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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1900)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JANUARY 27. 1900 The Weekly Chronicle. Ort!5-ror e;s WT - - O M lv :a it.S rltf- O x Jart k vt v it.-t - M 'ir fct.4 avlrf VS' li' ! (nittiKi - 1 It ; ie;i'.i l Ji.t P.'et:!frr.t Hal ley ef Yale Lii jliil to ; rt U.f trtwtr the ismai . .. ... .... ANOTHER REASONABLE Vtnsiur. ......i.. u d.,:r it He to riM bh i,..K,iUt,:J tie lesliM, jasi tow, it ft jT.ocipie ; c.rw4, i s,iwu v ... . . , .1.. i .V .rn!rt. COOS- tkiMfiU Itwr. wTtr. arctsk.::' a rrtat dealof.1-'' ...... . r..,... - , t " j THE 'UTJCAL SJTTLE. -itf tl ia Mr- Sevit's ftivocacy 'Clt ,ttt irl-g-aai Utt tnbodef Tie LmJv1 r c: , Ib!u5!l1 t.J att tferrl.ts. Tbe Telegram' U-dWVM f' 'J j . b tar- - Tba iiiir that Smith dnLki n-d Lihiti rktcdieJ ca cf Lit i: - l . - m : 2 i . . 1 A to t'e : il t-i-i L3ji.:U!. . c-J t tltttc. htj lie E.; Gezrtl Wftirta cti'Jtti Lis t-ti-i'. :o 3riT tit lijtrt frcBjil; Tbe. For Nearly Two Years Unable to Lay in Bed r T cptavy a drrgist. is Buffalo, K. V.. I have the best oppor to S'the menu of cany d Serect reused-. I m la c.q;e touch six 3 come izto my store for mciicises, and most of them tell me how I J r-tUr. TS.e r-'tT ccst eik-if, ai e t- .1 . . ... 1 . v : v.. A . f. ' It if Uir iaft-rtaoe ttt fti J Uqaor u ft ' .;fliiflW--niv. t..V... r. vrre :Lia oa Sk'.urisf- A Wtrre a ; JUWMUJH " f oa Jiteortbeo-ier to U c-rccajftu Lftrei " utiwt L jsfti:t: "i. a xr e&s.3J cf B.xtlt4 BM in close ; l-t ftl lnozil tu ti -citing . . . .1.. r . ILi .L.1 i Jii. -J.i J 1 , Ctt tl f.Ua?. Tie it "t,2''!- iLe secftt- , ftttjfj tb tb aihority ttt l:u?t t p, tj tte old rtle cf IrtJ caucus, J itt drink U bound to ear lor Sxith do cot alio Vl saiwt of oce'ftebftHncdfflh icflaenre of tbit ft test lLteiTe. l'; iBe tbe ilics' ref. :k !cf -es': iiitr.TtJ :ti-! tw wtl defc-nien dni.k. Itftiil BOtdJtaty tht tLM laTborlties cii Dot know thit the drin k aooVi !.f tLe elrct described by the TutCHfjSivLE Ls ft fi-ar tbitTLei Xeieiram. Anjbody ba kaowe nT- ! OregOLiftn BBigltl mioimire the results thinf, kasvs tbe eJet of intoxicant. of iu soott woik It patbicz to the beie were sny aoow, me eo.omo. w . - ; IHT III .IrfK LI 1 .1 1 .. " lu V j - I-?-" vh hh lie fc bewegjsgj ... ','Ur th1 Tbe D.:: paper, a'.one oo!d settle iL ei Yc,rC. Bxkef.::e. . u., ::Sl Mela,L:: B-lkr .p-l"41 rt,CUJr 1 tb Xor -ill it eer.. to .y that tbe oon. J . ..... r...- i - 'candidicr cf its favorite, ana the cr . , , . . ,J ?' t. . a v . o -tl " ' rsett ft : cf Ust, fcCCtt; t0 ,uik ft blow .of La'Ts&itb, nr tbe Tssela rirer. TP r. T o ... - dreds cf prepiri!icr;s wbica 1 seu. totftsicleocebessto give as cuch satiilict.oa as Acker's Ecg 1 Kcrr.eiT for Corahs. Ccldi. Erorchif.s, AithT.a. I'learisy and Q t-nc-t tmirantee that it will rare. In vt the piircfcaser's rfionry wtU be returned. This is a perfectly safe guarantee, because tie remedy dHt care. Nobody wants hi money returned. Ita enres are oothiag short of marvelous. Take the case of Mr. A. IL Gilbert, for iastasce. He lives at Ko. S Carey street. BuSalo. N. Y. For re ore thaa three years he had ft bad cas of asthm. and had been un able to lie down ia bed for nearly two year. He came to ray store and asked me what to do. I said: Take Acker's English Rerr.edy He sa;d he had tried other reme d;esfad didn't thick this would te'D him. Bnt he thtr.ks diner- 53 wealth tt1 ftr wb'th t-va tot I t!ritisi. Mr. C.:5, for tx- He L.s alrsLCtJ as far ss lb ftaji. is iioit wtin i,,trtctt)tttt will w. If L Ltd g;re2 ;.kite tiC'.-jO, as he . V .. rxit;oo of ftiiolher who La cs to tbe south m , . . , be out of tbe present incnn-beals. 