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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
fflbtnlwci THE VVEATHEfR ADVERTISERS Will rlmlTho KvimlnirXewa hnat iiuhIIiiiu to nwh the 1R'U1pu? ltothutir. A wlriu-n-wnku publicntlon liriutinir all tlio no'Vi t lint fit to print LOCAL FORECAST FAIR TO-NIGHT AND SATURDAY VOL. I - ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, IMS). NO. 40 1908. This information Is said to have been given 'in order that protec- Hon to her reported, martial rights may be effected. Will be Probed by Committee. House COOK MAY NOT' HEED GENERAL CLAMOR Investigation Will be Made JM-olmUy Jiight Alter the Holidays Res olution In the Huiuls of the Cuiiiiiilttee PROVE HIS CLAIM (Special to The Evening News,) COPENHAGEN, Dec. 17. Danger from another quarter now threaten the reputation of Dr. Cook, the North Pole celebrity, Recording to the state ment of a member of the committee now Investigating the data sent from Now York by the explorer-scientist. The committee callK attention to the fact that storms at the polar region renders it absolutely impossible for any to be exactly accurate in secur ing data, and says that Cook's figures if positively correct, will cause more suspicion in the minds of investiga tors than if lnaecuries exists. Tho committee has begun Its work of in vestigating Dr. Cook's claims, and ex pects to reach a decibion within a fortnight. (Special to Tho Evening News.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. The sensational attack made upon Sec retary of the Interior Ballinger in the House of Representatives, yester day, by Mr. Hitchcock, of Nebraska,' makes It practically certain that the House organization cannot stave offt nit investigation of the, general land! otilce very much longer. Possibly this Investigation will be authorized just after the holidays. The prevailing sentiment of the House Is that there must be a full Investigation of tho charges brought against the Secretary by L. H. Glavis, former chief of the! NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 17. Fol fleld division of the United States lowing the resignation of Zelaya, general land office, concerning Mr. ! president of Nicaragua, it is now re Ballinger's relation to the Alaska : ported at Manuga that General Vas coal fields matter. The resolution de- quez, leader of the government manding such Investigation Is now. in ' troops near Rama, will surrender, the hands of the rules committee, ' A rumor has also obtained to the having been referred to that body by effect that the Zelayan revolutionary Speaker Cannon. The country is thor- armies will now combine to support HE IS IK W. J. Bryan Finds Flaws in Document SHERMAN LAW IS GOOD Tn it Mistaken as to Amending Anti Trust liegislut Ion Law Only Xei'ds to be In forced Says the Commoner EQUAL SUFFRAGE IN NICARAGUA (Special to The Evening News) LINCOLN, Neb., Doc. 17, In to day's Issue of the Commoner Wil liam J. liryan editorially asserts it as his honest opinion that President Taft's recent message to "Congress Is one of the tamest documents that ever came out of the hite. Houe. Mr. Hryan Bays that no honest tariff re visionist among the people can find a note of comfort In the President's reference to this very important sub ject. Tho Commoner also declares that It is plain to unbiased minds that forthcoming special messages cannot suggest anything that is un acceptable to the 'favored interests. "The President," adds Mr. Bryan, "says the Sherman anti-trust law needs amending. Mr. Taft is mis taken. The law only need enforcement." tetweon Ashland, Medford and Grouts Pass, was granted a franchise Mon day evening by tho Grants Pass Council. The franchise runs for 50 years, with proper restrictions for use and time within which to com mence work. This road will be a great aid to tho development of tV.t Itoguo River Valley, as it will servo us a means of rapid communication between the cities of the vvalley. nop WILL RECOGNIZE - PRES. ESTRADA His Passing Was Painless- Death From Heat Embolism (Special to Tho Evening News) WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. ilopro sentatlvo Sulzer, ot New York, bus introduced a resolution In tho House directing the administration to rec ognize Kstrndn as President of Nicar agua. The resolution also carries a clause making it necessary for this government to notify lCstraila that the United States demands that he punish former President Zelaya for his atrocities. oughly stirred up over ihe alleged actions of Secretary Ballinger, and only an official Investigation of his methods will satisfy the public. POPE INTERVENS FOR KING'S WIFE Estrada for the presidency will doubt accept the honor, and It is said that he favors the equal suffrage of the sexes, and in event of his ac cession to the presidency Nicaragua will become the first equal suffrage nation in the world. BOILER EXPLOSION KILLS THREE MEN (Special to The Evening NewB) LONDON, Dec. 17. Dspatclies from the Central News Correspondent at Rome says that the Pope has no tified the papal representatives at Brtisells that King Leopold, who died at an early hour this