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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1899)
The Weekly Chronicle. fill IIAlLMi HHtUIIN orriciAt pai kr or w i ;hnty. I'nbliihni in turn parl$, uil Wtilnrniay, ,S.i(uriuv. al'Hht Hlr-floN MAI K. ar mail, rovrau raaraip, m lutim . 1 m r"p II ui mi 11 (it th Vhrrv Miolilha 511 A,lrrtlln KM raaaouablo, wl niails knuwn u llratlMi. A.l.lnoa all rnmuilinli'aUolii lu"TII If II HON I K, 1 lis Inllw, Uluu, LOCAL rlllEVlTl.. Halmday a Hall). Mr. Kunnln, who g-av tie lady iiniiatrel In Tlia I1I laat ipriiiy, Is no In Cortallls, and th opl o( tint rity 1H n joy Ilia iiunttreli next Thurs day and Friday. Ther will iouu m t0 Hi ullmrii I'a cillc trains running out of Portland, one In Ilia morning anil Ilia other in Ilia veiling. Ths) KuMbarg local will b ctiaiitfnl to a through train. Hilltop Mors wii In Sunn tar lat nrrk, and at a rssnll of hi visit that lively liltla mining town I tu hav an Kpiri)l church toon, Th townaila ) ndic ita hat offered to donala lha lotf. Arcuriling lo Pint It a in or even Wmry tiai caught Hi matrimonial fever so prevalent now, ami will continue ,i conquests on laud. Hie aaya lie la engiiM'd to a Washington widow. A Iallee hrchelor aaya he Uoeeii'i beiler It, ili I Iewey la aald nevrr lo nuke a biiitaka. At a meeting of the member of the Kpwirtb league laat night the follow ing nfflrera war elected for lh ensuing yr : President, Iiulae Hm b ; drat vice, Martha, Whraldon; arcood vice, Mr. K. J. Collin ; third vice, Mra. V. K. ilaak ; f.nrlhvice, to lie tupi'lird; treasurer, Nettle. Frrddon ; secretary, C. A. Hruan; cl,oilter, K. J. Collins. Ir. Itnaa haa bought lr. Tarkuian' illii In the Vugt block, ami I now ready for huslnee. Ir. Hum has practiced dentistry for 17 )cara In Port- Ian, I and la a n ret c'a vmrkmau In every rrsect. (iold tooth crown and bridge aork a apt-daily. Tei-th filled an, I eitracled painless. Prices at reason, aire as g.Mid work ran he d n lor, Minn Jua'e Jci.klm will leave nrxt ax, k I i irmain aoine tune in Portland, and in view of the fart l,rr Cjiiams, the Misses Bolton, entertalnrd a few of her fnrnda in pleasant manner last veiling with game, music, refreth uient, b c. The caprrssiotis of en couragement and friendly good wishes mli.r'i were given to Mine Jo.le a ill certainly aliil a llh her a the pursues hrr etudlce in the I uslnesa college, and clmol duliea will lie llgntrnrd l',ciely. In sneaking of Low Tlilard, a ho wan ki!!il Wednesday night, tha llcppurr Tino'Ma: "I'.wwaa a inao genial an l km I in diapoaitlot., which livid Ihe apprrc and li inula hip of tlioae. ho knrw Mm I est, and this end rn-l gave tl.ivn all a hni'lc. Wlirn l uimrM in '!' -f i 1 ha lltrral to a leu'!, fit inaiiin I, he wnl d VolrJ to hit molhi r an, I eint-re. and hia earn went lo ll.cir rupp' rt. Inhlailvalh the inothrr l'i, a ,i voti'd oiii and hie aiMrr a lov- iiiK hrnther pla.s will never he lil.'l." i l.n ('iiiioNii i a force haa ne Irieml an on the fruit men who never fireta Ihein ; hut each araroii tome anlnlan lial token of hie frlendKhip I forth conunc. Coliieiiuentlv, alien a gentle nun Mepped Into th cilice yeaterday Leating a g.wid alx-d box of ttie flneat grapee e have teen Hilt year, ae knew ur old friend, (). I). Taylor, wt atill loyal lo lit, and to it proved. Ami tliry tate iavrrially g.Mid when, tired and Luiitfry, the weary j rinler, forgetting hit nuK-ii are inky, maket th fruit ditap lar 'utter than Ibe type reachee ll It'cli. The "Urgoti Native Son' a magrane hi.'li haa ,iat been rtcelved, it I'ub lirln',1 In Torll iml and It a journal which li" t only native tout, Lul all Oregonlaut e'l'H.