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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1900)
it.t.t-s WEEKLY CHK0SICL1L WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 24, 1SOO THE D rot slt-l ' tei.. ft tn'S lJ Aeervra The Weekly Chronicle, two r E - - rat'tel u t-taty. I: It & f-ri !j cvi t' j Taua u m )J:.n:'ii'.tic, wUa tly. - lai;tET. falie.V-c.i. or Titi it tiattbe T Si at H-r Pe:srtw, 2 ti - rril C- 'Z I T" VJheels 1 and LlOtol: liaa cevt s:-aJ t-f tt Ue r. m .1? t T1 V , ... a $ Two uta tv. imn An - V w IIIIIUII VM t :0 e I1IIIJUIUH - 4 ,5 vX:tit t.;,, - J j.--.: -:sl ti Tt. Ufww ucii;ttiituu A,i:uo ia St,tr:Uy .it;,: ' V' " I XZIZ-: ...Ti i:a: Ar-zl njtfttJ u Bb ujcijjsw.' -iL - ...-.. . "u.- w it r z i r.i l--Sk. lii ttitt.j -' 1 : Si" V .. -ji.jtu l'.i ti Zi-J. kis- "i.vv: si I t Li--l et a. Si ei3 1 cic ; t (Moaj, ia Lk! cct tia ttu c. JCJL5CF ACTTESl) T -'i---- ; . . m-iCTei to Ue Acer' lifi otfc PartUI. iti tre ia -jjt Xv.-Jt s-AU, tj i. led tl -.tftJ i 'r. FV--rr cot . j AMERICAN IMPULSE WittEL C( sit ta ut. "-it r5 " ? Ua.iJ 11 tsir:.y ftr- iiii tS wi-i ik i ftH f-:4 fneaii a)it to i'- trt ft r.r;:5- i .:i;-i rr -: si dK-:id to pesi ci TV ftv.r4n Tr.'l T-lf .rij.. Tb ftcorw ky part were u B:cfy fti-J tiiftr-tftiC w.uW?ftSco : ic w. WtiuT siat I t. 'zcir'ji. KiS. irrista it 1- ""J -ts ... o-:3 III-: l H:--. ll ifti j lijctftri. f t foC.of li:r "i. Ttj rt j tft ft g3 - Ti -;titi-ET ftirt: U!? dtfetl U U1J, lor-. " " B d.ia.. il IrstW. -.iri. Pt'.s'ii ft frt goTMEaext, eH fti lo lU bocor ftod dTftBl jj.y, ... -i i- si it U lisisrf. Hcr i f t'.txx il 2:Lt I ci li L an uui-uioin. 1.-TT. ii a iZAiwZg i IHii, ICS tCl lit fta tt liit J IT. j i A fti l iL ccr j.:t5:n. A&i is ti ti siurrt. I Lu li ! He wLo ri fix ia ti ciJile N&rJiwett Le bn rerj fortntftle tLi jur. TLe crop cf toa. TtIi... ,.T7 u zt s . S 4 47 VU )7 JT lt ; .31 i S6 UJ: . S3 S3 37 171 j hi 36 47 41 13 ; 544 SI 247 231 Sis 41 37 41157! .52 4i 4 51 3' . 5 3 37 15i! 37 51 M 4J 1 j .37 41 34 13 i .33 31 33 33-135j 4 rra 223 237 WINTER TRIPS. Fir vinler rttidecc or inter oalic( SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, T. Cimlirt as i partiralftrft faraUbed on ft?pIiction. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, I oi35 THE DALLES, 021; C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars.; Agency for the Greate American Liquor f :.. ft.ic.3. ftsl tit to -Lkb UjO-0,CW bCiLe!, fttd Vie fmce jK!tl.tI0pittIptltlo, aerfal lm- I CllUf ffOlUllG OUUI Itldoll WtllOKt Tf.Vfrtw iriet 5s lit iynz'ATj tU-C.t-i fr&s L'i wI t c- vnicsj? ""i" I"" j Fto; the n ri tCeriut r more uim TitCr:tcic'C':lc-s'e'J-lTrftl. Tilt i2 t:fv ti ' t-usLeL He ftrctrt LftTe probftblj j afo.i;? jecercot ftn-1 tr e crop of Lu i i s ro tie Mrkii&H cf t jrr U lie r?-3, x J t k ; obsieJ crer s dolltr tit f.-rt. it biftt-slij L f?ifit llit i f:i ii-p .f Si itirjiis is:t )!:fi'.i Kais: :ii7. ji5 .t Sj. c.-::5r- L;ii tf si t;-I i? lil-J tixlr t-:Saii. il lcc ?i'r if-t-('' i.-:z si ri: jt'i cf ft -. f.ii. li t: Sir tr s.1t btiVJi'ta.