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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1900)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22, 1900. riorLi com i no aud goisq. Saturday Daily. Attorney G. W. Phelps, of Heppner, it in tbe city. Hon. F. X. Jones, of Sherar'a Brii!,fe, it in the city. Theodora Prici left on tbe boat this morning to spend Sunday with bis family at Wind KiTer. William Glasius, wife and child were passengers on the noon train on a abort Tieit to friends in Portland. Mr. J. P. Eoark and family and Delwyn Allaway retarned home last ivgbt from their ontiog at Cooks landing. Mies Winifred Xealy.of Portland, who baa been visiting ber annt, Mr. Jamei Leary, of thia city, retarned home on tbit morning's boat. Monday's Daily. , J. II. McGreggor, of Mosfar, ia regis tered at tbe Umatiila Honse. Professor C. L. Gilbert came np on tbe noon train from Hood River. John V. O'Leary, of Grasa Valley, Sherman county, arrived bere today on tbe noon train. Seid Beck, a prominent Portland Chinaman, is in thecity, the gueat of tbe Umatilla Iloose. Will Menefee and family returned Saturday night from a few weeks' out inn at Wind river. Attorney A. A. Jayne and family re turned Saturday night fioui summer coting at Wind river. State Senator G. H. Baker and son, G. M. liaker, passed through town today on their way to Chicago. Colonel Xye and wife, of Prineville, arrived here today from Portland and are guests of the Umatilla House. Miss Grace Halvor, of Crate' Point, left on last night's train for Walln Walla, where she will enter the new Walla Walla hospital fjr training as a professional nnrse. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wells and daugh ter, Miss Maude, who have been bere from Wisconsin visiting Mr. Wells' sis ter, Mrs. Wm. Michell, left on tbe boat this morning homeward bound. They will visit the seaside and stop in Califor nia and Colorado on their return trip. J ad Fish and T. J. Seufert returned yesterday from a visit to the Golden Eagle mine, Baker connty, in which they are largely interested. The special object of their visit was to decide on the kind of hoisting and pumping plant best adopted to tbe requirements.of the mine. Tuesday's Daily. Doc Sing, the old-time Chinese mer chant, now of Umatilla, is in the city, Malcolm Mclnnis and family left yesterday for a ten days outing at Long Beach. Rev. Father Gard, of Centerville, was in town today on his way Lome from a abort visit to the Sound. Mrs. J. N. Galliford, of Prineville, ar rived here on tbe noon train and is a guest of the Umatilla House. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kinkella, who have been visiting for a few weeks with Mrs. M. Velarde, returned yesterday to ineir noma at Astoria. Ex-State Printer Frank Baker ia in the city, the guest of Rev. O. D. Taylor. He says his business bere ia to get a taste of our glorious climate. Korth Heach Road. Long Beach, Wash., Aug. 19. It has been stated on what The Oregontan'e correspondent considers undisputed authority that the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company bag bought the Ilwaco Railway & Navigation Com pany's line, running from Ilwaco to Nahcotta. President Mohler, of the O. R. & X., when seen last evening with reference to the foregoing telegram, denied that a sale had been made to his company of tbe property mentioned. It is known that negotiations have been going on recently between the two corporations looking to a purchase of the Ilwaco road by the 0. R. & N., but Mr. Mohler'a positive statement shows that they have not yet reached a final stage. It will not be surprising if the report shall be confirmed by later events. CHINA NOW DESIRES PEACE Appeals Through Li Hung Chang to the foiled States to Appoint Conger, or Some Other Official With Au thority, to Consider tbe Terms of Adjusting the Present Trouble. Washington, Aug. 20. Tbe Chinese government, through Li Hang Cbang, has made application to the United States for the appointment of Minister Conger, or some other American official with authority to open negotiations for the establishment of peace and fixing definite terms for the settlement of the present trouble. The application came to tbe Chinese minister today, and was taken by bim to the state department. Li Hons Chang' application for the appointment of