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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1909)
1 THE KVENINO NEWS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II, 1900 LOCAL NEWS. A. J. Dear-linn, or Oakland, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Wright Barton, of Glendale, visit ed friends in the city yesterday. Jasper Kegles, of Yoncalla, is a business visitor in the city today. Carl A. Sabln, of Sutherlln, Is transacting business in the city to day. Charles Boroughs, of Glide, was a business visitor in the city yester day. Attorney Carl Wlmberly. of Drain, t In the city today attending to le gal natters. Ralph ClawBon, plumber, has re turned' from a successful business trip to Portland. Claud Klddrr, at one time a res ident of this city, but late of Marsh field, is nailing on friends In this vi cinity. W. J. Kolklier "was In the city from his farm on Doer Creek und put his name on l ho subscription Hut of The Evening News. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Charimnn. of Ollile. vislti'd wlih Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Strong. Wednesday and Thurs day. A ninrrluue license haB been grant- A to Mr. I.uther II. Duugherty and Miss May Bishop, both residents of Yonrnlia. Kred Rlsley has returned home after spending several weeks In the mountains. Dr. Seiner and wife have gone to Portlnud, the former to look after business matters and the latter to , Visit friends. Dr. Kueifninn. of Glendale, was In the city yesterday visiting friends. and was uccoiupanled by his wire. K O. PerhHin, who has the con tract for the construction of the now Deer Crek bridge, stales that he exneels to complete the Job thlB week. Mr. Kves. of Melroso, was admit ted to Mercy Hospital today. Ho is Buffering from paralysis and will he attended by Drs. Bclhcr, Beely and Stewart. A lone drunk ho refused to di vulge his name or address was nicked up by Marshal Huffman yes terday afternoon Hnd landed in the calaboose. Mim Culver, a trained nurse of Portland, returned homo yesterday after spending some time visiting at the home of hor brother, John Culver In this city. Frank Goodman was fined $10 In the city recorder's court yosterday afternoon on a chargo of disorderly conduct. Ho paid the amount and wont his way. Eugene Ilnniian and John Banks, the local stock buyers, arrived here yesterday from the country with about 250U sheep which thoy will ship to the Portland market. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Vinson left late yesterday afternoon for the bitter's homestead about five miles from tho city on tho North lynpiiua. Mrs. Vinson recently won her contest rase, and therefore will make ar rangements to assume control of the land at once. Neal Mclicth, the Individual who was arrested on a charge of disor derly conduct, was dismissed when arraigned before City llecorder Or cult Wednesday afternoon. Ills re lease was requested by tho city at torney who whs unable to procure sulllclent evidence to warrant a con viction. Marshal George Phillips, of Oak land, whs in Hie city yesterday at tending matters connected with Ills olllcial duties. He reports Oakland quiet, ospeclallv along criminal lines. While hero .Mr. Phillips paid "Rusty" llogan, of Oakland, -a call at the clty jail. llogan Is serving a seven days sentence for drttnkonucHH. H LEONA MILLS LUMBERCOMPANY t Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Doors and Windows of all Kinds. Yanlson Lower Oak Street. 'Phone UU K mm LOCAL NEWS. George Kruse, of Melrose, Is a vis Itor In the city today. Prof. liaker'B little child Is confined at home with an attack of chicken pox. Attorney James Watson is spend in the day at Myrtle Creek attend ing legal matters. , Mrs. Frank Rogers Is ill at her home In this city. Hhe Is being at tended by Dr. hi. V. Hoover. B. 11. Brown, of Elkton, Is In the city spending a few days at the home of Ills daughter. Mrs. Jtoy A gee. Mrs. F. T. Ott left for her home at Portland this morning after a brief vlolt at the home of her sou in this city. Mrs. Frank Woodard left this morning for Eugene where she will spend about ten days vlitlng at the home ot her parents. G. Jaiiulns, cf Melrose, return ed from this morning, whoro ho had beei In the interest of business affairs. T. T. Patterson, representing Beale & Company, of Portland, left the city thlB morning for Cottage Grove where he expects to sell a rock crusher.. John Spaugh, of Looking Glass, Is