1 10 drinkers. He may be ft moderate Jntktr opoa enterice tbe talnoo and ixaioderate to a fiecdish degree oron J e lr'jk Cbins is tbe great market for tbe leaviizit. I tzaia reler tbe reader to . "... . .. ... t, ;, - vis:t l'':s j i? -. j-s Ji.'i'e tixs for "r- cbesrr cotton fibricf, and cotton ti.e .lai.y piris lor cor.a.-roauon. i r, f .n rrrr L. !t !a I'e west of i .r,r.. -f l.m!r nro r.f t! e in View CI llie aiTe, i. ioo.'J . jt -.x. .( v -.- i r, - -l , 3 . c .i. . J that tie community that Las licensed) , Lvivs.'.b. lie Entirb foites w4.l lalaitries of tbe Sou'.b, it is not , . ,..... . : ilbe ti.e of intoxicants aaa that bas. ,tLt-M Kave tie Bers btwn Varin!t.jrI,r;iic2 to tiA UsJicg sootbern I u ,:cecM ct. to u CMd in , oa tiie r-ortb a 1 B-'.It-r cn tke : pc!;ticiar.s and r.etpsjers Ivaciog Jcity iajproTemeDtt. cannot in jimice south, Wanea btitg icitfcrcl ty j tuotgly tow ar;l the retention of tbe j torn on tbe hp!e. thocgh disorderly, tbe gsrrssoa of Lvlvs&Ub, if be , $. Tbtse Ulaais are ie-j nd fublicly beat him at the de- ;v...,v.,v,--i. t.,., .u-.-.. I . f.,ff.t.lrj'in "H''Z rt. Sn,itb bas Vi - a - - ' " p. - , il t.C t t t . J V. ivui vwoi ectly cow. Three boules fixed his asthma all right He could sleep and. er takizg taem, as wen a ween a ooy. nc was uucu bcviu uiuaua d is well vet. s I aai certain his trouble is gone for good. You can wrc Mr Gilbert himself, if you dobt my word. He will go further thaa me inp-? ing Ackers Ecglish Remedy.' (Signed) S. B. Thorne. druggist. Buflalo,:i Sold at 5c. oc acd $i a bottle, throughout the United States and Caii" and ia England, at is. sd.. ss. 3d.. If you are not satisfied after boj; return the" bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. r HVaxtkoruf lig'airxt rMBsaut. H. II. HOOKZR A CO, Proprietor. Sew l'crt. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. '. ?sr;, aid t-uoti II ,w Le wcil le l-!irb ci-Osb to trtit trn wi'.b itt ;vL;.y ? A f.r "Ktitlj," ia i'j tiirow i c8"-e wairtn, tbtufore, s4 upon bis soc j c-f5 tfo Js a ccupsrstireij' ciooi iuy i.t il loi. ts ci me iot;r ... , , . 1. , TLe lrttr.1 cf Egbtiiig f::$ crx-o ntt-rce, arI iioiDl drak oi t:.e lawful cunf-.uiiis.'ied soutbern are i , h:m K i ct out o! ii!l ana eel drunk i;aia ana : ; Lr. il! r.'A h.,' i:.,.a It .. ..n r,.l ...I'l-.ritv . u . 3. . J v. i. w. 1 uuvi. ... . 1 . . r , . i ' I .1 -u'J tH uu iu iwi nun tue lur .ustnv..tiMit.wiuI. mi foui&err. states cow Lave c,..:,h .:., . ,.or, .;,!,-, . V. li.iC.S.L'iUil wlliclJIVKib jlHil..ill fcnir..- M 3..iri&l. 1 : r-f n. f iall . n trot (lrnnkl!.sin Anil fire&ot;i3 to ixtet tbe L. Jytxitb 009 0 ia w Etglscd, an ! that r.rr:s..o fb'.itg its way sot. lb. d jric? the rft year tkcs were laiJ for invettiog at least o0,C00,000 in cotton icaDufacturipg in tbe southern slates. SESiTOK TCRSth'S SPEECH. tUr.U:s1 Kai.s,tf th:l wtftoU;,, Wimn fi;:. L core tLita. t i iiaott wr.i.o'Jt ex rr.?!r.". i;!n 1! A- for.? f,f ecterlair.if.eiv;. Un-An-eiicta, lcase tit Asteri can op!e bTe cct tten in .be bafcit of tt:.;e '.Le'r qaetiyT. in that etisit-w. Ttls er,! of the txiVf U feV.ii is polllit-U " AdJ.ieiog tbe stcate 00 tbe l'Lil-ec-orwxr, wt.,- sivrt t vbr-febel i--,.L,Cqutyt:P.Striitor Turner urged os. I t :i kali V.x- Few A atri- , Bdo plion by congrets of a tleclar ct. bale l -t s.a--j'-w at to carry iicn of its porjxc to cocfer self ibeir tir! csktitCif isAo tbeir gcvernrr.eot rn tbe Filipinos. He t-'.4l r:.. vwu Tbe frtttxaJtr ooes ' thought that declaration would slop txi.v-k-K tbe fTt-ucrjitt, aiid : the war instantly. In other words, tie t uta:ittd t ii'tsbBt Lis door j SeD&tor Turner would have the ia tU ftw f tbe i-isitisg gold j fnilel States sa), "We will come ttatdtr-: fvj.jttr. rt-eMxg bat run ; dewn if you will t'op ibooii'ig." I'fb tl ti in tLIs couctry.EOtabiy Tbe United States will not make ivr.zx .b eivii atr, tt3t I be Axeri j thst bun-iiiiatiDg -Ld self inciiminat a p ..,. be ttTr fcJo;td the ; iKg admission, says the Kirview. It ad x;'ltt of lyir,g tocial if engaged in the laudable work of toytvtt on ttt Ir tvliik-sJ a-LUgos!'