a peace commissioner expresses willingness to conduct the ne gotiations at a point desired by the powers, and it ia expected that this will ba Pekin or Tien Tsin. A similar application has been made by Earl Li to all of the powers interest ed. His suggestion of Minister Conger as commissioner is based on the idea that as Minister Conger Las been res cued be has now tbe opportunity to proceed to the point where the negotia tions will be held and conduct them. The application does not suggest any paiticular terms nor does it ask for the withdrawal of troops. It requests that the negotiations shall be for tbe purpose of bringing about a cessation of hostili ties. o Klght to I'gilncaa. The woman who ii lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has con-, stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, Bkin eruptions and e wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is tbe best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakelev's drug store. 2 Acgetable Preparation for As similating the Food and Emula ting the 5 loinachs and Bowe ls of Hla Life Was Bared. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverence from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I beard of Dr. King's Xew Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to ue it, and ! now am well and strong. I can't say i too much in its praise." This marvellous I medicine is the surest aad quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lang Troable. Regular sizes 50 cents and f 1.00 Trial bottles free at Blakeley'a drug tore; every bottle guaranteed. 2 Broke World'a Record. Pittsburg, Aug. 19. P. C. Knox, a member of the Allegheny onnty bar, toddy broke the world's record by per sonally driving his trotting team, Wert and Dr. Leek, a mile in 2:10g. The world'a professional record was made In 1886 by Geers, driving Ja Hina and Lady Mac, a mile in 2:12 ..,. Tbe trial today, while not a technical test, was made for tbe put pose of breaking the record, and was in tbe presence of forty spectators on the Burnot Island Gentle men's Driving Park mile track. Twenty watches were held on the horses, and a large majority of them recorded 2:10,'2'. Yolcanio Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of jy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley's drng store. 2 During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering form cholera in fantum. The doctors bad given up all bopea of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used ac cording to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have re commended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Brookwalter, Ohio. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Astoria Kegetta Aug. 3f, 4lh, 35lli. Promotes DigesHon.Cherfur ness and Rest.Contaim neither Opium.Morphine norMiaeraL 'otNaiicotic. taped-oujitsjmiiPfTaaa Mx.Smut ' sujr&4 e JUptmmt -tit (lvnmJU ttmi i rimrm: A perfect Remedy forConslipa Tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness And Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YOTHC. e lift For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tbe Signature of EXACT C0FV OF WRAPPER. A m m iir In Use For Over Thirty Years in THC CCNTAUN COMMNV, W VOW GfTt. n Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much lees than wholesale prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before thirty days. All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Coreeta and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. T") T ( 11 INSTRUCTOR OF A rOI. J aS. LJiappell, mandolin and (Juitar Will give instruction on either the Mandolin or Guitar, ana, it aeaired, will call at your home. CLUB MEETING every Thursday Evening Respectfully solicit your patronage aud guarantee per fect satisfaction. TERMS 75c a Lesson or 8 Lessons for 5S5.O0. HEADQUARTERS The Jacobson Book & Music Company. State formal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. The students of the Normal School are prepared to take the State Certificate Immediately on Graduate! readily secure Rood position. Ejpense of year from Siao to II.jO. ... strong Academic and Professional C'ourre.. New Special Departure in Manual Training n ell equipped Training Department. For catalogue containing lull announcements address P. L. CAMPBELL, President, or W A. WANS, Secretary