The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 13, 1900, PART 2, Image 2

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,r,.nipO .hint!. Riehts should be WILL VOMFESS.
The Weekly Ghroniele.
Advertising llatca.
Per mc A.
O lelt.cb or le In laily H W
O er two loche mnd umler four loche 1 Wj
t)er four liicliw ud under twelve lucaea.. T
O .'er twelve inchiM 80
t)ninfh or leu, ixrr Inch 83 SO
OTer one Inch nd under lour Inches i 00
Over lour inches sad under tweive Inches. . 1 60
Over twelve inches 1 00
Pitjr the sorrows of tb 3 poor rich
and the wretched who are placed in
high stations! says the New Yoik
Sun. The duchess of Arjtyle wrote
the other day to the emperors, kings,
princes, and princesses of Europe,
asking them whom they envied in
this world of sorrows. The replies'
winch she received are heartrending,
One can almost see the stains be
tween the lines, or fanov the sighs
and sobs at the end of a period. First
comes the Prince of Wales with the
following dismal wail : I envy the
man to whom it is permitted to be
sllght'y indisposed, without tiie fact
being put in this shape and spread
all over the papers of Europe: 'His
Highness is seriously ill' who can
breakfast in peace without tbe an
nouncement in the newspapers 'His
Highness ate with a good appetite"
- and who can go to tbe races without
finding the nest morning in tbe same
papers 'His Highness bet heavilj
In a word, I envy the man who be
longs to his family alone, and whose
movements are not watched and
falsely Interpreted."
From the Princess Charles of Den
mark comes the following: When
I can take a ride on my bicycle, and
afterward devote myself entirely lo
my own family affairs, 1 envy no
body. But when I have to Le her
Royal Ilighnes. I envy everybody."
Emperor William II gives this
melancholy, but bold reply, poorly
- calculated to please the sans-patrie:
"There is only one man in this world
. thai I do not envy, and that is the
ra:Cil who does not love bis coun
try." From Emperor Francis Joseph
comes this answer, doubtless written
In the tone of a sigh, whatever that
may be: "I envy tho fate of tbe
fellow who isn't an emperor."
With notes inoie sustained, assum
ing for tbe sake of symphony that
there is music in a sigh, the Czar
hums dolefully in this key : "I sin
cerely envy every man man who is
not loaded down with the cares of a
great empire, and who has not to
weep for the woes of a people." ,
This is a mighty poor show surely.
In the pursuit of happiness, where
the mischief are we all at?
tyrannical things- Rights should be
acknowledged and guaranteed. It
is not safe to bave them dependent
on the caprice or Inteiest of any
person or class."
IJryan, in supporting tbe anti
injunction policy of the dcniociacy,
siyt that injunctions are unnecessary
because tbe things they stop are
either illegal or legal, and. If they
are illegal, the person doing an illegal
act can be punished. That is beau
tifully Bryanesque. It is a part of
tbe Bryanocracy of the democratic
party. Suppose a mob was destroy
ing property. Suppose a railroad
company proposed to destroy a man's
propcity and ruu its road through
his house. Tbe mob, if Individual
members could be found, and some
persons connected with the railroad
company, might be punished; but
what good would that do to the man
whose property was destroyed? An
injunction saves property, and it is
then determined whether tbe pro
posed act is legal or illegal. It is
also a good thing for tbe people
whom the injunction restrains, be
cause it saves them from punishment
by Gne or impiisonment if it is found
that they were going to perpetrate
an illegal act. It is another case
of where Bryan thinks the American
people are fools.
The Universal Leader, a thorough
ly non-partisan religious weekly,
edited however for many years by
men who have been identified with
the New England democracy, has
tho following true and timely re
marks on tbe pending strike ot the
anthracite coal miners. They are so
far removed from the demagogic
trash that fill our political papers and
is spouted from Bryan itc and other
platforms that they will bear repeti
tion, lue moral or lucm is, or
ought to be, a truism; that while
labor has rights that no right-minded
man would attempt lo deny or
curtail, capital also has rights that
labor must respect or suffer the con
sequences of low wage or absolute
'Ihe striking miners complain
that the railroads and the operators
tyrannize over them. We are the
more inclined to accept their indict
merit because we notice that the
miners, when their turn comes, are
not slow to tyrannize over the
owners and shippers and over other
laborers. The disposition to tyran
nize is so universal that it is the part
of wisdom to open as few tempta
tions to tyranny as possible. We
bare often said that we know no
religious denomination, cot except
ing our own, that could be safely
entrusted with authority over any
other religious denomination. Irre
sponsible power is a dangerous
weapon. When the miners, by their
overpowering .numbers, feel that
they can do what tbej will, tbey
will do most arbitrary, unjust and
. We have oeen bearing a great deal
from the anti-expansionists about
imperialism. A man making some
investigations lecently dug up a
speech of Alien G. Thurman's, de
livered in 1848, in which ho
denounced everybody generally as
traitors who were opposed to the
annexation of the territoiy acquired
from Mexico after the war with that
country. In the halls of congress,
about 1850, Stephen A. Douglas
called Columbus Delano a traitor
because the latter still criticised the
conquest of the territory from Mex
ico. I'hurman and Douglas were
leading democrats ot their time.