.. restoring order in the Philippine TLe rtaedr j-rt-p J by Professor , ii'tcds, and in commanding lesfiect Haley wwiJ strike Cf;t!y the ' for its authority, whether that author wit, kh ltd dicgbttrs cf the Uy bll be provisional or permanent. u--c-;w-i ?. sc-i t tbt extent; Iaimediately the authority of the woa'd U ceit id cowsrdly. Tbe United States Las general recognition. ttbELe is a v;t:va cf a dreaier, and j cd the scattered bandits have been will b to ugaided ly tie nation. subjugated, tLc United Slate gov TLe American people i:l tike after ; ernment will I e free to confer with tbe tree's, Ut tbey will tu't at thejthe lerrtientative native leaders re s stem, net at the wives at.d (laugh- garding the future government of ir,.luriel taror.s. j the Philippines. The nature of that begitnlng to see that if the south is to Lave its full meisare of piosrity 7-. rasiket ffut I fuun-J for its piod- Xor if he obcerve tbe law which may Heaven grant! can the community bold the saloon keeper responsible. Tbe only tr.ii-g under the c.rcaxtar)t9 the com- , 4' 4 I - tjT' J : -""-.-f- REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, Poitiaua & fistoii uu iitTr.c ci thti Ef-iUtor Line Jri'J run a per tin K -air? xVlctf, tb Coujauy ierri!:g Iho tight lo tit. t( !;tdiiie ! aotdc. Str. Reg-ulator. (!Jml:ed Lai:dhi.; ters ot tie Spoke'isn-Itviaw Vaucouver, B. C. projKMes a n.iura cn rcatiimony in its new ciiartcr, siys tbe Spokesman-Revi The married man is to vote once for birr.-K'if and then again for his wife. In cases where tbe wife was very contrary, resolute and dictatorial, and the husband unusually com. plaisant, the extraordinary spectacle would be presented of a msn casting one rote for one ticket, and follow ing that immediately with another vote for the opjOEition ticket. A correspondent of the London Times telegraphs from the Portu guese port of Lorenzo Marquez that the Iioers arc bitterly disappointed with tbe results of the war. If that is the case, then indeed is the Boer an unreasonable felloiv. e Lis family at before; and feed and : ?. Tnwa'ay" . . . for thia helriless family to the end ?. Ti-ijt .... aba-se i Cdre I of the chapter. 1 z. 4 ri!urcjir . Arr. PurlUad There it another method which has!H' already tuzgeeted iUeif to a tniuority of , 5' rr. Lv. 1 r.rS ixt.1 7 k. x. Arr. ii.i.'n .1 A r. . Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City, i (Tw.chirg a! all Way Ids: t rw.v. , lr. lnil ' at -.H a. . W iod.y ; W( . . J KrMliv ; Arr. r.?i:au4 ' (uncertain) Lt. P, :i at . .... 1 . ... Thiua . . . . .(r3Tt Air. In (invru tbe citizens of The Dal let. That is to FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ftimifh Smith with no legitlized intox- j J Travel by tbe M-jamcra otthe Rxj!itnr Une. The) icantt. (If secured without the consent ' rona tiiebeat aerviw pwsibie. r tc tjly J of the community the latter eacnot be j t, PoriUm em 'held retponeihie.) Ia a mtjinty oljj d (mTny will eo4evor to girei'iv finer iDiurn.uan aaara nd OU, Oak-Street Doci. W. C. ALL A WAY. Gen. Agt., Tbeliat. ! caret, Smith w ill then work eteadily and support his own family. He will also gradnally accumulate property and pay taxes. Thus he will become a produc tive factor in the community instead of dead weight upon it. J. M. M. Notice to Votera. A V A LI A ST I'LOt'LE. The Boers are making a notable piece cf biitory. Whatever "our ympjfahies may be, whether they! run in one direction or the other, It must be acknowledged that those aturdy, saturnine, fsnatical people of tbe Inland African veldt are making an heroic figure just now in tbei world's history. It is said they are nnedocated, non-progretslve, narrow, resisters