a visitor In the city today. His wife left this morning for Eugene where she will remain for some time visit ing friends. The little dnugllter of Attorney R. W. Marsters Is quite 111 at the family homo In West Roseblirg. Tho symp toms tend to show that the child Is mirroring from infantile paralysis. Mrs. M. E. Yockey, who has been visiting friends In Albany and Cot luge Grove tor sevoral dayB, stopped off at this city, enroute home, and is the guest of her son, L. E. Yockey. Archdeacon Chambers, of the Episcopal church, announces that he will not hold services here on next Sunday. Tho regular services will bo held on Sunday, November 14. Manager Frear, or the local Water & Light system? states that he is ex pecting the new generator for the Winchester plant to arrive here any day. With the now generator In stalled, the lighting capacity of the plant will be doubled. The regular monthly meeting of the members of the Roseburg Com mercial Club will be held Monday evening. It Is desired that all who possibly can attend as there are a number of matters needing the Im mediate attention or Ilia Club. V. B. Walte. of Sutherlln, Is spend ing the day In the city nttendlng bus iness matters. Mr. Walte reports the fact that sixteen out of the nineteen agents recently sent to Sutherlln by tho Luce Land Company purchased land, the smallest tract or which con tained 10 acres. A lone drunk who gave his name as Pli-kens and Ills address as Greens station was picked up by Murshal lltllfinan yesterday afternoon while roaming the streets In nn Intoxicated condition. Ho was arraigned before City Recorder Circuit this morning and upon entering a plea of guilty was fined in thu bum of $10. At tho regular meeting of the Irtmtees or the Roseburg Commercial Club hold last, evening Joseph Mlcelll wasQelected a member of tho house committee to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation, of Sam Joseph son. Mr. Joscphson was recently elected president of the Club, there fore he Is unable to continue a niem of the committee. Three applica tions for membership were also con sidered and accepted ns follows: M. ('. Miller, of the Kill llel'llll Land & Water Co.; Herman Marks and .1. A. Murry. manager of the local ofllee of the Paelllc States Telephono and Telegraph Co, Dry Finish Lumt cr ft 8 ROSEBURG,. OREGON $ tttttttttttf We're in a Position to offer you the beet tho market af fords In the way of Meats; and our prices you know are always lowest. We handle only prime stock. Qual ity nmt quantity guaranteed.. Fine roasting pieces of beef from Ho to 12 c pound. First class mutton, veal, pork and poultry equally low. Can't do better anywhere. Phone us your order. We deliver to any part of the city. Cass Street Marhet I Dt'lS KOIILHAGK.N, lrop. 107 West Cass St. Phone 1S1. Free Delivery. . m, r 5 fcLfcU 1 K1U i Y IN THE HOME 5 If Klectrlclty furnishes comforts & I & heretoforemthoueht of. w f The luxuries ot yosterday are tho necessities of today. The best way to make our home attrac tive and a palace !n Its Interior conditions of living la by the use ot elcctrg light. G. L. PRIOR 315 N. Jackson St.. Ikscburg, Or IF SEEKING THE NEWEST LOCAL NEWS. Ira Hatfield, of Sutherlln, spent last evening in the city. Hank Smith has gone to the mountains where he will Hpend sev eral weeks. S. R. Urisbin, Looking Glass' pro gressive merchant, was In the city today on business connected with his store. Mrs. O. A. Huell, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Curry, leaves next week for points In Iowa where she will spend the winter. Her daughter will return after a three week s visit. Grafton Worthlngton, the contrac tor, commenced work of laying the new cement sidewalk In front of the Mack property on Jackson street this morning. He will push the work to an early completion. ; Wendell Klipplng, Henry Kllpplng and Alexander Cunningham have de clared their Intentions to become I nutnrnlized citizens of the United I States. They filed the necessary doc uments with the county clerk yester day afternoon. H. T. McClallen, chairman of the street cleaning committee, says that tho work' of cleaning the paved streets will he commenced thlB even ing. Such news is very gratifying to those who are in favor of a clean er city. 1). E. Powers has filed a suit In tho circuit court against W. W. Card well. The action is brought to re cover tho sum of $200, alleged to be due upon a nroniisory note executed In the mime of