-ially ahnuld receive monthly. Such 1'iihlirailuo. devoted to tha hittory, In- diiniripi and development of tha original "Hun, roinprlalug th ttatetof ()regnn, liington, Idaho and a part of Mon tana, hat long been needed. Our lila- tory i a eriillnrly Interfiling one and vitv detail thould he piererved ami iludiecl. w, ahnuld not take op general Li-tory until w know a little bit about '"r own Hale. Mattera of Immediate Internal a I no orenpy moch ipace. Through the kindneai of Mrt. Hinilh '"m il, a few of Ihe yunng ladin who ''e intimaia with Miaa K.intna Kotcoe li n the lived in The Dallet, wcr per nuiled tor,rii, Inat evening In audi a perfect manner thai It will never be for Koiicn, renealng acquaintance " I talking over old timet, Mra. French Lad provided novul mean! of eiiterUln "i' iiI. rrtiiert fur lunch a vre obtained h "Hp, of pa,.ra ronlalmng "pled" " f capital rlllei which were "ed lo their ilatci by ihnte- holding ''"'in. In no itate In the union, or city, LowMver, could gueata lie Ml down lo a more tempting The arrange '""'il of the tfthlo decoration wan heaif ll'ul and elaborate; hut not excelling the -li.ii,-ei,een ai d the flavor of the viand Hiereon. Adjourning lo the parlor Inter ble waa brought forth conlalning rlielee i,i nrrange.1 a lo repreaent the n'"of well known Look I, which Ihe THE a- fii rawed upuli to lupply. A lootnptcg lii.tened lo a wi.k which lay on a package of document ,IHU fr "rickwlck l'aper.," ,l to 0H util Iwenly-eight h.H.kt were repreaented. Mlta I.u. l,., g.iLg tai nty one wa rewarded with a beautiful ti.,tit. Mia It iacoeaud her friemla preeent will review the evening with much pleaaure long after the haa returned to her Victoria home. MolliUy' Ifully. We underatand that MieriiTtiray haa bought ihe Nye ranch on Crooked river Irom Jiidgn Ili iif.ett.of thia cilv. i wmiiiencliig 1 ueailav, Oct. ID: h , the regular coinmufiication of Columbia Chapter No. I!."!, ( t, K. H., will l egin at 7 :'M p. m. tbarp. The Iliillra poatfdlic force ia prelty lively theta dayt, buaim-ii increaaiog at tuch a rate lhat there ia t.t time for real, iiiurli leaa play. The lncreaf.e in the itamp hualneta alone ia f 1 0 a day more than at any time previous. Kv. (t. W. liiannlt, paator of the r'irit Melhodnt church at MiMinnvilie. hat been appoiiitel financial agent of Willamette I'nivertity. Hev. lirannit ha realgned lili McMinnville charge and will remove with hit family to Salem. liuiinett men will appreciate the fact that A. M. William & Co. mean btikl neea when they re the Luaineat-like price on their btiaineat an in and Luii nrti overcoat!. Mike II yonr boalneii to call on them and convince yuurrelf of their lull lapreuiacy. If you don't read the Ciihomci.k you're bouud to jet left, and to, in Ipite of our warning at In the change in the time of leaving, teveral "motied" down to the I). P. A A. N. doca at 8 o'clock thit morning, not even In time to "tee the boat go round the bend," fur it etarted at 7. "Vanity Fair" at arraned for the c 'tning teaaon pretrntt an interealing mixture i, ( mualc, eriimlional acrobatic feil a and groleiiie burleine a n I ice, with faice and aong and other feature. The bill ia laid lo ci Main a tufliciency of pleaning i nd enlertaining comedy, t uning atid high data iinini,-, partici pated in by known actor and umt charming women. Card were received eterday an nounring the marriage of William Shef llehl ami M m Winniefred M. Amliuaaal S,-altle ll Saturday. Will aa brought up in The lallet and by hia rleady and lirliiatriout 'hahila ia now one nf the leading newapaper men of the North weal, bring connected ith a lending I aprr ill Seattle. Pallet friend w ith him all ao'ti of good luck -and a happy married life. ll never rain but it p Miri In The !l!ra, and to ae are to be favored with tw i rhoaa Saturday night, giving every I healer g ;er ill town an opportunity to I entertained. At the Vogt the "Vanity Fair" company will appear and give a very pleamng p!av, judging front Un report which reach lit from other ritiet. The Oregi trait lt wr k gae them a tplendid notice, and from a',1 ao can' hear tl.ry tite a go d company. j I.t Friday ahtn I'rci,leiit Mulder, ! d tie I . li- A N-, a'tcd "Wiil the! I ahaorhitig ol the (Ingot) Short I.'i e and ! the O. II. A N. by the Cnion Pacific reault In a rnnaolidating of the idlicea to I that a nun. tier of the pietent employe j wiil lore their position? Or will the O. K. A N. Continue to be operated in dependently?" he raid "I cm only reply by iloling abut I am told from New York. That ia Hint the O. It. A N. will continue to I operated independ ently." On ihe '.