They were expansionists what the
democrats of today try to call "im
perialists." It is said the populists of four
years ago out in the prune districts
south of Salem are all going to vote
for McKinley. Tbey can see the
benefits of expansion and of protec
lion to prunes. The only trouble
with the duty is, it is not half high
enough. But it is a whole lot better
than nothing, and it represents tbe
difference between profitable pi ices
and unremunerativc ones, which is
the soul of the industry. Tbe prune
orchards out there would be woith
1500 an acre, if the duty on prunes
were raised to 5 cents a pound.
The New York Sun predicts that
after election is over the following
groups of gentlemen taking a hind
in tbe campaign on the Bryan
side will conclude that they made
donkeys of themselves of colossal
First Those who have argued
that there was no danger in free
silver because it was "dead." Then
the honor of the party which they
support is, if possible, deader. The
democracy is pledged to free silver
by two national platforms and a
caudidate twice nominated. No
humbug like it ever lived, if it
should spare any effort to have tbe
mints opened to free silver coinage.
Secondly Those who have argued
that Bryan can be elected with
safety because the republican party
will remain to prevent harm. This
argument might be influential in an
asylum for idiots; hardly anywhere
Thirdly Those who hold that free
silver can wait upon tbe "paramount"
issue of imperialism. What there is
of imperialism rests on the treaty of
Paris, which Bryan helped to oiske
two years ago. It can be undone
later as well as it can be undone now.
But the work of free silver can never
be undone. A countiy once proven
dishonest will never be honest in
tho world's eye.
n A
"The adrmiiibUalion should have
ordered Dewey to leavo Manila Bay
immediately after tbe destruction of
the Spanish fleet," is the assertion
often made by democratic orators.
Tbo answer to this is plain. In one
question, what would the United
States have done in tbe Chinese crisis
bad it not been for Manila as a basis?
Tbe troops which landed at Taku,
fought the battle of Tien Tsin, and
marched' on to Pekin, came from
the Philippines. Manila. Bay is
needed by tho United Stales in its
business, and will be kept.
"The full dinner bucket is not a
sordid emblem," says Ex-President
Harrison in a recent interview. "It
has a spiritual significance for the
spiritually-minded. It means more
comfort for Ike wife and family,
more schooling and less wcrk for the
children, and a margin of saving for
sickness and old age."
In 1895, under democratic admin
istration, our favorable trade balance
was $75,508,200. During the last
three years, under the republican
policy of expansion in the world's
markets, our valuable trade balance
has overaged more than $565,000,000
each year. This means more work
for American labor.
Tbe Times-Mountaineer is mad as
a wet hen because the old soldiers
of the local Grand Army post called
a meeting last Monday night to ex
press their opinion of Bryan's im
perialistic bogey man. It sees noth
ing but a "scheme" in one of the
most spontaneous gatherings that
ever met in this city. Tbe call was
published three limes in The Chron
icle, in practical' the same words.
The old soldiers were asked to n-eet
'to express' their opinion of the
administration's action towards the
Philippines." And they did express
themselves, every man of them
singly, on the floor of Fraternity
hall. And there was no mincing of
words, and no. possibility ot mistak
ing their meaning. The sentiment
of every soldier in tho hall, young or
old, might be expressed in these
words, (although on the lip3 of the
rugged old soldiers they were far
more forcible if less elegant) "Perdi
tion strike the banl that pulls down
the American Dag from any flag staff
where American valor has placed it,"
Nor was the meeting a mere gather
in? "of a dozen or so," as the Times
Mountaineer says. There were
nearly thirty veterans present, a re
markibly large number, when one
remembers how old age, disease and
death havo thinned out the members
of tbe post. When our contemporary j
amrms that anybody, no matter
whom, whipping the old soldiers into
lire, he casts an insult In their teeth.
The meeting was theirs, called by
themselves and conducted by them
selves. Every man who attended it,
save one, the editor of The Chuon
icle, who was there merely as a
spectator and reporter, was n veteran
either of tbe civil war or of the
Spanish. Nor was the meeting called
in order that the veterans might
pledge themselves to anybody or
any party. Nor was any. pledge
talked of or hinted at. They met as
American freemen to express their
sentiments on the policy of expan
sion, ana the resolul ons adonti-d.
without a dissenting vote, show that
the men who bared their breasts to
tbe bullets of the enemy, whether in
the cotton fields of the South or the
rice swamps of Luzon have lo dread
or tho false and manufactured Issues
of militarism and imperialism.