of Faculty. The Regulator line will make a rale of $2 50 for the round trip. Tickets good for ten days. 21 2t W. C. A LI AWAY, The Boers and the British. London, Aug. 20. Tbe war office has received tbe following dispatch from Lord Roberts: "Ian Hamilton captured two Krnpp guns at Oliphant's Nek, Angust 17th. Three British were wounded. . "Hamilton engaged the Boers all day Aogtut 19 at Koodekorjes and Crocko- dile River. There were few casualties. "Rundle reports that 634 Boers sur rendered in the Harrismith district, Angnst 19th. Card or Thank. Mr. and Mrs, George Bonn desire to sincerely thank their numerous friends . and neighbor! for the kindness and sympathy extended towards them dur ing the illness and death of their son, Peter Bunn. Oregon STATE FlilB SALEM, OREGON. September 17 to 22, 1900. i' BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. Oronnds greatly Improved, buildings repaired and renovated, all stork build ings thoronghly disinfected; everything in first-clasg condition for the largest and best Live Stock Show and Agricult ural Exposition ever held on the Coast. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA SAY. COMPANY 1 Steamers of tln Regulator Line will run as per the fol- schedule, the Compuny reserving the right to change '3 schedule without notice. 3 Str. Regulator DOWN. Lr. Dalles flt7a. M. Tuesday Thutnlay Haturday Arr. Portland at 4:30 r. at. CP. Lv. Portland a' 7 a. M. Monday . . . Vedncflay Kridtty Arr. lHlk'i at 5 r. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. now Lv. Dulles at 7 A. a. Monday Wednesday Friday Arr. Portland at 4 ::i0 p. M. Lv at IT P. Portland :K A. M. Tuefdnv . Thursday . Saturday Arr. Dalles at ft p. a. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, t, rvei uy me nienmern oi me KPfruiatnr Line. The CompanT will pnienvor to live ita Tmt- k, - (umiici iiiKnuiniKru KuuresB J. Portland Office, Oak Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY. Can. Af. C. ALLAWAY, Gen SJKL NOTICE FORUBUc tTh,Dau CIPAKT roa Tina arHSDDLa. auM Aaa:va oit F.t Mall L!:4U p. m. Atlantic Exprcia Vi:0ii a. m. Via Huntington. Spokane jlail aud x press 9:25 p. m S p. m. E .u Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kan sas City, bt. Louis, Chicago and raat. Salt Iak3, Denver, Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kan- aa City, St. Louis, Chicago aud tat. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis. St. Paul, Uuluth, Milwaukee, Chicago and Kant, via Spokane atd Hunting ton: alao all points in Washington aud East ern Oregon. FaoaT Poetland. Ocean Steamahipa. For San Francisco Every Five Daya. Fat Mail l:JO p 4:16 a. m. Spokane 3i an and Ei press 3:30 a. m 4 p. ni. 4 p. m. sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex. oundaj To ahtOkia ana nay Saiurday j Landings. 1U p. m. I 6a.m. 1 Willamitt River. 4:30 p. m Ei.ouuday Oregon City, New berg, Ex.Sunday l teaiem S ay Land a. : 7 a. m, WiriAMiTTB and Ya- Tues.Thur.: bill Rivera. aud eat. . Oregon City, Dayton, I and Way-ijindiuga. 3:30 p. Mon.,Wed and Fri. Lv Riparla daily t .3o a. m. Snake River. Riparia to Lewiston. Leave LlWIHTOM daily 9:00 a. m. Parties desiring to go to Hennner or points on Columbia southern via tfiggs, snouia take No. 2. leavius The Dalles at 12:40 D. in. making direct connections at Heppner junction ana Biggs, rleturnlng masinguircctcnnuecuon ai neppuer junction ana Diggswun ro. i. ar riving at J He Ualles at ij:jo p. m. For full particulars call on O. .A N. Co, agent The Dallea. or address W. II. HURLBI RT. (Jen, Pas. Agt , Portland, Or, iii Facilic Yellowstone Park Line. THE DIXIXa CAR ROUTE FROJL PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK LB AVE. No. 2. Union Depot, Finn and I Sts Fast mall for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympia, Uray'a Harbor nnd South Hend I points, Spokane, Rons land, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewiston, Buf 11:15 A, M. falollunip mining coun try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all point cast and southeast. Puget Sound Express for Tacoma and Seattle and intermediate points No. 4. 11;30 P. M. No. 5;50 P. M. - No. 3. 