-i. Tmt tati ft -iiT irii i.i vli ii i-zsiiftii - I . i r -. . r I j ' -. . ft L uiLCi lor j Irani vouDiiiai ui (icnicin. '1 I L it-4 tT 'tbe &vjerop. 1 wo or iiiree tx-i " - rtialie 1Sr. f jft-Jo tbe uauiu.j high , B-fh.CofOMd, lhe -neUMeJ h: Ti tLlz-r tr resort, rwxciiiir; Fibre ln iTiceL Ose is;0f Cfttalioft wter 5th:n?t t-irs si SC.r iirl ac-re ctitTlr trx ia UJe tL.S I a .-;x je'.-5'.?. tLgb il aiktt SiUi court, fix be low priced next "tl.t-j! Si Ui'-'Jlt-fU. livji it ii'.s f-.aiii .Tt w--J. ti tr.tliivZ ( S.1 Si Fii":p fvsrt. ;i;:."'- i s si rtciS:co '.i Si . plia i JojAed, to sewoo, 4 tt-tuiirC ftii It ta- bit tt vil t l-yii tCf.t ;S. E.l ti;iS it i "t-rtuS Jtvs sL 5a-'jf it-I tiii3rj tpesit tf ?v. r. H'Af s.J c-sire. sii. Rilrtt r ft ixlSSc-LL tcfeJea -t oe ipeculor worked up ft Lii l;i2 re-lft' ftti tie Uir. ' corter os tbe crop; nd acoiber re-ltg uiy t etjvyed ai nowhere .,.....- i,..v..sf..,i. fi:ir,mrr Qaiet iott. fnng Bed w.rai. so v ah s. t t. , ftj at t . - , oStt tbemtelvet t Mostecito, Xordhoff. ti . ex-:l ir t.o-Sb::dt Lit teen bujia cp ftJ tbe pjent. Echo Mconuin. g.n Jfteinto. Tcse. cs lie grvti Sbl be it . girdles of cct, for I'je purpose of fI Erook od Palm f-pnegt. rtltsx.t ftfcl ceiiit Iw-breiier. ' cratbsr g competilori In ibe oil busi For renewit j Le:th aod rifor, here If tbic2S tftie their Bualiboon(1 y tot Prr, w widely tr.eiitt; the dry, ant I tic, tonic air of the deert may be enjoyed at Bed:e;, Inlio, Yaioa; and, even farther od, at Pboeniz, Tocton, El Paeo, exist! con dilioci eoaily well indicaled for weak throats and Iuoe. Many tbiok tiotliinj in natare more attractive than tbe el.immering olive orctarda of Scta Barbara and San Diego; others prefer the ttately wilnati of Vtntara and Lot Xietoe, or the lemoni ol rernando; bat lor ( orioai i frait and graceful tree comrrrnd a to tbe goiden orange, first, at and always, and it tx:il in grea'eft perfection at tf HISEET from $2.75 to M i) per rafioo. i 4 to 15 veara oid. iKFOBTED G0G5AC frora7Tw"tof?.0i) fr f:Son. (11 to SO yt re o. j.' CALUGE5IA BEAXI'IIS from I3.S5 to 6 10 rr ra2ioo. (4 to 11 yeart . ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. boatinj, raabi:ny. ridire, banting and j OLT?IA EIES oa drcbt, and Val E:atx and Oljmpa Eeer in k lUlRIVCU AV U'A A ftff iCI . JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. " ' I wiiti f"rf.l.:r.. it i PMin-.atPt'. ii tt-n:Tfti tS-i-.ita .f i3.jiti--L Ia nrotl rttclt " .... . ., .l 1 1 rr.k riPit trt MacurrLnsetLa in tnp El;tt bst rcrr IJielr be a score . ... . , . ' n'jniber of its cotton mills, and ex ccni l1 oSLerwjie a better scan! . . . . ; pects to lead Massachusetts bv tue ' , , 6 ' end of 1S00. Tbis is not exactly aid toticert, bet tin cannot and ; .... . .w . i i-. TiaS kt s nn ir&tfsic. ft.i.i xcv.ii i.A cotTi;i anjtLiDZ agucst ! .