Jtieiehiirg X". ifM, II. I'. O. K. 1 , v- Y4 The straightest and sur est road to good Clothes the best Clothes brings you here. If you frequent any of the "by paths" you'll he apt to lone your self in the tangle of misleading "jiurguins." Whatever we do is well done whatever we buy is well chosen quality ifl the object and perfect Clothes satisfaction and effect. There are many other places to buy Clothes, to be sure but you'll find that the best is always here. These clothes are made for us by the Stein lilock Co. and David Adler, two of the greatest Tailor organizations in the wo-ld. Kvery Suit we sell is sold with an ab solute guarantee of Satisfaction or your Miney refunded or a new ruit in return. ABRAHAM Kemember quality is the true test of cheapness. Jiy o jr good Clothes you shall know us. TURKEY RAISERS TAKE NOTICE 1AJCM, NICW3. I am In llio market to buy your turkeys Tor the Christmas Initio at thi) IIKillKST MAIt- KIOT I'HlCli. Ho Bine and see niu before you sell. ALTON 8. KHEY, GKOCEIt. UCAI, NIC U.S. St. Iti'Kls Indian bnsknts, B conls and Ul, at the Itosebunf Honk I''. K. Alley returned from Pint land tills morning alter o brief so journ at that city. 10. M. Kurnian went to Han Fran Cisco yeilvrilay morning where ho will meet Ills wire. Joseph Murphy, the limner cruiser, relumed Wednesday from a brier sojourn 111 the vicinity of West Fork. A. Mnehack has suld a henutlriil . "Wellington" piano to Mr. and Mrs. 1'alnoe. The same was delivered on Wcdn 'sday. I). H. it. Walker, of Ihe loan firm or "Walker & i'ei'i'lne. returned from I'ortlind this morning where llo lias established-n branch olllie. Dolls, toys, books, Christmas tree ornaments, ChrlHtimm and New Year poslals, Ihrh, slickers and all kinds of Holiday gnodH at The Fair. II'. Free: 10 cent, package Conkey's 'Laying Tonle, also nil rent I'miliry Hook.' IlrliiK ad to Marslers Drug Company. Ity mall 7 cents. .Miss Sims returned to her home nt Stockton, Ciililoriila, tills morning lifter a Iwn weeks visit al Ihe home nT Miss Klta Goodman in this (Ity. .Mrs. Italph T-iriell went lo Oak laud Ibis miu ii I n n to alleud Ihe fun eral or the late I'hilllp Iteeklev, whl.-li occurred at that place tills alleinonn. Tho revival al the relied lirclh reu church continues with lively lu teresl. ServlccH begin at 7 o'clock There are several preachers at every Rei vice. Mrs. Howard .McConncll. of Ell geno, arrivid h-ue this 'norului; lo spend the holidays at (be home of her hiisliand's parents, Itiv. and .Mrs. MrConneil. , lOdward Andrews, associated with .1. W. Perkins In coal prospecting, retureed to his home nt .Medturd this morning afler attending to business mallei's In Oils eilv. "MY I.ADY OF THE SOUTH" ''THE SI1.VEII HOAH1V "MAItTKX KHUN" "THK DA Nt! KK MAIIK" "THE SCAItl.ET FlOATIIEIt" "Till': tlOOSE lillU," MOHN MARVEL ASSISTANT" "K ATHItl.NH" nre a few titles of new books on sale nt Itosoburg Hook Store. tf. Try one of (bore Snell filters will lit anv faucet. See Winnie Oaddis. Hie plumber. tf. I O. It. Elllbrey, of Snlherlln, Is At tending business matters In the city today. Winnie Caddis, the plumber, cuts and tiireads pipe of any size no to and Including eight Inches. tf. Tim Shea, of Hancock, Michigan, has accepted a position as night clerk at the Itosebiirg hcted. He entered upon Ills new duties yesleiday. Just received Another shipment tf the famous "Last Forever" hos iery. A written guaranteo with every pair. Sold only by Tho Fair. tf. .1. W. Tollman and wife, of Co n ill No City who hiuo been spending the past ten days in this city, left fur San Francisco yei.terday where they will spend a few weeks visiting rrienus, Mrs. II. E. Crawford entertained tho missionary society of the Haptlst church at her homo yesterday afler uoon. Itofrei-hmerits were served and a. most enjoyablo timo spent by till present. Indian baskets, birch Imrk, swent grass nnil porcuplno quill work made by St. liegls, Mohawks, Iroquois and ol her