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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1909)
THE EVENING NEWS SATl'ltDAV, XOVKMI1KH 80, 1000. CARPETS and ltL'GS. Our. stock of Carpets and Rugs -!b complete up to date. Inirraln carpets at 30c, 45c, 50c, 55c, 60c, GOOD ENOUGH 15 THE DEADLY ENEriY of BEST In oporating our Grocery Business we are not satisfied with good enough. We strive for improvement. Our store is the right place to buy groceries. Everything fresh and clean. Phone 2381 I Thanksgiving Time Is almost here, andyou may need some nice pieces for the table in the way of Cut Glass, Hand Painted China or Silver ware, if so come and see our stock before buying. t . if W. E. Clingenpeel JEWELER AND t Phone 2143 GENERAL JOBBING HOWARD The PLUMBERS Skylights, Cornices Largest Stock of Plumbing Goods in the City LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Do you want to build you a home and pay for it in small monthly payments and low rate of interest? Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time, easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Roseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo cality? Do you want to sell your property? Do you want to insure your building in one of the best and cheapest companies in the U. S.? If So See WALKER S Room 1, Bell Sisters Building. -:- '. The Roseburg Pharmacy I TTE take a delight in serving our patron9 with 1 the best there is in the line of drugs. Purity 2 is our motto. Promptness both day and nigh is wnat counts at our pharmacy. Full line of Sundries always on hand I RQEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. f L. EJIROHN, Manager 75c, and 85c per yard. Rugs In room size from $6.35, In all wool, to $35. Complete line of all classes of furniture. tf II. W. STRONG, Commercial Club Bldg. OPTICIAN REPAIR WORK & MAHAN and TINNERS and Dryer Pipe' ROSEBURG, OREGON PERRINE, Roseburg'JOre. - : - E. B. PERRINE, Notary Public. HER WEDDING CAKE Is a thing of great interest to the bride-elect, and we are artists in this lino. Wedding cakes are made In the most beautiful designs and of rich and exquisite flavor. Our breads, rolls, pies, fancy and orna mental cakes, etc., are the perfection . of the baker's art when made at Umpqua Bakery WILMIK 18 IX TUOUI1LE. Complaint of Members of the Railway t. CommlBglon. , SALEM, Nov. 20. Since their de pot find ware house were destroyed by Are, May 2, 1908, the patrons of the Southern Pacific railroad at Wilbur ,have been without adequate depot facilities. In a petition preseuted yes terday afternoon to the Railroad Com mission of the state, to which 61 signatures are attached, the claim 1b made that a box car Is made to do duty as a freight station and that a corner In a crowded Btoreroom lias been the ticket olllce and waiting room of the railroad In that city for the Inst IS' months; that this ser vice Is entirely inadequate, and that repeated efforts have been made by Wilbur citizens, by private letter, by personal Interviews and by public pe titions to Induce the railroad com pany to remedy the evil complained of, but without avail. The commission hat) taken the matter up with the rail road omclnls. NOT.ICK We, the undersigned taxpayers of road district No. 13, hereby give no tice that a public meeting will be held at Ten Mile School House In said road district No. 13, of Douglas county, Oregon, on Saturday, Decem ber 1 1, 1909. beginning nt 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of . voting an additional tax upon all personal and real property situated in said road district, for the purpose of improv ing the public road In said road dis trict. V. H. CCHTS W.. O. COATS .1. W. NEWI.AND Y. W. NKWLAND H S. BI'SHNELL T. R. BKESTENBUCHBlt J. B. HOWARD WHAT IIKALTII ItKSTS CI'OX The twentieth century has come to see that health depends upon a very few definite principles. These prin ciples apply to woninn as well as to man. Interdependent in a large meas ure. The body is a vital-chemical-me-chantea! Instrument, and as such It responds to certain definite laws. That to say, the human organism has sev eral aspects to be considered. Tho body Ib a mechanical machine, it Is al so a chemical machine, It is also a vital machine and each of these are inscrutably associated with our men tal organization. Each of these sides to human existence must be consid ered. The osteopath gives each of these factors due consideration In hunting down the causes of sickness, In the realm of vitality with its animating psychic force we know that thought and will have a very groat Influence, either for health or dis ease. Optimism, good cheer, determin ation, calm, serentfy rightly used all make for health. Pessimism, dis couragement, worry, fear and depres sion all cause to help and prolong di&ease. ? In the realm of chemistry, we have to do with the nourishment and waste of the body. The normal integrity of the body depends upon a contin uous supply of the elements and com pound)! which go to make up the body itself. These ire all found In the natural foods and when the supply is normal It is not. usually necessary to make any change In this direction. ltOSIOIll'ltO NATIONAL ItAXK - KTATKMK.NT. Report of the condition of The Roseburg National Hank, at Rose burg, Oregon, at the close of busi ness, November 16, 1909: Resources. Loans and discounts $110,649.09 Overdrafts, secured and unse- cured 1.805.37 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion $ 12,600.