Phil Metcbam In November 1 9 0 ;t . Attorney Carl E. Wlmberly, of Drain, represents the plaintiff. Deputy District Attorney Elbert Hermann returned from Myrtle Creek last evening, having spent the day at that place prosecuting L. Daugher ty accused of killing China pheasants contrary to law. Ho was acquitted, having established the fact thai the bird In question was a cock pheasant and not n hen. W. T. O'Hrien has filed suit in the circuit court against the Skeily Lum ber Company. He brings the action In hope of recovering $1SM), alleged to be due upon several proiuisory notes executed by the defendants. Plulntlff a!so asks fur a reasonable attorney fee as well as interest on the several notes from the dat of Issuance until the date ot tiling the suit. Attorney Win. A. Mtiuly, of Portland, represents the plaintiff. After an existiuire of little more Hi n n two .years the Douglas County Fruit (i rowers' Association has dis banded, -io fruit having been shipped to them this sea .on. The end of the association ov.iie as a dream the members simply withdrawing without ceretnonj . The disbanding nf the organization is attributed to the fact that many of the members were dis satisfied with the price obtained for i their fruit, prel'erhig to dispose of It , . Individually hereafter. I ATTENTION Flour has nearly doubled in price. We sell B RE AD at the same prices and it is the best. Cookies, buns, cinnamon rolls and doughnutf 10c Per dozen. Pies 10c each. Our caKes are the best. CHURCH BROTHERS CASS STREET YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. Modish C0AT5 It would be worth your while to pay a visit to the "Style Store' Just to view our ele unut importation of Tailored Coats. They are all reigning favorites, and will appeal very fctrotitfly to women who appre ciate of character. To get an idea of the charming color, the real richness of the material and trimming of these couts, we usk you to come in and try them on. Prices Range From $7.50 to $25.00 I. ABRAHAM, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings. LOCAL NEWS. The county court expects to ad journ tomorrow evening. ,7. F. Daugherty, of Yoncalla, Is spending the day in the city attend ing to business matters. AlcKenzle's Merry Makers will ap pear a the Star theatre this evening in the ' trice or Honor. IS. S. Morrison is in on a brief vis it from his homestead, and was rush ed with business while here. L. J,.Howse& who, lyis0lveen on the sick list for the past few days has resumed his labors at the Mlllege and Pickens store. Vincent Preschorn was In from the Mount Alto farm, near Glide, today, with a load of the finest yellowdent corn seen in the market this fall. LOCAL MARKET Cereals. WHEAT $1.00 OATS 50c bushel. HAY Vetch. $.12 to $14 ton; grain, $12 to $14: alfalfa, $17. ROLLUD BARLEY $30.00 ton. LivestcoK. STEERS -Alive, ,1c lb. COWS Alive 2c. VEAL Dressed, iic. lb. HOGS Pressed, 8c; Alive 6c. SHEEP 3 POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive, 10c to 1 2c; dressed, 1 2c; ducks, alive, !l fti 10c; dressed, 14 Gi 15c. BUTTER Creamery, 42 c U. countrv, 37 Vc lb. EGGS -4 Op doss. POTATOES New, lc lb. WOOL Spring. 24c; fall, 20c; year clip. 24c. IIOXEY-12He. CABBAGE 1 'ac. lb. ONION'S- -2c lb NEW TODAY. WOOD FOR SALE. Dry oak. deliv ered. Inquire of A. D. Jones, 405 Washington street. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR It 10 NT Furnished room. Apply nt 2L"J Oak street, or at t Ills olliceJ dn-3 ROOMS TO RENT. By I lie davor week. Apply to 119 North Main FOR RENT Honao on GSTSikk :i blocks from posioillr o. inquire , oT.-- I-Oll SALE House and four lota In city, well located; Furniture and i lot of line wood; Jl.L'oo. Inquire j nt rooms (i and 7, Marsters Uldg. WANTED Three canvassing ascnts; blS snap; good fur $150 per month cleur money. Address P. O. Box 5:l!l. Cotlaae Grove. Oregon, dn-6 GENERAL DRAYING Goods of every description moved to any part of the city. Prices reasonable. H. S. FRENCH KOH SALE. Mammoth Blackberry, Dewberry and Kxcelsior Straw berry planta of the R. M. Kellogg strain or thorough breds. L. a. Coon, Dlllard, Oregon. tf. FOR SALE. I have for sale ' 10b goats or nannies. WeatherB $2 each. Nannies $3 each. Enquire of hi. 1. Woodruft, Cleveland, Oregon, or ut this office. n-30 FOR SALE 8 acres, all plowed and in grain; 1 mile from town. Will sub-divide into two-acre tracts, at $200 per acre, or $1600.00 for entire place. Call room 6 and 7 iMursters Bldg. d-tf. KOH SALE. FOR bALE Show cases and count ers for sale. Inquire at Marstei Drug Company. tf FOR SALE. Ten acre tract, 5 room house, two miles from city. Price, 1700. Well improved. Ad dress "Z" care of News office, n-23 FOR SALE. Saw mill and machin ery. Inquire of J. F. Barker, Rose burg, Oregon. FOR SALE. 260 tier of hardwood for the stove at $1 per tier; 8 miles from Roseburg. on Looking Glass road. We Kaiser. tf FOR SALE. One hundred cord of dry oak wood. For particulars call on or write to v. E. Weaver, Riddle, Oregon. tf. FOR SALE. My fine . 