-..,. j .v lie cosonost ind ftdxi'.led fact tha ! ...,... . , .... . rest of tbe l'altnetto Mate t repre- . . . . ' sectati res in congress looked T;ciss-i rotonlj U.? acli-poiygaajy I jj iii Lhi te.iftir-.i dwtrsied coxjoctof tbe 3Iortnon cbarcb, in ' .. ... f , . , , ... i conditions in tbat community. Jouth ti ti wtr: us w coc- wb:cb be i a tbining liobt, wi'.b tLe ..... , . , , . Carolina is larger, greater and w;ser tiV:i It i-'x.tjM":. WLiB tL zoverncent. The rop.e of I tab' ... ., , days. in tbe Yet nobody in ."South ion t want to be represented as a state in ovtr 2000 troops were hnded. It was simply beautiful to see borses and mules brought ashore with bar new and wjgons wailing, and with 200 Chinese eooliea irxlr to Unrl treaty -at U.'ore ,tf.e United Ia,.er refli(, to be entrappi by j stores." Yellow critics of "Grand- ma Oiii" never mention such circum stances. iZktA. t li-ts ats cf a'A congretf, tbey mntttend there a man fv tc-f:Ttl ia si tciliury ; ho, tbotgh te may le a Jlormon. ptuct c' 3'i;l aid tiTil atd it not a polygamous lawbreaker. B.2'--jtrx tw.sti cf :L tcrroonIiz rtlrram. cv.i'.ry. ; - We f.t it . -.e eotL:;on ; t Fvnt. to eet ti pntb torn-! Mr. Hoar fersttt ia tbe faeLood tt.'.'.irf. tt l tiej Mzolia ed ftUbittbe Aaericsn troop l.egsn the te-v -t:. :,Ted tbe Itippine coli3 ct ilb the Aguinldo rebels. .:. !t V, ti rested Stnt, to l ;ne d.sregnrds Aauinaldo's declara t:dy tbe!eBl in trtitt. fr j Uon cf wr, and bears false witness fV.fcre ditpaJ lr cwgrett WLi:eiMt General Otis Ik-cause tbe Mttu.r,ji)tiuM(i army, in , Agtiinaldo'i profession cf peace. He tamed nl ir d 2nct because it was f.,JoU, the glittering adjectives of fc'.t perai'tel to loot tie city of AgoinaMo's proclamation with de-Mac.-j, atutked car o!lir; and lighted approval, and ignores the ever tbtt alltck men Lie Fet C0Ccrete facU of Aguinaldo'. deeds, t.g.ew and H ar Lave been inciticg , He declares that the Filipinos won tbm t vi2or,ut action. j lLeir iL,tepeiKifcuce from SplliD wlien UOA k'H UOMI'LITY. U U kn0,rD l " lbC Wr,1 thl tLcir freedom was won by Dewey at Ma More infvf matioo than they called nila. He falsely alleges that General for u bretLinz in upon tbe Tagal Otis promised the Filipinos in depend fttitlinU in the seoate. Mj sterious ' ence, altbougb it is a matter of incident were connected with the; record (bat all OUs promised was sodden breakirz cut cf bostiiilies j that the L'nited States would seek to near Minila laat February, but tbe eslablith a liberal government, administration was not connected. Common tense at,d common truth with them. At the treaty drew near j fulness are essential in dealing with b vote, Agoncillo kpi tbe wires hctj the Philippine question. Mr. Hoar wilh Hoog Kong and AguinaHo't i exhibits neither. Hence it is diffi camp. Itfttemtlhat Senator Hoar'a cult to be patient with him. Gray violent argument against the policy j hairs cease to command respect when cfthe government was telegraphed j they are used to dignify slanders of to tbe Tag-1a at unusual length and the living and of the dead. In heavy cost. Gieat restlessness and answer to Senator Beveridge'a state- an aggrosVve spirit wa the result; ments of tbe material advantages of monz the Tag,!. I5tfore ,Lc lrealy retaining the 1'hilipr.ine, in the face vo'.e wat taken they ciowded upon ! of facts which must be at least con our on!pot and f.r:r,g began. 