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds. 300.00 Bonds. Securities, etc.... 19.432 00 Banking House, furniture ana fixtures 23, 555. 25 Due from approved Reserve Agents C8.248.08 Checks and other Cash Hems.... 1.1S9.78 NoteB of other National Banks... 2.000.00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and cents 102.67 Specie, Legal Tender Notes. . .. ; ' 21,270.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation) G35.00 Total $261,677.24 Liabilities Capital stock paid !n 50.000.00 Surplus Fund 1,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 3.483 98 National Bank nofeB outstanding 12,4115.00 Due to State and" private Banks and bankers 207.95 Individual deposits subject to check 186,728.60 Demand certificates of deposit 7,761.71 Total $261,677.24 State of Oregon, County of Do'ig- I, A. C. Marsters, Cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge belief. A. C. MARSTERS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of Nevember, 1909. R. W. MARSTERS. Notary Public. Correct Attest: I. ABRAHAM N. RICE. j. W. HAMILTON Directors. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS C LA SH I KIK I) A 1 1 V K 111 In KM KXTS WANTED. SowlnfTlit-8 16 Winches ter street. d-8 FOR SALE Team, camp wagon and harness. Cheap. Inquire at Moore's Feed Bnrn. swd-n20 NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE I have a 5-room new modern cottage for rent, electric lighted, city water, and otherwise up-to-date. Inquire 325 Washington street, tf. ; It the body Ib then ill-nourished it Is sure that it is a failure on the part ; of the machine to appropriate, to as slmllyate, the nourishment present ; in tho food. But when we find as wo uome- j times do a young lady who Ib trying the experiment of living on plcklea aud chocolate creaniB, we know that treatment, to bring resultB, must 1 change the food so as to oupply the thtnga which are not found in such a' diet. Quite frequently digestive dls-: turbances may not bo apparent, even with such troubles, when tho food supply Is normal. The difficulty may be mental or it may be mechanical aud the troatmenl In each case must be of a uuture to correspond. Treatment must fit the ense. In the realm of mechanics, wo have a principle which was not realized 01 understood to any extent until the discoveries of Dr. A. T. Still brought them to general notice. Evcu now. In spile of the reasonableness of the principle, ninny people refuse to be lieve and Investigate. But that Ib the fate of all innovations at first. W ter a while we forget that we so much as refused to Investigate, and we come to think that we always be lieved and understood. We know we have known for a long time that the body, on tho physical sldo, is an Intricnle and highlv perfected machine admirably adapted to its purpose. We havo realized only recently that this deli cately adjusted machine goes out of adjustment. We expect to take a fine watch to a jeweler about once a year; and yet we expect our bodies to' remain In good mechanical condi tion for a life time without any spe cial attention! If our bodios wore less perfect, we would have realized the importance of mechanical ad justment long ago. But so many do actually mnnnge to get on with no serious disturbance, that It actually required the culmination dr nine teenth century thought, to reason so far as that the human body gets out of mechanical ordor just like any other machine and then needs actual repairing, adjusting not drugging. In either the cure or prevention of disease, then, the modern physician must have these three principles mind.' chemistry and mechanics constantly before him, and from the osteopathic view point, the greatest of iho the most fundamentally im portant, and the least understood . and regarded Is mechanics. ; The day In fast coming when the, sick will with good reason demand something more than a more "com- j bating of symptoms." Medicine has j never vet had the light to the title ot i a science. But If It can be reduced to a basiB of cause and effect, much will have been accomplished in that. ( direction. And that is what Ib rlready upon us. Ostoopulhy