of civilization; but a people that can for months resist British armies numbering in tbe aggregate some 120.000 men, with England's greatest general at their head, must have a high degree of courage and a certain kind of intelligence, at least; and docs it lie in our more civilized months to siy that they are not as good or better patriots than we or our British cousins are? Hngland made two terrible mis takes in this matter or, rather, one greet mistake in two directions; she underestimated the Boers, and over estimated herself. Hngland bas been conquering hordes of miserable, un educated, almost unarmed peoples "half savages and half children" and really didn't know the tremen dous difference between them and the Boers. The Britiih govercment is finding out the difference, at a fearful cost. Doubtless, eventually, unless otber nations interfere, England will ac complish her object in South Africa, and perhaps it is best for the world that she should government will depend partly on the general situation, and largely on the withes of the inajjrity of tbe Filipinos, and the desires cf t ie American people, as expressed through congress, will be an import ant factor. But the United States will not make the unwarranted confession be fore civilization that it bas been conducting an unholy war; that its conduct in the Philippines bas been shamefully wicked, and that it is morally responsible for every life lost in bailie, every wound suffered in action, and tvery property loss Imposed through its efforts to put down insurrection, and protect the lives and property of foreign resi dents. The United States will not do that The United States will stand. by its flag and its soldiers.' Our troops were landed and took possession of Manila with the unanimous approval of the American people. Tbey were attacked in murderous spirit while in the peaceful performance of their police duties. There is but one way in which tbe status quo can be re stored, and the question of Filipino government opened anew with the Filipino leaders, namely, by tbe sur render of Agulnaldo, bis lieutenants, and tbe scattered bands claiming to operate under bis commission. L'MTY OF PARTY. The CiiKOMf i.K believes that Tbe Oregonian is doing a wonderful work In its championship of fair primaries. accomplish that and a bile '.bat paper is confining it- Under tbe provisions of the n-Js ra tioa law ail persoui when registering are required to furuUh to the roister inz officer the following information : If naturalized, the time, place, an court of natnralizitioak In this con nection, it is necessary to prod nee naturalization papers, or declaration of intention. Itetidence mutt be tpecific; giving precinct, section, .townahip and range; if within to an or city, the street, No. if any, and No. of lot and block ; if in any bailding where rooms are numbered, the number of the room ai:d fPjor mast Le given. In order to avoid unnecessary delay and inconvenience, every per.on desir ing to register thocld be prepared to fnrnith th above information. Facilities will be farniehed in every precinct in the connty by either Justice of the Peace or Xotary Public. A. M. Kti.aAV, decl-30dys Coonty Clerk. J. I. Bsvry, Loaanton, Pa., writet, am willing to takn my oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the uee ol One Minute Cough Cure after doctort failed. It alto cared my children of whooping cough." Qaickly relieves and enres coughs, colds, croup, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. ' IS'a-al Catarrh quickly yirdda to treat meiit by Ely's Cream lialm, which U agn-e-ably aromatic, lt is received through the noHtrila, clean .es and heals th whole sur face over which it diffuses iUelf. LiruRgists sell the COo. sizo; Trial ai.e by mini, 10 cectx Tent it and yo i are sure