-'d, at 10 :IiO a. nr., atampa le inu thumping roik at the (iold F.igle mine, Greenhorn diatrict, caned ly Iwentv-one reaidenta cd The I'aliet, a ho have pul up ahoul $1,S(0 each the patt two veart. Ita ataetf merit davt are now practically ended and we predict that title mine will toon Income aa faiuout n ill near neighbor, the Pmnanx and the lied Itoy. T. A. Hudson, one of the lo.l from there, report! veritable boom on in lhat region. Moro Olwerver. Coiiatahl Hill returned la-t night from Sycamore, Multnomah county, bringing with him J. K. Kerry, a prison er, who had been arrealed on a warrant from here, charging him with embezzle, nient. lie waa placed In the county jail and hi trial et for thi afternoon, but it wai pottponed until 0:M tomor row morning In Justice Ilayard'l court. Ilerry had been In the employ of I.. S. Pavl at till feed yrd In Ihe Fart F.nd, and It :i charged that from there l.e cmlir.led money, upon which charge he hai been arretted. The Sentinal likei to be reliable, il nothing moru. Laid aeck we told about the throw ingot a bucket of water, cold fiom the tprlng, upon an ttnfortimate deaf mule at the ttale tchool f r mutes. It ihonld of been tinted In thia connec tion, however, that the boy mi teverely chaatlKed flrat. Thi puniahmcnt wna admiiii-tcred More Ihe poor boy' father had gone eighty rod from the house. It wa Ihe first time in the boy'a lifo that he had been left alone in atrange plnce ai hi father had theretofore always been will. him. The bo)' name il Mc Donald and ha cornel from Wasco county. Sentinel. Time and again hat Tint CiiiioNu i.i called attention to the fact that a humane lociety ihould be organized in The Pallet DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1899 and atill th need it not (applied and brutet are allowed lo go on In their wl.oletale cruelty to the poor defentelere aiiimalt who are lut ject to matter far beneath them. Our attention haa been taile'l to otm particular cate in Ibe cily, that of a man tno not a man) whoae Ireutmeiit ol the poor dumb creature! in hit charge ia allocking in Cliriatian coiiuunnity like oura. Heveral tiniea have women gone out into the treett ar.d demanded that the cruelty he ktoppe,) only to have th tame treat ment repeated in a day or io. Koine lunch in -afurei thould ha ailniiteii In 1 '" ,HU "'"J an outraged community nreen manse against auch proceedings. Iln name we withhold t'jin time, hut if lie continue in the same course it thai! be heralded broadcast, lo he'd better tnke warning. T'jf-Mlar a Dally. Kverywhere thus far this season the "Vanity Fair" company stems td be giving satisfaction. Two marriage licences were granted today. One to Harry It. Richard, of Fairfield, au 1 Jetty I. Starr, of Dufur ; another to Frank Wing and Annie John on, both of Tygh. What la worth doing at all I worth doing well. An Kastman Kodak will Insure good work. Get a complete out fit fiom the Butler Pmg Co. and when you take a picture you will have a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Home-seeker have not ceased tbeir exodus lo the West, and every through Irain brings partie from th East look ing for a horn in the "wild and wooly." Last night ten persons from Iowa landed in The Pallet and will aettle "here about." The ladie of the Congregational Aid Society will meet at the home of Mr. 8. L. Itrorks Wednesday afternoon. A large attendance is desired, it it re quested that the ladie bring their thimbles. J. K. Ilerrv, who waa charted with eiiiht-rzlement, came op for examina tion in Justice Bayard' court thi morning, and he waa held In the sum of f-VIO. A!frel rt. Bennett appeared