tribes, for Bale at. HoBcburg Monk Store. Tlieso are protty goods at pleasing prices. tf. Notice of appeal lo Ihe circuit court has been llled by Attorney Ilnclianan in Ihe case of Watson vs. (tiistarason, which resulted in a verdict for the delendant at the trial In Justice Long s com t yesleiday afternoon. Xmas will soon be on hand, unml cheer for all. Have sumo nice pieces laid away for Father. Mother, Wife, Slsler or Sweetheart. A good piece of furniture Is a lov forever. Plenty of them at Hlco & Hlco, the house furnishers. loli ii It i ill hi ii h. an old soldier and an liimale of tho Soldiers' Home, died Wednesday al six p. m. Mr. Uohhlns served In Company 10. Unlt- d sillies' Fon ri li Infantry, from ISM OAKLAND. Ore., Dec 17. The remains of the late Phi! Beckley, who i passed away in this city at. an early I hour yesterday morning, were laid I to rest In the I. O. O. F. cemetery ; beside those of his wife and father I tills alternoon with most solemn and fmpretsive ceremony. A simple servlci.' was held at the residence, at the conclusion of which the solemn procession wended its way to tho cemetery whtre the re mains were lowered to their last rest ing place with the tolema ceremony ! of the Elks lodge, of which ilie de-j J censed was a member, j The crowd which attended the fun-J ; eral was the largest ever witnessed j j upon such an occasion In Ui!b city, I evidencing in a meuture, the high es-' teem In which the deceased was held by iiis many friends and acquaint-: ances. I Among those who attended Hie : services from Itoseburg were about ! fifty members of Itoteburg Lodge No. ! 320, II. P. O. K us well a3 others wlio look occasion to come and pay their last respects to the oYio whom ' tleiy had known through life. Following are those who arrived on the atterroon northbound local : from Hosehnrg to attend tiie funeral: Messrs. Oscar Lindsav, Holand Agee, Edward Lenox, George Staley. : William Vnnliuren, Hoy McClallen. j (Jeorge Heath, W. E. Hodge, Thomas Cannon, Laf Lewis, S. S. Josepbsoti, I Sam Itast. Sam Smith. Fred .Miller. H. C. Denniny, Dexter Itiee. George Bolter, O. II. ItaiiBch. W. 11. Hiiiii mlltee. U. W. Hatts. L. Wlmberly. Pert Sutherland, George Culver, S. K. Sykes,' George ,M. Drown, II. L. Stephens, Charles Harpster, V. V. Caldwell, .1. II. Broth, Joseph Mlcelll. James Watson, Al Creason, Eugene Parrott, John T. Long, A. T. Marshal, ; I. I). Zurclier. F. L. Calkins. F. G. Mlcelll, Fred Stewart, A. N. Oreutt, l")r C. . ''onlsop, Yn': Cfsr-v. Hnr Harth. Fred Wriirht, Frank Caven der, Oliver Johnson, A C. Marsters. Tonv Thompson, F. J. Illakley: Mes- dalnes: W W. Carilwc'l. I II. Rooth. S. M. Kelly. Jos. Sheridan M. Flclle. George Iloll-er, Dexter Klce, Delmar Dixon, C. L. Pearson, Uo)' MlClullen. THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS B TIMELY SUGGESTIONS You Will Find Shopping Easy, and , Pleasant The Assortment Here Is Complete With ' NEW SEASONABLE SHOWINGS HATIf IIOIIKS HOUSE COATS HAT OKDFIt (iLOVH OltniMl COLLAIi, TIE AND II.WDKKK CHIEF SET J.IOATI I Kit SATIN LINED. ONFOHI) HAGS SLIT CASES KKISKIl NE( KWUAH FANCY HONIOD. HALF DOZEN ASSOItTKI) COLOItS I XTEKH OVEN SOCKS FANCY HONED. IIANDKEItCIIIEF, TIE. SUSPEND KHS, A KM HANDS AM) HOSE Sl l'POIt'l EltS IN FANCY COM 11INATION HON. hi;i:i i:it silk mcfflkks l V W WAYS SCARF MUFI'I.EliS UJIHHKLLAS A LAHfiE ASSOItT ME.NT I AXCY AND UMQIM. DETACH A11LH HANDLES. FOLDING SUIT CASE U.MIiltELLAS J'AJA.MAS FANCY DI1ESS SIHItTS CUFF I1UTTONS AND STICK PINS SETS IN l'LUSH MNED CASK. SIOOSH HIDE MOCCASINS FOIt EYKNINW FOOT COMFORT. MEN'S SETS, KIIONY FINISH, COMI!, I1I1LSI1, TOOTH ItltLSH, SOAP RON, FTC, ETC. WILL FIT ANY OXFORD HAG. STALKY HRAND, PRE-SIIHUNK UNDEHWFAK. INTFFWOYKN CARHVll'E HO'- IERY HARTH'S TOGGERY Home of Regal Shoes and. Hand Tailored Clothing LOCAL NEWS. vin- fs LOCAL MOWS. Ed .formings, city today. .1. H. Stewart, of Peel, Is a visitor in Ihe city today. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Jumps Aitkin, or Richmond, Baker county, have arriv ed in tho city and expect to make their future home here. Mlts Mary Alikin, a d.uliter of Mr. and Mrs. Aitkin, iti well known In RoseburK. she having taught In the city schools about two years ago. .Mr. Aitkin in forms us that the young lady la at present taking a post-graduate course at the San .lone, California, Normal school, but will soon join the family hero. IO IS nil. HMll with lllllllll'll (tin tiwlh.n wars of Southern Oreunn in 1S55-I! !tt d'tl,'Hvf agency at the metropolis heccuHi-d was Sti voaiH of agi-, a 11a- Mra- Jnlin nf y"o Creek, tlve of Wales. unmarrftMl, and iu nndi-rwent an operatinn at Mercy no relative in HiIk rniinn-v Th hsii(nl yeftorday. The patient Is J. L. Wright, of Drew, was :tor in the city today. Charles (ireenman, of Glide, a visitor in the city today. Headquarters .for Holiday 'goods Is at the ltoseburg Hook Store. t. John Thorn, of Cleveland, was business visitor in the city today. Miss Violet Cox, of Sutherlin, was a visitor In the city yesterday. The best oox cenrfctlontry, "TiOwney's" fresh at tho Roseburg Book Storo. tf. .1. H. Younce, of Dlllard, is a vis ltor In the city today. He will return home this evening. J. L. Hanna, of Oakland, attended business malters in the city for a few hours this afternoon. Judge J. W. Hamilton has return ed from Jacksonville where he pre sided over tho circuit court. Thomas O. Dixon hns been n pnlnted administrator in the estate of Ihe late Enos Dixon, deceased. Do your Christmas shopping p.t. Tho l-'nii'. 10 very 50c purchase entitles you to a chance on the liig Doll in the window. tf. I am prepared to ouild your ce went walks nnd cement foundations, pier stono. etc.. etc., nt once. Youn fo- a quick nnd noat iob. Pat. tf Mr. H. Illckford, of Newport, la In Iho city today, having arrived from tho coast yesterday evening. He will remain hero for a day or two looking after business interests. Tiie doors of the county court house are being fixed today so as to conform with (be state law which nrovides Mint Ihe doors on nil public biilldlriL's shi'.ll swing outward. C. 1 I'rnker. nf PnrMiinrt left fnr points north this afternoon after at-, to be unexcelled. Orders delivered, tending business matters in tbis city. ! Special orders given prompt attention. Mr. Parker Is at present conduct iug ; p.,(.(1 umi. 'mQD nwi,a j ... The biggest and best crockery store I In Southern Oregon. Everything' that of OluMa, is in the Is made In crockery, glassware, and China, we have It. From the plainest 10 oust nana-pamtea. iuany Deautuui pieces of LIbby cut glass suitable for presents. Rico & Rice, tho house furnishers. Victor niakley, of Glide, is looking after business malters In the city. For Men. There In no beter shoe mitde than the celebrated ' "J. E. Tilt," which Is to he found at the Milllkln Shoe Store. And for heavy wear there is nothing equal to the 'United Workman Shoe." dt-1'. r, This Is Your BUSY TlflE WE ARE TALKING to tho LADIES NOW The Holiday Work is before you and thire is the Xmas dinner to plan for. We can relieve you of much woi ry and work, which is economy, too, you know. You'll find all our Pastry, CnKes and Bread Gentlemen: We invite new stylo your attention ru in-iH I of Iho old Hiildloi'-nlonc was hi'hl II Is lll.iinlm; at 10 a clin k. C'ciKsld. Tallin cxi'lti'llli'llt liruvulli'd III a limil soft drlnl: ( -m ori tim, sit irit' il on Hi. tI.I, Hi slrwl In llu vl illilly ol' thy Sill hern Parllte depot lasl. i'VimiIiik. wIkmi a stniimor walkcl In and Willi. m formal IiilrodiK'lttin walk. d np to the liar and aiprii)irlal mI ."i c..ils which laid Ihcrciin. A nnniln'r nf kiichIs ihiiIi'imI Iho poi-nllar priii oi'iliiro, and natniallv, omiilorod said to Ito resting as onsy as could bo expected with excellent chances of II. C. Miller, of Ihe Lnse I.nnd & nevelnpinenl. Company, has return ed from tho lOnst whore he spent sev eral weeks attending liuslnss o Ills wife Is nt I.os Angeles where hho will spend Ihe winter. An election to vote a special lax for read improvements will he held at Oreens tomorrow. Oulte a nnm- hlin tn reliirn Iho cnln. llo prolesled. ! ,ur f tl""" ll'teresled from Mils c'.t hnwever, slatlnK that lie had taken II. W'lshinir to cause the low tninlile. M. (.'