1 sidercd in determining the nation's Knowing what would happen, Aon-' course toward lhe island?, Mr. Hoar cillo hwiedly left Washington and ' resorts to arrant blasphemy. Be went to Canada over the shortest ; cause the American people would v.. ,,..., e 13g tactics protect tbe peaceful majority cfthe uasfru on iue news citizens of half a century ago sup posed she would be by this time. The change in her condition is one j of '.be mai vels of the century. An oEcer on the battleship Oregon writes from Da gupan, tbe railway Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kin: Headquarters for Feed Grain oi fii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kM Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, 171wl$. Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendi tOll FlOUr Floor 11 manafactnred ezpreeely for fc os: everv wck is guaranteed to give eatisfar W teii oar eoodc lower than anr bouse in tbe trade, and if von don't tea r : T : 1 ti ii.j . j r. t . : 1 J . . v - 1 TZ-uBrTZZ. 1. .hich Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. tbe sorting and pad ing of tbe orange it here accomplished. The failhfnl were exhorted to see Mecca and thcfila off; but ier gener ations wiil see California of the eouth and prolong life. tf A Sad Home-Coming. terminus and pert north of Manila: Gi!n3ore. tcco,M, b. , ",u uIn two bours and twenty minutes j men from Antelope, arrived in toe city Oar army losses in tbe Philippines covering the whole period back to the beginning of hostilities with Spain are 3G5 killed, 203 died of wounds and accidents, 73 died of disease, and 1832 wounded. The total is 3242, or about one-third of the British losses from bullets, disease and capture in South Africa, iajarcd la Am Accident. Saturday Mrs. Kate Halliman, a tec ond consin of Mr. X. Wicks, and her adopted daughter arrived in tbe city from Oswego for the purpoee of going out to the Wicks' place at the forks of Mill creek, where Ned Wicks is ill, and whom she intended to help narce. Late in the evening she started with Mr. Wicks for her destination, tbe latter driving. Upon reaching a place in the road near O. D. Taylor's place, the team turned op on a sidling place and tipped tbe wagon over, geaing tbat they were about to giy over, Mrs. Haliiraan threw the little girl ont and jarnped out her sslf. .She, however, tell on her knee and fractured it badly. The women then begjn to boiloo for asantance, but after some time, at to one beard them, Mrs. Wicks walked down to Tavlor'a houte, when one of the boy helped to !lh tha I .a .nl.ts. having been on the road tinre yeeterday morning. Brother and sitters and other relatives of the deceased were here to meet them, and it was indeed a tad home-coming; doubly so from the na tare of the accident which caused her demise. The re o ait 4 were taken to her home at the old Gilmore place near Grand Dalles tbi afternoon, w here tbe funeral will take place tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock, tbe internment being made in OJd Fellow' cemetery. Mr. Gilmore aay bis burden wa made lighter by tbe kindnee of friend at Antelope, prominent among whom wa Mr. Hinkle, who did all in their power ti render assistance and tympa thy. Then on tbe long, orrowful jour ney in to find euch tender heart and I loving hand as were met at Sherar' Bridge and Bakeoven, where Mr. Sher ar aod Mr. Barges were kindness per sonified and untiring in their effort to be a comfort and help. These ladiea, with many other, equally a kind, be ay, can never be forgotten. A a cure for rbenmatism Chamber- lain' Pain Balm i gaining a wide repo tatioo. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., baa been troubled with tbat ail. ment since 1802. lo cpeaking of it be eay: "I never foond anything that woold relieve me until I used Chamber lain Pain Balm. It act like magic with me. My foot wa twollen and paining me very much, but one good application of pi0 Baim relieved me ior sale by Blakeley A Houghton. . Hun for Sal. Thirty bead of good borses, weight from 1100 to 1400 lbs. To be teen at Jacob McP.eynold' place, 15 mile east Irom Tbe Dallet. Crandall & Burget DEALEF..S I.N RobeS, ' fill kinds of TjxDERTAKERS Burial Shoej Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. V The Dalles! Or. i 4 t. rj. f 6 I I 5 REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Porllam 4 fisloiia jss. i Tbe Suamm ol tb RtfuUmr Line wUl ran at rr Ibe' lowlDf trbcxlule, the Conanr reeerriiig tbe rigbt to cbc; Khedul wilbout aotlce. 5' Str. Regulator. (dm! ted Landing ' Down. rr. ! . l.v. Dallet Lr. Portland ' t. a. at 7 a. M. I - Tnewlnjr Monday I Tt.tnl.. . ... . Regulator Line. ft m. si j r. i. 1 Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. , (Tonrblog at all Way rV BPWJ. l.v. lfeilrt at Ml a. a. M .rxlay Wlriritay . . Fridar Arr. iWtlanJ (uncertain) Lr. Por ai 1 nirt . ... Thnr . . MlH Arr IX (un"e- For filrthir i.iril . r',w t 1 1. a . . t:.. . . ... I , i r ..vm received Filipino, atrainst the ,f ' . 'a,! . l"e ,0J',rea i "ri ,uare"' from the rn.ted Sutr.. Tl t,ro-', "i..:r,. " r" I "r" ,.nw . - RAl" B .rt. - ti , ... , ' v i" bu,uaiUU cgarcny, jir. lioar M.e w t.ken to the Obarr House J1DZ mw j -n, iUe onicr or utis compares the nalioa with Christ i "nu ur- Bet was called, who were to keep the peace if possible. 1 tempted ly tie devil Can even f";0D00nc", ir')"ry ven worse than The ,,K.,;h of Hoar turned the tc.le : Mr. Mo.r im.gine for . moment that! Jea'.he'wm uZr at the cnucal moment and tke ( thi. will be accepted a, discussion, ! Le week. P The Dallet, Or. Acker' English Kemedy will (top a cough at any time, and will care the worttcold in twelv hour, or money refunded. 2- ct. and 50 ct. Blakeley k Houghton, dragon. FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, , !. Travel by the Steamen ofi the Rrnl.tnr Une. The Cnmrmnv will endears to givtlial' J. ront Uje beat net vice poatlbie. For further Information addreaa . Portland Office, Oak -Street Dock. STEAM LAUNDRY Dewey white wash? Ye?, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The ; Maine point is quality aiyl the ; Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices aro not Hobson's choice, but the standard rate.?, which are Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of Third and Federal Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, tf Advertise in The Chronic! I