for the. defendant and A. A. Jayne for the pro-ceutioii. The international race cannot be said to be a racy race, nor run according t Ihe usual rules, for agon today the word was "off instead of go. Pat Mc Neal sayt the water ian't green enough for the Shamrock ; hut the real trouble seems to be the bieeziitn'tawiftenough for the Columbi.i. The marriage of Roger B. Sinnott of this city, and Miss Augusta Liwnsdale, of Silem, ie announced to take place in Salem Thursday at high noon. The young man left thi morning for the capital rity, and after a wedding trip to the Kit, will hrit gbis bride to The Pallet, an addition having been placed on the northwest coiner of the Uma tilla ll"iie, where they will make their home lor the present. An entertainment am given bribe ladies of the l 11. church at Pufur last Friday evening, for the purpose of Improving the appenrance of ths-ir church. The entertainment was x oeptmnally g m d, Ibe participants de serving much credit for their ellorts. Kefreshmenta were served in rnnnrclioi , and the proceeds amounted to the snug sum of over :l:.0i), the ladies feeling well paid for their elTjrts. The engagement of the Metropolitan Opera Co., at the Baldwin Saturday night, promise! lo bo one of great im portance. They come to The Dalle w ith most flattering press notices beside being previously known here as a company that ll fnr above the average. Last sea son many hundred were disappointed in not attending but on this occasion all lovers of mime wjll have a chance to see and hear 0erA that is opera. The liltlesie.m terry Klickitat teemed to be decidedly unfortunate and laid op for repairs the greater portion of the time. The Telegram lays "The iteam ferry Klickitat, of The Dalies, which haa been oorating between Vancouver and the Oregon thore, carrving teams, since the Vancouver went on the way, broke down this morning, and was com pelled to lie up. The delay wai caused by the breaking of a pinion iu the gear ing. A fores of men il at work repair ing the damage, and it ia rx peeled that the will resume operations this after noon." Sunday evening about 4 o'clock ai the special beaiing the Minnesota soldiers rounded a curve near Grant it ran into a Chinaman who wai working on the track, injuring him io that he died yesterday morning. For aome reaton Ihe Chinaman did not hear the train and the sand was blowing so thai he could scarcely see. It is dillieult to determine Irom the disconnected reports given by the Celestials just how the accident happened. His friends had the body brought down yesterday afternoon and buried it today. A vcrv pleasant ( veiling was spent in Fraternity Hall Inst night by member of the G. A. K. and W. li. C, about forty being present. Plum were dii- cussed for the w inlet; work, an I It la -t ... '....I a, il. itta miv lift liope.1 their unm,. , crow ned with smwrs ami mneli o"" t ,.. ,,!i.he.l. The lunch table were and good cheer prevailed. 1 rm I I Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. GiIIjM and Miss Pearl Grimesenlivencd the parting, ! f I hour with very sweel hiujic. mmy kind wishes were expreued for the absent members, when the "Good Nights" were exchanged. "Vanity Fair" it a vaudeville thow, but claim to Le of the highest class, and from what report tay contain nothing that the most reflned could object to. Contrary to their usual course, they have decided to play at what ia termed "popular" prices 2, 35 and 50 cents, reserved seat! to he on sale at the Butler Drug Company's Thursday morning. Our contemporary ahowe I hi good taste in criticising the action of two young ladie (7) who were the principal actor iu the ilobsonian part of the re ception given to the Minnesota boy nunday. If Hobson bad lo faeeuch as that in hi tour, we are not surprised that he tank into insignificance. It would be well, however, to add that there are alway a certain clasa in a community wbo not only disgrace them selves, but the city in which they re side, and