to contmua the treatmci. . " Announcement. To aocomroolat4 tboae who are partial to the tua of atomizers in applying liquids into the naaol taj8ages for oiUirrhnl tro'i hkt, tbe proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream ISalm. Price including the spraying tube ia 7"i eenU. IrKgiats or by ruail The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. . A Reminder of the Circa. No one who attenled the circus which visited here last June will ever forget Ringlirg Bros., but will refer to it as the best tbow of the kind tbey ever attended. A peiu'al of their annu I Red Wagon touveiir, which has be n received, r calls many ol the pltas'.tg features of the performance here. It contains fifty large pages, ilhitralid with pictures of animals, per for men and circus tcenee, descriptive reading matter and storiss. ol the latter, which will prove interesting, we eij eit to publish at a later date. Another feiture of the souvenir it a diary naming every place in which it showed during 1S99, from its start at Chicago in April to ita appearance in New Orleans on November t'2ud. In it we find the following: Tn Dalles, Ore., Saturday, June 10. Ed .Miller, who was left at Pend!et;n, caught np to us Sunday afternoon. Shaw and Breedy catch the two longest 6tli here that have rewarded tbe eiiow's fishermen so far thit lesson. liriTfTITiriTITlT T T'TI" i 1 IT t T T t Till! ITlTirmTIT ITIT. DEALERS IN fill kinds of Faneral Supplies; CrandaM Borget UNDERTAKERS ajs EMBALMERS The Calles. Or. Robes, Burial Shoe' Etc. i Clarke 4 Falk's fUvorinz extracts are the beet. Atk your grocer for them. A Tbouaand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie K. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption bad completely cured ber of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and dectort could give her no help, but the ssysof this Royal Cure "It toon re moved the pain in my chett and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout tbe universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery foranv tronlil of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 60c BDUfi. i nai nouie tree at Blakeley A urug Biure; every Dome guaranteed. 5 As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind.. has leen troubled with that ail ment since 1802. In speaking of it he says: "I never foond anything that woold relieve me nntil I used Chamber. Iain's Pain Balm. It arts like magic wiih me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, bnt one good application of pain Balm relieved me. For e ale by Blakeley Houghtou. Subtcribe for Tm Ciihomce. 1 a 1 1 ana hi AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL 0 MANt'FACTl'KKD BV Impulse Wheels) nn . V ' ATn Willi I i SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, EI Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, 1 THE DALLES, OR EG1' on26 Wasco Warehouse Compan 41 Hd flJINM'O PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Rm. Pimply, IVwit I . Z ,h' M'""l. A IL. " l"-P-l Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kin Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ru kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, V Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendlt tOn FlOUr. TLii yU,0T nano'actured expressly for &1 Wa Mii .i. , .. n": evrT Buaranteed to giva satit( rail XH, lowJcr,thl" y In the trade, and if yon don't tb call and get cur prices and 1 convinced. 7 i Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. C. C. COOPER, M A N r F A t T l' H K R or High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. I'EALKK I Tents; Wagon Covers, and all articles utuallv K f fit. 111 t nt.i laa. I. . . I J imiucBs flop. THE DALLES, OREGON'. OMKwIte Moudy'a W art'lioune, Thla Stamp a Cuarant' r f i . v " m m if r" O ot Quality. TT