7;00 A. M. runman nrst class and tnuiitt sleepers to Minneapolis, i. raui and Missouri river points n iui,u viiioiKt;. Vestlbuled trains. Union depot connectloni In all principal cities. HiiKgHge checkeil to destination of tickets. For llHIldsomelv illllNltHtlHl iliMnrli.tlvAnutur tickets, sleeping enr reservations, etc., call ou or " 1 l.D A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 2V Morrl sou Street, corner Third, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Soutnern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The Dallea for Portl miri nitit v.. stations at i: a. m. aud 3 p. m. Leave Portland " Albany Arrive Ahlnnd " hacrHlnento " San Fraud .sco . . A:.K) m .12.30 a in M:Xt a m . 5:00 p m . 7:40 p in Arrive Ogdon SMS am " !! nver :(i0a m kansascity 7:2am Chicago 7:45 am Arrive lxs Angeles ... " El Paso " Fort Worth " City of Mexico . " lloutton " New Orleans .. " Washington " New York . 1 :20 p m . fi:(l p m . 0 :::ii a m .. a in , . 4:1m a ni . fi i'i a m . (t:42 a m .12:4:1 p m 7:011 p m 10:60 p m ll:W)am 4:ilAain :! .' a m lllSim :ima in 7:2" a in V::i0am 7 nna ml f: p m ii::aia m H-'rtain 4 IS) a in : 2S p in 12 a ni 12' U p m $20,000 it) premmti5 purses Good racing every afternoon. Music and fan at night. Auction sale of livestock will be made load ing feature. All livestock and other exhlbita hauled free over the- Southern Pacllio railniad. Reduced passenger rates rn all railroads. For premium list and other nforntation addresa W. II. WF.HKU.Nii, President. Ilill.horo, Or. M. It. VUSlOM, Sec., Portland, Or. Did You Stop to Think That tbe Jacobsen Book and Miuic Company are strictly up-to-date on ail kinds of Fancy Stationery, Calling and Announcement Cards, and Initial Latter Seals-both in stamp and fancy colored stickers? Also a full and complete line of Pocket Account and Memorandum Bookt just the rlht siz3 to carry In the veit pocket or In a stiODping basket. Jacobsen Book and Music Co. Pullman and Tourist cars on both tralm. t hair cars Sacramento to Ogdon and F.l Paso, and tourist ears to Chicago, St Louis, New Or leans and Vt ashingtou. . oniiccung at Han Francisco with steamship lines for Honolulu, Jnnsn. i iiiiippines, Central aud South America. See agent at The Dallea station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. several China, flricien Lice Conprefl. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The most efficient Wood Preserving Paint, also a Radical Hoiimly agsln-.t Chicken l.lcn. Its application to In side walls of poultry houses will per manently extvrinliiate all lice R.. anils healthy chickens, plenty of Wr"" 'of "rculars aud prices. Mention this paier. Jos.T. Peters & Co., TUB DALLE, OHIOON, Notice named s anal pr..',, 7 - hi. iT that aaid pr.a,l will be iLjJ L. '.hl,", and receiver vl the I; V , '" toi. Dalles Or . on Ji ft n eaturdav. Se,.t L'."..1'lt He.r, t. Oordto.. -rLI TU: H. E. No. 4fll, for the s, gK" " f- He name, the following ltn. bia cmtinuou. reaidenoe upon an?" ,fc of said land, vli: ' ad cuiUiiT Ernest Jordan, Albert Jo.a.. . .ndeaThomate EXECUTOR'S X0IICE. Iier ir Notice is hereby given that th. ... . ,..?.S.uil P.P""1 by ih. hon? All person, having claim? .B, of tne state of Orevon. ecuior or ine ecute of Aut eeaiUHl eauteare hereby notirted J "Wttn iy jeritied, to the undenTh.,,;, proriy venueo, to the Underi.i,TI. I kewl, at Tbe Dalles, Zl, Tv-1 at The Dallea, Oregon. wifi,i .7. I" : the date of this noiiee. "Joouu uaiea mi. ntn day of July, poo Can- Notice of Sheriff's Sale. .BlTl!!le .' n"ectlon dulvUn,.aK cUAol the circuit court of 1!0, in a eerUin acilon iS l tf.J said county and slate wherein w A LS,! plulntift recovered judgment" tainst vTi" lace, Defendant, for the .nm ol"'hlV larsand twenty-one eenu dam"ie ihtTk mentwasenrolledand d.wkcteo herS," ! Bee In said court, on Junes, tw ini made and entered on said court and eao-1 Margaret A. Bcoggiu as executrix of i will and testament and estate of he Lid U,' Scoggi n, deceased, was substituted I.!, . k.1 W. A. Bcoggin in aid chu i . nTlcJ "l, given that I will on Monday , th sfr' August, l'.sJO. at the eountv cou t hoii ' Dallea City in l4ricTtoj?i o clock in the alternoon ot ,iirt " lie auction to the highest bidder for itti following described property, tiWit- ' 3 The snlltlleaNt ,.,i,rt.r . south half of southeast quarter nd th2 east quarter of the southcat urlr twenty-eight (v8, township seven ,7 UH acveuieeii (I,) east, W l . lot number three (3) in block nunihsV ik, f!) In langhhu's addition to the t"wn Z lope, in VVasco count?, stuto ol ... nd Lvied unori as the mhu i ..