while strangers who pas through often go away and reflect on the character of the young ladiei of the city in general, any one who will atop and consider will readily lee what an in justice inch criticism would he. Thi morning the Inland Flyer, which reached here Sunday night, itarted down the river with Agent Allaway, Director Peter, Brook and Nolan, on board. They make the trip a short dii tance down the river for the purpose of locating docki. Tomorrow morning the Flyer will begin making regular run to Portland in connection with The Dalles City, the former carrying passengers, wbo will thus Le enabled to make the trip quicker at ihe will not atop at way tation for freight, the latter doing that part of Ihe work. In thia manner a regular schedule of time can be made for the runs, and will be advantageous in many wayi. The Flyer hi been fit ted up so that meals van be served to a large number at once, and the cabins have also been enlarged, io that passen gers will beat comfortable as on either one of the beats. Tho Dallei City w ili also take passengers, but will start earlier and make the trip much slower as she atop for all way freight. The feeling of Christian ivn.pathy which exist! between denominations (in ,ile of oft repeated criticism to the con trary) was evidenced in the very gracious act of the Congregational Sun day school in The Dalle toward the un fortunate Methodist Sunday tchool at Canyon City. During hit recent visit to this city K. Pnnfield, who i a Congregationalisl, but who in the ab sence of that church there, affiliates with the Methodist denomination and is superintendent of the Sunday school, told the members of the Congregational school here what a loss the church in Canyon City sudored in the fire last year, when their building was destroy ed. A member arose and suggested that as a t ken of their fellowship, and also their respect for the superintendent, who was the curliest superintendent of their school here, they take up a col lection an 1 present it to the Canyon Cilv church. I-Tt Sumlav the collec tion wsm tnken and as a result tie) will he sent tj Canyon City to aid them iu re-l uihiing. We have ( t:en spoken of ihe dearth of literary societies and pursuits in The Dalles; but there is one organizttion which for several years hat held its meetings each Monday evening through the winter months and not only obtain much benefit thereby, but as much en j lymeiit. Last evening the meeting was held at the home of Dr. Belle Rinehart, and a splendid program was given of! the utmost interest to every one present. ' The lesson was conducted by Mr. Don- j nell, and the tnl ject wat "The Conflict j Between the I. in led State and Foreign Power." The supplementary ubj?ct wa "Azteos." Mrs. Shackelford, Mrs. Thompson and Miss Wrenn read papers treating of t lie "Mound Builders," which were very much appreciated and made this study already so interesting to all, the more so by the manner in which they handled it. Mis Koberts also gave a select reading on the Massa cre of the Aztecs, and Mr. Northup read a comprehensive paper on the "Dis covery of the Columbia." Among the vi-ilors to the class were J. II. Kine hart, of Snmmerville, F. W. Wilson, Mrs. J. A. GeisendortTer ard Mist Ger trude Mays. tlce. All meiiibers of th W. il. C. a-e earnestly rtquesteJ to meet for ilri l woik at Fraternity Hall i.ext Friday afiermwn, at 2 o'clock. I! or.ler of the President. Tt Cure a UM In One Hay. , Take Laxative. Bromo Quinine Tab- ! tela. All druggist! refund the money if it fails to core. 2V. , 1,-L SEND 50 CENTS J fh Mini von trt lira I ft) la MrH U It I II IN liV JP r pt " I'. O. It., irJffi ia etamtaalitta, Itiwr Kill ' ln-miiv. ist'ifti-t rifafstamal HnUh, verv Y oM'ilrSf Mnittoott'l) iNlaH ItlWRll w. m4 isil.M irlpe la vtl....ls1 Wnxal loi etiar. f ii-itsm ''awpl rt' tttnti-ly fieltiMl w tlh rwli'.t fr-U, In 111 frmr pt-ltltR ), Aiin'rlcwu aml palrai lit )l, ami rif nit hrl liiel ii:ifr. HfCUlAR I? (e ClflT-ll. tirernil amt -.