. Ilnrleson. a mor deputy sheriff, was called. not p- M r. t.'ronk heiiiK taken lo jail whore ho reiiialned until this mornliiK As yet no formal warrant lias heen tssiied lor his arront as tho amount Invol ved is trilllni;. A Sweet Remembrance for Christmas Is n nice box ofcatuly every taste; THE ROSE Full line of Holiday postals. Come early. Style and quality to suit Get it at expert to jio to the polls and vnto ac cording to their convictions !n fawr of better roads. C. K. Parker, of Portland, who caused the arrset of .Toso h I-aslna in this otty several months ao on n clnriie of sellinp IntoxtrattuK liquors contrary to tho local option laws of Orenon, spent Inst evening in this vicinity, leaving for the north this afternoon. We learn from the shrllTs office that Pniker is now emploed by a private detective bureau, and name to ItoscburGT to shadow a Port land lndy who. it Is said contemplates rtriiipim; suit against her husband tor divorce. UMPQUA BAKERY JACKSON STREET Shaving Soap It Is Something New It Is Something Better It Is "Collates" You Will Enjoy It In handsome, sanitary sealed metal cans always clean and ready for use, Price 20c. FULLERTON & RICHARDSON, The Drug Store of Quality Druggists, Roseburg, Ore. v Near S. P. Depot. to thid delightful IsHAv.lrTntiifT What Shall Your Christmas Gift Be? TO HIM TO HER TO THEM ltl:.l, KST.ATK Tl(.XSl'l:ilS The Fair Will Have Special Sales on Holiday Goods EVERY DAY Watch the windows for particulars. We will have Doll Day, Toy Day, Picture day, etc., etc. 25 Per Cent Reduction on These Sale Days. Chance on the big doll with every 50c pin chase. A. Oroiisnn nnd wife lo Irn Chnm Iwlnln lot IB nnd 1. block BB. Kiniu'y's addition. Consideration $S0. Adn You and X. D. Yett to O. J. XnllKlioiK lots B snd 7. block .1, In Iho (own of Yoncalla. Consideration $500. A. P. Hnhrko to Geo. Klmlinll. cer tain strip of land situated In Uose gitr?, Orecon. Consideration $1300 T. n. Sheridan to A, V. Hush, cer tain iract of land situated In Doug las county. Consideration $100. Mabel C. nnmhleton to V. .1. Tour son, certain land situated in Win chester, Orenon. Consideration $100. A couple of North Hakotn land owners while In Minneapolis n short time ago, bought a gold brick from one of the Flour City's freniied fi nanciers. The next morning the hrlck had turned to hrnss. They must have n peculiar ntmosphero there to effect motnl that wny. H tt Something that will outlive the day and the season; something useful; something beautiful. What e!se,indeed, but something from the Roseburg Cook Store the store that is ready for any test that yon may give it- the store that offers you a variety of Holiday Gifts, the equal of which cannot be found anywhere in Roseburg? A visit to this store means a correct solving of the gift problem. Hundreds of excellent presents are displayed in every department hints for all people, at all prices, from a trifle, upwards to the highest figure you may care te expend. Every help we can give you w' offer heartily and cheerfully-come early while the stock is fresh and unbroken. A few suggestion's: WRITING PAPER specially boxed for gifts. Can you think of a more acceptable Christmas gift than a box of really 6ne writing paper? Writing paper is something one uses constantly and one is therefore constantly reminded of the giver. The prices range from 25 cents up. Toilet Sets, Military Brushes, Pocket Knives, Station ery, Mirrors, Story B.-oks, Picture Books, for children. Toys, Dolls, Games, Post Card Albums, Pictures, Xmas Cards, New Year Girds. Roseburg' BooR Store ?: It X $m$mmm$$m$m$tm$m$$$m$S y i