morning, was regularly married to the Bar oness Vaughn San Remo of Italy, in I WILL MAKE SITTINGS Up to aud including Sunday, De- cember 19th, and have them fin- ished for Xmas. Cloudy weather is all sunshine at my Studio. Let me do your framing aud save you ihoney. . C LARK'S STUDIO .ltoseburg National Bank llldg. . (Special to The Evening News) PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 17. The huge boiler at the Royal Clay Works exploded today and three employes of the company were blown to atoms. GRANTS PASS A XI) ASH LAND FrniH'IilsoN Granted for Electric Line Between These Towns GRANTS PASS. Dec. 1(1. John B. Allen, who has been seeking fran chises for an intorurban electric line THE BEST PLACE FOR GIFTS If you're puzzled over the Christmas problem, come in and look over the many beautiful, useful, modestly priced gifts to be found here.. Something for every member of the family, young or old. Heavy special shipments for the Christmas trade arriving daily. lCome in and let us show you how easily and economically your Christmas problem can be solved. To Cet Assistance For Perish' , ing Family ARE FINALLY RESCUED '"uinfly of Nine Children and tho Par cuts Stranded on Island in a Storm Without Food or Shelter ALBERT HIS SUCCESSOR For Present Government Will ho Ad ministered by Regents An Ex- clmug "Eulogizr" the IH--, ceased Monarch (Special to The Evening News) ST. PAUL. Dec. 17. A story of a great hardship and terrible expos ure has materialized In the 'arrival of Levi Frank and w-fo aud nine children from a point 400 miles up the Mlssissslppi River. Frank and' bin family started from the wilds of the frozen northland several days ago n an open boat, and fought their way down a turblent stream and through teriflic winter storms of snow, sleet and wind. To add to their misery, the scant food supply Ihe family started with became exhu listed and they Huli"rcd from hunger. In addi tion to all this trouble the bout be came stranded on an island, and for five days death from starvation star ed the family in tho face. To secure assistance for his perishing family, Frank undertook to swim from the island to the mainland, aud tho icy water brought on a severe sickness. The family was finallv rescued and brought to this city here cne daugl.tor Is now in the hospital suf fering from pneumonia and typhoid complications, while the father Is also in a precarious condition from tho exposure and hardship he en dured Every assistance is being giv en the unfortunate family, but the wonder is that any one of them came through the terrible ordeal, alive. I SWITCHMEN ASK FOR ARBITRATION (Special to The Everting Newsl niUISSEI-LS. Dec. 17. The Na tional Monitor announced today tnat pending the succession of Prince Al bert to the Belgian throne to suo ceede the late King Leopold, tho government will he administered by a regency consisting of tho council ministers. The King died tills morn ing at 2:35 o'clock, the Immediate cause of death, according to Dr. Thlar Thlrar, crief physician, was heart embolism. "We were most appre hensive win n performing the opera tion," said 'Hnirnr, "because wo were n ware of heart trouble, but the opera tion was absolutely necessary to pro vent terrible suffering. Thi.nks to the operation, the King's death was pain less." Leopold's death occurred on the forty-fourth nnntverrary of his formal ascension to the throne, al though his klngs.ilp dated from De cember 10, 18K5. Iils Found lllm Out Leuol,!. king oi the llelglnns and ,ex-lord of the Congo, Is dead. Few lamentations will accompany his de parture from this life Stricken Congo will not go into mourning. Blinded eyes will not weep nor will the maim ed hands of the black man bo clasp ed in anguish at the aged monarch's death. Tho woe of the blacks gave hint means for living a sinful, use less career of pleasure. Ho placed the curse of avarice and all Its at tendant horrors upon the central em pire of Africa, and if the walls of tho suffering, tho death moans of tho dy ing cm reach his dulled ears, his lone way out of the world Into the beyond will bo a unuiitcd and a ter rible one. Leopold goes off the stage. Con ventional regrets will be expressed. Decency will subdue the voice of the multitude, but there will bo a mur mur of relief at his exit. Leopold of tho twentieth century would have made an Ideal Roman emperor of the sscond century. As the former passed away uuregretled, Leopold has gone. KKATTI HOT HUD OI.'