-el (1 lv K 'm w it'1'!' 'Hi in mi fi'f how iiiftv. IT cptC(A. PRblWIUM OFFER. " """" r onler-ae , , . ,.; I'Zl'Z, an rvvtiri' iriitl. Iiavlmr nil ntTc.lh hriw uml iiaiw in inn vn'w, a'ni ran i r in unjti-isi mnj irti'tan wit hunt chantrinaf t lw tiiw(ninifii. W it ti the 11 we of Pie Iftffis-il fliut rlbiril anv, 11K mil limit I'lnv v Itliont Ihe athl r n tfrhT. Write f r fn nm-i.-tl I iH 1 tiint"i t a tt i ' ami aiitl ortrnn culril' mia. Ktrial Ml lasl ttialaMl fn-tri, .tdtt'-- SEARS, ROEBUCK A. CO., CHICAGO iftvan, awtbttca lhM lferblr MUM-.) IT Wl KtilU 1 II a II IK al 1 war ( wffee ':. T lii!'il et-l a rti rcetitsl an1 V r XA fr..rWH .f eJ'MV ,,!" l"-" J.5 I ' t-i ,0 r (. k am rHt liainrr ii i Hie c-m J fir t'1 """" "iir lion guar- I1 aaliW ntitsei1 or nt t. rrii"ff il In full. A COLD RECEPTION. Tha Minnesota SboolS Have llecalvtd Hallar Ureatlng. The 3'2" Minnesota volunteer who ar rived at the L'matilla House Knndsy aliont 1 :3U must have thought the ther mometer had itruck zero from the re ception that greeted them ; the more io from the contrast to the iplendid treat ment received in Portland. There were but few at the train when they pulled in, and not a soul teemed to have energy to cheer, but all gazed at them aa if they were a menagerie. A few of the toldien walked into the hotel and had dinner. The tablet looked very in viting and ihose who had the good taste to improve the opportunity were certain ly well dined. A large percentage of them ep.-Dt the time in wandering about the street! until 3 o'clock when the train pulled out. The Dalles cannot be expected to pre pare an elaborate reception for each company lhat passes tbrouih; but it really teems aa if the Minnesota, who were to closely allied with the Oregon regiment in the campaign, ihould have received a more demonstrative welcome. No doubt the hoyi were heartily lick of receptions, but we should at least have shown our appreciation of their bravery and good service. Arrangementi should have been made to have the band on hand, which would have insured a large crowd to meet them. Then flower ure alway token which speak for them selves, and while a young lady may scarcely feel like accousting strangers, even though tbey be soldier boy, (be can at least express her good will by distributing flower among tnem. With the exception of our own boyi, the Minnrsota were the Lest appearing soldier that have visited The Dalles; more refined in bearing and general ap pearance. DALLES YOUNG PEOPLE MARRIED Carey Jenkins and Ethel Itlridell tha Contracting I'arllvs. Two more Dalles young people joined the rapidly-increasing rank of bene dicts last Monday, when Kthel Louise Hiddell, daughter of G. Riddell of this city, was weddfd to Carey Howard Jenkins, elded son of the late James and Hattie Jenkins. The ceremony, which wa9 ptrformed by Presiding Elder Warner, if the Methodist church, took place at the bride's bomi on Tenth ttreet a'. 1:30 p. in., and only relatives of the contract ing parties were present. The parlor! were decorated becomingly f it ti e oc casion w ith fl iwers, the room being lit SEND ...GUARANTEED ... BEST AUTOMATIC SELF EJECTING SINGLE BREECH V SEND ONE w at.-i itrtid I Vt torSina LOADER i a .n t tama i n lUi.ia t'hit Thifiiathe latest and 4T K-l..n. Cir.r.1. D-Vt SBViui wi'ajiw duiiwis Market. 1 ry it M Ui. ana if -u rmi. tiN-r ti it it i-iu ii-' in tn-L-f . iK aewrvt..i rf nrlcn lltl KUIUf IT IO (S IT OIK MADE BY THE NEW YORK ARMS CO. li.xrti Uu.'v wai't'ii pi 1; (!'. -i r.f.i a.,leno.l and AUTOMATIC ttf Alltlf OUR SPECIAL FRICt 'nude titiU .mct ,rT' ...... TWbw Tw ar.U uiltriHi, tUtUs duett uUOUTum- -mh I .r.Ht flan, kkiif. tUH IKtr .l a I 41ALAH.I U. Ad.lres. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. line, CHICAGO, ILL WHOLESALE. The following lines Mays & FULL ASSORTMENT. Gar.len Touls, P.