The Kind Ton nave Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne- the slgrnatnre of
and has been made unaer nig per-
yTj's-z. sonal supervision since its Infancy.
TuZcJufc Allow no one to deceive you In this.
an n..trr,At imitations and " Just-as-irood" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infauts and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic?
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
During the Street Fair and Carnival we are Koinir to rifler the greatest bar
gains in Lmnuinsr Machinery ever offered in the State of Oregon. We want every
farmer to have a Star Feed Mil), because it will helo to rmv vonr Ia- it lil
save you time; it will mako your old horse fatter; it will please your wife to set
,.i. ,, ima m hnrB way 0, gluing it ar, a aacrince,
for we are positively going to close out the mills now on band at ACTUAL COST.
A change in the busmen compels na to do this, and now is tho time for you to
ici inn uciirni, rui luriuer JHrilLulure Inquire or write t'J
- H It 'i
h. -
The Dalles, Oregon.
We cordially invito you to visit
A new Department Stoic just opened with new up-to-date
goods and low prices. It's the place to save money on all
kinds of nierchandise. Remember the place,
Wasco Wai
"Js tbo young roan, Bryan, safe?"
nquires the Des Moines Capital,
Not by a large majority.
Tbe New York World charges that
Dost Crokcr has made democratic
success in ew York impossible.
The 'World is altogether too hard on
the boss. Some of tbe responsibility
should be assigned to tbe gentlemen
who made tbe Kansas City platform.
New shoes for fall and winter just re
ceived at the New York Cash Store.
A position by good al-rounJ me
chanic and general repair man. Can do
carpenter work, paper-hanging, paint
ing, caleomining, run steam beating
boiler, repair and construct electric
belle, annunciator, and repair work of
all kinds. Can furnish very best refer
ences from present and pact employers
for fourteen years psst. Have got all
tools, am 33 years old, sober, an Ameri
can and anxious to come West. Address,
Stating all particulars,
, A. Howard,
General Repairer,
3G01 Western Ate. Bonl.
eiiouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot f u kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grai n. ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts. "i?!'k"idj
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton if lour
This Honr is manufactured evpreesly for family
Ws soil our good, lowor than any house in TtU "t i a. d i yo'u don'V "so"
call and get enr prices and be convinced. ' 1 n 80
Highest Prices Paid for What, Barley and Oats.
O SAY! Lend Me Your Ear!
Do yon know that John Pashck. the tnih.r !.....(.. If
the largest merchant t.ilorin bouse, in America? 2 ' " '
q ID liia Utfllv.7 """"u
JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor. Aeent
T. A. ni-r.nir.
Komrjr f ablie.
Real Estate,
Insurance, Loans,
Conveyancing and
We represent some of the
insurance companies in the orij
We have a large lin of proMrt. v,
city and c.untry, for 8ale ind reau
We have mocey to loan on mi.
securitv at
' v oi Inters
We do all kinds of convev.ncin. ...
.u..v vniicis I jf KjAp,'-
tern of abstracting which Preclod
title, to reafeeute. 'U 'k,c
Any one hiving nrm,.. t
rent ,111 find it to their .d ZZ"
leave it in our bands. p
in our rare will receive prompt,
lion. Will practiae in all tbe coo,u
the ttala. Hnrr..nn,i....
answered. " pron
Offices: Washington street, nut i,
French & Co.'s . ' 11 u
- Blacksmith.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Slsc'-smift Splits.
Cor SccddiI & Lanjblia. TteHI
A Difficult P.oblem.
It Is among tm luout difEca'l prob
lems o' natural science for one to brcomt
expe-t in several lines. J. E. Adcon
Co., by their combination, bsva over
come ibis difficulty in a practical ran
ner. J, IS, Adcox 's an expert witch,
maker and is good on jewelry, opmi
work and engraving, while Theo. U.
Liebe is an expert optician and li fnoi
on watch repairing, jewn'iy work cJ
engraving. Their price ' as low mcod.
sistent with good workmanship.
are prepared to do ail work in their
several lines, on short notice. Wort
sent bv mail or exurees will nw
prompt attention. ign, "Bij Rti
A complete line of Fall snd Winter
Suitings, Panting, and Overcoatiny, doi
on display. 100 dilTurentvarietiwtoie'
lect from.
Suits, $20 ai?d up.
Call and examine goods belore joinf J
elsewhere. Second street, upy.
A Crowe's.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggy
J. B. Orossen & Co., Prop
87 Second Street.
Ramnra Pimply, TV" I ILlaw
Bilii.nni, Hnrifr tlir. Itlooif, fiii
A nm, .f lh !miwI lrdr ' "Y.r
Int hrllh. Th n.llhr nr- '"'JJi' I"1
linn f..n, wtll mil mtl "1 1 AhU&r
. Moid u, oraa.uM. UR. (IGSANKO C0.n