-.'. ,j i a V . Wallace, or 8l much thi.rm,f 7... esMarv tn Nutl.fv Ih. ...(. , j v:mr interest thereon at the rate of' tight rwrepnr,'!: annum from the su H.. i i.. ' with all costs aud diobursemen ,'i that klveT RflRFRT VPIlv ov.j. Dated at Dallea 1 ltv. wMrn . tulv'A'. lum .J,wrrici DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby elven that ih. nh,i.:. heretofore existing between E. B. Dufur n Frank Menefee, at The Dalles, Oregon, nn the tlrm name and stvla of biifur this day dissolved by mutual consent, E ' Dufur retlrimr from said Ann. All ,,.;;.: cases in which said tlrm is Interested si tornevs, will be attended to and compl' both partners the same as though no diwwluti had occurred. rank Menefee will retain the bonk.ind. counts of the firm, aud will pay alliebti r. claims against said firm, and all parties lndebt to the firm of Dufur Menefee are requested j settle the same with him at an early date. Dated at Tbe Dallea, Oregon, this 1st day I July. P.KJ0. K. B. OI'KI R. Jly 7-w FKANK MENEFEE NOTICE FOR rUBLICATIOS. Land Office at The, Oii.j July 2, WJO. I Notice Is hereby given that the follovfn named settler haa Hied notice of her intent.. :. to commute and make linat nronf in .tttmnrt her claim, and tbat said proof will be made fore the register and receiver at The Dallo. Oregon, on Ihursday, September 20, KM), ru Lola A. Helm, or The Dalles, Or., If. E. No. 6159. for the NW'-i 8K'. KW 6 and 8WJ4 SWi, Sec. 3. T. 1 8.,'K. ll E., .)! - She names the following witnesses to prove continuous reaidence upon, and cultivation aaia iana viz: Peter Fniran. G. Wctmnre. Charles Mstnt! v. fox, all ot The Dalles, or. JAY P. LfCAS, all Keglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lnb Ornc a at Vancoi'vir, Wmi Aug. 16. !'.. I Notice la herebr elven that the follnwin( numcd settler has tiled notice of hi. inteue to make II mil prool in supMrt of his claiir. at. that said proo: will be niaile before W. B. Pre!, t'nlted Stte Commissioner for IHstrlcl o: Washinaton. at hlaollice ill iloldendalc, sut lngton, ou October 1, 1'.KO, viz: John Watson, CI fifl.lroia I'pntnrvllle. Wsh.. who ITI homratead application So. WKU, for tne S!, si rice J Tii :l V U 11 I. W M. Who names the following witnesses toF his continuous residence upon and cultnt oi satil land, vl. : ,. Charles Strntibc, William wintn. " . Daly and Patrick llnggeriy, . O., Washington. falsi iW. B.DrSBAB,W EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the ""f"'' con ll I V court of the! state of Oregon, 1K couiiH-, executors of the eststj of ',''r,u'''j! son. oeceascil. Ail nernnis lalnst said estate are hereby untitled "'I". . . i.:.. ... ti, nnileriiw- l e same, iiniiieriy vcrimn, " nli onriea r.. I orwoii. m i,, , ,, lfc . m,r artnrlieVH. oii (iiii, or bl nn nun it ni " - iihius: fM Ar U u.n u , 'I'Iim I li, 1 1, HI. llinf"U, months from' the date of this notice. DBte.1 July II, I'.). -Ra)15, Executors of the estate ol Horatio tow ".; O'ased. ' NOTICE FOR (Isolated Tract.)- PUBLICATION. -Public Land Sle. Land Orrica at Th l'"'-'": J IT Notice Is hereby given fhat In P"'""!!!'!' nttructlons from the coinmis'iooorp r: ral laud otllcc, under authority vJ hi ny scciion -jvu u. n. r"", '. :,.. n,..M ,.f n,.,ior.MM ii t,tirovil rcDrusi; we will proceed to oiler at public -.i,,i, ine nui uav oi ww "1"' : " ... . i,.).!.: f Kio'cha k, a. in , at this olln. ' tract of land, to-wtt: .... . w Anv nnd all iiersons elnlmlng i' cscrlbnl lands are advlieu ' claims In this office on or ih - -, & desigunted tor theconimcuif iie'i; . otherwise their rlnh taw III I forfil JAV P. LI CAS, PATrKBSOS. a"" al I OlM NOTICE FOR PUr.LICATIOS. LAHnCrritaatTin m" ' . ,..-rf ...... ....( the I'". l, ii InteDU1" v . , i -.1. u niiliru is iifr,-iij , , uiu... hmi flml notice oi"'. id ny, ake tlnal proof In support oi h . that said pns.f will be wane '' "". mW- It.i'elver at The uanvs, August ., !'". vlr..: .,.. nhn W. .lohiiaton. or a n , If. K. No. aiTO, lor the Sh' r.t 'lle'names the following i'',''..'io'Jaii. iiitiniioiia wiiletice upon. 1 ild land, viz: irf,nk J. W. .Mr.iuls, O. W. .fob '::'":,,-, oi y, Oeo. L. Jobiiston, an "i . Rel!' ... i i a v i . l.i ""' ,i I) BiHMnoitrrs Physician aud Surgeon, . -in.n towrrf1 special aiienuoM ,iuti Rooms 21 and , Tel.