-ep Weil Tamps Blacksmith's Tool Kiitiber and Cotton Hose Har lion and Steel Winches'er and Marlin Kitles, latest models Ulacksmith's Coal Fishing Tackle Wagon Maker's Supplies li. cycles and Snniliips Wrought Iron and Fittings Smith A Wesson and Colt'i Revolvers Barb Wire and Nails. Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted We will replace every piece if found rusted. Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware. A Complete Line of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. rianet Jr. (iarilen Toila Rnshford WaifonS John l)eere Plow and Harrows ttscine Bunnies and Crringr P.ean Spray Piinins Buckeye and Piano Mower and Reapers Cultivators and luk Harrow Tiuer Iirills, lightest draft. Our stock of Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools is complete in every detail. Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves. Before buying elsewhere examine our Stock. with electricity, much enhancing the effect. The bride wa attired in dainty Ires of white (ilk, and carried bride,' roses. After hearty congratnla tions a wedding dinner wa served, and Mr. and Mr. Jenkins left on the after noon train for Portland, where they will make their filiate home, Mr. Jenkins entering the Dental College there. Both young people are well known in The Dalles, the groom having made hi home here most of the time since hi parent! died, about fifteen year ago, and the bride removing here from the valley several yean lince. Not only the CiiKoMci.i, but a host of friends wish them well. Klndaigartaa Birthday Parly. Whenever any of the kindergarten pupils have a birthday it is always the occasion for a good time among the little one, and yesterday their pleasure were doubled as they celebrated the sixth birthday of Lloyd Wells and Allan Jones' fifth birthday. Kach little one brought gifts of flowers until the table was resplendent with them, and the parents furnished "dood" thing! for the children to est. They played game, tang and enjoyed themselves in their cbildieb way, assisted by tbeir teacher, Miss Taylor, the following little ones being present : Lloyd Wells, Allan Jones, Bern ice Moore, Winifred Douthit, Nonearle Bol tcn, Jessie Hosteller, Jeanette Snipes, Jessie Jones, Wilma Donnell, Charlotte Geiger, Kon Geiger, Frederick Koee, Kenneth Farley, Linn Laughliu, George Hockman, Ralph Gilford, Gibson Hod son. Ihe Just Gel tha Worst or It. Tommy Pop, the rain falls alike up on the just ami the unjust, doesn't it? Tommy's Pop Yes, yes. Don't ask silly questions. Tommy And it ism' just to steal an other man's umbrella, is it? Tommy's Pop Certainly not. If you ask any more Tommy But, pop, the rain doesn't fall upon the man that steals the um brella, but it does upon the man lhat had hie stolen. Funny, ain't it pop? Philadelphia Record. 4 BUGGY WHEELS $6.90 HM.H (.. HlllVKV rtTtYTT, lfj4 (Baa. "ttari liwincht 4 rt. 4 tri., S rt. S in. or (t. I !; 1 1 1 or 1 I In. Kor mif othsvr 'is MQd frratultfii. Cut tht auL out and sawnd to il with UM IMtlXAH. wtala 8tz wheel wanted atnl we wtll f hcaatj try frfl.Tht l. I. It, kASIB THI mt yonr f reiirht 1t"t and then par ri4wt trsal be I . S&.tMiart.l fTctirht rha - StARSOEBUCKACO.'i CHICAGO, ILL. ONE DOLLAR OUR PRICE $6.73 All UI T uiiti w wiil fjeiitl Automatic Cjer- nste Barrel Breech I -.--J! Chr.1 Loading Shotgun to oa by m,C. O. lsubi-t to.amlnattton. Yon ea eir- ( is,. ne tt at ymr expreHA cma&na if fimm periew'tly -ili-fartory . tsVej tilatiilrr ajerur NMtatja anal the BaHUAl Msei aT th ! S6.75 fill It u STT WITD ikD tiro bett patent Automatic DrAAa I A-W..n or ocv'f Ba.vuus'B w if i s u l WH 1 1 7 U'n t timi tt at -;r.-nif m b "ter. m l-'i'rf - r - et rii ion, rtur tl ,in t v ati 1 (t-fnirih. anr inifi H.lfk ADk WIIX KrTU Yil at allll T V1W -aar , ?.ti. T'titt. rt-h-mi'lini.r I"s-lt, fiinji treak , frame triarirer ruanl an EJECTOR l'f ttie lrtt l lM I'v I'" h the -ht-ll i- thrown clear (ruatli irtin w heit yoi, brt-nk the irun. I a or l-4raiiik.-e. - 1. Mnn .r huri"4r tie ir'ni in immense quanta. are to be found at Crowe. LOW PRICES.