.VK'H (rami Jury Invcsdgndnii lievcnls it I ri-hi fill lleprnvily. it was discovered that underground passages connee.t'.d olllces of various sorts with disorderly luiuses and that gambling houses with apparently rep utable olllces, were running with un derground connections. Seattle's high rank In tho Blavo commerce Is duo to Us being tho port of entry for Japanese slave wo men and the port of shipment ot Kuropean slave women to the min ing camps ot Alnsku. A Jackson street place presented a typical Inst. mho of the method em ployed in the construction and oper ation of tho subterranean resorts. Kn truiice was gained through nil appar ently respectable place of business. Lending from tho ground floor to tlm basement was a long w'wKng stnlr way which ended in a small cute room. The Invoitlgators were con fronted by a heavily barred door, equipped with a peek-hole, through which a lookout cuuid scrutinize any visitots. Through the d'ior thoy gnlned en trance to a larger room where it was tho custom of the watchmen to mnko further inquiry before permitting prospective patrons of the place to pass. Onco pnst tho first outpost they . were corductod along an . tinder ground passage uud up another ante room where a final examination was made, from this ante-room a stairway leads duwn to the main re sort, which was equipped as a gamb ling house, saloon, and poolroom. Oilier passages connected with tho Jnpnnese lodglng-hnusoB furnished a means of egress In enso of a raid, and a method of communication between tho gambling resorts and the disord erly houses udjolulng. several witnesses appeared before Ihe grant'. Jury today but the hearing was oenind closed doorB and aside from the general trond of tostlmonv, none of the evidence waB mnde pub lic. No IndlcttnentH have been re turned, ns the Investigation has not been completed. FIVE MEN ROB ' OKLAHOMA BANK (Special to Tho Evonlng NewB) (3EKOMINE, Oakla., Dec. 17. Three bandits held the citizens of the town at buy with Winchester ri des late yesterday aftornoon, two others of the gang entered the Citi zens Hank and looted the institution. They were very deliberate In the transaction, nnd secured $10,660. Af ter taking the bank funds they mounted their horses and rode away. As -soon as tho men of tho town re covered from their surprise a poaso was organized and started In pursuit. This affair savora af the work dona by the Jesse James gang in Minneso ta morn than twenty-fivo years ago, but differs In the result, ns some of these free bootors were killed In tho town aud others were captured short ly uft-ar and served a long term in the ptMill-Miitary for their crime. e ji a SINCE 1877 WE'VE BEEN TREATING PEOPLE SQUARE (Speclnl to The Evening News SPOKANE, Dec. 17. The asser tion is made hero today that every union workman in the service of the railroads Involved In the switchmen's strike will walk out alter noon Sat urday, If the demands of tho strikers are not arbitrated. The strljtlug switchmen declare that they do not care so much about the six cents ad ditional an hour that was asked of the railway companies, but they do demand moderation tn the physical examination required and the aboli tion of the age limit. The switch men believe that It ia only fair and Just to the man who serves the com pany well and faithfully for tho b"st part -if their lives that when they ; have passed the limit of their middle life they should be retained in Urn service. SEATTLE, Wash., Doc 17. The county grard Jury has taken up In vestigation of the tra;hc In women slaves, In which Seattle ranks sec ond only to New York, according to a Government commission. Japan ese give to the ernnd juiy a list of disorderly establishments operated by Japanese I hroughoiit tho city, to gether with information covering the amount of rrntortkn money paid by tho proprietors of all thrso establish ments and the nnmc3 of alleged Im porters of women. The grand Jury was told (hat po lice officers patrolling the Japanese,' district nave dls.luct orders not to enter alleged disorderly houses on nny pretext unless there Is a disturb ance. The Jury was told that, nil bus iness between Ihe police nnd the pro prietors of the ostnhllshnicntB is transacted through plain clothes men. A commlitee from the grand jury today visited the Japanese quarter, examining bnsemenui or hotels and employment olllces. In several places Phono iwuln Glial Olllce Phono Main 3209 Parcrawf Secret Service Agency Wo are prepared to do all logltl- mate Detectllio Work (both civil and Criminal) In all parts of the United States - - - - '. I'AllKKIt Superintendent .Bl 1-21(1 Henry lllilg I'OHTMNI), Oil. . . COOK'S RECORDS ALONE ACCEPTABLE (Special to The Evening News) COPENHAflEN-. Dec . 17. The' commit" i;iventtgating tho records of Dr. t'ook have announced that the affidavits made by Loose and Dunkle, of New York, In which these men j claim that they fabricated records ! for Cook, will bo ignored by the scientists. The gentlemon having this : matter will base their decision en- i tlrely upon the records of Cook's trip to tho North Pole an submitted by him. I Read Tho Evening News for news. VIOLIN LESSOVH Amos W, Hiester, violinist at 8tar theatre, will accept punlU for violin. Especial attention to juvenila. Ingulre at Star theatre or phone 885. CHRISTMAS GIFTS COME IN AND WE WILL ASSIST jYOU' IN SELECTING YOUR PRESENTS Our stocK is large and Better than ever Australian and German Decorated China. Suit Cases. Graphaphones. Rugs and Draperies. Children's Carts and Rockers. Chiffioners and Dressers. Center and Library Tables. Morris Chairs and RocKers. Couches and l ounges. Space is too limited to nanio the many beautiful articles that will please you. Come in and seo. ROSEBURG FURNITURE CO. Headquarters for Celebrated Columbia Graphaphones, Double Discs and Indestructible Records.