60-acre pear and apple orchard. Will sell the whole or part. Can be divided Into three very desirable orchard tracts. H. H. Olcott, Canyonville, Oregon. f-28-p TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. A few claims of choice timber lands In Douglas county for sale. Will sell all or a part as desired. For particulars call on or write to Alex B. Mott, Oakland, Or. tf. FOR SALE One Giles self-feeding and self-setting shingle machinery; capacity 25,000 shingles per day; as good as new. Also one steam pump; 2 Inch suction, one and one half discharge. Write for price and description. Geo. W. Riddle, Riddle, Oregon. tf WANTED. WANTED. Fresh milch cow. Ad dress J. I. Springstead, Roseburg, or phone 1574. tf WANTED. Salesmen. Many make $100 to $150 per month; some even more. Stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old and pest ridden orchards. Cash advanved weekly. Choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Topoenlsh. WashluKton. The Second Annual National Apple Show Will be held at Spokane, Washington, NOVEMBER 15-20 This Apple show is a world wide event of the Rale-i importance to the Tacific Northwest and in order to everyone to attend the cjnrTiii'PM PiPipip rr, n i hUL 1 Hk"-N 1 AU1 'It CO. Wllljllake a special round trip rate of One and one third fare From all Points on Its lines in Oregon. Tickets will be on sale at all stations, main lines and branches. November 14 and luth. Final re turn limit November 22. $25,000 In prizes will be given away GRAND DISPLAY Instructive Lectures, In tnresting program every day during the show. For further information call on any Southern Facitle agent or on Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. J. A. Bl'CHANAN Attorney-At-Lair. 4 Notary Public. Abraham Bldg. Roseburg. Oregon. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. It J. C. FULLERTOW ft Attorney-At-Law. if Will practice In all State and Federal Courts. Office In Marks ft Building. Roseburg, Oregon. Milftft S COSHOW RICE 1 Attonieys-At-Lawr. ft ft Taylor & Wilson Building. ft Roseburg, Oregon. A. S. BVEY, Op. D. ft Cass St., First Door East of ft Telephone Office. ft Roseburg, Oregon, DENTIST tf P. W. HAY.VKS Dentist i Roseburg National Bank Bldg. Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4. if Phone 1283. Roseburg ... Oregon. J. R. CHAPMAN, I). D. S. Dentist ' , if Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tel it ephone 1141. Abraham Bldg. it Residence Phone 1406. Roseburg, Oregon. H. LITTLE 0 ' Dentist I Oakland i.DIt. C. L. PEARSON, Dentist if Review Bldg. Phone 763. if if Roseburg, Oregon. G. J. BACH EK, D. M. I)., if tf Dentist Abraham r.oseburg, t Building. Oregon, if PHYSICIANS. ski:lv, sktiiuk & stewaut Physicimts and Surgeons Office Lower lioor Douglas Co. Bank bldg., corner Main and N Oak streets. Phone 771. Roseburg, Oregon. if ELM Kit V. HOOVER, Pliysiciau and Surgeon if Office, Main St., One Door South of City Hall. Phone 341. if Roseburg, Oregon. ' if Dl. fJEO. E. HOUCK, if Physician and Surgeon. Office. Review Bide.. Phono 31. Jk Roseburg, OreEon. DR. LUCETTA SMITH Ut Physician $: " Women's and Children's 3t Diseases. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Phones Office, 1711, Res. 1721. Marsters Block, next to Douglas County Bank Bide. a K seburg. Oreeon. ft ATTORNEYS. m CRAWFORD & WATSON A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson Atlorneys-At-Law. if Rooms 1 and 2, Douglas Co. Bank Bldg. , w Roseburg, Oregon. R. W. MARSTERS Atturney-At-Law. if if Notary Public. Rooms 6 and It 7, Marsters Building. Roseburg, Oregon. CLAUDU W. DEVORS Attorney-nt-Law if Mack Bldg. Drain, Oregon. gjaKHB?-TTT fflrW a it u a B JOHN T. LONG Z Attornr-y-At-Law. fc- Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas Co. a Bank Building. . a Roseburg, Oregon. ft ftftft ft J. H. AISTIN J Attorncy-at-Law ft and ft 2 Notary Public. ft W Oregon, i Oregon.