has come into the! field on an entirely Independent basis. Tile oUler ' schools have ad mitcdly nlmcd their treatment at the outward symptoms of the trouble without much reference to causes. Osteopathy, on the other hand, uses symptoms of the trouble without 1 much reference to causes. Osteo-' pnthy, on the other hanu, uses symptoms only as guides In the ef fort to find out what la causing the patient's dlsiorder. At the same time the osteopath Investigates tho condition or tho body from the point of first principles from the stand point of mccnanics, nuinuon unu mind Having found the causes of the trouble, the treatment consisls in removing Hie disturbance In 'he quickest and most natural way pos sible. Treatment constats largely in tissue adjustments. Tho human ma chine is now adjusted Instead, ns formerly, of being drugged. Osteo path Health. HSS POWERS TESTED A GIFTED HEALER Edw. Olney was visited by a citi zen o." our city who, after Investigat ing the healer, claims and pronoun ces him a remarkable man. When Interviewed the gentleman said: In the person of Mr. Olney 1 found a man of profound signifi cance He has a gift call It what you will that is beyond my com prehension for power he does pos sess. I was never very Interested In this tort of a '.hlug, but liming a roarl'ig In my ears I desired to see what he' could do. He cured ine all right, and while there a gentleman whom I know positively to have 1ecn crippled wllh rheumatism for two years was healed aud was alilo to put on Ms coat without aid. I was dumfoundral and do not hesitate to say that he is beyond me. I did not mention my experience to my friends and lelntlves for fear they would discredit my sanity or consider me too credulous. However, I would ad vise everyone Bick and suffering to see Mr. Olney and be healed, lie is always glad to meet you and Invites everybody to call on him and get a free booklet and explanation of his work. Main olTice in annex of Hotel McClallen, 349, corner of Main and Douglas Sts. Main street entrance, hours 9 a. m, to 8 p. m. Consultation Free. few 41n KM pif J No greater service has been rendered to womankind thart the giving by Dr. Fredrick K. Stearns of his remarkable prescription for the many weaknesses with which women are afflicted. This great remedy is being placed on the market by the New York and London Drug Company and is labeled "Nyal's Vegetable Prescription," "a boon to womankind" The local drug firm, Fullerton & Hichardson, are agents for Roseburg. They report as follows; "Nyal" remedies are superior to all of the highly exploited patent medicines, but the best of the Nyal's line is the "Vegetable Prescription." "During the many yoara we have sold drugs in Roseburg we have never heard as much favorable commendation of any other medicine. Nyal's Vegetable Prescription has received the praise of every woman who has used it. Other Nyal's medicines which are worthy of mention at this particular season are: Nyal's Baby Cough Remedy for colds. Re lieves difficult breathing. Nyal's Croup Ointment. Nyal's Cod Liver Oil Compound without the Oil. It is better thau "Viuol" or Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil aud is. an ideal system builder and tonic. FULLERTON & RICHARDSON, Druggists, Roseburg", Ore. Ag'ents for "Nyal's" WHEN YOU'RE CHILLED Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none bettor can be made for the pa'ate. THE ROSE Next to Postottice. . ... .' I LEONA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY H 2SS Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Finish Lumlcrj $ Doors and Windows of all Kinds. ii Yards on Lower Osk Street, g 'Phone 1411 l H. W. ALTHAUS & SONS! G-ARAQE Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies Ag'ents FairbanKs & Morse Co. Telephono 1441 GROUCH & ALDRIGH Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cement, Piaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Materia Give us a call. We will save you money. D. H MARSTERS' 1$ Plumbing', Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning' and Keating' I North JacUson Street, WorKs. Telephone 2511. WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. i We're in a Position to offer you the best the market af fords in the way of Meats; and our prices you know are always lowest We handle only prime stock. Qual ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine roasting pieces of beef from 8e to 12 Mo pound. First class mutton, veal, pork and poultry equally low. Can't do better anywhere. Phone us your ordor. We deliver to any part of the city. Cass Street Market LOUIS KOHLHAGKN, Prop. 107 West Cass at. Phone 191. Free Delivery. ROSEBURG,. OREGON t i t Cor. Cass and Rose Sts. Olfice: Warehouse No. Near the Depot. Telephone Main 231 or 311. PLUMBING SHOP. adjoining' Peoples Marble 1